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Dec 8, 2011 - Anthony Jones Anthony Best Marilyn Metz Jones Nnena Ukuku. Dean Jones. Ryan Flournoy Gabe Lorette-Smith Le
December 8, 2011

CONNECT-THE-DOCS NUMBER #12, VOLUME 2 Rosendin - FW Spencer - Largo - ISEC - Pacific Coast Steel - Brady - California Drywall Whiting-Turner - Air Systems - Capital Glass - Buckley Plumbing - Vance Brown - Brayer Electric - Alamillo Rebar - Nutter Electric

CONNECT-THE-DOCS : Integrate, Transform and Embed Intelligence Good Morning! To our current clients, trial users and friends--Welcome to our December Newsletter. This month we review look at Client New Projects, Looking Back on 2-Years, Survey Results and Project Focus Kaiser San Leandro. The drivers of our monthly newsletters and conversations will continue to be ideas and feedback from your experiences as MDS clients.

~~ Happy Holidays ~~ To all of our clients and friends. Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! To our clients, we hope that over the last year, we have given you the gift

of time. Hopefully, our tool/services have transformed the way you do work, allowing you more time to be fully present for important conversations and more engaged with your project team. Most importantly, we hope you have found yourself with more time to spend with your family and friends... From your TEAM at Mosaic Document Solutions, Inc. Anthony Jones Anthony Best Marilyn Metz Jones Nnena Ukuku Dean Jones Ryan Flournoy Gabe Lorette-Smith Leon Metz III Roy Lardizabal Chuck Boggs Joseph Day J. Casey McGlynn

James Jones Mark Padilla

Notable Tweet - Carol Hagen “Construction starts with people trusting people NOT Sharepoint or project management software.” “Mosaic’s got something good. Subcontractors don’t use things that don’t work. If they did, they would go out of Business...” Ken Bishop AIA (A+A, Valley Medical Center)

New Projects - Stanford BioE-ChE

West Dublin Bart Apartments

474 Natoma (SF)

New Clients

Document Integration for Builders


December 8, 2011

CONNECT-THE-DOCS NUMBER #12, VOLUME 2 Target South Fremont - 1263 Arques - Fruitvale Block E - Kaiser San Leandro Hospital - Target Dublin Mission Bay , Madrone - VMC Energy Plan - 455 Evelyn - Anna Head - Redstar Sr. Housing - Verdant

“ Look Back on The first 2 yrs ” We have been asked hundreds of times “How did you think of this? How is this different than what is already out there in cloud storage? JJ ACOUSTICS Just ask our clients... The idea for Mosaic had been brewing for years, due to our experiences on projects like Monterey County North Courts, Ohlone Newark Center, Stanford-LPCH, and Valley Medical Center; and especially meeting Anthony Best at Turner (Mosaic Co-Founder) who constantly resisted adding new steps to failing processes: No more bandaids - Correct the fundamental problem. It became clear sitting in Mc Donalds 1-day after being let go from a major general contractor. There was a fatal flaw in the information supply chain used in construction. There was another way to view the growth of BIM and Tekla. The ah-ha moment was realizing each had organic growth, ground-up. The subcontractor community used these tools for before they were widely adopted. There must be seeds already in place for a that just needed nurturing. On a Saturday morning in 2007, I had an epiphany listening to a conversation between Rosendin (Harry) and OC McDonald (Jack) at Stanford Lucille Packard Children’s Hospital “Can we put some money together to find just one person to handle all of this &#X?@! Why are we both wasting time searching/downloading the same thing.”

Client Quarterly Survey #6 Results (Click to Review) * Biggest Trends - Printing Costs drop by over 50%. * Teams want a dynamic RFI Repository. * Consensus for 6th Survey - Everyone benefits from our clients’ access to Mosaic DS agile tools (GC’s / Owner / Inspectors).

Document Management

Kaiser San Leandro - Brady Spotlight Congrats to the Brady Company on their work at Kaiser San Leandro. This has been a fast-paced job from the start for them, after replacing KHSS. Brady Company had to make up for 2yrs of correspondence. Sixto Barreto and Kevin Rule pulled Mosaic DS to support this new team led by Butch Gutierrez and Neil Lopez. The reports have been outstanding from the field, R&S and AECOM “Go see Brady.” “They are a step ahead of everyone.” “We should just have coordination meetings in Brady’s trailer. It would save everyone time from walking down from the BIM Room.”

Happy Holidays! The Mosaic Team is happy to have your support. Next Month - Document Access Parity, Looking Forward to iPad3,

Dynamic Content & Project Focus - Stanford BioE-ChE.

Keeping the team on the same’s just that simple.

Document Integration

Anthony Jones and Anthony Best Founders

Mosaic Document Solutions, INC Twitter - @mosaicds_01 650-228-8754

Document Integration for Builders

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