Content Marketing for Consultants.key - Philip Morgan Consulting

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Better Content Marketing Approach for B2B Consultants. Organic. Search. Social. Hope. Relationships w/Audience. Owners.
Traditional B2C Content Marketing Approach

Organic Search Social

Content Marketing

Email Marketing


New Clients

Better Content Marketing Approach for B2B Consultants

Relationships w/Audience Owners

Teaching to Content Borrowed Marketing Audience

Email Marketing

Note: 2-way street here


New Clients

Welcome to This Micronar! •

15m of content, 45m of open-ended Q&A/discussion

Stay as long as you like, leave when you want

I’m using Google Hangouts to allow full peer-to-peer interaction & embracing the 15-person limit

No recording available later—this is 100% a live event

No open loop/special offer to incentivize you to stay. Here are the slides:

Traditional B2C Content Marketing Approach

Organic Search Social

Content Marketing

Email Marketing


New Clients

Better Content Marketing Approach for B2B Consultants

Relationships w/Audience Owners

Teaching to Content Borrowed Marketing Audience

Email Marketing

Note: 2-way street here


New Clients

Why Care? •

The B2C content marketing approach has become conventional wisdom •

It goes on and on…

I’ve tried the B2C approach ( It blows chunks and made me a miserable person for 4 months.

Since then, I’ve found something that works better…

What’s Different? •

Content marketing moves from mouth of funnel to mid-funnel (not 100% true cause teaching is a form of content marketing, but bear with me as I unfold this…)

No reliance on organic and social as traffic drivers (you stop chasing the blue tigers)

Proportions of funnel change: lower volume, higher conversions

Role of content marketing changes completely: attract clicks > build trust effectively

Trust is built up more rapidly, often making the sales process as easy as checking for fit and scheduling

Content becomes much easier to produce

BTW, over time, organic and social will start to bring you leads

Relationships w/Audience Owners

Teaching to Content Borrowed Marketing Audience

Email Marketing


New Clients

Organic Search and Social

(but relying on those channels is a terrible way to “prime the pump” at first)





Content Marketing

Email Marketing





Organic Search Social

Trust: Relationships w/Audience Owners


Teaching to Content Borrowed Marketing Audience

Email Marketing


New Clients

New Clients

Let’s examine each step of this funnel

Step 1 Relationships w/Audience Owners

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Teaching to Content Borrowed Marketing Audience

Email Marketing

Step 5


New Clients

Funnel Step 1: Relationships w/Audience Owners •

Don’t build this part of your funnel until after you have some “poker chips” to play with.

This is step 1 in your funnel but step 4 in how you should build things.

I’ll come back to this later…

Funnel Step 2: Teaching to Borrowed Audience •

Audience-building is mega-hard, so borrow someone else’s.

Audience owners have a problem you can solve: quality content to feed their audience members & experts to put up on a stage at events.

IOW, they need experts who can teach. Coincidentally, this is quite good for you!

Funnel Step 3: Content Marketing •

Demonstrate your expertise to potential clients in a way that they're naturally incentivized to pay attention to.

Pick one painful, urgent, or costly problem to solve (or P&L sheet-level benefit to create), divide it up into consumable topics, optionally divide it into business vs. tech tracks, and you have a content plan.

Enough planning…

Build It!

Examples •

Funnel Step 4: Email Marketing •

Put your ideals on a fucking shelf for a minute. Doing it right means feeling like a spammer for a few months.

Consistency + bold personality can work (the info marketer goto tactic), but quality + helpfulness is the best. Use automation to backfill consistency.

ABIE = Always Be Inviting Engagement. Engagement = taking micro-actions. Just getting a reply to an automated email is a huge accomplishment.

The “30-day club” vs. the long tail

Funnel Step 5: Sales •

Often just a matter of “taking the order”: confirming fit, scheduling, etc.

This is generally where case studies & white papers start to become very valuable.

Funnel Step 1 Revisited: Relationships w/Audience Owners •

Now that you have something of value, it’s much easier to build relationships with audience owners. •

Show up, participate, and share

Reach out as a peer, set up win-win JV partnerships

Be consistent and persistent

Respect the ladder of authority

Funnel Step 2 Revisited: Teaching to Borrowed Audience •

Now that you have a freaking primo content marketing asset, you can repurpose it into high-fidelity teaching events: •

Podcast guesting

Webinars (or micronars like this one)

IRL teaching (Chamber of Commerce, etc.)

MeetUp and conf talks

Lunch & Learns you host at your office

CTA for your teaching event is… your content marketing asset! Vanity domain names like are 💰

Build In This Order 1.Content Marketing Asset 2.Email Marketing 3.Sales Collateral 4.Relationships with Audience Owners 5.Educational Event Content

Resources • (in progress) (an example of what I think you should avoid: trying to use content to drive mouth-of-funnel traffic)