cough - Dr. Jolene Brighten

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I meet with patients via phone, internet and in person at my San Francisco Bay Area clinic, where they share their story
CONTENTS Meet Dr. Jolene Brighten ……………………………………………........................................ Signs of Illness & When to Call the Doctor ……………………................................. Cough ……………………………………………………………………………............................................ Fever …………………………………………………………………………….............................................. Earache …………………………………………………………………………............................................ Diaper Rash …………………………………………………………………............................................. Colic ………………………………………………………………………………............................................. About Homeopathy ………………………………………………………........................................

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Medical Disclaimer: All information in this book and on this website is for informational and education purposes only. Please consult your healthcare provider before beginning any herbs, supplements or otherwise. The information on this site does not constitute a doctor-patient relationship and is not a substitute for medical advice provided by your physician. © 2015 Dr. Jolene Brighten Natural Remedies for Children

MEET DR. JOLENE BRIGHTEN Hello! I am so glad we have found each other! Like you, I am interested in natural, safe and effective medicine for my child. I believe in the body’s ability to heal and I have the experience to know when to encourage that healing process and when it is time to make use of modern medicine. I help patients all over the world heal themselves by discovering the root cause of their ailments and enabling them to take steps to heal. I meet with patients via phone, internet and in person at my San Francisco Bay Area clinic, where they share their story over a cup of tea. As a Naturopathic Doctor and mother, I have first hand experience in treating children naturally; both in my home with my son and in my clinic with patients. When your child is ill, it can be scary, confusing and stressful—I know, I’ve been there too! I wrote this book to empower you when your child is ill. In it you will find home remedies for some of the most common childhood ailments along with signs of when you should contact your doctor. Parenting is a rewarding and wild adventure. I am grateful you’ve included me in your most precious journey.

Happy Parenting

Natural Remedies for Children


SIGNS OF ILLNESS AND WHEN TO CALL THE DOCTOR Common Signs of Early Illness: • Disinterest in play. This is the number one sign I tell parents to look for. • Sleeping more or inability to sleep at night. • Cranky, fussy, uncooperative, clingy or whining. • Change in bowel consistency, color, odor or frequency. • Change in urinary frequency, color or odor. • Increased breathing and/or pulse. • Fever or chills. • Watery eyes, circles under the eyes may accompany. • Achiness • Ears hurt, tugging at ears. • Runny nose, cough, sore throat, hoarse voice. • Vomiting. • Rash, itching, skin is hot to touch.

If your child begins to develop the symptoms above, consult your parenting tool kit and begin remedies that most closely match your child’s symptoms.


Natural Remedies for Children

When to Call the Doctor? If you feel uneasy or concerned about your child’s illness, do not hesitated to call your child’s care provider. Trust your instincts as a parent and take the necessary steps to get your child the care they need. Remember, no one knows your child befer than you. Trust your instincts!

If your child has any of the following symptoms, contact your primary care provider:

• High Fever (>103.5). • Fever that lasts >3 days. • Any fever in a child less than 1 month of age. • Blood in stool. • Diarrhea or vomiting with inability to keep fluids down. • Inability to urinate at least once every 6-‐8 hours. • Pain that persists, even with treatment (earache, headache, stomachache, sore throat, bone or joint pain).

• Difficult, fast or labored breathing. • Blue-ish lips, mouth or finger Qps. • Breathing is audible, with unusual sounds. • Thick eye discharge that persists throughout the day. • Drooling due to inability to swallow. • FaQgue, sQff neck, disinterest in usual acQviQes that persists more than 3 days. • Recent travel precedes illness. • Known exposure to infectious illness (flu, measles, pertussis, etc).

Natural Remedies for Children

COUGH Unfortunately, coughs and fevers always seem to come on in the middle of the night. This can be frustrating because not only are you and your lifle one not geong any sleep, but your medical care provider is not easily accessible. You’re hesitant to try an over the counter cough syrup because of potential side effects, but you feel desperate to help your child find relief. Fortunately, there are natural remedies that can be kept on hand or even made in your own kitchen.

Why Does My Child Have a Cough? A cough generally comes on with allergies, asthma, acid reflux, food sensitivities or due to a viral infection. The cough is the body’s reaction to airway inflammation or irritation. The treatment strategies I am sharing are effective in providing cough relief, but are mostly intended for coughs due to infectious agents. If you suspect your child’s cough is due any of the other causes mentioned please work with a provider who will help you treat the underlying cause so that you can get your child the relief they need and prevent other conditions from developing.

