incite - Dixon Schwabl

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data-driven marketing tactics, ... mobilized population that could scale and take action, driven by a shared vision of h







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The Collaboration Issue

Cover and contents page photography by Walter Colley. Cover digital retouching by Maria Spinelli.

Sweet as honey. If collaboration had a flavor, we’re pretty

Contributors Meet some of this issue’s

sure that would be it. Think about it. The best things we

partners and scan their image to learn more about them

accomplish in life are things we accomplish working with others. And it doesn’t get any sweeter than that.


As we enter our 30th year of collaboration at Dixon Schwabl, we’re excited to bring you this special issue of

4 5 6 8 10 12 14

Walter Colley is a commercial advertising photographer based in

Incitee that simply celebrates collaboration in all its forms. form ms.

Rochester. Over the past 25 years,

You’ll learn how many hands came together to plant new new

of clientele and specialties.

he has developed a wide variety Visit his new website to see more of his award-winning work.

seeds of hope at East Upper & Lower Schools, hhow ow a

philosophy of collaboration has helped Bob Du Duffy u f f y ggrow row hhis is impressive resume of public pubbl ic service, s ervice, and annd how to make makke sure s u re aalll l yyour ou r ddigital i gitaa l m marketing a rke t i n g tteams e a m s aare re ccollaborating ol l ab or at ing for

what they to ld d us us (i (in ( in i n s st tri ric r ic ct c on onf o nf n fid ide i de d enc nce n ce c e). ) told strict confidence).

ne e w wh ho works wor ork o rk r ks here her ere e re r e and and here’s an her ere e re r e’ ’s s We surveyed everyo everyone who

Take a peek inside our minds. If If you yo y ou o u dare. dar da re. re e.

topic, ta ble ble e i is s on o nly ly v vir ir i rt tua tu ua u al lly ll ly l y r ro oun un nd d. table only virtually round.

from multipl e p er er rs spe pec p ec e cti tiv t iv i ve es. es s. As s As b be ef fit fi it i ts t he he multiple perspectives. befits the

A roundtable c confab o fa onf ab b ab abo a about bo b out ut di dig d digital ig i gita i l m it marketing ark a ar rk r ket eti e ti t ing ng

eating, they comprehend compr mprehe h nd d a brighter b ight bright bri g er future. f ture fut ure. e

earn n a abo ab bo b ou ut t n nu nut ut u tri rit r it i tio ion on o n a an nd h eal ea e al a lt thy th hy h y As students lea learn about nutrition and healthy

A community mmunity gives, a g gar ga garden ar a rde den d en e n th t thrives, hri riv r iv i ves es, e s, s , st s students tu ude ud de d ent nts n ts gr g grow. ro ow. ow w. w .

wor king together kin tog oge gethe g ther more th m ore ore cl or c lear earl ar rl ly y t tha th ha h an m ost o os st s t. working clearly than most.

Suitable S Su ui u it tab ta ab a ble le f for fo or fr f framing. ra ami am mi m ing ng. n g. Wise g Wis Wis se words wor ord o rd r ds from fro rom r om o m a

rem ark kab ab bl le w oma o om ma m an wh w ho c oul ou o ul u ld s ee t ee th the he h e po p owe wer w er e r o of f remarkable woman who could see power

mo m onik on ike i ke k er: r: c com co om o m mu mun m un u ni ity it ty t y collaborator. co oll lla l la l abor b ato bo a r. moniker: community

lea der r. H e a ctu c ct tu t ua all al ll l ly p r ers ref ers a di dif d if i ff fe erent e e leader. He actually prefers different

You ma m may ay k know now n no ow o w B Bob Bo ob o b Du D Duffy uff ffy f fy f y as as a co com c community om o mm mun mu un u nity it

mag ma m ag a gic i number. (Maybe.) magic

Two is co mp mp pa an ny, ny y, y , bu b ut th thr t hr h re ee e just might be the company, but three

What’s th t the he i ideal dea de d ea e al s size ize i iz ze z e fo f for or a cr creat creative eative ive te team?

com c co om o mp pel pe el e ll lin in i ng lessons. les ess e ss s son ons o ns n s. compelling

st to ory ry y of of Airbnb’s Ai A ir rbn rb bn b nb b’s b’ ’s early ear ea rly rl ly l y years ye y ea ars ar rs r s offers of o f fe fer f er e rs the story

If you want to build a committed committ comm itted community,

ooptimum pt i mu m rresults. e s ullt s .

