Central China Securities Co., Ltd.

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control, the board of directors of the Company held a meeting on 1 September 2015 and ... Shanli, Mr. YUAN Dejun, Mr. YU
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Central China Securities Co., Ltd.

(a joint stock company incorporated in 2002 in Henan Province, the People’s Republic of China with limited liability under the Chinese corporate name “中原證券股份有限公司 ” and carrying on business in Hong Kong as “中州證券 ”)

(Stock Code: 01375)

VOLUNTARY ANNOUNCEMENT This announcement is made by Central China Securities Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) on a voluntary basis. To maintain stable development of the securities market and to the extent that the risks are under control, the board of directors of the Company held a meeting on 1 September 2015 and approved the following resolutions: 1.

the Master Agreement for OTC Derivatives Trading in the China Securities Futures Market and the Confirmation of Return Swaps Trading to be entered into between the Company and China Securities Finance Corporation Limited (“China Securities Finance”) for the purpose of investment in blue chips and others with the investment amount of RMB1,323,450,000, which amounts to 20% of the net assets of the Company as at 31 July 2015; and


the above investment to be included in the investment in equity securities and securities derivatives business scale of the Company for the year 2015, and to increase the existing own capital in investment in equity securities and securities derivative of the Company for the year 2015 of RMB2.0 billion by RMB1.4 billion, with a total amount of the own capital amounting to not more than RMB3.4 billion.

The Company will ensure the operation in equity securities and securities derivatives business in compliance with the relevant rules and regulations (including the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited). Shareholders of the Company and potential investors are advised to exercise caution when dealing in the securities of the Company. By order of the Board of Central China Securities Co., Ltd. Jian Mingjun Chairman Henan, the PRC, 2 September 2015 As at the date of this announcement, the Board comprises executive Directors Mr. JIAN Mingjun and Mr. ZHOU Xiaoquan, non-executive Directors Mr. LI Xingjia, Mr. ZHANG Qiang, Mr. ZHU Jie, Mr. WANG Lixin and Mr. YU Zeyang, and independent non-executive Directors Mr. ZHU Shanli, Mr. YUAN Dejun, Mr. YUEN Chi Wai and Mr. NING Jincheng.