report - Cryptome

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participatron had bcen cxpectcd, had .ot been able io come, lhe 15th July tr'as fixed by ihe Cotnmission as ..... -togi.







Table of Contents Page

.3 Formaiion and Work of the


4 11

The Relevance oI Japanese Baclerial Wdrlare in World War In.idenr ArilJ'is ,rdopred by lhF Commis.ion



13 15

Eatonological Data of the P.ague Documents Medical Notes on the Insects Disseminated .


Phytopatholosical Data


Tlcidenl < in KoreJ tplague) 'lhe han Nan hci lenL lplzgue;

26 29

The K ufi Tie, rn.iden. ,dn,hrrx) Incidents in l.iaotuns and Liaohsi (respiratory anthrax) The Dai Dong ln.i len, (cholerr) Types ol Conrainers or "Bombs" 'festimonies of Captured Inlelligence Agents

Testironics ol Caprured A:rm.n H).giene in New China General Considerations




34 37

39 47 49 53 55





h'oni the begluing of

1952, plenomcna

of a very ur)usu:,1 ohrrrarter

objedivc of brcte.iLrlogical s xrfarc.

Inte.nat;ona1 Scicnti{rc Conrnission which shcLrl.l exaninc the e!idence the ficld.


The membcrs ol ihe C.nrmisstor, \vlLo, coDscnnrs of ttr(jr.cspoDsi bility, made evcrl. cftort to frec thcnisel!cs fro., pre.o ceilcd jdcas, ha1'e ca!.icd_ out lhcir inrestignlions accord g ro the srricresi scientitic priu,


The lnternalional Scicntific Commrssion.eached Peliing an the


bcrs rvere as follon's:

Formation and Work of the Commission


Atrdrea ANDRREN (Sl\]eder), D;reclor of the Ccntral Clinical I,a boratory of the l-Tospitals Board of the City ol Stoc|holm

Mons Jean ltAI,TI'IRRll (France), Ingenieur Asricole, Director ol the Laboratory of Aninal Physiology, Nalio al Collegc of Agr;cultnre Gdgnonj fo rerly Livestock Expcrt, UNRRA; CorrespoDdins Xrlember of rhe Iialian and Spanish Socictics of Aninal llusbandry




(r,- K





, S,r Willilm Dun! ltea(ler


partDcnt of \ratural Sciences, UNIiSCO.

Lrr Ohviero OI-IVO (Ita1y), I'rofessor of Human Inltoml.,n thc Facully of Nfedici.e oi ihe f,niversitl of Boloilna; Iormerly l-ccturcr in General Biology, Uriversity ol Turtn.


Samuel B. PESSO.t (Braz,l), Prolessor oI l'arasi(ol.,sy at the Unrversity of Sao Parlo; former\' Director of Public Health for the State of Sa., Paulo; Hon. Proiessrr h t|c lacrlties ol \iedicme of

lLc Uriversities of lteoile and Pa.aiba


Prolessor ol Brcteliology at, and Vic,e President of, the Soviet Academy of Medicine; formcrly chicf rnedical expert nt ihc Khaba.oisl. Trial of Japanese accused of pa.ticipating in b:rcteriological lvarlare

While greatly regretting that certair distinguished n1en of science whose participatron had bcen cxpectcd, had .ot been able io come, lhe 15th July tr'as fixed by ihe Cotnmission as the last clate for arrival Hovcver, latcr on, a Narm \velcome was given to


Franco GII{ZIOSI (Italy), Ass;stant




Uni,Ff-irv of


in the Irstitute ot f,{i$o

Nho a.rived in PeLing on lhe 6th Aug-, jrsi bef(,re thc rcturD ol the Cooniss,on fro Shenrans (X{uliden). Since he was thns only al)le to be present durrng the last tbree \1'eel$ of tlc Comdission's vork, he lvas established in the statts of Obserlcr Consullant, and ir tlat capacity gave great hell to the procccdinss



(Associaie Prolessor of Obstetrics and Ol,,iceology, l'cliitlg Universili' lUedical CollcSe)

Dr YEN lef Yins Firally, lhcre Partictl)atcd:

of Modcrn




ic Hcalrh, Aurora


SIanshai). trlost oi the memlcrs ol tle Cc,lDnittce accompanied the Commission



liai e some of Cllncsc sciertists and nedical men, aticndcd thc meetinss of thc Com missron as olservers or to give evi.lence Letore ir. 'rhe Comrnission wishes to rhanh al! these colleagues, tor Nhose scicntitic attainments arld probity it conceive{l a.Le.p rcspcct oncci\.aL,le

!ote. 'lhc


group also tlcrtldc]:r:

\{r N A KO\\/II'SKI;

Secrclalv Irrterpreler to T)r'

Inlerpretcr to ljr Nlrs S. R PI')SSOI;acling is Secretalv


['tr.s I'I Tn Churn Nlembcr oi tle


Peace Council

Ch'€ng-Chi! NleLnbcr oi rhe \\rorlil rfO Cf'l"g ftn" Ptesnlcnt of the Cbiicse 'Mc'licaL '\sscciation

t. ,,rno n..

