05 Epiphany, February 1 & 4 in the year of our Lord 2018

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sins, asking Him in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to forgive us. People: God ... The Word in Holy Baptism is what Go
G O O D S H E P H E R D Evangelical Lutheran Church and School , Wisconsin Rapids, WI, USA

The 0Spirit on Me; He 1has to preach news. Luke 4 5 E pofi pthe h aLord n y , isFebruary & anointed 4 in theMe year of ourgood Lord 2018

W ELCOME TO OUR HEAVENLY F ATHER’ S HOUSE OF WORSHIP!  RESTROOMS are located in the entryway and also in the hallway entrance between the Education Wing and the Sanctuary.  P ARENT - ROOM . Need a family quiet-room, one with a large oneway mirror is located off the main worship area. Also we put speakers in all our educational rooms. This provides some privacy (and walk-ability) for those restless times children may have.


The Spirit of the Lord is on Me; He has anointed Me to preach good news. Luke 4

Today’s Focus: Me? Follow Jesus? Though the call to faith is


general and always miraculous in its capacity to create a willing following, it is also always individual. Jesus seeks us each in our own unique set of circumstances. Jesus so rules over history that He allows and then overcomes the obstacles in each of us to heeding His call to follow Him.

Holy Spirit took

me here to be with

Welcoming Song:


Jesus children does embrace, holds us in baptismal grace. “Let them come,” You said, “nor stop them, “With My lifeblood I have bought them.” Trusting in Your Word alone bring them safely to Your home. Lea der : In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Dear friends, let us approach God with a true heart and confess our sins, asking Him in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to forgive us.

others to be

blessed by His

Pe o p l e: God, my Father, I have sinned against You. I have not obeyed Your holy commands and I have left undone the godly things You want me to do. For all of this all I deserve is punishment now and forever. Please do not look on my sins. Look at my Savior, Jesus Christ, and forgive me for His sake.

Word today.

Lea der : By the perfect death and resurrection of our LORD Jesus

Christ, God has removed your guilt forever. Trust Him and be at peace. Jesus Christ’s love moves His followers to make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them all that the Scripture reveals. God saved us through the washing of water and the Word. The Holy Spirit promised that whoever believes in the Son has life and has crossed over from death to life. Even how our church building is laid out helps parents teach this refreshing truth to their families. We sit together with God ’s family of faith. The Word in Holy Baptism is what God used to create faith, to adopt us into His family. We walk past the baptismal font that reminds us God has adopted us as His own, now and forever.

The Spirit of the Lord is on Me; He has anointed Me to preach good news. Luke 4


Thursday: We continue on page 5 by singing: “Gracious Lord…” Sunday: Leader: I ask you now to rise and return to that beginning, to the reminder of your baptism, to the baptismal font that you walked past on your way into God’s presence today. (at the Baptismal Font with Parents & sponsors/ witnesses) Leader: In t he nam e of t he Fat her and o f t he Son and of t he Hol y Spi ri t . Amen. Dear Nathaniel and Tiffany, Baptism is the Lord’s gracious means of creating faith. Baptism washes away all sin, gives new life and full salvation. Jesus urges us: Let the little children come to Me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. You have brought your little one to be baptized, adopted as God’s own child through faith. This is the beginning of a life -long journey of blessings God has planned for Stella. God bless you both for seeing to it that she is washed clean of all sin. For, as God has promised, in holy baptism Stella receives the robe of Jesus Christ’s righteousness and a new life. Receive the sign of the cross over your head and your heart to mark you as a redeemed child of the living God. In baptism, God promises to create and sustain your faith in Jesus the Savior. With Baptism God through the washing of water and the Word delivers from death and the devil and gives eternal salvation to all who believe. Therefore, Stella Lucille Seavecki, I baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. The almighty God—Father, Son and Holy Spirit— has forgiven you all your sins. Stella, you have been born again, adopted by our Father in heaven. God strengthen you with His Word to live in your baptismal grace now and all the days of your life. Enter into the peace of the Lord God now and forever. Amen. D e a r m e m b er s o f G o o d S h ep h er d ,

We give thanks and Glory to Jesus who saved us!.


The Spirit of the Lord is on Me; He has anointed Me to preach good news. Luke 4

Our Lord commands that we care for and carefully teach people God’s precious Word. Faith begun with the water and God ’s Word only grows with God’s Word. Therefore I ask you, will you do this? Will you pray for and encourage Stella and her family in the one true faith as God provides you opportunities? Will you keep our Sunday School and teaching staff and our called workers in your prayers? Will you offer Stella your spiritual guidance and wisdom, freely, in love, as God desires? If so, then in God ’s confident joy declare: By the grace of the living God we do so promise! A L L : B y t he gr a ce o f t h e l iv i n g G o d , w e d o s o p r o m is e . Dear Clint and Jessica, You were invited to take special note of this day. That others may know this is freely done by you, I ask you: in the presence of the Triune God, will you make use of every opportunity to remind Stella of her baptism? Will you assure Stella that water was used in the name of the living God—the Triune God? Will you assist Stella to mark this day of her spiritual life as one of special joy and freedom purchased for her by Jesus Christ? If so, then declare it by saying, Yes, we do so promise. Y es, we d o so p ro mise . The Lord God give you many such opportunities to do this favor for Stella and her family during your time of grace. As an under-shepherd of Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd, I charge all of you to keep your solemn oaths made today in the presence of the living God. Trust that God will give you His Holy Spirit, in generous measure, to carry out His will, for His glory, just as He has written. Dear heavenly Father, Thank You for gathering us today. You bless us with Word and Sacrament. You bless parents with children and then move them to care for the spiritual life of the little ones You give them. Together with Nathaniel and Tiffany we praise You for Hol y Baptism. We lift our hearts in joy and thanks for bringing little Stella into the new life of faith in Jesus Christ. Amen .

