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Bell and S. A. Jamieson. ELECTION OF ..... Allison, Wm. M., Southwest City, Mo.,. Evangelist, Oklahoma. .... Evang., Sou
PREAMBLE AND RESOLuTION OF CONSTITUTION. HOT SPRINGS, ARK., April 2-12, 1914. W llEREAS. God, our Heavenly Father, sent His only Begotten Son, thp. L ord Jesus Chri st, into the world, Who purchased and redeemed [all en man with His own preciou s blood. and called ou t of the world and saved a peo ple, of whom He built and established His Church (Assem bly of God . Matt. 16:18), upon the toundation of the Aposti s and Prophets, J esus Christ Himself be ing the Head and hief Corner-stone (Eph. 2: 20), and organized and baptized it with the Holy Spirit, with Its government upon His shou Iders (Isaiah 9 : 6-7), slid: 'The gates of hell shall not prevail against it" (Matt. 16: 18) ; and WHEREAS, He gave the Holy In spired Scriptures , (both old and new covenants, Heb. 8: 6-13) as the all-sufficient rule for faith and practice, (2 Tim. 3: 16) , as [ollows: "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God , and is profitable for doctrine, for r eproof, for co rrection, for instruction In righteousn ess: That the rna !). of God may be perfect, throughly furnished un to all good wo rk s," we th e refor e shall not add to nor take from it (Rev. 22: 18); and WHEREAS, He commanded that there shOUld be no schism (division, sectarlanism) in His body, the GENERAL ASSEMBLY (Church) of the first born, which are written in heaven, H e b. 12:23; and '''HEREAS, We recognize ourselves as m embers of said GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF GOD , (wh iCh is God's organism). and do no t believe In identifying ourselves as. or establis hing ourselves into, a sect, that is a human organization that legislates or forms laws and articles of faith and has unscr iptural juri sdiction over its memb ers and creates unscriptural lines of fellowship and disfellowship and which separates itself from other members of lhe General Assembly (Church) of the first born, which is contra ry to Christ's prayer in St. John 17, and Paul's teaching in Eph. 4: 1-16, which we heartily endo r se : THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED. FIRST, That we recognize ourselve3 as a GE . ERAL COU CIL of Pentecostal (Spirit Baptized) saints from lo cal Chu rch es of God in Christ. Assemblies of God, and various Apostolic Faith Misbions and Churches, and Full Gospel Pentecostal Mis ions, and Assemb li es of like faith in the United State of America, Canada and Foreign Lands, whose purpose is n eithe r to legislate laws of government, n cr usurp a uth ority over said various Assemblies of God, nor deprive them of their Scriptural and local rights a nd privileges, bu t to recognize Scriptural m ethods and order for worship , unity, fellowship, work and bUSiness for God, and to disapprove of all unscriptura l methods, doctr ines and conduct, and approve of all Scriptural truth and conduct, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bonds of peace, until we all co m e into th e unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ, and to walk accordingly, as r ecorded in Eph. 4: 17-3 2. RESOLVED, SECO D, That we recognize all the above said Assemblies of various names, and when speaking of them refer to them by the general Scriptural name" Assemblies of God;" and recommend that they alJ recognize themselves by the same name, that Is, "Assembly of God" and adopt it as soon as practicable tor the purpose or being more Soriptural anti al oo legal in transacting business, owning property, and executing missionary work in home and {orelgn lands, and tor general com'cniencc, unity and fellowship.

GENERAL COUNCIL OF THE ASSEMBLIES OF GOD. Office of Chairma n, Missionary Treasurer and Credential Committee. 1243 N. Garrison A ve., St. Louis, Mo. EXECUTIVE PRESBYTERY. J . W. W e lch. Chairman ..... . ........ .. .... . . . ... . .. .. ... St. Louis, Mo. Stan ley H. Frodsham, Secr e tary ..... . ................... .. St. Louis, ;110. J. Ro well Flower ... . . ... . .. . ........................ . . Sl. Louis, !\Io. D. I\'. Ker r ... .... .. .. .. . . . , ....... 6403 Linwood Avenue, Cleveland. Ohio D. B. Rickard ....... " ... .. .. . . ..... 311 W . 32nd Street, In dianapolis, Ind. GENERAL REPRESENTATIVE PRESBYTERY. E. 1\. Hell . . .... . .. . .................... . .......... . ...... Joplin , Mo. J . T. Boddy .. . .. . .. ... ..... .... ... . . 347 Caster Avenue, Youngstown, Ohio R. A. Brown . .. .. . ....... ... 4 5 4 W. 4 2nd Street . New York City. :-\ew York Arch P. Co ]1i ·' s . ..... .. .. . . . . .. 1509 North Houst ~ n Stree t. Ft. Worth . T exas G. N. Eldridge .... . ..... . ...... 1411 La Prada Park , Los Angele, California E. H.. Fitzgerald ...... .. .. .. . .... .. .... .. .......... R ussel lvill e, Arkansas S. A. Jamieson .. . ......... . ... ... ...... 350 Grand Avenue, Da]1as, T exas T. K. Leonard . . .... . ..... . .......... 404 E. Sand u ~ ky Str eet, Findlay, Ohio n. H. ~rcDowe]1 ... .....• .... .. ........ 822 Richmond Street. Scranlon , Pa. E. f\. Richey .... ... ....... . . .. ... ....... 4402 Eli Av e nu e, Jlouston, Texas J oseph Tunmore ..... . . ... .. . .... .. , .. 608 Virginia Avenue. Pitts burg, Pa. ASSOCIA TE PRE BYTERY. The Associate Presbytery cons ists 0 r th Chai rm e n of t h e vario u s DI trict Counci l who a r e not already on the General Presbytery. Th e ir names are: E. L . Banta, Southern Missouri, John Goben, Iowa, W. B. J essup, Alabama and Mi ss iss ippi, W. H. Pope, Oklahoma, a nd Jam es O. Savell, Landing, Miss.

