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Reader- A)rac+ng


Easy Marketing Resources You Can Create WITHOUT Writing A Word!


Sandee L. Hemphill — Work Your book


Meet the Author Sandee L. Hemphill

Sandee Hemphill, Author-Publisher-Speaker, mo+vates authors to think outside the book. She inspires them to extend their reach by using their books to create supplemental products and services. The result is greater visibility, greater credibility and increased profitability. As an Author and Publisher, Sandee brings fresh insight to the subjects she writes about. As a Publisher, she is commi)ed to demys+fying the publishing journey for other authors. Sandee works with authors across all genres, from poetry to children's books. She develops customized blueprints that hone in on the specific elements needed for a successful book marke+ng project. Sandee has published several e-books for authors. They include PUBLISH YOUR FIRST BOOK NOW, JUMPSTART YOUR AUTHOR PLATFORM, and BOOST YOUR HOLIDAY BOOK SALE. Sandee also writes in the Chris+an genre and has published SEEKING THROUGH SOAKING and DIVINE APPOINTMENTS. Both books are available in print and e-book format. She will launch her first workbook, YOUR BOOK WON'T SELL ITSELF, in January 2017. In the final analysis, Sandee’s passion is to help authors fulfill their publishing dreams with less effort, less stress, and greater marketability. There are several addi+onal ways to connect with Sandee. You’ll find the list on the last page of this report. Con+nue reading and get ready to create AWESOME giveaway resources.



Reader- A)rac+ng



Are you looking for readers for your books? Do you need a fresh way to connect with new readers, reviewers and buyers? If so, this special report is for you. Today we’ll look at three key resources you can create without wri+ng a word. These resources can be used to a)ract readers to you. If you no+ced I didn’t say “buy your book” but “a)ract readers” to you. That’s because you’ll want to connect with your audience beyond the purchase of a book. You’ll want to connect with them on a more permanent basis through addi+onal products and services. By using giveaways you’ll have your audience acclimated to your wri+ng style and awai+ng your next book, resource and service.

U)lizing Magne)c Resources

Your book’s content can be used to create more than 50 products and services. These addi+onal resources can easily boost your visibility and credibility. You can offer them as lead genera+on or bonuses or as content upgrades to other products and services. The sky’s the limit!

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Reader- A)rac+ng



Have you heard the term “evergreen” when talking about content? Do you know what it means? Allow me to update you on it’s meaning. Evergreen content is content that lives, well, forever. Hence, the name evergreen. Evergreen means that your content con+nues to be both valuable and relevant over several months or years. Once you write something, it can be restructured to generate fresh, new content. You can rewrite it, update it or present it from a different angle. A good example of such content is a how-to guide or a tutorial. Here’s an example of evergreen content. Visualize a step-by-step guide for crea+ng an e-mail series. It may start out as a 12-step guide with very few graphics.

Upgrading and Upda)ng

Assuming the original guide is in print, you can upgrade it by including graphics or adding a video. In addi+on, you can reduce the steps you originally wrote. In some cases you can simply update the informa+on by introducing new technology for geeng the task done quicker, faster and easier. Consider the sen+ments of writer Salma Jafri who said, “Create less, promote more.” It’s easy to do when you repurpose your content.

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Reader- A)rac+ng


WHAT YOU’LL FIND INSIDE THIS REPORT This report covers three key categories for crea+ng epic resources.

§  Repurpose Pre-Exis)ng Content. Here’s a short list of resources you can create from your book’s evergreen content (this is informa+onal only – we will not cover these in detail in this report): — Book to Blog posts — Convert snippets of content to Social Media posts — Generate Audio or Video resources from your chapters — Table of Contents can generate topics for an Infographic — Key +ps can become Quotes (be sure to add graphics) — Group related content to create Guides — Summarize a chapter into a Top 10 lists — Use the en+re book to create an E-Course — Sta+s+cs can be used as TwiGer post — Compile content into Checklists — Convert a chapter into a Special Report — Generate Tutorials to clarify content §  Record New Content (Audio and Video) §  Purchasing Pre-Made Resources

Let’s get started!

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Reader- A)rac+ng


WHY THE EMPHASIS ON GIVEAWAYS? Most authors are on the prowl for new readers (I know I am). You’ll want to con+nually a)ract prospects in your niche to generate ongoing sales. There are two key ways to make this happen.

