1. Users' Interviews on Users' Feedback Acquisition - Bournemouth ...

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I'm interested in learning about the ways people act and behave when ... My name is Malik Al Maliki and I am a PhD stude
1. Users’ Interviews on Users’ Feedback Acquisition Introduction Script: Thank you for helping me out. I’m interested in learning about the ways people act and behave when being asked for feedback from software applications. With you permission I would like to record the session so that I can review it later for research purpose only. Do you have any questions regarding the information letter or the consent form? Do you agree to volunteer? With your permission, I’m going to begin recording now. Remember that this is to learn about you, there are no wrong answers and every bit of information you can give me is helpful. Interview Protocol: Time of Interview: Date: Place: Interviewee: Interviewer: Personal information: Tell me a little about you?

What do you do?

How old are you?

General Software and Computer Familiarity: What kind of computer devices do you use?

Which one do you use the most?

When do you always use your computer during your day?

What kind of software application do you always use?

Experiences and behaviour: Tell me what do you think of the idea of asking users for feedback when using software applications (e.g. Skype quality feedback popup after a call)?

Do you remember a time you were asked for feedback, tell me about it (e.g. Skype, I show some example from Amazon, etc.)?

Do you remember where you were at that time (example, at work)?

Do you remember the time you were asked for it (e.g. afternoon)?

How were you asked for it and in which context (example, during playing a game by popping up a feedback form)?

Were you using your personal computer or another device (e.g. smartphone)?

What kind of software were you using at that time?

Did you provide the feedback? Why (what was your motivation)? Why not?

Do you remember if you were asked for feedback before this time and what did you do (I give an example)?

Have you ever been annoyed when you were being asked for feedback? Why?

How do you think you should have been asked (e.g. by email at your free time)?

Have you ever received multiple requests at different times to provide feedback (I give an example)? Tell me about it?

How was your reaction to it?

How would you prefer to be asked for feedback (e.g. when, popup)?

Do you have any other comments?

If I had any follow up questions would you mind if I emailed you?

2. Students Survey on Users’ Feedback Acquisition Invitation Email: Dear Participant, My name is Malik Al Maliki and I am a PhD student at DEC school. I’m interested in learning about the ways people act and behave when being asked for feedback from software applications. I would like to invite you to participate in an online questionnaire and provide us with your valuable input. By completing the survey, you will be entered automatically in to a free prize draw to win 1 of 3 £10 Amazon vouchers. Moreover, Participants who complete the survey and add thoughtful comments in the comment textbox provided for some questions will be entered in to another free prize draw to win 1 of 2 £25 Amazon vouchers. Your input will be used only for the purposes of the research. Below is a link to our online expert survey. The survey is user-friendly and you should be able to complete it within 5-10 minutes. We appreciate your participation and your feedback will be greatly appreciated. To begin, simply click on the link below, or cut and paste the entire URL into your browser to access the survey: Survey URL: https://qtrial.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_8eKSG2gTw5oS4KN If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your participation. Best, Malik AL Maliki, Bournemouth University, UK

Survey Introduction: Dear Participant, The purpose of this survey is to find out how people act and behave when being asked for feedback (e.g. rating an item, like or dislike, text feedback, etc) by software applications. By completing the survey, you will be entered automatically in to a free prize draw to win 1 of 3 £10 Amazon vouchers. Moreover, Participants who complete the survey and add thoughtful comments in the comment textbox provided for some questions will be entered in to another free prize draw to win 1 of 2 £25 Amazon vouchers. Data Protection:

Bournemouth University is a registered Data Controller. Any information that you supply will be held anonymously and securely in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and will only be used for the purposes of this survey. Your personal details will not be made available outside the University. Any queries regarding Data Protection should be addressed to the Information Officer at [email protected]. Cookies, personal data stored by your Web browser, are not used in this survey. Best, Malik Almaliki [email protected]

Survey Questions: I have read and understood the above introduction and I would like to participate in this survey  Yes  No

1- Please select your age      

18-25 26-34 35-54 55-64 65 or over I prefer not to answer

2- Please select your gender  Male  Female  I prefer not to answer

3- Please select your nationality (optional) ……………………………………………………………………… 4- Please select your current level of education?        

