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Russian Consolidated Mkitual Aid Society and the Russian Independent Mutual. CAid SocietyI the two most outstanding Russ
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aMgTi»t (Bi0 Dann), Deo.


8, 1934«




polltloal •rganizatioxuii oulture and art eestera* Baflsvlft stxongly suigports tlia aotlTitlaa of the local Scuiajyaii-AiBOxlcan yoath. Tbo two larspoat Raaslan oreuiizatlDnB in Aaorloa—Tho Russian Consolidated lAitoal Aid Socioty in How f ^liosk and the Sossian Independent Mtxtnal Aid Society in Chicago-—haTS been ^ able to achiere a reaarkable greirth and success by using regularly their own special pages in Bassriet^ ,tw}t>'

BassTiet f iAts the Russian enemies* We hare wny enenies idio are trying to destroy the Russian spia^t and Russian national consciousness in our people in Ansrica. We witnessed » not so long agO| how these enemies the red ccsorades, attempted to get hold of and put under their control the Russian Consolidated Mkitual Aid Society and the Russian Independent Mutual CAid Society I the two most outstanding Russian benefit societies in Amsriea. ^Thanks to Rassriet^s unrelenting campaign against these enemies » and to the f energy of the leaders of these organizations, these bloodthirsty hooligans were mereilessly defeated in their sinister efforts to ruin our organizations* 10 •
