Creating Docker build artifacts

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Sep 13, 2017 - In Firefox navigate to Jenkins home page - http://localhost:9090. 2. Review the configuration for the mlb
Creating pipelines that build, test and deploy containerized artifacts Slides: Tom Adams [email protected] 1

Who I am Tom Adams Tech Lead [email protected]


Today’s Journey - Docker and Build Pipelines ●


● ● ●

Lab 1 - Overview of application What is continuous integration? CI - Practices, How, Team Responsibilities

● ● ● ●

Lab 2 - Moving application build to Build Server Testing Pyramid Docker: file, image, container

Why use containers as build artifacts?

Lab 4 - Moving Docker builds to Build Server

Lab 5 - Deploying Docker images

Wrap-up / Take aways

Lab 3 - Creating Docker build artifacts (break) 3

A community of passionate individuals whose purpose is to revolutionize software design, creation and delivery, while advocating for positive social change.








Goals of the workshop Create and deploy docker images using a build pipeline. Docker and ... ● ● ● ●

Continuous Integration Versioning Testing Pyramid Automated Deployment

Gain experience working with a build pipeline and docker. Go from hearing / reading about it to doing it... 5

Build Pipeline Environments push deploy versioned artifact

trigger build Build Server

Source Control Mgm’t



QA Test Pass? automated tests


artifact v...



Artifact Repository 6

The App: mlb-scores


The App: mlb-scores ●

Displays baseball scores for a given day NGINX used as a simple reverse proxy Web application is written in Java 8 with embedded Jetty server


Proxy Server



Tools / Technologies Goals of a build pipeline are the same regardless of the tools used.


Lab 1 - Overview of Application Goals: ● ●

Build / run the Java application Ensure VM works and has a network connection

Steps: 1.

Start VM, user name is DevOps, password is “none”


Change directory to git repository at ~/mlb-scores

devops@DocCi-WrkShop:~$ cd mlb-scores/


Run gradle script to build, test and package (jar) application.

devops@DocCi-WrkShop:~/mlb-scores$ gradle clean build test integrationTest jar


Lab 1 - Overview of Application Steps: 4.

Start application from jar

$java -jar build/libs/mlb-scores-???.jar . . . . 2017-09-13 20:20:53 INFO MLBScoresApplication:51 - Server started at port 8080


Once you see the server started log message open firefox and enter the following URL: localhost:8080/mlb-scores/scores


Entering a date in the correct format will display baseball scores from that date (if available from the MLB API).


Lab 1 - Overview of Application Steps: 7. 8.

Open a new tab in the terminal window (ctrl-shift t) Run the selenium functional tests against the running application.

devops@DocCi-WrkShop:~/mlb-scores$ gradle localFunctionalTest

9. 10.

Firefox should reflect the commands being executed by the selenium webdriver. Stop the mlb-scores application using cntl-c.


Lab 1 - 2:05pm


What is continuous integration? ● ●

Team development practice that requires code changes to be push to a shared repository several times a day. Each commit is built and tested by an automated build - allowing teams to detect problems early.


What is continuous integration?


CI - Practices ●

Maintain a single development trunk (no feature branches)

Automate the build

Make your build self-testing

Every commit should build on a build server

Keep the build fast

Test in a simulation of the production environment

Make it easy for anyone to get the latest executable

Everyone can see what’s happening

Automate deployment 16

CI - How ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Developers check out code into their private workspaces. When done, commit the changes to the development trunk. The CI server monitors the repository and checks out changes when they occur. The CI server builds the system and runs unit and integration tests. The CI server releases deployable artifacts for testing. The CI server assigns a build label to the version of the code it just built. The CI server informs the team of the successful build. If the build or tests fail, the CI server alerts the team. The team fixes the issue immediately or reverts the commit.


CI - Team Responsibilities ●

Check in frequently

Don’t check in broken code

Don’t check in code that does not have tests

Don’t check in when the build is broken

Don’t go home after checking in until the system builds (all test pass, or code is reverted)


Lab 2 - Moving build to CI Server Goals: ● ●

Test Jenkins build Server Verify application artifact is versioned

Steps: 1.

In Firefox navigate to Jenkins home page - http://localhost:9090


Review the configuration for the mlb-scores_Build a. b.


Click on mlb-scores_Build job Click on Configure on left hand side of page

The build is kicked off by a git post-commit hook defined in the ~/mlb-scores/.git/hooks/post-commit script 19

Lab 2 - Moving build to CI Server Steps: 4.

