BM3 Study Guide- Barrett [PDF]

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____ Washing your hands will ​not ​help prevent you from catching microorganisms. ____ Microorganism can be spread through the ​air​. ____ You will ​always ​get sick when exposed to microorganisms. ____ Microorganisms can enter your body through ​digestion​. 5. Why do humans have microorganisms in their ...

Study Guide 2017-2018

Name: _____________________

1. What tool would you use to see tiny parts of a plant and animal cell that are too tiny to be seen with the natural eye?

Microscope _____________________________________________ 2.


Name 2 organelles that both cell nucleus, cell membrane, cytoplasm have:________________________________________


Name 2 organelles that only Plant cells cell wall, chloroplast have:___________________________________


What is the shape of an Animal round-like shape Cell:__________________________________________


What is the shape of a Plant rectangular like shape Cell:____________________________________________


3. The diagram below shows a cell.

Is this an animal or plant cell?

plant cell ______________________________________________ How do you know? It has a cell wall _______________________________________________________ 4. True or False:

F Washing your hands will ​not ​help prevent you from catching ____ microorganisms. T Microorganism can be spread through the ​air​. ____ F You will ​always ​get sick when exposed to microorganisms. ____ F Microorganisms can enter your body through ​digestion​. ____ 5. Why do humans have microorganisms in their intestinal tract?

Humans have microorganisms in their intestinal tract to help ____________________________________________________________ with digesting food ____________________________________________________________

6. Label the parts of the cell:


Cell Membrane

7. What organelle helps control the transport of material in and out of the cell?

Cell Membrane ____________________________________________________________ 8. Define what a single-celled organisms?

Perform all life processes from one cell ____________________________________________________________ 9. Define the following: A. cell wall:

Supports and protects a PLANT cell _______________________________________________________ B. cytoplasm: A______________________________________________________ jelly-like substance that holds all the organelles of the cell C.nucleus:

Controls all the activities of the cell _______________________________________________________ D.


Produces food for a PLANT cell _______________________________________________________ E. mitochondria: Students do not have to know this one _______________________________________________________ F. cell membrane: Controls the movement of material in an out of the cell _______________________________________________________

10. Salmonella ______________ ( type of microorganism) can be found in raw chicken meat and can be harmful to humans because

humans can get food poisoning when food is not cooked all the way ____________________________________________________________ 11. What is an animal that has a backbone, four legs, and covered with fur or hair called?

Mammal ____________________________________________________________ 12. What is an animal that has dry scaly skin and can live on land or water called?

Reptile ____________________________________________________________ 13. What is an animal that lives a dual life (begins in water and lives on land later in life) called?

Amphibian ____________________________________________________________ 14. What is an animal that has feathers and warm blooded called?

Bird ____________________________________________________________ 15. What is an animal that has gills, lives in water, and is cold blooded called? Fish ____________________________________________________________ 16. How can microorganisms helpful to plants and humans?

Plants use microorganisms as a food source, humans ____________________________________________________________ use microorganisms to help digest food ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 17. Give an example of a nonvascular plant.

Moss ____________________________

18. Define vertebrate and list types of vertebrates we have discussed in class.

Vertebratean animal with a back bone ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________

Examples: horse, human, turtle, penguin, dolphin ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________

19. Define invertebrates and list type of invertebrates we have discussed in class.

Invertebratesanimals without backbones ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Examples: squid, hermit crabs, octopus, snail ____________________________________________________________

20. True or False:

F ______ F

All Bacteria is harmful.


All Bacteria is helpful.

T ______

Some Bacteria can cause disease, but some bacteria can be


non-flowering 21. Plants are Flowering or ________________________. 22. The difference between algae and ferns is that

Ferns have roots, stems, and leaves ____________________________________________________________

23. What is a physical (acquired) trait ?

A trait that you get through experiences, not passed down ____________________________________________________. A. Give an example:

Good at foot ball, being overweight _______________________________________________________. 24. What is a learned behavior?

Behavior that is learned through experiences _________________________________________________. A. Give an example: dog learning tricks _______________________________________________ 25. True or False:


Johnny looks like his parent cause of learned behavior.


An inherited trait is learned


Learned behaviors are inherited


A baby learning to talk and walk is called a learned behavior


Ashley has blue eyes is an inherited trait