new zine - Critical Resistance

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Critical Resistance New York City (CR NYC) has been working on the Attica Interview Project ... was initiated to support
A T T I CAI NT E RVI E W PROJ E CT RE PRE SSI ON, RE SI ST ANCE , SOCI AL T RANSF ORMA T I ON Az i nepubl i s hedSept ember201 6 ont he4 5t hanni v er s ar yof t he1 97 1At t i c aUpr i s i ng

Apr oj ec t of Cr i t i c al Res i s t anc eNewY or kCi t y Ar t wor kbyAnuBi s was

Per s onalnar r at i vesi nt hi szi near es our cedf r om CRNYC’ sAt t i caI nt er vi ew Pr oj ect .

By1971,t hepr es s ur ei nAt t i c awasmount i ng . Aspr i s onerF r ank“ Bi gBl ac k”Smi t hof f er ed: Condi t i onsi n1971wasbadbadf ood, educ at i onal pr og r ams ,l owwag es , whatwec al l ed

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Bet ween20132014, t heAt t i c aI nt er v i ew Pr oj ec ti nt er v i eweds ev er a l peopl ef or mer l y i mpr i s oneda tAt t i c a . Wha tf ol l owsa r e a c c ount soft hei rl i v esi npr i s on, a ndt hei r e x per i enc esofr epr es s i on, r es i s t a nc ea nd s oc i a l t r a ns f or ma t i on. Her ei sa na c c ount f r om aper s onk nowna sS .

Repr es s i on: S .

T h e ys t an di nagr ou pwi t ht h e i rbat on s , h ol di n gt h e ml i k er i fl e s . J u s t l ook i n gat y ouwi t har e al l yi n t i mi dat i n gl ook ,u p c l os e . P r ay i n gf orar e as ont oj u s t pu l l y ouov e r ,pu t y ouonar ow. . .

Critical Resistance (CR) seeks to build an international movement to end the Prison Industrial Complex by challenging the belief that caging and controlling people makes us safe. We believe that basic necessities such as food, shelter, and freedom are what really make our communities secure. As such, our work is part of global struggles against inequality and powerlessness. The success of the movement requires that it reflect communities most affected by the PIC. Because we seek to abolish the PIC, we cannot support any work that extends its life or scope. Critical Resistance New York City (CR NYC) has been working on the Attica Interview Project since 2013, and was initiated to support prison closure organizing in New York. Through oral history and organizing we seek to document the continued legacy of repression, survival, and resistance at Attica. By producing media as a resource for building movement, we strive to highlight the experiences of formerly imprisoned people and their visions for transformation. CR NYC hosts a monthly prisoner correspondence volunteer night to help us maintain connections with people imprisoned in New York and Pennsylvania, share information and resources, and develop abolitionist vision and strategy beyond prison walls. Join us on the third Tuesday of every month to volunteer and learn more about our work in New York and nationally. Get in touch to get involved. CR NYC is also a strong organizational participant in the Beyond Attica Coalition, working to close Attica

Prison, depopulate NY’s prison system, end the violence of imprisonment, and build up alternative resources to strengthen New York’s communities. york-city to learn more.
