Chapter 3 -

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Passive income? Investments, savings, how long would you live on your current lifestyle if you lost your job/ business?
The #3 Massive Mistakes Women In Their 30’s Make That Put Them Unknowingly On A Fast Track To Mass Burnout!

Why Wellness Is F*D By JC (Jodie Coall)


Copyright © Jodie Coall 2017

License Notes All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means - except in the case of brief quotations embodied in articles or reviews without written permission from its publisher. The right of Jodie Coall to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.



Contents. Chapter 1: Introduction. ................................................................................................................. 4 Chapter 2: 10 Steps To Daily Success Simplified............................................................................. 6 Chapter 3: Learn Faster & Remember More; NO DISTRACTIONS! ................................................. 7 Chapter 4: Focus. ............................................................................................................................ 8 Chapter 5: VICTIM – Playing Below The Line. ............................................................................... 10 Chapter 6: The Naughty Wall. ....................................................................................................... 11 Chapter 7: What Are You Waiting For? ........................................................................................ 13 Chapter 8: Who Do I Think I Am? ................................................................................................. 14 Chapter 9: Stand On The Shoulders Of Giants. ............................................................................. 15 Chapter 10: Biggest Mistake #3 - Shiny Object Syndrome. .......................................................... 19 Chapter 11: Insta-Jealous.............................................................................................................. 20 Chapter 12: Biggest Mistake #2 - ‘Quickie Fixie’........................................................................... 22 Chapter 13: Action Step #1 - Ask Yourself. ................................................................................... 24 Chapter 14: Action Step #2 - Up Or Down. ................................................................................... 25 Chapter 15: Biggest Mistake #1 - Inspiration Vs Motivation. ....................................................... 27 Chapter 16: Action Step #3 - Watch Your Language! ................................................................... 29 Chapter 17: Don’t Justify Just Say. ................................................................................................ 30 Chapter 18: Action Step #4 - What Are My Values? ..................................................................... 31 Chapter 19: 8.33............................................................................................................................ 40 Chapter 20: Action Step #5 - Well As!........................................................................................... 41 Chapter 21: What Made You Arrange Your Schedule So That You Could Read This Now? ......... 44 Chapter 22: Being In Momentum Creates Momentum................................................................ 48 Chapter 23: T.E.M - Time. Energy. Money. ................................................................................... 62 Chapter 24: Life Renovation. ........................................................................................................ 73 Chapter 25: Bonus......................................................................................................................... 76



Chapter 1: Introduction. I’m JC (Jodie Coall) 

Thank you so much for reading this book. It feels great to know there are other people out there who are fed up with the fakery, the filters, the ‘fantasies’ ok, the bullshit! This is for those of us who are F*D! Frustrated & fed up with wasting time, energy and money on the ‘Wellness’ Fads. BUT… who are ready, willing and able to be the best version of ourselves possible AND do more of the things we ‘love to’ and less of the things they ‘hate to, ought to, and should do’! And this book will totally help! You’ve made a very Wise Decision to be here and I promise it will be well worth your time and energy. Are you excited to get going? LET’S GET REAL! One of my favourite sayings and secrets to my success is;

‘Massive action trumps planning every time!’



Pat yourself on the back for not only registering for this book-but for taking action to not just save it but read it 😊 The time it takes to read this book will be the most important time you spend on yourself all year.

By The End Of Our Time Together, You’ll Know 

3 Massive Mistakes Women in their 30’s make that keep them f*d! Frustrated, fatigue & fed up with being in constant pain, being passed over for promotion, not getting the results they want and feeling like they aren’t good enough. A feeling of being empty, dissatisfied & living a life without meaning, doing all the ‘right things’ but not the right things for them and on a fast track to mass burnout! – worst part is they don’t even know it’s happening right now!

More importantly, I’ll show you how to AVOID THESE COSTLY MISTAKES forever!

I’ll give you easy to follow, practical strategies you can use right away to live a life you want, with meaning and with ease so you can stop doing the things you hate!

You’ll find out what areas of life need working on & assess yo’self

Discover your top values and how to live your life in accordance with these

Never have to justify your yes or no’s again



Chapter 2: 10 Steps To Daily Success Simplified. Remember, you’ll also get your free 10 steps to daily success checklist at the end of this book as a bonus from me to you. I’m going to count down the 3 massive mistakes from 3-1. And, you’ll want to read all the way through to the end because the last mistake will completely change the face of how you attract the right resources and people into your life to truly live a life you want, with ease from today forward. AND, it will stop you running around in circles, going nowhere but pain & stress city, wondering if this is how it’s going to be forever!! Or, if you really can be the person you want to be, get what you want, and live the life you want to live! One more piece before we get into the thick of things… Part of my research is in learning theory.



Chapter 3: Learn Faster & Remember More; NO DISTRACTIONS! Here is what I know based on my experience, If you want to learn faster & remember more, you need to be actively, committedly engaged in your learning. This means, turn off ALL distractions right now. Phone, email, people, pets etc. Don’t multi task, get a snack or surf the net while trying to read this. Commit fully to reading and learning, and do so right to the end.



Chapter 4: Focus. Can you see how single minded, committed FOCUS is necessary here as well? Focused effort is what will help you create a life you love and leave a legacy you desire.

Don’t quit part way - or you won’t get the results you want. I promise the information you’re about to receive will make a significant difference in your life immediately!



I'm not going to go on and on about myself here. But I’d love to share a very small bit about me so you have context as to why you can trust me and follow my recommendations. I am very grateful. To be an entrepreneur the owner of 3 companies MNW UCW and Wellbusi. I get to do what I love everyday- helping, supporting and inspiring people to get out of their own way and live a life they love and they are proud of.

My background is in Health & Fitness & Wellness, personal and professional development. Human behaviour fascinates me. I’ve worked throughout the world in events, marketing, hospitality, admin, retail, massage, pt., consulting, speaking and coaching. (When I say that it sounds like a lot hey! I've been researching, learning, teaching and training in the wellness space for over 20 years, before the word became trendy & confusing! :) I am proud of the awards I have received, but what I am most proud of and grateful for is the connection I have with fellow humans, Helping solve and prevent their problems, become resilient and resourceful and step up into the person they know they can be. It wasn’t always this way though…



Chapter 5: VICTIM – Playing Below The Line. I had a victim mentality. I’d blame, make excuses, I was in denial. I was waiting for something, someone to fix things, to save me. A knight in shining armour to rescue me, you know? I had no direction, in debt, I've lied, stolen, cheated, followed others, chased what I thought was fun. Drinking, drugs, I ‘ate’ my feelings. I was extremely jealous and angry at others who had ‘more than me’ who were ‘better, more attractive, thinner, fitter, you name it. I was bitter. I was embarrassed and shy and felt not worthy. And I gave up when it got too hard…. This is how I got there…



Chapter 6: The Naughty Wall. I was the one of the ‘naughty wall’ in kindergarten at least once a week. There were only 2 rules: 1. Don't go up the stairs to the big kids’ playground. 2. Don’t pick up or carry other kids. I did both!



As soon as I heard a cry, or even felt like someone was in trouble, up I would go, find the source of the crying, usually a scraped knee from falling over on the tarmac, pick them up and carry them to sick bay. Often times injuring myself on the way! The minute I got there, I would say, I know Mrs. Lees, and off I went to sit on the naughty wall painted with humpty dumpty characters, ate my lunch and thought of wonderful adventures and made up stories. I guess what I knew I wanted to become even back then, was a life supporter. A people helper. I was ‘creative’ with the rules and I still am. What I didn't realise at the time that I know now, is that I had a great strength and intuition. Gut instinct. And, all I wanted was for someone to notice me. To be aware that my grandfather was crossing the boundaries with me at home. I wanted to be heard, for someone to listen to me without judgement. To simply be able to be ME. All of me, good bad and ugly. Accepting me, my authentic self, not this show I was putting on, hiding what was happening. To be noticed - but not in the way I was being noticed. While I was busy saving others and waiting for someone to save me I got very good at hiding feelings, being sneaky, lying, you name it. I was so busy trying to fit in and now, in business, all we try to do is stand out!



But I learnt that if you spend your life waiting for something, someone, guess what? You will always be waiting.