Natural Remedies for Children

BASIC COUGH GUIDELINES: • Offer fluids osen (water, tea, broths, miso). • Avoid sugary beverages. • Use a humidifier while your child sleeps to decrease irritation & create a productive cough. • Warm steam inhalations (siong in the bathroom with a hot shower can be used in a pinch). • Honey in children over 1 years of age is osen more effective and safer than over the counter cough syrup. You can make your own (See Recipe) or pick up a homeopathic honey based cough syrup like Chestal. • Over the counter cough syrup should NEVER be used in a child less than 5 years of age. • Antibiotics should only be utilized if the cough is due to a bacterial infection. They are not effective against viral infections.

Honey Onion Cough Syrup: Directions: Grate or finely chop 1 onion. Place in a pot with 1 cup of honey. Simmer for 15 minutes. Strain onion and store in the refrigerator up to one week. To Use: Give 1 tsp. to children over 1 years old as needed for cough.

Note: The honey should be organic, raw and from a good source. General store quality honey does not carry the same medicinal properties.

Natural Remedies for Children

Honey Lemon Ginger Tea To Make: Pour 1 cup of hot water over ½-‐1 ½ tsp. of fresh grated ginger. Steep for 15-‐20 minutes then strain ginger. Add the juice from ½ lemon and ½ tsp. of honey. This recipe provides fluids, vitamin C, immune boosAng ginger & cough soothing honey. You can use this tea for coughs, colds, flus or tummy aches.

Herbal Steam Inhalation: Fill a bowl with hot (steaming) water. Add 1-‐3 drops of thyme, eucalyptus or lavender essential oil. Using a large towel or blanket, create a tent over your head and bowl to trap the steam. Breath deeply for 10-‐20 minutes. Note: Adults should ALWAYS accompany young children & hot water should be kept out of reach with this treatment to avoid burns.

Echinacea A powerful, yet safe herb to help the immune system fight viruses. Dosing: Using a children’s glycerite forumula, give 1 drop per 2 lbs of body weight every 2-4 hours. For example, a 60 lb child would receive 30 drops. One medicine dropper is equal to 30 drops.

Natural Remedies for Children

HOMEOPATHIC TREATMENT OF COUGH Homeopathic remedies are a great addition to your treatment of a cough. Below are 5 remedies to consider when a child presents with a cough. Drosera 30C: Used prophylactically when exposed to whooping cough. Vomiting, retching & bloody nose can occur with cough. Child will hold their chest when they cough. Ipecacuanha 30C: Coughing with each breath. Child becomes stiff with cough. Vomiting & extreme nausea. An3monium tartaricum 30C: There is a rafling in the chest that you can hear from across the room. The child will spring up before cough and holds throat during cough.

Call the doctor when… • Lips & mouth are turning blue. • Your child has asthma & medications are not working. • Your child has wheezing & no history of asthma. • Breathing is difficult & your child gasps for air. • Unusual sounds are made with breathing. • Your child is breathing rapidly & it is difficult for them to get air. • At any point you become concerned that your child is not able to breath.

Kali bichromicum 30C: Cough with yellow to yellow‐green mucus that is difficult to move out of the airway. Spongia 30C: Throat pain with cough. Voice may be hoarse or lost.

Castor oil chest rub: Apply 1-2 drops of peppermint or lavender essential oil to a dime size amount of castor oil and massage onto chest. This is a natural alternative to Vick’s Vapor Rub.

Natural Remedies for Children


FEVER I’ve been there too– up during the middle of the night with a child who feels like they are on fire, watching the thermometer and utilizing all mommy skills to comfort my lifle one. When your child spikes a fever, you sit on edge and try to determine when is the right time to intervene and what that intervention should look like. I want to share with you a few guides to help you make that call, along with natural remedies you can try to comfort your child.

Wha is a fever? A fever is a rise inbody temperature that goes above the following levels: • Rectal, ear or temporal artery temperature above 100.4°F (38.0°C) • Oral (mouth) temperature above 100°F (37.8°C) • Axillary (armpit) temperature above 99°F (37.2°C)

If your child is under 1 month of age and has a fever, call your doctor or go to your emergency room


Fevers are protective!!!

