OGP UK National Action Plan 2013-15 Commitment progress update ...

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Jan 31, 2015 - Defra and the ODI have been working on developing a data maturity model that can be used by departments t
OGP UK National Action Plan 2013-15 Commitment progress update Commitment title National Information Infrastructure Lead department(s)

Cabinet Office

Civil society organisation(s) involved in implementation to date


Report date

31 January 2015

Overall commitment status

In progress

Overall progress against commitment We are currently consulting on the existing definition and framework of the NII with a view to producing a second iteration. Following a series of workshops in November 2014, we have been working with both the health and transport sectors to produce case studies to anticipate what a new NII might look like when rolled-out. We will be populating the NII with key datasets over the first quarter of 2015, along with better service conditions, to give businesses the confidence to invest in models which draw on Open Data. The new NII and framework will, at some point in the spring 2015, supersede some of these milestones. Progress against milestones/activities 1.

Departments to provide release dates for datasets in the first iteration of the NII, where there are no barriers to publication, and, where there are barriers, provide an explanation for non publication by March 2014


Departments have provided release dates where possible, and highlighted reasons for non-publication. This will be an iterative process as departments unblock reasons for not providing release dates. A new refined batch of NII data will surface in Summer 2015, based on the next iterative version of the NII, which is currently under development. The release metadata criteria is more comprehensive in the new version and a dashboard will be implemented in summer 2015 to track progress. 2.

Departments to set out arrangements they have put in place to describe the provenance and ensure the quality and regularity of the release of data they have within the NII by March 2014

Behind schedule

Departments are at varying stages in addressing this commitment. A number of departments are using their open data strategies to address this. Others are looking at it internally in the first instance. The new NII process being explored will overtake this commitment by incorporating it as part of inclusion on the NII. Three exemplar departments are testing the NII quality criterias and

OGP UK National Action Plan 2013-15 Commitment progress update we wll have a prototype guidance for other departments by March 2015. 3.

Departments, including their arm’s length bodies (ALBs), to ensure that their list of unpublished datasets is comprehensive by March 2014


Departments have produced a comprehensive list of unpublished datasets. This will need to be updated at regular intervals. Departments are aware that this is the start of an iterative process and are considering the best ways to refine it and improve it as they go along. The next iteration of the NII will provide a refined list/commitments by Summer 2015. 4.

Departments to develop internal processes which identify unpublished datasets when they are created and ensure that they are added to the inventory on data.gov.uk by March 2014


Departments are refining these existing internal processes through their open data strategies and through the work of their sector board/internal programme boards. Defra and the ODI have been working on developing a data maturity model that can be used by departments to better manage their publication. 5.

Departments to develop internal processes which ensure that data holders regularly reconsider the use cases for their data by April 2014


Departments are at varying stages in delivering this commitment. Departments continue to put initial systems in place to identify and convene data holders in order to refine their processes for considering and reconsidering how data is, or could, be used. This is an ongoing process. This will also be part of the data maturity model being developed for this summer (2015). 6.

All central government departments to highlight those datasets which they must provide on a statutory basis by April 2014, followed by their ALBs by September 2014

Behind schedule

Departments have requested clarity over the exact requirement of this commitment. The Cabinet Office has provided further guidance to assist them in delivering it. The New NII framework will cover this requirement and make it a condition on publication by the summer of 2015 7.

All central government departments to highlight those datasets which it considers fall under their public task Behind schedule by April 2014, followed by their ALBs by September 2014

Departments have requested clarity over the exact requirement of this commitment. The Cabinet Office has provided further guidance to assist them in delivering it. The New NII framework will cover this requirement and make it a condition on publication by the summer of 2015

OGP UK National Action Plan 2013-15 Commitment progress update 8.

Work with departments and members of the business community and civil society to kick start the work on redefining the NII during Summer 2014.


We remain steadfast in our commitment to the NII and are seeking views from users to inform its next iteration. To help with this, we held a series of discovery workshops with representatives from businesses, civil society, the development community, academia and local and central government. Three workshops were held in September 2014, each attended by circa 40 people, with the output summaries available on data.gov.uk 9.

Engage with departments and stakeholders with the aim of producing a framework for the second iteration Completed of the NII by December 2014. A prototype implementation document has been produced in collaboration with over 30 experts. This document will be open for engagement on data.gov.uk until 2 February 2015. We are in the process of finalising the working version and work with departments to start implementing. You can find the outcome of this process here. 10. Coordinating with departments to populate the NII with key datasets according to the new framework by On track June 2015. This is due to begin in the first quarter of 2015. By virtue of its nature as an infrastructure, the NII will contain datasets that are not necessarily open in licensing, including totally private datasets that cannot be published, as distinct from the open nature of data.gov.uk. More information about this commitment and previous progress updates are available on the OGP website.