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Implementing Game Strategy in Tic-Tac-Toe Controller. Handling the ...... Assign the customer's data (gross income, stat

Table of Contents Introduction Who This Book Is For What This Book Covers How This Book Is Structured What You Need to Use This Book How To Read This Book Conventions Source Code Errata P2P.Wrox.Com Lesson 1 Introducing Java Why Learn Java? Setting the Goals The Life Cycle of a Java Program JDK and JRE Downloading and Installing Java SE Installing JDK 8 for MAC OS Installing JDK 8 in Windows Your First Java Program: Hello World Compiling and Running Hello World Try It Lesson Requirements Step-by-Step Lesson 2 Eclipse IDE Introducing Eclipse IDE Downloading and Installing Eclipse Creating Hello Project in Eclipse Creating the HelloWorld Class in Eclipse Java Packages Completing Code Generation Additional Materials Try It Lesson Requirements Step-by-Step Lesson 3 Object-Oriented Programming with Java

Variables and ) { // do something only for males under 20 years old } For the OR condition use ||; for example: if (age < 30 || yearsInArmy > 0) { // do something with people younger than 30 or those who served // in the army regardless of their age } For the NOT condition (aka negation) use the ! sign: boolean hasBachelorDegree; // Read the person record and assign the value true or false // to the variable hasBachelorDegree if (!hasBachelorDegree) { // do something with people without bachelor degree } The negation symbol can be placed either in front of a boolean variable, as in the preceding code snippet, or in front of the expression that returns boolean. The next code example shows how to use negation. Note that the comparison expression was placed inside the parentheses; otherwise the Java compiler would assume that you’re trying to negate a String value called friends[i], which is not allowed. if (!(friends[i]=="Hillary")){ System.out.println("Still looking for Hillary."); } Imagine a situation in which you need to assign a value to a variable, but the value depends on the result of a certain condition. To assign the variable in a verbose way you can use a regular if statement and test some condition, writing one assignment operator for a result of true, and another in the else section for a result of false. But if you use a special construct called a conditional operator (?), the same task can be done more simply. The conditional operator consists of the following parts: an expression that returns boolean, a question mark, an expression that returns some value if the first expression evaluates to true, a colon, and an expression that returns a value to be used if the first expression returns false. It sounds complicated, but it’s not. The following code sample shows how to assign a $3,000 bonus if a person’s salary is greater than $90,000, and only

float salary; // Retrieve the salary of the person from some Center",p1); //Create the frame and set its content pane JFrame frame = new JFrame("Calculator"); frame.setContentPane(windowContent); // Set the size of the window big enough // to accommodate all controls frame.pack(); // Display the window frame.setVisible(true); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); } public static void main(String[] args) { Calculator calc = new Calculator(); } }

BoxLayout The class javax.swing.BoxLayout allows multiple window components to be laid out either horizontally (along the x axis) or vertically (along the y axis). Unlike with the FlowLayout manager, when the window with the BoxLayout is resized, its controls do not wrap. And unlike with GridLayout, with BoxLayout, window controls can have different sizes. The next two lines of code assign BoxLayout with vertical alignment to JPanel. To make this code shorter, I have not declared a variable to store a reference to the object BoxLayout, but rather create an instance of this object and immediately pass it to the method setLayout() as an argument. JPanel p1= new JPanel(); setLayout(new BoxLayout(p1, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); If you just add several buttons to the panel p1, they all display one under another. You can use combinations of various containers implementing horizontal or vertical BoxLayout to build a fairly sophisticated UI. Think of a front page of a game that has to have several items next to each other on the top of the window, some controls located vertically on the left sidebar, and the rest of the window’s real estate allocated for the main battlefield. You can use BorderLayout having a panel with a horizontal BoxLayout on the North, and a panel with vertical BoxLayout on the West. The next section shows you a sophisticated yet more verbose GridBagLayout, but you should always try to see if the BoxLayout can do the job and use it, if possible.

