Guide 2013 - City of Twin Falls [PDF]

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Located at 324 Hansen St. E. Come in or call us between 8am-5pm on weekdays to ... This center is open 1 days a week and 24 hours a day. It is located in the ...
Spring Summer Activit~

Guide 2013

Parks and Recreation The benefits are endless... Parbs and Recreation Staff Dennis J. Bowyer Parks and Recreation Director Todd Andersen

Stacy McClintock

Parks Coordinator

Recreation Supervisor

Jeff Anderson

Nikki Miller

Senior Parks Operator

Administrative Assistant

Richard Bay

Matt Nedbalek

Parks Operator

Senior Parks Operator

James Clawson

Kevin Packard

Senior Parks Operator

Senior Parks Operator

Rick Hammond

Josh Sligar

Parks Operator

Senior Parks Operator

Dario Marques

Kevin Skelton

Golf Superintendent

Parks Coordinator

Brandy Mason

Rebecca Smith

Recreation Coordinator

Recreation Aide

Parbs & Recreation Office 136 Maxwell Ave. Monday-Friday 7:30am-5:30pm 736-2265 or 736-2266

Jlarhs and Recreation Commission The Pczrbs cmd Rea.,.;ton C'4mmllsion k a group of uolunteen that are $elected to serve three ~ t.enns. Member$ meet once a month cmd are proac:Uue represent:otiuel that en cnhed to discuss perms crnd ~ Issues.. c:onsider fub.n proJecb, and serve OJ uhlonarles for the continuing deuelopment of~ cmd 'NCreCltSon for Twin Fans.

c-................... Kevin Dane, Chair Tennille Adams, Vice Chair Llyah Babaycm Jeff Blicb Tony Brand RyanHonley Carll.egg Craig Manning

Tom Reyno(ds

City Services Airport•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••733--5215 Human Resources•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••735-7268 Airport office hours are Monday- Friday, 8am-4pm.

Animal Shelter••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••736-2299

Located at City Hall. Office hours are weekdays, Sam-Noon and 1-5pm. For infonnation about job openings contact the department or log on to

Located at 420 Victory Ave. and is open to the public Monday-Friday 10am-5:30prn and on Saturday 10am-2pm. Report animal control calls Library••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••733-2964to 735-1911. Located at 201 Fourth Ave. E. Hours of service Include: Monday 9am-6pm, Tuesday-Thursday 9am-9pm, Friday-saturday 9am-6pm. The library Is closed on Sundays.

Building Department••••••••••••••••••••••••735-7238

Located at 324 Hansen St. E. Come in or call us between 8am-5pm on weekdays to detennine ifyour project needs a pennit.

Parbs & Recreation•••••••••••••••••••••••••••736-2265 Located at 136 Maxwell Ave. Office hours are weekdays 7:30am-5:30pm

C'rty Communication Center••3t1 or735-4357 This center is open 1 days a week and 24 hours a day. It is located in the Pollee Departmentat356 3rdAve. E.

C'rty Council••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••7'35.,~ Messages for city council members can be left in the City Manager's office at City Hall.

Community Development•••••••••••••••735-7267 Located at 324 Hansen St. E. Office hours are weekdays 8am-Noon and 1-5pm.

Police•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••735-4'357 Located at 356 3rdAve. E. Offtce hours are weekdays 7am-7pm.

C'rty Manager••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••735-7271 Sanitation•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••735-7264. Located in City Hall. The hours are weekdays, Sam-Noon and 1-5pm.

PSI Waste Systems 733-4441

Crime Stoppers••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••732-5387 Streets...................................................736.,2226 If you have lnfonnatlon concerning any a1me committed In Twfn Falls County call Crime Stoppers. If the lnfonnatlon supplied results In an arrest being made, you could receive an award up to $1,000.

Located at 205 6th Ave. W. Summer operating hours 7am-5pm Monday-Thursday.

Economic Development.••••••••••••••••••735-7240

Located in City Hall. Office hours are weekdays, 9am-5pm. Utility payments can be mailed to PO Box 2469 or dropped off at 321 2nd Ave.

