Daily Announcements - The NED Show

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Announcements can be made by ... including your teacher, has some things that are difficult for them? It's true ... You
Daily Announcements A week of Never Giving Up!

Make it a NEVER GIVE UP WEEK at school! Read an



announcement every day of the week to reinforce the theme. Announcements can be made by the principal, the counselor or students!


We all face difficult things


Learning from mistakes



Th Not giving up even when it’s difficult F

Little by little

GOOD MORNING! This is ____ from Mr./Ms.____’s class. This week is a never give up week! Take a look around your classroom. Did you know that every person in your room, including your teacher, has some things that are difficult for them? It’s true! Everyone faces challenges every day. But, when you have a never give up attitude, you don’t give up on things just because they are hard. So during this week, whether you’re learning to tie your shoes, trying to make a new friend, or solving a math problem, I encourage you to stick with it and try again and again and again. Throughout your day, remember to say to yourself, “I will never, ever, ever give up on this!” By saying that to yourself today, you will make it a great day.

GOOD MORNING! This is ____ from Mr./Ms.____’s class. Today is the second day of never give up week. Did you know it’s okay to make mistakes? It’s a part of learning! Everyone makes mistakes – even famous people like Thomas Edison. He’s the person who invented the light bulb! But before any of his light bulbs actually worked, he built over 1,000 models that didn’t work. But he didn’t give up. He kept learning from his mistakes until he succeeded at making a bulb that actually gave off light! When a news reporter asked him, “How did it feel to fail 1,000 times?” Edison replied, “I didn’t fail 1,000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps.” So today, if you fail at something, remember to never give up and think of each try as one step closer to success. Today, remember to never, ever, ever give up on yourself!

©2014 All for KIDZ, Inc. Producers of THE NED SHOW® • All Rights Reserved • Visit www.theNEDshow.com for free resources


GOOD MORNING! This is ____ from Mr./Ms.____’s class. Today is the third day of never give up week. Today’s message is about sticking with something. Did you know that this year, over 2 million students will graduate with a college degree? That’s a whole lot of people who stuck with school! A big word for sticking with something is persistence. Persistence means not giving up on the things that are hard for you. When you are persistent, you are telling yourself to stay with a challenge all the way to the finish. You might say to yourself, “School is hard for me right now, but I’m going to keep at it.” Persistence means to keep going. So today, remember to be persistent and to never, ever, ever give up on learning!

GOOD MORNING! This is ____ from Mr./Ms.____’s class. Today is the fourth day of never give up week. Today’s message is about overcoming challenges. The civil rights hero Martin Luther King Jr. believed that you could tell how awesome a person was by how they acted when things got really hard and challenging. When things are easy, then it’s very easy to not give up. But when things are difficult, that’s the most important time to stick with the challenges! Martin Luther King Jr. faced many challenges and obstacles to making his dream come true. Most people would have given up but not him. He never gave up! You can do the same. You can stick with your biggest challenges and never, ever, ever give up.

GOOD MORNING! This is ____ from Mr./Ms.____’s class. We’ve talked all week about never giving up. We’ve heard stories about learning from mistakes. We learned that a persistent person will try things over and over until they succeed. And we’ve talked about how good it is to keep going at something even when it is challenging and hard. In a South American country called Peru, they have a very wise saying. They say, “Little by little one walks far.” If we tell ourselves to never give up, even on the little things, we will go far. If we tell others to never give up, even on the little things, they will go far. Together, we can be a school that never, ever, ever gives up on each other, on learning, and on life! That’s all for our never give up week. Now, (school mascot name), let’s make it a never give up year!

Daily Announcements A week of encouraging others!




at school! Read an announcement every day of the week to reinforce the theme. Announcements can be made by the principal, the counselor or students!


Giving the gift of encouragement


Roots of kindness


Encouragement math!

Th Acts of encouragement F

Who else can you encourage?

GOOD MORNING! This is ____ from Mr./Ms.____’s class. Today marks the beginning of Encourage Others week! All week, we’ll be talking about the power of encouraging words. We’d like to ask everyone to begin this week by doing an easy task. Simply turn to a classmate and say the following words: I believe in you. Ready? Start. [ Pause for 10 seconds ] Think about how that tiny sentence made your classmate feel. How did it feel to say it? Also, think about how you felt when someone spoke those words to you. The truth is, giving and receiving encouraging words will often feel as good as giving and receiving a birthday gift. So today before lunch, pick another person and give them the gift of your encouraging words!

GOOD MORNING! This is ____ from Mr./Ms.____’s class. Today is the second day of Encourage Others week. Yesterday, everyone in our school said encouraging words to another person. Today, we’ll think about how a single kind action, like an encouragement, will often lead to many more kind actions. The famous pilot Amelia Earhart once said that, “A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees.” Can you imagine a tree root that’s slowly growing underneath the ground? Our kind words are like those roots! Because you said encouragements yesterday, roots of kindness have gone throughout our school! There are new roots of kindness in the person on your right. And there are new roots of kindness in the person on your left. Each time one of those people says something encouraging, they create a new tree that also has roots! How far will your roots of kindness grow today?