Se.reIary-Gc erxl:

Dr KUNG N Chilar A.rsisinft

;lhead! metrtiotrell. Lhc CoDmissidi wishes to thanli Dr $rA-\


Direc!.rr ol Shnnshai ne(hcaL Collcse

Secre tarY-Gc trcra1 :


Su-I'Lua Slcrctnr-r o{



Uedical '\ssocintion constant inconvenienccs and dangers ot heal-I air bombartlnents

Steci.ri.t l.i,1son i)tiLcers:




In this connectt.,r, too, ihe

Tsai-Trrg Proiessor ol l)alhologv'

X'le(Lcrl Collcsc

Dr CHtl Iiung llu


Lhe Com,tssion


u;hom they h reriders homa

NnnkiDg UDiversiiY

perishcd wh

tli('loilicrl Assistart Llirecior l'aloratorv ol ErtorLolog: '

dcarlemia Sinica



-7 -

parts ol China to colleasues in the $ront line \ri anti bacterial defence'

t{'o days at a rendezvous wrth the capturod airncn l)olr)rc re-crossirg the frontrer into Norlhcasr China on Aug.6!h. Ii shoulll l,e recorded that fie technical orgarisariod of this expedilion 1\'as laultl0ss. siotr spent

An carlie| one, vrhich rook a shorier tine, had been undcltaken on thc 15th and 16rh Jujy, $hen the Comnrission went by spccial pl:rnc, train, and jeep, via Chichihar and Laha to visit the localities in the KanNan distrjct lvhich had been the scene of the dissemiration of plag einfected rodents (see,{pp.). These places are located in }IeilungchiaDs prov,nce on the borcler of Tnrer X'tonsolia. Othcr official joumeys vere of a minor character

It is impoltant to say something regarding thc difficulties oI language necessarily rtlelrdant upon any enterprise such as that of the p.csent Co ission Within Lhc Commission itself seven languages were represented, b!t il was fo11nc1 that French rvas the of,e spoken and under stood by thc maiolitr of the membem, and this ihereiore became the Norking language nussian, Enslish, a d Italian, wheD spokcn, wcrc at once translnted into lrrench On the Chinesc sidc, thc fact that so many Chnrese scientisrs speak excellert ]jnglish or l'reDch Nas of S:reat value Lo the work, bul dudng meelinss, Ior prorocol leasons, they spolie in Chinese, i!lerpreted immecliately, and ofteD independently, into French, Russian, and llnglish ']'his aas effected by Dr YANG Shih-Ta and Mr. 'IING ChrCh'ien for French, Dr CH'EN Shu ior Russian, and Dr YEN Jen-Ying for Enslish. At a later stase of the Fork, Dr WU FIuan-Hsins rendered val!able literary and linguistic assistance. 'lhe Conmission had further t|c advantage that one oi its European medbers spoke and unclerstood the Chinese languagc, which uas of particular valte during the iDterviewirg of witn€sses, and could also read and write Chrnese. wLich facrlitated the consul!ation of literat re and the examina, tion of documenls. Another n]ember \'!as able to nrainlain direct English-

had bcen disseminated throogh Prague'

R!ssian linguistic contact. In Korea conclitions plicated, f.Jr vert' fcw Chinesc scicntists undcrstand Korean, but the Commrssion had there the services of a rernarliabte linsuist, Ilr. OK len fIsieh, rvho interlrcted perfectly fron l(orean into French, English or Chinese nt will. Othcr Korcnn-ChrDcse interprerers rvere also avallable 1\ parallel check was oblained b_y translation into one ol the EuropcaD larguages through Ch ese, and also sirnultancousiy from Korcan to liussian dircct Sincc frcquent comparison oI notes took place, it will be scen th:rt there nns not much likelihood of any nistake on points of subsrance I,aslly, the proceedings at some of the meelings ll,'ere recorded br rnagnetophone ior subscqtent rcference For all these reasons, the Commission consrrlers itsclf protccted against any criticrsms rhat ir did roi socceed in apfreheniling lne fu11 mind ot Ch;nese and Korcan specialists and {itncsses




