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MANI LADECLARATI ON TOCOUNTERTHERI SEOFRADI CALI SATI ONANDVI OLENTEXTREMI SM We,t heASEAN Mi ni st er sf r om Br uneiDar ussal am,t heKi ngdom ofCambodi a,t he Republ i cofI ndonesi a,t heLaoPeopl e’ sDemocr at i cRepubl i c,Mal ay si a,t heRepubl i cof t heUni onofMy anmar ,t heRepubl i coft hePhi l i ppi nes,t heRepubl i cofSi ngapor e,t he Ki ngdom ofThai l and, andt heSoci al i stRepubl i cofVi etNam, r esponsi bl ef orov er seei ng t hepr ev ent i onandcombat i ngoft r ansnat i onalcr i mesi nourr espect i v est at es, gat her ed i n Mani l a,Phi l i ppi nes on 20 Sept ember2017 f ort he El ev ent h ASEAN Mi ni st er i al Meet i ngonTr ansnat i onal Cr i me( her ei naf t err ef er r edt oast heAMMTC) ; REAFFI RMI NGourcommi t mentt ot heai msandpur posesofASEANasst i pul at edi nt he BangkokDecl ar at i onof8August1967,t hepur posesandpr i nci pl esoft heASEAN Char t er ,and t he r el ev antpr ov i si ons i nt he ASEAN Pol i t i cal Secur i t y Communi t y Bl uepr i nt2025; REAFFI RMI NG al so ourcommi t mentt ot he ai msand obj ect i v esoft he Langkawi Decl ar at i onont heGl obal Mov ementoft heModer at esadopt edon27Apr i l 2015 EMPHASI ZI NG ourcommi t mentt ot he ai msand obj ect i v esoft he Kual a Lumpur Decl ar at i oni nCombat i ngTr ansnat i onal Cr i meon30Sept ember2015; NOTI NG t heChai r man’ sSt at ementoft heSpeci alASEAN Mi ni st er i alMeet i ngont he Ri seofRadi cal i sat i onandVi ol entExt r emi sm hel di nKual aLumpur ,Mal ay si aon2 nd Oct ober2015andt heChai r man’ sSt at ementoft he2 Speci alASEAN Mi ni st er i al Meet i ngont heRi seofRadi cal i sat i onandVi ol entExt r emi sm on19Sept ember2017 hel di nMani l a,Phi l i ppi nesandACKNOWLEDGI NGt hei ni t i at i v eoft heGov er nmentof Mal ay si aandt heGov er nmentoft heRepubl i coft hePhi l i ppi nesi nconv eni ngt heset wo i mpor t antMi ni st er i al Meet i ngs; RECALLI NGt hatt heUni t edNat i onsSecur i t yCounci lResol ut i on( UNSCR)2178adopt ed on24Sept ember2014; REAFFI RMI NGourcommi t mentt ot hef ul li mpl ement at i onoft heASEANConv ent i onon Count erTer r or i sm ( ACCT) ,t he ASEAN Compr ehensi v e Pl an ofAct i on on Count er t h Ter r or i sm ( ACPoAonCT)adopt edbyt he11 AMMTCon20Sept ember2017,andt he Seni orOf f i ci al s Meet i ng on Tr ansnat i onalCr i me ( SOMTC)Wor k Pr ogr amme t o i mpl ementt heASEANPl anofAct i oni nCombat i ngTr ansnat i onal Cr i me2016-2025; NOTI NG t heEastAsi a Summi tSt at ementon “ TheRi seofVi ol enceand Br ut al i t y Commi t t edbyTer r or i st / Ext r emi stOr gani zat i onsi nI r aqandSyr i a”2014,andt heEast Asi aSummi tSt at ementon“ Count er i ngVi ol entExt r emi sm”2015; and ACKNOWLEDGI NG t he r ol e ofci v i lsoci et yor gani zat i ons,pr i v at e sect orand nongov er nmentor gani zat i onsi ncol l abor at i onwi t hASEANMemberSt at es,pr ev ent i ngt he pr ocess ofr adi cal i sat i on l eadi ng t ov i ol entext r emi sm and t er r or i sm and t hei r



t r ansnat i onal nat ur e, met hodsandoper at i ons. DOHEREBYDECLARETO: 1.Count err adi cal i sat i onandv i ol entext r emi sm,i npar t i cul art hosewhi chl eadt o t er r or i sm i nal lf or msandmani f est at i ons, t hr oughmeanssuchast hepr ev ent i on ofr adi cal i sat i on,f i nanci ng,r ecr ui t ment ,and mobi l i zat i on ofi ndi v i dual si nt o t er r or i stgr oups; 2.Pl acest r ongemphasi sont heaspectofder adi cal i sat i oni nr ehabi l i t at i onand r ei nt egr at i on pr ogr ams as par tofcompr ehensi v e measur es i n count er i ng t er r or i sm,besi desappl y i ngf or ceorpuni t i v emeasur es,soast oensur et hat r adi cal i sedorext r emi sti ndi v i dual sar er eadyt or ei nt egr