Fevers are a sign that your child’s body is fighting an infection and the immune system is responding.


Natural Remedies for Children

WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT FEVERS: Most people believe that a fever must be treated, but it is important to remember that fevers do serve a purpose. They are activating the immune system and enabling the body to fight an infection. As a parent, this is an easy fact to remember until that temperature rises. And I know how you feel, a temperature that hits 103°F or higher in the middle of the night is very scary.

Basic Fever Guidelines: • Offer plenty of fluids & osen. This includes nursing infants. • Allow your child to rest quietly & undisturbed. • Keep lights dim to soothe sore eyes. • Apply cool compresses to the forehead if this brings comfort to your child. • The goal is not to suppress a healthy fever, but to make your child comfortable.

Try to remember these facts when your child’s temperature climbs: • A normal fever is between 100°F and 104°F. • Most children do not experience discomfort due to a fever until 102°F or 103°F. • Fevers from infection rarely go above 104°F. • With treatment, you can expect only a couple of degrees drop in temperature. • Fevers can last several days and may go away, only to return again in the evening. As long as your child does not appear extremely ill and is taking in fluids, this isn’t generally a problem.

Natural Remedies for Children


WHY DOES MY CHILD HAVE A FEVER? Fevers are osen caused by viral or bacterial infections. Your child may have an ear infection, cold or other infection. Generally, the fever is the first symptom to present. The fever is the body’s way of fighting an infection. Most of the time of fevers are not harmful. In cases in which the fever has no known origin and your child has no other symptoms, it is important to consult your doctor right away.

Lemon Balm & Chamomile Tea: Add 1 tsp. of each to an 8oz mug. Pour hot water over the herbs & stir. Allow to stee for 15-20 minutes. Strain herbs & serve warm. Chamomile & Lemon Balm relieve fever, reduce body aches, ease stomach upset

and soothe the nerves.

The warming sock treatment is wonderful for regulating body temperature, as well as stimulating the immune system to fight infection. See the next page for details on how to use this therapy


Natural Remedies for Children



• Reduce sinus congestion • Regulate fevers • Reduce nighome cough by decreasing lung congestion • Improved sleep


• 1 pair of cofon socks • 1 pair of wool socks (Wool socks work best, but synthetic fleece socks can be used in a pinch.) • Warm foot bath or another means of warming feet • Towel

• Begin by running the cofon socks under cold water until the are wet. Ring them out. You should have damp cold socks. • Warm the feet in a hot foot bath for about 5 minutes (careful that it’s not too hot, especially for children). Use the towel to dry them thoroughly. • Immediately following the foot bath, place one cofon sock on each foot and cover with wool socks. • Get into bed under warm blankets and avoid becoming chilled. • Leave socks on overnight. They should be dry when you wake.

Natural Remedies for Children


EARACHE Approximately


of all ear infections resolve without antibiotics

Middle ear infections (otitis media) are the most common reason for a visit to the doctor’s office. They can be very painful and make your child very uncomfortable. Young children may pull at their ears, while older children may tell you they have ear pain. A fever may be present, along with swollen lymph nodes in the neck. Ear infections are osen caused by viruses. Bacterial infections are less common, which is why antibiotics are not recommended as a first line therapy. It is estimated that about 80% of children recover from an ear infection without the use of antibiotics, which is why The American Association of Pediatrics recommends waiting 48-72 hours before initiating antibiotic therapy. When there is fluid in the ear without an infection, this is referred to otitis media with effusion (OME). Generally, OME follows an ear infection and can result in temporary hearing loss.

When is antibiotic therapy appropriate? • Any child under 6 months of age with confirmed or suspected ear infection. • When a severe infection is present in a child 6 months to 2 years of age. Note: ProbioAcs given 2 hours after antibiotics can help prevent upset stomach and ensure gut flora is preserved.


Natural Remedies for Children

BASIC EARACHE GUIDELINES: • Ear Exercises: Gently tug up, back & down on the ear. Massage in a downward direction behind the ear with firm & gentle pressure. Press in on the ear just behind the cheek. This will create movement in the Eustachian tube & allow the ear to drain. • Apply heat either with a warm towel or a hot water bofle wrapped in a towel. Do not use a heating blanket.