ol the members of the Comrnission sisncd belov



Documentation+ the

A1 ihe tilr1c whcD thc mcml,ers oi ihc Cor|mission f;rsr asscrrrbled, orly doeLlnents xrnilable to lhcD Ncrc rhosc Nhich bad Lccn rclcascd


thc Korean anrl Chinese Cl.r\:ernmerts and drssemrnated itr the wesrerD

\rcrld i.orn the secreiarial oi the \\iorLd l)eace Courcrl xl |rague or throuBli the {rri.,us {lhnresc ofiici.Ll news agencies nr rle larious

lhe First Re|. .f tfic Taoreju X,lediaal Ser\lrc (SlA/ll*" deall orl) eith c\-cnrs oI Jan and Feb 1952 Thc haterial coniailed in i1 lvas

worked oler ag:iir in ihe Tnternaijonal Denocralic I,a11'yers'Conm;ssio. (Korea) Rerorr (51A/.1), which a(ldcd darx of the rrpcarailce of plagrc cascs in Korca, aD, oI corrsc tlc rcsuhs ol cram;nrt;m of cl crvit!csscs b), iDtcrnational pcrsoLucl

Thc l\!o nrost dctailc.l rcports \.orc thos( ol the Chinesc Commission for lDvcsrisatirg the Amcrican Llrime of Gc[n \\iarfare&.bich carriec] oul ia\.cstisations Loar u Korea ard in \1.) Chnlr (l,Ianchrria) drrine Lr,e morlh of \farcl 'lle main oire oi ihese \ras lhar oi the sub co fiiss;o,r h liorcii rrirlled irl I'cknrs in i\pril, sivcn nr full nr ricN.\/s5 (SupDl ), anil al)ri(lSerl jn SlA./l:l 'L'he re|ort oi thc snl comnrissron, in N.,ihcrst China (lrla,ichrrix) \\as si,rilarly prirltc.l l'cliins anrl aLrnlgcd in SL\/3 'l'his rcport is th:rt \rhrch c.,ilaine.L'r the fullesi informatron \othing ol slri.Lll. scienliric signilicance Nas a.lded by t|e Tnlernaii.!ral Ilenrocrai;r T,asye.s' \crsion oI tl,c sarrrc h,illcrjal, aerir printed ir Pel.irg, an.l nrllr r cprodrlccd ir SI,\/8

A spccial .cprt lrr cerLanr Euro|ean s.ienl;s1s co slltcd lI tLc Sccretal.rt oi the \\rorld ireace Courcil cofi;rne,l tlc crtonolosical nlenlifrcadons by flotogra|ls, ai)d atpeare(l ns S-t.V2, it covercd botn Lorexn arrd NE Chjncse data. ,\ fllrrhcr spccrrl rcport hy iolf Chi,rcse scientists, agajn b:lscd oD thc sanlc rnalcrjal, uptrenrerl as ST.\/12


'l'hosc nho v.ish to cx:'nilre the earler retorts r,ould l,c !'cll a(lvisell io st dy them i11 tle aho\-e or{ler ll_\ lhe iime llrat thc Drcmbers.i lhe l.arvyers'Comniission rerrrned 10 ldrote (rni,l ,\l)ril), x consnle,alle

' l'l,e .eler.rces conrrincd if I'c L.\t chtc to \ rvhiel, \.ijl r laLer d.te ** l'hc loll.^\'nrs (lo.ureut idenLitj,catidr $ill|. trKL:1,.!suc scrj6, Sr'!/i \or Clinra \.Ns AAcncr, NC-\-\/ ; l)o.nrre,rt\ arr l!lq Lo rhc lntcrnational'. Co,rnission, iI China, ISCCI ; n, l(.rea, ISCK/ Ic


ptrblisIell at




i I I

The Relevance of Japanese Bacterial Warfare in World War II No invesiigaiiorl ol allegatj.,Ds of lractcrrnl lvarlare in ]]ast Asia could lail to takc cogrlisancc of tl1c iact thnt rt \i as un.loultedl]. employed Ly bhc Japmcse asaitrst Chlna durns rhe seconcL lorld rvar. The Com-