No schooling completed Some high school, no diploma Associate degree Bachelor’s degree Master’s degree Professional degree Doctorate degree Others ____________________

5- Please enter your main profession. Please give some details about the area of work (e.g. student in tourism..) and feel free to mention more than one if applicable ……………………………………………………………………… 6- Please indicate if you would like to be (optional)  Sent the results of this survey  Contacted if we have future studies (mostly 2-3 time per year)  Contacted if we need to clarify or discuss further some of your responses

7- Please provide your name (Optional) ……………………………………………………………………… 8- Please provide your Email address (preferably your work email address) ……………………………………………………………………… 9- Please choose the kind of software systems you use frequently and significantly  Desktop Applications: programs installed on your machine (e.g. MS Office, Image Editors, Movie Players, etc.)  Web Applications: programs you access via internet (e.g., online documents editors like Google Doc, online calendars, storage services like DropBox, etc.)  Social Networking: to have contacts and interact with them (Facebook, Twitter, Forums, Blogs, Wikis as an editor, etc.)  Mobile Apps: applications installed on your mobile  Search Engines: could be generic such as Google, or domain-specific such as Skyscanner for flights and Venere and Booking for hotel reservation, etc.  E-commerce (like Ebay and Amazon, Online Shopping)  Others (please mention them) ____________________

10- Please choose the kinds of software which noticeably and frequently asks you to give feedback (e.g. to rate an item or a service, to like or dislike, to recommend to friend, to report abuse, etc)  Desktop Applications, programs installed on your machine (e.g. MS Office, Image Editors, Movie Players, etc.)  Web Applications, programs you access via internet (e.g., online documents editors like Google Doc, online calendars, storage services like DropBox, etc.)  Social Networking: to have contacts and interact with them (Twitter, Facebook, Twitter, Forums, Blogs, Wikis as an editor, etc.)  Mobile Apps: applications installed on your mobile  Search Engines (Generic such as Google, and domain specific such as Skyscanner for flights and Venere and Booking for hotel reservation, etc.)  E-commerce (like Ebay and Amazon)  Others (please mention them) ____________________

11- Please choose the kinds of software which noticeably and frequently allows you to give feedback (e.g. to rate an item or a service, to fill a "contact us" form, to like or dislike, to recommend to friend, to report abuse, etc)  Desktop Applications, programs installed on your machine (e.g. MS Office, Image Editors, Movie Players, etc.)  Web Applications, programs you access via internet (e.g., online documents editors like Google Doc, online calendars, storage services like DropBox, etc.)  Social Networking: to have contacts and interact with them (Twitter, Facebook, Twitter, Forums, Blogs, Wikis as an editor, etc.)  Mobile Apps: applications installed on your mobile  Search Engines (Generic such as Google, and domain specific such as Skyscanner for flights and Venere and Booking for hotel reservation, etc.)  E-commerce (like Ebay and Amazon)  Others (please mention them) ____________________

12- Which of these devices do you use frequently and significantly?  Desktop computer  Tablet  Mobile/Smart Phones

13- What computing device do you typically use when you tend to be willing to provide feedback?    

Desktop computer Tablet Mobile/Smart Phones No preferences

14- Why do you typically use software systems (websites, search engines, MS Office, DropBox, Social Media, Email applications, ...etc)      

For professional reasons: my work requires that For academic reasons: my study/research requires that Daily life activities (booking, online shopping, looking for bus schedule, taxi number, etc ) Entertainment (gaming, social networks for entertainment purposes, etc.) For social interaction (social networks, blogs, forums, etc.) Others ____________________

15- Do you like it when software systems ask you to give your feedback about their services?     