Located at City Hall. Office Hours are weekdays, Sam-Noon and 1-5pm.

Engineering..........................................735-7248 Located at 324 Hansen St. E. Office hours are weekdays, 8am-Noon and 1-Spm.

Utility Services••••••••••••••736-7249 or735-7250 E.

Water••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••736-2275 Operating hours are weekdays, 7am-5pm.

Finance Department.••••••••••••••••••••••••735-72BS Wastewater Collection••••••••••••••••••••••735-7270 Questions concerning non-emergency sewer problems can be directed

Fire Department••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••735-7231

to the above numberduring the hours of8am-5pm.

Located at 345 2nd Ave. E, office hours are weekdays, Sam-Noon and 1-Spm. Call911 foranyfireemergeney.


Qolf Advisory

The Twin Falls Golf Club is located on Grandview Drive and is open year round, weather permitting.

Commission The Clolf Adulsory Commission Is group of uolunteen lttat seled:ed to serve tflree year f:errm. Members meet once a

.....------------------------------. a Community Numben American Red Cross Boys and Girts Club Boy Scouts County Parks ChamberofComm CSI Planetarium Girt Scouts Head Start


738-7011 733-2087 734-9491 733-3974 738-3059 733-9623 734-5550

Idaho Fish & Game MVArt Council Public library Senior Center SalvationArmy Twin Falls Park TFGolfCiub YMCA

Att.• h...t • • •. .•ncv

3244359 734-2787 733-2984 734~84 733~89

423-4223 733-3326 7334384

PN•I•• ••••I• ••

.......... .SI, . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ioiii


c............. are

month and are proactive representatives that solicit support of the public and cnganizations in tbe community

In the development, operat.fon m~d financing of the city golf programandgolfcoune. :::::.---

Oale Kleln~pf, Chair Gary Rolanct Vice Chair

Helen Brown Richard Birrell Jac~ Jardine Brent Semple

Teena Thompson

Rlgl,...llan watver forme muet be fllled out eompk!C191y and elgned by e. parent or guardian fur each eport/clu8 that 18 reglmlred fur. Slartrlg Janu!W)' 2010, the Parband Recnlatlon o1'llce haahllllut8d a newpollcyrvgardlng rvglstn111on. Apan~n1fguantlan 18 nowableto ragilllllrfur arty youth sports ell yeuatartytine. Regulatragiatratian d8tM will alii be U8IINI fur anline registration, and the late fee &till be In place. In team eports, playenJ ~II be pi~ by 8Chool and eome uchools may be eomblned. Onoe taal!l8furm9d, rosters ~II NOT be chanlJBd. lrwunLnM wtll not be pnJIIIdld by ttl a Parlal & Recnldon O.pMIII•nt for 8pOI1a P*Jtlclpellon.

Da11dllnes Daedllnaa ans used eaa110oltodetarmlnawtlelharlll~nls enough Intins! Ill an actMty. lfth&mlnmum enrollment 18not mat, th& d-.orectMtymaybeconcelled.lfyou .,.il'lletMted in an ectivily, ploueregimr. We con ~e.u.a refund orCfadittoyour


Lata Reslld:rallon

In IIPCI13ieeg~~M, we will allet11pt to pl!lce all playo:lrs who wit!h ~ play provided there i• ~ aveilllll11e. P f - note, registrants cannot beguansnteed a spot on a 188m orplacemarrt~tllehchool and a$10 la!efe&wlll be applied.


Refund Poltq, In full: lfclaSIIflltflfe fllkKiorCfliiQIIIt/ltd. trctliiCIIIJ8dbelbt8 th&progr&m stad&. lfspp/kldtl:>otlwprogramofl'9rlrtg8prlortl:>the~-.t

$3S8r..tlcaChatQa: Form&dJc81188801)8andpttortolh6 No!W'und:

r Wll6kotclaS!88S/glH'rl6s.


lff1/fK:(fJ((frwnacla11SorfNI/u6 /ordk1t:lp/bl!f1Y/9NOilS

hlnOuU Ouldoor prognsms mey be c::anceled due to a.trarne weather. Plaese call our •aathef line at 735-3440 fur cancelllllion lnfurmauan. If deCieltoralfng conditio riB furca an CliHIII8 cancelaUon, a rapraaanta11Ve v.111n~maln CliHIII8 untu all Chll:lnsn haw. boon pickod up. "'-keePin mind ldlllho'8nJPidlychqing woetiiOI'andd,.. youryouthapprt!prifl.Ciilly.

