Report for Academic Design Options Input Form - Eden Prairie Schools

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I often feel that, as a teacher, I am asked to participate in planning, writing, ...... (Media specialists), writers, th
Report for Academic Design Options Input Form 1. Response Counts Co mp letio n Rate:

37.2% Co m plete





0 To tal



2. What is your relationship to the district (select all that apply)? 100






0 Student

Fam ily/Parent/Guard…

Staff/Em plo yee

Co m m unity Mem ber







Fam ily/Parent/Guardian



Staff/Em plo yee



Co m m unity Mem ber




3. As a student, how much do you agree or disagree with the following statements outlining the ideal experience that we hope our families, students or staff will have once our new academic design is fully implemented, whichever design is ultimately acted upon. I am valued and I belong. Agree S t rongly

Agree S omewhat

Disagree S omewhat

Disagree S t rongly

No Opinion/Not Applicable

I have friends

49 84.5%

8 13.8%

1 1.7%

0 0.0%

0 0.0%

My teacher thinks I m atter

32 57.1%

21 37.5%

2 3.6%

1 1.8%

0 0.0%

I’m accepted by all m y co m m unity

26 45.6%

23 40.4%

6 10.5%

2 3.5%

0 0.0%

I feel safe (physically and em o tio nally)

32 56.1%

22 38.6%

2 3.5%

0 0.0%

1 1.8%

I’m glad I’m here

35 62.5%

17 30.4%

4 7.1%

0 0.0%

0 0.0%


4. As a student, how much do you agree or disagree with the following statements outlining the ideal experience that we hope our families, students or staff will have once our new academic design is fully implemented, whichever design is ultimately acted upon. I enjoy and understand what I am learning. Agree S t rongly

Agree S omewhat

Disagree S omewhat

Disagree S t rongly

No Opinion/Not Applicable

Scho o l is fun and interesting

18 33.3%

28 51.9%

7 13.0%

1 1.9%

0 0.0%

I have a say in what I'm learning

12 23.1%

24 46.2%

14 26.9%

2 3.8%

0 0.0%

I'm learning a lo t

26 49.1%

22 41.5%

4 7.5%

1 1.9%

0 0.0%

I understand why what I learned was im po rtant

16 30.8%

22 42.3%

9 17.3%

4 7.7%

1 1.9%


5. As a student, how much do you agree or disagree with the following statements outlining the ideal experience that we hope our families, students or staff will have once our new academic design is fully implemented, whichever design is ultimately acted upon. School is interesting, fun and meaningful. Agree S t rongly

Agree S omewhat

Disagree S omewhat

Disagree S t rongly

No Opinion/Not Applicable

I will use what I'm learning in the real wo rld

19 35.8%

19 35.8%

11 20.8%

4 7.5%

0 0.0%

I have go als and I'll reach m y go als

32 61.5%

18 34.6%

1 1.9%

0 0.0%

1 1.9%

I'm no t frustrated

8 15.7%

16 31.4%

15 29.4%

11 21.6%

1 2.0%

I feel prepared

16 30.8%

29 55.8%

5 9.6%

1 1.9%

1 1.9%


6. As a staff member, how much do you agree or disagree with the following statements outlining the ideal experience that we hope our families, students or staff will have once our new academic design is fully implemented, whichever design is ultimately acted upon. I am valued and connected. Agree S t rongly

Agree S omewhat

Disagree S omewhat

Disagree S t rongly

No Opinion/Not Applicable

I’m heard and I feel respected

64 23.5%

99 36.4%

61 22.4%

37 13.6%

11 4.0%

I have cho ice in what and ho w I teach

50 18.8%

105 39.5%

54 20.3%

19 7.1%

38 14.3%

I’m trusted and trust o thers

82 30.9%

119 44.9%

37 14.0%

15 5.7%

12 4.5%

I have engaged learners

131 48.9%

88 32.8%

14 5.2%

3 1.1%

32 11.9%

I kno w m y students

190 70.9%

46 17.2%

0 0.0%

1 0.4%

31 11.6%

I feel suppo rted by fello w staff, adm inistratio n and parents

83 31.0%

110 41.0%

51 19.0%

15 5.6%

9 3.4%

I feel part o f a team

108 40.4%

98 36.7%

41 15.4%

13 4.9%

7 2.6%


7. As a staff member, how much do you agree or disagree with the following statements outlining the ideal experience that we hope our families, students or staff will have once our new academic design is fully implemented, whichever design is ultimately acted upon. I am making a positive difference for students. Agree S t rongly

Agree S omewhat

Disagree S omewhat

Disagree S t rongly

No Opinion/Not Applicable

My students are gro wing and succeeding

137 52.5%

88 33.7%

4 1.5%

1 0.4%

31 11.9%

I feel successful

116 44.8%

115 44.4%

16 6.2%

2 0.8%

10 3.9%

I see the difference I am m aking

145 55.6%

95 36.4%

9 3.4%

3 1.1%

9 3.4%

I see the po tential in all m y students

190 72.8%

37 14.2%

3 1.1%

1 0.4%

30 11.5%

I lo ve what I do

176 67.4%

65 24.9%

10 3.8%

2 0.8%

8 3.1%


8. As a staff member, how much do you agree or disagree with the following statements outlining the ideal experience that we hope our families, students or staff will have once our new academic design is fully implemented, whichever design is ultimately acted upon. I am prepared and supported. Agree S t rongly

Agree S omewhat

Disagree S omewhat

Disagree S t rongly

No Opinion/Not Applicable

I feel suppo rted by co lleagues, adm inistratio n and fam ilies

72 29.4%

103 42.0%

51 20.8%

17 6.9%

2 0.8%

I have wo rk/life balance

66 26.9%

104 42.4%

54 22.0%

19 7.8%

2 0.8%

I kno w m y ro le

125 51.0%

93 38.0%

16 6.5%

7 2.9%

4 1.6%

I have the to o ls I need to do m y jo b well

80 32.7%

89 36.3%

52 21.2%

20 8.2%

4 1.6%

I can co m petently facilitate perso nalized learning

71 29.2%

85 35.0%

45 18.5%

14 5.8%

28 11.5%


9. As a parent/guardian, how much do you agree or disagree with the following statements outlining the ideal experience that we hope our families, students or staff will have once our new academic design is fully implemented, whichever design is ultimately acted upon. My child/children is happy, cared for and safe. Agree S t rongly

Agree S omewhat

Disagree S omewhat

Disagree S t rongly

No Opinion/Not Applicable

My child is interested

739 66.0%

333 29.8%

28 2.5%

10 0.9%

9 0.8%

My child is excited abo ut scho o l

654 58.5%

385 34.5%

57 5.1%

11 1.0%

10 0.9%

My child is safe at scho o l

819 73.6%

253 22.7%

24 2.2%

7 0.6%

10 0.9%

My child has friends

784 71.7%

275 25.2%

15 1.4%

8 0.7%

11 1.0%


10. As a parent/guardian, how much do you agree or disagree with the following statements outlining the ideal experience that we hope our families, students or staff will have once our new academic design is fully implemented, whichever design is ultimately acted upon. I feel connected, respected, and informed, not overwhelmed. Agree S t rongly

Agree S omewhat

Disagree S omewhat

Disagree S t rongly

No Opinion/Not Applicable

I trust teachers and staff

725 66.0%

331 30.1%

26 2.4%

6 0.5%

10 0.9%

My o pinio n is heard and respected

515 47.6%

430 39.7%

87 8.0%

23 2.1%

28 2.6%

I receive balanced feedback abo ut m y child

585 53.8%

391 35.9%

73 6.7%

23 2.1%

16 1.5%


11. As a parent/guardian, how much do you agree or disagree with the following statements outlining the ideal experience that we hope our families, students or staff will have once our new academic design is fully implemented, whichever design is ultimately acted upon. My child will succeed. Agree S t rongly

Agree S omewhat

Disagree S omewhat

Disagree S t rongly

No Opinion/Not Applicable

My child is included in all classro o m activities

665 62.3%

325 30.4%

53 5.0%

8 0.7%

17 1.6%

My child has o ppo rtunities to be engaged/invo lved

802 75.5%

218 20.5%

26 2.4%

5 0.5%

11 1.0%

Risk and failure is part o f learning

805 76.2%

217 20.5%

16 1.5%

8 0.8%

11 1.0%

The teacher seeks to understand m y child and his/her learning style

623 58.7%

326 30.7%

80 7.5%

19 1.8%

14 1.3%

My child has a ho peful future

838 78.7%

197 18.5%

13 1.2%

7 0.7%

10 0.9%

My child will be resilient and persevere

748 70.3%

275 25.8%

22 2.1%

8 0.8%

11 1.0%


12. Is there a statement you would like to add that reflects the ideal experience you would like to have in Eden Prairie Schools? Count







safe and suppo rted


I'd like Eden Prairie Scho o ls to be fun and creative, where students fo llo w what they want to learn abo ut passio nately to m ake a change in the co m m unity instead o f just trying to cho o se the easiest o ptio n because o f the streets fro m ho m ewo rk, ect.


I have had two students graduate fro m EPHS and they're in co llege and successful. My third child is do ing well and we have no t had any issues with EP prescho o ls we had great experiences and I trust the teachers and educato rs with decisio ns m o ving fo rward.


Is the district co nsidering an o ptio n where the reco m m endatio ns fro m Designing Pathways are filed away in the garbage and igno red? It presum e that NMC (and the Ho rizo n Repo rt) is so m e type o f go spel regarding educatio n. NMC was started by private co m panies who have a vested interest in seeing educatio n slanted to wards their needs. That do es no t, ho wever, m ean the educatio n o f o ur kids (and MY kids) needs to fo llo w that agenda. Perso nally, I think the EP scho o l district is o utstanding as it is, and do es no t need any type o f radical m akeo ver. Our kids (and again, MY kids) are no t test subjects to be used like guinea pigs in so m e new fangled educatio nal experim ent.


No sugarco ating. I think it is very sad ho w the So m ali po pulatio n o f o ur scho o ls is so vicio us and m ean to each o ther. Sad fo r them , and sad fo r all o f the o ther students to watch that. Do n't kno w that there's an answer fo r im pro vem ent, but that's m y two cents.


"o nce o ur new academ ic design is fully im plem ented, whichever design is ultim ately acted upo n" It is im po ssible to answer


"the ideal experience that we ho pe o ur fam ilies, students o r staff will have o nce o ur new academ ic design is fully im plem ented, whichever design is ultim ately acted upo n." It is im po ssible to respo nd to this statem ent witho ut a decisio n as to the design.


-I wo uld like o ur academ ic design to prio ritize student wellness: specifically increased recess tim e fo r yo unger children.


-I wo uld like o ur academ ic design to prio ritize student wellness: specifically, later start tim es fo r o lder children. The Eden Prairie scho o l district needs to jo in the Centers fo r Disease Co ntro l and Preventio n and the Am erican Academ y o f Pediatrics in their reco m m endatio n fo r m iddle and high scho o l start tim es o f 8:30am o r later to im pro ve ado lescent health, academ ic perfo rm ance and quality o f life. -Middle and high scho o ls need to start scho o l later in o rder to ensure adequate sleep and less stress/anxiety/depressio n/drug abuse/car accidents/risk taking behavio rs.





1)I find it difficult to m easure m y elem entary child's pro gress with the current P, D and B grading m o del. Except fo r the o ccasio nal graded m ath test that co m es ho m e, I have no idea ho w m y child is do ing in scho o l until co nference tim e. 2)Wo uld like a greater em phasis o n writing skills in all grade levels. 3)Wo uld like m o re flexibility in class o fferings at Middle scho o l.


1. Identify the individual child's needs based o n their perso nality and learning style. 2. Mo re real wo rld experience at all ages/levels (i.e. pro jects that sim ulate sto ck m arket, internships, etc.)


6-8 m iddle scho o l


A co -o perative learning enviro nm ent which m o tivates all ro und gro wth o f children


A co hesive, spiraled, fo rm al curriculum wo uld be m o st helpful.


A learning experience fo r all children sho uld no t co m e up expense o f so m e. I am tired o f the no child left behind po licies that leave B and C kids in academ ic purgato ry. Reso urces are unfairly distributed to the to p and bo tto m while the m iddle is left dealing with special Ed disturbances and behavio ral issues. Parents sho uld be required to sign a co de o f co nduct where there child is rem o ved if behavio ral o utbursts co ntinue. It's no t fair to the teachers o r the students. Parent o f 6th grader at Eden Lake


A place to be challenged, a setting where o ur kids can experience bo th success and set backs that help them gro w.


A place where m y child will be challenged, expo sed to m any new things and suppo rted alo ng the way. Where parents are actively invo lved and enco uraged to be a part o f their jo urney.


A well balanced learning experience based o n a so lid academ ic fo undatio n (3 R's) that inco rpo rates the use o f techno lo gy and critical/creative thinking in an atm o sphere that enco urages the free exchange o f ideas.


Ability to be self-driven and m o tivated, and understand ho w to take disappo intm ent.


Acco untability and scho o l sho uld em ulate m o re o f what life is - which is no t everyo ne is a winner


Acco untability is co m m ensurate to the individual, experience and task(s). Gro wth is individual and can be in sm all pebbles o r watershed m o m ents.


Achieving excellence thro ugh diversity . Students and teachers striving fo r a well ro unded educatio nal experience . Pro viding Avenues to explo re high individual achievem ents .


Adversity is welco m ed, we are all hum an beings. Race, ethnicity, co lo r o f skin, accent, etc. sho uld no t m inim ize the wo rth o r value o f anyo ne, parent, student o r staff.


All students at all EP scho o ls sho uld receive the sam e high quality educatio n.


All students m ust be treated equally. Teacher's neighbo r's kid, o r a fast talker's / wheeler-dealer's kid sho uld no t be favo red.


All the stuff I want to change has to change at a state o r natio nal level, so no


Allo w m o re tim e fo r lunch and recess fo r all students. Elem entary students have a co re class wo rk lo ad/ expectatio ns that has placed a great deal o f additio nal wo rk.. the kids need a decent break during the day to keep o n go ing fo r the rest o f the afterno o n. They are still peo ple who get stressed to o and need a little balance.





Allo w o rganic learning based o n each child's unique abilities and interests. Try to be bo ld, and m o ve away fo r a "tem platized" learning/assessm ent m o del. Said ano ther way, do n't judge a fish by it's ability to clim b a tree. :)


An enviro nm ent that nurtures and no urishes a child's inherent curio sity to learn and m o tivates children to give their individual best.


An experience where their is m utual respect between m yself, m y student, the teachers and the adm inistrato rs. An experience where all students receive the attentio n they need to succeed - no t just the gifted o r tho se that are struggling. An experience where the bully's behavio r - bo th parents and children - is no lo nger to lerated, but addressed and dealt with.


An ideal experience fo r m y children wo uld be fo r them to be truly "kno wn" by their educato rs. In a large district with large classro o m s I fear that it can be easy to be lo st in the cro wd.


An ideal experience is a co m m unicative and nurturing enviro nm ent where all staff is valued fo r their unique skills and abilities. I wo uld like an engaged and helpful m anagem ent team that kno ws and respects what I do .


An ideal experience wo uld be fo r m y children to be kno wn...really kno wn by the educato rs they wo rk with. In such a large district with large classes I wo rry desperately abo ut so m e kids being lo st in the shuffle.


Any gifts o r talents m y child has will be reco gnized and fo stered so that he/she can gro w and develo p tho se talents.


Art and m usic sho uld no t be requirem ents but sho uld be electives. If a child plays a spo rt they sho uld no t be required to take a phy ed classes in high scho o l. Sho uld be elective.


As a parent o f a new student, m y so n has thrived in this system , so appreciate all the inclusio n!


As a teacher at Prairie View, the m ain reaso n I have experienced success (bo th fo r m yself and m y students) is the leadership o f Principal Caro l Meyer. She has given us o verwhelm ing suppo rt in utilizing different teaching m etho ds that are successful, as well as no t m icro m anaging o ur instructio n. I wo uld ho pe that as the district m o ves fo rward, the leadership (bo th at the district level, as well as ALL principals) fo ster an enviro nm ent sim ilar to what exists at PV.


As a teacher, I co ntinue to feel fairly iso lated in m y wo rk. There are lim ited o ppo rtunities to co -teach o n an o ngo ing basis. PLC tim e has no t been as co llabo rative in nature in day to day instructio n as I ho pe fo r, but rather still lo o king at bro ader ideas.


As far learning styles I think that sho uld be lo o ked into because kids have different learning styles.


As the parent o f high scho o l students, I want m y bo ys to leave EP scho o ls resilient peo ple able to face and o verco m e o bstacles.


Balanced feedback isn't required. Actual feedback, whether go o d, bad, o r m o re o f o ne than the o ther sho uld be presented to the student, parents, and teachers. No o ne benefits fro m shielded o r filtered feedback.


Band is a huge tim e co m m itm ent in high scho o l. I wo uld like skinnies to be available fo r students in band. This wo uld allo w m o re students to stay in band and take classes as well.





Better info rm atio n system fo r parents. Parents have to go to to o m any em ails and web sites, I find quite o ften m ixed info fro m all EP scho o ls to gether, it is hard to find what yo u need.. Web site im pro vem ent ... Student/teacher discuss clubs, m eetings, wo uld help to fo rm perso nalities and o verall im pro ve relatio nship, give students idea what to do with them selves, help them find their interest, give them co nfidents to try new things and suppo rt them when they do no t succeed o r celebrate their successes. Create co m m unity fo r all students since this is the enviro nm ent the children learn m o st...


Care abo ut equity and the disparities o f fam ilies. Sto p asking $$ fo r EHSI interns. The district sho uld pay fo r them , o r ask fo r tuitio n and then I can decide if m y kids will attend there.


Caters to all unique learning styles thro ugh highly individualized instructio n


Challenging hands o n learning enviro nm ent. Fo cus o n perso nal and relatio nal aspects, as well as academ ic. Safe enviro nm ent fo r students o f all areas.


Change is im po rtant to prepare children. Ho wever, whatever changes we m ake need to be WELL tho ught thro ugh. To o o ften ideas are bro ad and unclear. Kids m ust co m e first and to do that we have to be very clear o n what we are do ing and why and have parent suppo rt and staff suppo rt.


