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S^iSS. INSURANCE ACHSSCir,. Wo." 5 6 Mtats street. tSaccessarto the laieW. C. MHier.; d»leUowtnga«K-cla8» New York Co

« W » • : * • • eighteenth davof >'reor less. Dated ' made to order or repaired oh the shortest notkxv AJI^ST^ - WASHINGTON _ t t S a ' ^ M A k RICHMOND, S. J. RoaCom-' Leave Cohoes--S,lS, ».SSA. i t , L4«. A06, «•, River, w~TVuv.r n S 3 *..„**. > LeaveCeraetary-S.iO A. *., LaS, A25, 6.»;*. :, 41 North near Canal saeet: ^^^^t^^ssi^haen^^B^rn_ Arrive at Albany—S.4S, IC2S A , x ^ 8.10, 4.46, «.3C, Lehigh, Laekawamia, Serauton, JURT, ALBANY out GAi-t-: 'aAJUE,—t3W la . c agxinst Rej . TrilnS*Nos. 1 and 5 connect at Whitehatt wfth Steam- OnffiKBLANA PBAfimMOUWAIN AND CANNEL j - y r ©Bl«mAllTS;:P«XMBKR AND SHEET t » M l j J X COUNTY;—Mary KeM Y^SUBANCE COltPANT, a?rkk Kipp, : I; boats for'an points oa Lake Champlaui, Ogdetsborcri O O A L T A N D ALLKINDS OF :iM^WX>EKER.-CORpF 1 . : ^ S^iSS l>ecc-v ffi«man. 'JTNG, Jr„ ' ree DEALERSIN H O O W N G i n a U t i e vaxiOTis metals done on the most JAMBS ROY, Masters, on applicatioa totheznon board ' ana ana points Bast at lO.te A. K., 4.45 .and ioO r. M. i;-»tr.nda o ^ C S f e h a n t s * KschgpgevW theci'yof Alapproved plan, and in a manner to guarantee satisfce. GILBERT C. DAVIDSON, GEORGE B.'STEELE, •Freight and Acconanodatiai'Train. . J . i bany.ou \ 4 & ; ^ ^ y « f October* ArB. lStij. at 12 o'WILD, : For farther particulars apply at the o£ce. No. 2SS and I V. ^rSoMAaWB.rr&AsaiBteatSup'ti j Lehigh, l ^ i a s w u a i i ^ P e a c h Moon tion• ^~ !; ' •fffisBLBS W. DBBANT, ALFRED > c!, theffias follows. tl»>-Alt'|l»rcertam ka, pkee STOVES, TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE tain, Ciuiiherlaiid and Canned ' A L3ANY AND SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD.— ! ROB-T L- JOHNSON. • o everyfri^rf,ooajtactly on hand or made to order at the GEO. S. WEAVER, orpstceioJCland sftaatcKto? s t i l l i n g m t h e ctyof x \ - CHANGE OFT1MS.—On and after Monday, Aug. j 8ENJ L. PAYN, OF TLTtE. 'owestrates. TAMESC. COOK, •dbajy," in 'what ^as herctofcje heenknown as the Dutch sa jk, is11; Cary:5 THEO. V~ VAN REUSE*. to RTf>e ^Att , y-. •...•• se27 2aw3w I 5.?3: N e w Scotland. 5.32; wnilderland, 5 44; Knowers'• i_»-""ANDlJAMES STS-i. ALBANY, Mannfactarer oi ^ S s » S « e ^ Cajlt.BAVTDH. HITCHCOCK. PEACH MOUNTAIN AND G A N N E . COAL, i 'Distillers' Columns, Brewers' C eppe^s, Dye Kettles, Stills, ^ x r i T\i i v a :i'-wfli leave tiieFSer foot of Haantton street, Albany, every j vilie, 5 53: Knos, 6.0S; Dnanesbnrgh, C M : Quaker SHERIFF'S OKHCBv CSoesTT or ALBANY. AITOAXJ. XIKDSOr Street. 6/23: Esperance, 6.31r Schoharie, &46: Howe's ; '.,orms, Tanners* Heaters, Brewers* Scrolls for' Boning 1 S g U S A N t J E € 0 M P A N \ MONDAY, -WKDSCBSDAY and FRIDAY, at 9-30 cf- !I Cave, Notice is hereby gtven. pnrsannt to.the Statutes of this 6 53; Cobftsku!, 7.11; KSchmorrlville: 7 2C; CarylI Tafcs. Lift and Force Pomps, Steam Rngine Work, H A R D B3&J* S O I * W O O » . 3 TNCORPOBATED181L. * "'^ d e c k A - i c , a n d the State, *hat the GfccBesal Election held in this CounTille, 7.35; Sast Worcester. 7.41- Worcester, 8.00: ScneWILLLSM CASEY.—~ — JOHN CASTf. • Plumbing Work and Jobbing of all descriptions. tv o" the Tuesdav succeeding the first Monday of NovemD f t H Z S£ S S S 1 7 , ' ne\-us, S.15: Maryland, S.24; Colliers, S.42; Enanons, jar-ESviag been engaged "in fee business nearly a Cash Gamia* asH gnrpi3%.