Famous Astronauts

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Pilot of Apollo 1. 2. First man on the moon. 5. First man in space. 6. First US woman in space. 7. Commander of Apollo 1
Famous Astronauts

*All answers have two words Across 3. Second man to walk on the moon 4. Pilot of Apollo 1 5. First man in space 7. Commander of Apollo 13 9. Second US astronaut to orbit the Earth 10. First US astronaut in space 11. First Israeli astronaut 12. Commander of Columbia mission STS-107 13. First US astronaut to walk in space

Down 1. First woman in space 2. First man on the moon 6. First US woman in space 7. First US astronaut to orbit the Earth 8. Piloted Vostok 4

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©Bonnie Rose Hudson http://writebonnierose.com