Children sho uld be guided to learn and excel in a safe, enco uraging enviro nm ent free fro m bias to wards o r away fro m any particular gro up, gender, religio n o r any o ther differentiato r.


Co m m unicatio n between teachers and parents I feel is key to helping kids stay o n track o r push fo r m o re. I kno w that teachers do n't always have the tim e fo r a lo t o f co m m unicatio n - it wo uld be ideal if there were m o re staff like co unselo rs o r suppo rt staff who se jo b it is to stay in to uch with tho se kids who need m o re guidance & co aching.


Co ntent rich, co m m o n, rigo ro us


Co ntinue with high standards with less em phasis o n ho m ewo rk just fo r the sake o f ho m ewo rk. Also include m o re play and hands o n learning. There is to o m uch sitting and "shh" ing.


Co ntinue with high standards, less fo cus o n ho m ewo rk just to do ho m ewo rk and inco rpo rate play into learning. To o m uch sitting and "shh"ing.


Co py Minneto nka's m o del and then yo u m ight get so m ewhere. Put at a m inim um 80% o f yo ur budget into in=classro o m instructio n. Make all scho o ls handicap accessible and ensure that the ADA standards are being adhered to o .


Currently I do no t feel respected o r suppo rted by m y Student Suppo rt Services Adm inistrato r.


Diverse enviro nm ent where students are learning at their po tential with o ppo rtunities to develo p their skills and kno wledge to be successful in next grade, in scho o l, with their peers, and with o ther adults. Students will learn to be respectful o f o thers and to celebrate diversity and difference in abilities, including tho se with special needs.


Do n't have a specific statem ent but like the wo rds/phrases em po wer, respect (m utual), reach po tential, appro priate level o f challenge


Do n't let the entire class be let do wn due to students needing extra discipline and english as a seco nd language students





Do n't m ake o ur children Guinea pigs


Dress co de to ensure enhanced parity and co hesiveness between students.


EHSI- sm aller class sizes! Less fo cus o n testing and m o re native speakers. I feel m y child pro bably wo uldn't need to be o n an academ ic IEP if there were no t 26-31 kids in her past three classes (elem entary) - the teacher wo uld have m o re tim e and flexibility


EP Scho o ls are culturally respo nsive where the scho o l experience infuses students' cultures into the fabric o f scho o l life, curriculum and instructio n.


EP m ust utilize their iPad to the fullest...m eaning purchase the Apps that suppo rt student learning and teacher suppo rt.


Each child is challenged to deliver to their full po tential. And all teachers have the to o ls and experiences to suppo rt each student.


Each student m ust be pro ficient at each grade level in reading, m ath and science, and achieve a m inim um o f o ne year's gro wth each year, and be fully prepared fo r their next stage in life. Must also be pro ficient in the 4 C's each year.


Each student sho uld be challenged to achieve his/her m axim um po tential. A curriculum that is designed to m ake an average student successful will no t wo rk fo r all the students.


Each student's health and wellness sho uld be co nsidered an integral part o f their o verall scho o l achievem ent; specifically allo wing m o re recess tim e fo r yo unger students and age-appro priate start tim es fo r o lder students.


Each student's health and wellness sho uld be co nsidered an integral part o f their o verall scho o l achievem ent; specifically increased recess tim e fo r elem entary students and age-appro priate start tim es fo r m iddle and high scho o l students.


Early Childho o d is the beginning o f all learning.


Educatio n to help prep m e fo r m y future life.


Engaged, challenging at an individual level, co llabo rative, creative


Equal educatio nal o ppo rtunity fo r all irrelevant o f scho o l lo catio n, race, ethnicity, so cio -eco no m ic level, status o r learning style o r learning level. All kids get what they need to succeed.


Everyo ne learns differently and I think it is im po rtant to give new and o ld ways o f learning so the kids appreciate differences. I also like when they experience o lder teachers alo ng with yo ung o nes.


Excellence thro ugh diversity. Students and teachers striving by fo r a well ro unded educatio nal experience . Pro viding avenues fo r individual achievem ents.


Extending the Spanish im m ersio n pro gram to include m o re classes and learning into CMS and high scho o l wo uld be ideal.


Feel like they belo ng and can get the help they need to understand the subjects


Flexibility, cho ice in pro gram m ing. A equitable educatio n fo r all o f o ur EP students.





Flexible learning geared to wards each students needs. So , so m e co uld wo rk ahead and so m e co uld have extra help that are behind.


Fo r m e, it's really hard to get to the table to have the co nversatio ns that are needed to do m y jo b well. The stubbo rn hierarchy m o del definitely hinders the success o f m y departm ent. I'm no t technically seen as an adm inistrato r tho ugh m y jo b requires o versight o f large pro gram s and m any em plo yees. I wo uld prefer that we co llabo rate m o re acro ss departm ents and m o del the inclusive enviro nm ent that we are trying to build fo r o ur students.




Gender differences are taken into acco unt in educatio nal experiences and design.


Get into co lleges o f their cho ice


Get into co lleges o f their cho ices


Go o d


Have m y child enjo y scho o l and get the skills he needs to be successful at co llege


Have senio r graduatio n held at Grace Church in Eden Prairie!


Have the playgro und superviso rs actually care what happens to the kids.


Healthier eating o ptio n at the cafeteria. Currently a vegetarian o ptio n is pro vided o nce every week. They sho uld have a vegetarian o ptio n fo r lunch every day. Lo nger recess break. Use o f techno lo gy to help the students get prepared fo r future. Intro ductio n o f spelling bees co ntest.


Higlher academ ic rigo r witho ut the in class distractio ns fro m tho se who do n't take scho o l serio usly.


Ho peful


Ho w can we be sure that go ing the o ptio ns pro vided will prepare students fo r the jo bs that presently do no t exist?


Ho w do we get the curriculum o f o ur child's class?


I agree with Optio n 1. I teach elem entary & feel this design is best fo r students bo th educatio nally & beco m ing m o st successful as a learner.


I am an engineer at Seagate. Please rem o ve ipad fro m m y children's classro o m lives and save and nurture their im aginatio n with o ut the screen interference. I have been a successful engineer witho ut having to be o n the screen fro m m y childho o d. Instead co nstant m athem atics so lving by writing and practicing and im aginatio n has bro ught m e to this level. Thank yo u


I am an engineer at Seagate. learning science and tech has to co m e fro m excellent m ath skills, im aginatio n and writing and practice o f the skills. Please takeaway screens fro m m y child's life at scho o l. Please allo w their im aginatio n and nurture their inno vatio n. Screens are just to o ls. they do n't help them learn. Please I do n't want m y child to be the specim en o f yo ur study. And also I do n't want m y child to be the pro fit m aking m achine fo r Apple.Thank yo u.





I am co ncerned that we lo wered class sizes fo r the lo wer grades, but no t fo r o thers at the elem entary level. Makes m e nervo us fo r m y 5th grader and what she m ay/m ay no t get o ut o f her class next year.


I am co nfident that m y child attends a scho o l that is rated 8 o r 9 o ut o f 10 by www.greatscho o ls.o rg


I am currently very happy with the educatio n that m y daughter is receiving at Fo rest Hills Elem entary. My o nly co ncern is the m axed o ut classro o m size.


I am no t sure why the previo us questio ns were wo rded as they were. Of co urse, I stro ngly agree that all students, fam ilies and staff sho uld have the best po ssible experiences in o ur scho o ls.


I am o pen to m any different o ptio ns, but as a teacher I've heard m any parents talking to m e abo ut the po ssibility o f year ro und scho o l. They have yo ung children and they are firm ly o ppo sed to this o ptio n. They are trying to decide whether they sho uld enro ll their kindergartner in a different district that do es no t have this. I am putting fires o ut and telling them that they are just flo ating a lo t o f different o ptio ns at this po int, and to no t be fearful. That being said, I understand their co ncern. I have little o nes and having a year ro und teaching o ptio n wo uld no t wo rk fo r m e either. I am co ncerned by this, but I am pro jecting a very po sitive po sitio n. I'm ho ping that this o ptio n will be put to bed so o n.


I am so sick o f yo u changing pro gram s. Just teach the students the basics - lets get back to the 3 R's. The feeling I have is the district has already decided what yo u are go ing to do - it do esn't m atter what we say.


I am stro ngly reco m m ended this scho o ls fo r ur child go o d future.


I am the parent o f an inco m ing kindergarten student, thus all previo us questio ns were "NA".


I am very co ncerned that creating m o re cho ice scho o ls at the elem entary level will result in greater segregatio n (white flight) at o ur scho o ls. It is very im po rtant to m e that o ur children and fam ilies o f co lo r are so ught o ut and treasured m em bers o f o ur scho o l co m m unities o n THEIR term s.


I am very happy with these scho o ls


I am very im pressed with the KEY pro gram . The who le day sho uld be m o re like KEY.


I and several o ther fam ily's in Eden Prairie scho o l have beco m e very fusterated with ho w so m e things are happening at the scho o ls. 1. The teachers and kids do n't seem to be put first. With o ut o ur teachers o ur kids wo uldn't have the educatio n. 2. The class sizes are really way to big. 32 kids in a class with o ut a Helper is way to m uch fo r the teachers to be able to teach o ur kids well. I as m any o thers do no t understand why classes that have 4 classro o m s get put to 3 When just keeping the 4 wo uld allo w there to be less kids to a class. 3. There are way to m any test that o ur kids have to take thro ugh o ut the year. There is no reaso n why they need all that. Eden Prairie scho o ls are go ing do wn hill. If yo u lo o k at studies. 3. Our kids do no t have eno ugh tim e to run and play to get there energy o ut. One 15 m in break is no t eno ugh. As adults we get several 15 m in breaks and an 1/2 to 1 ho ur break fo r lunch. 4. They need to have a lo nger lunch as 20 m in is no


I appreciate clear and co ntinuo us co m m unicatio n. The m o re I see o ur district leaders and have the o ppo rtunity to hear fro m them , the m o re I understand abo ut o ur district.


I believe kids in specialized pro gram s such as Spanish im m ersio n and m o saic sho uld no t be segregated Past 6 th grade. I do believe all kids sho uld be tested academ ically and placed in classro o m s geared to their ability





I believe that all children sho uld have an o ppo rtunity to learn and be successful...and also believe that we are o bligated to stretch them to do do things they do no t want to do . Kids shy away fro m things that are hard o r challenging/ m e kids reading, so m e kids writing, so m e kid m ath, so m e kid speaking in fro nt o f o thers....we need to have basic requirem ents fo r all even if it m akes them 'unco m fo rtable'. This is o ur jo b and we canno t lo o se sight o f basic skills to trade in fo r what is new and shiny witho ut so lid pro o f o ur teachers can m ake it wo rk.


I believe that the academ ic standards and rigo r are to o m uch fo r the children to achieve. The peo ple that m ake a m ajo rity o f the decisio ns o n what is best practice in learning fo r o ur kids have no backgro und in educatio n. We need to sto p teaching to test, and get back to the fundam entals o f what "True Educatio n" is. I am very disheartened by ho w o verwo rked the teachers are. Each year it seem s there is m o re added to their curriculum and are expected to teach and assess m o re and m o re as each year passes. This is no t academ ic pro gress, we are no t teaching o ur kids to be students and what that lo o ks like. We are plugging and chugging useless info rm atio n that is no t allo wing o ur children to gro w as up and co m ing citizens. My first grader sho uld no t have this m uch stress o n academ ic success, it is no t helping her beco m e a stro ng academ ic student. Things need to change and adding m o re to the teachers curriculum needs to sto p. My child deserves 30 m inutes to eat lunch as well as a m inim um o f


I can see m any risks to students that are at -risk as well as the no n at-risk gro ups. So m e o f the pitfalls i see are the set-in-their-ways staff that refuse to fo llo w a team agreed upo n apro ach to cirriculum as well as the failure to suppo rt special needs students that are m ainstream ed plus the gro ups o f kids that are ELL syudents and will have issues with accessing the cirriculum at ho m e and therefo re a co ntinuatio n o f service canno t be fo und fo r tho se students. Witho ut that co ntinuatio n o f service, fro m adm inistratio n as well as staff, these kids are go ing to be set up to fail.


I disagree so m ewhat with m y child being included in all classro o m activities because I want to m ake sure m y children are included in the o nes that are right fo r them no t o nes that are to o advanced o r no t advanced eno ugh fo r their develo pm ental pro gress.


I disagree with the elem entary grade reco nfiguratio n. Keep 6th graders in elem entary scho o l. This is especially harm ful to the EHSI students who will lo se a year o ff im m ersio n


I do no t agree with 6th graders m o vie no o n to m iddle scho o l. This will be o ne less year o f an im m ersio n setting that I tho ught m y children wo uld have when they started at Eagke Heights. Please keep 6th graders at the elem entary scho o ls, especially at EHSI.


I do n't agree that the to p percent o f kids are in separate pro gram s, it's advantageo us fo r children to interact with o thers that m ay be m o re challenged, sm arter, so cially skilled,...etc.


I do n't feel that m y input o n a survey will m atter. I have been in the district lo ng eno ugh to kno w this.....


I do n't think having the o ptio n at lunch to grab 2nd's is a go o d o ptio n. I think serving a no rm al size lunch m akes m o re sense. Also , I believe sitting where yo u wo uld like to sit o n the bus has always wo rked o ut better vs having assigned seats.


I do n't think i-pads sho uld be used so m uch. I wish o ur students wo uld write m o re frequently than they do no w.


I do nt kno w if they teach ho w to do yo u taxes o r anything at the high scho o l but I really think they sho uld have a class where they teach us ho w to do o ur taxes.


I feel heard and respected at m y site, but no t fro m district level adm inistratio n. Ideally, staff m em bers sho uld feel heard fro m the superintendent and o ther district level adm inistratio n. Right no w, I do no t feel like that is true. Furtherm o re, I do no t feel like the district level adm inistratio n pro m o tes a healthy wo rk/life balance.





I feel it is a HUGE m istake to take 6th grade OUT o f Elem entary Scho o l. They are no t Bi-lingual until 5th grade, and they need 6th grade to co ntinue practice with speaking Spanish as in 5th grade, they understand everything but m any are still having difficulty co m ing up with co rrect ways to say sentences in Spanish to o thers and 6th grade brings abo ut the co ncrete o f this skill. Mo st are no t ready to leave the Eagle Heights Spanish Im m ersio n at the end o f 5th grade. Please DO NOT take 6th grade OUT. Thank Yo u.


I feel like we keep having m ajo r changes to o ur wo rklo ads every year fo r the past 6-8 years. Our district keeps im plem enting new initiatives and assessing m o dels and changes every year o r every o ther year. This isn't best practices fo r teacher o r students. Please really listen to the teachers when we are lo o king fo r balance and suppo rt.


I feel that m any parents o f students o f different cultures are pro bably unable to take part o r do nt understand this pro cess. So while it is aim ed at including all students, I feel m any who need to give input do nt kno w ho w o r arent able to do so .


I feel that m y child wo uld benefit fro m m o re active play. It do esn't necessarily need to be a lo nger recess. It co uld be an extra 15-30 m inute break do ing yo ga o r tai chi. Anything to get him m o ving and help him readjust his fo cus.


I feel that students leave eden prairie as critical thinkers who feel em po wered to understand the issues they are faced with in o ur wo rld and they have the skills and to o ls to address tho se issues with a fo cus o n what is just and fair.


I feel that the district o ffice do es no t listen to teachers.


I feel the children need m o re breaks and o utdo o r/physical activity between learning sessio ns as well as cause and effect learning no t as I say learning because I am a teacher and and I to ld yo u


I fully suppo rt perso nalized learning; ho wever, this requires a greater tim e co m m itm ent than what we are given. As teachers, we m ust balance perso nalized learning, standards-based lesso ns, PBIS pro to co l, em ails, and m uch m o re. If we are to transitio n to a different scho o l m o del (pro ject-based learning, etc.), we will need intensive pro fessio nal develo pm ent and tim e pro vided within the co ntract (no t in additio n to co ntract tim e, but tim e carved o ut by the district specifically fo r this) to develo p curriculum which reflects this new structure.


I have had, fo r the m o st part, a go o d experience at Eden Prairie Scho o ls, ho wever I am definitely ready to be do ne.


I have lo ved the K-6 m o del and am disappo inted that is go ing away. Instead, I believe the MOSAIC classro o m s sho uld be co m bined at o ne lo catio n. Rather than spending m o ney to add o nto CMS, please co nsider a MOSAIC lo catio n!!


I have two kids in the scho o l. In o ne case teacher is really engaged and o n to p o f co m m unicatio n. In o ther case teacher is no t willing to co m m unicate o r respo nd to queries. Bo th kids are in sam e grade. I ho ped expectatio ns are unifo rm fro m all teachers. Overall I am co ntent if no t extrem ely happy. Please add unifo rm ity so parents kno ws what to expect.





I hesitated to co m plete this fo rm because I do no t have m uch faith that the leadership in the district will really listen to m y feedback, but... here go es. I think we need to go back to treating educatio n as m uch an art as it is science; I think we need to let kids be kids and no t treat them like little m achines; we need to trust teachers and allo w them ro o m to be unique, creative and fun; teachers sho uld lo ve their jo bs and very few any lo nger do ; kids sho uld do pro jects in which they have to think, create and co llabo rate - to o m uch o f o ur ELA plan is kids sitting at desks reading and co m pleting wo rksheets. So m any issues, in m y o pinio n. And we want to think we, as a district, can do EVERYTHING well. We can't! Let's fo cus o ur effo rts, return to a tim e when district leadership suppo rted teachers, and let's celebrate the who le child and no t just a sco re o n a spreadsheet!


I ho pe m y child will no t o nly have enriching academ ic experiences in scho o l, but also o ppo rtunities to serve and learn the im po rtance o f being a hum ble, giving m em ber o f so ciety.


I ho pe that district adm inistratio n is m aking decisio ns that benefit the greater go o d and are no t based o n perso nal agendas. I feel that reso urces co uld be better spent by lo wering class sizes and o ffering teachers m o re co m petitive salaries.


I ho pe that district adm inistratio n is m aking decisio ns that benefit the greater go o d and no t based o n perso nal agendas. I feel that reso urces co uld be better spent by lo wering class sizes and o ffering co m petitive teachers salaries.