• Avoid dairy & juice during the infection and for at least 3 days following resolution of symptoms. If your child has repeat ear infections, consider eliminating dairy completely. • Warming sock treatment can help resolve the earache & is also beneficial if there is a fever. • Use Echinacea tincture, ginger tea & other immune supporting therapies.

Homeopathic Treatment of Earaches I’ve seen the right homeopathic remedy resolve an earache in a mafer of hours. I often recommend trying a homeopathic at the first signs of an ear infection. Here are 3 common remedies for earaches:

Pulsa3lla 30C: The onset of symptoms are slow. Your child may have a low grade fever and will be very clingy. Thick, “pudding like” nasal discharge may be present.

Belladonna 30C: Sudden onset of ear pain during the afernoon or evening. Your doctor may describe the ear drum as appearing bright red. High fevers with cold extremities generally accompany earaches.

Chamomilla 30C: Earaches that occur during teething generally require chamomilla. Your child may ask for favorite items and then throw them away.

Call the doctor when… • There is a high fever with neck pain or stiffness. • Pain will not resolve or is increasing in severity. • There is swelling behind the ear that pushes the ear forward. • There is drainage from the ear.

Natural Remedies for Children


Homemade Garlic Mullen Oil The combination of garlic & mullen treats the infection while also soothing the tissue. Garlic is an natural atimicrobial that fights both bacteria & viruses. Mullen is considered an analgesic, meaning it relieves pain.

Preparation: Peel & chop 1 clove of garlic. Place it in pint mason jar with 1/4 cup of dried mullen. Cover with olive oil, place a lid on the jar, shake and then allow to sit in a window with sun light for 1-3 weeks. Strain before using.

To use, place 1-3 drops of room temperature oil into the affected ear. If you suspect your child has a ruptured ear drum, talk to your doctor before placing anything in the ear. You can easily make a batch of ear oil in your own kitchen!


Natural Remedies for Children

DIAPER RASH Why Doe My Child Have Diaper Rash? Almost all diaper wearing children will have at least one diaper rash during their early years. Their skin is sensitive and susceptible to irritation. Pair this sensitive skin with chemicals, urine, stool all wrapped up in a warm, moist environment and you will inevitably have a rash. Diaper rash is a common condition and generally can be easily treated at home. However, trust your parent instincts; if a rash has you concerned, make an appointment with your doctor.

Types of Diaper Rash Irritant dermatitis is the most common form of diaper rash and affects skin in direct contact with the diaper. It is red, flat and may flake or peel.

Intertrigo is found in the folds of the skin and the crease of the diaper where this skin touches. It has a scalded or burn-like appearance.

Ammonia burn is exclusive to cloth diaper use. It begins with redness and a few bumps where the skin comes into contact with the diaper. The bumps may blister and open, creating sores.

Allergy ring is a red ring isolated to the baby’s anus. It is osen a sign of food intolerance or allergy that is either coming from direct feeding of foods or from mom’s diet via breast milk.

Yeast dermatitis generally follows a long standing diaper rash. It is “beefy red,” raised with well defined edges. There are often “satellite lesions” a distance away from the main lesion.

Seborrheic dermatitis is raised, thick and greasy. It is more commonly found on the scalp as cradle cap.

Natural Remedies for Children


BASIC DIAPER RASH GUIDELINES: • Change diapers frequently, especially when soiled. • Avoid chemical exposure. Switch to a warm wash cloth for cleansing opposed to diaper wipes. • Take probiotics if using antibiotics. Probiotics can help decrease the incidence of diarrhea associated with antibiotic use. • Apply a topical barrier at first signs of a rash. All Natural Boudreaux’s Buf Paste is safe and effective. Homemade or organic herbal balms can provide a barrier and aid in healing. • Keep your child’s diet low in sugar. If you are breas|eeding, be sure to eat quality fat and protein with every meal. • Allow the child to be diaper free as often as possible. • Consider changing brands of disposable diapers. • Breast fed infants tend to have a lower stool pH, which decreases their risk of developing irritant dermatitis.

Call the doctor when… • The baby cries in pain when the rash is touched. • There is a fever with the rash. • Diarrhea for greater than 48 hours accompanies the rash. • The rash persists for greater than 7 days despite treatment. • The rash spreads to other parts of the body. • There is bleeding, oozing, pus filled pimples, a strong odor, blisters or open sores. • At anytime you become concerned!