Make a small change in the git repository and push it to trigger a build. a. b.

Change the file at ~/mlb-scores/ReadMe.txt using vim or gedit. Commit the change using git

$ git add . $ git commit -m”Test Jenkins” Scheduled polling of mlb-scores_Build No Git consumers using SCM API plugin for: file:///home/devops/mlb-scores


5. 6. 7.

Note that Jenkins will pick-up the commit despite the warning message

Check the Jenkins home page to see the build job running. Navigate to the mlb-scores_Build page in Jenkins. Download the jar file under latest sucessful artifacts. 20

Lab 2 - Moving build to CI Server Steps 8.

Start the mlb-scores application using the downloaded jar file.

$ cd ~/Downloads $ java -jar mlb-scores-1.???.jar


Check the application version at localhost:8080/mlb-scores/HealthCheck


Verify the current git describe matches the application version.

$ cd ~/mlb-scores $ git describe 1-9-g165f618


Lab 2 - 2:35pm


Lab 3 - Building & Testing Docker images ●

Creating Docker images ○

Dockerfile -> Image -> Container

Docker Layers

Docker tagging

Automated testing of Docker images

Running multi-container docker applications with docker-compose


Docker images and containers ●

Dockerfile ○ ○

Docker Image ○ ○ ○

Source code that defines a docker image Managed in a version control system

Template created by building the Dockerfile Immutable - cannot be modified Managed in a docker registry

Docker Container ○ ○ ○

Instance of an image Can be mutated Managed by the docker process on a host machine


Docker Image

Docker Container 24

Docker Layers ●

Docker images are built on a series of read only file system layers FROM nginx:alpine

nginx docker imageRUNcreated in workshop: rm -v /etc/nginx/nginx.conf devops@DocCi-WrkShop:~$ docker history ADD nginx.conf /etc/nginx/ IMAGE CREATED CREATED BY 4ef8f273e964 29 hours ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:a4b1aebf16779f7... 21589383d855 30 hours ago /bin/sh -c rm -v /etc/nginx/nginx.conf ba60b24dbad5 6 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["nginx" "-g" "daem... 6 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) STOPSIGNAL [SIGTERM] 6 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) EXPOSE 80/tcp 6 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) COPY file:1d1ac3b9a14c94... 6 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) COPY file:af94db45bb7e4b... 6 weeks ago /bin/sh -c GPG_KEYS=B0F4253373F8F6F510D421... 6 weeks ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV NGINX_VERSION=1.13.3 2 months ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) MAINTAINER NGINX Docker... 2 months ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["/bin/sh"] 2 months ago /bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:9d67752278c0e5a...


SIZE 937B 0B 0B 0B 0B 1.09kB 643B 11.5MB 0B 0B 0B 3.99MB 25

Docker Layers

read / write layer added to container

4ef8f273e964 - config added

container 21589383d855 - config removed


ba60b24dbad5 - nginx:alpine


Tagging Docker Images ● ●

Docker images are identified by a unique identifier (4ef8f273e964) Tags provide an additional naming construct - format registry host

user name company

short name : version

An image can have several tags


Workshop uses two pronged versioning approach ●

Version number as part of the tag ○ ○

Based on Jenkins build number Simple sequential number that can be traced back to a specific build.

Use container label to contain git describe ○ ○

Same as version number used in application version. Additional data point to verify the version of the artifact.


Docker Tag - “latest” ●

Default value for an image version, when not specified on the tag command.

If a version is specified the latest version is not applied to the image.

Possible to explicitly tag images as latest.

General rule - steer clear of attempting to use the latest tag for image versioning. 29

If you don’t like testing your product, most likely your customers won’t like testing it either.


Testing pyramid

Functional (large)

Integration (medium)

Unit (small)


Testing pyramid with Docker




Treat Docker images as first class build artifacts. Test against Docker images. Don’t simply bolt Docker on during deployment. 32

Docker Compose ●

Tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications

Using a docker-compose script file you identify the containers to run and their interdependencies

Use cases ○ ○ ○ ○

Running complex environments on a development workstation Defining a lower level (small) environment Executing automated functional tests Production multi-node deployments using Docker Swarm ■ Author additional compose configurations and combine yml files ■ Use docker stack set of commands


Lab 3 - Creating Docker build artifacts Goals: ● ● ●

Define docker files for mlb-scores and nginx Test docker image build Use docker compose to start the containers together

Steps: 1.

Create a Dockerfile for the nginx image a.

