What I have:

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I bought a tileset from RPG Maker web, but I don't read the license carefully and I can only use it with RPG Maker softw
What I have: An almost functional game with an ugly main menu screen:

In-game screen with 10 levels (for now):

The problem: I bought a tileset from RPG Maker web, but I don’t read the license carefully and I can only use it with RPG Maker software. Sigh, at least it was very cheap.

What I need? Basically all the game art! -

Menu screen Game screens (tilesets). I was thinking about having different areas with different. Maybe: forest, city, military and hospital/laboratory. Game dialogs, for tutorials or similar. Main character with some animations: walking, dying, celebrating.... Maybe other characters to interact with in cinematic scenes. Many zombies! Some ones are statics, others walk around. Some ones are passives, others are sleeping until they wake up and others are aggressives! Zombie attacks: Spit, puke or similar and some animations, as walking and dying. Some elements as trees, rocks, boxes, ammoboxes, chest level…