Chapter 7: What Are You Waiting For? Cause the effect! Not when I have time Ill… when I have this I’ll feel that.. I’ll do it when… Later in life, I learnt that by helping others, I was really helping myself! I ‘saved’ myself. I was watching everyone around me get what they wanted while I got jealous. But something happened one day at an athletics carnival. I was in my little green bloomers, (undies) and I was ready to run.

At the starting line. (I was about 6). I waived at mum and dad in the crowd and chatted with the other competitors, making sure they were readyas usual. BANG!! 100m sprint. I was off. I couldn't feel my legs they were going that fast. I suddenly thought, something's not right. I thought maybe because no one was in front of me I had false started. I turned around and saw everyone else running behind me and I yelled,,, come on guys! I started to run and came third. Looking back at this story now, I see this was a pattern, I watched everyone ‘over’ take me and I doubted myself. In fact, I had no idea what I was capable of, who I was I just went along with everyone else. This went through high school, jobs, business, marriage. Until one day my now ex-husband said who do you think you are to be running a business. (Probably the best thing he ever did for me)



Chapter 8: Who Do I Think I Am? I suddenly thought shit, who do I think I am? I have no idea! I was helping other people and you know what probably some of them didn't want help! You can't want it more for someone than they want it for themselves. I realised I wanted it for me! I wanted to know who I was, what was I here for and who I wanted to be was up to me to make it happen. I was not a victim. No blame, no excuses, no denial. I was responsible & accountable for my life. AND LIVING IT! So I connected with myself, found out who I was, what I liked and what I didn’t. What I was good at and what I brought to the table. I became non-judgmental, open and aware of my life and others. I found teachers, practitioners, instructors, coaches you name it! I went to the University of Me! I saw both sides of the stories, not all perceived ‘bad’ was actually ‘bad’ I mean, surely there was a reason why part of my childhood was that way and why I felt the need to help others at such a young age. By teaching others, you are really learning what you need to learn.



Chapter 9: Stand On The Shoulders Of Giants. So, I have spent the past 20 years becoming an expert in resilience, resourcefulness, accountability authenticity and seeing power in vulnerability. How to live an inspired life- all in an effort to support the people that can be truly helped by my message, in my events, programs and memberships. That’s more than enough about me - let’s get back to you! And specifically, how you can live a well-inspired life and avoid the damage of siting down all day. As I said, there are 3 very common, incredibly costly mistakes that over 30’s make that keep them unknowingly on a path to mass burnout, at risk of major health concerns, in pain- pain that prevents them from doing what they love, and in many cases a life of disappointment and destruction! And, if you read the report I wrote on ‘why sitting down is killing you’, you will know that physically, sitting down for more than six hours a day, is bad for your health. Really bad ... and here's why…



According to Dr. James Levine, director of the Mayo Clinic-Arizona State University Obesity Solutions Initiative, “Sitting is more dangerous than smoking, kills more people than HIV, and is more treacherous than parachuting. We are sitting ourselves to death.” The human body simply isn’t designed to spend a large amount of time sitting down. As soon as we sit down, we start to experience the negative effects of it. If we are only seated for a short amount of time, our bodies can usually counter these effects. However, if you work in an office and spend the majority of your time sitting down all day then you risk damaging your health in a number of ways. So why is sitting down for long periods of time so damaging? Sitting down for long periods of time affects the whole human body - organ systems, muscle groups, skeletal structures and joints.

Organ Systems After prolonged periods of sitting, your muscles burn less fat and your blood flows more slowly. This allows fatty deposits to build up more easily and clog blood vessels, which can cause: 

High blood pressure

Elevated cholesterol

Excess body fat



Which can in turn lead to heart and blood vessel problems, weight gain and a loss of brain power. Brain power is affected because slower blood circulation means that less oxygen reaches the brain, which causes brain function to slow down. Poor circulation can also cause fluid to pool in the legs which can cause problems; from swollen ankles and varicose veins to deep vein thrombosis (DVT).

Muscle Groups Whilst sitting, different muscle groups relax and tighten compared to when we are standing. In particular, the abs relax whilst the back muscles tighten and the glutes relax whilst the hip flexors tighten. This results in multiple problems: 

Unused muscle deteriorates. Weak glutes can reduce your mobility and stability when walking.

Tight hip flexors can decrease in length, resulting in reduced balance and a limited range of motion and stride length.

Sitting for long periods of time, especially in a poor posture encourages tight back muscles and weak abdominal muscles. This can affect the spine’s natural arch which continues to negatively affect posture.

Idle muscles don’t react the way they normally would to insulin (a hormone that the pancreas releases to transport glucose around the body for energy). This can result in an overactive pancreas and excessive levels of insulin which can lead to diabetes.

After 2 hours of sitting: 

Good cholesterol drops 20%

After 24 hours of sitting: 

Insulin effectiveness drops 24% and risk of diabetes rises



After 2 weeks of sitting for more than 6 hours a day: 

Measured increase in fatty molecules, bad cholesterol and insulin resistance

Blood sugar levels go up which can cause weight gain

Maximum oxygen consumption drops which makes physical exertion more difficult

After 1 year of sitting for more than 6 hours a day: 

Possible weight gain and high cholesterol levels

Studies in women have shown a yearly 1% loss in bone mass

After 10-20 years of sitting for more than 6 hours a day: 

Risk of dying of heart disease increases by 64%

Risk of prostate or breast cancer increases 30%

Unfortunately, spending a few hours a week performing physical activities doesn’t compensate for the amount of damage that long periods of sitting down can do….

That brings me to the #3 biggest mistake….



Chapter 10: Biggest Mistake #3 - Shiny Object Syndrome. Shiny object syndrome. Know anyone who sounds like this….

‘Oooooh, there’s this thing that's so exciting, check this at! I'm sooooo doing that! It’s a 12 week course that’s…. no... it’s now an app- I found this amazing time saving, life changing app, look, you just press these buttons, stay up all night staring at this screen….. ah, noooo that's so yesterday.. now, I am doing this new thing! Its standing on one leg, waving your arms in the air, reading this mantra, eating air dust, while unicorns and rainbows fly out of my arse and my head turns into a golden tree…. When you ask these guys how their unicorn rainbow poo making golden tree is they look at your all weird and say…. I'm not doing that anymore because today I found this… ARGH!! Its obsessive, frustrating and exhausting keeping up with what they are up to, I imagine it’s the same for them! I mean, what works? Is it a diet, an app, a gadget, a thought, a retreat, a beverage, a pill, Meditation, mantra workout? Isn't it easier to do nothing, oh and that's the new thing, to do nothing. Take a breath! Is it who to follow on insta-jealous?



Chapter 11: Insta-Jealous. Less of this

More of this

Come on, you know the pictures all white, filtered to the inch of their lives, on an island, in a bikini, pashing some dude with abs for days, or a puppy or green smoothie salad jar bowl super berry thingy. More real life- why do we feel the need to hide the ‘bad’ days? Except if we need a sympathy vote! Here’s one thing I know. Following people on Instagram will not make your life better. There. I said it. So, SOS shiny object syndrome may go back to the original meaning of sos - save our souls! The people with SOS - I was one of them admittedly, they seem to be doing all the right things, but are they the right things for them? Or are they following the fads? Most of these Shiny objects -Leave them stressed out, confused and in some cases worse off than before. Many of these guys only focus on 1 out of the 9 areas of wellness and focusing only on this area is a costly mistake.



1. It's not sustainable 2. Its costs more time, energy, effort and money

Learning something new and often with these sorts of things, it's on your own, no support, perhaps worse, no accountability, takes a lot of time and effort. AND, if you are anything like me, I will admit, I have purchased from shiny object syndrome. I had so much stuff I didn't know how to start or wasted so much time trying to figure it out in the end it wasn't solving my problems or improving my life. I wasted time, money and all I got was frustration and disappointment. And some occasions I didn't even remember what I had purchased! To start with, I checked all my bank accounts and apps, orders, emails confirming my purchase and or subscription – my people I was ‘following’ etc. and make a list of them. Any of the ones I hadn’t used yet or were too tricky to work out, didn’t enhance my life or challenge me, I just STOPPED. Deleted, unsubscribed, terminated ceased. It’s not about adding it’s about TAKING AWAY – less really is more and easier to manage AND you can see what’s working and what isn’t!