NOftolmlatllmentPoHc, The TWin Falls Palk8 & Racftallon Department entera Into conll'ad8 ¥11th persona !laVIng apadal or unuaual 8lqlllrtl8a or talent which they - ~lllng to sbans ~th otl18111. lioweYer, the T~n Falls Plllb and Reclea11on Department~ not anllonse or app- either the opinioriB or businaaa affiliations of suefl peniOriB.Ifyou find opinions,, business afliliati01'4 orotherinformelion objedlonall19, pl91188cantac:tour o111ceat736-2.261>.

Recycled aensey Program

Twin Falls Parlls &

Bring In your old Twin Falla Parb & Recreation n:KI and white 11M11'111ble jeraey and exchange n for anottwr recycled jereey for FREE. If you do Listed below le a guideline to f'oiiCLW when ~ng to remember when to not have a Jersey and wish to register for our yoUih epon. programe. Reminder flyers will be purchase a recyc;:led jerwy the cat distributed tD !M:hoolaln l'Wtn Falla and raglldrallon Ia available online at II $2.00. New jeraeys are IIIII Plaa~&call 736-2285 far more Information. $10.00. We are allo aweplug donaUCina ot old.ter-ya. ........ 111111 11'1111 . . . . .,......

Youth Sports Registration Guidelines


Wballllo I

I all I•

c-.IC-eth) WI 11-

s..m.Salllii B hi AWihlll FalSI I






Register online

~ . i

Baseball &Softball

- --·- ---·- --·-·---·-·--,

Pitching Machine practice in the cages is limited to 3rd & 4th grade teams until May 27th. Call Parks & Recreation at 736-2265 to reserve your practice and purchase your tickets. The tee Is

$8 per hour and you must have a ticket to give to the operator. Raeervatlons must be made • minimum of 24 hours In advance.

All Games will be played in the evening.

Reakbullon1 Aprtllfto2Mh ! i Late Realstrutlona A... April :lltlt FonntngTaamsa Two grade lavala may be combined depending on enrollment 1



ln~ UmiiB n#l

and teams will be formed by Khool. New teams will be $20 organlzed aach1888onwlthanequalnumbarorplayarsfrom !l_ _ ___ ' _ __ $35_______________ Outllc»aty Umlta '(II_ j1 eech grade. WE DO NOT ACCEPT PLACEMENT REQUESTS.. 111

Whocan ....lllilrfwB••*• 6Ssht 11117 Voluutau Coaches.: All player~ ~;~,~rren ay enroled In Kin_,.,., th"'ugh In order to ensure the safety

of our players, all volunteer 6th grade for bcJyw and ~dargartlln thruugh 9th youth coaches will be required to submit to a contldentlal grade for girls. Regllltar your chid for the grade they are ~;~.~rrenuy enrolled in at the mne or regilntion. background check. Coaches for each taam will be choaen Playen muat also raalde In Twtn Falla or atland lillY based on first come, first served basi&. UniBA mora than one coach volunteers, random seledlonwlll be used. l'Mn Fal'- Sdlool.

Howto Remindar ftyars will be delivar8d to the Twin Falla achoola the - k of March 25th. 1..at11 reglm'anm wll NOT be gUitlniMd • 1pot on a tMm with

thelrKhoal. You can raglstaronlne, www.tftd.0111 or In our omce, 136 Maxwell Ave.. omce ~*ira 8ftl Mondaylhrough Frtday7:30am !o5:30pm.