at ei nt osoci et yaswel l as t opr ev ent‘ r el apse’ ort hei rr et ur nt omi l i t ant / t er r or i stact i v i t i es; 3.Adopt a sust ai ned and pr oact i v e appr oach t hr ough capaci t y bui l di ng pr ogr ammes,i ncl udi ngshor tandl ongt er m i ni t i at i v esf ocusedonpr omot i ng educat i on, i npar t i cul arpeaceeducat i onandespeci al l yt ot hey out hi nt her egi on emphasi zi ng and i ncul cat i ng t he i mpor t ance on moder at i on,and acqui r i ng knowl edge, ski l l s, at t i t udes, andv al uesf ort hepr ev ent i onandpeacef ulr esol ut i on ofconf l i ctaswel lassoci alandet hi calv al uesaspar toft heawar enessand pr ev ent i onef f or t sagai nstv i ol entext r emi sm andr adi cal i sat i on,i nl i newi t ht he Langkawi Decl ar at i onont heGl obal Mov ement sofModer at es; 4.Cont i nuei nf or mat i onshar i ngandexchangesonbestpr act i cesamongASEAN Member St at esoncount er i ngandpr ev ent i ngr adi cal i sat i onandt het ool sof ext r emi sm; 5.Cont i nue al so t o pr ov i de mut uall egalassi st ance i n cr i mi nalmat t er s and ext r adi t i onr el at edt ot her i seofr adi cal i sat i onandv i ol entext r emi sm t hatl eads t ot er r or i sm,i nconf or mi t ywi t ht her espect i v edomest i cl awsoft heASEAN MemberSt at es; 6.Dev el opani nt egr at ed, ev i dencebasedappr oacht oaddr essi ngt het hr eat soft he r i seofr adi cal i sat i onandv i ol entext r emi sm by : a.Pr omot i ngdi al ogueandconf l i ctpr ev ent i on; b.St r engt heni nggoodgov er nance, humanr i ght sandt her ul eofl aw; c.Engagi ngcommuni t i es; d.Empower i ngy out h; e.Empower i ngwomenandpr omot i nggenderequal i t y ; f . Pr ov i di ngeducat i on, ski l l sdev el opment , andempl oy mentf aci l i t at i on; and g.St r engt heni ngst r at egi ccommuni cat i ons, t hei nt er net , andsoci al medi a. 7.Dev el oppr ogr ammest ocount erv i ol entext r emi sm t hatbui l dt r ustandst r engt hen



cooper at i onbet weencommuni t i esv ul ner abl et or adi cal i sat i onandt hePol i ce t hatf ocusesoncommuni t y pol i cer el at i onssuchast hr oughcommuni t ypol i ci ng and al so dev el op mor e communi t y based appr oaches t o count er i ng r adi cal i sat i onandv i ol entext r emi sm; 8.Dev el op and i mpl ement ,t oget herwi t hr el ev antASEAN Sect or alBodi es,a compr ehensi v er egi onalcommuni cat i ons campai gn pl an t o count err adi cal nar r at i v esusi ngal l f or msofi nf or mat i onandcommuni cat i ont echnol ogi esandt o denyr adi cal sandext r emi stpr oponent st hemeansandoppor t uni t i est opur sue ext r emi st / v i ol entact i v i t i esandpr omot et hei rext r emei deol ogi es; 9.St r engt hent heexi st i ngmechani sm f oraddr essi ngt er r or i sm,r adi cal i sm andv i ol ent ext r emi sm i ncl udi ng t hr ought heconductofar egul arr egi onaldi al oguesuchas t hr ough f ocalpoi nt s ofr el ev antl aw enf or cementagenci es t o shar e anal y ses, f act or s,r ootcauses,and r i skassessmenti n or dert o st r engt hen nat i onaland r egi onal count ert er r or i sm ef f or t s; 10. Pur suest r ongcol l abor at i onswi t hASEAN Di al oguePar t ner s,r el at edi nt er nat i onal or gani zat i onsandot herst akehol der st hr ought heexchangeofexper i ences, l essons l ear nedandbestpr act i cesi naddr essi ngr adi cal i sat i onandv i ol entext r emi sm; and 11. TaskanAdhocExper t sWor ki ngGr oupundert heSOMTCt of or mul at eanddev el op anASEAN Pl anofAct i ont oPr ev entandCount ert heRi seofRadi cal i sat i onand Vi ol entExt r emi sm,andwel comesI ndonesi a’ spr oposalt ohostt heAdhocExper t s Wor ki ngGr oupmeet i ng. ADOPTEDi nMani l a,Phi l i ppi nesont heTwent i et hDayofSept emberi nt heYearTwo ThousandandSev ent een.