I ho pe that the directio n the scho o l district pursues allo ws fo r ro o m to be flexible in acco m m o dating m any learning styles so all students have the sam e o ppo rtunity fo r success.


I like Eden Prairie scho o ls.


I like gro up pro jects, but they need to be supervised as the quietest child isn't appreciated in the gro up. Altho ugh, I think these are im po rtant pro jects.


I like it the way it is, besides fo r a few sm all things here and there. It's no t so m ething that needs to be fixed, as it's o nly ho w I feel perso nally abo ut different subjects.


I like that the district is thinking ahead strategically fo r the lo ng term success o f the kids and scho o ls.


I o ften feel that, as a teacher, I am asked to participate in planning, writing, etc. and am enco uraged to share m y ideas and o pinio ns but then a decisio n is m ade that negates m y previo us wo rk o r m akes m e go back and start o ver - it has been very frustrating and i do n't always feel m y ideas and tho se o f m y co lleagues are valued. It to o o ften feels like "lip service."


I really like m y daughters class teachers as they are very understanding and caring


I seek fo r m y child to have a variety o f o ppo rtunities and vario us m edium s to learn fro m . Expo sure is what I ho pe fo r m y child, no t perfectio n in o ne area.


I think EP Scho o ls has it right at the HS level with the fo cus o n extra curricular activities. I wo uld like to see m o re hand o n/pro ject based wo rk in the area o f science and m ath and less reliance o n testing.


I think EP has it right with such a fo cus o n extra curricular and who le child experience. I wo uld like to see m o re hands o n learning the area o f science and less reliance o n testing.


I think all the scho o ls sho uld be fo cused o n educating the who le child by co ntinuing to have art, m usic, physical ed and wo rld language.





I think fam ilies have a respo nsibility to participate and suppo rt the scho o l m issio n. Educatio n o f students is no t so lely the respo nsibility o f the scho o l district and the classro o m teachers.


I think fam ilies have to participate and acco untable in the educatio n pro cess. The respo nsibility o f educating o ur students is no t so lely o n the scho o l district.


I think that the scho o l as a who le co uld do a m uch better jo b in suppo rting kids with learning disabilities especially kids that do no t fall into a 504 plan, but still need suppo rt and m o dificatio ns to learning.


I think that we need to m ake sure the teachers and o ther staff are suppo rted, and there are eno ugh o f them to ensure sm all class sizes, and eno ugh attentio n to spread to each student in o rder to fulfill the ideals that yo u set fo rth in the preceding questio ns.


I think the MDP experience is a bunch o f feel go o d statem ents that do no t result in any m easurable o utco m es. These statem ents are so generic that they co uld be applied to anyo ne in any scho o l district. Frankly, they lo o k like bo ilerplate fo rm do cum ents generated by a co nsulting team .


I think the Mo saic pro gram is a great o ptio n, m ake sure to send e-m ails abo ut it perio dically and m ake the deadline fo r subm itting applicatio ns kno wn early o n, send m ultiple e-m ails abo ut that


I think the fo ur Cs are very im po rtant.


I think the im pro ved experience needs to be available to everyo ne. To create m o re specialized scho o ls that no t every child participates in, taking reso urces away fro m the rest o f the students do esn't m ake sense no r seem to fit the stated go als.


I tho ught the previo us questio ns were sim plistic and I do ubt they will pro vide m eaningful results.


I understand that there will be tho se students who excel and tho se who need additio nal enco uragem ent. What I appreciate abo ut the staff at CMS and Cedar Ridge is that m y child needs were truly im po rtant to them and the im po rtance o f co m m unicatio n between teachers and parents


I want a leadership team , that includes principals and vice-principal, that actually cares and is invo lved with the students. When decisio ns change they understand the reaso n fo r the change, and can articulate the reaso n behind the change. When m istakes are m ade they ackno wledge the m istake, and co ntinuo usly try to im pro ve rather than denying the m istake.


I want m y child to Finish scho o l at his current elem entary and no t change the purpo se o f the scho o l. We live where we are to be clo se to o ur child's scho o l. It is also the very m o st disruptive to an elem entary child to m ake them m o ve to a new scho o l. We have had way to o m any bo undary change im pacts in recent years. We do nt want any m o re!


I want m y child to beco m e a lifelo ng learner. I want him to have the skills to be successful in life.


I want m y child to find independence in herself and desire to learn


I want m y child to have a teacher(s) that get to kno w them perso nally and be flexible in the different learning style o f all students.


I want m y child to have m o re recess and tim e fo r creativity. Tim e to be a kid and learn to be an independent thinker





I want m y child to lo o k back at his educatio n as o ne that prepared him to be a co ntributing adult to o ur so ciety...caring, em pathetic, well-ro unded, able to be a team player, independent thinker and happy to have had the experience.


I want m y child's learning needs to be reco gnized and allo w them an enviro nm ent where they want to co m e to daily and learn.


I want m y children to always be prepared fo r the next step, whether that's m iddle scho o l o r co llege. It is also im po rtant fo r them to lo ve learning and no t necessarily m em o rize every answer, but kno w ho w to find it.


I want m y children to be challenged and have the o ppo rtunity to gro w thro ugh their o wn unique learning styles.


I want m y children to be challenged creatively and academ ically. I want them to be critical thinkers who get alo ng with o thers. I want them to lo ve learning.


I want m y children to be taught in a district that efficiently utilizes its reso urces to teach children with tim e tested m etho ds as o ppo sed to experim ental and trendy m etho ds o f instructio n. These children are o ur children, no t a lab experim ent. Em phasis sho uld be o n m o re individual attentio n (i.e., sm aller class sizes and m o re teaching assistants and tuto rs fo r sm all gro up instructio n) and co re educatio nal building blo cks as o ppo sed to teaching fads that invo lve expensive techno lo gy that will be as quaint as a Po laro id cam era by the tim e they m atriculate co llege. Techno lo gy changes, critical thinking skills and co re educatio nal elem ents rem ain the sam e. I want m y children to have a m o re traditio nal educatio n, o ne that includes written wo rk pro duct, lo nger lunch perio ds and m o re unstructured recess.


I want m y children to be well prepared fo r life after high scho o l and ready to excel in co llege.


I want m y children to enjo y and value their educatio nal experience.


I want m y children to have a balanced, rigo ro us, exciting educatio n filled with o ppo rtunities and unique experiences. I want them to be valued fo r who they are and what they bring to the classro o m culturally. As an educato r I want to be valued, respected and enco uraged to co ntinue to learn and gro w with m y students. As a co m m unity m em ber I want to be pro ud o f being fro m EP and I want to be able to ho ld up o ur scho o l district as an excellent m o del fo r all Minneso ta. I want all m em bers o f the EP scho o l district to represent EP in a respectful and enthusiastic way in bo th academ ic and athletic venues.


I want m y children to have real wo rld pro blem so lving and co m m unicatio ns skills they will need to be successful in o ur wo rld to day.


I want m y children to learn and gro w so cially and academ ically in a safe and nurturing enviro nm ent.


I want m y kids to be part o f a gro up o f students that can say "I was a student in EP when we were rated o ne o f the to p districts in the natio n because o f the excellent educatio n we received".


I want teachers to spend m o re tim e teaching as a teacher o f experience and kno wledge, vs using pre packaged electro nic curriculum packets.


I want the enviro nm ent to be challenging fo r high achieving kids. My children need to be resilient and it is o kay fo r them to fail because that is part o f learning. Eden Prairie Scho o ls has pro vided a safe enviro nm ent fo r m y kids.


I want to be listened to and respected by adm inistrato rs, and I want to have a vo ice WITHOUT BEING RETALIATED AGAINST BY ADMINISTRATION, ESPECIALLY CONN MCCARTAN.





I want to help students learn m o re and acco m plish the 4C skills. Ho wever, the current m o del m akes it difficult if yo u want to do this and have wo rk/life balance. There are always 1,000 things to do each day!


I want to kno w m y wo rk is changing the lives o f students fo r the better.


I will have a so n who will be in kindergarten at Cedar Ridge next year. I think that it is crazy to go fro m prescho o l where they had lo ng recesses and gym tim e daily to 15-20 m ins o f recess daily and gym every 4 days. I feel that m o re physical activity, especially o utdo o rs, will pro m o te learning, o verall happiness and the health o f o ur children. I also believe later start tim es fo r o ur m iddle and high scho o l children is crucial fo r them to m axim ize their capacity to learn. Please take these 2 issues into co nsideratio n.


I wish I felt suppo rted by the adm inistratio n. I see negative, destructive behavio rs o n a regular basis by the sam e students but no co nsequence, because the behavio rs do n't change.


I wish teaching were perso nalized and differentiated and was gro unded in research.


I wish that half day kindergarten was available. It is go ing to be a huge adjustm ent fo r m y child to go fro m three afterno o ns o f pre-k to all day everyday kindergarten. It just seem s like a lo t fo r a five year o ld.


I wish that there was less fo cus o n learning via techno lo gy. I appreciate that iPads allo w so m e individualized learning, but there is benefit to writing and reading no t o n a screen as well.


I wish the adm inistratio n (The Directo r o f Perso nalized Learning, the Superintendent and Cabinet and the Directo r o f Pro fessio nal Learning) wo uld have m o re respect fo r teachers. There have been so m e rash decisio ns, the equity wo rk is go ne, and pro fessio nal learning is delivered rando m ly fo r teachers. What happened to the tech co aches? There is very little co m m unicatio n as a staff m em ber abo ut the strategies we are im plem enting. Ho w did the adm inistratio n decide o n Perso nalized Learning with no input o r co m m unicatio n with parents, staff and students? I wish EP Scho o ls co uld be m o re fo cused, kind and respectful place that co nsiders strategies THOUGHTFULLY and using DATA and RESEARCH to suppo rt decisio ns.


I wish there was m o re o f neighbo rho o d/co m m unity feeling abo ut scho o l. With so m any o ptio ns, I feel very disco nnected to m y neighbo rs.


I wo rry abo ut the preparatio n tim e, the training/writing tim e, and the m eeting tim e during the day to be sure this is im plem ented in a successful way. Ho w will we give all students / fam ilies the info rm atio n they need to m ake a go o d cho ice fo r academ ies?


I wo uld like to see m y tax do llars spent wisely and fairly, and that the "average" and bright kids are no t put at a disadvantage funding-wise to funnel dispro po rtio nate do llars to students o n the o ther end o f the spectrum and/o r who have m any expensive needs.


I wo uld abso lutely lo ve fo r all class sizes to be sm aller .


I wo uld like EP Scho o ls to take TIME to find pro gram s o r a way to the future o f teaching and back up what they pro po se with VALID research. I feel like there are agendas that are being pushed by the co m m ittee and adm in.


I wo uld like EP scho o ls to fo ster academ ics as well as learning thro ugh play, being o utside m o re and prepare them with so cial skills that wo uld enable them to navigate the pro fessio nal well. Mo re can be do ne to prevent bullying as well. A lo t o f tim es, parents who are affected do n't kno w ho w the perpertrato r is being disciplined so that bullying do es no t happen again.





I wo uld like EPS to understand, identify and m ake effo rts to co ntro l co m puter and digital addictio n. EPS pro vides these co m puters and fo r m any kids its to o m uch access and the wro ng kind o f use.


I wo uld like Eden Prairie Scho o ls to sto p spending m o ney o n co nsulting firm s to generate visio ns and acro nym s.


I wo uld like K-6 elem entary Spanish im m ersio n to rem ain K-6. I wo uld like an o ffering o f Spanish presentatio n / Speach classes o ffered at Cm s and high scho o l utilizing o ur sef intern and co ntinuing o ur kids speaking Spanish daily.


I wo uld like a balance o f new techno lo gy based learning and classic learning. We see benefits o f bo th experiences.


I wo uld like a leader who is fo cused o n ho w to bring o ut the best in m e and o ther staff. I have had experiences that were dem eaning and very to p do wn.


I wo uld like a m o re rigo ro us and ho nest assessm ent o f m y child's abilities and pro gress. Currently, there is very little acco untability fo r kids and their wo rk.


I wo uld like different o ptio ns fo r kids to learn as each child learns differently.


I wo uld like every child in to wn to have the o ppo rtunity to get a balanced, high-quality educatio n - regardless o f scho o l level o r lo catio n.


I wo uld like fo r m y children to be kno wn. I went thro ugh EP scho o ls m yself and when I sum m arize m y jo urney I wo uld say that I felt m o re like a num ber than an individual perso n. I think this can happen with sm aller class sizes and the right leadership/staff at the scho o l.


I wo uld like kids to be challenged at all levels and able to live to their fullest po tential.


I wo uld like m o re o ppo rtunities available to tho se in the m usic pro gram o utside o f scho o l. Including m o re co m m unity invo lvem ent o f The Marching band o r even o ppo rtunities to create m usic o utside o f the scho o l


I wo uld like m o re suppo rt fo r pro viding feedback to each and every student. I teach an AP co m po sitio n co urse, and no acco m m o datio ns are m ade to m eet the Co llege Bo ard's philo so phy o f having students receive direct feedback fro m the instructo r. The AP English 11 co urse is staffed the sam e as o ther classes, but the curriculum includes m any m o re written, authentic assignm ents because it is a co m po sitio n co urse. Suppo rt wo uld include sm aller class sizes, release tim e fo r grading, and lay readers to assess co nventio ns o f writing in o rder to allo w m o re tim e fo r m e to pro vide feedback o n co ntent.


I wo uld like m y child challenged. She is a m iddle student so do esn't qualify fo r KEY and do esn't need services so is o ften just given the wo rk and easily gets it do ne. No thing pushes her to explo re o r do m o re.


I wo uld like m y child expo sed to a rigo ro us curriculum that is culturally relevant


I wo uld like m y child to be challenged and pro vided rigo r.


I wo uld like m y child to be challenged and understand WHY they are learning the things they are to be learning, no t just to be taught to the test. My child sho uld be suppo rted individually in their learning style.


I wo uld like m y child to be challenged and very prepared fo r a po st seco ndary educatio n.





I wo uld like m y child to be challenged in m any different ways, to learn ho w to o verco m e (no t avo id) failure, and to be in an scho o l that reco gnizes the im po rtance o f recess, play, and physical activity in the learning pro cess.


I wo uld like m y child to be engaged and be excited abo ut learning.


I wo uld like m y child to be exited to learn, even if the to pic is no t his favo rite.


I wo uld like m y child to be in an academ ically challenging enviro nm ent where the kids can be gro uped with their academ ic peers.


I wo uld like m y child to be seen and heard, no t a num ber. The class sizes are to o big at the elem entary level. No grade sho uld have m o re then 25 students fo r an ideal learning enviro nm ent.


I wo uld like m y child to co ntinue o n with a standard and no rm al educatio nal experience at their current elem entary scho o l lo catio n and with the teachers and friends that are there. After go ing thro ugh the previo us bo undary changes with m y o lder child, I do n't ever want to see o ur kids go thro ugh that again. They are happy with their current enviro nm ent, teachers, and curriculum with the friends they have created. No thing o f what I've seen so far, o ther than m o ving 6th graders to CMS, m akes sense fo r kids. It so unds co o l fo r adm inistrato rs, but no t a practical fo r real children. I wo uld also like to see o lder kids start scho o l later as I have watched the to ll it has taken o n m y m iddle scho o ler to have to get up at 6:30am and be in scho o l early. he frequently falls asleep in classes and do esn't get eno ugh sleep at night due to the m assive ho m ewo rk lo ad (also an issue in CMS) and spo rts. The m iddle scho o lers need the m o st sleep as it's their m ajo r gro wth tim e. Sto p this no n


I wo uld like m y child to feel cared fo r at scho o l. I wo uld like teachers to differentiate their instructio n based o n o ngo ing assessm ents in o rder to help them succeed. I want teachers to be in-tune and transparent abo ut their academ ic, so cial, and em o tio nal strengths and areas o f gro wth.


I wo uld like m y child to get an educatio n that fits m y child - with that co m es the o ppo rtunity to stretch fo r go als, deal with difficult learning situatio ns, reach decisio ns, wo rk with o thers, and feel safe.


I wo uld like m y child to have a m o re advanced and creative scho o l experience than what I had. We have so m any reso urces no w to significantly im pro ve the learning pro cess, including a m o re individualized plan where skills and interests can be nurtured witho ut co m prising tho se o f ano ther student. I want m y children to lo ve scho o l and the learning pro cess.


I wo uld like m y child to have an academ ic experience that expo ses him to variety and m ultiple m edium s fo r learning witho ut being expected to be an expert in all areas. Expo sure is the wo rd I seek no t perfectio n.


I wo uld like m y child to have the best o ppo rtunity and suppo rtive enviro nm ent to beco m e co nfident, gain leadership skills, be fully engaged, wo rk and co llabo rate well with o thers, and m eet academ ic go als.


I wo uld like m y child to understand their place in the wo rld co m pared to o ther children aro und the wo rld and I wo uld like m y child to understand ho w their everyday actio ns/decisio ns im pact the co m m unity, the enviro nm ent, and the wo rld.


I wo uld like m y children and m y fam ily to experience an educatio nal system that is based o n best practices fo r kids and no t po litics...but go o d so lid educatio nal/so cio -em o tio nal practices ...suppo rt fo r all students, teachers, staff and pro gram s; academ ic and extra curricular. Things I value... techno lo gy fo r all, m o vem ent and physical activity fo r all to help their brain and bo dies wo rk o ptio nally and to balance the techno lo gy, reaso nable class sizes all the way thro ugh scho o l so that the teachers have TIME to co nnect perso nally with each student, and classro o m space and atm o sphere that is co nducive to learningl





I wo uld like m y children to be in an enviro nm ent that reco gnizes differences in learning styles, the im po rtance o f MOVEMENT and PLAY in the way that children learn (read: MORE RECESS!) and where they feel safe and co nnected with their peers.


I wo uld like m y children to be taught by highly qualified teachers in a safe and nuturing enviro nm ent. I wo uld like the leaders in o ur scho o l district to m ake info rm ed decisio ns with the best interests o f students in m ind.


I wo uld like m y children to feel engaged, interested, and challenged. It is im po rtant to m e that exceptio nal learners are allo wed to wo rk to their full ability.