• Softball • Baseball IGw•earl zC'"

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All-l"lllln U. 3rd-7th gradelequH will pt.y In en ell day Saturday •Ingle ellmlnllliCII'I toun-.1111111 fallowing their 112111: league . . -.

Challenger BasebiiVSoftball

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,...,...730--22116. D~

Weclnes41y5. M.lyf.t-M.lyllncl 6:00pm

Time: ~n : FtontietFieLl



Sportfes fot shottfes: ·~ Vpl• 11* .......... Ill



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~I'C\.1ys. June



22114-July 2oth


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~h..--- lcouM
Youth Soccer Program The Twin Falls Parks and Recreation Department offers soccer for boys and girls Kindergarten through 7th grade. All teams are determined by school and grade as much as possible. Scores and standings will be kept for grades 5th-7th.

• Teams IIS1UdiJ PlaY once •• l'eekdaJS' once on sat. • &me nmes are JI..D 6Jm' sat 9,to,ttam' t21JII • 5ePillte leqoes lor Don and ilrls In an irades ·Teams JIBJe141d~ln4-5weell • ro&dtes are VOUIN'I'EEIIS, Please help uyou am FEES: Need a Jersey? $30 In-City Limits $45 Outside-City Limits Have a Jersey? $20 In-City Limits $35 Outside-City Limits

Fall Soccer Registration: 7/1-7/29 Register your children for the grade they are entering for the 2013/2014 school year. Late Registration: After 7/29 Games: 9/3-10/5 Location: Sunway Soccer Complex

This exciting and fun program is offered to boys and girls ages 4-5. This program introduces the participants to football and focuses on initial fundamentals of 1he game. Parents are required to participate and assist with their child. There are not designated teams or coaches. Participants will receive at-shirt.

Dates: Time: Location: The:

Satanlays, SepUth-28th 9:30-IO:ISam or 11:30am-12:1Spm Carter Gibh -:::.. $35 ~~-•

Sprin& Soccer Registration: 2/3-3/3 Register your children for the grade they are

currently enrolled in. Late Registration: After

3/3 Games: 4/14-5/3 Location: Sunway Soccer Complex.

Sporties for Shorties: 1Hoop it U'-!'

This popular program is back for ano1her yean This recreational program is offered to boys and girls ages 4-5. The program focuses on introducing the participants to basketball and 1he development of basic fundamentals such as dribbling and shooting. Parents are required to participate and assist with their child. There are no designated teams or coaches. Participants will receive at-shirt.


Satanlaya,Octoher 26lh-llovemher 16th 1-2pm or 2-3pm O'Leary Iiddle School $35


Sportles for Shorties* •GOALLLLL•

Location: lee:

This program is for 4 and 5 year old boys and girls and is designed to introduce the fundamentals of soccer in a non-competitive environment. Each session, participants work on skill development while having fun. Parents are required to participate and assist with their child. There are no designated teams or coaches. Participants will receive a ......_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ t-shirt.

Dates: Times:

Location: Fee:

Saturdays, July 27th-August 17 10-10:45am ozll-11:45am CuterGihh $35In-City limits

Youth Fall Baslletball

Registration: August26th-September23rd

Season: October 19th-December 7th. No games November 30th. Tournament on December 7th.



K-3rd Grade girls at Robert Stuart Middle School This program is for 3 year old boys and girls and is designed to 4th-6th Grade girls at O'Leary Middle School introduce the fundamentals of soccer, t-ball, track and field and flag football in a non-competitive environment. Each week participants will work on a different skill while having fun. $20 In City Limits A parent is required to participate with their child. Each $35 Outside City Limits participant will receive at-shirt. &


Dates: Time: Location: Fee:

Saturdays, September 7th-28th 10:30-ll:lSam Carter Gibh $35 In-City Limits

A Parlls and Recreation reel white reversible JerstN will be required. You ma, purchase one for $10 at the Parlu and Recreation office.