$200,000, r ber T-ext at which Election ihe-Offlcew named intha i SJLnrriva3gatOneaBta""at9rtW'p."ir. " ~ _5ij ' quarter of a century, anc being possessed of a practical T A T T ' ^ ^ J O H N F . T A L L M A I S , -i . Office^ 2ffo^ 5 6 Stste: street. Trains wilt connect daily at Knowersvfie with stages annexed notice ^ • * * ^ ^ B ^ m c H , , knowledge ofall its.branches, he claims, ;with confidence, * ^-*~' wUl ieaTtetheT»erlbot of Hamilton street, Albany, eveiy SbeiifL ~~!uiiM§s^SKi>S:; - that h e ean'givetije most perfect satisfacfion In every inTDSSaAY,THCRSD4Y and SATJRJAY, at »4J=j o>- I for Knox, Bern ard West Bern. T h i o l d and we&Jaiown .Company ha-ve continned i s 1 . LEASE ONEONTA- . . . stance, no ni'itter how complicated or difBcutt may be bnsinees 54 years, aad; have been favored wish r libers-FrenxinTn Paged Aeconnt Book Kan"" - ; STATE OF NEW, YORK, 1 } X15A.V at, Passenger—Bmmons, 7^4i.Conier«, 7.33: • the work. 3Ee devotes his t-jne to a personal superinten- patronage and the entirewofideaca of the public Their •''- i>-fi i S a t e S » H W « a n be had by applying at the offlce. -''-• OFFICE OP -rmt SicEETAfrr OP STATE, \ u l a e t o r y a n d B o » k Bindery, i deuce o: his works, and employs the very best mechanics r^ataSon fi»-nespoasihii^r and fair dealing, they mac? The Cindnnati Sxpres?, Rens9el!"*r and Saratoga RR, : Maryland, 7 51; Scheaevus. S.C0; Worcester, S.iS East AitPAST. J*Qy 29th, 1S65.) ; Wore ster, S.29; x'arjlvilie, S.41; RlcamondySle, s 50; j in order that he may be enabled to satisfjr.the pnb-ic and ventare t o sav, has never Tieen dishonored. aaaVLakeC3ians>lain Steamers connect at Albany. ! To the Sherif cf the Cotmfy of A1,&rt%: Wo. •••*» S a k e street, A»WBy, "^£-™*"-%ksy« New York, feom the Efer foot of Des- CoblesfeitL 9 0:~: How«?sC«ve, 951;Scnonar*,•&&••, Ks; merit their patronage HIRBCTORS: «5 Notice '< hereby given, that a t -the General Eec1K fSotrm side;) opposite James street. it, at l\Ao A. ac,and Thirtieth street at S A. at. i perance, 9.45; Qnaker Stree', 9.53 Daanesburgh. 10.02: Good workmen sent to any part of the country. • JJJTBTTS H-'KENG •••. BL1FHAL5T WICK5£' tibn tobeheldiatbfs "State on thfr Tuesday succeeding AGCCWNT BOOKSof every deserJptipnfflBqe to order All work from this establishment warranted. i Knox, 10.08; Kno^ersvaie, 10 23; Goilderland, 10 32; JACOE E . TEN EYCK. JOHN H. VANANTWEKH, : thefirstMjnday of Novembernext, therolloffing Ofticers paper and workmansfirps- a*tower-pricesthan ! New Scotland, 10.44: Smgeriands 10^3 : j s s n River Rsilro: -< - • c f i A F n B . & DOSAN. NO. 393 BROADWAY, FRANKLIN T0WNS3ND, J. HOWARD KING, i A Comptroller, in the place of Lricin*Rx>binson; i 12 80 s\ M.. Passense!- aiwl Mail - Emmons, executed to orderl' . . g„. HENRY T. BUELL i s » •-••-••• - WHOLESALE A N D RETAIL DEALERS IN A Tre-jsnrer. in the place of George' Wr-Sehayler; ' Jiers, 12.48: Maryland.' l.: Scbenoaa, 1J5-. The sabscrlber having hadanexperleaee of ove, four- WOODEN, WILLOW AND RATTAN WAKE, JAPAN., . RUFUSH.KING, PresSCem, i An Attorney General, in the place of John Cochrane-. '•i f 3 0 ; 3ast Worcester, 1^4t Carylville. i M t Bachmond- teen years, is assured that he can dery competition In NED PLATED WARE AND CUTLERY. AND HOBSEGEO. H . BEED & C0.'S ftB—iw GsoirsmscK, Secretary. ; Tille, 2.t>5: Cobleskiil, 2.20; Howe's Cave. j A State Engineer and Surveyor^ in the rtace of Wiltiaia l low' -- : L - : D n a n ^ * p Orders:.from.Banks^W6^ants. ^ q a ^ , 3 ^ < , r ^ ^ ^ t s . Mannfectarers and I FURNISHING and Fsncy Painted and Irie.2.45; Bsperanc?, 3.00; Quaker Street, B ! ^P^y.