2017 Final Dr. K Newsletter 32 November proof1

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hippocampus, which is an important area of the brain for cognition and memory. I have included the following information
Dr. K’s Q Sciences N E W S L E T T E R

This month I would like to talk about how Q Omegas fits in with the Q Core program. At Q Sciences we always consider synergy when designing new products so that everyone may get enhanced and augmented benefits by taking the whole program.

Edition 32, November 2017

Q Omegas and Q Core As you know by now from Dr. Hans Vink's and Bob Long's work deficient microcirculation is a major cause of many health issues. As we age, microcirculation continues to suffer and this contributes to chronic problems that can occur in every organ and organ system. We are blessed to have Q Prime as our ground-breaking solution to deficient microcirculation, and adding Q Omegas to the picture really ramps up the rate at which poor circulation is improved. One issue that may be a factor in the development of microcirculation problems is the fact that our intake of omega-6 fatty acids has increased as the food industry puts soy and corn oils in many processed foods. Omega-6s, if not counterbalanced with an increase in omega-3s, cause inflammation in the blood vessels and other tissues. Omega-3s not only cut that inflammation but also the many problems caused by trans-fats from margarine and processed foods such as crackers and cookies. In addition, the healthy doses of omega-3 fatty acids in Q Omegas relaxes larger blood vessels. Their ability to lower cholesterol levels and drop cellular inflammation also helps keep vessels clear of plaque, which improves both macro and microcirculation. Kathryn C. Fitzgerald, MSc, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts, who studied PUFAs in relationship to Loug Gherig's disease (ALS) risks, explained to Medscape Medical News that the researchers decided to study the intake of PUFAs because basic science studies have suggested that they are incorporated into cell membranes and reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, both of which are thought to be involved in ALS. Both alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which comes from the flax seed oil, and marine omega-3 PUFAs contributed to a lower risk for ALS in the one million people studied.

The Q Omegas Difference By design there are vast differences between the usual omega supplements and Q Omegas. First of all, we use both marine and plant sources, and as the article states having both ALA (flax seed), DHA, and EPA (salmon/marine) omega-3 essential fatty acids is key to the prevention of ALS as well as other conditions, including heart disease and dementia. ALA is often called the "forgotten omega-3" because fish oils have gotten so much attention that supplements are turned out without considering this important component. Secondly, Q Omegas is fully phospholipid-activated, meaning that the additional ingredients (DMAE, citicholine, inositol, lecithin, and lipase) supercharge the omega-3s and lead to greatly-increased absorption, digestion, and assimilation into the blood stream and tissues. At the brain level, for example, omega-3s without these components will not have the targeting aspects that direct the essential lipids to the cell membranes and brain areas where they can make lasting positive changes. The Women's Health Initiative NIH study (Neurology, Jan 22, 2016) on memory and menopause examined the omega 3 levels in 1,000 post-menopausal women, and found on MRI that those with the lowest levels had significantly smaller brain regions than those with higher levels. This was especially pronounced in the hippocampus, which is an important area of the brain for cognition and memory. I have included the following information on these key ingredients, plus some amazing clinical study information, so that you can see for yourself not just why omega supplements are so important, but why Q Sciences’ Q Omegas is simply the best there is. There is NO OTHER omega supplement that contains this combination of ingredients as this is really three products in one! • DMAE (dimethylaminoethanol) - Normally found in small amounts in our brains, supplemental DMAE converts into the vital neurotransmitter acetylcholine. DMAE has been demonstrated to elevate mood, increase intelligence, and improve memory and learning. It helps prevent aging of cells in the nerves, brain, and skin. • Citicoline - a rare type of choline that activates biosynthesis of phospholipids in nerve membranes, increases brain metabolism, and protects the brain and nerves from low oxygen and free-radical damage. Research at the University of Utah in 2011 showed that healthy women between the ages of 40 and 60 years who were randomly assigned to receive low-dose citicoline had improved attention test scores compared to placebo. • Lipase - a fat-digesting enzyme that helps break down omega 3s and other fats. • Lecithin - helps emulsify (break up) omega fatty acids for easy absorption. Contains natural inositol. These additional components are what make Q Sciences’ omega formula the best there is. They take the natural benefits of omega-3s and supercharge them by improving digestion, absorption, metabolism and potency at the cellular level. DMAE and citocholine work synergistically with the oils to directly enhance the health of cells in the heart, brain, skin, and organs.

Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Here are some of the health benefits from regular use of Q Omegas as a potentiated complex of vital omega essential fatty acids and co-factors: • Reduces risks for heart disease by 45% and diabetes • Improves back and joint pain as well as arthritis by cutting inflammation • Helps prevent dementia and Alzheimer's by preserving brain function and volume - up to 10% increase in hippocampal region associated with cognition, best taken regularly before or within two years of age-related memory loss • Improves mood by relieving both depression and anxiety • Lowers cholesterol and triglycerides • Acts as a blood thinner to prevent plaque formation in the arteries • Nourishes skin and hair • Enhances organ metabolism, especially in the liver • Provides high quality fuel for energy production • Prevents postpartum depression • Reduces ADHD symptoms Q Omegas can be taken at anytime, by anyone, though, taking it in the evening is the preferred method for many as it helps promote restful sleep, relieving anxiety, and working through the night to enhance cell and organ function. Lipase and other components (inositol) help break down the oils and reduce or eliminate any fishy after-taste. Eat cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, etc) —vitamin K purposely not included so that those on blood thinners may also benefit from this remarkable formula. For people with high risks for heart disease and dementia, taking two capsules of Q Omegas daily is recommended, morning and evening along with Q Prime and Q Max, with the Q Biotic taken on an empty stomach either in the morning before breakfast or at night before bed. Taking the whole Q Core program will, over time, improve many aspects of cellular health, so keep it up and be patient. You will, of course, also benefit in the short term, but even if you can't feel any immediate changes, it is working! Best,

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Individual results may vary.