GridBagLayout In this section you are familiarized with yet another way of designing the calculator by

different layouts. GridBagLayout is an advanced grid that allows the creation of cells of different sizes. GridBagLayout works in combination with another class called GridBagConstraints. Constraints are just attributes of a cell, and you have to set them for each cell separately. All constraints for a cell have to be set before you place a component in the cell. For example, one of the constraint’s attributes is called gridwidth (see Figure 8-8). It enables you to make a cell as wide as several other cells. The display field in the example is as wide as five other cells. The top-left cell has the coordinates 0,0.

Figure 8-8: GridBagConstraints in Calculator When working with the grid layout you should create an instance of the constraint object first, and set the values to its properties. Then you can add a UI component to the cell with specified coordinates in your container. After that you repeat the procedure: populate the same instance of GridBagConstraints with properties of another cell and add it to the container and so on. The code sample in Listing 8-5 is heavily sprinkled with comments to help you understand how to use GridBagLayout. While working on this lesson’s assignment you’ll be using this code.

Listing 8-5: Creating constraints for GridBagLayout // Set the GridBagLayout for the window's content pane GridBagLayout gb = new GridBagLayout(); this.setLayout(gb); // Create an instance of the GridBagConstraints // You'll have to repeat these lines for each component // that you'd like to add to the grid cell GridBagConstraints constr = new GridBagConstraints(); //setting constraints for the Calculator's displayField: // x coordinate in the grid constr.gridx=0; // y coordinate in the grid constr.gridy=0; // this cell has the same height as other cells constr.gridheight =1; // this cell is as wide as 5 other ones constr.gridwidth= 5; // fill all space in the cell constr.fill= constr.BOTH; // proportion of horizontal space taken by this // component constr.weightx = 1.0; // proportion of vertical space taken by this component constr.weighty = 1.0; // position of the component within the cell constr.anchor=constr.CENTER; displayField = new JTextField(); // set constraints for this field gb.setConstraints(displayField,constr); // add the text field to the window windowContent.add(displayField);

CardLayout Think of a deck of cards lying on top of each other — only the top card is visible. You can use the java.awt.CardLayout manager to create a component that shows one panel at a time, such as the tabbed folder in Figure 8-9.

Figure 8-9: Tab folder as a card layout example When the user clicks a tab, the content of the window changes. In fact, all the panels needed for this screen are already preloaded and lie on top of each other. When the user

“cards” invisible. The tabbed folder here was used for illustration; the Swing library includes a ready-to-go component for windows with tabs, called JTabbedPane.

Containers with Absolute Layout If you want a container’s content to look the same regardless of the user’s window size, set the x and y coordinates, width, and height (the bounds) of each component while adding them to the window. Your class has to explicitly state that it won’t use any layout manager by passing null to setLayout(): windowContent.setLayout(null); The next code snippet shows how you can set a button’s width to 40 pixels and its height to 20, and place the button so its top-left corner is 100 pixels to the right of and 200 pixels down from the top-left corner of the window: JButton myButton = new Button("New Game"); myButton.setBounds(100,200,40,20);

More About Swing Widgets It’s not possible to describe all the Swing components in a short lesson. Use the Swing online tutorial mentioned in the beginning of this lesson to get more information. Here’s a list of all the Swing widgets: JButton JLabel JCheckBox

JScrollBar JSlider JProgressBar

JRadioButton JToggleButton JScrollPane JSpinner JTextField JTextArea JPasswordField JFormattedTextField JEditorPane

JComboBox JList JTabbedPane JTable JToolTip JTree JViewPort ImageIcon

You can also create menus (JMenu and JPopupMenu), pop-up windows, and frames inside other frames (JInternalFrame), and you can use the standard-looking windows (JFileChooser, JColorChooser, and JOptionPane). Java used to come with an excellent demo application, SwingSet3, that showed all the available Swing components in action. Now it’s available online at

Swing GUI Builders Java developers use various tools to speed the process of designing UIs. See what’s available for the IDE that you use. For example, there is design tool for Eclipse called WindowBuilder that simplifies creation of GUI without writing too much code. You can find it at the following URL: Matisse was originally developed for the NetBeans IDE, and you can find it here: Finally, consider yet another Eclipse plug-in, called Jigloo GUI Builder ( You can definitely find a tool that will substantially speed up your design of UIs with the Java Swing library.