Can you see you don't want to waste your time and effort?



Chapter 12: Biggest Mistake #2 - ‘Quickie Fixie’.

Band aid solution

This is also known as the broke fix model or a band aid solution. Most people concentrate on buying something, even if it’s something they got free, that focuses on one action: a quick fix. Relieve or get rid of symptoms, pain, suffering, quickly. The promise to: Improve physical wellness fast! Some people implement everything they are told to, or what's in the instructions, use it religiously, yet they don't get the results they want. Some, like it, get some results, yet the problem comes back. Like dealing with a break up, fighting with partner, same arguments over and over, like not fitting into their clothes, losing weight and putting it back on, like getting pain relief and eventually the same pain or another pain comes back again. Perhaps not knowing why they feel tired and anxious and not having any direction - Groundhog Day!



AND they have different people they see, or things they do in a multitude of places it takes more time to run around getting help and support. Why? Because these are all quickie fixes. They are designed that way and that's ok, that’s what they do but it’s not ongoing. Once it’s done, they stop, and go back to the old way and old results. There’s no follow on, or follow up. No moving as you move, changing as you change, growing as you grow. Before you start anything and have quickie fixie or even Shiny object syndrome … first take these 4 steps:



Chapter 13: Action Step #1 - Ask Yourself. Ask yourself, seems obvious but, ask:

1. Where am I/how do I feel right now? 2. Where do I want to be/how do I want to feel? 3. Does this bridge the gap? It’s that simple. A check before you SOS or quickie yourself! You can see how a little tip like this can save you so much time, energy and $$



Chapter 14: Action Step #2 - Up Or Down.


Is what you are doing or going to do actually helping you get closer to reaching your goals or taking you further away?



Ever noticed that time doesn’t go backwards, but you can! Is it going to sustain/maintain your current state of being or goal when you reach it? Or will you revert? Will it enhance your life? (LIFE GIVING)

YES=Give it life NO=Don’t give it life. - Its life TAKING

If it’s a no, it’s going to help you procrastinate from doing the things to reach your goals. High priority tasks? Or Low priority bullshit?

Are you following me so far? GREAT! This leads us right into #1 massive mistake So, how DO you know if you are doing high priority tasks or low priority bullshit? It comes down to one thing.



Chapter 15: Biggest Mistake #1 - Inspiration Vs. Motivation.

If you don’t want to do it, have to be motivated =lpb low priority bullshit If you are excited about it and love to do it, inspired=hpt high priority task. SIMPLE RIGHT? Motivation is the push, inspiration is the pull. When I try to motivate myself, nine times out of ten I’m pushing myself to do something I don’t really care about or don’t want to do Motivation is about firing yourself up.



Inspiration comes from a completely different place. The word inspiration means to be in spirit. When you’re tuned into your spirit, you are naturally drawn to do whatever feels best. Motivation, on the other hand, usually has a lot to do with fake growth. You think you should be doing something (without thinking about why) and it often leads in the direction of something that doesn’t really matter. It’s what you’re “supposed” to be doing. It’s just a good idea, not a passionate, burning desire that emanates from the core of your being. So, motivation is about things that you think you should do or that you’re supposed to do. Inspiration is about being called to act because you’re in direct alignment with your values.

When you’re inspired you know because…

 Life feels effortless.  You don’t let anything hold you back from starting right now.  You feel called to do this; the feeling comes from your core.  And, you don’t make excuses Want to find out if you are inspired or motivated?



Chapter 16: Action Step #3 - Watch Your Language!  Inspired: Love to, love not to  Motivated: Have to, ought to, must do, should do, need to  Inspired humans know their top 3 values and live their lives in accordance with these.  Motivated people – they are motivated (have to force themselves to do something) because they are not inspired. If they were inspired, they wouldn’t need the motivation to do what they love. They do what it takes to reach their goals. – Make sense?  Now, it’s simple, we’re either living a life by design, (inspired) or we are not! Closing the gap between what’s important and how you spend your time is the key to making your life more fulfilling and to free yourself to live to your highest potential.(My best me)  So, what’s the starting point to closing the gap? To simply stop and think! With our busy lives this is easier said than done….



Chapter 17: Don’t Justify Just Say. But, next time when someone asks you to do something, invites you to something, when you have to make a choice or decision, listen to your response. Do you justify it? By saying oh sorry no I can’t come to that I have to go see my xxx and then I’m xxx and … you know what I mean. Or do you say, I’d love to or I’d love not to. Yes or no. Full STOP. As soon as you say…’’because ‘’and explain why you can’t, it becomes about them not about you. Are you inspired? As I mentioned, inspired people know their top values and life their life according to those values. I get surprised when I hear how many people don’t know what their values are and have not ever done anything to find out.



Chapter 18: Action Step #4 - What Are My Values? Hey, shall we just quickly find out what our values are right now. Ready? Ok, this is a really simple 3 step process: 1. Find 2. Finesse 3. Focus

Step 1 Find Grab a piece of paper and write: “What, in life, is most important to me?” Choose only 10 words When were you happiest or most excited? What was your proudest moment? These are a potential values. What do you regret the most? Again, this is a way to figure out what’s most important to you.

Step 2 Finesse Now, ask yourself, “What does (value word) mean to me?” For example if you had money on your list or wealth, you may ask, “What does money mean to me?” To which the answer could be, “money means achievement, security, or freedom.” By answering this second question you uncover your core or underlying value. In this example money is the means security, or freedom. These are the core values. (If you need help write the top 10 that jump out at you.)



Accountability Accuracy Achievement Adventurousness Altruism Ambition Assertiveness Balance Being the best Belonging Boldness Calmness Carefulness Challenge Cheerfulness Clear-mindedness Commitment Community Compassion Competitiveness Consistency Contentment Continuous Improvement Contribution Control Cooperation Correctness Courtesy Creativity Curiosity Decisiveness Democraticness Dependability Determination Devoutness Diligence Discipline Discretion Diversity

Excellence Excitement Expertise Exploration Expressiveness Fairness Faith Family-orientedness Fidelity Fitness Fluency Focus Freedom Fun Generosity Goodness Grace Growth Happiness Hard Work Health Helping Society Holiness Honesty Honor Humility Independence Ingenuity Inner Harmony Inquisitiveness Insightfulness Intelligence Intellectual Status Intuition Joy Justice Leadership Legacy Love

Perfection Piety Positivity Practicality Preparedness Professionalism Prudence Quality-orientation Reliability Resourcefulness Restraint Results-oriented Rigor Security Self-actualization Self-control Selflessness Self-reliance Sensitivity Serenity Service Shrewdness Simplicity Soundness Speed Spontaneity Stability Strategic Strength Structure Success Support Teamwork Temperance Thankfulness Thoroughness Thoughtfulness Timeliness Tolerance



Dynamism Economy Effectiveness Efficiency Elegance Empathy Enjoyment Enthusiasm Equality

Loyalty Making a difference Mastery Merit Obedience Openness Order Originality Patriotism

Traditionalism Trustworthiness Truth-seeking Understanding Uniqueness Unity Usefulness Vision Vitality

Is it truly YOUR value? (I.e. is it internally motivated or is it external … a “should”) is it how you were brought up – a belief or is it truly what sets you a-light inside? Personally, when I was going through my divorce, I noticed that I had been going along with the flow so long, got stuck in such a condition and had ‘too busy’ disorder that I forgot to work on me! I had no idea who I was, what I loved to do and it all came to a head when I awoke alone on my birthday on a couch at work in a sheer panic….. I had realised I was at my business! I was alone, I had not made any plans to celebrate my birthday, I didn’t know what to do or who to call I could hardly breathe! But I thought I’m not spending my birthday alone! - in my business! (And it wasn’t even a work day).



I took a ride on my bike towards my friend’s house and started to think, what do I love? Bike riding! = freedom, hanging out with friends!, = connection, and bit by bit, piece by piece, and with some help from some great practitioners and coaches, trainers, you name it, I gradually found my me!

I started to find my genius too. My skills, things I am great at.

