DH kickoff event, 1.10. - Helsinki

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Oct 1, 2015 - Emerging field combining humanities and social sciences with contemporary information and communication te
Today’s programme ●

13.00 Context for the digital humanities at the University of Helsinki

13.45 Digital Humanities thematic teaching module (minor subject study block)

14.00 Digital Humanities course presentations (2-slide presentations by teachers)

14.40 Break

15.00 Digital Humanities seminar practicalities

16.00 Digital Humanities socializing

Context for Digital Humanities at Faculty of Arts Presentations: Mikko Tolonen & Eetu Mäkelä on a vision of digital humanities Arto Mustajoki on digital humanities at the Faculty of Arts Jörg Tiedemann on language technology and digital humanities Timo Honkela on research on digital resources Maija Paavolainen on digital humanities and the library Leo Lahti on open science and digital humanities

A definition of digital humanities ● Emerging field combining humanities and social sciences with contemporary information and communication technologies. ● Applies computational methods to various types of source materials and data (beyond texts) ○ Data needs to be in machine readable form ○ Distinction between digital born and digitized/historical sources ● At the same time, investigates the impact of digitalization on culture and society at large.

Digital Humanities Teaching Module Minor Subject Study Block

DH teaching module structure Digital Humanities 25sp DH1 Theory and Practice DH1a Introduction to digital humanities (5sp)

Cultural Social Social heritage network Social network and network the digital analysis analysis analysis 0-10sp

DH2 Methods DH2a Introduction to methods in digital humanities (5sp)

Social Social network Social network network Data visualization analysis analysis analysis 0-10sp

DH3 Multidisciplinary Project (5sp)

DH1 Theory and practice (5-15 sp) DH1a Introduction to digital humanities (5 sp) → Mandatory, registration in October 2015. DH1b Optional courses to choose from (0-10 sp) English philology: Korpuslingvistiikka Translation studies: Digitaaliset aineistot Finnish language: Kielenoppiminen, vuorovaikutus ja teknologia Finnish language: Monitieteinen termityö Finnish language: Käsiteanalyysi ja termityö History: Digitala källör och medier History: Games and history History: Historiantutkimus, tilastot ja määrällinen tutkimus Ethnology: Avoin digitaalinen kulttuuriperintö Musicology: Johdatus tietokoneavusteiseen musiikintutkimukseen Film and television studies: Yhteiskunta ja av-kulttuuri Film and television studies: Av mediakasvatus



DH2 Methods (5-15 sp) Courses to choose from (5-15 sp) FIN-CLARIN: Digihumanismi ja tekstiaineistot (2nd period) University of Aalto: Ohjelmointia Scalalla (MOOC) Computer science: Ohjelmoinnin MOOC (Java) Social Sciences: Introduction to programming for social scientists Art history: Paikkatiedon (GIS) sovellukset kulttuurintutkimukseen Computer science: Tilastollinen päättely R-ohjelmistolla Language technology: Tulosten esittäminen ja niiden arviointi tilastomenetelmillä Finnish language: Johdatus korpuslingvistiikkaan ja kielitieteen laskennallisiin menetelmiin Language technology: Korpuslingvistiikan johdantokurssi Musicology: Musiikkiohjelmoinnin perusteet Translation studies: Kääntämisen tietotekniikka Language technology: Ohjelmointi ja luonnollisen kielen käsittely 1 Language technology: Kielen morfologisen käsittelyn työkalut 1 Language technology: Johdatusta luonnollisen kielen käsittelyyn Translation studies: Konekäännös Archeology: Paikkatietoklinikka Social Sciences: Introduction to Computational Social Science (already started) Social Sciences: Complex systems Social Sciences: Data extraction Social Sciences: Johdatus yhteiskuntatilastotieteeseen (MOOC)

DH2 continued + DH3 In addition, many of the courses offered at Aalto and in Computer science (HY) fit the Methods part of the module. The inclusion of other courses should be negotiated separately. Examples of such courses are: Aalto: Machine Learning: Basic Principles Aalto: Statistical Natural Language Processing Aalto: Information Visualization Computer science: Introduction to Machine Learning Computer science: Data Mining (guided self study) Computer science: Big Data Frameworks

Updated list of courses will be posted in the near future to: http://blogs.helsinki.fi/mstolone/ that will be updated in the spring as well. Feel free also to write to [email protected] if you want your teaching (or someone else’s teaching) to be included to the listing of optional courses, especially within Faculty of Arts, but also outside. DH3 Multidisciplinary project (5 sp) → Mandatory (for the spring 2016 course, contact Mikko Tolonen, [email protected])

Presentations of digital humanities courses 2015-2016


Introduction to corpus and computational linguistics Department of Finnish, Fenno-Ugrian and Scandinavian Studies Antti Kanner, MA Spring 2016

Part I: Six lectures on Digital humanities literacy Target group: Students (post- and undergraduate) and staff members who are interested in what big data, computational methods etc. have to offer for linguists.

Part I: Six lectures on Digital humanities literacy Part I contains: NO practicalities, NO hands-on stuff and NO presentations of existing data sets and corpora, but presentations of exemplary studies using DH methods and discussion on their linguistic implications and introduction to key concepts of DH methodology

Part II: Workshop sessions Target group: Students who already know that they are using some DH methods in their studies Workshop offers peer support and help for students with different levels of DH skills.