Try It Your task for today is to create another version of the calculator in Figure 8-8, using only one layout: GridBagLayout.

Lesson Requirements For this lesson you should have Java installed. NOTE You can download the code and resources for this “Try It” from the book’s web page at You can find them in the

Step-by-Step This assignment comes down to creating appropriate constraints for each UI component shown in Listing 8-5 for each UI component needed for the calculator. TIP Please select the videos for Lesson 8 online at You will also be able to download the code and resources for this lesson from the website.

Lesson 9 Event Handling in Swing GUI Java Swing, like any other UI library, is event-driven. When a user interacts with a GUI program (such as by clicking a button or pressing a key) a Java Swing program receives an event that can initiate an appropriate reaction. If you wrote the code to react to a particular event, this code will be invoked. If you haven’t written such code, the event will be fired anyway, but the program won’t respond to it. In this lesson you learn how to handle events in Java GUI programs.

Introduction to Event Listeners I’m sure you’ve tried to click the buttons of the calculator from Chapter 8, but they were not ready to respond to your actions yet. Swing widgets can process various events, or in the programmers’ jargon can listen to events. To listen to events, a program has to register window components with Java classes called listeners. You should have components listen only to the events they are interested in. For example, when a person clicks a button, it’s not important where exactly the mouse pointer is as long as it is on the button’s surface. That’s why you do not need to register the button with MouseMotionListener. On the other hand, this listener comes in handy for all kinds of drawing programs. To process button clicks, Swing provides ActionListener. All listeners are declared Java interfaces and their methods have to be implemented in an object that listens to events. This is how Java documentation describes the ActionListener interface: This is the listener interference for receiving action events. The class that is interested in processing an action event implements this interface, and the object created with that class is registered with a component, using the component’s addActionListener() method. When the action event occurs, that object’s actionPerformed() method is invoked. This interface ActionListener is defined in the java.awt.event package, as presented in Listing 9-1. It declares only one method. Listing 9-1: ActionListener Interface public interface ActionListener extends EventListener void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e); }

NOTE Starting from Java 8, interfaces that declare a single method are called functional interfaces. You learn more about them in Lesson 15. The actionPerformed() method is invoked by the JVM if the action happened. Let’s use this listener in the calculator you created in Chapter 8.

Teaching the Calculator to Calculate The calculator’s buttons should register themselves with a class that implements ActionListener, which means that its method actionPerform() contains the calculation logic. Even though you can implement ActionListener in the Calculator class itself, for better readability and code maintainability it’s best to separate the code defining the UI from the code containing processing logic. Let’s start writing a separate class, CalculatorEngine: import java.awt.event.ActionListener; public class CalculatorEngine implements ActionListener { } The preceding class won’t compile; Java gives an error message stating that the class must implement the method actionPerformed(ActionEvent e). You remember the rules for interfaces, right? The interface ActionListener declares a single method actionPerformed(), which makes it a functional interface, as discussed in Listing 9-2 fixes this error. Listing 9-2: First implementation of ActionListener interface import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; public class CalculatorEngine implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){ // An empty method body } } Even though the actionPerformed() method doesn’t contain any code yet, it’s considered implemented in Listing 9-2 (the curly braces make the compiler happy). JVM calls this method on the class that’s registered as an event listener and implements the ActionListener interface whenever the user clicks the button. The next version of CalulatorEngine (see Listing 9-3) will display a message box from the method actionPerformed(). You can display any messages using the Swing class JOptionPane and its method showConfirmDialog().