Generally speaking, it is generally rare that diaper rash necessitates a visit to your doctor, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t contact your doctor if you are concerned.

Natural Remedies for Children

Happy Baby Bottom Salve Before my son was born I made a large batch of salve to have on hand. This recipe can be modified to include different herbs, so feel to experiment. Ingredients: Olive Oil Beeswax Calendula flowers Comfrey root Plantain leaf.

Calendula officinalis is one of my favorite anti-microbial & healing herbs. A salve of Calendula alone will bring your lifle one relief & speed healing time. Calendula is also very easy to grow!

Directions Place 1 ounce of each calendula flower, comfrey root and plantain leaf into a crockpot. Cover with 1 ½ cups of olive oil. Turn the crockpot on low for 24 hours. Using a cheese cloth, strain the herbs and save the oil. Place the oil in a clean and dry pot. Turn the burner on low (the oil should be just warm enough to melt the wax. Add 2-4 tablespoons of beeswax, stirring constantly. To test if the salve is at the right consistency, dip a bufer knife in the mixture and let it sit at room temperature for about 5 minutes. It should be about the consistency of lip balm. If it is too hard, add oil. If it is too sos, add more beeswax. When ready pour the mixture into 4 oz mason jars and store.


You may simmer on the stove for 1 hour with the pot partially covered rather than using the crockpot. Take care not to scorch the oil. This method does not make as potent of a batch, but it will work well if you don’t have a day to spare.

Yeast Variation:

If you suspect yeast, add 15-20 drops of tea tree oil to the salve and stir before cooled completely.


This makes a great baby shower or holiday gis! It is great for a variety of skin conditions! Natural Remedies for Children


HOMEOPATHIC TREATMENT OF DIAPER RASH Homeopathic used in conjunction with the basic diaper guidelines may be all your little one needs to heal. These are 3 common remedies to consider for diaper rash. Sulphur 30C: Rash is very red, inflamed. You may feel that diaper rash happens easily or often. Sulphur is a good remedy to start with as it is very common with diaper rash. Calcarea carbonica 30C: Bright red rash due to yeast (see description above). Medorrhinum 30C: Rash may be red, blistered, crack and bleed in the genital area. Eczema may have been a problem since birth and alternates with asthma.

Food Sensitivities If your little one has recently begun eating solids and the rash is limited to the anus (look for a red ring), remove the suspected food and try it again in a few weeks. If the rash returns, omit the food for the diet for several months before attempting reintroduction. Additionally, if your child begins to develop cradle cap or eczema, it is worth looking into food sensitivities or allergies with either an elimination diet or a blood test.

Preventing Ammonia Burns: • Soak all cloth diapers before laundering. • Some cloth diapers can be treated with ½ cup of white vinegar applied to the wash. This helps disinfect & neutralize the acids in the diaper. • Make sure cloth diapers aren’t too snug against the skin. • Strip diapers if rash has occurred- run them through 2-3 wash cycles on the hottest settings. • Use only as much detergent as is necessary. • Run an extra rinse cycle to be sure all chemicals, uric acid and bacteria are removed. • Line dry when you can. A dose of good ‘ol sunshine and fresh air can help decrease potential irritants. • Wash the pail you keep your diapers in often. • Follow manufacturers directions on cloth diapers.


Natural Remedies for Children

COLIC I’m a mom who survived a colicky baby. I say survived because if you have ever experienced that helplessness watching your child writhe in pain, you know what a toll it can take on you. Around 2-3 weeks old my son developed colic. As a new mom, I felt panic - there is no amount of medical school training that will comfort you when you are sleep deprived and struggling to find relief for your baby. To soothe my son, I started with teas and belly massages while I investigated the root cause. For me, it turned out that just about anything I ate caused my son digestive discomfort. I was literally living on select vegetables, lamb and vegetables because even the slightest amount of dairy or other problem foods would result in a night filled with infant screams.

How Do I Know If My Child Has Colic? • Inconsolable crying begins around the first few weeks of life and persists through about 4 months of age. • Crying typically comes on at night, but can really come on at anytime in the day. • Child pulls limbs in close or stiffens during episodes.

Why Does My Child Have Colic? To be honest, no one really knows. It seems to be linked to foods, most notably dairy, either eaten directly or passed through breast milk.

