Newsle er Unity -

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Mar 9, 2018 - Monthly ‐ push emails containing sen ..... the iOS and Android App stores. Through the work we ... ''Tru
Newsle er Unity  V

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2018  Capturing best prac ces for coopera on between police and ci zens   Developing a communica ons technology to facilitate, strengthen

and accelerate the communica on between ci zens and police                                                     Designing, developing and delivering training for Law Enforcement Agencies

and awareness raising ac vi es about Community Policing

Unity Project Consor um and Pilot Mee ng Leeds 

Trust and   Confidence   Building    Accountability    Informa on   Sharing and   Communica on    Addressing Local  Needs   

The Unity project held its 6th consor um mee ng and pilot debrief on 28th November– 30th November. The Unity Pilot debrief event took place at The Studio in Leeds. The Unity Pilot ran for nine weeks and included, Ci zens, Stakeholders and Police Officer par cipants from the LGBTQ, Deaf and Student Communi es. During September, October and November 2017 the OPCC and WYP conducted a tes ng exercise to enable evalua on of the Unity project, the technology developed and the approach to community policing, that aims to enhance coopera on between law enforcement agencies and local and virtual communi es.

Par cipants in the test had to be interac ve with Mobile phone applica ons, a Web based two‐ way communica on pla orm and the data analy cs. Features tested included, pos ng messages on the forum, crea ng mee ngs & events, direct messaging and uploading photographs and videos. Following the trial par cipants, invited guests from WYP, the third sector and government organisa ons were invited to a end a demo and debrief. During the debrief event, a endees were split into three groups. Each group focused on one of the three different scenarios that had been tested over the 3 month exercise. Hate crime in the deaf community,

Collabora on    Crime Preven on 

This project has received funding from European Union Horizon 2020 Programme under grant agreement nº 653729. No part of this document may be used, reproduced and/or disclosed in any form or by any means without the prior wri en permission of the Unity project partners.




News & Updates  of Unity raised in all groups was that Unity is holis c and brings together police, stakeholders and all differing types of communi es. While the anonymous feature was seen as both a Strength and a Weakness. community safety in the LGBTQ community and engagement with local universi es and businesses in the run up to a large scale spor ng event, the Leeds Varsity. The groups provided their feedback in a facilitated session using the SWOT analysis technique. The table  on  page  3 shows the Strengths & Opportuni es of Unity with the Policing Strategy 2016‐2021 five policing purposes. By presen ng our findings in the below table, we aim to highlight how Unity’s approach and technical solu ons could support WYP’s Policing Strategy. Summary  Overall there were some key points expressed by par cipants across all 3 groups reflec ng different scenarios and their communi es’ perspec ve. For example a common risk of Unity was how Unity can compete with other social media such as Facebook and Twi er. A strength

There were shared points raised that spanned over community members with differing backgrounds and perspec ves, which suggests that Unity can offer a pla orm that is suitable for diverse communi es. Some threats and risks that were shared came from the lack of knowledge of Unity, the full technical capabili es and the Unity approach. Some of these threats and risks were raised in previous partner countries and the project has already undertaken work to mi gate the risks:  Need to establish who is going

to deal with what (e.g. Police or Council), otherwise there will be issues missed or work overlapped.  There could be issues with

transla ng the systems for other countries  Concern

over users being iden fied via the Unity pla orm

 Could be used to express

private issues not community issues  Other threats and weaknesses

raised were beyond the scope of the Unity project but would be possible with investment in the technology or resources post project. Lack of awareness of Unity   Unity needs to be able to reach out to communi es within communi es (e.g. people who are both deaf and blind).  Who will be there to receive

the BSL videos on Unity? If they don’t have adequate training in BSL, the Deaf community member will either be ignored or will have to wait a long me for a response.  BSL Video clips – need to

make sure that the source text and target text match, by means of forwards transla ng and backwards transla ng. The next phase of the Unity project was to evaluate the short term and medium term impacts. This resulted in two reports available since February 2018. The whole team is looking forward to the next and final mee ng, which will be held in York in April 2018.










The Unity technology is ci zen led, which is empowering communi es

Analy cs is a great feature that allows you to measure feelings, making it once again ci zen led The Analy cs feature is likely to produce more accurate informa on in Unity rather than from Facebook and Twi er due to the anonymous feature

Police can address issues which have not been reported or were previously unknown via the analy cs Opera onal Officers have 6 weekly mee ngs, using Unity would provide a wider perspec ve to feed in

Key Contacts allows you to be sure you are contac ng the right person for your issue

Live web‐chats would be useful to the Deaf Community.

