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fresh fruits and vegetables, bulk items and healthier options. • Stick to your budget! • Find local farmer's markets
EATING HEALTHY ON A BUDGET Making better food choices for you and your children is hard as a busy parent, use these four tips as a guide to help you stay healthy and keep on budget while shopping for groceries! 4 tips for Shopping smarter and healthier: • Write a shopping list- and stick to it! • If you know what you are going shopping for, you are much less likely to make impulsive food purchases. • Don’t shop on an empty stomach • Eat a meal or small snack before heading to the grocery store, when you are hungry all those goodies are extra tempting! • Stay on the outer aisles • The outer aisles are where you will find fresh fruits and vegetables, bulk items and healthier options • Stick to your budget! • Find local farmer’s markets to help save on the cost of fresh produce

Making better food choices for you and your children is hard as a busy parent, use these four tips as a guide to help you stay healthy and keep on budget while shopping for groceries! One of the most common goals among moms is m a k i n g b e t t e r f o o d c h o i c e s a n d e a t i n g h e a l t h i e r. A s a b u s y m o m , h o w e v e r, I u n d e r s t a n d t h a t s o m e t i m e s convenience outweighs smart choices, and that’s how we can get sucked back into those bad habits. Believe me, I know firsthand. No matter what your goal is, whether you plan on cooking more at home, eating more salads or making healthier choices at restaurants, I’m here to help. I’ve compiled a shor t list of tips to help you continue to make good choices for yourself and your family without breaking the bank. Write a shopping list. If you know what you are g o i n g s h o p p i n g f o r, y o u a r e l e s s l i k e l y t o m a k e impulsive purchases. Plan ahead, clip coupons and check the sales ads for your favorite stores. Write down the prices of your favorite items and comparison shop. I typically shop at least three stores a week to get the best deals. Tip: only do your grocer y shopping when you’ve already eaten! Stay on the outer aisles. Have you noticed that most grocer y stores have all their fresh fruit, produce, bulk items and generally healthier stuf f on the outer regions of the store? If you go down the aisles, that’s where most of the processed foods (boxed or canned) a r e f o u n d . Tr y t o s t i c k t o t h e o u t e r c i r c l e f o r t h e majority of your trip, only going down the aisles for the necessar y items on your list. Some folks shop by going up and down each aisle, but that is also how impulse buys happen. Find local farmers’ markets. In a few months, the local farmers markets will be opening up, so take advantage of some fresh local produce while also g e t t i n g t o k n o w y o u r l o c a l f a r m e r s . Yo u ’ r e l i k e l y t o score some excellent deals while making it a learning experience for your kids. Stick to your budget. When I shop, I usually allocate a certain dollar amount for groceries, and I’ll only bring that amount in cash. I use the calculator on my phone and add each item while shopping and sticking to my list. If I come up under budget, then I’ll grab a few extra items I may decide on purchasing. This is always a guarantee to not overspend, and you really get to know your prices on all products.