I wo uld like m y children to have the o ppo rtunity fo r m o re real life experiences in m athem atics. I do no t see a stro ng co rrelatio n between ixl o r real m ath and the pro blem s peo ple face everyday. I am surprised that the m ath they are learning no w lo o ks exactly the sam e as it did when I was their age. Our friends in neighbo ring districts (Wayzata and Edina) have a very different lo o king m athem atics experience.


I wo uld like m y children to learn in a diverse enviro nm ent where they are expo sed to m any different ideas and theo ries using cutting edge practices.


I wo uld like m y yo ung children to have m o re o utdo o r recess tim e. when they reach m iddle/high scho o l age; a later start tim e wo uld be wo nderful. These children need m o re sleep; 7:20 is m uch to o early.


I wo uld like o ur academ ic design to prio ritize student wellness by later start tim es fo r high scho o l students and increased recess tim e fo r yo unger children


I wo uld like o ur academ ic design to prio ritize student wellness: specifically, later start tim es fo r o lder children, and increased recess tim e fo r yo unger children.


I wo uld like o ur academ ic design to prio ritize student wellness: specifically, later start tim es fo r o lder children, and increased recess tim e fo r yo unger children. Research sho ws that by starting scho o l to o early and no t pro viding sufficient recess tim e, we are actually dam aging o ur students' health (m ental and physical) as well as their academ ic perfo rm ance. At the very least, we sho uld co m m it to do no harm to students in o ur academ ic design.


I wo uld like students to be engaged learners, teachers to be given the to o ls to do the jo b and their input respected, and parents to take an active ro le in their child's educatio n.


I wo uld like that co nferences be little m o re lo nger, I feel like I do n't have tim e to ask anything.


I wo uld like the adm inistrato rs to have better relatio nships with their staff. They sho uld be in the classro o m s actually seeing what is go ing o n and develo ping relatio nships with their staff. Hard to feel like a team when the leaders aren't present .


I wo uld like the district to m ake sure all children are pro tected equally. All fam ilies are welco m ed and respected in the building equally. Teachers sho uld set equal higher expectatio ns to all o f their students. When a parent have a co ncerns they sho uldn't feel the staff being baised. Every child deserves to have higher educatio n and higher go als and their teacher sho uld m eet their needs. When a parent walks in the building they m ust feel being welco m ed and respected just like the any o ther parent no m atter what their backgro und it is. I


I wo uld like the full im m ersio n experience thro ugh high scho o l with as m any native speaking teachers as po ssible.





I wo uld like there to be m o re kinetic learning experiences. I wo uld also like less em phasis o n academ ics in the early years and m o re em phasis o n independent learning thro ugh play and explo ratio n, less co ncern abo ut fo rcing reading, writing and m athem atics o n yo ung brains that are still develo ping and m ay no t yet be ready fo r such abstract co ncepts. I wo uld lo ve be the Eden Prairie Scho o ls to lo o k to wards Euro pe, especially Finland, and the successes they have had in delaying academ ics until children are ready to learn them .


I wo uld like this district to find a better balance between im plem enting new ideas and refining practices. There is so m uch changing CONSTANTLY and never eno ugh tim e to given to truly refine and m aster the new ideas/ strategies being taught.


I wo uld like to be heard and an integral part o f the design pro cess. Teacher input sho uld have a stro nger ro le. I wo uld like to be respected as an experienced educato r in m y field. I wo uld like to kno w that input I give is valued. I wo uld like to have all the to o ls I need and a wo rkable schedule to pro vide success fo r m y students. (This is no t the case this year)


I wo uld like to be respected as kno wing abo ut the level o f students I teach. I so m etim es feel that new initiatives are added witho ut adequate pro fessio nal develo pm ent, m aterials, and o r suppo rt fo r the new initiative. If I am expected to create tho se reso urces and m aterials, I expect to be suppo rted with tim e to created them .


I wo uld like to cho o se what to study and have a say in what I'm learning.


I wo uld like to co m e to wo rk and no t feel deflated.


I wo uld like to feel EPS to build trusting and respectful relatio nships with their staff.


I wo uld like to feel as if Eden Prairie had equivalent capabilities co m parable to surro unding districts regarding class size, teacher retentio n, etc. Also , I wish parental input was so ught regarding IMPORTANT decisio ns: m o ving scho o ls, selecting principles and staff. Previo usly I co uld no t im agine why fam ilies wo uld o pen enro ll to ano ther district, but I have to say I understand why m any o f o ur friends are co nsidering that.


I wo uld like to feel like I am valued as a pro fessio nal and that m y tim e is valuable as o ppo sed to feeling like m any decisio ns abo ut m y pro fessio nal day are m ade fo r m e. To be to ld that we as a departm ent can be o ffered a class but there is no writing tim e o r reso urces to pro vide fo r the class is laughable and insulting. So I wo uld like to feel valued and ho no red instead o f feeling explo ited and like a cheap labo r fo rce.


I wo uld like to feel like I am valued as a pro fessio nal.


I wo uld like to feel like m y tim e as a pro fessio nal is valued.


I wo uld like to feel m o re prepared


I wo uld like to feel suppo rted, listened to , and co m m unicated to no t o nly in o ur building, but by the district


I wo uld like to feel that there is a stro nger co nnectio n between the teachers and the district adm inistratio n - that they kno w and value what we do in o ur classro o m s. As a teacher who was in the district fo r 7 years, left fo r 2, and then returned this year, I feel co m pletely disco nnected fro m the district adm inistrato rs; I have no idea who they are, what they do , o r their plan fo r o ur district. They have NOT been visible and engaged in the learning happening at m y site.


I wo uld like to feel trusted, valued and respected by adm inistratio n.





I wo uld like to have District Adm inistratio n especially special services, be respectful, and act in a co llabo rative m anner instead o f bullying and being dism issive o f their teachers.


I wo uld like to have a better co nnectio n am o ng the scho o ls and the district o ffice


I wo uld like to have less em phasis o n spo rts in scho o l and less m o ney being allo tted there and m o re to academ ics and class experience and co unselo rs fo r special needs kids. Mo ney fo r the district seem s to m ajo rly go to spo rts and I do no t want to see that. Also - wo uld like to see m o re o ptio ns fo r special needs kids to have a way to learn life skills - budgeting, living, insurance and financial requirem ents, dealing with custo m ers/co wo rkers bo sses etc...


I wo uld like to have m y o wn creativity valued and to be enco uraged to develo p creativity in m y students.


I wo uld like to have the 5 & 6 grades to gether again. This is a critical age and it is better to m ix in all o f the scho o ls.


I wo uld like to have the reso urces and classro o m enviro nm ent that allo ws m e to co ntinue to gro w in reaching all students learning styles and abilities.


I wo uld like to m ake sure that there are several different ways that allo w children to learn based o n their o wn needs and style.


I wo uld like to see ALL children challenged regardless o f learning abilities.


I wo uld like to see EPS prepare students fo r "real" life. I see children who are no t respo nding respo nsibly by turning in assignm ents o n a regular basis but the scho o l seem s to base the grade o n testing o nly. Kno wing so m ething is co m pletely different than teaching children what it m eans to be respo nsible and that there are co nsequences when they cho se no t to m ake go o d cho ices.


I wo uld like to see a base curriculum given to us so we can then build fro m there. Teachers are respo nsible fo r finding their o wn curriculum and everyo ne is do ing different things.


I wo uld like to see a co ncerted effo rt by the staff to assess m y child's (and each child's) individual learning style and strengths so that instructio n can be tailo red to address that style and array o f strengths.


I wo uld like to see a m uch m o re co llabo rative feel in o ur district, including co llabo ratio n acro ss the district, between buildings, and in m ultiple settings district wide.


I wo uld like to see a statem ent o ffed abo ut being well ro unded o r caring fo r the well being (so cial/em o tio nal) o f the who le child.


I wo uld like to see a very gradual im plem entatio n o f change that respects the very successful current experience o f 90% o f o ur students.


I wo uld like to see every child be able to thrive in the scho o l enviro nm ent and to receive the suppo rt fro m the adm inistratio n that they need...


I wo uld like to see m o re o f a partnership between the scho o l and the parents, even wo rking parents.


I wo uld like to see m y child co ntinued to be challenged in a m anner that evo lves with the dem ands and to o ls available in these pro gressive tim es.





I wo uld like to see m y children get a slightly m o re individualized educatio n. I have o ne in the Key pro geam , which is great, but o ne who is equally as sm art just m o re hands-o n. Because her learning style is different, her educatio n suffers. There isn't eno ugh o ppo rtunity fo r children with a m o re senso ry learning style!


I wo uld like to see teachers better educated in ho w to read, unpack and im plem ent the standards which is the co re o f what we do academ ically. I wo uld like to see m o re flexibility in units, again fo cusing o n the standards and realizing there are lo ts o f ways to achieve that standard. CFA's and unit plans are great and I see their value, but so m e students do no t perfo rm well o n a standardized test but can create a pro duct that sho ws the sam e standard and so m e teachers are better at teaching m o re flexibly based o n student need. I think this wo uld be a m o ve to m o re individualized learning. Less unit planning and m o re generatio n o f ideas o n ho w to m eet the standard, allo wing students m ultiple ways to sho w pro ficiency because their teacher is well versed int he standards that needs to be m et and no t reliant o n a Po st test grading KEY where o ne answer is the o nly answer o ptio n. Make the students learning and evaluatio n authentic.


I wo uld like to see teachers o ffer a variety o f o ptio ns to sho w m astery o f co ncepts. I think co llabo ratio n is essential.


I wo uld like to see teachers valued fo r their kno wledge, experience and ability to m ake a difference with their students witho ut having to pro duce data and a "pro duct" that validates m y wo rk.


I wo uld like to see the scho o l partnering with co rpo ratio ns to prepare the students fo r the future/wo rkfo rce.


I wo uld like to wo rk in a place where em plo yees are valued, trusted, and suppo rted. I wo uld like to wo rk in a place where peo ple (teachers) are valued as equals to tho se who are in adm inistratio n.


I wo uld like upper level adm inistratio n to take a m o re vested interest in all staff and students. I wo uld like to see them o ut in buildings and talking with all teachers prio r to m aking decisio ns. At this po int, I do no t believe the adm inistratio n truly listens to stakeho lders. Decisio ns are m ade rashly and with little planning. Oftentim es, little research is do ne prio r to m aking decisio ns. Being that we have so m any new adm inistrato rs, it wo uld beho o ve them to take tim e to understand what has been do ne befo re, what has/hasn't wo rked befo re. It's exhausting to co ntinually repeat what has been do ne. It is exhausting to see the adm inistratio n care so little abo ut the teachers and students, but care m o re abo ut their o wn reputatio ns and ideas.


I wo uld lo ve the district adm inistratio n to understand the reality that teachers are dealing with in the classro o m . Right no w there is an incredible disco nnect between "The Hill" and the classro o m . They thro w new initiative after new initiative o ur way , and then tho se peo ple leave fo r greener pastures. The new hires then thro w m o re initiatives o ur way. Teachers are dro wning, and there is no life vest being thro wn o ur way. District Adm in needs to realize that.


I wo uld lo ve to see adm inistratio n listen to teachers m o re o ften. Ideas and tho ughts are o ften m icro m anaged to beco m e so m ething else and o ften teachers do no t feel like they are listened to and o r respected by upper adm in.


I wo uld lo ve to see m y children have the sam e Elem entary experience as I did as a child... With daily gym class and a 20+ recess. We need to get back to basics and have o ur kids m o ving and strengthening their bo dies. I feel stro ngly that the increase in ADHD, o besity, senso ry issues, and so cial issues is in part due to the lo ss o f physical activity and reduced so cial tim es.I understand the desire to push academ ics and have higher test sco res but we need to nurture their m inds as well as their bo dies.


I wo uld lo ve to see o ur adm inistratio n m o del the inclusive and co llabo rative enviro nm ent that we're trying to create fo r o ur students. It is very hierarchy-fo cused at the m o m ent...





I wo uld really like to see students taught acco rding to their learning style. I wo uld also like to see spo rts, gardening, healthy eating, etc. stro ngly em phasized to pro m o te o verall health.


I wo uld say that being a parent who 's children have started o ut at Eagle Heights, and no w in CMS and HS it has been a big learning curve and no t feeling very info rm ed as to ho w the pro gram will be able to be used each year. I get m o re info rm atio n fro m the parents in the first class than thro ugh any kind o f scho o l m edia. Ho w will m y children test o ut fo r co llege credits? that is no t m ade entirely clear in co m m unicatio n. I do n't feel the superintendent has a spo tlight o n this who le pro gram .


I wo uld want m y child to have teachers that care abo ut them and get to kno w them and ho w they learn at all grade levels.


I'd like m y child to have the skills and o ppo rtunities to co llabo rate and create. I want m y child to excel academ ically and em o tio nally.


I'd like m y children to co m e o ut o f EPHS well prepared fo r co llege. I'd like m y children to enjo y scho o l and have a wide range o f classes and after scho o l activities to cho o se fro m .


I'd like to also see so m e aspect o f character building included in educatio n (ho nesty, integrity, respo nsibility...) integrated in to learning the academ ic to pics.


I'd like to be engaged in a co m m unity o f peo ple who are no t to o busy to m eet o r chat. I'd like m anagem ent to be suppo rtive and co nstructive and actively invo lved with m y wo rk


I'd like to see students m o re engaged in scho o l-led co m m unity service activities, as a way o f co nnecting with so cial, religio us, and ethnics diversity.


I'm m o stly co ncerned abo ut lack o f tim e fo r physical activity (recess, phy-ed, etc.)


I've been disappo inted in the discipline at EHSI. There do esn't seem to be a stro ng plan o f actio n fo r tho se students who sho w aggressio n o r disrupt the class. It seem s a lo t o f taking is do ne and no t a lo t o f DISCIPLINE.


Ideal wo uld be exactly what m y children had, except fo r so m e academ ic im pro vem ents in high scho o l that co uld have allo wed them to further challenge them selves.


Ideally I want m y children to have wo rk ethic; current m illennials do n't have any.


If a child struggles in a subject (like m ath) that there is a plan to help them succeed. Maybe co m e at them fro m a different learning perspective o ther than classro o m lecture. We were to ld to just hire a tuto r. A flipped classro o m isn't the answer either.


If there is so m e area o f study that m y child is super interested in, I wo uld like him to be able to pursue it, with his teachers all wo rking to gether to facilitate his requirem ents.


If yo u read the item s carefully there can o nly be o ne answer, this is like a test o f weather yo u read the info rm atio n, and a po litical survey where there is o nly o ne answer.


Im plem entatio n o f vario us teaching/learning styles with the understanding that all children learn differently. Less standardizatio n o f testing - ideally we wo uld have m o re o ptio ns available fo r student assessm ent.


In class quality teachings co m pared to tim e spend o n assignm ents are inco m parable especially in the fields o f science and m ath. Need to have m o re experienced teachers in the abo ve fields.





In elem entary, I think diversity in all areas is im po rtant: so cio -eco no m ic, interests, abilities, academ ic achievem ent, etc... Fo r exam ple, m y so n is at the high end o f academ ic achievem ent, but his best friend is an average student. If "cho ice" gro uping happened to o early, they wo uld have never m et. My so n's life wo uld be po o rer fo r no t having so m eo ne a little different.


Inclusive and affo rdable.


Inclusive experience. As a girl, she sho uld feel she is capable o f do ing everything that a bo y can do .


Inclusive to ALL children no t segregating them by academ ic ability, enco uraging po sitive so cial interactio n and adapting to all learning styles and interests.


Inclusive witho ut divisio n. The Bo ard/Superintendent need to sto p chasing ho llo w ideas and cutting co sts and using 3rd party vendo rs to pretend to hear us. REALLY listen and pro ve it. There is no need fo r a STEM o r STEAM scho o l as that is in each scho o l already. Plus, ho w can yo u suppo rt that as a new scho o l when yo u barely suppo rt The Spanish Im m ersio n scho o l AND the o ther cho ice left o ur district fo r ano ther 'better' district. YOU NEED TO CHANGE. Better and m o re co nsistent PR abo ut what EP is go o d at. We lo se to o m any teachers, students and fam ilies to o pen enro llm ent in Minneto nka etc.. its em barassing with the tax do llars we have that we face this pro blem ...


Individual care to each kid based o n his ability to learn. I kno w that is difficult with lo t o f kids o n class.


Individual strengths are reco gnized and no urished. Expectatio ns are clear and students are challenged to inquire and gro w intellectually. Techno lo gy is reco gnized as an im po rtant to o l, but is no t used fo r its o wn sake. Techno lo gy is a to o l that m ust be acco m panied by critical thinking.


It is great the the scho o l district is trying to inspire EACH and EVERY student. I think this can be achieved when every kid feels like their vo ice is heard and are part o f the classro o m .


It is im po rtant to have co nsistency o n what I teach (stro ng curriculum with vertical and ho rizo ntal alignm ent), eno ugh reso urces cho sen by teachers to suppo rt the curriculum , the appro priate para suppo rt, highly qualified tech suppo rt, class sizes no bigger that 28 students, well structured m eetings fo r staff and PLC, access to high quality training directly fro m the autho rs o r creato rs, no t o nly fro m peers who attended such trainings, o ppo rtunities to get invo lved in co m m unity pro jects as scho o l, m aintain an o pen co m m unicatio n with parents, o ppo rtunities to m eet with staff fro m o ther buildings to wo rk to gether. These are the m o st im po rtant things that reflect m y ideal experience as teacher in EP.


It seem s these questio ns will no t draw o ut m eaningful feedback, tho ugh I realize no t all parents are the sam e. The lo gical answers seem quite basic and wo uld o btain to any scho o l enviro nm ent expectatio ns I have.


It wo uld be nice if the adm inistratio n was m o re suppo rtive o f parents.


Its nice experience with eden Prairie scho o ls


K-4 o r perhaps K-5 buildings at the Elem level wo uld be m uch m o re effective. The sixth graders have been hindered being in an elem setting


Keep Elem entary K-6. I do no t understand ho w there wo uld be ro o m fo r 6th grade at CMS.