PROCEEDINGS OF ST. LOUIS COUNCIL, OCT. 1-7, 1916. The General Council opened Suncia.\· Illornini!". October I sl. with a most precious serv ice in which the presence o f the Lord was very eviden t. After s inging and praver, the message of the mo rning \\'as 'brought to us by E lder D. \ \T. Kerr of Cleveland. Ohio. The burden of the message related to the ev r present virtue o f the sacTifice of hri st, represented hy the bread and the fruit of the v ine. At the conclusion of the me sage , as the brethren from many pa rts of the country gathe red around the Lord's tabl e to partake o f the comlllunion, the fire of God fell upon them and thei r hearts burst out in p raise and adoration, sin ging in the Spirit, weeping and laughing and praising God . T rul y how wonderful it is fo r breth ren to dwell together in unity.

The afternoon Jllessage was brought to us bl' Elder A, p, ollins of Fort \ " orl h. Texa , , urging upon us the neces, ity of being ready when the Bridegroom cOllle. , being found at our post in the harvest field labo ring for the lost. The ('vening message lI'as delivered by Brother Andrew D , Crshan. Ol1r Pentecostal Persian brother. lately returncd from PCI-sia and Russia , I Jis theJlle was "Jesl1s. the all-sufficient One," J foil' our hearts hurncd Iyithin us as he spake, ,\t the clo~e, thc altaI' was filled with .eekers aftcr God and thc power of God was mighti ly present.

Monday Morning, October 2nd. The first husillc" scssion of the Coullcil was called to order by the Cha irman,]. \V, \Vclch. at TO a, m, The COllncil went before God in prayer to in voke Hi. dil'ine aid in the de libe rations . that God Illight be glorified and al1 th ings done according to the Scriptures, to the gl or~r of Hi name, The hairlllan then delivered t he opening addre,,-. . ,etting- forth the status ,of the Council and the pmpo. cs for which wc had come together. Tn this address he said that this Council is called together in the namc of the Lord Jesus Christ as members of His body , That we arc also assembled in the name of the Ol11lllonwealth of ::\fis. ouri. recognizing the fact that we are a corporate hody in continl1ous existence, That II'C arc gath red Scripturally and also leg-a ll\'. That we shall continue to he Icg;a l so long as we remain within the constitution on \\'hich our Council is based, Th:lt \ye shall be Scrilltllral . 0 long as we hold to the \ Vord of God in the Spirit of Jesl1s, The Chairman then made some recommendation,,- ba , cd on his cxperience as Chai rman of the Council and as Editor of the \Veekll· Evangel during the past year . which recomme ndations were largely incorporated in the fo llowing a t ions of the Council.

ENROLLMENT. On motion, a cOl11mittee to rec ive anel pass upon names to he admitted to the roster wa. appoi n ted , consisting of 1). 11. Rickard, H, F. Law rence and F. F, Bosworth,

COMMITTEE ON RESOLUTIONS. O n Illation. a 'oun cil COlll m ittee on Reso lu tions was appointed . consisting' of five brethren , viz,. E , X , Bell. S, A Jam ie on , D . 'vV, Ke r r, T. K. Leo na rd and , tanley II, p roclsham .

REPORTS FROM THE FIELD, I nasm uch as the COll ncil Comlll ittee on R esolutions had not h ad time to prepa re suggested resolut ions fo r p resen tation on the floo r . . 01llC timc was gi l'en ove r to reports from the fi lei, D r. )f u rcutt and JOI1!l :'\[ark L el'Y (tl\,O

eonYerted J Icbrews) brought up a discussion of Pentecostal e\'an~e' i"m among the Jews. Foreign mi sionary work was also touched u)l