case study - Boomerang

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Moreover, because the. Boomerang solution integrates with the company's. Microsoft Dynamics CRM system, the SMS reminder

“Because of the nature of our end-users, their communications skills and platforms are variable; we therefore need to have a number of channels open to claimants. SMS is proving to be our most effective method of communication."

Ian Clarke, Operations Program Manager, Capita PIP

Boomerang Case Study | Capita

MOBILE WORKFORCES Capita PIP deploys Boomerang's messaging solutions to bolster communications, improve productivity and accelerate disability assessments. Personal Independence

system is able to identify

Payment (PIP), replaced

and match recipients SMS

Capita PIP, the assessment

Disability Living Allowance

and escalate replies through

provider for the Department

in April 2013 and is designed

the appropriate workflow

of Work & Pensions (DWP) in

to help the long-term sick


England and Wales, and for

and people with disabilities

the Social Security Agency

– but eligibility is subject to

"If our main office goes down,

in Northern Ireland has

an independent disability

we now have a simple and

partnered with Boomerang

assessment by a qualified

effective solution to alert

to improve two-way

health professional. With

workers with Boomalert"

communications with its field-

the majority of assessments

based staff.

taking place in claimants’


The organisation, plays a key role in determining individual eligibility for Personal Independence Payment, is using Boomerang’s powerful messaging tools to enhance

homes, Capita PIP needs to ensure that its remote workforce is agile, productive and efficient – and also safely integrated into its wider operations.

Ian Clarke, Ops Manager

Moreover, because the Boomerang solution integrates with the company’s Microsoft Dynamics CRM system, the SMS reminders are automated – accelerating

client engagement and

communications pathways,

bolster connectivity with its

driving efficiency and

500-strong mobile workforce

improving service to end-

– driving more efficient,


productive operations and

“The system is already proving

accelerating the application

popular with claimants,”

process for claimants.

says Ian Clarke, Operations Program Manager, Capita

INDUSTRY: Social Security



PIP. “Because of the nature of our end-users, their

The Boomerang technology

communications skills and

The Boomerang tools

enables Capita PIP to send

platforms are variable; we

use innovative patented

out appointment reminders,

therefore need to have a

‘threading’ technology

via SMS, to any claimant that

number of channels open to

to bring automation into

has registered a mobile phone

claimants. SMS is proving to

business processes, helping

number on their application

be our most effective method

the organisation to maintain

Boomerang’s unique

of communication – with

strong, responsive and

threading technology means

the majority of claimants

traceable communications

that unlike standard blanket

preferring to contact us via

with field-based employees.

SMS communication, the

this route. In turn, this

Boomerang Case Study | Capita

MOBILE WORKFORCES improved connectivity

Boomerang has shown us that

us to reduce downtime

provides great downstream

text messaging is the ideal

and maintain productivity.

benefits for our field-based

method – and people appear

Boomalert will help us to


much more likely to respond

escalate and resolve critical

using this approach."

issues, and gives us the

With Capita PIP’s fieldbased employees spending


most of their working

ability to track individual responses and communicate by exception.”

days in assessments, the

Capita PIP also plans to

company has previously

use Boomerang’s incident

found maintaining contact

management tool, Boomalert,

with mobile workers to be

to bolster its business

In addition, Capita PIP

extremely challenging. “It

continuity capabilities. It

hopes to use Boomerang

is commonly difficult to get

will allow Capita PIP to

to support email to SMS

messages to them; they

automatically run two-way

correspondence with the

often don’t read their emails

simultaneous escalation

new Boommail application.

until the end of the day, and

incidents and manage these

The company has recently

rarely respond immediately

these processes by exception

conducted a small trial with

to voicemails. As such,

through a user configured

senior management, using

whenever there are issues

drag and drop process

SMS to alert the team to key

– be that an IT problem or a

environment, and all based on

email communications. The

cancelled appointment – it is

the end user's response. “The

trial, which prompted users

a challenge to make contact.

technology will strengthen

to visit their inbox to pick up

This has implications for

our resilience,” says Ian. “If

specific and vital information,

productivity and efficiency.

our main office goes down,

increased response times and

We therefore wanted a

we now have a simple and

accelerated communications.

method of contacting people

effective solution to alert

quickly and easily.

workers – helping


Boomerang Case Study | Capita

"Boomerang gives us greater control and visibility of our mobile workforce and making our operations more agile, productive and efficient. It’s great for us, but more importantly, it’s great for claimants too." Ian Clarke, Operations Program Manager, Capita PIP


effective – and you can do

control and visibility of our

it at the click of a button.

mobile workforce and making

“Our use of Boomerang is

Implementation has been

our operations more agile,

already helping to improve

really straightforward and

productive and efficient.

client engagement and

once it’s set up, you can

It’s great for us, but more

speed up internal processes,”

communicate with hundreds

importantly, it’s great for

says Ian. “We have had

of people instantly. More

claimants too. Boomerang is

great feedback from our

importantly, when they

helping us deliver our goal to

communications and senior

respond, you can easily

put claimants at the heart of

management teams, and there

identify users and handle their

everything we do.”

appears to be a widespread

individual needs promptly and

view that this is now the

effectively. Boomerang quite

communication channel of

literally is stimulating real

choice. It’s quick, easy and

benefits. It’s giving us greater

Boomerang is a digital communications company. Our product range is the result of years of experience developing and supplying communications solutions to corporates and SMEs. Patented in 23 countries around the World, the technology used in our services and products is unique, and addresses many of the problems inherent in business communication today.