FORM NO. GNL.4 - Taxmann

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To lhe besl of my/ our knowledge and beliel lhe infomalion given above and in the atlached documents is corect and compl

Form fortiling addendum for rcctification of

detecb or incomolelene33

[Pursuant to Rule 10(7) of the Companies (Registntion oflices and Fee) Rules, 20141

Form Language



Note - Allfields marked in



'are to be mandatoritv filted

1.'Service rcquest number (SRN) ofretevant fom(s)


(Menlion SRN of felevant fom(s) in respect ofwhich aCaenaum G teing in lhisneld and verit the system disptayed detaits betow) 2. (a) Date ofSRN

f ed

Ensure that coffect SRN is mentioned


(b) Fotm numbe(s)

3. (a) Coporale identity number (ClN) orfofeign company regislrclion number (FCRN) ofthe compan,

(b) Globallocation number (GLN) of company 4.(a) Name ofthe company

(b) Address of lhe

registered office or of the principal place of business in India ofthe conpany

(c) Name of lhe person filing this form (appticabte in case of fiUng with respect of non company or company yer ro


5. (a) Deiails of defects pointed out or further information callgd bylhe Regiilrar of Companies (RoC) orany oth€r


(b)'Details of reclncabn of tl|e defects or turlher info.malion tumish€d

6.(a) SRN

of additional (dafferenlial) slamp duly payment




Details of additiona! (differential) stamp duty (b)(i)Arhount 0f stamp duty (ii)Amount of stamp


(iii) Amount of 6lamp duq

Documentname Document nafir€ Document name

(En8ure that correct lyp€ ofdocumenl is s6l€ct6d lrom th6list ofdocuments given in the drop down below. Maximum live docurnenls can be atlached). 7. (a) Typ€ of documenl

(b)Type of document


(c) Type ofdocument


(d) Type ofdocument


(e) Type of document


Lisl of allachments

Remove alliachm€nl

Verification To lhe besl of my/ our knowledge and beliel lhe infomalion given above and in the atlached documents is corect and complele.

To be digitally signed by 1

or Managing Direclor or Manager or CEO or CFO or Company Secretafy (ln case ot exaslang----l Company) or Aulhodsed represenlalive (ln c€se of foreign company); orAuthorized person ofthe | banK or Designaled padner of a LLP

. Director


Designalion DIN of the Director or Managing direclort or PAN of the manager or CEO or

CFO or member or authodzed represenlative or Aulhorized pe6on: or Membership number of the Company Secretary, or DIN of the designated parher 2. Director or Member Designation DIN ot the Directoq or DIN,/PAN of the Member

Charge holder,Applicant. Promoter, Liquidator, Individual, Partner, Auditor. L

Designalion Income lax PAN or Membership number ARC or Assignee, Chairman, Person charged, others Oesignation

Capacity DIN or Income tax PAN or lvembershio number


rtner of auditor's firm

Certificate ll is hereby cerlilied that I have verilled the above padiculars (inctuding attachment(s)) from the records of

and found them to be lrue and coffecl. lfurthef ceftity that attrequired attachmentis) have been comptetety altached lo lhis form. Chanered accountant (in whole-lime practice) Cost accountant (in whole-time pradrce) or

or O


Company Secretary (in

*t'ot"-ti." pr""ti"";




[.l O

Fe ow

I!4embership number or Cerlificate of practice number

Check Form

This form is not required to be signed by the authorizing officer as this has been filed in respect of an akeady filed eForm'.

[F.No. 0l/16/201 3 cL-v (Pt-r)]


^-,, frt4#il;' Amardeep Singh BhaLialloirlt


Note: The principal notification was published in the Gazette oflndia, Part II, Section 3, Sub-section (i) vrde number c.S.R. 268(E), dated 31"1 March, 2014 and uentlv amended bv:Serial Notification Number Notification Date Number I G.S.R.297(E) 28-04-2014 2. G.S.R. 122(E) 24-02-20t5 3. G.S.R. 418 (E) 29-0s-20t5