Lucky v1 - Alex Davy

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pan. The curtains by the window blow in the wind, indicating that it is open. 26. Faint city sounds. Radio continues. Th
Lucky v1

1 Open to a shot of a living room. A fish bobs calmly in a bowl.

2 Bubble 'bloop' of fish The fish blows a few bubbles in the silence of the room

3 Door slam open. Fish bowl bouncing on coffee table. Picture crashing to floor Suddenly the door is kicked in by a large fluffy cat carrying a grocery bag. The room wobbles, the picture frame falls off the wall. The fishbowl bounces.

4 "Phew!" Splashing of fish in his bowl. Bowl wobble

5 Splashing. Bowl wobble

6 Wobble of Fishbowl and splashing

The cat exhales from her tiring journey. The fishbowl wobbles on the coffee table. The fish flaps his fins madly to try and steady the rolling fishbowl.

The cat grins surreptitiously at the fish who continues trying to steady the rolling fishbowl as it spins round.

Cut to a close up above shot of the fishbowl as he continues steadying the wobble of the fishbowl

Lucky v1


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7 Wobble finally steadying

8 3 soft steps. Water gently steadying

9 tiny fart bubbles!

The fishbowl comes to a stop. The fish bobs in the steadying water.

A shadow steps into shot. The fish stares up.

The fish farts bubbles out of sheer nerves.

10 Crackly radio echoing in a small kitchen.

11 'Smack' of fish on a board.

Cut to a torso shot of the cat. A radio is playing quietly in the background. We see a chopping board up close. Crumbs and kitchen utensils surround the shot.

The fish is plonked down onto the chopping board with a splat.

12 Radio (faint, crackly: Carmen) Faint street noises of police, a few birds sing, cars beep

Lucky v1


Cut to the fish's POV on the board. He stares out of a large window, we see the city. It is a beautiful day outside.

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13 Clatter kitchen sounds, cupboards opening. Radio continues.

14 Faint city sounds. Radio continues

15 Faint city sounds. Radio continues

Cut to shot of the cat rubbing her paws and licking her lips at the fish -

- She reaches for a saucepan on the drying rack -

16 Faint city sounds. Radio continues

17 Faint city sounds. Radio continues

18 Faint city sounds. Radio continues

- She then reacts, shocked that the saucepan is not there -

- She looks behind her, a thought bubble pops up aiding the viewing to what she is looking for -

- She looks into the sink, still wondering where the pan has gone -

Cut to a close up shot of the fish as he stares out of the window, contemplating his fishy doom!

Lucky v1


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19 Faint city sounds. Radio continues Cut to the cats POV of the sink. It is full of water. The SAUCEPAN is clearly seen in the sink -

22 Faint city sounds. Radio continues - She reacts to the thought of dinner soon! Clasping her paws together and licking her lips "Mmm-

Lucky v1

20 Faint city sounds. Radio continues. A drip of water into a larger sink

21 Faint city sounds. Radio continues. Paws patting together.

A single drip falls into the sink of water.

The cat claps her paws together, happy she has found the pan -

23 Faint city sounds. Radio continues. Slurp of licking lips. Pop of bubble.

24 Faint city sounds. Radio continues

-mmm!" The action finishes. The SAUCEPAN bubble 'pops' out of shot.


The cat glances sideways at the fish and wiggles her paws in preparation to get the pan. The FISH looks up, worried.

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25 Faint city sounds. Radio continues. SPLOOSH of paws into water.

26 Faint city sounds. Radio continues

27 Cat screeching

There is a beat. The cat reacts to her decision, realising she now has wet paws.

The cat screeches, realising she is a cat and hates water! Her body fluffs up and her face is comically horrified.

28 Faint city sounds. Radio continues. Cat screeching

29 Faint city sounds. Radio continues. Cat screeching

30 Faint city sounds. Radio continues. Cat screeching

Cut to EXT of the open window. The curtains flap inward. The FISH looks on at the funny scene of the cat who is distracted.

The fish makes a break for it. He flaps up once -

- And lands -

The cat plunges her paws into the water to get the pan. The curtains by the window blow in the wind, indicating that it is open.

Lucky v1


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31 Faint city sounds. Radio continues. Cat screeching

32 Faint city sounds. Radio continues. Cat screeching

33 Faint city sounds. Radio continues. Cat screeching

- Once again -

- And lands on the edge of the cabinet -

- And finally leaps up into the air and through the open window!.

34 Faint city sounds.

35 Faint city sounds.

36 Faint city sounds.

Cut to birds eye view of the EXT window as the fish flies through it. The scene is in SLOMO as the fish travels through the air.

SLOMO - The fish continues to fly

SLOMO - The fish continues to fly, the speed reverts back to normal.

Lucky v1


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37 Faint city sounds.

38 Wind rushing past quickly.

39 Wind rushing past quickly.

Normal speed cont. of shot. The fish falls down towards a crowd of people below.

Cut to a close up of the fish falling.

The fish falls OOC.

40 Wind rushing past quickly.

41 'Ploop!' of object into small cup of coffee.

We stay with the rushing city scape whizzing past without the fish in shot.

A coffee splash travels up into shot with a 'ploop!' noise. We cannot see what it is yet.

42 Pan down to reveal a familiar looking logo on a styrofoam cup, held by a menacing looking paw. The coffee splash settles back into the cup.

Lucky v1


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43 Faint city sounds.

44 Faint city sounds.

45 Faint city sounds.

A cat's eye enters left of shot. The coffee settles itself.

The new cat enters her face fully into shot. She looks down at her coffee.

The fish timidly pulls himself up with his fins and looks up at the new cat.

46 Faint city sounds.

47 Faint city sounds.

48 Faint city sounds.

The shot pulls out revealing more of the new cat. The fish still hides until we pull back further revealing -

- Revealing a placard reading 'Fish are our friends'. The fish looks to read it. The cat smiles kindly at the fish.

The cat grins. The fish faces the camera with a happy smile.

Lucky v1


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49 Faint protest sounds. Protest gibberish from Sushi cat.

50 Faint protest sounds. Protest gibberish from Sushi cat.

51 Faint protest sounds. Protest gibberish from Sushi cat.

Another cat walks past the shot holding a placard reading 'Sushi is murder!' and spouting protestsounding-gibberish

Sushi cat continues past the shot.

Sushi cat leaves the shot to the right. New cat and Fish are still smiling.

52 Faint protest sounds. Faint city sounds

53 Faint protest sounds. Faint city sounds

54 Faint protest sounds. Faint city sounds

Cut to wide vertical shot of the original CAT leaning out of her window looking for her fish. she sees the protest below. SUSHI cat point ahead and leads the pack onward.

Shot continues to pan down. Original CAT pouts at her missing fish.

Original cat sighs, annoyed. Shot continues to pan down. SUSHI cat is leading the protest group forward down the street.

Lucky v1


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55 Faint protest sounds. Faint city sounds

56 Faint protest sounds. Faint city sounds

Shot continues to pan down. A bubble appears showing the fish relaxing in the coffee.

Pan ends on a clear shot of the close up bubble of the fish relaxing in his coffee. END.

Lucky v1


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