mission rvas rclatl\.cly wcll informed on this subiec! shce one of its mcmLers h:'d been the chief ext)err at the Kh;iba.olsk irial, a d:mother had heen one ol lhe \,ery ien r,estern scielltists ilr al olfidal position nr China rlurn)g 1le cour,.e oi ihe e!e ts themsehes. Tll 194,1 it had beel) pari ol his cluty to report to his or so\ cnrneut tlal although hc hil.] begun \cith an attihldc of great sccpticisrI], thc rnaterial collcctcd by thc Chincsc Surgcotr-Ccncrrl's Oilicc sccrncd t., sholv clcrrly that thc lapanese 1verc, and had been, .issenrinating plasue;nlccrccl llcas in sc\.cral districts 'L'hcr rlere thus able to briig al,ort a consrdcrablc numler of cascs of b11l)onic plaglre in areas Nherc it was Dormally nor endernic, btrt x,here co itions for its sprcad Ncre iairly tavoural,le As is kno\.r, onder norlnal circlllnstnnces. lr boric plague is erldcmic only in cerlain s|artlr circurscribed areas (eg FLrLien

r',-'i ,.)"u ot\\'i



u, l-..,


Irrom the archrres of the Chrnese.\firislrl' oi Healih ore of ihe origjnal retoris dealnrg \,rn h the a.liliciri in.luctioll ol plague ai Cha JtlC nr TI]llan frovince by r|e Jafanese i. 19,11 \aas laid bclore the Corn mission (,\pp ISCC/I). This docullent is srill t.,clay of cons crable value and indecd historical intcrcst Oflicial Chincsc rccords give rhe number oi lsien cities {'hich \.crc in this vay Ly the Jap:rnese ^ttacked as eler-en, 4 in Chekiang, 2 each in Hoper and llotran, and 1 each in Shansi, Iluan and Shantung. Thc total numler of lictims of arlifici:llIv dissemiirated plague is nor. xssessed by the Chinese as aplroxinately 700 bctx.een 194{ and I91.1. The document rep.oduced belorv, moreover, histoncal iiteresi. Surgeon General at rhe iinie dislributed ten copies anrong tle Iinbass;es ir Ohugknrg, an.1 it may well be nro.e than a coirlcidence that ac.ording lo the lvell-knox.n Merck Report of Jan 1946, large scale $'orl< in America otr r|e methods of bacLe ological warlare began in the very same year, 19.11. The Commission rvas h;rppy io hale the opporiunitl., cluring its Nork 1n liorea, ol meerirg the dis tingu;sled plaguc speci; ist lvho wrole lhe origin;i1 enorandum lronl Chansta, and of hearils his riews on ll)e failure oi the KuoBlilrtang

It is loown that the Chnrese

- t2-






thc Khlbaro|sli trial

Incident .Analysis Adopted by the Cornmission Lln accollrL of its




use oi

bidogical {'ealorls is an acl


Norli of thc Commissur sone kind ol schcne \\hich coulil scric as a lrarncvort for tle tacls {hich jl Notrld l.t!c to siL y in each parttcular

'f|e siml)lcst schenic, nr rvlicll, trnder idcal co!dilio11s. cver} .omfol,enr rrcul.L bc presenl and posiii\.e, wrs the follouiDgi

lactory ai ilxrbin

charxctcr oi the idc:Ll la1lefl Nhcn l|e general complcx of lxcls ,esuliiog frorn rle confrotrtation of nluncrous patlerns is cra incd, the srlole s,tlra.tion becomes clcar, (cl P 51 r,c1o\Y) nl tle (i)lnmission




certainly not identical with the single species of this genus previously recorded frod China (App.). Exactly the samc observation appli€s to the midse Otthacladiur These zoologrcal and geographical discrepatrcies must be ailotted due weight in the consideralion of a1l the cvidence.

Entomological Data of thb Prague Documents One oi the first tasks {'hich preseuied itsclf to the




In ani .ase, the anoflalies provcd to be much more extraordinar. on h,. o" o oSi"al rr n or, , . z. -togi.r'-il",g-rphic,t .ide. \\ l,itF L\e populations du ns $e iirst months of the year, $.hen the snow is still on the ground in \iorth and Northeast China and in Korea The Conmission found no difliculty in substantiating that these mxsses had Lreen seen (ard clestroyed as quickly as possible) by very manl' ordinary men and wo en ;n al1 lvalks of life. Of the eighteen species so far re ferred io, no lcss than trveh.e exhrbited m:'rked seasonal anomalies of appea.ance. In other words they appeared in mass with a prccocity varyins from 6 1,1 weeks earlie. than the tirrle of year at which, according to the personal experience ard published vorl