Using either vim or gedit create the file ~/mlb-scores/docker-nginx/Dockerfile

Base image has nginx installed

FROM nginx:alpine ARG GIT_DESCRIBE=SNAPSHOT LABEL git-describe=$GIT_DESCRIBE RUN rm -v /etc/nginx/nginx.conf COPY nginx.conf /etc/nginx/

Embed git sha in the image easily tie back to code version

Replace nginx config file


Lab 3 - Creating Docker build artifacts Steps 2.

Create the nginx image using the docker build command

$ cd ~/mlb-scores/docker-nginx $ docker build --tag \ --build-arg GIT_DESCRIBE=$(git describe) .


Tags the image as

version 0 Create a Dockerfile for the mlb-scores image a. Using either vim or gedit create ~/mlb-scores/docker-mlb-scores/Dockerfile

FROM openjdk:alpine Base image has Java 8 installed

ARG GIT_DESCRIBE=SNAPSHOT LABEL git-describe=$GIT_DESCRIBE RUN mkdir /opt COPY mlb-scores*.jar /opt/. COPY /opt/. EXPOSE 8080 CMD ["/opt/"]

Copy executable jar into the image

Start container command


Lab 3 - Creating Docker build artifacts Steps 4.

Copy the downloaded jar in the docker-mlb-scores directory

$ cp ~/Downloads/mlb-scores-1-.?-???.jar ~/mlb-scores/docker-mlb-scores/.


Create the mlb-scores image using the docker build command

$ cd ~/mlb-scores/docker-mlb-scores $ docker build --tag \ --build-arg GIT_DESCRIBE=$(git describe) .


Lab 3 - Creating Docker build artifacts Yaml files have strict indentation rules - use two spaces.

Steps 6.

In the ~/mlb-scores directory create a docker-compose.yml file

version: '2' services: mlb-scores-web: image: "${TAG_VERSION}" container_name: -mlb-scores_${TAG_VERSION} mlb-scores-nginx: image: "${TAG_VERSION}" container_name: -nginx_${TAG_VERSION} links: - mlb-scores-web Allow nginx container to have network connection to mlb-scores-web ports: - "80"

TAG_VERSION is an environment variable that references a specific version of the image

Port 80 will be exposed, can be mapped to a host port


Set TAG_VERSION to zero

$ export TAG_VERSION=0


Lab 3 - Creating Docker build artifacts Steps 8.

Start both containers using docker-compose

$ cd ~/mlb-scores $ docker-compose up . . .


In a new terminal tab: check to see how nginx port 80 is mapped

$ docker-compose ps Name Command State Ports -----------------------------------------------------------------------tca-mlb-scores_11 /opt/ Up 8080/tcp tca-nginx_11 nginx -g daemon off; Up>80/tcp Port 80 is mapped to 32773 (yours will be different)


Lab 3 - Creating Docker build artifacts Steps 10.

Verify container label value

$ docker inspect tca-nginx_11 Port 80 is mapped to 32773 (yours will be different)


Reference your container name from docker-compose ps output

{ "Id": "a31f21be8442b63e271ccc99cf28f67c11d20934df94974616d8caea5e82456a", ... "OnBuild": null, "Labels": { ... "com.docker.compose.service": "mlb-scores-web", "com.docker.compose.version": "1.8.0", "git-describe": "1-21-gb178677" } }, "NetworkSettings": {

Should match your local git describe



Lab 3 - Creating Docker build artifacts Steps 11.

Test site using Firefox

$ firefox http://localhost:/mlb-scores/scores

Using a random port helps to mitigate port conflicts on testing host machines.


Test site using local functional test suite

$ cd ~/mlb-scores $ gradle localFunctionalTest --rerun-tasks

a. b. c.

Did the test pass (no it doesn’t, but why)? Review the ~/mlb-scores/build.gradle script tasks for localFunctionTest and functionalTest. If you run the gradle functionalTest does it pass? why?


Lab 3 - Creating Docker build artifacts Steps 13.

Commit new files

$ git add . $ git commit -m"Adding docker definition files"


Ensure mlb-scores_Build job is green.


