NoRedInk writing packet 2018

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Direct quote. Let's try it out. “” Statistic ... as they give accurate, direct feedback ... Teachers can track stude
Argumentative | Expository | Narrative

A comprehensive writing platform for your middle and high school students Practice skills

Submit writing

Guided self-review and peer-review

Reflect and revise

What makes a great hook?


Direct quote






Rhetorical question

Highlight the claim, evidence, and reasoning

Let’s try it out

Video games teach children how to solve complex problems. While conducting research in 2010, Dr. Olson from Massachusetts General Hospital found that playing video games “helps children learn to make

Does my conclusion help my reader understand, “So what?” Yes Maybe No

Give students the support they need as they write Guide students through drafting and reflection

Engage students with unlimited practice based on their interests

Students can access tips, tutorials, sentence stems, and exemplars as they develop and revise multiple drafts. NoRedInk offers critical scaffolding to help students write for various audiences and purposes.

NoRedInk breaks down the skills necessary to write clear, compelling, and concise essays while tailoring the curriculum to each student’s personal interests. Learners progress along a robust scope and sequence, building confidence as they work toward mastery.


PEER FEEDBACK I wasn’t convinced by the evidence in your second paragraph.

Grade Request revision


REVISION GOALS I’m going to add a direct quote to make my argument stronger

Highlight your classmate’s wordy sections.

I think that by showing off her heroic qualities, Rowling shows that Hermione is not just a real bookworm. Done

Build feedback and revision into the writing process Use a peer review process that truly works

Identify trends and track growth to support each learner

NoRedInk guides students through a structured peer review process, having them first demonstrate mastery of key concepts and then apply their learnings as they give accurate, direct feedback to their classmates.

Effortlessly organize student writing, see class trends, grade work, and track growth over time. Our flexible rubrics and easy-to-use data reports make it easy to provide feedback and share progress.

Use NoRedInk Writing for... Daily quick writes

Literary analyses

Argumentative and persuasive essays

College applications

Expository writing

Essays for SAT, ACT, AP, and state tests

Access to 20% of NoRedInk’s curriculum. Students receive adaptive practice and unlimited feedback Teachers can create diagnostics to assess strengths and weaknesses Exercises are generated from each student’s interests Instant grading on formative and summative assessments Integration with Google Classroom and Google Apps for Education Complete grammar, mechanics, usage, and style curriculum of 50+ learning paths spanning 500+ topics in grades 4-12 Teachers can track student progress on state and national standards and topics assessed by the SAT, and ACT Nonfiction multi-paragraph exercises that expose students to diverse cultural perspectives while assessing writing skills in context Text-to-speech functionality to support ELLs and struggling readers Priority customer support to respond to teachers’ and students’ questions Integration with Clever Secure Sync and Single Sign-On School and district administrators can track growth on writing skills and filter by state and national standards, the SAT, and the ACT Virtual training and a dedicated success manager. Additional PD options and packages available Expository and persuasive writing curriculum for grades 6-12 that helps students produce clear, concise, and compelling writing Students can submit their writing and develop and revise multiple drafts through guided self-review assignments Peer review platform ensures that students have mastered concepts before providing structured feedback to their peers “Quick-write” functionality for students to journal, reflect, and build portfolios Teachers can track, organize, and grade student work with customizable rubrics aligned to leading writing frameworks