I wrote my 100, =100 things I bring to the table. (Funny this is how I attracted my partner my silver fox – but that’s another story…)

I questioned everything! I looked at all the things I was currently doing and not doing. I was bush walking because my husband loved it - I don’t love bush walking, I wasn’t eating olives and anchovies because my mum doesn’t like them, I love olives and anchovies, I wasn’t playing sport, I love playing sport =connection, openness, awareness.. Do you see how this was unfolding?

So, is it a TRUE value, or someone else’s you have taken on? A means or an end? If one value is simply to accomplish another, then look to the value you want to accomplish. If you want economic security because you think it leads to freedom, then freedom is the one you value most.



Looking at all your values you have written, ask yourself this question, “If I had to live my life without one of these values, which one would I give up?” Cross out ones you can live without, Out until you get to 5 and, If you can, get to just 3.

Now, look at your 10 value words and cross ones you can live without, out until you get to 5 and if you can, get to just three.

Now, rewrite your top three values in order 1.2.3.

Then, for each value, write a definition, a statement of what it means to you to be successful in living that value. At the end of your life, looking back, how will you know if you’ve been successful in that area?

If ‘Family’ is one of your values, how will you know you’ve been successful as a family man or woman? If you put ‘Happiness’ what does that look like to you?

I’ll show you mine as an example: #1Value= Connection “Success to me means being able to create meaningful relationships with people. To be completely ourselves, to connect.”

#2 Value = Awareness “Success to me means being aware of myself, my actions, my feelings and thoughts and of others. To be conscious of what’s going on around me”

#3Value=Open-ness “Success to me means . . .”



Get what I mean?

Now what you can do, is merge the three paragraphs together into one overall statement. It could be several sentences, several paragraphs or even a poem. Whatever works for you!

E.g. I live my life in accordance with my top 3 values, being aware of myself, my thoughts, feelings and actions. I am aware of my surroundings and aware of others. I create meaningful relationships, connecting with people by being open and by doing this, ‘allowing’ others to be who they are, and also be open with me.

Step 3: Focus 

Do your actions show your values? Actions speak louder than words.

Reaffirming your values Check your top-3 high priority values, and make sure they fit with your life and your vision for yourself. 

Do these values make you feel good about yourself?

Are you proud of your top three values?

Would you be comfortable and proud to tell your values to people you respect and admire?

Do these values represent things you would support, even if your choice isn't popular, and it puts you in the minority?

When you consider your values in your choices, you can be sure to keep your sense of integrity and what you know is right, and approach decisions with confidence and clarity. You'll also know that what you’re doing is a high priority HPT task and is helping you achieve your goals and being the person you want to be.

Your values will reflect who you are and what’s important to you. Let these become your benchmark, your standard of the best you.

Measure yourself against your statement and continuously ask yourself if your current activity is moving toward your vision and goals or against.



For example, if taking care of my health is important to me, and I eat mc Donald’s, drink a few bottles of soft drink, and sit on the couch mindlessly eating a bag of chips and constantly watching shitty T.V, then I’m not living with integrity, am I?

There’s a gap between what I value and my actions. If I do this I also feel guilty, like a fraud.

Have you ever felt that? Like, you get that feeling, a bit like a nervous, anxiousness, mind racing, can’t relax, feel I don’t know… weird? It may be because what you are currently doing is one of those things you feel you shouldn’t be doing perhaps and it’s not in line with your values.

Committing To Your Focus 

In summary you now have 5 actions: 1. You now have your top 3 values and know what they mean and why. 2. You know to ask yourself, is this in line with my values, YES/NO 3. If it’s a yes, you give it life, if no, you don’t give it life. 4. If yes, you know it will bridge the gap and move you closer to your goals and you will be inspired and living with integrity. 5. You know it’s a HPT high priority task not LPB low priority bullshit 

Final step, reverse engineering! One of my fav things 

Ask yourself, “How does my current life, work, and relationships reflect my core values?”

Just for fun, why not over the next 7 days, find out how much you are living your core values or personal values statement. Track the way you are spending your time.

Each time you do something that fulfils one of your core values write it down. By the end of the week you should have a few examples under each of your core values!



If not, put my personal mobile number 0415881731 on your values page now, and contact me if you get stuck, and together we will find out what’s going on and how to get back on track! I would love to be your life supporter 

Review So Far We have revealed #3 Massive Mistakes. #3 SOS shiny object syndrome – going from one thing to the next and next exhausting and overwhelming, not consistent or sustainable.

#2 Quickie Fixie – broke –fix or band aid model. Waiting till something breaks then trying like mad to fix it – until it comes back again or you have a new break 

#1 IM (I vs M) Inspiration vs Motivation.



Asking that 1 question, “is this in line with my values, bringing me closer to my goals” YES or NO is KEY! Most people get waaaay ahead of themselves and complicate their lives, causing unnecessary distress. This is a fast track path to mass burnout and destruction with devastating results.



Chapter 19: 8.33. WARNING!!< SCARY STAT HERE! 

8.3 Australians commit suicide Every. Single. Day. It’s the highest death rate for people aged 14-44. 2nd highest is accidental poisoning and 3rd highest is transport accidents.

Now, I’m not saying we are headed for being one of the 8.3 BUT people who don’t want to be here anymore, I imagine can’t cope with the pain and suffering , the heart ache, the burnout, the unable to function and have nothing that makes them happy anymore. They aren’t inspired about their lives and that makes me really sad.

What I am hopefully doing with you now, is providing you valuable insight, not just information. (Anyone can google information, right?)

My job, is to know what you don’t know, teach you what you would love to learn: how to bridge and close the gap between where you are now and where you want to be. I heard this great saying I’d love to share with you:

‘If you could have done it on your own, you would already be there by now.’

You know, there are some people on this book that will have SOS, some Quickie Fixies, some have more M than I in IM and some, all three!

Don’t get bogged down with LPB – low priority bullshit!

But hang on……..all this is well and good, but what’s the solution?

Do you know where you want to be and where you are now?

This is one of my FAVOURITE actions and one we do with all our clients and members 1:1…



Chapter 20: Action Step #5 - Well As!

Well, let’s start with right now, so you have a reference point for any changes you would like to make and measure your progress hey?

Exercise 

Before we get into this really cool and simple exercise, close your eyes, now, imagine your life in your perfect way. Your friends, family, relationships, health, wealth,

WHO are you?

WHAT do you want to be remembered for?

When you look back on your life on your last day, HOW will you feel? Regretful? Disappointed? Wished you had done more of what you loved, less of what you didn’t?



Wished you had the guts to take the action to be who you wanted to be to live your life well?

OR happy you had an amazing life and are proud of the actions you took to get there?

What would you tell yourself right now if you were your 90-year-old self?

Now, open your eyes, we are going to do an exercise! That rhymes! How funny, I know I can be silly sometimes, I just get so excited about this work! 

Anyway back on track JC….Announcing, the one, the only….WELL AS!

I love these little Icons I had made! Now, read carefully as we go through the instructions of how to do this. Copy the icons if you are an artist  or write the names in a circle emotional, financial etc. Got that? Now, for each one, rate where you are now at the bottom of each circle or word out of 10 e.g.




Do this for each of the 9 areas now.

Now, write where you want to be /10 at the top of the circle or work like this




Chapter 21: What Made You Arrange Your Schedule So That You Could Read This Now? Exercise Write down the answers to these questions: 1. What made you arrange your schedule so that you could be on this book today? 2. Mood from 1-10 Today: /10 3. Have you ever felt 9 or 10/10? If so, when? 4. How would you like to feel? /10? 5. Diet, what do you eat on an average day? 6. How many litres of water do you drink a day? Filtered unfiltered, plastic or glass? 7. How much Coffee/tea? _______________Drugs/ Alcohol? 8. Cravings? ‘Fatty, sugary, salty’ foods? YES / NO If yes... What. How often? 9. What have you tried that has or hasn’t worked for you? 10. .Exercise: How often and what? 11. .Are you in a relationship? YES/ NO 12. . Are you happy with your relationship status? 13. .Why are you in the job/business you are in? 14. .Do you love your job?