Lab 3 - 3:25pm


Why use containers as build artifacts? We are moving from the “Iron age” to the “Cloud age” Age” “Container ●

Iron Age ○ ○ ○

Software directly bound to hardware Long lived (snowflake) servers Manual configuration driven by lots of up front planning

Container Age ○ ○ ○

Software decoupled from the hardware Short lived (phoenix) servers Automated configuration driven by an explosion in the number of servers


Why use containers as build artifacts? ●

Docker images contain both code and OS level configuration. ○ ○

Test code and configuration together. ○ ○

Immutable (disposable) infrastructure. Decouple application from specific server Easier to create production like environments. Environments can be quickly created and destroyed

Cost savings ○ ○

Efficiently utilize server resources. Simple scaling model


Virtual Machine vs. Containers

VM OS instances require CPU/RAM Abstraction of physical hardware

Guest OS not present Abstraction of application layer


Lab 4 - Moving docker builds to Jenkins Steps 1.

Define a mlb-scores_DockerBuild job in Jenkins a. b.

From the Jenkins home page (localhost:9090) click on “New Item” Enter the new job name and click Freestyle project and Ok button


Lab 4 - Moving docker builds to Jenkins Steps 2.

On the config page enter the Source Code Management information file:///home/devops/mlb-scores


Lab 4 - Moving docker builds to Jenkins Steps 3.

Enter the Build Triggers and Build Environment options


Lab 4 - Moving docker builds to Jenkins Steps 4.

Create five build steps for the job (details on next slides) a. b. c. d. e.

Copy the jar file from the triggering build to the docker-mlb-scores directory Docker build the nginx image Docker build the mlb-scores-web image Execute the functional tests Push docker image to docker registry (


Lab 4 - Moving docker builds to Jenkins Steps 5.

Copy jar from triggering job


Lab 4 - Moving docker builds to Jenkins Steps 6.

Define the docker build script for both images a. Create the following file in ~/mlb-scores/scripts/

#!/bin/sh set -e

Unique name for your image

docker build --tag ${DOCKER_HUB}//nginx:${BUILD_NUMBER} \ --build-arg GIT_DESCRIBE=$(git describe) \ ${WORKSPACE}/docker-nginx

Find Dockerfile in this directory

docker build --tag ${DOCKER_HUB}//mlb-scores:${BUILD_NUMBER} \ --build-arg GIT_DESCRIBE=$(git describe) \ ${WORKSPACE}/docker-mlb-scores


Change permissions to make file executable

$chmod +x ~/mlb-scores/scripts/


Lab 4 - Moving docker builds to Jenkins Steps 7.

Define Jenkins step to build docker images

Export tag version as build number for docker compose


Lab 4 - Moving docker builds to Jenkins Steps 8.

Define functional test step, and click Save button

Using a headless browser in Jenkins


Lab 4 - Moving docker builds to Jenkins Steps 9.

Define the docker push script for both images a. Create the following file in ~/mlb-scores/scripts/ Unique name for your image

#!/bin/sh set -e

docker push ${DOCKER_HUB}//nginx:${BUILD_NUMBER} docker push ${DOCKER_HUB}//mlb-scores:${BUILD_NUMBER}


Change permissions to make file executable

$chmod +x ~/mlb-scores/scripts/


Lab 4 - Moving docker builds to Jenkins Steps 10.

Define Jenkins step to push docker images


Save mlb-scores_DockerBuild


Lab 4 - Moving docker builds to Jenkins Steps 12.

Commit docker scripts and ensure build is successful

$git add . $git commit -m”Adding docker scripts” Scheduled polling of mlb-scores_Build No Git consumers using SCM API plugin for: file:///home/devops/mlb-scores [master 6df41ef] adding docker scripts 2 files changed, 12 insertions(+) create mode 100755 scripts/ create mode 100644 scripts/

13. 14.

Ensure build runs and all steps are green Remove WEB-DRIVER functional test parameter -PWEB_DRIVER=HTML_UNIT functionalTest to functionalTest


Re-run build pipeline, can you tell the functional test failed? 56

Lab 4 - Moving docker builds to Jenkins Steps 16.

Verify docker image was pushed to hub

$ curl {"repositories":["mlb-scores","nginx","tca/mlb-scores","tca/nginx"]}

Should see a repository for each of your two images mlb-scores and nginx


Verify docker image has correct version

$ curl {"name":"tca/mlb-scores","tags":["4"]} $ curl {"name":"tca/nginx","tags":["4"]}


Lab 4 - Questions ●

Why did we create docker build scripts? Why not simply put these commands into a Jenkins shell script step?

How are the environment variables used in the docker registry push script configured - what are their values?

How is the TAG_VERSION in docker-compose.yml set for the functional tests?