©2014 All for KIDZ, Inc. Producers of THE NED SHOW® • All Rights Reserved • Visit www.theNEDshow.com for free resources


GOOD MORNING! This is ____ from Mr./Ms.____’s class. Today is the third day of Encourage Others week, and I have a math problem to share. So put on those thinking caps! Ready? Here’s the math problem: Marco says something encouraging to 3 people in his group. Then, each of those people encourage 3 more new people. How many people were encouraged in total? [ Pause for ten seconds ] If you’ve said that 9 people were encouraged, you were right! Now for an extra challenge: Let’s say that those 9 people each encourage 3 new people. And then all those people encourage 3 more new people. Now how many people were encouraged? If you can solve that math problem, share your answer with a teacher later today. And whether you did the math or not, see if you can be like Marcos by saying something encouraging to three of your classmates today!






= 81 encouraged


GOOD MORNING! This is ____ from Mr./Ms.____’s class. Today is the fourth day of Encourage Others week. Can you think of ways to show encouragement without using words? Take 10 seconds to quietly show encouragement to one or two people sitting next to you without using any words. Ready? Start. [ Pause for ten seconds ] Did you just quietly clap your hands? Maybe give a thumbs up? Perhaps you offered someone a kind and encouraging smile? A teacher named Mother Teresa once said, “Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.” Today, let’s also be thinking about the ways that we can use our actions to encourage others.

GOOD MORNING! This is ____ from Mr./Ms.____’s class. Today is our final day of Encourage Others week. I hope that every person in this school has made someone feel amazing by giving them encouragements. And I hope you noticed that it made you feel amazing when you gave the gift of encouragement to others! As we wrap up our Encourage Others week here at school, take a minute to think about other places in your life where you can encourage others. Think about people in your family who you can encourage this weekend. Think about people in your after school activities who you can encourage. Think about how you can also use your text messages, online posts, and emails to encourage others! After these announcements, you are welcome to tell your teacher about who you plan to encourage, and how. And have a wonderful, encouraging Friday!

Daily Announcements A week of doing YOUR best at what you do!

Make it a DO YOUR BEST WEEK at school! Read an



Never Stop Trying


Encourage Others’ Effort

Th An “I Can” Attitude F

Why Do Your Best?


GOOD MORNING! This is ____ from Mr./Ms.____’s class. This week is “Do Your Best” week! We all know that it’s important to always do your best, but sometimes it’s hard, right? You need to believe in yourself, stay motivated and be excited about doing your best. What do YOU need, to do your best today?

GOOD MORNING! This is ____ from Mr./Ms.____’s class. Yesterday, we announced that this week is “Do Your Best” week. Have you heard of a baseball player named Ichiro Suzuki? He is a record-breaking baseball player because he did his best to practice the game when he was very young. He would practice catching and hitting every day but he didn’t stop just because he became a major league player. Winning wasn’t the most important thing for Ichiro. He wanted to ALWAYS do his best. Remember to do your best today so that you can be better tomorrow.



announcement every day of the week to reinforce the theme. Announcements can be made by the principal, the counselor or students!


GOOD MORNING! This is ____ from Mr./Ms.____’s class. This is Day 3 of “Do Your Best Week.” Remember, it’s hard to do your best every single day. It takes a lot of effort, determination, and encouragement. NED says to never give up on doing your best. If you see someone doing their best today – say something encouraging to them. Your encouragement will help them to keep doing their best and you will feel good about it too.

©2015 All for KIDZ, Inc. Producers of THE NED SHOW • Visit www.theNEDshow.com for free resources


GOOD MORNING! This is ____ from Mr./ Ms.____’s class. Today is the fourth day of “Do Your Best” week, and we’re going to take a moment to think about the importance of an “I can” attitude. That means believing in yourself! Even when you face the hardest things, it’s so important to have an “I can” attitude. Saying the letters of NED’s name to yourself can really help you to keep the best possible attitude. When something is hard, tell yourself, “N – I’m never going to give up. E – NED and my friends are here to encourage me, to tell me that I can do it! And D – I need to just do MY best, that’s the most important thing.” Do your best today!

GOOD MORNING! This is ____ from Mr./Ms.____’s class. All week, you have all been hearing about ways to “Do your best!” Do you want to know the very best thing about always choosing to do your best? Here it is: it feels INCREDIBLE to know that you have given 100% effort toward your goals. Sure, doing your best takes practice, motivation, and an “I can” attitude, but when you do your best, you get to enjoy the satisfaction of being your best self. Remember to do your best in everything you do today, tomorrow and every day!