Learning Spanish, Holt, 1954, Hayward Keniston, Gordon William ...

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to demonstrate that children learning Spanish as a first language learn rules for assigning stress, as opposed to simply
Learning Spanish, Holt, 1954, Hayward Keniston, Gordon William Harrison Young children learning Spanish make rapid use of grammatical gender in spoken word recognition, all nouns in Spanish have grammatical gender, with obligatory gender marking on preceding articles (eg, la and el, the feminine and masculine forms of the, respectively). Adult native speakers of languages with grammatical gender exploit this cue in on-line. Balancing bilinguals II: Lexical comprehension and cognitive processing in children learning Spanish and English, the present study investigated developmental changes in lexical comprehension skills in early sequential bilinguals, in both Spanish (L1) and English (L2), exploring the effects of age, years of experience, and basiclevel cognitive processing (specifically the ability. Learning Spanish stress: developmental and theoretical perspectives, this paper uses spontaneous and imitated speech data from 50 Mexican-American preschoolers to demonstrate that children learning Spanish as a first language learn rules for assigning stress, as opposed to simply memorizing stress on a word-by-word basis. From. Spoken word recognition by Latino children learning Spanish as their first language, research on the development of efficiency in spoken language understanding has focused largely on middle-class children learning English. Here we extend this research to Spanish-learning children (n= 49; M= 2; 0; range= 1; 3-3; 1) living in the USA in Latino families from. Evaluation of the Impact of ESEA Title VII Spanish/English Bilingual Education Program. Volume III: Year Two Impact Data, Educational Process, and In-Depth, eRIC Number: ED154635. Record Type: Non-Journal. Publication Date: 1978-Jan. Pages: 458. Abstractor: N/A. Reference Count: N/A. ISBN: N/A. ISSN: N/A. Evaluation of the Impact of ESEA Title VII Spanish/English Bilingual Education Program. The Effects of a Suggestive Learning Climate, Synchronized Breathing and Music on the Learning and Retention of Spanish Words, this study found that the three variables, suggestion, synchronized music and breathing, had a large positive effect on the learning and retention of 50 Spanish words. Available from: Society for Suggestive-Accelerative Learning and Teaching, 2740 Richmond Avenue. Construyendo Puentes (Building Bridges): Concepts and Models for Service-Learning in Spanish. AAHE's Series on Service-Learning in the Disciplines, this volume is ttt_of_a_serlesof-1-8mono-gfaphs on service-earningandthe academic disciplines. It is designed to help teachers, administrators, and students realize the potential of service learning in Spanish. Following a Foreword by Carmen Chaves Tesser. ORIENTATIONS IN SECOND LANGUAGE ACQUISITION: I. THE EFFECTS OF ETHNIC TY, MILIEU, AND TARGET LANGUAGE ON THEIR EMERGENCE, minority London Anglophones learning Spanish 107 Multicultural Official Ottawa Anglophones learning French 101 Minority Ottawa Anglophones learning Spanish 85 Francophones Unicultural Official QuCbec Francophones learning English. Learning Spanish in Mexico: The effect of informal contact and student attitudes on language gain, students' informal interactive and noninteractive contact with the second language, as well as their cultural and linguistic attitudes and motivation, may affect oral proficiency gains in summer study abroad programs. However, these gains are difficult to measure with. Does learning Spanish grammatical gender change English-speaking adults' categorization of inanimate objects, second language acquisition studies can contribute to the body of research on the influence of language on thought by examining cognitive change as a result of second language learning. We conducted a longitudinal study that examined how the acquisition of Spanish. Balancing bilinguals: Lexical-semantic production and cognitive processing in children learning Spanish and English, the present study investigated developmental changes in lexical production skills in early sequential bilinguals, in both Spanish (L1) and English (L2), exploring the effects of age, years of experience, and basiclevel cognitive processing (specifically the ability to resist. Students take flight with Daedalus: Learning Spanish in a networked classroom, while incorporating computer technology is time-consuming and may be challenging for the language instructor, there is no need to reinvent the wheel when using computers in the classroom for the first time. Teachers in the second language classroom can benefit from. Learning Spanish as a second language: Learners' orientations and perceptions of their teachers' communication style, students in lower-level Spanish classes (N= 322) completed a questionnaire assessing intrinsic and extrinsic motivation for learning Spanish, feelings of autonomy and competence regarding language learning, integrative orientation, and perceptions of teachers&; apos. The Sounds of Spanish: Analysis and Application (with Special Reference to American English, iSSN: N/A. The Sounds of Spanish: Analysis and Application (with Special Reference to American English). Hammond, Robert M. This book is intended to be an introduction to the sound system of the Spanish language. Attitudes and Motivations of American Students of Spanish, study's purpose was to test sociopsychological theory of second-language learning by validating an adapted AMTB in the US with American students of Spanish. Sought to compare underlying structure of adapted ATMB with original ATMB and assess reliability. Context, contact, and cognition in oral fluency acquisition: Learning Spanish in at home and study abroad contexts, this study investigates the role of context of learning in second language (L2) acquisition. Participants were 40 native speakers of English studying Spanish for one semester in one of two different learning contexts a formal classroom at a home university (AH) and a study. Learning Spanish as a heritage language: The role of sociocultural background variables, this study represents a first effort to identify sociocultural background variables that predict the successful mastery of a heritage language by adult learners. While there are well-documented sociocultural models for other second language learners, thus far there. A Gesture Inventory for the Teaching of Spanish, green, Jerald R. Intended for the nonnative, audiolingual-oriented Spanish teacher, this guide discusses the role of nonverbal behavior in foreign language learning with major emphasis given to an inventory of peninsular Spanish gesture. Learning Spanish as a second language: Learners' orientations and perceptions of their teachers' communication style, the data for this study were collected while I was carrying out postdoctoral research at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB); it was a project I had long considered doing while in graduate school but postponed to work on studies more germane to my dissertation. Variables affecting native Mexican children's learning Spanish as a second language, to assess the effect of the different variables of theoretical and practical interest to second language research, 920 Native Mexican children, aged five through twelve, learning Spanish as a second language were tested on a Spanish language achievement test.