Yes, very much Yes, to a certain extent Not much, but it is still fine to be asked Not really, I do not see many benefits providing it Others ____________________

16- What is the way you prefer for gathering feedback from you?  I prefer to be explicitly asked for feedback, e.g. by sending me an email or showing me a popup dialogue which I can respond to or just ignore.  I prefer that feedback is taken from me implicitly, e.g., by monitoring and analysing my use of the systems (e.g. navigation path, click history, the time I spend on each step, what mistakes I typically do, etc)  I prefer to have the choice to go to the feedback centre on voluntary basis and leave a feedback there, e.g. "contact us" form, or a forum/blog designed specifically for that.  I do not like to give feedback regardless the way it is obtained  Others or I would like to add a comment ____________________

17- What would be the main reasons that would stop you from providing feedback or responding to a feedback request?       

I think it is mainly for commercial reasons and not about improving user’s experience When it requires significant time to think about and answer When It comes at the wrong time, e.g., when I am engaging with some other activity When I am unaware of how my feedback is being used and for which purpose When I am unaware if my feedback has been taken into account or led to any change Privacy reasons, e.g., when other people can know or infer that I provided that feedback When I am unfamiliar with the subject of the question or do not have enough experience to give a meaningful answer  Others or I would like to add a comment ____________________

18- Which of the following factors have a significant effect on your willingness to provide feedback and respond to feedback requests?  The language used in the feedback request (friendliness, succinctness, clarity, etc.)  The graphical design of the feedback request (font size, colours used, the kind of photos used, etc.)  Simplicity/Complexity of the method allowed to provide the feedback (clicking, a voice message, text with/without auto-completion, etc.)  Fitness of the design and content of feedback request to the computing device I am using (e.g., when it give less details and simpler content on smart phones)  Fitness of the design and content of the feedback request to my current focus when asked for feedback (asking for the quality of a certain feature of a Calendar software should be done when I have just used it)  Fitness of the design and content of the feedback request to my work status when asked for feedback (simplified version of it if I am busy)  When it gives me some information, summary or statistics about the feedback which has been already given by other people  Others or I would like to add a comment ____________________

19- Which of the following communication methods do you prefer to provide feedback:  Off-line: by sending me a message asking for feedback such as an email, Facebook message, mobile text message etc.  Real-time: for example by showing me a popup dialogue when I am using the software or showing some vote or form at a corner of a webpage I am navigating  By giving me small hints and tips, while using the software/webpage, that I can go to a feedback centre such as "contact us" form in a website or a forum specifically designed for this purpose, etc.  Others or I would like to add a comment ____________________

20- How do you feel about the feedback requests which come in the wrong time (a popup dialogue when you are navigating a website and moving to another page, a hint in a YouTube video to encourage you to rate it)      

Are OK with me I think this is one of the ways which puts a gentle pressure on me so that I give feedback Decrease my willingness to give feedback I may give less truthful feedback just to get rid of the dialogue I believe it is an inconsiderate way to force me to give feedback Others or I would like to add a comment ____________________

21- What kind of feedback do you usually prefer to give?  Qualitative feedback (e.g. writing sentences or lines of texts to communicate my thoughts in freestyle).  Quantitative feedback with a fixed list of items (e.g. rating and giving stars to an already provided set of quality attributes such as comfort, speed, etc.).  Quantitative feedback with a flexible list of items to which I and other people can add (e.g. rating and giving stars to a list of attributes and allowing me and other people to add other attributes we think they are also relevant).  A combination of qualitative and quantitative where I have the choice to use my preferable one (e.g. rating and giving stars with the ability to add text if I need).  Others or I would like to add a comment ____________________