Based in Rochester, Andy Gilmore creates eye-popping designs for marquee clients well beyond our

T h i s magazine m a ga z i ne itself it s el f is i s a result re suu lt of of collaboration c olll ab or at ion between b etw we en This

fair city: Apple, Facebook, Fast Company, Google, Nike, Warby

ssome ome ooff R o che stter ’s ttop op ccreative re ativve ttalent. a lent . PPhotographers hoto g r apherr s Wayne Wa y ne Rochester’s

Parker, Nonesuch Music and Wired magazine.

C a l abre s e aand nd W a lter C ol le y, along a lon g with w it h illustrator i l lu s t r ator Andy Annd y Calabrese Walter Colley, G i l more , worked with wiit h our ou r team at Dixon Schwabl to prod duce Gilmore, produce the beautiful piece you now hold in your hands. You’ll find intricate design treasures on each page, including Digimarc

Wayne Calabrese has been taking and making stunning pictures

links to special video content. Just grab your smartphone or

for more than 30 years. His son Matt joined him in 2008.

tablet and follow the Digimarc instructions to enjoy alll this

This formidable team shares many chromosomes and combines

edition of Incite has to offer, including a 3D model and video

vast experience and sparkling enthusiasm.

tour of our newly expanded and integrated agency! As Helen Keller said, “Together we can do so much.” We hope you join us in this celebration of collaboration and all it means for our livelihoods, our community and ourselves.

Incite was printed by Compu-Mail, a high-volume,

Extra Content See this symbol?


Hold the phone

Scan the image.

With it, you

the Digimarc

about 4-6'' above

The content

can access extra


the page near

will load

groovy content.

app to your

the symbol, wait


All you need is a


for the image to








high-quality printer in Rochester

—lauren dixon & mike schwabl

and Buffalo. With 40 years of experience, they’ve mastered the intricacies of the latest

Scan here to

data-driven marketing tactics,


like variable-data printing and behavior-based trigger marketing.







combined an experienced team with a total outsider produced hit after hit. Proven collaboration, refreshed by fresh-faced, new-kid ideas. Businesses adopted Lehrer’s core-team-plus-

Looking for

outsider approach, confident that their next creative venture was optimized for success and that they were not throwing away their shot. Too bad it wasn’t true. Turns out, Lehrer made up a lot of the information he presented in his book. And the gifted journalist saw his career collapse in a pile of fabricated quotes and misinterpreted data—like the research on Broadway musicals.

creative success?

Uzzi and Spiro’s research focused among musical team members, not







on the networks and connections

single individual. In their research, Q represented the relationship between two connection variables: the average number of connections you need to















the insights brought to the team by a

pair up two random people in the same network (Six Degrees of Kevin

Creating Powerful Communities

Bacon) and the extent to which two people who are connected to a third

By Karl Wiberg

each other. The higher the Q, the

Earlier this year, a troika of agency folks trekked to the left coast to attend

engaged, over time, supporters would grow more committed. Airbnb started

higher the degree of connectivity.

Planning-ness, a strategic planning conference with an awkward name. The

with small requests, such as Facebook posts, signing a petition or attending

Broadway shows with a low Q and

session I found most inspiring was given by Douglas Atkin, head of community

a rally. Only after small requests were accepted and completed would the

shows with a high Q failed at about

at Airbnb, the online lodging service that has disrupted the travel industry.

company make incrementally more challenging requests.

the same rate. The sweet spot of

There are two principles at work here. If you make too large of a request

success was a Q somewhere in the

opposition from hotels, residents, neighborhood groups, and state and city

too soon, you risk scaring off supporters. And each time a member completes

middle. Success had less to do with

governments. To overcome this resistance, the company set about creating

a task or “ask,” they become more strongly connected to the movement.

