CushingPs Disease (PPID) - XLVets

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excess sweating; the immune system is compromised making affected horses more prone to skin, respiratory, dental infecti

Fact Sheet

hoke Cushing’s Disease (PPiD)

a relatively common condition seen in horses es and is typically caused by obstruction of the gus (food pipe) with food; occasionally a foreign be involved e.g. wood or plastic. Fortunately ses of choke resolve quickly and spontaneously cases in which the Cushing’s obstructionislasts longer Equine nowfor termed minutes are PPID likely (Pars to require veterinary assistance. Pituitary Intermedia ortant to note that this is not themeans same that as the Dysfunction). This an area atening condition in humans, where the of the pituitary gland at the term base of the refers to blockage of the windpipe ratherhormones. than the brain overproduces several 1 agus. This difference means that unlike humans, This results in raised ACTH which with choke can still breathe. circulates in the blood to the adrenal glands and causes excess cortisol (a steroid hormone) to be produced.

It is a gradual age-related change so primarily affects ponies and horses over 15 years of age but recent studies have shown it to be evident in some 10-15 year olds. A significant proportion of horses with laminitis have PPID.

CliniCal SignS: laminitis - occurring acutely or as recurrent bouts and often unresponsive to treatment until the DENTAL PPID is controlled; REGULAR EXAMINATIONS AND TREATMENT CAN REDUCE THE RISK OFcan CHOKE a hairy coat (hirsutism) which become thick ● and curly often be preceded by patchy or late shedding of the hair coat; KEY POINTS drinking excessively and producing large ● of rarely urine (polydipsia andand polyuria); • Don’t panic!volumes Choke is life-threatening lethargy - thisspontaneously. can be perceived by owners to ● many cases will resolve be just a normal age-related change and the • Seek veterinary advice the choke lasts morefollowing than problem mayif only be appreciated 30 minutesimprovement and while waiting for the vet remove all after treatment; food to prevent your horse eating and worsening loss of muscle with a dipped back and pot● the obstruction bellied appearance; • Following an episode choke it is above worth monitoring bulging fat of pads visible the eyes; ● your horse’s respiratory rate (normal