Listing 9-3: This class displays a message box import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; public class CalculatorEngineMsg implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){ JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, "Something happened…", "Just a test", JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE); } } If you register the class CalculatorEngineMsg from Listing 9-3 as a listener for the class Calculator from Listing 8-4, it displays the message box shown in Figure 9-1 when the user clicks inside the calculator window.

Figure 9-1: A message box with JOptionPane The class JOptionPane declares several overloaded methods named showConfirmDialog() — I used the version with four arguments in Listing 9-3. The first argument is null, which means that this message box does not have a parent window. The second argument contains the title of the message box. The third contains the message itself, and the fourth argument allows you to select a button(s) to be included in the box; PLAIN_MESSAGE means that it only needs the OK button.

Registering Components with ActionListener Which program invokes the code in the method actionPerformed() shown in Listing 93 and when? Register the calculator’s buttons with the class CalculatorEngine, and Java run time obediently invokes this class’s method actionPerformed() every time any button is clicked.

Callback Methods The methods that are not called by the Java run time on your application code are often referred to as callback methods.

4), and one button (zero) starts responding to clicks with the box from Figure 9-1: CalculatorEngine calcEngine = new CalculatorEngine(); button0.addActionListener(calcEngine); The other calculator buttons remain silent because they have not been registered with the action listener yet. Keep adding similar lines to bring all the buttons to life: button1.addActionListener(calcEngine); button2.addActionListener(calcEngine); button3.addActionListener(calcEngine); button4.addActionListener(calcEngine);

Finding the Source of an Event The next step is to make the listener a little smarter: It has to display message boxes with different text, depending on which button was pressed. When an action event happens, Java run time calls the method actionPerformed(ActionEvent) on your listener class, and this method provides valuable information about the event in the argument ActionEvent. In particular, the method getSource() in the object ActionEvent supplied to actionPerformed() in Listing 9-3 tells you what object caused this method invocation. But according to Java documentation for the class ActionEvent, the method getSource() returns an instance of type Object, which is a superclass of all Java classes, including window components. Since buttons in your calculator can be the only reason for an action event, cast the returned Object to the type JButton: JButton clickedButton = (JButton) evt.getSource(); Only after performing casting from Object to JButton can you call methods that JButton supports; for example, getText(), which returns the button’s label, as shown in Listing 9-4. If you press the button labeled 5, you see a message box that reads, “You pressed 5.”

Listing 9-4: Getting the label of the clicked button import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JButton; public class CalculatorEngine implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){ // Get the source object of this action JButton clickedButton=(JButton) e.getSource(); // Get the button's label String clickedButtonLabel = clickedButton.getText(); // Concatenate the button's label // to the text of the message box JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, "You pressed " + clickedButtonLabel, "Just a test", JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE); } } What if the window events are produced not only by buttons, but by some other components as well? Then don’t cast every object that has arrived with ActionEvent to JButton. Use the operator called instanceof to perform the proper casting. The next example first determines what type of object caused the event, and then performs casting to either JButton or JTextField: public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt){ JTextField myDisplayField=null; JButton clickedButton=null; Object eventSource = evt.getSource(); if (eventSource instanceof JButton){ clickedButton = (JButton) eventSource; } else if (eventSource instanceof JTextField){ myDisplayField = (JTextField)eventSource; } } Consider the buttons that perform arithmetic operations. Our calculator has to execute different code for each button: public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){ Object src = e.getSource(); if (src == buttonPlus){ // Call the method that adds numbers here

// Call the method that subtracts numbers here }else if (src == buttonDivide){ // Call the method that divides numbers here } else if (src == buttonMultiply){ // Call the method that multiplies numbers here } }

How to Pass itemtype="" lang="en"> Google The class WebSiteReader explicitly creates the object URLConnection. Strictly speaking, you could achieve the same result by using only the class URL: URL url = new URL(""); InputStream in = url.openStream(); BufferedReader buff= new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); The reason you may consider using the URLConnection class is that it could give you some additional control over the I/O process. For example, by calling its method setDoOutput(true) you specify that this Java program is intended to write to the remote URL, too. In the case of HTTP connections, this will also implicitly set the type of request to POST (see Chapter 26). The method useCaches() of URLConnection also allows you to specify whether the protocol can use a cached object or should always request a fresh copy of the document at a specified URL. In general, if you are planning to write Java programs that will only use the HTTP protocol, use the class HttpURLConnection, which supports HTTP-specific features, such as processing header fields, getting HTTP response codes, setting request properties, and so on.