Maija Paavolainen, Open Digital Cultural Heritage

Open Digital Cultural Heritage Introduction to cultural heritage as data Cultural heritage institutions present digital collections Group work assignment evaluating research use of heritage materials Visiting speakers, group work, study diary. Pia Olsson (Prof. of Ethnology), Maija Paavolainen (Info Specialist, HULib) 5 credits Fri 10-12; 30.10.-4.3. (periods II-III) Weboodi 406044 Enrollment from 13.10.

Open Digital Cultural Heritage

Open Licensing

Cultural Heritage

Picture Collections

Copyright National Library

Co-op Tools

Editions and Manuscripts National Gallery Art Data


YLE Broadcasting

CSC and courses related to Digital Humanities

CSC services and training Aleksi Kallio & Seija Sirkiä 1.10.2015

Computing environments for training • cPouta cloud can be used to run any server side environments o Examples: R+Rstudio, Rstudio Server, Python, iPython Notebooks, almost anything o Students have isolated but identical environments o Pouta Blueprints: teacher can grant access to students, who don’t need CSC user accounts

• Coming next: Pouta Blueprints with Haka authentication o o o o

You can use your university account to log in to web based environments Currently Rstudio Server, next iPython Notebooks No CSC account needed For smaller needs, such as training use



Course practicalities • Practical, short courses (1-3 days) • Almost 100 courses run each year • Most courses held at CSC premises in Espoo and have a small fee for participation • Happy to give courses also at universities • Courses can be customised • Funding model depending on course content (standard vs. customised) and policy (closed vs. open to all) o Basic funding from MinEdu

Course plans • Python in high-performance computing 25.-27.1.2016 • Python in data processing, 2016 • Introduction to data science for researchers, 2016 • Introduction to R, 2016 • Courses in language technology and language bank usage • Introduction to Linux (frequent) • Using CSC environment efficiently (frequent) • Software Carpentry • cPouta cloud course

Mikko Tolonen & Eetu Mäkelä, Introduction to Digital Humanities

Introduction to digital humanities (5 credits) Target group: mandatory course for those enrolled in digital humanities module; BA degree or beyond. 50 students maximum. Time and place: 26.10-11.12, Tuesday and Friday, 14-16. Objective: After this course the student understands the scope of digital humanities and the interplay between the digital and the main research questions as they are formulated in humanities. The student has familiarised herself with different approaches, both in theory and in practice, within the broad field of digital humanities. She can differentiate between relevant methods within the field and ask questions about their relevance for the humanities. The student knows digital resources and has used different kinds of digital materials. She has an idea about data management and basic questions relating to it. She also understands the basics of ethical questions regarding digital humanities.

Introduction to digital humanities structure Tentative weekly schedule (each week includes two sessions, theory and practice): 1. Digital humanities - what? 2. Research questions in the humanities and the digital resources 3. Words, concepts and conceptual change 4. Multidisciplinarity as a default approach, relevance of research environment and open science for digital humanities projects 5. Data-driven research: metadata, full texts and non-textual sources 6. Digital humanities in practice 1 7. Digital humanities in practice 2 (the applied field of history and cultural heritage)

Digital Humanities Research Seminar

DH Research Seminar 2015-16, Fall Programme The seminar will convene on Fridays, 16.15-18.00 at Lecture Room 9 at Metsätalo (U40). 30.10 Antti Kanner, (HY, Finnish language), “A vagrant’s path: tracking the life cycle of a legal term in 19th century newspaper data”. Commentator: Timo Honkela (HY) 13.11 Ylva Grufstedt (HY, History), “The Practice of History in videogames - Historical culture and consciousness in digital and interactive media”. Commentator: TBC 27.11 Eric Malmi (Aalto, Computer Science), “Automatically Reconstructing and Analyzing Family Trees”. Commentator: Tiina Miettinen (UTA, History). [Discussion in Finnish because of genealogical terminology.] 11.12 Erik Henriksson (HY, Greek), “The Language and Meter of Late Greek Poetry: A Computational Approach”. Commentator: TBC 18.12. Anna Kajander, (HY, Ethnology), “Digital book culture and the new reading habits”. Commentator: Harri Heikkilä (Aalto)

Digital Humanities Research Seminar Open to all who feel that they want to be part of DH Research community at the Faculty of Arts at the University of Helsinki (this does not by any means imply that it is only for people at the Faculty of Arts!). Meant as a lively forum for Digital Humanities, a hub or a forum where one can meet other people interested in this subject matter. How to get involved? First thing is to write an email to [email protected] to be included in the mailing list of the seminar. Second thing is to come to the seminar. The Fall 2015 programme has been fixed already, but the Spring 2016 programme will be formed based on the interest of the seminar group. It is possible and desirable that also other activities besides “classic seminar papers” (which nevertheless is the foundation of this forum) will take place in the future. The updated seminar programme will also be posted in the future to: http://blogs.helsinki.fi/mstolone/

DH KICKOFF event sponsor

Photos of the Kickoff event by Timo Honkela.