Merging and Relationships - Web Genealogist

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A. Couple Relationship. 1. Family Tree | Person Page | Family i. Click “Edit Couple” ii. Add Marriage and Divorce ev
Merging and Relationships Fixing Duplicates and Adding/Changing Relationships


Merging A. Family Tree | Person Page | Tools 1. Click “Possible Duplicates” 2. Review possible matches, if any. Decide if the matches are duplicates or not. If they are, click “Review Merge” If not, click “Not a Match” 3. The person on the left is the one that is kept. Click “Switch Positions” to switch the two 4. Review each fact for the person on the right and decide whether to “Replace” or “Reject” i. Not choosing an option is the same as rejecting ii. Add all extra people, many of the added people might also be duplicates. a. Copy down PID numbers and merge them once this merge is complete 5. Add all sources; after the merge is complete, check the validity of the added sources 6. Click “Continue Merge,” you still have the “Not A Match” option 7. Add a reason for the merge (same spouse, father, and birth information) | Click “Finish Merge” II. Unmerging A. Family Tree | Person Page | Latest Changes 1. Click “Show All Changes” 2. Locate the green merge box | Click the “Unmerge” button 3. Read the reason for the original merge 4. Add reason for the unmerge (could not be living in Virginia and Idaho at the same time 1850 census) | Click “Unmerge” III. Relationships A. Couple Relationship 1. Family Tree | Person Page | Family i. Click “Edit Couple” ii. Add Marriage and Divorce events and sources If no relationship exists between the couple, you can delete the relationship. This will detach the couple from each other. If there is a child between them, it will show the couple in the parent’s position. Click “Show all” at the bottom of the “Latest Changes” box to undo/redo changes B. Parent-child Relationship 1. Family Tree | Person Page | Family A. Hover over the child’s name | Click on “Edit Parents” 1.Change or add a relationship type 2.Change the names of the people in relationship 3.Click “Show all” at the bottom of the “Latest Changes” box to undo/redo changes 4.Add relationship sources (adoption papers, birth certificates…)

Michael & Emily Hyde

[email protected]