Connecting Through HTTP Proxy Servers For security reasons, most enterprises use firewalls (see to block unauthorized access to their internal networks. As a result their employees can’t directly reach the outside Internet world (or even some internal servers), but go through HTTP proxy servers. Check the settings of your Internet browser to see if you are also sitting behind a firewall, and find out the hostname and port number of the proxy server if you are. Usually, web browsers store proxy parameters under the Advanced tabs of their Settings or Preferences menus. If your browser has downloaded a page containing a Java applet, the latter knows the parameters of the proxy servers and can make requests to the remote servers through the firewall. But a regular Java application should specify networking properties http.proxyHost and http.proxyPort to “drill a hole” in the firewall. For example, if the name of your proxy server is and it runs on port 8080, the following two lines should be added to the Java application that needs to connect to the Internet: System.setProperty("http.proxyHost",""); System.setProperty("http.proxyPort", 8080); If you do not want to hardcode these values, pass them to your program from the command line: java -Dhttp.proxyHost= Dhttp.proxyPort=8080 WebSiteReader The other option for programmatically specifying proxy parameters is to do it via the class The code for the same proxy server parameter would look like this (you can replace the name of the server with an IP address): Proxy myProxy = new Proxy(Proxy.Type.HTTP, new InetSocketAddress ("", 8080)); url = new URL(""); urlConn = url.openConnection(myProxy);

How to Download Files from the Internet Combine the class URL with the writing files techniques and you should be able to download practically any unprotected file (such as images, music, and binary files) from the Internet. The trick is in opening the file stream properly. Listing 16-3 shows the code of a Java class, FileDownload, which gets the URL and the destination (local) filename as command-line arguments, connects to this resource, and downloads it into a local file. Listing 16-3: Downloading an arbitrary file from the Internet class FileDownload{ public static void main(String args[]){ if (args.length!=2){ System.out.println( "Proper Usage:java FileDownload SourceFileURL OutputFileName"); System.out.println( "For example: " + "java FileDownload nyc.jpg"); System.exit(-1); } URLConnection fileStream=null; try{ URL remoteFile=new URL(args[0]); fileStream=remoteFile.openConnection(); } catch (IOException ioe){ ioe.printStackTrace(); } try( FileOutputStream fOut=new FileOutputStream(args[1]); InputStream in = fileStream.getInputStream();){ // Read a remote file and save it in the local one int &f=sl1d1t1c1ohgv&e=.csv" ); urlConn = url.openConnection(); } catch(IOException ioe){ ioe.printStackTrace(); } try(InputStreamReader inStream = new InputStreamReader(urlConn.getInputStream()); BufferedReader buff = new BufferedReader(inStream);){ // get the quote as a csv string csvString =buff.readLine(); // parse the csv string StringTokenizer tokenizer=new StringTokenizer(csvString, ","); String ticker = tokenizer.nextToken(); String price = tokenizer.nextToken(); String tradeDate = tokenizer.nextToken(); String tradeTime = tokenizer.nextToken(); System.out.println("Symbol: " + ticker + " Price: " + price + " Date: " + tradeDate + " Time: " + tradeTime); } catch(MalformedURLException e){ System.out.println("Please check the spelling of " + "the URL: " + e.toString() ); } catch(IOException e1){ System.out.println("Can't read from the Internet: " + e1.toString() ); } } public static void main(String args[]){ if (args.length==0){ System.out.println("Sample Usage: java StockQuote IBM"); System.exit(0); } printStockQuote(args[0]); } }

code in Listing 16-4 should be a piece of cake for you. Test the StockQuote program. Enter AAPL or another stock symbol as an argument in the Run Configurations window of Eclipse, or run it from a command window as follows: java StockQuote AAPL Running StockQuote can produce something similar to this: Symbol: "AAPL" Price: 108.60 Date: "11/4/2014" Time: "4:00pm"