Links to other medias pla orms

Unity brings people together, gives people a sense of belonging

Unity is a two way tool, allowing communica on between communi es, police and stakeholders to improve. This is important for engagement

Could be used for planning in future‐ Social media analysis and to drive inter‐ agency response

It isn’t a 999 tool it assists preventa ve policing not reac ve policing, it provides people with the opportunity to post a video/message direct to the Police Informa on sharing: allows community members to share their experiences, receive informa on and reassurance

The Unity pla orm doesn’t require personal informa on, a user can be ac ve within the system anonymously.

Measures impact of community policing in a different way –Crime counts and incident data aside – be er analysis than the Na onal Crime survey which is very high level Joint understanding with the College of Policing crea ng a link to what works centre – Evidence based policing database The Unity technology is not just a Police tool, stakeholders can use the tools to address non Police issues and enhances partnership working

Use as a strategic planning tool especially where areas are vulnerable to a specific crime and strategic planners could be trained to use Unity

Unity supports improvement of face to face engagement with communi es due to features including mee ngs & events, which enhances partnership working Allows communi es to engage with what is happening within their community for the comfort of their own home The Unity technology is not just a Police tool, stakeholders can use the tools to address non Police issues

Flexibility allows different groups to use it as relevant to them, in various languages

Being able to send a BSL videos directly to the police allows the deaf community to not reveal their iden ty to anyone other than who they want to

It takes into account that people belong to more than one community group, e.g: LGBTQ and Deaf

It could improve police awareness of the different community groups

The analy cs could iden fy community groups who are less dominant, it allows their voice to be heard

CPSG could give guidance on approaches to different groups i.e. parents, younger children

People are given a voice, who might miss events because they don’t have the confidence.

Monthly ‐ push emails containing sen ment data to relevant officers and supervisors

Create alerts to contact centre – Key word monitoring

Strategic planners could be trained to use Unity

Accessible to anyone, no criteria to comment, without any pre‐ defined communi es ‐ the pla orm is open to anyone making it more holis c Safer schools officers could use the system for communica on with parents about general school events and also reassurance messages It could be used to share success stories in different areas and countries, inspire other communi es


The current exis ng UK systems are expensive and fairly limi ng‐ Unity offers more

Inter‐linking data with West Yorkshire Police internal informa on pla orm

It allows people to organise their own community






News & Updates  Three Years of Unity — What's le  in the end?   An interview with our project coordinator Leanne Vickers Leanne, can you sum up Unity in  a short sentence?   A true community focused project!   What  sets  Unity  apart  from  other  Community  Policing  projects?   The project remained aligned with the research results. For the last 3 years we have collec vely focused on what our par cipants shared with us and therefore developed our approach and technology solu ons with a real and enthusias c desire to improve access to good quality and inclusive community policing.

soon realised everyone had very different approaches. The commitment to work together and deliver the project was inspiring and everyone was driven by the common goal to help communi es, we really have grown together as a consor um and learnt a lot from each other.

What  will  you  and  the  consor um be working on in last  three months of the project?   We are working really hard now to promote and share our findings. Each partner will be iden fying the Unity components that will improve their area of community policing in their During  the  past  3  years  have  respec ve countries. We are also there  been  any  par cular  sharing our findings via highlights in the project?   publica ons, social media, Definitely and lots actually. conferences and symposium We’ve had the privilege of events. working closely with very My role will be to report to the different communi es across EU commission the overall Unity Europe. The challenges they face project findings, that will be a have been so varied and yet the challenge as we have so much to law enforcement agencies, the share!!!! communi es and the stakeholders all had the basic Going  forward  what  impact  do  desire to work together and you think the project will have?   overcome barriers. We uncovered some very simple It’s also been amazing how very changes that law enforcement different our partners on the and communi es could put into project approached the tasks and prac ce straight away but we challenges of project delivery. also uncovered blockages that With academia, private industry only changes in policy and and 8 very different law governance can influence. All end enforcement agencies from user countries now have a list of across Europe coming around the short, medium and long term same table, we as coordinators aspira ons. We could see real

innova ve changes in community policing in months in some areas of delivery. What  advice  would  you  give  to  another  coordinator  of  a  new  H2020 project?   Don’t do it!!! Only joking, it will be a challenge, it will also be the most rewarding experience you will professionally undertake. It’s really important to respect your consor um, their approach and their culture. Partners come with a wealth of exper se and knowledge, everyone should be heard and everyone should have the opportunity to put their ideas forward, however radical!!! Also ensure that at the end of the working day you spend some me with partners outside of the endless mee ngs. It breaks down barriers and partners get to know each other outside of the conference room. We have had some wonderful and quality out of office experiences together. Jumping in a lake in Finland in the freezing cold and rain was one such memorable moment!!