15. .Do you find yourself repeating the same patterns, do you have habits. Doing the same thing over and over? E.g.…different job, same outcome, and different partner, same as the last one? 16. .If there was a magic wand to waive what’s one thing you would like to change, fix or get rid of? 17. . Do you take holidays? If so, how long for and how often 18. . Do you ever feel like you are running around in circles and not getting anywhere? If so, write how that feels 19. .How many hours of sleep do you get per night? 20. .Do you sleep straight though? 21. .Do you find it difficult to get to sleep? 22. .Do you set goals? 23. .How often do you reflect – daily, weekly, monthly yearly? 24. .How often do you achieve your goals? 25. .Do you have a plan for each day? If so what / how? 26. .What goals do you have currently? 27. .How will you feel when you reach your goals? 28. .How do you feel about your finances? In debt? Passive income? Investments, savings, how long would you live on your current lifestyle if you lost your job/ business? 29. .What do you study? Courses you attend? Learn, read, attend seminars, workshops etc.? 30. .How happy are you with your current look and feel of your body? /10 31. .How happy are you with your current fitness level? /10 32. What would you would like to change or maintain in the physical fitness area: 33. .Do you have any injuries, pain, issues or concerns with your health? 34. . Are you more of an anxious /cautious person or a go go go! Person?



WELLDONE for staying focused and being honest with yourself.

What Your Score Means Take a look at your answers and your 9 areas of wellness assessment you did for yourself - look at where you marked yourself now Are you happy with your answers?

Scores Of 9-10 In Each Area 

Outstanding! Your answers show that you are aware of the importance of this area to your overall wellness. More importantly, you are putting your knowledge to work for you by practicing good habits.



As long as you continue to do so, this area should not pose a serious health risk. It’s likely that you are setting an example for your family and friends to follow. Although you received a very high score, make sure you can maintain this 

Your focus here is to maintain wellness for life!

Scores Of 7-8 

Your wellness practices in this area are good, but is there room for improvement?

Look again at the items you answered that scored the least points. What changes could you make to improve your score?

And if you are happy with where you are, you will need to maintain that, which means you will need to change to stay the same. Even a small change in behaviour can often help you achieve better wellbeing.

Scores Of 5-6 

Your health risks are showing! Would you like some support about the risks you are facing and why it is important for you to change these behaviours? Perhaps you need help in deciding how to make the changes you desire. I can show you how at the end of the book.

Scores Below 5 

You may be taking serious and unnecessary risks with your wellness.

Perhaps you are not aware of the risks and what to do about them?

I can show you how at the end of the book. You will be ok. I am here to support you.



Chapter 22: Being In Momentum Creates Momentum.

Taking the first step- being in motion, creates momentum! Now it’s time to summarise where you are at and where you want to be. 1. What areas do you feel you want to work on first from the above assessment? 2. If there is more than one, are you open to working on several at once if there is a way to do that? 3. How committed are you to reaching and maintaining you goals, honestly… if you are not ready to change, we won’t make any changes now and re -visit when you are ready 

Inspired = Committed



Most ‘Wellness’ stuff doesn’t work for everybody. Everybody consumes it- the get bombarded with it and most of wellness is only promoting physical health and or fitness. That’s not wellness, that’s PART of wellness. People consume it then go on with their day to day habits, and pushes the high priorities into the ‘I’ll do it when’ category. Why does this happen? Real wellness has 9 elements, areas, dimensions of you like. Most wellness out here has 1 but not all 8 others.

Give Insight Not Information

Element #1 of REAL WELLNESS is Give insight not just information In the form of connected communication that solves a problem for you. (Program, course, workshop event etc.)



That’s where ‘Wellness’ Stops. Focusing on 1 area, physical wellness, health and fitness, that’s lumped into wellness. And it’s because they don’t know about the other 8 elements, and without the other 8, it’s not real wellness and it won’t work AS without these other 8/9 areas, we are missing out on 8/9 areas of our lives. Real wellness must give insight ideas, inspiration and implementation not just information! Support, to get where you want to be in these 9 areas:

Physical, Occupational, Social, Environmental.






Don’t we need these? Take a look at each one and have a think about what it would be like to be broke, no friends, no identity, no career….you get what I mean Once you focus on these areas and get them handled, you really FLY! Save time, energy, money, confusion, stress, frustration, have more energy, relaxation, fun & inspiration! Now, your life is much more unique than the blanket model of ‘physical; wellness’ that’s being advertised to you.



Real wellness is designed for YOUR LIFE specifically. Which you use, when and how depends on where you are at and where you want to be. Bottom line: You must learn how to implement real wellness that gives you insight and inspiration and that you can IMPLEMENT and is in line with your values -not just play hit and miss with physical wellness and cross your fingers and hope it works! There is another choice, which I doubt is for you since you have taken the action to be here.

DO NOTHING By doing nothing, nothing changes. Or, focus just on physical wellness, (health and fitness) which is a great start and it works BUT without an over archine REAL WELLNESS strategy and plan you’ll work waaaay to hard for little in return and spend too much time and money in the process. AND, you know what, the ripple effect doesn’t work as well. Real wellness is designed to effect other areas of your life sometimes even at the same time! Real wellness is a strategy that’s is a way of life that’s simple, easy and fun and is implemented across all 9 areas, you are a whole person after all! Not just arms and legs  Here’s what I recommend, learn it, implement it into your life at least the fundamentals because…. RW gives your entire life meaning, support and value. It’s the most leveraged. It’s a flow on, ripple effect, (that’s why my logo has a ripple)



RW doesn’t just create +ve changes to your life and effects your family, colleagues, friends, partner, children, and community too! Imagine what your impact and influence can be inspiring others! It’s the most versatile and flexible as you change, so does it! Most programs are static, no consideration for when ‘stuff’ happens in life. A curve ball, made redundant, a break up, a family members news, loss of a relationship or loved one, even those days when you just need to press PAUSE. You are still supported with real wellness. In fact, these are the times when you will feel the most benefit! Thrive not survive! RW is the only strategy that works for those who want to live their best lives anyway. There are other ways to get what you need: Spend years researching studying, practicing, buying all the programs, courses, apps, books, workshops, events, spending TONS of money and not really knowing what’s working and what’s not. Not really addressing ALL Your needs. And some actually cross over and contradict each other! Most over 30’s don’t have the time to waste on that. I know I don’t  That’s why you have to use real wellness. But very very few people are using it effectively. Most wellness out there is not getting you what you want or what you need. Often people ask me, what do you do? I say, I live a well-life, implement real wellness that is designed specifically for me. Nothing else will enable me to BE who I want, DO what I want and LIVE the life II want to live. We are all in the same business. Of being the BEST version of ourselves possible! Nothing else will bring you everything you want. I work primarily with open and teachable humans.



Women in their 30’s who are conscious and committed not expecting a quick fix or a do it all for me. Those who are accountable for their lives. I simply want to help millions of people look back on their last day and say – what a ride! So many beautiful people say, ‘I just want to look and feel my best’ and, in doing so, inspiring others. WOW! Remember the story of the little green bloomers, where I stopped running and came third?

It’s time to lead your race. Your life. No one is going to come third or 3nd all the time to get you to number 1. It’s up to you. It’s out duty not to shrink. It’s our time to shine because in doing so you inspire others. By implementing real wellness, you are serving more people and if you think working on you is being selfish it’s not. I didn’t think like this, I especially as a female thought I was selfish to look after myself & be my best, but that wasn’t serving me or anyone else!



Would you be a member of a wellness centre where the owner and team didn’t give a shit about being their best and simply selling shit? That may be ok for some but not for me. I have an obligation to be inspired and evoke inspiration in others because I love seeing people be their best.

This change isn’t coming from the big players. I don’t consider myself one of the big players. I’m just like you. Heart based, conscious, grass roots trailblazers we are, you and me  Tragically, most over 30’w make real wellness very low on their priority list. IF they aren’t saying, I’ll wait till I get a new job, or move or after my holiday, or when I have more time, more money etc. etc. enter excuse here___________ They are saying, I already go to a gym, I have a physio when my back plays up….



And for many, it’s either one or both of these two excuses 1. I feel so good so I won’t come in 2. I’m not feeling good so I won’t come in

Either way, they still need to be actively working on real wellness or what happens? They never get what they want or need to live the life they deserve. _ it’s an expensive belief! Those two types of people have it ½ right but not the right half! The right halves together they make a whole. GET REAL WELLNESS If they don’t learn and implement real wellness, they’ll never know what life would have been like without regrets. Working their butts off trying this and that trying to take care of themselves. Friends, family, to make a difference and live an inspired life! Wasting thousands of $ and hours of precious time on strategies that don’t work for them. They may work, but not for THEM. Desperately wanting the freedom that real wellness gives. The enjoyment, the support, the fun and connection and having that third space between work and home, where they can truly be themselves. Please remember your life is calling!