The first way is by offering your audience a super-responsive giveaway product. The second way is to offer a low-cost intro product. This tac+c should result in an easy transi+on from prospect to buyer. So why give away your content? Here are just a few good reasons: §  It proves you are an expert in your field §  Doing business online is a sol opening to your future rela+onship §  FREE isn’t a gimmick – it’s a strategy §  Psychologically, most receivers become givers (in our case, buyers) §  You quickly and easily build your network §  Your audience gets to “sample” your goods §  The general informa+on on your topic may already be available elsewhere – but you get to add your unique touch §  A giveaway filters out unwanted customers Unfortunately, we won’t cover the low-cost into product in this report. However, you may be able to use one of the strategies we describe here as a mone+zed product. Just think crea+vely and grab a great idea. Let’s move forward to learn about Reader-AGrac)ng Giveaways: Easy Marke)ng Resources You Can Create Without Wri)ng a Word.

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Reader- A)rac+ng


Epic Resource #1 — Reuse, Recycle and Repurpose Your Existing Content

Are you a blogger or an ar+cle marketer? Do you send out an e-zine? Either of these resources can be repurposed to create other products and services. Let’s look briefly at these concepts. Generally, reuse means to use more than once. Recycle means to convert waste (old material) into reusable material. And repurpose means to give a new purpose or use. Repurposed content takes on a life of its own. A selected category from your blog can be compiled to create your new offer. Or you could com-pile several categories to create an e-book or special report. You can further enhance your resource using research, reviews, surveys and forums. This will help you niche down to the best topics and formats to a)ract the right audience.

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Reader- A)rac+ng



When you re-purpose your content, you don’t want your current clients to readily recognize it. Your new product will need graphics to make it more appealing. Add a header (if desired) and footer, page numbers and your bio (hopefully, you it’s already wri)en). If it’s in print, create a simple yet crea+ve cover to add to your product). If this isn’t your strong suit, find a designer to create a quick cover for you. You may want to give Canva (h)p:// a try. It’s quick and easy and the results have a professional look.

Give Your Content a New Purpose

You’ll have lots of op+ons for your new product. It can be used as a valuable giveaway, or package it for an entry-level sale. Your newly forma)ed content can be used as a bonus to give added value to another product or service. Depending on your level of skill, you can build a marke+ng campaign around this single product. There’s no limit to the possibili+es! That’s all there is to it! Can you believe how easy this strategy is? You’ll find instruc+ons on the next page for crea+ng and epic resource. This is only one of our three products... keep reading.

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Create an Epic Infographic

Book to Infographic 1. Select an infographic template (try Canva) and your branding colors and fonts 2. Summarize 6-8 chapters of your book to fit the space of your chosen design 3. Add the content to your design; polish up the heading and other sections 4. Add social media sharing buttons 5. Be sure to include your website and a link to subscribe to your blog 6. Publish on your blog and your favorite social media sites 7. Let the list building begin!



Reader- A)rac+ng


Epic Resource #2 — Record New Content

Did you know there are a host of people in the business community who prefer to learn by listening? This became obvious when huge numbers of people began to register for teleseminars and podcasts. What are you best known for in your industry? Or what is your book genre? Why not talk about it? For people who prefer audio, you’ll easily grab their a)en+on. For those who like video, they’ll enjoy the change from the printed page. Today’s technology makes it easy to create audio and video resources. Just look at the overwhelming success of both Periscope and Facebook Live. These technologies make it extremely easy to record for your audience. Now you can a)ract an untapped audience using your resource as the point of connec+on.

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Reader- A)rac+ng



Audios and videos have a number of benefits over a printed product. Consider the following features: §  The human voice convincingly conveys empathy, emo+on, excitement, sadness and annoyance §  Clients feel they know you be)er via audio and audio §  There are more listening and viewing op+ons than the printed page (iPod, tablet, computer, phone, podcasts, online courses, teleseminars, webinars, etc.) §  Audio products have a higher perceived value than print documents §  Listeners are more forgiving of mistakes (um, uh) than they usually are of typos Leveraging audio and video technology will give your products a marke+ng edge. It allows you to increase your online visibility, increase your client acquisi+on, and improve overall client loyalty. Some+mes people avoid new technologies because they fear there is a large learning curve. I always encourage them to try it before they dismiss it. 90% of the +me they discover they were wrong. Recording your audio or video can be unbelievably easy; there’s very li)le +me or expense involved. Your computer should have the capability to get the job done. If not, choose from any number of online programs (most are FREE).

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Reader- A)rac+ng



For best results, consider that you’ll record more than once. Prepare for this by crea+ng a recording template or check list. It should contain all of the steps it takes to create a recording. Be sure to include an introduc+on and a closing statement. You’ll also want to include some music. If you are using music, be sure it is royalty-free and legal to use. You can find lots of free online music clips to enhance your recording. You will want to have all of this set up prior to making the recording. Start here with 33 Amazing Sites for Free Music. Use this link: h)p:// Select your recording medium. You can use your computer or an online service. There are a number of FREE services available as well as paid ones. Most offer a trial version to give you the chance to sample their wares. Check out these sites: § § § § § §  h)ps:// Check out the step-by-step instruc+ons on the next page to create an awesome audio product. And there’s s+ll more to come.

