Committee Agenda REVISED Committee: Joint Committee on ...

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Committee Agenda. REVISED. Committee: Joint Committee on Appropriations. Room: Room 362. Date: Thursday, February 8, 201
Committee Agenda REVISED Committee: Room: Date: Time:

Joint Committee on Appropriations Room 362 Thursday, February 8, 2018 8:00 AM

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* Refer to the engrossed (amended) bill HB 1171

e s tablish a nonbe ne ficiary stude nt scholarship program for ce rtain s tude nts atte nding tribally controlle d colle ge s and to make an appropriation the refor. Representatives Borde a ux, Bartling, Hawley, Lesmeister, Ring, Schoenfish, and Wismer and Senators Heinert, Frerichs, Killer, Nelson, Nesiba, and Sutton

HB 1262

e x c lude ce rtain funds from the calculation of local effort in the s tate aid to e ducation formula. Representatives Schoenfish, Gosch, Greenfield (Lana), Kettwig, Mills, Peterson (Kent), Rozum, and Tulson and Senators Greenfield (Brock), Frerichs, Klumb, Maher, and Nelson

HB 1306

approve bonds for a le ase purchase agre e me nt with Lake Are a Te chnical Institute and to make an appropriation the refor. The Committee on Committee on Appropriations

SB 130

make an appropriation to the building South Dakota fund and to provide for the disburse me nt the re of. Senators Sutton, Frerichs, Heinert, Kennedy, Killer, and Nesiba and Representatives Bartling, Ahlers, Hawley, Lesmeister, McCleerey, Ring, Smith, and Wismer

SB 134

provide for the trans fe r of funds from the future fund to the e ducation e nhance me nt trust fund for the purpose of funding ne e ds-base d grants. Senators Sutton, Frerichs, Heinert, Kennedy, Killer, and Nesiba and Representatives Hawley, Ahlers, Bartling, Lesmeister, McCleerey, Ring, Schoenfish, Smith, and Wismer


re vise ce rtain provisions re garding the 911 e me rge ncy surcharge, the public safe ty 911 e me rge ncy fund, and reve nue distribution and to re pe al the 911 e me rge ncy surcharge sunse t clause . Senators Peters, Bolin, Cronin, Haverly, Maher, Solano, and Tidemann and Representatives Jamison, Ahlers, Bartels, Barthel, Beal, Ca rson, Conzet, Goodwin, Holmes, Hunhoff, Johnson, Kaiser, Kettwig, Lake, Lust, Otten (Herman), Peterson (Sue), Rasmussen, Reed, Rounds, Rozum, Smith, Steinhauer, Willadsen, and Zikmund

____________________________ DAVID L. ANDERSON, Co-Chair

____________________________ LARRY TIDEMANN, Co-Chair