De Coena Domini - Martin Chemnitz - 1979 - Concordia Publishing ...

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Bonaventure, De. Coena Domini V, in Opera Omnia, IX, 257: Iste locus pascuae est mons Sion unde Isaias: 'Faciet Dominus
De Coena Domini - Martin Chemnitz - 1979 - Concordia Publishing House, 1979 9780570032755 Calvin in the Context of Lutheran Consolidation1, 7. 'De coena domini docent, quod cum pane et vino vere exhibeantur corpus et san- 'De coena domini docent, quod cum pane et vino vere exhibeantur corpus et san- guis Christi vescentibus in coena domini,' Augsburg Confession [= CA] X (1540), in Die Bekenntnisschriften. Calvin's Doctrine of the Lord's Supper, to Luther, Christ's real presence in the sacrament was simply still based on the consecration words in Matthew 26 Dominus dixit, Luther liked to say: The Lord [himself] has said. For this reason, the opposing doc- trine is rejected. X. De coena Domini. Acta Oecumenici Concilij, Habiti Svper Controversia De Coena Domini, aHa (? oncillj Oecumenici, litc öl controuclliag, p2tr? z conscripti,^ uü? u8 lielizionuni interpretc , lnice no^!^ i^! 5 lemporü? u8, 2 se inmcem ci^ i-. äcnl, nc n eil r> ollrem2, c^ uZe cie pleienu2^ l^ linici, in iäcru c NÄ nociic incer clcii^ os ll zlucur. Sententiae sanctorum Patrum de coena Domini, fF MMM/Ze: 4'_NMjMGM (ANNA-fi''oe/Wjm -S-Lm-e [nF-Me MMM-MQ M mm1!* ZUM-'e YFM-WWW. W MwW'WF &GM-ey'cW/a/W FFF, 7W! FMA-'mi 72m4 A/ZFM MFK-M? 7a Skre'WWW/MW Fer-MMM Ö** UMFU'QJMWUFW NUN-4 FWG-mm.-(ex/eo cWN/MW.kN. Scripture as a Source of Chemnitz'Christology, the object of this analysis will be especially Chemnitz' key book about the issue of the Lord's Supper-De Coena Domini -and four other works (in chronological sequence): Anatome propo- sitionum Alberti Hardenbergii de Coena Domini (1561-one of Chemnitz'first works. The Repertory of Proses at Saint Martial de Limoges in the 10th Century, 53,p.126 51' Rex omnipotens In Ascensa Domini 7,p.83 53,P.III p.32. I 240 Fol. Incipit Rubric AH A FS 17 Laude jocunda 7,p.2oi 53,P-339 P-46 17' Prome casta contio Prosa/de Alleluia Eduxit 7,p.6I Dominus 53,p.89 P.39 17' Nato canant De Natale 7,P.49 53,P.4I P.59. The Critique of Melanchthon's Doctrine of the Lord's Supper by his 'Gnesio-Lutheran'Students, westphal obliged in his Clarissimi Viri Philippi Melanthonis sententia de Coena Domini. Westphal's second source was Melanchthon's letter to Friedrich Myconius which had served as a preface to his Sententiae veterum de coena domini of early 1530 (Melanchthon: 1530. Calvin's Efforts toward the Consolidation of Protestantism, 12The Tenth Article, which originally read: De coena Domini docent quod corpus et sanguis (wahrer Leib und Blut) Christi vere adsint (unter Gestalt des Brods und Weins) et distribuantur vescentibus in coena Domini; et improbant secus docentes, was materially altered to read. Farrago Sententiarum Consentientium In Vera Et Catholica doctrina, de Coena Domini, quam firma assensione, & uno spiritu, iuxta divinam vocem, Ecclesiae, Ö 4 due,? pm-(ita pcuäm x M _'tiaz'follicjtoäjnejpa_ M ,. ie-. _'tet-13, nocjßi'mcjii! e13?, FM'mini 8 (92tth plutjmum Niklij Wye'-en> i, quimjn bac eJcttema, 117jl* et2j*calamjtoï¬ munäi feneäa', cf-ï¬ ktich 8 (c-ecfcace, paßim uaZentßk YES-'11*-iFoFak-'Fncipjam bpminez. Martin Luther on Scripture and Authority and the Church, Ministry and Sacraments, compaction tempting. The Extra Calvinisticum and Calvin's Eucharistic Theology, 1364-1365. Herein simply called Institutio. 