News & Updates  Revisit to West Yorkshire Pilot Par cipants  Melissa Wild has recently revisited West Yorkshire Pilot par cipants to feedback to them the results of the pilot, which took place from September to November 2017. On the 23rd January 2018, she met with Police Officers and Staff within West Yorkshire Police to present and discuss the feedback gained and advised them of Unity’s next steps. Melissa Wild produced a feedback report based on the SWOT analysis from facilita on at the debrief event in November, this was discussed in detail with

a endees. Police officers and staff commented how they appreciated that stakeholders would use Unity also to solve community issues and how this would benefit the police. The analy cs engine was discussed with officers and staff agreeing what a superb feature it was and how it could be developed within West Yorkshire Police with investment going forward. They saw a real benefit for this feature, especially with assis ng officers and staff to priori se the community’s needs based on the sen ment analysis. This was seen

as empowering for ci zens as they are leading community policing in their local area. There were also some recommenda ons made in the feedback, such as the use of video calling and voice ac va on technology, this would ensure that the technology is accessible. The recommenda ons have been passed on to our technology partners for considera on for future developments. Overall the pilot was seen a great success and the par cipants s ll maintain their support in Unity and it aims.

Unity at the Cyber Crime Conference at Suffolk University  Richard James (Unity project) presented the outcomes of the Unity project to the main conference on January 9th 2018. Richard’s presenta on was on the principles and mechanisms of Community Policing. He introduced and described the Unity project, and spoke of the need for clarity of defini on around Community Policing. The session involved a descrip on of the Unity Project findings drawing on specific reference to the academic research, and the feedback and learning drawn from the pilot countries who have par cipated in the project. Delegates were invited to consider the composi on of the 6

pillars of community policing that the research has revealed. In an interac ve session there was discussion regarding how each ‘pillar’ of Community Policing was necessarily interdependent on the others. The conference delegates were directed to the informa on that is accessible on the Unity project web‐site. He specifically described the research papers, findings and observa ons‐ alongside literature reviewed in the project. RJ referred specifically to the implementa on challenges that Unity is highligh ng and providing answers to in terms of

technology, training and structured installa on with law enforcement agencies. The ’toolkit’ approach was highlighted and emphasised as being cri cally important if findings and best prac ces are to become embedded. The talk was supported by a power point presenta on which was subsequently shared with delegates. The presenta on includes Unity contact details. RJ engaged in a number of conversa ons following the presenta on with delegates who were keen to discuss the project and the issues raised in the presenta on.





News & Updates  Dissemina on of Unity by Dr Liz Aston, Dr Yvonne Hail and Dr Megan O’Neill In October 2017 Dr Yvonne Hail from ENU was invited with a variety of consor um partners to a end the Next Genera on Community Policing Conference in Heraklion, Crete. Yvonne presented findings from WP2, and explained the main aims of the project in terms of empowering communi es and the importance of providing effec ve and efficient two communica on pla orms to support posi ve local engagement which in turn has the ability to increase overall public confidence in the police.

Dr Aston presented Unity conference bags to Swedish police researchers.

On Thursday 7th December Dr Liz Aston and Dr Yvonne Hail were invited by the Sco sh Ins tute for Policing Research (SIPR) (Director of SIPR Prof Nick Fyfe,

below centre) to deliver a presenta on on Unity findings at a Scotland‐Sweden compara ve workshop en tled ‘Local Policing: perspec ves on public confidence, local governance and community engagement’. The workshop was a ended by various academics and Sco sh policing prac oners and a group of Swedish policing researchers from the Swedish Crime Preven on Council.

Dr Yvonne Hail presented research findings and Dr Liz Aston facilitated a Unity project Pilot with stakeholders and members of the community at a consor um mee ng hosted by West Yorkshire Police in Leeds on the 28‐ 30th of November 2017.