Soon after Airbnb launched in San Francisco, it encountered

a pro-Airbnb community. And not just a community, but a movement: a mobilized population that could scale and take action, driven by a shared vision of how the world should be.

individuals and more to do with


Not everyone will make the complete journey from low-level to hard-core supporter. But you’ll mobilize more fervent supporters if you start with

he Starving Artist, painting

In the book, Lehrer cited research by

networks. It’s the people you know—

unsellable abstracts in her tiny

social scientists Brian Uzzi and Jarrett

not the people in the room where it

Spiro, who analyzed 475 Broadway

happens—that make success possible.

Greenwich Village garret.

relatively easy requests first, followed by incrementally harder ones.

Airbnb won its first major victory in 2014, when the San Francisco Board

Ah, how we suffer to be creative!

musicals. Too big and too expensive to

How about a well-fed, sober artist

be left to one person, musicals embody

zation is not enough—you need to

Collaborating within an organi-

of Supervisors voted to regulate and allow short-term rentals. In city hearing

The brand helped.

after city hearing, Airbnb hosts outnumbered adversaries. (Note the word

The original appeal of the company was transactional. Travelers saved

having a grand time collaborating on

creative collaboration. And while the

collaborate across networks, strategically

“hosts”—far more agreeable than “property owners,” “landlords” or “hotel

money and property owners made money. But Airbnb discovered a

a groundbreaking and spectacularly

success of most creative endeavors

adding new connections to the mix.

chains.”) The supervisors had continually encountered people who used

transcendent benefit it could champion, one that connected with travelers

successful work of art? That’s the

is subjective, success on Broadway is

It’ll expand your reach, link you into

Airbnb, liked Airbnb and saw nothing wrong with Airbnb.

and hosts on a deeper cultural level: Belong everywhere.

story behind the biggest cultural phe-

painfully objective, with both critics and

new, untapped networks, and open you

nomenon of the century. Lin-Manuel

the ticket-buying public weighing in.

up to new ways of seeing the challenges

How they did it.

residents who can teach you about local eateries, stores and landmarks

Miranda, Alex Lacamoire, Thomas

Airbnb first reached out to anyone who had expressed interest in being

off the well-trod tourist track. You’ll live more like a local and get a more

Kail and dozens of actors workshopped

(or failure) on Broadway is predictable.

an Airbnb host or guest (roughly 23,000 people). Through an outbound

authentic feel for life in that town, city or country.

The Hamilton Mixtape into the

Not surprisingly, shows created by

the same critical and financial success

musical your great-grandkids might

teams that had never worked together

as Broadway’s Hamilton? Of course

someday be able to get tickets to see.

almost always bombed. Surpris-

not. But your chances of getting inno-

If you’re a guest staying with an Airbnb host, you’ll be living with local

phone effort, Airbnb connected with about a third of them. Next, Airbnb gauged levels of support. About 100 individuals were deemed core supporters, about 500 were strong supporters and more than 5,000 were low-medium supporters. This segmentation allowed Airbnb to pitch the right request to the right group. But the key to ultimate success was a simple core insight: If properly


person are likely to be connected to

Get connected.




Hosts likewise responded to the shift in appeal. They’re not merely providing lodging; they’re serving as cultural ambassadors and making new

By Charles Benoit

The collaborative success of

As explained in Imagine, success

and opportunities in front of you. Does this guarantee you’ll enjoy

ingly, though, long-standing teams

vative, creative and successful results

Hamilton also put Jonah Lehrer’s

failed just as often. They knew each

through cross-network collaboration

That sure sounds like a wonderful foundation for a brand, company or

2012 blockbuster, Imagine: How

other too well, rehashing the same

are probably better than your chances

community. Sign me up.