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Reader- A)rac+ng



In the introduc+on, tell your listeners who you are, what you do, and what your recording is about. Be sure you have the right audience by telling them who your presenta+on is for. For one of my presenta+ons, I might introduce my recording by saying something like, “Today’s presenta+on is for those frustrated authors who are being challenged with selling their book.”

CraS Your CTA (Call to Ac)on)

Near the end of your recording, include informa+on which directs them to your website. Have a call to ac+on (CTA) ready—what you want your listeners to do AFTER they hear your audio or view your video. Should they: §  Join your mailing list §  Register for an upcoming course §  Connect with you on a social media site §  Visit your website for another free gil §  Schedule a free coaching call §  Get a resource or service at a discount Check out the step-by-step instruc+ons on the next page to create an awesome audio product in nearly no +me at all. And there’s s+ll more informa+on to come guarantee you can create other reader-a)rac+ng resources without wri+ng a word.

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Easy-Peasy Recording Instructions

Create a Recording 1. Choose your topic and prepare your text. Convert it into a script by adding an opening and closing. 2. Open your audio or video program. If you are using a microphone, have it available. 3. Do a trial run. Record for 2-3 minutes. Play back and make adjustments. 4. Try it again. The most successful recordings are limited to 30 minutes, though you may choose a longer +meframe. 5. Click the “Stop Recording” bu)on when you are finished. 6. Name your resource and save it. Make it available via a download. Use Canva to create a mock cover. ..


Reader- A)rac+ng


Epic Resource #3 — Purchase Pre-Made Resources

In this busy world of wri+ng, blogging and pos+ng, it’s nice to have an alterna+ve to these necessi+es. One of the best +me-savers for authors could come from inves+ng in pre-made resources. Pre-made content (some+mes called stock content) is content that is done-for-you. It’s usually available in print but can also be found in video format. Once you make a purchase, you then have the right to claim the content as your own. You can change the +tle, add a logo or other features that reflect your brand. Pre-made content is offered in various subjects that range from health and wellness to publishing, and everything in between. Some companies offer course content while others offer ar+cles and blog content. Either way, you have the right to use it as you please. The key is finding solid sources that offer quality content. We’ll help you with this challenge.




Reader- A)rac+ng


KEY BENEFITS OF STOCK CONTENT What are some of the benefits of using stock content? Consider the following reasons: Saving Time. Of course, you could choose to create your own content. However, how much +me would you have to invest? There’s crea+on +me, edi+ng +me, formaeng +me, several drals and on and on. The alterna+ve to this is that you use your +me to manage your business. Wouldn’t you rather do the la)er? You can skip the ghostwriter. Hiring a ghostwriter is an expensive endeavor. It takes +me just to find the best writer for your genre. In addi+on, it s+ll takes +me away from other du+es to over-see the accurate comple+on of the assignment. No only are there drals and rewrites, but you have to accept their wri+ng style as well. This en+re course of ac+on sounds overwhelming. Choose from a wide variety of authors and topics. As the sources I provide you will a)est, there are hundreds of stock content op+ons. If a certain one doesn’t suit your needs, move on to the next one. Or you might consider combining one or two projects to create exactly what you had in mind. Remember, the choices and the resul+ng execu+ons are all yours. You decide when, where, how and how olen to use these tac+cs.

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Reader- A)rac+ng



There are a number of providers of high-value content for you to make use of. I’m providing a few here with their targeted audiences. These are recommenda+ons from me and my clients. I have only ve)ed Coach Glue. Their resources have proven to be well worth the investment. Here’s a word of cau+on: review all related informa+on prior to your purchase. Focus on the terms of use and watch for any restric+ons or limita+ons. DISCLAIMER: I am not affiliated in any way with the providers I recommend. I am merely providing informaAon to you to help create your giveaways. Therefore, I make no promises regarding any income you’ll receive based on these resources.

