Aquatic Exploration

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Dragonflies, caddisflies, damselflies and more! Cabinet 37.19. Megalodon. Cabinet 52.23. Insects are part of the group o
Aquatic Exploration Scavenger hunt Answer Key

Today you will be exploring the museum collections to find creatures that depend on the ocean. Once you’ve found the organism, draw or write your answers.

Find an ocean tetrapod that Has feathers Penguin, gulls, albatross

Find a marine invertebrate that Has a home taken from another animal Encourage students to be creative! This answer sheet includes a few suggestions to get you started.

Swims with a fluke Whales

Hermit Crabs, Carrier Snails

You can see through Sea jellies, sea squirts (tunicates)

Find an ocean dweller that Photosynthesizes under water Algae

Provides humans with food Abalone, clams, mussels, oysters

Provides habitat for animals Kelp, eelgrass

Explore the Entomological Collection... Find an insect that has a larval stage in fresh water Dragonflies, caddisflies, damselflies and more! Cabinet 37.19

What other ocean creatures do insects remind you of? Insects are part of the group of jointedlimb animals, Arthropods. These include crabs, lobsters, shrimp, krill, and more!

Find a marine fish that Helps an animal underwater Cleanerfishes like Senorita and sabretoothed blenny. Cabinet 46.19

Uses a cool trick to find food Encourage them to make notes of the trick. Remoras (suction cups), lanternfishes (lure), viperfishes and bristlemouths (bioluminescence), electric rays and eels (elecricity).

Find a marine fossil that Can only survive in warmer waters Megalodon. Cabinet 52.23

Provides habitat for other animals Coral Reefs

Draw your favourite ocean creature!