The only thing that will give you the lifestyle you want, when you want and with whom! I’ve seen many people in my closest friends and family struggle to live a life they love and give up or have a break down because it’s all too hard and complicated and confusing! It’s tragic because it doesn’t have to be this way. That’s why I combined my two decades of education, all my mentorship, training and experience and my entire heart and soul to create a membership called real wellness.



I’d love to share a few more real wellness tips while sprinkling in a little more about the membership. (Thank You) Remember to read on to the end so you can get that 10 steps to daily success checklist – a real wellness blueprint) There are 3 ways to get your hands on a real wellness membership…



1. Studio Classes Memberhship First is move well- studio classes, unlimited yoga, mat Pilates , legs, bum, tum, back neck shoulder strengthen, HIIT, cardio tone and stretch. Mindful meditation and more!



2. Clinic Services Membership Second is completely well- your choice of clinic services once a month for whatever you need! Naturopath for digestive and hormones, skin, gut, kinesiology and coaching for direction and feeling ‘stuck’ relationship and communication support, MST, Physio, Chiro and massage for pain, injury, stress, relaxation, Acupuncture and TCM for all of the above and especially if you are considering a family 



3. Real Wellness = Studio Classes AND Clinic Services

The Best way is to get both! We are talking about real wellness after all and all 9 areas of your wellness are covered! By starting right now with Ultimate Wellness, both move well and complexly well combined, you are one step closer….. =REAL WELLNESS You’ll be more well and have your life sorted and supported more than 99% of people out there thinking they have Why? Because you will be one of the very few who knows what real wellness is and how to implement it into your life. Don’t wait till you’re sick, you don’t have time to be sick. Don’t think I feel good



so I don’t need to do anything either as it creeps up on you and before you know it… it’s too late to be proactive and preventative! In fact, it becomes a fun and exciting part of your life that excites you. RW gives you value. It helps you work in POSSMFIEE- yep all of it!

(Y)our values are what makes us unique!

Values. Open ness, aware ness, growth, health, fun, making an impact on the world. These are some of the values we have. We love connection and helping people live amazing lives too. To do that, you get to assess yourself in all areas of wellness regularly from where you are to where you want to be in each area and simply implement the tools, treatments services classes workshops events and retreats – you name it, it’s covered! You set real goals – seeing + feeling your progress along the way. Work on whatever area you want to so if you feel you hate your job, we can help you find why and what you really want to do and help you get there. Relationship? Got that covered to. We find your genius. We find what you being to the table. How would it feel to feel good! Not only that but when these ‘life’ side effects sneak in…

I imagine you get it 



Do more with less! ^ Productivity and energy v Stress confusion overwhelm and less work!

Pretty much do more of what you love and less of what you don’t! Many people get a physical wellness plan, app, book, etc. and think, that’s it! The 1 thing I need to do/follow. Or several things in some peoples cases (SOS) BUT is it the RIGHT TIHNG that will get them the results they are wanting and needing? Did they take the time to ask the questions and find out if it was right for them? Tried it for a while, didn’t get the results they thought they would get, or got some results but went straight back to where they were before! They get distracted and start messing around with other stuff or scrapping it before they have even given it a good go!



Chapter 23: T.E.M - Time. Energy. Money.

Wasting tones of T.E.M (Time, Energy Money). All of which are precious these days. It’s happening all over social media right now. I hear of a great idea, buy it, no result, scrap it, move on, find it, buy it… And the reason it’s not working is this… it’s a cookie cutter model, and only focusing on physical wellness. No accountability, no support, no real open community, not talking about those raving fans all ++++!



I’m talking about where people can be themselves, share what’s really going on, their struggles, frustrations, be themselves. Share without judgement, & get REAL support not feeling like they should post this or filter that before they speak, or should feel a certain way. An open, aware and supportive environment to be REAL! Life is not all +ve. Why should we be part of something that doesn’t allow for us to be ourselves? Have our moments as that is when we really need the support. Not being happy happy happy all the time? Many are doomed in a world of trial and error. Never knowing if you will fly or flop! False promises and fakery. Fluffy woo woo as I call it. Following ‘general’ advice you heard or got, trying it, crossing your fingers! I can say this, on your VERY FIRST DAY as a member, I pull back the curtain, and give you access to both me, and my entire team!



I promise, NO B.S in fact, I have an MBA - masters in ‘bullshit awareness’  We go through your wellness assessment answers and goals, create your plan with you and for how you will get to where you want to be. We get connected and start our real wellness friendship. So you’ll be able to apply your new real wellness skills anywhere, anytime, any context. The ripple effect is fast! You’ll know your plan for real wellness Get set up and started in the RW community forum Get your Wellness KIT with amazing goodies and knowing you’ll have also helped our charity, Hands Across the Water! In addition to what why and how, we help you get super clear on your values, what’s working for you, what’s not! What to keep, what to ditch! If you are not totally clear on what you want or who you are….PERFECT! On day 1 we figure that out  What problem, symptom, are you want to sort out first, what’s the best and most strategic model for you. A clean slate +on the right foot!



You get to tell me everything you want and don’t want to say  no judgement, to get everything off your chest. We have an absolute blast! It’s so much fun getting to know all the members, we learn a lot from each other too! RW, we show you EXACTLY how to do it, step by step No one wants to go somewhere they know the same as what you know! We want to go somewhere to know more right? We open the ‘hood’ and take a look at how well you are running Just like a car, you need to check all the moving parts to make sure everything is working well together. We must go back to simple solutions for success and this is checking your foundation. If you aren’t getting or haven’t been getting the results you want, we’ll find out why and show you how to up level. This will set you up for your next level of LIVING! – The way YOU want. Then, once the plan is in place, foundation is set, my team get to work with your number 1 area and for some, maybe even work on many at once- as many services and classes have a flow on – a fab side effect!

These are the systems I currently use to create Real Wellness for my life, my friends, family and my RW members lives. You need templates!



Templates allow you to replicate what works again and again like your guide to real wellness! A resource guide to come back to over and over to get instant support. You need workbooks! Workbooks allow you to measure your progress and keep all your RW bits and pieces in one place. Here’s a hot tip for you…… The #1 way to get results faster is with other people!

Lots of people have heard this strategy but don’t know the why behind it! People can support you! You all have wellness as a common value and as a RW member, even if you prefer to work on yourself by yourself, you still know that you have support of others if you ever need it. You never know, you might also have the very thing someone else needs so just by sharing your experiences can not only help you, but others too! Often Times Wellness Providers have the best intentions but end up sounding like a pitch fest. Breaking trust and credibility. Others have tons of value but aren’t connecting, so no one gets the help from their fantastic program. With a RW membership, one of the templates I give you is my tried and true yearly set up for success calendar! Doesn’t even matter what month you start it as it will enable you to get what you want from your year. It’s really simple and fun to do as well!



I trust you got some value from this book! The next bit is vital so read carefully As a professional Real Wellness Teacher, I don’t believe in teaching and hoping like mad that people will apply what they have learnt when they finish the session or book. So, in addition to the RW Ultimate clinic and studio membership unlimited yoga Pilates fitness etc. classes in the studio and one service a month in the clinic, the other benefits of being an RW Ultimate member are: 

2 wellness assessments a year

Friends family colleagues class passes

10% off products

10% off diagnostic testing

10% gift cards

Member rate for extra services $10 off

Online community ‘Real Wellness’ forum

Monthly Real Wellness Q&A live

10% off workshops, courses, programs, private studio sessions

Free workshops under $37

Wellness Kit packed with goodies!

