Autobiographical Memory; 1988; Cambridge University Press, 1988 ...

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Using H 2 15 O positron emission tomography (PET), we measured changes in relative regional cerebral blood flow. (rCBF).
Autobiographical Memory; 1988; Cambridge University Press, 1988; 298 pages; 9780521368506 Autobiographical memory: A historical prologue, when we speak of autobiographical memory we are referring to the memories a person has of his or her own life experiences. Like many other aspects of human behavior, the study of personal recollections predates the emergence of psychology as a discipline. From. Autobiographical memory specificity and emotional disorder, the authors review research showing that when recalling autobiographical events, many emotionally disturbed patients summarize categories of events rather than retrieving a single episode. The mechanisms underlying such overgeneral memory are examined, with a focus. Aging and autobiographical memory: dissociating episodic from semantic retrieval, cognitive aging research documents reduced access to contextually specific episodic details in older adults, whereas access to semantic or other nonepisodic information is preserved or facilitated. The present study extended this finding to autobiographical memory. The common neural basis of autobiographical memory, prospection, navigation, theory of mind, and the default mode: a quantitative meta-analysis, a core brain network has been proposed to underlie a number of different processes, including remembering, prospection, navigation, and theory of mind [Buckner, RL, & Carroll, DC Self-projection and the brain. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 11, 49-57, 2007]. This. Schematization of autobiographical memory, the issues addressed in this chapter reflect concerns about the nature and acquisition of everyday autobiographical memories. One view is that such memories represent life events as those events actually happened; there is little change in what is remembered with. The emergence of autobiographical memory: A social cultural developmental theory, the authors present a multicomponent dynamic developmental theory of human autobiographical memory that emerges gradually across the preschool years. The components that contribute to the process of emergence include basic memory abilities. The effects of aging on autobiographical memory, although it is interesting and important to identify and describe the effects of aging on autobiographical memory, it is much more illuminating if we try to understand these changes by asking how and why such changes occur. Accordingly, this chapter adopts a functional. Autobiographical memory in suicide attempters, examined both hedonic and nonhedonic aspects of autobiographical memory in 25 patients (mean age 31 yrs) who had recently attempted suicide by overdose, 25 hospital patients (clinical nonoverdose controls), and 25 Ss recruited from the authors' S panel (panel. Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy reduces overgeneral autobiographical memory in formerly depressed patients, previous research on depressed and suicidal patients and those with posttraumatic stress disorder has shown that patients' memory for the past is overgeneral (ie, patients retrieve generic summaries of past events rather than specific events). This study investigated. Autobiographical memory, autobiographical memory is a major form of human memory. it is the basis of most psycotherapies, an important repository of legal, historical, and literary information, and, in some views, the source of the concept of self. When it fails, it is the focus of serious. Cerebral representation of one's own past: neural networks involved in autobiographical memory, we studied the functional anatomy of affect-laden autobiographical memory in normal volunteers. Using H 2 15 O positron emission tomography (PET), we measured changes in relative regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF). Four rCBF measurements were obtained during. The psychological and social origins of autobiographical memory, recent research on young children's memory for personal episodes provides new insights into the phenomenon of infantile amnesia, first identified by Freud. New research indicates that children learn to share memories with others, that they acquire the narrative forms. The functional neuroanatomy of autobiographical memory: a meta-analysis, autobiographical memory (AM) entails a complex set of operations, including episodic memory, self-reflection, emotion, visual imagery, attention, executive functions, and semantic processes. The heterogeneous nature of AM poses significant challenges in capturing. 10 Temporal reference systems and autobiographical memory, everyday life is dominated by routines. The flow of action is structured by the recurrent requirements of our society. We work, play, and worship according to timetables that have evolved over centuries and that provide a shared temporal framework for our individual. Remembering what happened: Memory errors and survey reports, it begins by examining models of autobiographical memory and then explores the processes responsible for forgetting and other memory errors. AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL MEMORY. There are two basic models of the structure of autobiographical memory. 13 Amnesia, autobiographical memory, and confabulation, one approach to the understanding of normal cognitive function is to investigate its breakdown following brain damage. In the area of memory this has proved a very profitable strategy; typically, concepts and techniques developed in the psychological laboratory have. What is autobiographical memory, abstract the purpose... is (a) to describe the forms of autobiographical memory and contrast them with other forms of memory; (b) to give a theoretical account of autobiographical memory in terms of the self;(c) to argue for the importance of phenomenal reports. Remembering our past: Studies in autobiographical memory, the recent attempt to move research in cognitive psychology out of the laboratory makes autobiographical memory appealing, because naturalistic studies can be done while maintaining empirical rigor. Many practical problems fall into the category. On the relationship between autobiographical memory and perceptual learning, reports experiments designed to explore the relationship between the more aware autobiographical form of memory that is measured by a recognition memory test and the less aware form of memory that is expressed in perceptual learning. Ss were. Autobiographical memory and the construction of a narrative self: Developmental and cultural perspectives, it is a truism in psychology that self and autobiographical memory are linked, yet we still know surprisingly little about the nature of this relation. Scholars from multiple disciplines, including cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, anthropology, and philosophy.