applica tion form - Hotelschool The Hague

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Bachelor / undergraduate studies (first). Name College/University/School. Country and City. Name of Department (if appli

Application procedure Please read these instructions carefully before preparing the application. You should fill in the application form completely. Applications will not be reviewed until all required documents and application fee have been received. The application form and supporting documents become the property of Hotelschool The Hague and are not returnable. It is important to answer all questions thoroughly as the application is your means of informing us about yourself. Please write all responses on the forms provided or attach all answers to the application. I apply for the Master in Hospitality Management programme Your application should include: > A completed Application Form > Your motivation letter (see motivation and suitability on page 5) > An essay (of max. 600 words, see page 5) > Official transcripts and diplomas

You must submit an official transcript from each educational institution you have attended (or are attending):

Certified copy of your diploma(s) and grading list(s), including overview of courses.

> Reference Two letters of recommendation are needed. The persons giving the references, preferably one of your professors and one professional in the hospitality industry, should be able to give an opinion about your academic qualities and about your dedication to your chosen field of study. > Copy passport > Recent passport photo

After completing and signing this form, please send it in an envelope together with the required enclosures to; Hotelschool The Hague | Admission Office | Master in Hospitality Management programme | Brusselselaan 2 | 2587 AH The Hague | the Netherlands


Personal information

fi r st nam e

m i d d l e n am e

last/su r nam e

com m on ly u se d fi r st n ame

dat e of bi rth (d d | mm|y y )

pl ac e o f b i rth

c it y

cou nt ry

p hoto

nat ionality

■ male

■ female

marital statu s

Current Mailing Address

str e e t

c it y

zi p / postal cod e

co u nt ry

te le phon e | m obi le ph o n e

fa x

e-mai l ad d r e ss

( If y ou sp e c i f y y o u r e-m ail addres s o n th e applic atio n fo rm , w e will co m m u n icat e wit h y o u m ain ly t h ro u g h e- m ail. Yo u are adv is ed t o check y ou r e l e c t ron i c m es s ag es reg u lar ly. )


Prior education Secondary education School name and type Country and City Official duration of programme Date of diploma Name of diploma Mathematics: - part of final examination?

O yes

O no

Academic record Bachelor / undergraduate studies (first) Name College/University/School Country and City Name of Department (if applicable) Name of the programme Majoring subject (if applicable) Duration of programme (years) Date of registration (starting date) Date of diploma (or anticipated graduation) Name of degree

Master studies (if applicable) Name University/School Country and City Name of Department (if applicable) Name of the programme Majoring subject (if applicable) Duration of programme (years) Date of registration (starting date) Date of diploma (or anticipated graduation) Name of degree


Career history Total number of years of full-time work experience

Total number of years of managerial work experience

Candidates are required to have work experience. The kind of work experience can vary. Candidates with limited work experience will only be considered if they demonstrate academic excellence, maturity and have strong management potential. Please list and describe the full-time positions and traineeships you have held (B), starting with your present position (A).


c u rre nt fi r m | e m ploy e r

ad d ress

te le phon e

fa x

c apac ity (no. of rooms, cove rs e tc )

n o. o f em p loye es

start dat e

co u nt ry o f o p e r at i o n

j ob t itle

e- ma i l

n o. o f em p loye es u n d e r yo u r s u p e rvi s i on

you r r ole an d r e spo n s i bi lit i e s


from / to

f i rm n ame / co u nt ry

n am e / t e l e p h o n e + e- ma i l a d d r es s co ntac t p e r s o n

List any other professional qualifications you have, including membership of professional or civic associations, special projects in which you have participated, extra curricular or community activities (including offices held).


yo u r p o s it i o n

Language proficiency Please indicate your English language proficiency

e nglish r e ad i ng

■ n at ive

■ f lu e nt

■ ave r ag e

■ bas i c

e nglish wr iti ng

■ n at ive

■ f lu e nt

■ ave r ag e

■ bas i c

e nglish speak i ng

■ n at ive

■ f lu e nt

■ ave r ag e

■ bas i c

e nglish language te st s co re

i e lts / to e f l / c ambri dge

test dat e

( Pl e a s e at t a c h a co p y o f the o ff ic ial repo r t /res u lts . )

Motivation and suitability Describe in two A4 pages maximum: General information: a short description of yourself, your hobbies and interests Motivation: why would you like to apply for the Master in Hospitality Management programme Your suitability for our Master Programme

Essay Describe in max. 600 words: Where do you think hospitality will be in 15 years?

Source of information How did you learn about the Master in Hospitality Management program?

■ Website

■ Embassy

■ Website

■ Student counselor

■ Website www.

■ Fair, please specify

■ Colleague | personnel department

■ Professional

■ Presentation, please specify

■ Other (please specify)

■ Present student or graduate, namely


reference Please enclose two reference letters (one professional, one academic) and indicate below the name and relationship between you and the author of the reference letter.

nam e an d position re f e re n c e o rgan isat io n re f e r e n c e t e l e p h o n e + e- ma i l a d d r es s r e f e r e n c e

r e l at i o n s h i p to yo u

application fee Your application will be considered upon receipt of the Application Form, including all the required documents, plus a non-refundable application fee of Euro 75. Payment should be made by bank transfer to the following account: ING Bank 68 57 56 718, Hotelschool The Hague, Master b.v. Swift code INGBNL2A IBAN code NL61INGB0685756718 Please include your name and country in the particulars of the payment.

commitment I understand that, if accepted to the programme, I must be completely free of professional duties while attending classes of the Programme and will not be absent from any regularly scheduled sessions.

plac e

dat e

s i g n atu r e o f a p p l i c a nt

For inquiries please contact the Admission Office of the Hotelschool The Hague. Phone: + 31 70 351 24 81 Fax: + 31 70 351 21 55 E-mail: [email protected] You will be notified as soon as possible regarding admission decisions. Any questions concerning the status of your application should be directed to the Admission Office.