Coach Glue – they offer done-for-you planners, done-for-you workshops and done-foryou forms. Their target market is coaches in all genres. Go to Tribe Bloom – they offer resources for the health & wellness community as well as weight loss, wellness, crals and hobbies and business, just to name a few. You’ll find them at h)ps:// All Private Label Content – They offer ar+cles, email messages, blog posts, and slide shows. They’re at h)p://

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Reader- A)rac+ng



What is the number one ques+on you can think of on the this topic? It’s probably the one that I get most olen. It’s, “What is the best giveaway resource?” I have yet to answer it to my own sa+sfac+on, but I’ll give it a try here. The “best” giveaway resource is the one that your audience responds to the best. That being said, it could be a ma)er of trial and error to find out what your audience likes compared to mine. Be authen+c; don’t grab an idea just because someone is using it. What your compe+tor offers may work for them but fall flat for you. The real ques+on you have to answer is how does your audience like to consume content? Is it in print? Is it audio or video? Is it a short report (7-10 pages)? Answering these ques+ons will get you on the right path to the right resource for your audience. Remember, your intent is to aGract readers, not turn them away. It’s also possible that you’ll use one format for general lead genera+on, and yet another for a special offer or audience. In addi+on, you may want to create a limited-+me only resource. Be)er yet, create a special resource that you only make available at live events. Here’s an example. Your lead offer might be a special report but your book launch offer for your book might be a how-to video or an interview that you’ll only offer with the launch. This adds exclusivity to your offer and increases the value of what you are giving away. Your audience sees this as a big plus, and you posi+on yourself as the provider of premium goods and services.

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Reader- A)rac+ng


A bit of research has resulted in these sugges+ons for your giveaway items. As always, select what you think will work best with you. Try it several different ways before moving on to another one. One-page Cheat Sheet – This is one of my favorite giveaways for live events. I olen offer a few references from my exclusive took box that is a gil-with-purchase of a high priced workshop. Infographic – This could be a winner depending on your audience. One of my clients is a fic+on author of grave marker detec+ves. She offered an infographic that showed how to record cemetery findings quickly and easily. It was a mega-success! is an excellent and easy-to-use resource for crea+ng infographics. The “Ways” list – This is an oldie but a goodie. You offer “5 Ways to…” or “7 Easy Ways to…” Depending on what comes next, this could be a quick and effec+ve resource. Free Trial – if you offer a membership group, a free trial period could be in order. Be sure to spell out the terms and termina+on of the offer. Free Consult – this is not one of my favorite offers but I’ve seen it work well for wellness coaches. Buy One Get One – offer a short e-book with the ini+al book purchase. This resource can also be called “Free Gil With Purpose.” You’ll have to determine which of the two +tles generate the greatest perceived value. Hopefully, it will be the right one to draw the most poten+al readers to your book.

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Reader- A)rac+ng


Here’s a few more sugges+ons… Discounted Upsell Item – First-+me buyers love discounts. Your offer could be made on a service that you provide. For example, you could offer a 15% discount on your next webinar with purchase. This offer tends to work well over a holiday period, depending on how you can +e them together. Top 10 – This one is easy to assemble. Collect your top 10 blog posts and group them in one offer. Give the collec+on a name and you’re done! For added pizzazz, invest some +me in the format. is a great place to start. Contests – Perhaps the only thing people like more than FREE is the possibility of WINNING something. Contests get people excited about your brand and your products and services. One of the key benefits of contests is that it draws people back to you. Be sure you have clear contests rules and a prize that enhances your brand. Keep your contest simple such an e-book to the first 25 people who “Like Your Page.” Some prizes could be signed books, a special workshop of a 15-minute Skype call, or a worksheet. Check with your email provider and social media hosts for details of hos+ng a contest. Note: Be sure you include a dollar value for whatever prize you offer. GiS Cer)ficates – This might seem like an old-fashioned idea but people love the idea of having a physical item in hand that represents a gil. You can take this idea a bit further by crea+ng gil cards using a business card template. Be sure to include all per+nent informa+on (expira+on date; no discounts apply, etc.). Your readers will love the convenience of gil giving with this idea.

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Reader- A)rac+ng



The Ul+mate Guide to Repurposing Content h)p:// 40 Ways to Repurpose Your Blog Content (And Why You Should) h)p:// How to Create an Opt-In Offer That Makes People Want to Opt In h)p:// 15 Ways to Create a High Value Lead Magnet in 30 Minutes or Less h)p:// 7 Steps to Geeng the Perfect Quote When Interviewing an Industry Expert h)p:// How to Interview a Subject Ma)er Expert h)p://

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Reader- A)rac+ng



Create Beau+ful Graphics Quickly, Easily and Free h)ps:// How to Create Beau+ful Graphics with Canva h)ps:// Design an Ebook for Free Using Canva h)ps:// How to Create a Quick Canva Infographic h)ps://

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Let’s Stay Connected

It’s en+rely possible that you don’t know about the great products and services we offer. Allow me to present some connec+on points for you: h)ps://

h)ps:// @SandeeHemphill1 Join Our Tribe! h)p:// And be sure to visit us here:

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