Socket Programming Java-based technologies offer many options for network communications, and one of the technologies to consider is sockets. A socket is one endpoint in the communication link. In this section you learn how to use the Java classes Socket and ServerSocket from the package Many communication protocols in IP networking are based on sockets. For example, Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) maintains a socket connection for the whole period of communication, whereas User xmlns="" fx:controller="mycalculator.CalculatorController"> Now select GridPane in the Containers panel on the left and drag and drop it on the insert CENTER line in the Hierarchy panel. The Scene Builder looks like Figure 19-6.

Figure 19-4: Calculator.fxml in Scene Builder

Figure 19-5: The TextField control is placed in the TOP area

Figure 19-6: Adding the GridPane to the CENTER. After saving the design, the Calculator.fxml file includes new content: Accordingly, declare a variable displayField in the CalculatorController class as follows: @FXML private TextField displayField; Now you can use the variable displayField knowing that it always has the same value as the GUI component having the same ID. The next version of CalculatorController uses this variable in the method processDigit(). First it gets the current value of the displayField via getText(), then attaches the selected digit to it, and puts it back into the variable displayField using the setText() method. package mycalculator; import javafx.event.ActionEvent; import javafx.fxml.FXML; import javafx.scene.control.Button; import javafx.scene.control.TextField; public class CalculatorController { @FXML private TextField displayField; public void buttonClickHandler(ActionEvent evt){ Button clickedButton = (Button) evt.getTarget(); String buttonLabel = clickedButton.getText(); // Tell apart digits from operations switch(buttonLabel){ case "0": case "1": case "2": case "3": case "4": case "5": case "6": case "7": case "8": case "9": case "10": case ".": processDigit(buttonLabel); break;

processOperation(buttonLabel); } } private void processDigit(String buttonLabel){ displayField.setText(displayField.getText() + buttonLabel); } private void processOperation(String buttonLabel){ System.out.println("You selected operation " + buttonLabel); } } In Lesson 3 I mention that if you forget to write the break statement in a case clause, the code falls through. In the method processDigit() I do this on purpose to avoid writing processDigit() and break for each clause. Figure 19-11 shows a screenshot of the running calculator after I clicked the buttons 1,5,9,.,2, and 3. The processDigit() method illustrated the process of passing encoding="UTF-8"?> { ((Button) btn).setText(""); btn.getStyleClass().remove("winning-button"); }); isFirstPlayer = true; // new game starts with X } }

which is an extension of Java Collections Framework, and you can find the description of all of them in Oracle documentation. Your method menuClickHandler() uses one of these interfaces: ObservableList . This collection was created to listen to the events that may happen to its elements, but I use it to store references to children of the GridPane. The method getChildren() returns a collection of Node instances (each Button is a descendant of Node). Then you”erase” the label of each button and remove that fancy style of winning buttons. Finally youreset the value of isFirstPlayer so the first move places X on the clicked button. That’s all there is to it. Play the game!

Tic-Tac-Toe: What to Try Next Your tic-tac-toe game is ready. Of course, there are things that can be improved to make this game more of a commercial grade. For example, you can remove all event handlers by calling removeEventHandler() on all buttons when the winner is found. You may consider offering the user to set the dimensions of the playing board rather than using a 3x3 board. In this case, I recommend you create the GUI in Java and dynamically create arrays of buttons based on the user’s selection. You may add the Save History feature, too. You can add an option to play against the computer instead of having a second player. In that case, you may need to get familiar with the Minimax, a decision rule algorithm from Game Theory. This YouTube video will help you to see how it can be applied to the tictac-toe game.