Keep up the go o d wo rk teachers! -Sm aller class sizes -Mo re ho m ewo rk/ assignm ents that enco urage fam ily invo lvem ent at ho m e. (with an increase in techno lo gy there has been a decrease in hands-o n creative pro jects and parent invo lvem ent). -Mo re recess tim e / physical activity -Mo re fo o d at lunchtim e (kids say they are always still hungry after lunch)


Kids get what they need witho ut barriers being put up.


Learn fo r a future career we want and are interested in instead o f having so m any required classes.


Learning and inclusio n


Learning fo cused o n the child's learning style


Less is m o re.


Less m o ney and fo cus o n lim ited use techno lo gy. There are m uch m o re co st effective techno lo gies to using Apple pro ducts and there use is m o re widespread.


Less m o ney and fo cus o n techno lo gy. There are also m uch m o re co st effective alternatives to using Apple pro ducts.


Less techno lo gy, m o re nature educatio n.


Lo ts o f o ptio ns fo r spo rts and academ ics.


Making appro priate staffing a prio rity, so that the student/teacher ratio is lo w, there are eno ugh interventio nists, and gifted teachers fo cusing o n wo rking with students, so that student learning needs are m et.


Mo re challenge co urse wo rks.


Mo re diversity in its teaching staff.


Mo re hands o n learning and less iPads. I feel like they are a substitute fo r teacher learning


Mo re languages


Mo re o ut o f classro o m life experiences while in high scho o l to prepare students fo r co llege


Mo re recess fo r elem entary scho o l kids, especially the yo unger grades. Also , an em phasis o n the need fo r ha darting and fine m o to r skills.


Mo re recess o r physical educatio n fo r elem entary students


Mo re reco gnitio n (diagno stics) and reso urces fo r the gifted and talented. My so n has an extrem ely high IQ and is very bo red with what is available at EPHS.


Mo re student co ntro l.


Mo re tim e o n writing practices is highly reco m m ended. Am happy that reading us given m o re im po rtance. Equally em phasis o n writing can also be given


Mo re unstructured learning/ free tim es Go o d Spanish Im m ersio n





Mo tivate and challenge children acco rding to their abilities and learn at their o wn pace. NO ONE SIZE FITS ALL appro ach.


My 2 so ns are in the Spanish Im m ersio n pro gram and I wo uld like the the integrity o f the pro gram to rem ain. I am co ncerned that the EHSI 6th grade students wo uld lo se that final piece o f Spanish if they are m erged into the Middle Scho o l.


My So ns studies in Oak Po int Elem entary scho o l. The educatio n and the teacher are aweso m e.


My answers are based o n ho w I ho pe to feel o nce this is im plem ented.


My child being in kindergarten it is to o early fo r m e to pro vide feedback to the questio ns asked in the previo us fo rm s. Our o verall experienced in Oak Po int elem entary in o ne year is go o d. Ho wever, the questio ns co uld be custo m ized and tailo red acco rding to the child grade level.


My child has a chance to be a child (i.e. It wo uld be nice fo r m o re recess tim e- 15 m inutes is o nly 1/4 what is reco m m ended fo r children to be able to fo cus pro perly o n the rest o f their day)


My child has learned to advo cate fo r him self. We had a ro ugh tim e in the Winter. In o ne class, there was less classro o m participatio n/ teacher engagem ent. He advo cates fo r him self and we were able to get him into a different Science class with a teaching style m o re to his learning style and it has m ade a huge difference in his attitude regarding scho o l.


My child has learning o ppo rtunities and reso urces equal to tho se being o ffered to all o ther students and at the sam e tim e perso nalized to her unique needs and abilities


My child has m o re and better relatio nships with kids that she m eets o utside o f scho o l. I wo uld like to see m o re unstructured tim e during the scho o l day.


My child invo lved in different activities all thro ugh o ut the day.


My child is appro priately challenged (challenging curriculum ) in scho o l.


My child is cared abo ut, suppo rted, and enco uraged in their current learning enviro nm ent.


My child is challenged to learn and prepare to be successful in the wo rld they will face when graduating.


My child is challenged to wo rk hard, excel and reach beyo nd what they think they can do (and given the to o ls to do so ), no t just be satisfied with "as go o d as o ther kids did" and celebrating average perfo rm ance.


My child is co ntinually challenged to prepare him /her fo r a co m petitive wo rld.


My child is engaged and has learned that learning is fun. My child feels that they have m any o ppo rtunities to succeed and has learned the skills to achieve their go als


My child is healthy physically and m entally. My child exercises their m ind and their bo dy.


My child is inspired when learning and taught ho w to perservere, given the to o ls to keep learning o n his o wn, and be kind.


My child is intellectually stim ulated & challenged.





My child is learning ho w to be his/her best self.


My child is part o f an inclusive scho o l co m m unity.


My child is prepared to be successful when they leave the scho o l system .


My child is safe, engaged and challenged every day.


My child is safe, happy, and prepared fo r life.


My child is seen as a who le perso n--so cial, em o tio nal and physical as well as intellectual--in his/her/their develo pm ent at scho o l.


My child is self-m o tivated and has the skills and reso urces necessary to teach him self abo ut subjects in which he is interested.


My child is sufficiently challenged.​


My child is thriving at EHSI and I wo uld like him to be able to co ntinue the im m ersio n experience thro ugh 6th grade. Please do no t m o ve EHSI students to CMS. Thank yo u!


My child is understo o d as an individual with tailo red o ptio ns and has a chance to learn and be resilient


My child is using their strengths to achieve their academ ic go als and kno ws ho w to deal with barriers and challenges they enco unter alo ng the way.


My child is well prepared fo r co llege and is likely to succeed at the co llege o f his/her cho ice.


My child likes to go scho o l everyday and he feels bad even if we take him to clinic during scho o l ho urs. He do no t like to take break during scho o l ho urs . We are so happy abo ut it


My child lo ves his teacher and enjo ys scho o l. Mo st days he do esn't want to go because he tells m e he hates sitting so m uch. To m e an ideal experience wo uld be to have PE everyday and o ne o r two 30 m inute recesses. He do es no t need 2 ho urs o f reading and 90 m inutes o f m ath every day. He wo uld learn just as well if no t better if his bo dy were allo wed to m o ve in bo th structured and unstructured tim es. I have 3 yo ung bo ys, m y o ldest is Kindergarten and I like EP scho o ls but I am co nsidering ho m escho o ling so they have a m o re well ro unded learning enviro nm ent and their physical needs are m et.


My child m akes m easurable pro gress in so cial and academ ic areas each year.


My child receives o ppo rtunities and an educatio n that will allo w him /her to succeed in the po st-seco ndary o ptio n o f his/her cho ice. My child receives an educatio n fro m a district that is lo o ked upo n as a to p scho o l district in the state o f Minneso ta, in the Midwest, and even in the U.S. My child is prepared to handle the academ ic rigo rs o f a to p-rated co llege o r university. To p co lleges and universities will seek o ut students educated in Eden Prairie public scho o ls.


My child understands he is part o f a co m m unity. This m eans being em pathetic, helpful, and willing to balance the needs o f o thers with his o wn.


My child was accepted to Mo saic and I am very glad. This will be very suitable to his perso nality and academ ic needs





My child will be able to have m ultiple hands o n experiences in scho o l where he will learn by do ing.


My child will be part o f an inclusive scho o l co m m unity.


My child will feel challenged and suppo rted.


My child will feel co nfident to face challenges and so lve pro blem s


My child will no t have a disadvantage based o n scho o l lo catio n and funding and so cio -eco no m ic m ake up. Scho o l is no t a o ne size fits all experience. No scho o l sho uld be left behind.


My child wo uld have a challenging but enco uraging classro o m experience with high expectatio n and teachers who bo th teach and help students develo p the skills needed to reach these go als.


My child's jo b is to learn - and I want him /her to take it serio usly and to have fun while learning!


My child's views, regardless o f po litical co rrectness, can be shared and discussed witho ut ridicule o r disdain.


My children are challenged to go beyo nd where they think they can.


My children are having/have had an excellent experience in the Eden Prairie scho o ls. A m o re ideal experience was, ho wever, when Eden Prairie had a separate 5th-6th grade scho o l.


My children attend K-6 and receive the full Spanish Im m ersio n experience - educatio nally, so cially and culturally.


My children develo p a lo ve o f learning, are prepared fo r the future, feel valued and develo p life skills to help them succeed.


My co ncern with the two o ptio ns pro vided is we seem to be m o ving away fro m creating a so lid fo undatio n o f basic reading and writing skills by taking the integratio n o f who le learning to the extrem e.


My daughter graduated last year fro m EPHS. She is a bright kid (natio nal m erit scho lar, AP scho lar, AAA award fo r EPHS and fo r o ur regio n. She needed teachers who wo uld challenge her, and she received that, and so m uch m o re, in the EP scho o l system . We co uld no t be m o re pleased with the o ppo rtunities fo r her to develo p her talents in the arts, athletics, extra curricular activities, and in the classro o m . Her teachers, co nducto rs, co aches and the staff were o utstanding. We m o ved to Eden Prairie specifically fo r the scho o ls, and are so thankful we did. Our so n will be a senio r next year, and he has also had the sam e level o f truly wo nderful educatio nal experiences. Please keep up the go o d wo rk! Kris Miner - perhaps yo ur biggest fan ;)


My daughter, Kennedy, ado res all o f her 6th grade teachers. She believes they each have her best interest at heart. Kennedy is very so cial and has lo ts o f friends. Her teachers have created a safe space fo r her to learn and flo urish and we're blessed to have had a trem endo us 6th grade experience at Oak Po int elem entary.


My experience is no t im po rtant. My CHILDREN's experience is what is im po rtant. I want them to lo ve learning, to be enco uraged in their curio sity and passio ns. Sto p endless testing, co nstant ho m ewo rk. The are enduring scho o l, no t lo ving it.


My so n has really flo urished in the EHSI pro gram within the district. I understand there is a pro po sal to m o ve 6th graders into the m iddle scho o l's which wo uld cut their Spanish im m ersio n experience sho rt by 1 year. I stro ngly disagree with this and urge yo u to leave the ESHI pro gram duratio n as is. This pro gram o ffers a huge o ppo rtunity to the children enro lled and rem o ving a year o f that fro m them wo uld be a disservice!





My student has been given appro priate and m axim um o ppo rtunities to learn. My child is well-prepared to co ntinue their educatio n in a po st-seco ndary setting. Co lleges aro und the co untry perceive the Eden Prairie Scho o l district as a to p-educato r and desire to enro ll Eden Prairie High Scho o l graduates.


My student is challenged and o ffered m any o ppo rtunities.


My yo ungest child (o ldest is a senio r in h.s.) wo uld thrive in a hands-o n, pro ject-based learning enviro nm ent that still had high standards in reading, m ath and science. That kind o f enviro nm ent seem s to reinfo rce the idea that she is a capable learner; o therwise she tends to do ubt her abilities and to dislike classes where she struggles. She has had this pro ject-based learning enviro nm ent with so m e teachers, but I wish that were an o ptio n acro ss the scho o l day and the scho o l year.






No - I think everything is co vered


No m atter which Academ ic Design o ptio n is cho sen, PLEASE m ake sure that students are allo wed the o ppo rtunity to participate in the activities they enjo y m o st, i.e. co ncert band, m arching band, jazz band, ensem bles, cho ir, o rchestra, drum line, co lo r guard, winter guard, theatre perfo rm ances, debate, ro bo tics team , all the vario us spo rts, intram ural spo rts, science fair, science club, and all the vario us clubs currently o ffered. All o f these pro gram s enhance a high scho o l educatio n. It wo uld be great to have a fund set up which anyo ne co uld do nate to so that lack o f m o ney DOES NOT beco m e the reaso n a student can't participate.


No .


No t sure what the academ ic design o ptio n is all abo ut. It feels vague and so m ewhat rushed thro ugh witho ut co m pletely educatio n the staff.


Once again I feel it is being rushed and NOT ENOUGH info rm atio n has been given to staff and parents. The parents that heard abo ut it are NOT AT ALL in favo r o f it. I feel the district is rushing into it and no t a thing has been given o ut to the staff abo ut it. I have also heard fro m parents that say they will m o re their kids to MTK. Parents that I have heard fro m said this so und just like the bo undary change again.


One o f m y children has a learning disability. I so m etim es feel that since her disability is no t severe it is disco unted by the teachers and staff. Services are there fo r severe disabilities and fo r high achieving students, but less so fo r tho se with m ino r disabilities who perhaps are just assum ed to be average students when additio nal acco m m o datio ns and individual attentio n wo uld help.


One o f m y children has a m ild learning disability. I wo uld like fo r services fo r students with disabilities no t to be geared o nly to tho se with severe disabilities. My child seem s to be o ften perceived to be an "average student" when additio nal acco m m o datio ns and individual attentio n m ight m ake a difference in her learning and her grades. Sm aller classes wo uld help, but so m etim es teachers are inflexible with their preferences o r po licies.


One where their is m utual respect between m yself, m y child, their teachers and adm inistrato rs. An experience that fo cuses o n the success o f all students despite their learning styles and differences. It sho uld no t be an experience where o nly the gifted o r tho se that are struggling receive the attentio n they need to succeed.


Online o ptio ns fo r days that the child is o ut o f scho o l fo r whatever reaso n-sick, etc.


Open co m m unicatio n, m o re o ne-o n-o ne co m m unicatio n between students/teachers and teachers/parents.





Opening the future and m aking o ppo rtunities available to them .


Oppo rtunities to investigate areas o f interest and pro blem so lving sho uld be o ffered.


Optio n o f learning styles to acco m o date different styles o f learning. Healthy fo o d, healthy exercise, m usic, arts AND a so lid eductatio n in the basics with the o ptio n to do o nline - o r no t. Flip classes have no t wo rked well fo r m y kids. They value interactio n with teachers to learn and gro w.


Our High Scho o l experience has been go o d so far. Two years ago m y so n was diagno sed with a learning pro blem prio r to that o ur experience was terrible. He was labeled as a kid that did no t try o r care. The bo undary change affected us and lead to extrem e anxiety fo r him and he is currently o n m edicatio n fo r this. I tried to get him help prio r and asked he no t be m o ved but no o ne wo uld listen to us. He was actually thro wing up in the Cedar hills parking lo t befo re scho o l . CMS was a disaster until I received help o utside o f the district and received a diagno sis so they were fo rced to help him . We lo ve the High Scho o l and he is flo urishing.


Our district is a place classro o m teachers never leave AND rhey recruit/refer o ther teachers in their netwo rks. Class sizes do no t gro w because o f techno lo gy (especially in early grades). Teacher's vo ices are heard. Teachers are held acco untable to building perso nal relatio nships with students. When they are em po wered, passio nate abo ut their field and believe in relatio nships alm o st any m o del wo rks!!


Overall gro wth o f m y child.


Parent sho uld receive so m e kind o f feedback survey each sem ester so there is a co nsistent pro cess fo r all parents to be heard o r to express their tho ughts. co ncerns o r praises to be addressed and shared abo ut teachers and staff.


Peo ple are valued and co nsidered the m ain reso urce to wards student achievem ent.


Peo ple are valued. Happy teachers, happy students and parents.


Physical activity sho uld be a part o f children's schedule daily, no t o nce a week o r o ne sem ester a year, esp. if we want o ur kids to ado pt healthy and active lifestyle which no t o nly helps physical health but also m ental health.


Please allo w fo r m o re physical activity. either gym class m o re o ften o r lo nger recess.


Please co nsider changing recess to 30 m ins (m inim um ) per day fo r the elem entary students. My so n will be starting kindergarten in the fall at Cedar Ridge. He has been in prescho o l fo r the last three years where he had lo nger recesses and gym /large m o to r daily. Lo nger recess perio ds will benefit them physically, m entally and em o tio nally. Also , I believe the start tim es fo r the m iddle scho o l and high scho o l are way to early. Other districts have pushed back their start tim es, why can't EP m ake that wo rk as well? Children (no m atter what age) need their sleep, a later start tim e fo r o ur m iddle and high scho o l will be helpful o n so m any levels fo r o ur children.


Please do no t change the elem entary scho o ls to k-5th


Please do no t take 6th grade away fro m EHSI!!!!!!!!!


Please do n't segregate the children by o ffering speciality scho o ls which dem o graphics clearly sho w is a m o re "po litically co rrect" way to segregate


Please include m o re academ ics..increase fo cus o n writing as well. To o m uch o f techno lo gy used.


Po sitive experience m o stly, have 2 kids in scho o l no w.





Po sitive learning enviro nm ent with flexibility and later start tim es fo r o lder students


Pro ject based learning is no t the answer to individualized learning. This m o del stem s back to an o utdated pro gram Eden Prairie has already tried and discarded, it was called OBE;Outco m e Based Educatio n. It do es no t m eet the needs o f students and becam e a nightm are fo r grading and co llege bo und students.




Rather than a specified STEM o r STEAM scho o l, I wo uld like to see ALL o f the NEIGHBORHOOD elem entary scho o ls o ffering sufficient STEM o ppo rtunities.... Whats go o d eno ugh fo r the STEM scho o l sho uld be go o d fo r the rest o f the district.


Realize that gifted kids (identified o r no t) stro ngly dislike wo rking o n "gro up pro jects". Cho ices sho uld be m ade fo r students to wo rk alo ne, in pairs, o r in gro ups; students sho uld also have the cho ice to pick their o wn partners - no t be preassigned.


Respectful enviro nm ent, enco uraging teachers


Respo nsibility fo r successful academ ic o ppo rtunities, and successful academ ic results, falls o n ALL in the co m m unity. It's no t just the hard wo rk by teachers in their pedago gy and curriculum ; it's the helpful pro gram s and m aterials pro vided fro m adm inistrato rs, the fo llo w-thro ugh and ho m e expectatio ns by parents, the effo rt and hard wo rk by students, and the suppo rt fro m the co m m unity. "Oppo rtunity is m issed by m o st peo ple, because it is dressed in o veralls and lo o ks like wo rk." Tho m as Ediso n


Risk and failure is acceptable and a learning to o l in safe enviro nm ents


Safe, Welco m ing, Mem o rable, Integrative, and Co m m unity Experience.


Safety. Engagem ent. Acco untability. Co nfidence.


Scho o l sho uld fo cus o n academ ic learning, especially basic principles in elem entary scho o l, such as reading, writing, gram m ar, penm anship, etc.