11 De coena Domini docent, quod cum pane et vino vere exhibeantur corpus et sanguis Christi vescentibus in Coena Domini. 12 F. Bente, Historical Introductions to the Book of Concord, Concordia Triglotta. Church-State Conflict in colonial Peru: Bourbon Regalism under the last of the Hapsburgs, not have jeopardized it without cause.46 The archbishop was assisted in his battle by the bishops of Are quipa, Quito, Cuzco, Huamanga, Trujillo, and Santa Cruz.47 The most vociferous was Don Antonio de Le?n, Bishop of Arequipa, who had In Coena Domini published. In the Hearth of the Virginal Womb: The Iconography of the Holocaust in Late Medieval Art, series Graeca, 162 vols., Paris, 1857-1866, XCIV, 1149. 1. Bonaventure, De Coena Domini V, in Opera Omnia, IX, 257: Iste locus pascuae est mons Sion unde Isaias: 'Faciet Dominus exercituum in monte hoc conviviurn: id est in eminentia hierarchiae ecclesiasticae. Invisible wombs: Rethinking paracelsus's concept of body and matter, included in this list are the following eucharistic writings: De coena domini prologus et initium; De coena domini ad Clementem VII.; Quod sanguis et caro Christi sit; Coena domini declara- tion; Von der Wiedergeburt des Menschen; Interpretationes ex Paulo; De coena domini. Basel and the Wittenberg Concord, 28. Ibid., Haec de sacramento coenae Domini pro confessione nostra communi paulo pluribus exponere libuit, ut rationem redderem fidei. In his letter to Bullinger, Myconius says that locum Pauli de communicatione corporis et sanguinis Christi in coena diligentius. Paracelsus in excelsis, he had noticed that AE Waite referred rather obscurely to Paracelsi scripta uaria de Coena Domini (Harley 508), one of a group of Paracelsica from the collection of Robert Harley, Earl of Oxford (1661-1724), purchased by Parliament in 1753 and part of one of the foundation. Liturgical reform in the, liturgical practices mirror the doctrine. Changes in form reflect a changed spirituality. In the reformation of the sixteenth century the practice of the distribution of individual consecrated oblates to the kneeling communicant was replaced in the Palatinate by the breaking of a loaf. Irenicism and dogmatics in the confessional age: Pareus and Comenius in Heidelberg, 1614, in Re'gi Magyar Konyvtdr III, ed. Karoly Szab6 and Arpad Hellebrant, Budapest 1896-8, i, nos 1151-2, 1171, 1190-1, 1196 7, 1199-1200, 1202-3, 1216, 1250-2, 1295, I299) '331- Two of these (nos 1199, 1331, published in 1617 and 1621) are de coena Domini, and could. Historia De Origine Et Progressv Controuersiae Sacramentariae de Coena Domini: ab anno nativitatis Christi MD XXIIII. usq [ue] ad annum MD LXIII. deducta, 0 I, I. L 61 cjuanta potuicura 3c cllli^ entia, nunclidellum liiftoricumcie negotio uelootiuz cliszi-6io sacramentario, in ccena Domini. I^ xposui cjuomo6o ortum, multl'z^ scriptiz. II. The Cardinal of Lorraine and the Colloquy of Poissy, new York: Harper & Brothers, 1877), in, 13, which incidentally reads: 'De Coena Domini docent, quod corpus et sanguis Christi vere adsint, et distribuantur vescentibus in Coena Domini; et improbant secus docentes.' 80 Due to its format, for unlike the Confession of Augsburg.