For more information, please call Parks and Recreation at 736-2265

British Soccer, the leader in youth soccer coaching in the USA and Canada, is coming again to Twin Fails this year! British Soccer provides young players with the opportunity to receive high-level soccer coaching from a team of international experts in the heart of their own community. The program combines technical, tactical, physical and psychological coaching for each age group. This is mixed with a unique British twist and delivered in a positive and upbeat way that kids, parents and coaches love!




Dates: Jul" 29th-August 2nd Location: Sunwa" Soccer Complex

9-10zJOam $85

Pla,er Development Program/Half Da,

Re91stet at at least 45 4ays before the camp an4 receive a FREE British Soccer Jersey value4 at $55.

Mlnlsoccer British Soccer Camp A unique way for youngsters to learn the fundamentals of the game. Fun games, competitions and challenging skill building activities in small groups taught by British Soccer Professionals will captivate and enlighten your child.


This program, coached by a specialized British Soccer Instructor, provides technical and tactical instruction, placing emphasis on skill development, fundamental tactical awareness and FUN.




9am•Noon ort-4pm



All programs are concluctecl lbp quaiHiecl Advanced British Soccer Camp/Full Da~ British Soccer Coaches. Each camp Includes a Design~ for players~ho are serious about the g~m~..This soccer ball, t•shlrt, pla,er evaluation, and a free gift. If ,ou are lnterestecll In hosting a British Soccer Coach during the w•ll of the camps,pleasecall1•100•511-9174.

First Klclu British Soccer Camp A friendly, low-key introduction to the basics of soccer through ball familiarization, games and FUN! British Soccer Professionals patiently encourage players to take their first steps in soccer in a way your child will love! Parents are encouraged to join in and help guide their child through this fun learning experience.







professional mstructional program focuses on md1V1dual skill development, game related techniques, tactical development, and coached match play. Bring cleats, lunch and water bottles daily.







Malle this soccer experience even more special for ,our child bl' hosting one of the professional British coaches during ,our wen of camp. Host families will not onlp provide a memorable and trulp lntematlonalleamlng experience for their children but wiD also receive an S80 rebate towards the cost of camp. Contact Twin Falls Parlls and Recreation at 718-2265 for more

- - Magic - Valley - -Junior - Football - - League - - -·


This program is sponsored by the Kiwanis, Lions, and Rotary Service clubs as well as various merchants. It is open to 5th, I • 6th, and 7th graders in Twin Falls, Jerome, and surrounding areas. Teams are formed by grade, size and weight. The 7th grade has a separate league. Each player will be loaned a helmet, game jersey, padded football pants, and shoulder pads for • 1the season. Registration will be distributed to the schools in May and will continue through July 31st. Please send your registration forms as soon as possible. After July 31st, a late fee will be charged. Contact information can be found on the 1 registration forms. You may also pick up a registration form at the Boys and Girls Club or the Twin Falls Parks and Reaeation • office after June 8th. Coaches will contact their players in earlyAugust.

For more information please contact· Gam•Saturdapafternoons,Jamboreeancl ChamplonshlpTBA Eric Bauman 7S6-5099

1•-- f t - - . . • - ...__ Octo...__ ...uson ~-...~em....- to .....

Twin Falls Golf Club Grandview Dr. 7D•JI26 WeeiHia,s/Weebends Adults/Seniors 9 Holes 18 Holes

2013 Junior Golf Camps Twin Falls Golf Club Grandview Dr. 7D•D26

$16 $22

3-DayCamps $50 Per Participant Ages: 5-14 Times: 8-1 Oam Max: 30 Participants

Junior 9/18Holes $10 Specialsnwlllght/Ralny/Wincl,: Everyone 9or18Holes $16 Carts: $6 Per Person 9Holes $12 Per Person tsHoles

June: 11-13 June: 18-20 June: 25-27

Tee nme Poll• & Rules:

PGA Professional, Steve Meyerhoeffer

One day in advance, except weekends and holidays when you may call on Friday. Play one ball only, replace divots, fix ball marks, rake bunkers, play ready golf, and have fun!

Instructors: Travis Hofland, Steve Meyerhoeffer, and John Essma.

