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7· Prophet Muhammad's call. 3. Another nam~ For drom ... was in this period: wary is a. 610p"632 b. 550'570. C. 620 ...
0ui4 Card 1.

0ui4 Card

'Che holiest city in lslam is: a. Jerusalem b. Makkah c. M~dina d. Bethlehem

5. nomads of the desert are, call~d

.0uiz: Card

0uiz Card 2.

'Che most important figure in the history of lslam is

6. 'Che, 0ur'an has 114 chapters called




0uiz Card 3. Another nam~ For drom... wary is

0ui4 Card 7· Prophet Muhammad's call was in this period: a. 610p"632 b. 550'570 C. 620 ... 632 B.C. d. 1610..-,632

0uiz: Card

0uiz: Card

4. Complete this phras~ "Al. . lah is the only true God and Muhammad is his

8. 'rhe 0ur'an calls these, people, "People of the Book ft


Islam 2:23