Dr Yvonne Hail, Dr Liz Aston and Dr Megan O’Neill a ended the Sco sh Ins tute for Policing Research (SIPR) Interna onal Policing Conference on the 14 December, 2017. At the conference en tled Policing and Professionalisa on: opportuni es and challenges Dr Hail raised awareness of the Unity project and presented a poster on the

community police training being developed by the Unity project. Dr Aston chaired a panel on ‘Developing Police Prac ce through Evidence: success stories and barriers’.

In February Dr Megan O’Neill and Dr Yvonne Hail were invited to a end the Black Police Associa on’s “Opening Doors conference” hosted by Wiltshire Police. The conference was a ended by police officers, senior police management and members of partner organisa ons who support community engagement at a local level. The presenta on consisted





News & Updates  of data from WP2 in rela on to the similari es of the minority groups iden fied across countries and par cipant groups set in a framework of Asset Based Community Development (ABCD). We conducted two workshops with conference par cipants asking them to conduct a SWOT analysis of ABCD and how successful a framework it would

be to support police community engagement with hard to reach groups in each of their communi es. Work package 2 researchers have been raising awareness about Unity with a number of key stakeholders, including Police Scotland’s Local Approaches to Policing Team and Jus ce Analy c Services at the Sco sh

Government. Dr Liz Aston has been invited to present Unity findings to the Sco sh Government, at Canterbury Centre for Policing Research’s Annual Conference ‘Taming the Wicked: the Role of Partnerships’ and at the Stockholm Criminology Symposium ‘Models for successful Policing’, both in June.

Debrief of the Macedonian pilot On 13th of November 2017 in Skopje, the Faculty of Security which is a unit of the University St. Kliment Ohridski, the Macedonian research team had its Pilot scenario debriefing mee ng. The event took place at the premises of the Faculty, with the presence of 5 police officers from the headquarters and the Police district Ohrid, numerous professors and students. The Pilot scenario was focused on “Vevchani Carnival”. The research team went through the objec ves of the pilot scenario under the Unity project, the barriers and the lessons learned through the 3‐week exercise. The contribu on by the police officers and their views were of great value. The input of the students enriched the

discussion with the added views by the new genera on regarding the police and ci zens coopera on. The Faculty supported and aided the process. The Research team from Macedonia will brief the Unity consor um regarding the outcome of the pilot exercise at the forthcoming mee ng in Leeds at the end of November 2017.




News & Updates  Unity sets up an addi onal pilot in Estonia  The Estonian Police have undertaken a second voluntary pilot in their country, the reason for this is because they were the first country to pilot Unity at the beginning of the project, before any technology was developed. In order to test the technology they are running two different scenarios, one which promotes a preven on

New Community Policing Game — Gamifica on with AEsOP   With AEsOP (Applied Engagement for Community Par cipa on) we set out with the inten on of developing an educa onal game to raise awareness of community policing within communi es themselves. AEsOP provides the user with twelve scenarios, each of focusing on a different type of criminality. The game puts the user in the shoes of various community actors, including the police, allowing them to play through a range of interac ve stories with branching decision paths to reveal how various types of ci zen and community par cipa on can help prevent and reduce the impact of local crime issues. The game uses mechanics borrowed from the 2D‐adventure game genre and

campaign for missing juveniles in Toru and one which encompasses experiences of Interna onal students studying in Tallinn. The tes ng began on 12th February and will end on 9th March 2018 the debrief informa on will be included within the project and will be shared with the consor um in April.





News & Updates  the narra ve storytelling approach used by interac ve graphic novels. Making use of rich hand‐illustrated art, we hope to ensure AEsOP is approachable and suitable for all. AEsOP will be free and available to play online through a web‐browser and via the iOS and Android App stores. Through the work we are doing in AEsOP we hope to answer the following research ques ons:

 Can an educa onal ‘applied’

videogame be used as a means to iden fy whether certain factors (age, race, religion and other cultural iden fiers) impact upon individuals disposi on when it comes to engaging with the police about local crime issues.  Are

certain culturally and historically ingrained factors a

barrier to engagement with the police on local issues?  Can such a tool help to bridge

the gap between the communi es and the police. Can a gamified tool like this act as means to improve the level of trust, and ul mately, communica on between groups that, historically, do not engage with the police?