Call the doctor when… You are concerned about your baby’s symptoms. Inconsolable crying may be a sign of illness, pain or another serious problem. Trust your instincts if you feel something is wrong and seek medical afention.

Natural Remedies for Children


BASIC COLIC GUIDELINES: • Be gentle with yourself. I know how it feels to be a mom to a colicky baby & I want you to know it is not your fault. • Keep a food diary of what you eat and episodes of colic. • Eliminate problematic foods. • Get support. Have friends, family or your partner take your to give you some relief. • Use white noise-run the faucet, use a noise machine or run the vacuum. Some babies are soothed by this sound. • If you find yourself very frustrated, place your baby in a safe place and take a breather out of ear shot. • While it feels like it will last a lifetime, colic doesn’t generally last past 3 months. Remember, there is an end.

Tummy Time Tea Lemon balm, Chamomile, Peppermint and Fennel are herbs that reduce spasms in the digestive tract & relieve gas. To make, combine ½ oz of each herb and store in an air tight jar. For tea, steep 1 tsp. of dried herbs in 1 cup of hot water for 15 minutes. Strain and test to ensure the liquid is no longer hot. Offer to baby either with a medicine dropper or a bottle.

Calm Tummy Glycerite Peppermint leaf glycerin Catnip aerials glycerin Fennel seed glycerin Melissa off. glycerin (lemon balm) Combine equal amounts of the above herbs. Store in an amber bottle. Give baby 5 drops every 15 minutes during crying spells, up to 4 times in an hour. Do not exceed 50 drops in a day or 20 drops in an hour.


Natural Remedies for Children

Sweet tastes have been shown to reduce colic symptoms & calm baby. Glycerin based herbs provide both a sweet taste & the medicinal qualities of the plant to help ease baby’s symptoms. Honey should never be given to a child under 1 years of age due to the risk of botulism.

HOMEOPATHIC TREATMENT OF COLIC Colicky infants tend to respond very well to homeopathy. These are 3 common remedies to consider for colic. Chamomilla 30C: The baby will be extremely irritable and even appear angry. They will want to be caried, but find lifle relief in this. They may pass a small amount of gas and will have a distended abdomen. Colocynthis 30C: The baby will writhe in pain and find only temporary relief by passing gas. Placing firm pressure on their abdomen (laying them over your shoulder offer relief). Nux Vomica 30C: The baby’s tummy appears tight and there are bouts of constipation.

Happy Baby Tummy Massage Help baby wind down, relax and prepare for bed. Apply a dime size amount of castor oil to your palm. Very gently, apply oil to baby’s belly, massaging in a clockwise direction. Cover your baby with a white onesie. The oil will stain & we do not want dyes from a shirt being drawn out of the shirt and onto the skin. Adding 1 drop of lavender or peppermint essential oil to the castor can help reduce spasms in the abdomen and calm your baby. Baby’s skin is very sensitive-essential oils should never be applied directly to baby’s skin. Castor oil should NEVER enter baby’s mouth as it can cause intense diarrhea and make symptoms worse.

Natural Remedies for Children


DIET GUIDELINES FOR COLIC Use this list as a starting place to help you determine which foods may be aggravating your baby. Remember, your baby may be reacting to other foods. Just because a food isn’t on the list doesn’t mean it isn’t possible for it to be a trigger. For example, when my son had colic I could not eat citrus in addition to everything on this list. Try removing these foods for at least two weeks and make note if symptoms improve. When you reintroduce foods, do so one at a time with at least 3 days between each new food. Record symptoms to determine which foods are problematic.

Foods in Mom’s Diet That May Cause Colic (milk, cheese, yogurt, etc)









Brassica family

(broccoli, Coffee cabbage, cauliflower)

Natural Remedies for Children

ABOUT HOMEOPATHY Homeopathy is a form of medicine that is gentle, safe and effective in relieving symptoms and restoring health. It is based on the Law of Similars, in which the remedies chosen are those that would cause the same symptoms to occur in a healthy person. Homeopathic Remedies are naturally derived and highly dilute, which minimizes side effects while maximizing their effectiveness.

Dosing for Acute Childhood Illnesses: Give 1-3 pellets four times daily with onset of illness. During an acute episode (ie lots of coughing, high fever or colic), give 1-3 pellets every 15 minutes, up to 4 times in an hour.


Natural Remedies for Children

Happy Parenting!