The Spirit of the Lord is on Me; He has anointed Me to preach good news. Luke 4

As the pa rent s an d Go d ’s new dau ght e r , Lex i e, ret urn t o t hei r s eat s , l et u s rem ai n st an d i n g, t u rn a g ai n t o t h e al t ar o f Go d ’s P res en c e, an d si n g: Thursday continues here

Gracious Head, Your member own; Shepherd, bring her to Your throne; Way of Life, to heaven lead her; Precious Truth, grow strong within her; With Your Word, Lord Jesus Christ, Keep and guide through all her life.

Prayer of the Day

Bible Readings S u n da y : Adult choir sings: “I Thank You, Lord”

Confession of Faith

Apostles’ Creed

I believe in God, the Father, Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended into hell. The third day He rose again from the dead. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty. From there He will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Christian Church—the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.



The Spirit of the Lord is on Me; He has anointed Me to preach good news. Luke 4

Victory Song of the Day:

Oh, Bless the Lord, My Soul #238cw

I n s t ru ct i o n i n t h e W o rd o f G o d Sunday: T eachi ng T alk - Pi ece by yout h

We Return to the Lord our Thank-Offerings In l ov e , God fre e l y g iv e s; in tha nk s, God ’s ch il d re n fre e l y g iv e . God’s people do not bully or browbeat, do not tax or t u i t i o n t o m a k e p eo p l e gi v e. T h e f o l l o w ers of Jesus Christ generously return gifts to God has given them in the first place. We give in response to God’s overwhelming love. When God moves souls to return gifts of money, time or skills for His ministries here, we truly thank you. At Good Shepherd your gifts are joined with others and used to move God’s Word out to the world. It is in joyful confidence that believers live, give, serve, encourage — all for Jesus our Savior. We are thankful Jesus brought you to be here in His presence today.

Prayers, Distribution of the Holy Supper T he Lor d uni t es us i n f ai t h t o recei ve Hi s t rue Body and Bl ood i n hol y sacr a ment al communi on wi t h br ead and wi ne. T hi s is t he hi ghest expr essi on of spir i t ual uni t y God has

The Spirit of the Lord is on Me; He has anointed Me to preach good news. Luke 4

gi ven t o Hi s Chr i st i ans on ear t h. Jesus created His Holy Communion to be shared with believers who publicly take their stand together, united in His Word. So as a fellow believer, standing in full unity with what we teach and practice, please do not hesitate to receive the Lord ’s forgiveness in His Supper. If you have questions about what the Bible teaches, our pastor would be delighted to share God’s word with you later at your convenience. Thank you.

Songs from the red song books, Christian Worship, for use during distribution: #3 53 cw ( #3 6 3 , 43 9 , 2 34 i f needed)

We sing After Communion

tune: Praise the One 3 5 3 cw

H e r e God’s sacramental union fully soothed my troubled heart, H e ar the promise of the Gospel: “Never shall the Savior part!”

H e r e my rescued soul was kneeling Lost in wonder at His grace. H e a r the gracious word was spoken: “Jesus Christ died in your place!” H e r e the holy bread was broken, to sustain my fainting heart; H e r e the cup of God’s great mercy has refreshed my troubled heart, H e r e the gracious word was spoken! H e a r Him say to me: “Take heart! "Look! Your sins are all forgiven! “Now in peace and joy depart!"


The Spirit of the Lord is on Me; He has anointed Me to preach good news. Luke 4


Benediction and Parting Song Tun e: O Lord , How Sh all I Me et You

God’s Word brings us here in faith. God’s Word works in us to live in love. God’s Word moves us to serve Him freely, in joy.

#19 c w

Dear Jesus, bless Your people You gathered here today. Now send Your Holy Spirit and bless us on our way. Dear Lord, will You please move me to keep Your great command; Proclaim Your Gospel freely, to those in every land. Bless all of those who carry the message of Your love, Your wonderful salvation You gave us from above. Christ, bless my gifts and talents the blessings that I shared; Teach generations coming Your word and gracious care!






A CKNOWLEDGEMENTS Scripture from Holy Bible, Evangelical Heritage Version (EHV) © 2016 The Wartburg Project.| SONGS: THE THANKSGIVING | D EAR J ESUS B LESS Y OUR P EOPLE © Paul A. Tullberg 1981-2018