Lab 4 - 4:00pm


Deploying Docker Containers ●

Docker container “orchestration” is a term used to define a set of tools that deploy containers to multi-node clusters ○ ○ ○

● ● ●

Amazon ECS Kubernetes Docker Swarm

Typical deployment is done from command line using remote APIs and a Docker registry Lab uses a remote single-node Docker host Running docker commands on remote host $docker -H


Remote Docker Hosts Docker Registry

Build Client $docker push …

Docker Host daemon

$docker-compose -H … up

Deployment 61

Lab 5 - Deploying docker image Goals ●

Create a mlb-scores_Deploy job in Jenkins Define two job parameters: a. Deploy target is choice parameter selected - dev, qa, or prod b. Job will deploy a specific version of the docker images using Compose. Version is based on list of successful DockerBuild job numbers.

Run deploy job and verify containers are executing in development environment.


Lab 5 - Deploying docker image Steps 1.

Define a mlb-scores_Deploy job in Jenkins a. b.

From the Jenkins home page (localhost:9090) click on “New Item” Enter the new job name and click Freestyle project and Ok button


Lab 5 - Deploying docker image Steps 2.

Select the checkbox “This project is parameterized” and define the Environment parameter as a “Choice Parameter”


Lab 5 - Deploying docker image Steps 3.

Define a second parameter as a “Extensible Choice” - Version to deploy


Lab 5 - Deploying docker image Steps 4.

Use groovy choice parameter with script def job = jenkins.model.Jenkins.instance .getItem('mlb-scores_DockerBuild') .getLastSuccessfulBuild() List buildNumbers = new ArrayList() while (buildNumbers.size() < 5 && job != null) { buildNumbers.add(job.number) job = job.getPreviousNotFailedBuild() } return buildNumbers

After you paste in the script click the “Use Groovy Sandbox” checkbox and then click Run the Script Now - you should see a list of successful DockBuild numbers


Lab 5 - Deploying docker image Steps 5.

Define git repository


Lab 5 - Deploying docker image Steps 6.

Define the docker deploy script a. Create the following file in ~/mlb-scores/scripts/

#!/bin/sh set -e docker-compose -p -scores -H ${Environment} up -d


Change permissions to make file executable

-p is the project parameter, allows everyone’s docker containers to run together.

$chmod +x ~/mlb-scores/scripts/


Commit new file in git

$git add . $git commit -m"adding docker deploy script"


Lab 5 - Deploying docker image Steps 7.

Add shell deploy step to Jenkins


Save job


Lab 5 - Deploying docker image Steps 9.

Run Deployment job

Select development environment and use your latest build number.


Lab 5 - Deploying docker image Steps 10. 11.

Run mlb-scores_Deploy job Verify Docker containers are running on server

$ docker -H ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE NAMES d9abdf2b55fa>80/tcp mlbscoresdeploy_mlb-scores-nginx_1 59f7ab54b1e9 8080/tcp mlbscoresdeploy_mlb-scores-web_1





"nginx -g 'daemon ..."

42 seconds ago

Up 40 seconds


44 seconds ago

Up 42 seconds


Open page in browser to validate containers running

$ firefox


Lab 5 - Extra Credit ●

Add a step to the deploy job to verify the containers started.

Update verify step to ensure the correct version of the containers are running.


Lab 5 - 4:45pm


Remote Docker Server / Hub ●

The example used in this workshop was not secure.

OK for workshop, technical spikes maybe some lower environments.

Production environments should be secure using shared certificate authorities, TLS etc.

Single node docker deployment targets are only good for workshops (not real environments)


Workshop Take Aways ●

By packaging more of the software stack together Docker containers improve the testability of build pipeline artifacts. ○ Requires Docker to be a first class build artifact ○ Use docker images in all lower environments for automated and manual functional tests

As with all build artifacts - they must be versioned and easily tie back to a specific commit.

All code used in a build pipeline needs to be kept in version control.

The build server process should be able to run easily on local workstation.

Still need to continuously integrate code into a single development trunk daily (Docker doesn’t make that any easier).


Next Steps? ●

Continue learning using the VM and sample application. ○

Research and experiment with different docker image commands

What are other docker and docker-compose commands not used in the workshop

Expand the simple containers defined in the workshop. ○

Define a user within the docker image to run the applications

Create two mlb-scores applications

What would need to change to deploy these images to docker swarm?

What about using Docker containers to perform builds / compiles? ○

Great solution, especially for tool chains that require heavy OS level dependencies (ruby, python, npm) and shared build slaves.

Change build to use pipeline Jenkins job definitions 76

GO BE AWESOME For questions, suggestions or feedback: Tom Adams [email protected]