Creativity Works, back in the spotlight.

ideas over and over. But shows that

of getting tickets to the show.

friends from around the globe. Host or guest, everyone you meet becomes one less stranger in the world.






ochester chief of police. Mayor. Lieutenant governor. Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce president and CEO. Bob Duffy has excelled in each

of these demanding roles. But he’s the first to tell you he didn’t succeed all on his own. Incite sat down with Duffy to discuss collaboration and

Mr. Duffy on lessons learned

Photograph by Wayne Calabrese + Digital Retouching by Matt Calabrese + Grooming by Aimee Brown + Production by Michael Parks

related topics. Highlights follow.

My mother was a Catholic nun and my father at

blast somebody publicly. If you’re honest about

one point wanted to be a priest. In our house, you

disagreements, people will still respect you, as long

never spoke poorly of anybody, never judged

as you’re not criticizing them in public. It’s OK

somebody by the color of their skin, never made

to disagree and argue. But let’s keep that behind

fun of anybody. My background was huge in

closed doors.

helping me understand and work with people. I saw everyone work so well together during my

downstate reporter asked me, “What will you do

police career. Especially if there was an emergency.

if you and the governor disagree?” I said, “If that

When people call for help, you’re there. I can count

happens, the two of us will know, but no one else.”

on one hand the disputes that were predicated on

development councils, which encouraged whole

way law enforcement agencies collaborate.

regions to collaborate. It was ingenious. A few

As a police officer, every day you may have 20,

Development Council brought together Danny

them to go well. The job is 99% helping people.

Wegman, Joel Seligman and other leaders from

Sometimes, just talking with them. Policing taught

all nine counties. Elected officials, not-for-profit

me so much about empathy. I’m not a psychologist,

leaders, business leaders—all working together.

but you kind of become one as a cop.

I’ve never seen better collaboration.

I became a police officer as a 22-year-old,


I saw this all around the state in nine other

and suddenly I’m being asked to mediate family

regions: top-level people who didn’t previously

problems! You learn to listen to people and try to

know each other, coming together to figure out

understand them. Just being respectful helps a lot.

how to best apply potential investment dollars.

I would say “Yes, sir” or “No, ma’am” to everyone. I

I’m a little old-fashioned. I believe that if you

teach that to my kids. People need to be respected.

can sit down with someone and have an honest

You never disrespect or speak down to anyone—

dialogue, you can get to a “yes” pretty quickly. You

especially in front of their family.

don’t have to have dinner with them. But you can

People need to be recognized. As police chief, I used to write notes of appreciation to officers.

work it out and shake hands. If there’s a lack of teamwork—and my wife

All these tough cops would say, “I don’t want any

will tell you this—the first person I look to is

credit.” But I’d send these little notes to their

me. I always think, “What could I have done

house. Later, I’d hear that they had taped them in

differently?” You have to be honest with yourself

their lockers.

in order to really collaborate.

As mayor, I found that if I praised one

It’s my second year here. We’re going through

department for their tremendous work, someone

some changes. And change can be tricky. I

would say, “Well what about us over here?” So I’d

hope people see the chamber as an example of

walk the halls quite a bit, and if something good

collaboration. We’re going to connect with more

happened, I’d praise those people. Sometimes

people and get them involved. We all win if we find

I’ve been guilty of saying “Hey, great job,” but not

ways to collaborate. I honestly think we’re poised

being clear about what that job was. It has to be for

for some very good things in this region. You can

something real and specific.

feel the vibe changing.

You also have to be fair and consistent and be

Stephen Covey said it best: Look for the “win-win.”

perceived that way. If I gave my oldest daughter

It’s not always easy to do. Collaboration can

a $2 allowance, my youngest would know exactly

be hard work. But with it, you can achieve

how much. And if she only got $1, she’d be upset.

extraordinary things.

Even to this day, the sisters will talk and compare who got what.

Something else I’ve learned: You never


years later, the Finger Lakes Regional Economic

30, 40, 50 interactions with people, and you want

It’s really about understanding people. Human


I saw the governor create the regional

ego or turf. This region should be very proud of the

behavior doesn’t change much over the years.