JavaFX on the Web and Mobile Devices JavaFX applications can run inside web browsers provided the user’s computer has JavaFX run time installed. There is a Deployment Kit to auto-detect whether the user has such a run time and install it if necessary. Unfortunately the detection and installation process is not a simple one, so using JavaFX application inside web browsers is not a good idea for consumer-oriented applications. It’s possible in controlled environments, such as inside an organization where the required Java run time can be installed on the user’s desktops. If you’re wondering whether it’s possible to use JavaFX for writing applications for smartphones, Oracle doesn’t offer the JavaFX libraries for mobile platforms, but it’s possible. To develop JavaFX applications for iOS, you need to install and learn some additional software, namely RoboVM, which is a software development kit (SDK) for converting Java bytecode into the native device code as if it was written in the C programming language. There is also a community site called JavaFXPorts, where people offer solutions for deployment of JavaFX applications on iOS and Android devices.

Try It The goal of the next assignment is to implement the application logic for the operation buttons in the Calculator project created earlier in this lesson. By the time the user clicks one of the operation buttons, the displayField variable in CalculatorController already has some value. I’ve written the step-by-step instructions for implementing only the plus operation, and you need to implement other operations similarly.

Lesson Requirements You should have Eclipse with the E(fx)clipse plug-in installed. NOTE You can download the code and resources for this Try It from the book’s web page at You can find them in the

Step-by-Step As you see, I use the wrapper class Double to convert String into a numeric value before using it in the addition. 1. Import the Eclipse project Lesson19. 2. Run the Main class from the mycalculator package to see that clicks on digit buttons are properly shown in the display field. 3. To perform an operation on two numbers you need to know their values and the selected operation. The calculator’s display field shows only one number at a time, so you need to store the first entered value in a program variable. You may also store the result of the performed operation in a separate variable. Keep in mind that the value in the display field is represented by a string of characters. Declare the following fields in the CalculatorContoller class: private String previousValue=””; private String currentValue=””; private double result; 4. Write a method to add two numbers. Initially, if the user enters the first number and clicks on the plus button, you just need to store the entered value in previousValue and clean the display field so the user can enter the second one. If the user clicks the plus button and the previousValue is not empty, sum the current and previous values and display the result. The first version of the method may look as follows: private void addNumbers(){ if (””.equals(previousValue)){ previousValue = displayField.getText(); displayField.setText(””); } else{ currentValue = displayField.getText(); result = Double.parseDouble(previousValue) + Double.parseDouble(currentValue); displayField.setText(”” + result); } } 5. The controller should call the method addNumbers() if the user clicked one of the buttons: plus or equal. You may also need to remember the last operation being performed. Hence, add the following variable declaration:

CalculatorController to look like this: private void processOperation(String buttonLabel){ switch (buttonLabel) { case “+”: lastOperation = “+”; addNumbers(); break; case “=”: processOperation(lastOperation); // recursion } } The term recursion describes a situation when a function or a method calls itself. Recursion helps avoiding code duplication. Because you want to repeat the same actions if the user clicks the plus or equal button, using recursion makes sense. 6. Run the Main class, and you should be able to enter and add two numbers. But to support a scenario when the user wants to perform several consecutive additions, you need to add a little more code to catch the moment if the user continues clicking a digit right after the operation has been performed. In this case you need to store the result value in the variable previousValue, and clean the display field so the user can enter the next number to add. 7. Implement other operations similarly to addition. Add input validation: Don’t allow the user to enter more than one period in the number. Don’t allow division by zero. 8. Compare the FXML implementation of the calculator’s GUI with the Java version from Try It section from Lesson 18 . TIP Please select the videos for Lesson 19 online at You will also be able to download the code and resources for this lesson from the website.

Lesson 20 Stream API In this lesson you’ll learn how to work with the new Stream application programming interface (API) introduced in Java 8 (not to be confused with I/O Streams). Stream API enables you to write + employees[i]; stmt.executeQuery(sqlQuery); } The class PreparedStatement offers a more efficient solution: PreparedStatement stmt=conn.prepareStatement( " SELECT * from Employee WHERE empno=?"); for (int i=0;i