Product Launch - SandyCook.pptx - Product Management & Innovation

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Create defensible requirements focused on why and what, not how. Litmus test: - Does it support the goals? - Does it adv
Product Launch Planning & Op3miza3on Product Management and Innova3on 2017

Sandy Huang Cook Head of Product – Community Flipboard

How do you define a successful product launch?

5 Key Parts to a Successful Launch Goals Research Ac3onable requirements Plan Execute

Set specific, priori3zed and agreed upon goals.

ü Clarify business goals ü Set product goals ü Define the success metrics ü Write the press release

Research Learn upfront as much as possible about the underlying need you are solving. •  Consider product stage and size •  Seek external data –  Market trends –  Customer feedback –  Focus groups, usability tests, interviews –  Surveys, A/B tes3ng

•  Gather internal data

–  Metrics –  Departmental feedback

Ac3onable Requirements Create defensible requirements focused on why and what, not how. Litmus test: -  Does it support the goals? -  Does it advance the vision? -  Does it meet the needs of your user? -  Does it fit the scope?

ü Confirm the RACI ü Priori3ze the MVP ü Understand scope and velocity ü Set milestones ü An3cipate ü Plan for “whole product”

Execute •  Do the most important things first •  Iden3fy poten3al blockers •  Eliminate noise -  Avoid scope creep -  Make trade-offs clear •  Enforce accountability -  Set clear ac3on items with owners -  Escalate if needed •  Communicate any changes

Goals Research Ac3onable requirements Plan Execute

Sandy Cook | @sandyflipboard