After I was elected with the governor, a

Scan icon for a full version of the interview





Scan ‘30’ to relive 30 years of Dixon Schwabl



Salena's Scan this corn for a bird’s-eye view of the garden



V O L U N T E E R S:

East Upper & Lower

oc Br lo co ee Tr



& w La n re Ca

SWBR Architects




Y O U’







By Megan Steenburgh







OF Dixon Schwabl





on ociati r t Ass a e H n a Am eric

group of local organizations

Rochester’s Graduate School

thrilled to donate and volunteer for

program aims to re-establish for

recently joined together to build

of Education.

this effort. The Teaching Garden

school-age students what it means to

a Teaching Garden to help kids





being donated by Salena’s. Students who train at RYCE will

will help our young people get off to

be healthy. The Teaching Garden

be responsible for the restaurant’s

grow fresh food and, at the same time,

area children are overweight or

a great start when it comes to eating

gives students hands-on experience

menu development, management

become smarter about nutrition.

obese,” American Heart Association

and nutrition. That’s important for

planting, harvesting and—let’s not

and day-to-day operations. “Along

If all goes as planned, Rochester

Executive Director Marc Natale said.

heart health and important for the

forget—eating fresh, organic and

with the Teaching Garden, RYCE

children will eat healthier, understand

“Numerous studies show early health

health of the entire community.”

unprocessed food.

gives students fantastic opportunity

proper nutrition and prepare for

intervention in school is a powerful

promising culinary careers.

tool to positively influence healthy

effort,” Dixon added. “Heart disease

responsible for maintaining and

team building, problem-solving skills

behavior. That’s the primary purpose

runs in my family, so this cause is near

caring for the 2,050-square-foot

and much more,” said Jeff Christiano,

of this Teaching Garden.”

East lead culinary arts teacher.

Making common cause to contribute their time, funds, passion,

“This was a true community

Culinary students at East are

to develop responsibility, leadership,

and dear to my heart. Through this

garden, which will include

The garden was built entirely

program, we can positively change

vegetables, fruits, herb planters,

Architects, Broccolo Tree & Lawn

by volunteers as part of the 2017

children’s lives and lifestyle habits.”

perennials, sunflower patches, rain

increases confidence and improves

Care, Dixon Schwabl, American

American Heart Association Heart

This innovative, school-based

barrels and more. The food grown

their employability, which is the

Heart Association, Rochester Youth

Walk & Run Campaign, co-chaired

in the garden will be used to prepare

ultimate goal.”

Culinary Experience (RYCE),

by Lauren Dixon and Mike Schwabl.

meals for students at East and at

know-how and labor are SWBR

and East Upper & Lower Schools Scan the pumpkin for a video story

“Nearly one in three Rochester-

Shane Grant

in partnership with the University of

“This really is a labor of love,” Schwabl said. “Our agency was

“This kind of hands-on learning

Fresh-grown food. And a healthier

the RYCE restaurant opening this

future for our youth. Sounds like a

fall at Village Gate in a space

perfect pairing.





Mondo Digital



As the different worlds of digital marketing continue to converge, we thought it might be a good time to hear from a few of our in-house digital Jedis: Vice President of Social & Digital Media Jon Alhart, Director of Digital Media Bob Burch, Director of Digital Strategy Cathleen Wells, Digital Analyst Adam Wingate and Content Manager Pete Wayner. We gathered them in a room, confiscated their smartphones, then asked them to play nice and talk digital. To watch the conversation, scan the icon at the lowerleft corner with your Digimarcenabled device. In a hurry? Here are a few key takeaways:

al Me



Talking about a (digital) revolution.

Artwork by Andy Gilmore


t ly na



We De b ve l

Jo u

Scan here to watch the roundtable discussion





Br rn a a n d l is m

l ita Di g a i Med




matter how basic. Being clear about goals also helps you figure out budgets and timelines.