22- If you ignore or forget to respond to a feedback request, would sending you a reminder motivate you to give that feedback?  Yes, definitely I appreciate reminders as I may forget to provide response on time  Yes, reminders could be a gentle pressure on me to give feedback as I may not forget but feel lazy to do it.  Generally speaking, reminders are not that useful. If the feedback request is really important to me, I would have responded to it from the first time.  No, reminders are often annoying  No, and when it repeats, it makes me ignore even other different feedback requests from the same person/software  Others or I would like to add a comment ____________________

23- I would be more motivated to give feedback  When I have a positive experience with the software service  When I have a negative experience with the software service  It does not really matter, I can give feedback even if my experience was neither very good nor very bad  Others or I would like to add a comment ____________________

24- How does the visibility of other people's feedback affect your willingness to give feedback?  If I must give my feedback first in order to be able to see other people's feedback, I will be LESS motivated to give feedback  If I must give my feedback first in order to be able to see other people's feedback, I will be MORE motivated to give feedback  If I am able to see other people's feedback first and then I have the option to accept/reject to give feedback, I will be MORE motivated to give feedback  Being able to see other people feedback does not have any noticeable impact on my willingness to give my feedback  Others or I would like to add a comment ____________________

25- How does the similarity of your opinion to other people's opinions, shown via their feedback, affect your willingness to give feedback?      

My willingness increases when I see that the majority of people think differently from me My willingness increases when I see that the majority of people think similarly to me My willingness decreases when I see that the majority of people think differently from me My willingness decreases when I see that the majority of people think similarly to me Others or I would like to add a comment ____________________ This has no noticeable impact on my willingness to give my feedback

26- When looking at other people's feedback, how do you decide the trustworthiness of their given feedback?  By looking at their previous feedback  By looking at the used language in their feedback/reviews (how serious it is, supported by facts, etc)  By looking at their reputation (e.g., how many people following them, their business reputation like in Ebay and Amazon, etc)  By looking at how their feedback/reviews are rated by other people  Others or I would like to add a comment ____________________

27- How does the number / volume of feedback already provided by other people on a subject affect your willingness to give feedback on it?      

My willingness increases when there is only few people who provided feedback My willingness decreases when there is only few people who provided feedback My willingness increases when there is already a large number of people who provided feedback My willingness decreases when there is already a large number of people who provided feedback The number of people who provided feedback has no effect on my willingness to give feedback Others or I would like to add a comment ____________________

28- How does a social recognition / visibility of you as a feedback provider affect your willingness to give feedback?  It is an incentive to me when I am recognized and my feedback is visible to everyone  It is an incentive to me if I am seen/recognized but only when I can decide who can see that, e.g. when I am given the choice to select some of my Facebook or Twitter contacts/groups to see my feedback  It is nice to be visible only when others can see my feedback which led to some changes on the system, i.e. when it had an impact  It is nice to be visible when my feedback is aligned with the main trend of other people who provided feedback  It is nice to be visible when it has something different from the main trend of other people who provided feedback  Others or I would like to add a comment ____________________  It does not affect my willingness to give feedback (I do not care about it)

29- What would be your feeling when you receive a high number of different feedback requests from one software service (desktop application, website, mobile app. etc):        

It is fine with me, I like to give feedback often It is fine with me as long as I am not forced to give answers I tend to respond to some of them I tend to give less focused or less truthful feedback It leads me to give a negative feedback as the requests make me feel annoyed I tend to ignore all of them and I tend to consider it as a spam I tend to stop using the software sending me these requests To you, what is a reasonable number of feedback requests from a software per day? ____________________

30- Would conducting the acquisition of feedback as a social activity be interesting to you. For example, you can always visualize how your direct and indirect social contacts are rating a certain service and how your feedback influenced the trend in your community. Software may suggest you to team up with certain users who have similar feedback, etc.  Yes ____________________  No ____________________

31- Would you like to suggest any possible way to conduct feedback acquisition and visualization as a social activity?  Yes (Please elaborate on this as much as you can) ____________________  No (Please elaborate on this as much as you can) ____________________