-^irr:^ ^ s ^GOODS.-Piain ^--sb*. 3 g Taylor; " .. > -"i-^i^ : »anoiacrore« ™ i VVarnished m i W l ( I . ^FaSsV ^ s b s , chorea. "entires. TDhor-wns T&hoppmg BOWB BOWS ana ana I A Canal ComBHsaoner, in the place of Wniiam I. Sfeav Trays, Butter Bowls and Trays, Sugar Boxes, Bailed and - • ii S 41: New Scotland, s 59; Slinsjenanis, 4 OS; Adamsvihe, S^S^mSf^P^^^^^tmmB. - - r " - > : i*>-T i"> • ' * " ' ' • ' - • : ' - ' ". Spice Boxes, barrel snd-half-iarrel Covers. Measures, &a, AStste Prison Inspector, ia the place of GaylordJ. 3 ! 41J, arriving at Albany at 4.30 F. M., connecting with n*aaeiv the resignation 01 HenryB. Selden, whose thefirst-class.»..•-- . . . - - . . i . . ^.->' afc d _ ,__ . WM. M. VAN ANTWERP, j term (tor which he was elected) expires caj^ethirty-firtt CHAS. G. CRAFT, L0OT.jc,New Soft E x p ^ s ased Liquid Dyes for CHARLES NEWMAN, LADIES' SHAWLS.DRESSES, Ac., SconredandDyed, B o n n t y Beinibnrsement o f Cities, WH. WENDELL. L10?. M.; Emiirra'at.' aay oi DecemT'er. 1S71. E. W. GEIEFIN. PAULGDSHMAN, " 5.15 p. JU, Ctica AccommodatiOE, and finished m a style that cannot be surpassed, at Also, a Justice of the Suoreme Coort for J h e Third JaGEORGE LAMSDELL, j JOSEPH PACKARD, Jr., g.sX.- p. jt., Night Express. T o w n s and Connties. dic-^J District, ia the- place" oi Henry Hogeboom, whose N e . 4 0 O r a n g e •treet, J. B. STURTEVANT, : - CHARLES H. STRONG. 1 11.15 r. it/- New-Tors Kail. term ot oflicewiB expire oa the last day of December TWO DOORS ABOVE BROADWAY, ALBANY. A C. PULLTNa LEMON -TEOMFSON, ' next. ' ARBIVB.. HnADcr ASTEES, STATX OPNJTW YOSX, ) I»r-G6cd8 received and ranrnect By Express. G50RGE B. HOYT, EDGAR WATERMAN, AJMT"TAHT-GXKXKAI.'8 OPVICE, ? 6.35 i . n., Cleveland Express. Also, a Senator for-the Thirteenth Senate District, comBORDEN H. MILLS, BENJAMIN WILSON, 9.1C A. JC, Ctadrngu Express. AUBANV, April 6, lS6i. > prising the Coantv of Albany. ,. \± G. A. WOOLVKETON. JOHN F. BOY,. - . General Orders, Xc. VL COUNTY OFFICERS TO BEELBCTED. - C e r t a i T l t V O f S a t i s f a c t i o n . | livaa A - I L , Utica and Albany AccOTmnfidiitWBi BOOK, JOB AND FANCY A CRAWFORD. J B. A SWEET, L The State Bonds to be issued for reimbursement oi Four Slcrr b rs of Assembly: '• * 230 P. SL, M&3. {Complete Dire-itions for use w;th each package.1 4.00 p. JC, Bafalo and New York Bxpre*. Towns, Connties and Cities for bounties paid to volun- WENDELL M. BENDER, JOHN N . PARK m A Conntj Clerk, ra the piace of Giles K Wmne, wbc SAMUEL ANALLE, THOMAS P. CROOK. 7.00-p. «., Steamboat Sxpi*ss,?via Adboro. teers in .iceordano; with the provisions of chapter 29, «••< :i;i>i-Mntrd "> fi" the vsc':p i those Maladies which result from youthfui follies, excesses The order of the Secretary of War, oated. April 14th, buildings througbont and is well cnltivateoI AN ACT to provide the means of paying bounties aui 5.05 A. sr., Express Train:fo»New York, stepping atafi of Maturity, or ignorance of Physiology and Laws of 1S65, suspendin