Golf Course Season Passesz Adults: Married Couples: Seniors (62 & Older): Married Senior Couples: (Full Time) College Students: Juniors:


$495 - ... $745 $430 ' " $680 $300 $155


July: 9-11 July: 16-18 June: 25-27

Aug: 6-8 Aug: 13-15

Sign ups for camps begin April 15th. Please register at the Twin Falls Golf Club. For more information call 7333326. If you are interested in private lessons please contact Travis Hofland for times and prices.

**Aclcl $66.50 per child 17 and ,ounger

ltnpulse Dance Impulse Dance is offering classes in Music Motion, Combo, Ballet, Tap, Jazz/Hip-Hop, and new this year cheerleading. All classes are located at the Campus Commons, 681 Filer Ave. (Behind Garibaldi's). Please register your child for the grade that they will be starting in the 201312014 school year online or at the Parks & Recreation office at 136 Maxwell Ave. Summer Session:

July 8th, 10th, 15th, 17th



Grades: Kindergarten & 1st Grade Time: 3-3:30pm Fee: $35 Min: 5 Dancers



Min: 5 Dancers

Min: 5 Dancers

Cheer I Grades: 2nd, 3rd and 4th Grades: 51tl and 6th Time: 4-4:30pm Time: 3:30-4pm


Tum...l l

, ......... 2

Grades: Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd Time: 4:30-5pm Fee: $35 Min: 5 Dancers

Grades: 3rd, 4th & 5th Time: 5-5:30pm

Grades: Preschool Time: 5:30-Spm

Min: 5 Dancers

Min: 5 Dancers


JaaiHip Hop 2

Grades: 1st, 2nd and 3rd Time: 6-6:30pm Fee: $35 Min: 5 Dancers

Grades: 41tl, 5th & 6th Time: 6:30..7pm



Min: 5 Dancers



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Elite Sport Youth Fitness wants you to be a part of their summer long classes. They will focus on strength, speed, and endurance. For athletes 10-14. For more information please call Andy at 420-0184 or Heidi at 316-1088. Session 1: June 17th.July 5 Session 2: July 15-August 9 3 Classes per week, Location: TBA Cost: $40 per athlete/per session

Success Martial Arts

Martial Arts is a fun and positive way to give kids a head start. Students learn the benefits of discipline and confidence as well as developing coordination, strength and flexibility. These skills will prove valuable in all areas of life. This program is designed for all ages and levels of ability. Ifyour child has always been interested in learning karate, this is a great opportunity. Register atthe Twin Falls Parks and Recreation office by April 26th. The class will run 4 weeks.

Dates: Season begins Aprll2t·Map2Jrcl nmes;4-7pecm:






Feet $89, Includes unlfonn Location; Success Martial Arb, IJOO Klmberlp Rd. FREE •Action Hero• Seminar/Class As part of Success Martial Arts commitment to the community, Success Martial Arts will be hosting a FREE •Action Hero"

seminar. Questions and answers will follow. This class is based on family culture from the book, •Mom-Fu•. The class will review the Sex Offender prevention ideas from the •g things parents don't know about preventing Sexual Abuse.• Saturday , April 2oth at 11am, Success Martial Arts.

FREE Ladles Penonal Protection Clinic Success Martial Arts is hosting a special opportunity for all ladies of all ages. Ladies of all ages are invited to enjoy a class on self-defense. The class will be at Success Martial Arts, on Saturday, May 18th at 11am

FRE.EAnU·Abcluctlon Training: Success Martial Arts will be conducting a FREE anti-abduction seminar for mothers and daughters. Give yourself a fighting chance against predators by increasing awareness about potentially dangerous situations. This session feature tools to learn the best responses to danger, how to get away, how to keep an adult from taking you anywhere and the best ways to get help. Tuesday, May21stat4:30pm, Success Martial Arts.

Junior Disc Golf Program

This program is designed to teach our youth about the benefits and fundamentals of disc golf (the fastest growing sport in the nation). We will cover sportsmanship, fundamentals, rules, scoring and will stress having fun. At the end of the season the juniors will take part in a Profes