You DO WIT! Come to your sessions, classes, apply what you learn and get support from other RW members AND your entire team of RW experts! Enjoy being part of a connected community, have fun and relax in your 3rd space. We show you exactly how to do it and the best part is some appointments and services – we do it for you! Imagine having pain sorted, a fantastic relaxing massage, find the subconscious behaviours holding you back, sleep soundly, have more energy, a fantastic digestive system, stress sorted, hormones under control, a job and relationship you love… oh stop it! -you get what I mean! My genius is seeing what people can’t and sometimes won’t see. I cut straight through the BS so you have A Ha’s sooner! There is a lot of Q&A time in the community forum and on the real wellness live chats



My goal with RW membership is to help you reach your goals. I know my whole team, I handpicked them and I personally use them too- they are my specialists. -all there for you. All ready for you when the shit hits the fan or when you are feeling amazing and what to keep that feeling!

I believe you have 2 choices:

Let’s talk about the investment You can get this kind of RW from me 1:1 I highly recommend it if it’s within your means I’m fun and get to the point quickly! My consulting rate where I guide you through real wellness, your goals, no BS, accountability. I only take 5 private clients a year and it is by application only – this way I make sure we are a good fit!

If you prefer to work with me 1:1 email my wellness team at [email protected]



R.W membership is less. Part one is a Studio Membership – unlimited yoga, Pilates, fitness, stretching, mindset, results based classes. You get my entire team of wellness experts to work with you on stress, weight, mindset, injury, fitness, flexibility, tone, stress, you name it.

Investment for studio membership is less: $39 a week

Studio classes, fun yoga, Pilates, themed classes – results based

Small classes

Like doing 1:1 its personal attention Get result faster No Lycra competitions No microphones Results not a fashion show! $5.57 per day!



Get fit, flexible, maintain a healthy weight, and decrease stress Increase your confidence and look and feel amazing Your very own 3rd space= time for you! Classes across lunch, evenings and weekends too PLUS, no contracts, simply give us 30 days’ notice when you need to move states or be abducted by aliens as they are the only reasons you will want to leave of course 😊 AND you can freeze your membership while you are away too! In 2012 ASIC reported the average household spends $69,166 on general household living costs that’s $189.04 a day! WTF? Can you afford not to invest $5.57 in yourself, in your life?? And, you know my best advice is this becomes part of your life, routine, like brushing your teeth, but way, way better! Ok, bad analogy, more like going on a holiday – a LOT! But not coming back feeling like you need a holiday to get over your holiday  Not needing another ‘quickie fixie’, your life IS a holiday! A vacation is vacating from your life! If you love your life, you don’t need to vacate from it! Take the emption out of ‘having’ to do a class. Put it in your diary and schedule it like a meeting with a friend, or special occasion. I don’t understand people who don’t show up. I mean would they not show up to a wedding or a meeting with their boss? Maybe? They wouldn’t have many wedding invites or a job for long I imagine. Well, you are your BOSS! Don’t do it to yourself, be true to your word, you are worth more than that. You are #1! So start putting yourself there. What’s the worst that could happen? Um… you LOVE IT!! The way you treat yourself sets the standard for others. Imagine sleeping soundly waking up refreshed! Eating food you love for fuel and boundless energy. Having fun and productive days at work! Coming home to a happy family and enjoying each other.



Fit as! Going to that charity challenge and being proud of your effort. Friends saying how good you look Time for you! Reflect, relax and enjoy your body. See what you are made of Lower risk of cardio vas disease, diabetes and heart attack I could go on but imagine you know the benefits of wellness vs illness Invest in wellness or pay the price for illness Practically all dis-eases are from not looking after ourselves. REMOVE THE CAUSE FROM THE ROOT, NOT SIMPLY GIVING IT A TRIM I get it! Life gets in the way- what does that even mean?? It’s the stuff you have to do that gets in the way LPB shit Isn’t life the highest priority? And living it well? Look at who you want to be. I did a long time ago when I forgot who I was and had the excuse life got in the way. I got in my way! One thing fell apart at a time and I felt so out of control very quickly. Business, career, finances, health, relationships, it all came crashing down. But I took control, started getting help and support Naturo, chiro, kinesi, coaching, Pilates, yoga, workshops. I became a real wellness member and created MNW do you don’t have to run around like I did place to place person to person. It’s all here for you. We are all here for you!



I have a motto:

If you could do it on your own, you would already be there by now. If I didn’t make real wellness a part of my life I can’t imagine what state it would be in right now! This is YOUR LIFE Be the best it can be or coast through? You know what? Sometimes you don’t even know you are on a path to mass burnout, over scheduled, overworked, over run until something forces you to stop. And that’s not always going to end well! Remember learning how to drive? Stalling, remembering indicators, mirrors, road rules, speed, wipers! Now what’s it like? Follow a GPS, select music, talk, follow Instagram, fix your hair, eat your breakfast…. Not that we all DO this but sometimes I don’t even remember how I got to my destination! It’s in our subconscious now, we don’t have to think about how to drive anymore, we know it. It’s a habit and the qualities of our habits=the quality of our lives. Many people don’t have good habits- ones that serve them like real wellness, a habit like this has real benefits! I have found sooooo many people look after their ‘stuff’ belongings better them their lives and when life is broken you can’t buy a new one- not yet anyway! BUT YOU CAN RENOVATE THE ONE YOU HAVE! Let’s have a life renovation! Because you know what? It doesn’t have to be perfect, just perfect for you  So, what does it take to renovate your life?



Chapter 24: Life Renovation. Well the next Real Wellness Membership –Part two is a Clinic Services Membership has that sorted for you. Highly interactive



Access to wellness experts covering all symptoms, injures, illness, concerns, problems, goals

Best investment you could make on yourself for yourself.

The investment for clinic services membership is: $39 a week

Read very carefully, what we have been talking about today is Real Wellness. All 9 areas sorted! Preventative, Symptomatic, Corrective and Maintenance! The best option if you are serious about your life is to do both. Unlimited studio classes + Clinic services = REAL WELLNESS MEMBERSHIP Here’s why… This book is all about how vital it is you have both components of real wellness so when you register for both



$39 Studio Membership + $39 Clinic Membership X FREE Clinic Membership $39 I’m gifting you the clinic membership for FREE! How cool would it be to reach all your 9 elements of wellness goals? To be clear, when you invest in both, which is called Real Wellness Membership, you receive a $39 a week gift from me that will change your life for the better forever! I promise you that . You get one clinic service a month FREE! That’s $2500 value FREE!! Plus claim on your private health rebates and your membership could actually be completely FREE



Chapter 25: Bonus. And you get this bonus Full Day retreat too! Third Space Wellness Retreats It's time to.... Unplug to Recharge! Life can be 'dis-stressful'. Many of us feel overworked, over scheduled, over run, overwhelmed and over it! Well, the solution is here and we would love to invite you, as a member of our family, to this exclusive retreat limited to only 12 What's included: 

A great day to connect with yourself and others. Have fun, relax, learn something new, revive yourself and recharge!

Yoga class

Practically well

Spa facial

Massage and foot spa

Guided meditation and relaxation session

Make your own (secret surprise on the day)

Healthy Lunch

Wellness Kit to Take Home

Fun, relaxation and connection



Please read carefully.

We are opening registration for the general public in a few days for a short window of time. However, this exact deal the one I am offering now, will only be made to those who have this book. One of our clients wrote me a letter shortly after she became an Ultimate Wellness Member: She wrote: Dear JC, Things are amazing for me since I started RW Ultimate membership. I was in a bad place and I didn’t realise how bad it had become, trying to cope with work, fighting with my partner all the time, no time for myself, I was eating on the run and skipped the gym because I felt so tired and like I was always on a treadmill! The irony 



Your team have made me feel like part of the family. I get why you call it the 3rd space now – it has become a second home for me, I can really be myself here! Who knew I would love yoga classes and reformer HITT holy … changed the way I looked at fitness. I’m toned, slim and in control again. I was made redundant a month ago and almost lost it. I even tried to cancel my appointment but when I called your wellness coach Gemma really listened to me and I came in to see Ilana for Kinesiology – never had that before! I thought I would mainly use the massage and osteo every now and then when my back played up at work. But man, I had no idea all this was possible. I feel so empowered and alive and I can do anything. Thanks to you. Forever grateful to have you guys in my life and in my corner! Love Sally Morris –Jones

Are you ready for this kind of success when you join as an ultimate wellness member? Now, I highly recommend you join with a friend, family member, partner, colleague. We’ll be renovating your life so you don’t want to have to go home and try to re explain everything. Plus you both get the benefits! Imagine the ripple effect! It’s easier to stay on track if you are accountable to each other. Bring your friends with you! To help make this as easy as possible for you, when you invest in a Real Wellness Membership, I’d also love to make it even more value for you and easy for your friends, family and work colleagues too! When 4 others join you, So, when you invest in Real Wellness Membership