NGCP Conference—Clustering in Crete (October 2017) 

The Next Genera on Community Policing Conference took place

in Crete on 25th October ‐27th October 2017. The event was co‐ organised by 9 contribu ng projects funded by Horizon 2020. Unity partners a ended the event to showcase the Unity technology and present to the a endees how the Unity principles can enhance the coopera on between law

enforcement agencies, stakeholders and ci zens. The demonstra on of the Unity technology a racted great a en on and was very well received. The images show the Unity team in ac on.






News & Updates  Pilot tes ng in Bulgaria  Illegal logging in Ih man  A pilot tes ng was held in Bulgaria (Ih man region) in September 2017. During more than three weeks’ me overall more than 30 local police officers, stakeholders and ci zens were ac vely involved in tes ng the Unity technology toolkit and in face‐to‐face contacts, focus groups, discussions, interviews. ‘’Trust building and exchange of informa on worked’’ Two sets of ques onnaires were designed, considering the specifics of the two key community target groups that were engaged in the project ac vi es ‐ Roma and Elderly communi es. The tested scenario was focused on Illegal logging– one of the most serious ecological problems in Bulgaria and other countries in Central and Eastern Europe. The par cipants indicated overall

encouragement for the Unity toolkit and the provided opportuni es for face‐to‐face engagement. They expressed hopes that the Unity project would support the process of building trust and confidence in the local communi es, with enhanced communica on for the Bulgarian police. ‘’One of the main advantages of the Unity pla orm is the possibility for genera ng a sense of trust through communica on’’

As one of the involved ci zens concluded: “The Unity toolkit allows ci zens with their inner fears and worries to overcome their barriers and get involved”




News & Updates  The Unity IT Toolkit: the CP of the Future  A paper presented at the Interan onal Scien fic Conference hosted by CPC in Zagreb The Unity IT‐Toolkit architecture and its three main components were introduced at the Interna onal Scien fic Conference under the tle "Big Data in Law Enforcement: from Reac ve to Proac ve" held in Zagreb at the Police Academy on 7 and 8 November 2017. The Conference was organized by Unity partner Croa an Police College. The process of developing, tes ng, further improving the Toolkit architecture through mul ple itera ons were discussed. CP cons tutes an important tool for LEAs. Communi es of people (despite their variety) shared values in their need for safety, security and wellbeing. Using CP, LEAs and ci zens are empowered to iden fy and solve problems proac vely and

jointly within their communi es (e.g., early detec on of severe a acks). Focus is preven on, sharing informa on, building rela onships of trust and coopera on. The challenge is that many ci zens and their communi es are disengaged from LEAs (e.g., lack of trust, confidence).

Unity presented at Croa an Police Academy  The Police Academy in Zagreb organized a mee ng for its employees who are execu ve police officers. The aim was to present the results of the Unity project achieved so far. Similarly, Unity and its IT innova ons (Public Pla orm, Mobile App, Data Driven Analy cs and Community Policing Strategy Generator) are presented as a good example of LEA tools for addressing and

solving the contemporary issues and challenges facing different European communi es.




News & Updates  Flashback: 3 years of Unity in pictures from the consor um 







News & Updates  Unity Feedback campaign—Tell us what you think! 

Coordinator of Unity:  Office of Police and Crime Commissioner for West Yorkshire    

Contact:  Leanne Vickers Email: Unity@westyorkshire.  

What’s next?:  03/2018 ‐ 04/2018 ‐

Addi onal Pilot in Estonia Final Consor um Mee ng in York,UK

05/2018 ‐

In January 2018 Unity project launched a feedback campaign. Personal views from actual and former par cipants of pilots and other people related to the project are therefor collected in

order see where Unity can s ll be improved. All persons who already have experiences with the project, its philosophy or its technology are invited to fill our online ques onnaire.

Final Review in Brussels, Belgium and End of the project unityeuproject @unityeuproject unityeuproject

Unity at Interna onal Security Narra ves Symposium  On 9th March 2018 the Centre of Excellence in Public Safety Management held a Symposium on "Interna onal Security Narra ves" in which also results of Unity were presented and discussed. The Symposium brought together outstanding academics and prac oners from the public and private sector across Europe to discuss and develop approaches to local safety and security challenges. In personal stories, experts' "security narra ves" invited the audience to exchange their views and experience and to par cipate in the development of concrete solu ons. Mark van der Giessen

lead a workshop on "Connec ng the disconnected: ICT requirements for communica ng with diverse communi es". For more informa on on the event, see h ps:// security‐narra ves‐symposium/