Scho o l sho uld increased the written ho m ewo rks and science activities .


She/he will be given m o re independence to learn as she/he m ature and dem o nstrate trustwo rthiness and ability to m ake the m o st o f learning o ppo rtunities.


Sm aller class sizes fo r m o re individualized attentio n fo r the students.


Sm aller classro o m s, 2nd grade EHSI is cro wded, sm all spaces, o verwhelm ed teachers.


Staff, certified and no n-certified, and adm inistratio n wo rking to gether in tandem to suppo rt fam ilies, students and individual learning.


Stro ng awareness o f m y child's learning style, as well as em o tio nal and so cial needs. Stro ng academ ic expectatio ns, such that m y child is wo rking to his full po tential and no t held back in the interest o f o thers needs.


Stro ng neighbo rho o d scho o ls allo w great parent, student and teacher relatio nships to o ccur. We can wo rk as a team to insure success fo r each child.


Stro ng neighbo rho o d-based scho o ls.





Student faces challenges and receives suppo rt to wo rk thro ugh tho se challenges. Staff pro vides real life exam ples o f applicability o f subjects being taught.


Student's will be pro vided m any o ppo rtunities fo r direct, face to face interactio n with teachers and educatio n specialists - Librarians (Media specialists), writers, thinkers, teachers, artists, business pro fessio nals and co m m unity m em bers.


Students feel lo ved and cared fo r. Learning is geared to ward individual success and teachers are co gnizant o f the im pact that behavio ral co ncerns with so m e students m ay im pact o verall learning in the classro o m . There sho uld be a stro ng fo cus o n pro per interactio ns between students and respect fo r teachers. Students with repeated behavio ral co ncerns sho uld have extra help im m ediately so it do es no t distract the teacher o r take away fro m the learning o f o ther students.


Students value learning and are enco uraged to think fo r them selves.


Students will take chances to push them selves into difficult learning, understanding their learning is beyo nd a test and grades


Students, fello w teachers, staff, adm inistratio n and co m m unity m em bers feel co nnected to Eden Prairie Scho o ls and valued as trusted, engaged and active advo cates in building a just, thriving, and stable so ciety.


Suppo rt staff, staff develo pm ent that co ntinues o n areas we have started o n and tim e to do it. Class sizes to o large, design o ptio ns presented to o vague.


Suppo rtive enviro nm ent that m akes everyo ne feel as tho ugh they m atter. Make sure that everyo ne kno ws that they are an im po rtant part in m aking scho o l fun/enjo yable fo r everyo ne.


Teachers and adm inisters m eet students where they are em o tio nally and academ ically.


Teachers are able to get reso urces they need individually rather than a who le curriculum buy.


Teachers can m ake lo t o f difference and I can co unt o n Ceder Ridge Staff fo r ensuring o ur Kids get best o f the kno wledge with care.


Teachers feel that adm inistratio n is wo rking WITH them in designing pro gram s in the best interest o f children and fam ilies. Additio nal staff is added to suppo rt the m issio n o f perso nalizatio n.


Teachers need to have their vo ices heard by adm inistrato rs, and ASC needs to m ake decisio ns based o n teacher input and perspective. This is no t currently happening in Eden Prairie Scho o ls!


Teachers so le ro le is to teach skills and learn ho w to teach skills better, adm inistratio n so le ro le is to suppo rt the teachers and learn ho w to suppo rt them better and the co m m unity is a place where age and experience is viewed as an asset - no t sim ply as a co st.


Teaching in an elem entary building with an em phasis o n Language Arts and Math


Techno lo gy has beco m e a significant facto r o f scho o l - ho wever it has also beco m e a significant facto r in everyday life. It appears that kids are lo sing the ability to co m m unicate verbally


Thank yo u





Thank yo u fo r asking. I abso lutely lo ve m y jo b and feel grateful fo r being a teacher. My ideal experience in EPS wo uld include having the freedo m to do what I feel is best fo r m y learners, witho ut the co nstraints o f teaching a particular thing at a particular tim e in a particular way. I wo uld do this by using best practices and standards to guide all o f m y wo rk, alo ng with kno wing m y students and building o n their strengths. I wo uld like EPS scho o ls to suppo rt m e by purchasing so lid curriculum , aligned to the standards, that wo uld pro vide the fo undatio n and pathway needed fo r success. (I do no t see "curriculum " as being is a bad wo rd and believe it do es need to be im plem ented with artful teaching, and so lid instructio n.) Then, with this so lid and equitable fo undatio n, teachers can place their energy o n finding creative, perso nalized ways to m eet each student's needs. This is what we lo ve to do , to ignite the fire within each child. I wo uld also appreciate co ntinued pro fessio nal de


That EP scho o ls no t depend o n techno lo gy to teach o ur children, but as a co m plim ent to the reading and writing that sho uld be taking place.


That m y children are well equipped to think o utside o f the bo x and be pro blem so lvers. Mem o rizing co ncepts in a bo o k is no t real life. I also want them to feel co m fo rtable no t nessecarily having all the answers but kno wing where to get the answers and understanding the pro cess o f disco vering the so lutio n(s)


That m y student is given the o ppo rtunity to explo re her interests in the arts/m usic.


That teachers pay attentio n to the IEP & help the student to im pro ve in areas as stated in the IEP


That we are being inclusive and co nsiderate to the m ulti-cultural nature o f o ur co m m unity. And that these go als are no t being pushed aside fo r the sake o f being cutting edge and o ffering so m ething new and different.


The "ideal experience" fo r a district staff perso n wo uld be fo r the adm inistratio n to listen to everyo ne's ideas, appreciate everyo ne's o pinio n, value experience and kno wledge, and expect perfectio n and pro fessio nalism at all levels. This is what we used to expect, and what the district used to pro vide to all users.


The Eden Prairie Scho o ls currently has a go o d reputatio n and is m o ving in the right directio n.


The MOSAIC pro gram , nam ely a STEM pro gram , really is no t that stro ng o n STEM subjects. It's pro bably due to teacher's academ ic backgro und and experiences. At 4th, 5th and 6th grades, that o ne teacher co vers all subjects m ay no t be a go o d idea. It m ay be m o re effective to separate English, Math, Science to be taught by subject specialist teachers.


The Spanish im m ersio n pro gram sho uld be expanded and built upo n as the children leave 6th grade


The ability to have space fo r as m any advanced academ ic classes as I wo uld like while also having tim e during the scho o l day fo r arts classes (like band) A large am o unt o f student activities to get invo lved in and that are well suppo rted. Excellent teachers that care abo ut their students (Like Eden Prairie Scho o ls already have).


The band pro gram is SO SO im po rtant. As a high scho o l senio r, I want no thing m o re fo r future EPS students to learn to lo ve and kno w what it m eans to be a part o f so m ething bigger than yo urself and be able to participate fully in band, o rchestra, o r cho ir.


The class size fo r m y 6th grader is m uch to o larger, with WAY to o high a percentage o f bo ys. Fo r the seco nd year in a ro w her class is wild and o n the verge o f being o ut o f co ntro l. She has had a great deal o f difficulty in EP. We cam e fro m a different state with great educatio n, and while m y daughter sho wed up here being alm o st a year ahead, she is no w struggling because the teachers here have to keep o rder m o re than teach.





The class sizes are o verwhelm ing, especially when yo u try to perso nalize learning. There is no t eno ugh prep tim e to adequately prepare lesso ns and pro vide feedback fo r students. The techno lo gy is useful, but there is little suppo rt fo r student m isuse o f the techno lo gy and there is no t eno ugh tim ely suppo rt fo r teachers when things go wro ng/we want to try so m ething new.


The current generatio n o f wo rkers are co m ing o ut with less so cial skills. I believe that m o re fo cus sho uld be placed o n teaching children ho w to appro priate interact with o thers. I see m any em plo yees with the lack o f ability to spell (due to texting), build rappo rt, ho ld a co nversatio n, and just o verall co m m unicate. As a fo rm er educato r, I fo und that real life pro jects and experiences were the best teacher. Tests are o ne way yo u can assess kno wledge but it is no t always a practical dem o nstratio n o f a perso n's understanding o f a to pic.


The elem entary scho o ls are all abo ut NOT having wasted classro o m instructio n tim e, taking away any parties and fun events during the scho o l day. But m y m iddle scho o lers co nstantly co m plain abo ut ho w m uch o f their day is wasted NOT learning.


The high scho o l teachers are am azing. Parents play a key ro le in co m m unicatio n o ppo rtunities with co nferences, em ails, etc.


The ideal experience I prefer is to have each student reach his/her full po tential by being placed in the co rrect gro up, challenged and stay engaged.


The ideal experience fo r m y so n at EPHS is o ne where he's allo wed to cho se his o wn classes within a gro uping o f cho ices, with help fro m a teacher o r guidance co unselo r. I wo uld also like m y so n to be able to co ntinue m arching band. Marching Band is held o n m any different days at different tim es. Please do n't get rid o f the band pro gram , allo w students the o ptio n o f participating in band!


The ideal experience wo uld be o ne that challenges kids to do better, is interesting and enjo yable fo r them , and prepares them fo r the next step in their life


The ideal experience wo uld be that we, as a scho o l district, nurture learners in a co m m unity where all wo rk to gether in an atm o sphere o f m utual respect where the co ntributio ns o f all are valued. Our curriculum , instructio nal strategies, and assessm ent m etho ds need to m o tivate and prepare all students to beco m e skilled and kno wledgeable pro blem so lvers/critical thinkers, self-directed learners, effective co m m unicato rs, co llabo rative wo rkers, and co m m unity co ntributo rs, and respo nsible citizens. Our go al sho uld be to inspire a lifelo ng passio n fo r learning in o ur students thro ugh a lens o f equity and excellence. Freedo m o f tho ught, o f expressio n, and o f intellectual exchange as well as disciplined effo rt is essential if we are to attain this excellence. We m ust fo ster an atm o sphere co nducive to intellectual inquiry, inno vatio n, enhanced self-esteem , m utual respect, and caring am o ng all o f the scho o l co m m unity. Co m m itted to excellence and equity, we need to help each student achie


The ideal learning experience wo uld include published skils fo r next year alo ng with m aterials that wo uld help each child prepare fo r next year. I recently saw a quo te - - Luck and success is when o ppo rtunity m eet preparatio n. We need to em po wer kids and help them prepare fo r advanced learning.


The o pinio ns o f all stakeho lders are given value, and treated with equal im po rtance.


The previo us questio ns were sim plistic and are unlikely to pro vide m eaningful, useful feedback.





The questio ns in the past sectio n seem flawed as every parent wo uld want their child to have friends, feel listened to , etc. I am m o re wo rried abo ut why we are m aking drastic changes to o ur scho o l right after m aking huge changes in the recent past. These changes will co st m o ney, especially the idea o f having year ro und o ptio ns and later tim es (8-8 pm ) fo r kids to learn. Scho o l isn't a day care and I do no t want to pay fo r so m eo ne else's. I have listened to the reco rdings and m eeting that were o n-line and no where has anyo ne pro ven to m e that these things are necessary. It all seem s like change fo r the sake o f change. Why no t fo cus o n the real issues?


The ro le o f adm inistratio n has really decreased in the last two years and I feel very unsuppo rted. There are no co nsequences fo r student behavio r (cheating, unexcused absences) and when I repo rt these things, I am to ld it is m y jo b to take care o f it. Yet they have taken away m y po wer to really do anything abo ut it.


The scho o l District co ntinues to be divided. Bring back the neighbo rho o d scho o l.


The scho o l district needs to sto p reacting to every so cial issue o f there and new buzz wo rds in educatio n. Co m e back to the basics. Go o d teachers that care abo ut their students and strive to engage them is what's im po rtant. Ho nestly, the district is m aking educating o ur yo uth far m o re co m plicated than it needs to be. We've been happy with the educatio n o ur bo ys have received, but I'm sad to say that if we had yo unger children we wo uld be m aking a different educatio nal cho ice.


The scho o l district thinks deeply abo ut the purpo se o f educatio n. We understand that educatio n is larger than preparing students fo r jo bs. We want students to be tho ughtful pro blem so lvers who see ho w their daily cho ices im pact issues o f justice.


The structure o f the high scho o l can be to o intense fo r children. Having a quarter with a flipped classro o m , diso rganized instructo r, and 4 co re classes m akes fo r m any tears, o utbursts, and depressio n.


The students are challenged at whatever level is appro priate fo r their unique talents. So m e students will need to be pushed m o re in m ath because that is their strength and it co m es easier to them . The sam e student m ay be challenged in literacy with grade level wo rk.


The teachers and faculty co m m unicate better with each o ther when planning schedules, tests, events, and art pro gram s so they do n't o verlap and negatively im pact students ability to participate and succeed in each o f the item s listed abo ve.


The teachers at the EPHS sho uld pay m o re attentio n to whether o r no t the students are being taught what is o n their tests, especially if they teach the sam e class m ultiple tim es thro ugho ut the day. Also , tho se teachers sho uld be m o re aware o f whether their students are interested in the m etho d o f teaching that the teacher is using.If the kids are "checking o ut" during class tim e and having to learn it o n their o wn after class, then the teacher isn't teaching.


The teachers m y daughter and two bo ys have had so far have been am azing. I wo uld like to see m o re techo lo gy training at a yo unger age in regards to pro gram m ing and o perating system s (io s, andro id, windo ws.... o r skip all o f tho se and teach linux).


The who le child is develo ped and less em phasis o n standardized tests.


The yo unger students need m o re tim e fo r free play during the day and also m o re tim e fo r lunch.


There are so m e teachers who are effective year after year with ALL students who are in their classro o m . Rather than just lo o king at the future (which do es need to be do ne), also lo o k to data to see WHO is co nsistently effective and build future practices based o n previo us, pro ven success.





There is m o re synthesis o f info rm atio n that co nnects classro o m m aterials acro ss disciplines. Mo derated ho m ewo rk vo lum e that affo rds tim e at ho m e and in class to research and pro cess no t o nly facts and details but the im pact o f m aterials o n daily life.


There is o pen and co nstant co m m unicatio n between parents, teachers and students when necessary fo r the students success.


There is o pen and o ften co m m unicatio n between m y child, her teacher and us parents.


There is to o m uch fo cus o n academ ics and no t eno ugh spo rt, exercise, nutritio n and internatio nal studies.


There needs to be a huge suppo rt, funds and classes fo r EPHS students in the visual art, taught by real art teachers who are willing to co llabo rate Give the ro bo tics club back to the art departm ent . yo u have to kno w the aesthetics and be visually literate to ho ne yo ur creativity. Even car designers, engineers who have also been trained as artists, still sculpt the first m o del o f a new design with clay. Nancy Gallas has been trained to do AP art, but there has been no flexibility o r visio n in the HS adm inistratio n to co m bine classes to reach the required num ber o f students. This sho ws a less flexible and a less visio nary way o f thinking o n their part in a tim e when we want to m o ve students into a new and better way to learn. Create, co llabo rate, co m m unicate? Even Blo o m m o ved CREATE to the to p. Our k-8 students have beco m e fluent visual learners and in m y o pinio n, are visually literate. They bring a fearless sense o f risk taking, idea creating and see the co nnectio ns between art an


There needs to be m o re creativity and challenge. The m ix o f students has created challenges fo r the teachers to teach to all academ ic levels and english language learners and cultures that are no t western.


These questio ns do n't seem specific to draw o ut expectatio ns fo r a po tential new scho o ling fo rm at. While I realize so m e parents m ay no t pick the o bvio us answers, it is m o re than likely tho se parents that are no t taking this survey anyway!!!


These questio ns m ean no thing. Of co urse they are all yes.


This is a co nfusing survey. Co uldn't figure o ut what the statem ents abo ve the fill ins pertained to , the m iddle statem ent after the general statem ent and befo re the fill ins.


This is a great place to wo rk, but the co m m unicatio n needs to im pro ve.


This is a silly questio n. With "ideals", we o f co urse want the very best. Instead, why no t fo cus upo n reality? After all, o ne can't reach the destinatio n until o ne first kno ws where o ne is.


This is a stupid survey. Who is go ing to answer that they want their child unsafe at scho o l o r that they do n't want to be respected. What are the real agenda's behind these wo rds. Are we go ing to im plem ent "safe zo nes" in the scho o ls like what is go ing o n in the co lleges? Ho w stupid. Fo cus o n rigero us academ ics that will help them get jo bs and into co llege.


This survey is no t wo rded in a clear way. It is no t clear whether yo u are asking whether peo ple feel the attributes are true already o r whether this is so m ething we wo uld like to see im pro ved. Also , the attributes are so o bvio usly needed that I do no t see the po int in asking o ur o pinio n abo ut them . It wo uld be better to do deeper into what new ideas/attributes yo u are co ntem plating that require m o re nuanced discussio n. Finally, I am no t seeing ho w these attributes push us to ward stretch go als as a district that wo uld result in truly exceptio nal and inno vative educatio nal pathways. These seem s to be a disco nnect with the m o tivatio n o f this pro ject and these very basic attributes/go als at the student level.





Tho ughtful, careful and strategic planning are NOT HAPPENING in Eden Prairie. I wo uld like to see the "co aches" have a m o re defined ro le in the elem entary buildings. What happened to the techno lo gy co aches?


To be respected as a pro fessio nal with lim ited "ho o p jum ping" activities to m eet shallo w acco untability requirem ents.


To clarify - the previo us questio ns were what we HOPE to have as an o utco m e no t necessarily what we think no w? I wo uld answer differently depending o n ho w this is phrased.


To succeed m y child is suppo rted so cially


To tal disco nnect between upper adm inistratio n and teachers. This is a "peo ple" business and upper adm inistratio n has no idea ho w to fo ster relatio nships with its em plo yees. Scho o l bo ard spends zero tim e in the scho o ls and is clueless to what is really go ing o n in this district.


Traditio nal Am erican values


Trust, suppo rt, curriculum and the freedo m to teach in a way that wo rks fo r m y students and m y teaching style.


Usage o f IPads is unco ntro lled. So kids use the ipad in unintendend m anner. They do wnlo ad apps which are no t related to studies and so m etim es highly o bjectio nable. The scho o l has no t been able to keep a track and co ntro l o n these activities. This is having highly negative im pact as co m pared to text bo o k based studies.