$39 Studio Membership + $39 Clinic Membership $39 X FREE Clinic Membership



I’d like to do this for you: One extra service FREE! To be clear, I’m gifting you one session of your choice in the clinic for FREE! Up to $197 value. Isn’t that cool! This is a chance to change someone’s life. To gift them a clinic services membership when they invest in the studio membership. $5.57 a day! Unlimited classes, assessments, supplements, appointments, wellness kit, retreat! All sorted! Know what else? Most health insurance rebates start at around $500 a year, so your membership could be $4.10 a day or even less, some insurance may even cover the entire membership! Imagine what it could do for your workplace! – If you get 10 or more people to join, I’ll give you 6 clinic sessions or private classes FREE! Someone you know could really benefit from living a life they want! This is another $1200 from me when you invest in a Real Wellness Membership (clinic and studio) by clicking the button below And, if you can’t choose which friend or colleague to invite right now, I’ll extend this offer as a thank you for any one you refer for the next 30 days after your membership starts! Now, they may just say, yep, I’m in! But, if they want to know more about us to see if we are a good fit, we don’t believe in pressure, so we will invite them to a free 30 min wellness assessment and custom plan session first to see if this is the right fit, so you both win! We would love to serve and support you + your friends and family and workplace! Here is a very cool offer for you as a thank you for reading my book and trusting me.



Register for a Real Wellness membership now, Get booked in for your personalized report of findings now what you have you’re your wellness assessment (if you have missed this head to the home page right away to get your plan started And when you do that, you will also receive complimentary coaching sessions with me! To be clear, if you have any questions about the membership as you go though, you can get on the personal group coaching sessions and get your q’s answered! These laser ‘get it’ sessions have a value of $1997 on their own... and you will get extra support included as part of your registration for the Ultimate Wellness Membership.



AS I SAID EARLIER, this offer is ONLY available for people who are reading this book and register now. We will be opening registration for the Real Wellness membership for the general public shorty, but this private coaching will not be offered to anyone else. So don’t wait! The window of opportunity will close and then, you’ll miss out on this kind of extra personal support. Again, register now, by following directions on this page & clicking on the big red button



When you do, you will be taken to a secure checkout page Imagine having not just me, but an entire team of real wellness mentors, coaches, instructors, practitioners on your side! As you attend your sessions, classes and work through all 9 areas of wellness, get what you want from your life and be able to jump on a call with me to ask…well, anything really! Register now to take advantage of all these free gifts including the personal group Get it mentoring sessions! Now, earlier in the book I shared a little about the guide to real wellness, that’s the template I use in between sessions as a guide and a reminder for me. This is the #1 thing you’ll need to leverage your real wellness results! Do you remember this? It’s so important, I created an easy to follow complimentary online resource model that retails at $97 And I strongly feel that you will also need to learn it and use it so, I would also like to gift this to you. The Ultimate Guide to Real Wellness when you register for the Real Wellness membership right now. I know this will help you immensely in leveraging your goals and results! Ok, the Real Wellness Membership is ongoing of course…but sometimes you need help urgently. I have asked our Well As team to take your call or email as an urgent fast track priority to get your q’s answered quickly!



Your Well - AS! Is your human helper for urgent q’s or queries in between your sessions. She is your go to person. Your Real wellness supporter. Investment for this life – line access to your Well-As is $297 and I’d like to include it as a gift as well when you invest in your Real Wellness membership This alone allows you to clean any confusion, relive and stress, get those burning q’s answered quickly! Are you feeling excited! You can totally do this!

$39 Studio Membership + $39 Clinic Membership

X FREE Clinic Membership $39 $39 Real Wellness Studio + Clinic Membership

Register now, the whole team and I are here waiting to support you and each step of the way. And when you invest with a friend, I’ll give you one extra session in the clinic or a private studio class FREE -it’s the best investment for both your lives! You’ll get all of these amazing extras free! 

Personal group 1:1 get it calls with me and my team $1997

Ultimate Guide to Real Wellness $97

Access to your fast track questions with your Well AS $297

All our resources /templates/guides

Do you realise how much opportunity is waiting for you out there?



Click on the button below to get started now!

This offer will only to be made to readers of this book. It will expire shortly! You will get more than your investment back when you join and attend your sessions and classes. Plus if you have private health insurance, your membership could even be free!





Imagine how this will change your life, career, sex, health, wealth, relationships, identity! Register now by following directions on this page and clicking the button. Live memberships are very intimate and the only way we can give you such personal attention and we will sell out quickly! Get this very special personal ‘getit’ mentoring and get going on your goals!

You are in great hands & I promise this will be well worth your time, energy and investment. In fact, I stand so solidly behind the Real Wellness membership, I will offer to make it totally risk free for you. Register now, start your membership, participate fully, use the online resource centre and member’s forum and group coaching calls, if what we advise doesn’t work, get back to me and I’ll give you your entire investment back to you and Ill honour this guarantee for up to a full year! Let me be super clear….. register for the Real Wellness Program by following directions below. Get free 1:1 mentoring, Well - AS sessions, ULT guide Wellness as bonuses in addition to all membership value:



Come to your sessions, classes, participate fully try it for a full year and if what we have advised doesn’t work, let me know and Ill offer you entire membership investment back! There is no risk to you. So please, register now and get that guarantee. Just click the big yellow button. This really is a one-time opportunity. Once we open registrations to those not on the book, this deal is no longer available and then it’s gone for good. Are you finally ready to stop struggling- and create a life you love? Life changing real wellness? Reach your goals, Join me and the team – you’ll be happy you did! In closing, I can talk for DAYS about wellness symptoms, sources, solutions which you will get answers to in the membership.



You’ll be able to finally enjoy your wellness life. No more stress digestive issues, mindset worries, relationship troubles, weight and pain problems, you have focus, direction, inspiration and results! It’s very easy to get your goals quickly. Many of our clients get results straight away. Would you say this is important to you? YOUR LIFE IS CALLING YOU! Do whatever it takes

Real Wellness Membership is about a lot more than your life too It’s about inspiring others as well 😊 Our MNW logo has a ripple for a reason It’s you who creates the ripple effect. I’ve been in the industry over 20 years and I have not seen a better solution



Real Wellness membership will help you like no other program, package, course, I have ever seen Helping you get results is fun for me! But guiding, connecting, encouraging you to realise your heart’s desire is really why I love doing this! Don’t struggle on your own, join me and the team and we will do this together. I would be honoured! Register now and I look forward to seeing you and supporting you further Until then,







One Life- Life It Well! Keeping you and your business well

10 steps to success daily checklist 1. Wake up -Stretch first back, neck, shoulders, legs arms. Next, have a squeeze of lemon in water and a hearty breakfast. 2. Plan -Take a second to feel and imagine the end of the day looking back – get everything you want today end happy. Write your 5 love to’s today – only 5 – see our template for this. Email [email protected] and we will email it to you  3. Action -Go to work or exercise, whichever you do first. Reflect on what worked yesterday what didn’t. Get started on your 5 love tos 4. Drink up - Filtered water 2-3 litres. Nuts, seed veg snacks. Eat lunch 5. Talk -To people who lift you up



6. Move!! -Take a 30 min walk, walking meetings are great! Gym etc Make sure you move every 20 mins – don’t sit down all day. 7. Breathe -just be aware of breathing in and out through nose, not too fast, not too slow, not too deep or shallow, just easy, calm and soft goldilocks breathing  8. Listen -To you thoughts actions feelings, if you were being filmed would you like to watch it in front of others? If not, change your behaviour. If you need help here contact us  9. Act - breathe & think before reacting. Read watch or listen to someone or something meaningful & inspiring.

10. Reflect on all of the above -Is what you doing moving you closer or further away from goals? Unpack your day. Get ready for tomorrow -Have dinner – exercise -Talk to someone about your day and ask them questions about theirs -Relax read a book have a bath -Write in your journal or jot down how today went, as planned better worse why -Did you do at least one thing you loved today? -Ask for help or support. We are here to help 