Optimize. Digital marketing now gives you the ability to track results and determine in virtually real time if customers or prospects are engaging with or sharing your campaign or content. For example, once you launch a social media campaign, follow which elements work—and which don’t. Then make iterative adjustments on the fly: tweak copy, layout, photos, overall messaging, calls to action (add to cart, submit form, chat or call), even the page code or server you’re using. You can Work together. What’s now optimize nearly any Make sure your the real digital tactic: banners, different digital goal? targeting, placements, teams talk with each What do creative, landing pages, other regularly and, you want you name it. whenever possible, people synchronize their to do? efforts. All of your Socialize. One of the digital assets should bigger changes in the past be ready and in place before any year or so is the growing legitimacy single element is launched. of social media platforms as a Launching a social media way to drive leads, inquiry and campaign? You’ll want to consider response. Social media is now part creating new landing pages and of the daily routine for millions adding a paid digital media (billions?). Moreover, targeting for component. Otherwise, you may paid posts is becoming ever more be missing a golden opportunity to precise, allowing you to reach further engage your audience and niche audiences more easily. move them along the sales journey. One example. Last year, when Our digital media, interactive we were asked about Snapchat, and social media teams work we rarely recommended it. It together every day. So far, no hadn’t yet proven its ROI. Today, one’s been injured. that’s changed. We recently used Snapchat to help promote the PGA using the app’s branded Got goals? Clients come to us filter feature. It allows you to pick for a new website and a campaign certain locations where the filter to drive traffic. But usually there’s will pop up for Snapchat users a bigger objective that needs to be when they’re sharing pictures. uncovered. So we take a step back Not all that long ago, social and ask: What’s the real goal? media was considered merely a What do you want people to do? top-funnel awareness or public Tempting as it may be to fire relations tactic. Now, whether up the latest whiz-bang technolpaid or unpaid, it’s more than ogy, you must have a strategy, no made its case to sit at the marketing table to generate leads and drive sales.





Anonymously, of course, to encourage total candor. For your infotainment

... all have in common? Scan the icon above to find out on our custom playlist.

and collabrification, here are some of the more interesting responses.

no it

Tr a

di a Me

n mi Ad

ns it

Dr iv er

Se rv ic e nt ou

In te ra

ct iv e

ar le s

Th in g Ch

Di gi t


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di a Me

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Di Se re co ct nd or Im of pr Re es se si ar on ch s






Ac c

bit about themselves.*

P. R.

our team to reveal a


To that end, we’ve asked



a bit about your partners.




better if you understand




Aerosmith and Run-D.M.C. + Michael Jackson and Paul McCartney + Lady Gaga and Tony Bennett + Lyle Lovett and Al Green + Norah Jones and Ray Charles

Collaboration tends to go


17 %

What do ...

Aim your smartphone here to read to the latest agency blog all about collaboration.


Cr ea


If you could snap your fingers and suddenly work in a different department at Dixon Schwabl, which would it be?

ud io

Survey Says

When no one's looking, I like to:

ti ve

How old were you when you had your first romantic kiss?

In a former life, I was a: EDITOR’S PICK

Who is your favorite superhero?

"1960s rock

(top results) 13%

star who





The Hulk

My dreams are usually:



A penguin Ferrari

Cottage Cheese Liver

Kale Lima Beans


Black Licorice



Martha Stewart, minus the jail time

and whose


died young


Dog. For sure.







Or a train

Most Foods Cauliflower


Scratch myself

kids’ walls.


All of the above



Talk to myself

on college


Play air guitar


Dance like a fool

Backup singer for ABBA


I hate the taste of:

Think shallow thoughts


now hang


56% Kinda weird 1%

23% Super weird

Beets Anchovies


13% Pleasant



Top write-in response: Sing, really loud.

If I weren't in the business, I would like to be: Beer Lover


NYS Fair fanatic

Hates Oxford comma

Big tattoo

Small dog

Host of The

Or Professional Crafter, DIY all day

Price is Right Bob Charboneau





Jen Moritz






Art for everyone. Shawn Dunwoody is a collaborator extraordinaire. As he puts it, community is his canvas. Dunwoody marshals the power of art to help transform and uplift neighborhoods around Rochester. In a special Incite edition of our One More Thing podcast, he talks about his vision to integrate more art into ever more communities. Scan here to have a listen.

Joanne LaFave

* The views and opinions expressed in the surveys herein are those of the respondents and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Dixon Schwabl Inc. or any of its international subsidiaries. Actual results may vary. Ask your doctor if survey taking is right for you.