Looking to 1988 - The Ripon Society

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Society dinner in New York a year later. he repeated that same message. "You have an ..... d:lte is moved up, or if the
April 1986

VolumeXXlI, No.2

Price: $1.50

~ Looking to 1988

Editor's Columll

RIPON fOR(JM Edtlor's Column


Profitt'S lind Persptdh-es: A Con,~rsalktn ,,-jIb Thomas Ktan


Edilorial: AmeriCil's Poor a nd America's fu ns:


Dealing with Ihe Problem

Party Rulf'S: Democrats in the I)rl~c r '5



Josia h LH Auspitz Out 0( Angola: TUf'I'IKC M. O'S ullivan


A Republ ican Primtr on Acid Rain:


Sacramento Bee lwlilical edifor Marf;II Smilh wrole recelllly that Ron{/Id Reagan has bee" lite "supergllle'" IhOl has held the cOliserl"(Jtil'e mOI'emelll together for 20 years. Of COllrse, Mr. Reagall also has hemlhe "sllpergllle" Ihat has held the Republican Porty together since 1980. Bill Ihe IJresidelll ll"ill be leaving office Sooll . so perhaps il is tillle Re/Jllblicalls begill cOllsitierillg the Juture oj their party. III this issue, Nell' Jersey Gm't'rtlor Tom Keall says Illat tlu! GOP nmst flOt look for allo/her charismatic persollality /0 prm'ide lI11ity, bllt nailer base its growth IlpOIl ideas. Ami Ripon Forum etiitorial/xx1rC1 member Slel'e Klillsky argiles Ilwt progressil't' Repl/blicalls IUII"e milch to cOllfribllle 10 thar grQlI'//t. III a rerie\\' oJRichard Reel"e:{s book. The Reagan Detour. Klillsk), outlinesJollr themes II'hidt progressil'e RepllbliclIIIS CaIlIlS(' to broaden the GOP. Lee Auspitz (Ilso claims tllat unless Republi. can PorI)' oJficial.~ pay doser (Il/elllioll 10 part)' rilles, Democrats willlwre tile largest !w)' all tile strllctl/re oj ReplllJ/icllll delegate selection ill /988. - Bill McKellzie

Sher"-ood lJoIo hle r l

Norma PIIulus: 11M! Woman Who


Would Be GO\-ernor: William P. McKtnlR ReVRWS: Richard Rft.'f'S . The Reagan


Detour: Slc.u 8 . KlirlSky

Thr Chai rman's Corner: Lesson rrorn lhe Philippilmi: Jim u~h


Ii Library Court


Washington Notrs lind Quotes


RIPON FORI.JM Editor: Witllam P. McKenzie Editorial Board: Daniel J. Swillinge.

Allred W. Tata aemE. Meyer

Dale Curtis

Sleven Klinsltr.ltion be lieves so deepl y in privatiz.uion . It doesn't make sense to cap projects that will create growth . revenues for the stale. and funds for the fedenll government. But concerning Gr.lmm-Rudman. I recent ly met with the state's mayors. and many of them said they ,"'ere j ust beginning to see the light when Gramm- Rud man was passed. ow. things wi ll become very, very difficult . For example. some mayors said they were usi ng revenue sharing to pay police and fi re workers. Since revenue Sharing will be cut out e ntirel y. without eve n a phllsedown, police and fire workers will have to be laid ofr.

" / recelltly met with the state's mayors, alld lIIallY oj them said they werejust beginllillg to see the light whell Gramm-RlUlmall was passed. No w, thillgs will become very, very difficult." We've adopted a different strategy in Ncw Jcrsey. Last year. the state initiated a progmtll which placed 2,OOOextra policemen on the street. But unless a ci ty can put the policemen on the street. they don' t get the moncy. The program is part of o ur growth stmtegy. because wit h more policemen on the comer, more businesses will locate in an urban area. Ripon Forum: Let's return to your political vision . Have you spoken o ut about it around the country? Kean: I'm not going to a great delli . My job is being governor of New Jersey. although by winning an election rvc attracted a 101 of invitations. r ve accepled one in New Hampshire. and will be accepting four or fi ve others. But I do n't believe I can move around the country and still be a good governor of New Jersey. Ripon Forum : You've said that you don't wanl to be a national candidate. particularly in 1988 . Why not? Kean : It's incompatible wi th being a good governor. With the possible except ion of a high visibility state. like New York or Cal ifornia . you can'l be a governor and run for president. If I reall y w