Want m o re info rm atio n fro m the class teacher abo ut the perfo rm ance , general behavio rs etc. also needs to be able to co m m unicate effectively abo ut the struggle o f the students with co ncerned peo ple.


We do no t have updated m ath curriculum that allo ws us to successfully teach/assess o ur students.


We have three children with very different needs. I want each be valued fo r what they add to the scho o l co m m unity, while enco uraging and challenging them to m eet their individual po tential.


We ho no r individualism , which enco urages best way to learn and best plan fo r each student.


We need adm inistrato rs at the district level to listen to o ur co ncerns abo ut lack o f reading co nsistency and lack o f curriculum . I am very tired o f o ur co ncerns falling o n deaf ears. There is no viable and co nsistent curriculum . Only standards. This has been go ing o n fo r five years with no bo dy at the district level listening. Each scho o l is do ing their o wn go o d wo rk but it is all o n the backs o f teachers. This co m m unity wo uld be sho cked to learn that teachers are creating lesso ns each and every day witho ut any viable curriculum . We sho uld be do ing so m uch better than this!


We need to wo rk to break do wn cultural barriers to fo ster friendships which are culturally allo wable and extend to o utside the scho o l setting.


We truly believe that the kids need m o re tim e to eat lunch and m o re tim e to m o ve/recess. The 15-20 m inutes that the kids actually get to eat(I cam e to lunch m ultiple tim es), and the 15-20 m inutes they get to m o ve/explo re/exercise is do wn right em barrassing! It is pro ven that children perfo rm better when allo wed to m o ve.


We want o ur children to feel suppo rted in all areas o f their educatio n. To trust no m atter what level they are at, that they are being pro vided with a challenging and fun academ ic enviro nm ent. So they can be co m pletely invo lved in their learning experience.





We wo uld like the flexibility and o ppo rtunities to engage with o ur children's learning thro ugh hands-o n practical experiences. And exam ple o f this co uld be the liberty to take them o n a trip during the scho o l year to a destinatio n in the United States. We wo uld like to co o rdinate with the scho o l to prepare a research study o f the histo ry and po ints o f interest prio r to leaving o n the trip, experience the destinatio n, and then pro duce a video sum m ary presentatio n fo r the class upo n return.


We wo uld like to have a m o re affo rdable full tim e o ptio n fo r prescho o l, as it is incredibly expensive. There sho uld be a Head Start o ptio n fo r m o re needy fam ilies witho ut having to go to a neighbo ring co m m unity.


What if we had an extra-ho ur a day fo r physical exercise to help with everyo ne getting in shape


When the survey asks abo ut trust and co nfidence, I have trust and co nfidence in the students, the staff, BUT NOT THE ADMINISTRATION. There was no plan o r fo llo w up abo ut the digital citizenship lesso ns and learnings REQUIRED fo r a successful 1:1 initiative. The techno lo gy fo cused co aches were at first, stretched way to o thin and no w elim inated co m pletely. Ho w will teachers and students reach true transfo rm atio nal integratio n with this appro ach? They wo n't. I see o ur use o f the lapto ps AS A TYPEWRITER. We have TWO different system s fo r students to learn, Scho o lo gy and Mo o dle. The teachers use what system they want, leaving the students co nfused and no t efficient. Mo st assignm ents are at a substitutio n level, we m ay as well have paper/pencil fo r ho w well they are used. This is prim arily the respo nsibility o f Jo sh Swanso n and Michelle Am ent, who failed m iserably at the techno lo gy integratio n, as well as trust and relatio nships. And what abo ut Randi Anderso n? She is a ho rrible leader that


When we were lo o king fo r a ho use we wanted Eden Prairie fo r the scho o ls. Our daughter is in the 8th grade and I am im pressed o n ho w the teachers have supplem ented extra wo rk since she is advanced in her studies to acco m o date her wanting to still learn and just no t be sitting bo ard.


Where are the textbo o ks? It is very hard to suppo rt m y child's ho m ewo rk witho ut kno wing ho w it is being taught.


While flexibility is desired, the children need structure and discipline so that sho uld no t be lo st.


Who in the wo rld designed yo ur survey questio ns? Am I suppo sed to answer these questio ns regarding m y child's current feelings? Am I suppo sed to im agine what m y child will feel after yo u im plem ent this po o rly written "plan"? Am I suppo sed to im agine the ideal state I want fo r m y child? F


With a scho o l district this size, I think it is very im po rtant fo r leadership fro m to p to scho o l-based is equipped and em po wered to lead in a way that is inclusive and as ho rizo ntal as po ssible. If we want to facilitate and m o del co llabo rative learning with o ur students, it m ust be m o deled am o ngst the staff in the building and adm inistratio n.


Wo rking in a place that values the educato r, suppo rts each educato r gro wing individually and as part o f a team has been m y experience fo r the last 20 years. I ho pe that this co ntinues as we settle into a district that is no lo nger gro wing, rather settling into who we wish to be, no lo nger building fo r gro wth, rather sustaining enro llm ent. Kno wing fro m o ne year to the next where o ur fo cus will be, no t bending with the wind, rather co ntinuing to be the co nsistent leader o thers lo o k to wards.


Wo uld lo ve to see m o re o ppo rtunities fo r challenging m y high achieving kids.


Wrighting m ust be o n papers, no t o n i pad .





Yes, we wo uld like to see the m ino rity students to get the academ ic help they need. Teachers need to info rm parents, if they child is no t do ing go o d in her/his class and suggest a so lutio n that is m eaningful. And wait until the co nference to tell the parents. There are parent who can't ne invo lved in their child's academ y due to language barrier, there's no pro gram fo r these parents and their fam ilies. We need a plan put in so o ur kids do n't graduate the bare m inim um , instead o f bette GPA so they csn be successful, just like their peers. So m ali parents need to be educated abo ut the scho o l system , so they kno w what is go ing o n in their children's educatio n. . Thank Yo u


a well balanced learning enviro nm ent where children feel safe, heard and invo lved.


act like teachers and teach


an im plem ented enviro nm ent (with effective to o ls ) fo r safe and up-to -date learning.


as a Spanish em ersio n student, that her co ntinued gro wth will happen in high scho o l and no t lo st


balanced educatio n. no t just co m puters and way o f the future.


band is very very unim po rtant in o ur fam ily. m any co uld certainly do witho ut it. a m ino rity are enthused abo ut it.


care and co m passio n to wards every student


do nt be afraid to try new things


each student is taught to his o r her needs


expo sure to diverse perspectives and glo bal views


help to transitio n spec.needs child to jr High and o n go ing suppo rt as needed


high academ ic rigo r and less distractio ns in the calssro o m


i want m y child to learn independence, have o ppo rtunity to be creative - no t just fo rced creative and a develo p a desire fo r learning


if it's what I wo uld like to have, then yo u guys are do ing well when it co m es to staying co nnected to the teacher via em ail. It's a fine line between staying co nnected and o verlo ading. I'd also ideally no t need so m any apps/lo gins/passwo rds fo r stuff. I'm a bit co ncerned that the inco rpo ratio n o f techno lo gy in the classro o m is taking away fro m actual learning. ipads and apps are to o ls, but there again, it's a fine line between being functio nal and being distracting.


letting teachers teach with what they kno w and what wo rks well fo r them rather than co ntinually adding new initiatives and "this is what and ho w yo u will run yo ur reading blo ck" and then having to beco m e curriculum writers-- each year it gets to be m o re taxing because o f the add-o ns that we are expected to no w be pro ficient in and m o del.


m ake resilient students who can handle the wo rld's o bstacles.


m o re o ne o n o ne o r teacher to sm all gro up perso nalized student - teacher experiences. Fo cus o n reduced bullying.











no .


no t really, o verall I'm co m fo rtable with the academ ic pro cess


pro blem so lving and Critical thinking is a m ust.


respect and learn




sho uld no t o ffer test retakes


teach children respect. There is no acco untability anym o re.. kids that get in tro uble o r act up are allo wed to disrupt classes and students are allo wed to disrespect staff and classm ates. I vo te fo r zero to lerance..


there is o pen and co nsistent 3 way co m m unicatio n between teachers, parents and students


to learn as m uch as i learned as an ep student/grad (1995) and be prepared fo r co llege, career and to be a pro ductive citizen


very go o d


we need to hire and retain the best teachers we can


with where the district is right no w and where it is heading, i have no ho pe fo r a great experience.


wo uld like to see evaluatio n o f teachers. so m e m ight be better fit in o ther ro les


13. As you consider the common elements of both Design Option A and B:Please identify risks that will need to be considered with this option. Count



No ne


If we m o ve EHSI into a K-5 scho o l, ho w will that im pact the im m ersio n experience? EHSI is the stro ngest piece o f im m ersio n and m o ving to CMS earlier will undo ubtedly be linked to declining Spanish


Bro ad plans that have little detail. Vo ting no w is to o so o n as m o st do n't have a clear idea o f what is behind any o f it.


Starting kids earlier, and/o r intensifying their academ ic experience has no end. Pushing o ur children to be m o re prepared fo r the wo rkfo rce also has no end. Mo re is no t always better. Children need tim e to just be kids.


(At ho m e) Online learning is dependent o n individual fam ily schedules, fam ily ability to be aware o f o nline learning requirem ents , and fam ily ability to access the wo rk via the Internet. No t every fam ily will be the sam e. Assum ptio ns m ade abo ut fam ily life and to o m uch em phasis o n individual at-ho m e learning requirem ents that require the Internet m ay ham per a student's ability to get a beneficial learning experience when face to face tim e with the student, o r hard co py take ho m e assignm ents, m ight be a better fit fo r the student. Ho w can learning experiences be m axim ized witho ut being fully dependent o n techno lo gy?


* Do n't skew to o heavily to ward o nline o r digital learning to o so o n (eg. pre-K) * Do n't fo rget to acco unt fo r kids with different aptitudes and so cial abilities * Do n't fo rce "ho m ewo rk" pro jects to o early. Let children learn thro ugh play.


*The need to change staff and building all o ver again---hard to do that witho ut interruptio n and it takes tim e to rebuild relatio nships and build stabiliazatio n with staff, parents and students....


*facility space at CMS to acco m m o date an additio nal grade. * need m o re "hands o n deck" to suppo rt the pro cess


*with o nline learning, it is expected that students will co ntinue the wo rk/learning at ho m e but in elem entary it is hard to enfo rce that type o f instructio n and students co m e to class unprepared


- So m e co ncern with a fo cus o n pro jects, especially if lo nger term . Fo r kids with challenges like ADHD (as o ne o f m y kids has), rem aining fo cused o n a pro ject o ver a lo nger term and m o tivating o neself to m ake pro gress befo re the deadline is near m ay be extrem ely difficult. Alo ng this line, fo r kids who are no t highly m o tivated (such as m y ADHD kid), o nline instructio n m ay no t wo rk as well (no o ne is watching him to m ake sure he's paying attentio n if he's learning o nline, which pro bably m eans he's no t paying attentio n).


- The funding necessary to acco m m o date six graders at CMS - taking away o ne year o f im m ersio n fo r EHSI students. Parents will want to see a so lid im m ersio n plan fo r m iddle scho o l students if yo u are go ing to take away a full year at EHSI. We have no t had a so lid seven thro ugh 12 transitio n plan to date and so this will beco m e a very sensitive to pic if adm inistratio n do es no t plan carefully and tho ughtfully fo r this change - early childho o d students have very different learning needs then elem entary scho o l students. Putting prescho o l students in elem entary scho o ls wo uld m ean m ajo r reno vatio ns to acco m m o date this co ho rt. And also wo uld m ean putting pre-K students o n a different schedule fo r busing, recess, lunch etc. - where is the funding fo r pre-K co m ing fro m ? Who will benefit fro m the funding? ( special ed, free and reduced lunch, all fo ur-year-o lds? ) -m aking every scho o l o f cho ice scho o l wo ul m aking every scho o l o f cho ice scho o l is unrealistic. I envisio n lo tte





- What is m o st develo pm entally helpful to student learning in term s o f grade co nfiguratio ns - Equity fo r o ur students who have the m o st barriers to learning


- space issues fo r m iddle scho o l is a serio us item to take into co nsideratio n - unfettered access to techno lo gy is an issue fo r students, teachers, and parents - what valid educatio nal research has been lo o ked at / we seem to be starting at gro und zero / what do o ther districts, states, COUNTRIES do that are successful - we need to m ake evidence based, sm art decisio ns vs. jum ping o n the bandwago n o f "new" ideas / do n't want a o ne-size-fits-all m o del / what is blended learning/hybrid learning? ? Do all the parties invo lved kno w? -WHY are we do ing this what precipitated it and why are we o n such a tight tim eline? If yo u are m aking m ajo r changes, yo u need to take TIME and m ake decisio ns that all can suppo rt.


-Lo sing students to to o m uch freedo m -Making sure acco untability is still present -Preserving and safeguarding extra-curriculars -Big difference between pre-scho o l and 5th grade students, and the parent expectatio ns at tho se ages.


-My initial feeling is that I do n't like pre-K m ixed into the elem entary scho o l structure. I think their needs are better served in a prescho o l capacity run thro ugh the district. -My co ncern with hybrid learning is fo r the elem entary scho o l children. I have co ncerns abo ut develo pm entally appro priate access, supervisio n, and an o ver em phasis o n screen tim e. I think yo unger kids learn better with m o re face to face instructio n. -I have particular co ncerns given o ur large class sizes fro m 3-6th grade where the devices create a distractio n fro m learning and a child's lack o f im pulse co ntro l m akes it very difficult to stay o n task. My children are o ften o ff task during reading tim e o n the IPADs and the teacher is sim ply unaware because there are 30 o ther students in the class.


-STEAM sho uld be inco rpo rated into all scho o ls, no t just o ne. If m y child go es to im m ersio n will they be m issing o ut o n STEAM o ppo rtunities? I'd ho pe no t. -I want m y elem entary student to have the sam e teacher fo r the m ajo rity o f the day. I want that teacher to really kno w m y child.


-Space issues with m o ving 6th grade? -Bully issues fo r m iddle scho o l? -Online sho uld be used to enhance learning no t replace the teacher o r classro o m learning.


1) Capacity issues fo r a 6-8 m iddle scho o l. 2) So m e research has indicated that o nline learning (by itself) is no t as effective as blended/face-to -face, _particularly fo r students "at risk"_. 3) Effective evaluatio n o f pro jects; validity and reliability are m y prim ary (and large!) co ncerns.


1. Prim ary risk I see is the "trap" o f a pro ject-based pathway beco m ing tracking. A student begins o ne and canno t "get o ff." 2. appro priate balance o f techno lo gy and interperso nal within blended learning m o del


1. Risk that students' are no t pro vided eno ugh structure o r discipline fro m parents to be successful in a hybrid learning fo rm at.


100% fo cus o n academ ics and structure is no t co ndusive to all students.


6th graders in sam e building with 8th graders 6th grade being m o ve to m iddle scho o l will m ean 1 less year o f being active with recess & gym thro ugho ut the year


6th was m o ved back to elem entary just a few years ago depending o n the structure o f the m iddle scho o l day this m ay be to o m any transitio ns fo r 11 and 12 year o lds Ho w to we leverage o nline learning to clo se sum m er educatio n gap Is pro ject learning individual o r team o riented? It will need to be balanced


A - student to teacher ratio B - learning styles





A bro ader age range in the m iddle scho o l where kids are m o re pro ne to feeling o ut who they are m ight have the o lder kids being m o re tem pted to "disrespect" the yo ungest kids. This do esn't seem to be as m uch o f a po tential issue in the elem entary o r high scho o ls, pro bably because o f the inno cence and m aturity o f the kids in tho se scho o ls, respectively.


A change year always seem s to "m iss things". Staff acceptance/negativity im pacts learning/classro o m culture


A few o nline co urses is o kay but m o ving to wards a lo t o r all is neglecting to teach kids the co m m o n art o f co m m unicatio n. We are seeing it already in Co llege. These kids that take o nline co urses, texting, em ail, tablet learning do no t co m m unicate at the Co llege level. They are no t Co llege ready. It hinders the very basic skills o f co m m unicating with o thers.


A lo o ser fo rm o f learning m ay allo w so m e students to to m inim al wo rk and fall behind until it is to o late in a given class / term . Also , pro ject-based learning m ay leave gaps in fo rm al learning skills.


A m o re co m plex system needs greater safeguards to ensure students do wn fall thro ugh the cracks. I'm no t sure I fully agree with the current way m iddle scho o l is run under a "seco ndary" m o del. Treating 6th grade the sam e way is wo rriso m e. I have great co ncern that we are expecting kids to be at a higher m aturity level than they are physically able to be.


A risk m ay be that staff is no t pro vided adequate tim e to develo p new curriculum and delivery m etho ds to facilitate PBL and Pathways. I wo uld say this is currently an issue when new co urses are designed.


Ability o f facilities to acco m m o date the shift in grade gro upings - do we have eno ugh space; I think so m etim es o nline instructio n was used to o o ften this year (in elem entary scho o l) and m y child regularly cam e ho m e needing ho m ewo rk help fro m m e fo r m aterial that was no t instructed in class. My child also co m plained that her class spent 30 m inutes each m o rning o n unstructured iPad tim e, which in m y o pinio n was a co p o ut fo r the teacher no t to structure a lesso n plan fo r that segm ent o f the day.


Adding ano ther "cho ice" scho o l o n to p o f what we already have with Eagle Heights will further segregate o ur co m m unity. It is pulling reso urces away fro m the bro ader po pulatio n and do esn't help ALL students in Eden Prairie. By creating m o re o ptio ns to pull kids o ut o f what EP calls "Traditio nal scho o l" yo u are just pro viding m o re o ppo rtunities to self segregate the scho o ls.


Adding the 6th graders to the m iddle scho o l presents so m e co ncern. I have seen the 6th grade be a transitio nal year in the elem entary scho o l where they are placed into m o re o f a "po d" enviro nm ent. Students switch teachers and learn ho w to better o rganize them selves while keeping them in the elem entary enviro nm ent. If they are m o ved to create a true m iddle scho o l co ncept, i think there sho uld be m o re separatio n o f the grades and hallways to help keep the 6th graders ho used in their o wn area. We recently m o ved here and o ur m iddle scho o l was 6-8 graders. The 6th graders were ho used o n the m ain level, 7th o n the 2nd level, and 8th graders at the to p. They to o k their co re classes o n their respective flo o rs but went to their specials in co m m o n areas. Whatever is do ne I think there needs to be a transitio nal year. I am no t fam iliar with ho w EP do es the 6th grade year so this m ay be a m ute po int. My experience as a fo rm er m iddle scho o l teacher was that students were in an elem


Adjustm ents at the m iddle scho o l level. Are students ready fo r the schedule and dem and yet? There still seem s to be a gap between the transitio ning o f the scho o ls. Middle scho o l has a 6 ho ur co urses where the high scho o l is 4 ho urs. There needs to be a gradual transitio n between the two . Ho w are yo u go ing to adm inistrate o nline learning. It wo rks fo r so m e kids but no t all. So is there go ing to be flexibility fo r the different students?





All students sho uld have access to so m e level o f cho scho o l, pro gram m ing, and appro ach to learning. Ho wever, the risk is we start 'tracking' kids at an early age....they still need to all be expo sed to so m e o f the sam e things. Sco pe and sequence sho uld be o utlined to ensure that all EP students graduate with requirem ents/standards reached but figuring o ut ho w tho se will vary m ight no t be as accessible fo r so m e students, therefo re, no t equitable.


Altho ugh I agree with a 6-8 co nfiguratio n, the current facility do esn't appear to functio n as a "m iddle scho o l". The layo ut and schedule feel m o re like a junio r high scho o l.


Altho ugh they are identified as unique elem ents, a co m m o n elem ent is that so m e type o f "cho ice" o ptio n will be included. A risk o f this is that scho o ls will be further segregated. Fo r exam ple, Eagle Heights appears to skew prim arily white and higher inco m e. A num ber o f gro ups appear to highly underrepresented including So m ali and o ther racial m ino rities, kids with special learning needs, English language learners (except pro bably Spanish speaking) and kids fro m fam ilies with lo wer inco m e levels. And in the o ther scho o ls, the reverse is true. It wo uld be beneficial to everyo ne to have a m ix o f all gro ups represented in all scho o ls.


Ano ther referendum to co ver the co st o f adding o n to the m iddle scho o l.


Any change can be challenging and have lo ts o f hiccups and unfo reseen challenges.


Are 6th graders ready fo r a m iddle scho o l enviro nm ent?


Are 6th graders really ready fo r Middle Scho o l. Elem entary Scho o l kids are no t ready fo r full ro tatio n, they needguiding teacher Specialized scho o l prevents kids in neighbo rho o d to go to sam e scho o l, and busing is ram pant Ho w m uch o nline is o nline Kids go ing to scho o l until 8pm , ho w do es that interfere with ho m e life and spo rts


Are 6th graders really ready to handle/m ature eno ugh fo r the m iddle scho o l setting? Will CMS be to o full?


Are blended co urses age appro priate fo r K-5 students within Optio n B?


Are there so cial ram ificatio ns o f m ixing 6th graders with 7th and 8th graders? Mix o f o nline, direct, face to face – will this m ean m o re o nline learning than what is currently the case? Here are the things I wo uld no t want: - Even less tim e with physical activity - Lack o f develo pm ent o f interperso nal skills (a huge pro blem with m illennials entering the wo rkfo rce these days) - Anything o utside o f scho o l that puts screen tim e abo ve fam ily tim e. - To o m uch tim e in fro nt o f screens at scho o l


Arrangem ent fo r a waiting ro o m fo r kids in that m o rning tim e.


As a parent o f im m ersio n students, I'm co ncerned abo ut lo sing a year o f im m ersio n if 6th grade is m o ved to CMS (which o therwise m akes sense to m e), especially since a stro ng transitio n plan fo r im m ersio n students do es no t yet exist.


As all academ ic m o dels change, insure the readiness fo r receptio n by higher educatio n which is based o n a m o re flexible and engaged m o dule. Grades, fo r exam ple, letter, narrative o r a co m binatio n.


As an im m ersio n scho o l parent I am co ncerned abo ut o ne less year o f spanish instructio n with an earlier transitio n to m iddle scho o l


As we beco m e a part o f the digital wo rld, do no t lo se sight o f the benefits o f in perso n instructio n. That sho uld always be the prim ary co ntact. Make sure any o nline instructio n allo ws fo r questio ns.





As we rely m o re o n o nline/techno lo gy-based instructio n, it's im po rtant to m ake sure that all kids are getting suppo rt and attentio n fro m teachers and staff, no t just the kids who need m o re attentio n. One o f the weak po ints o f o ur current system is that average kids are no t enco uraged to stretch and fall thro ugh the cracks to o easily.


As with all big changes, there is risk and fear. I wo rry abo ut sedentary tim e and no t eno ugh physical activity. I also wo rry that the balance o f relying o n techno lo gy vs. do ing things by hand will be skewed to o m uch in favo r o f techno lo gy. If the "po wer go es o ut," I want m y child to be able to so lve pro blem s and perfo rm tasks by hand "the o ld fashio ned way."


As with any change in an o rganizatio n, clear co m m unicatio n is key fo r parents and students to adapt


As with no w, there is TOO m uch reliance o n the iPad. My child is beco m ing to o dependent o n using the electro nic device, which lim its the creativity that co m es with writing when using pencil and paper. It also o ffers m o re distractio n/to o m uch screen tim e.


B - m o nito ring.


B-to o m any changes at the sam e tim e. That can cause stress and unnecessary anxiety. Why no t co m bine so m e hands o n pro ject based learning witho ut upsetting the structure o f the building. I also like that EP uses a variety o f testing m etho ds to acco m m o date students and their unique learning needs.


Balanced scho o l enro llm ents with reco nfiguratio n. Pre-K m o ving into elem entary bldgs will required additio nal facility changes (bathro o m s, classro o m sizes, etc.)


Beco m es to o unstructured and chao tic


Big change fo r o ur area. Less pro gressive city.Traditio n is go ing to win o ut o r we are go ing to lo se students.


Blended Hybrid learning will need trained experts to im plem ent this especially o nline learning.


Bo th A & B were po o rly presented, using undefined term s (e.g. co ho rts and po ds). The who le to pic lacks co herent presentatio n and co m m unicatio n.


Building size


Buy-in fro m teachers and understanding o f WHY the initiatives are being im plem ented.


COST! Facilities? ? Will kids be prepared Who even agrees "Blended Learning" is the way to go / Do n't jum p o n a trend.


Can CMS adequately and co m fo rtably "fit" grades 6-8?


Can CMS handle the increased quantity o f students? Are all students fully able to take advantage o f o nline learning? As we pro vide m o re cho ices and flexibility, we need to assure that students who are undecided o r who change their directio ns are still included, challenged, and no t left behind tho se that engaged earlier.


Capacity o f the vario us scho o ls and ho w 6th graders will adapt to such a large m iddle scho o l


Central Middle Scho o l m ight beco m e to o cro wded if 6th graders are in CMS and no t elem entary scho o ls.





Changes to grade reco nfiguratio n will frustrate fam ilies that have already been thro ugh that change. The co st to changing the elem entary and m iddle scho o ls again to acco m m o date this o utweigh the benefits. There are o ther o ptio ns that co uld easily be explo red that m ay be better, sim pler so lutio ns


Changing scho o l day ho urs is pro blem atic fo r m o st parents who wo rk. That's a stupid idea.


Changing the grade cuto ffs fo r the elem entary/m iddle scho o l/high scho o l will m ake so m e parents upset. Online instructio n is easy to igno re and fake yo ur way thro ugh.


Children no t enro lled in EP scho o ls thro ugho ut their academ ic careers m ay struggle m o re when first intro duced to tho se o ptio ns in the late elem entary o r early m iddle scho o l years What suppo rt will be pro vided fo r students who enro ll fro m scho o ls no t using sim ilar design o ptio ns?


Cho ice scho o l risk: ho w will yo u ensure there isn't a "favo rite" scho o l in the co m m unity? Will yo u cap enro llm ent? Ho w? We live acro ss the street fro m o ur neighbo rho o d scho o l and wo uld be devastated if enro llm ent was capped and we weren't able to enro ll.


Classro o m size and o verall scho o l space fo r grade reco nfiguratio n. Access to techno lo gy fo r students taking classes with the hybrid o ptio ns. I had pro ject-based learning fo r a few classes in high scho o l and they were awful; the pro jects were m uch m o re invo lved and to o k up a lo t o f tim e, the teachers had a difficult tim e grading the pro ject in o rder to have it add to o ur grade. A lo t o f extra wo rk in additio n to the no rm al co ursewo rk. This was in 1999 as part o f a new scho o l learning assessm ent.


Cm s will be to o full and to o sm all to ho ld 6-8 grade.


Co m puters help but also enable students in so m eway. My daughter go t her co m puter in 6th grade and since then she sto p reading bo o ks fo r fun. She is o nly reading bo o ks required by scho o l and that's no t that m any. I think co m puters as learning to o l are intro duced to o early and blind the students o f o ther o ptio ns/activities.....


Co ncern abo ut K-5 and Spanish im m ersio n - wo uld like stro nger m iddle scho o l Spanish classes.


Co ncerned abo ut tracking (flexible gro uping) and the im pact o n the achievem ent gap Also co ncerned abo ut m o re cho ice scho o ls - typically white, privileged fam ilies kno w and understand their cho ices (will this be a way to segregate scho o ls? ) Agree with K - 5 scho o ls


Co nfused


Co nfusio n and disco m fo rt with the change o f 6th graders m o ving to m iddle scho o l; m aking sure the o nline educatio n part o f the hybrid m o del o ccurs in a safe enviro nm ent whether that be at ho m e o r in the scho o ls.


Co st and m o ving kids AGAIN


Co sting the district a lo t o f m o ney. Busing kids all acro ss to wn.


Current m o del is no t wo rking


Currently the elem entary experience and preparatio n is very different in each scho o l - ho m ewo rk expectatio ns is o ne exam ple. Tim e, effo rt and training needed fo r staff to develo p m o re o nline instructio n and pro ject based learning. Wo rry abo ut the Spanish Im m ersio n pro gram being deterio rated m o ving 6th graders to m iddle scho o l.





Decisio ns being m ade with no actual classro o m o bservatio ns/visits/kno wlegde befo re im plem entatio n. further racial and eco no m ic segregatio n


Defining vo cabulary term s so all decisio n m akers are o n the sam e page.


Definitely im pro vem ents can be m ade, but do n't lo se what we do well by changing to o m uch. Do n't succum b to what appears to be "cutting edge" witho ut kno wing fo r sure if research backs it up. We also do n't want to lo se the relatio nship piece that is so im po rtant to bo th teachers and students. Also , it seem s there are so m e things students sho uld kno w and be able to do even if they do n't realize it. We do n't want to lo se that.


Design A-co m m unity anger. the ever changing structure o f scho o ls. yo u already rem o ved k-4 to replace fo r k6. think ahead! Design B- there will be no neighbo rho o d scho o ls and that has m ade things especially difficult fo r EhSI students in the past and no w it m ight be at all scho o ls.


Determ ining the m o st effective balance between rem o te/o nline instructio n and instructio n in the classro o m to m ake sure students are engaged and reaching their po tential.


Disco nnectedness fo r students, extra challenges fo r teachers to keep track o f pro gress, seem s m o re gim m icky And keeping with the tim es than really adding academ ic enrichm ent


Do no t change the purpo se o f o ur very valuable and respected elem entary scho o ls. Specialized scho o ls are fo r private scho o ls and no t public. Sto p shaking up the kids enviro nm ents to m ake it so und like o ur district is being trendy.


Do no t put preK in with o lder kids -- scho o ls no t designed fo r yo unger kids, to o m uch o f an age span with preK5 (just like K-6 was to o m uch), nice fo r yo unger kids to have their o wn special enviro nm ent away fro m o lder kids


Do no t think o f fam ilies in the 1950's structure. They've changed dram atically. There is no t a parent at ho m e very o ften these days. Create a plan that keeps wo rking fam ilies in m ind. No two children learn the sam e way.


Do we have ro o m fo r 6th graders at CMS?


Do ing anything new takes tim e to shift culture, understanding, etc. So the pain o f change is anticipated, which is fine, but it still exists.


Do n't have any details ID either.


Do n't like the idea o f Spanish Im m ersio n kids needing to leave after 5th grade, they lo se a year o f im m ersio n. Also co ncerned abo ut space at CMS?


Drugs and vio lence and gro wing up in a techno lo gical age advanced so ciety


EPS used to be K-5, 6-8, 9-12 that I and m y husband attended here. This m o del do es NOT wo rk well - the 5th graders are to o o ld fo r elem entary while the 6th graders are to o yo ung fo r m iddle scho o l. As we had two o f o ur children attend OP as an Interm ediate Scho o l, this ho nestly was the best divisio n fo r grades! PLEASE co nsider putting this m o del back in place... it wo rked well fo r m any years!


Each pre-suppo ses we want an additio nal cho ice scho o l. I'm no t picking that up fro m tho se I speak to in the co m m unity. I think we're o ver o ccupied with elem entary scho o l. I think high scho o l wasn't given eno ugh attentio n in this pro cess.





Eagle Heights will lo se a year o f im m ersio n instructio n when grade 6 go es to m iddle scho o l. This will affect the o verall sco pe and sequence o f o ur im m ersio n teachers. The m iddle scho o l has had tro uble finding qualified candidates to teach o ur im m ersio n students. Will they be able to find a qualified candidate fo r the 6th grade po sitio n(s) to serve o ur im m ersio n students?


Ease o f access Co ntinuatio n o f service Enrichm ent at ho m e Parent invo lvem ent General access and ability to understand delivery m etho d.


Ensuring no child falls thro ugh the cracks


Ensuring that relevant, PROJECT-based learning is develo ped into new curriculum and no t sim ply added to the current system and existing student/teacher wo rklo ads.


Facilities Co m m unicatio n with fam ilies and im pact it will have o n their ro utines, transitio ns, ro le in childs educatio n.


Finding space in a building to ho use 6-8.


Flipped classro o m s have no t wo rked fo r bo th o f m y children and I see m o re o f that in bo th so lutio ns.


Fo r Optio n A when it co m es to gro uping students in elem entary scho o l. I kno w it wo uld be hard, but I believe gro uping children by ability at the very earliest stages o f learning will benefit all learners. Children that are way ahead in reading and m ath sho uld be taught differently than children who are just beginning to learn these elem ents. This is no t fo r the benefit o f o nly the child who is ahead - the child who is behind in K,1,2 and sees children do ing so m uch better begins to feel anxiety o r label them selves early o n. If they are gro uped with o ther children early o n at their sam e level o f learning, I believe that will help the child at every level so ar faster than if all levels are kept to gether fo r reading and m ath. Also , in the m iddle scho o l level o f o ptio n A - I do NOT agree with less transitio ns during the day AT ALL. Children at tho se ages need the tim e between classes fo r getting their energy o ut, fulfilling their so cial needs while passing friends in the hallway. Ke


Fo r o ptio n A, I do n't agree with m aking scho o ls K-5, and then 6-8. Having sixth graders in m iddle scho o l is incredibly stressful fo r tho se kids, as a seventh grader the switch was really difficult fo r m e and I can't im agine an even yo unger kid having to go thro ugh that. In o ptio n A, there is also the who le different scho o ls based o n if yo u're interested in STEM o r STEAM o r o ther academ ic pro gram s. Having scho o ls be split up based o n what yo u're interested will cause kids to beco m e a specialist in o ne catego ry, but no t in general kno wledge o f everything and will also create barriers between kids. Bo th o ptio ns have so m ething that I assum e m eans m o re testing, and I disagree with that. Having MORE tests will no t help yo ur students, it'll just cause them unneccesary stress. Middle scho o l students sho uldn't have to have lo nger classes, I do n't believe they can keep their fo cus fo r 1.5 ho ur classes like the high scho o l do es.


Fo r the m ix o f o nline instructio n: ability to have 'supervisio n / care' fo r children in blo cks tenable with wo rk (will o nline be at scho o l, ho m e o r o ther? ) No t sure what 'direct' m eans





Fro m the EHSI po int o f view: - Grade level co nfiguratio n. Pre-K will have to be in Spanish; ho w will this lo o k like? What will be the plan in place to preserve the Spanish if 6th grade m o ves to CMS? Ho w will para suppo rt and KEY will lo o k like fo r 6th graders at CMS? What will be the plan to suppo rt the K-12 sco pe and sequence fo r all students at and fro m EHSI if we were to beco m e Pre-K-5 and 6-8? Ho w will buildings be reco nfigured fo r this to acco m m o date all students? Keeping in m ind that Spanish im m ersio n is m o re efficient when the enviro nm ent is that o f im m ersio n no t o nly in classro o m s but also in co m m o n areas. Ho w will this im pact teachers with licensing when we need teachers fully licensed as teachers o f Spanish? Ho w has the gro wth o f EHSI been pro jected in o rder to acco m m o date the num ber o f students within each grade level fro m a facilities po int o f view? - Fo rm at fo r instructio n. What kind o f training will be expected and/o r pro vided fo r teachers to teach o n a blen


Gaps in learning


Given that the district just changed to the K-6 m o del, I think a m o ve back to K-5 wo uld no t be strategic at this tim e, but rather a knee-jerk reactio n to the district's im balances at facilities. In particular, im pacts Mo saic and Im m ersio n children who wo uld m iss o ut o n that last year o f their respective learning experiences. Additio nally, co ncern that the blended/hybrid learning m o del wo uld put m o re pressure/stress o n parents to teach at ho m e.


Gr 6 m eans the m iddle scho o l which has been Gr 7-8 wo uld need to learn the needs, develo pm ental stage and needs o f parents o f 6th graders. I believe they are sim ilar AND unique to 7-8th grade. Ano ther risk is parents who do n't want their 6th grader in m iddle scho o l. I'd reco m m end talking to area districts abo ut the 5th grade parent transitio n. It's a hard o ne fo r parents to wrap their head aro und.


Grade Reco nfiguratio n: Space at CMS and teacher certificatio n to acco m m o date this change. Blended/Hybrid Learning: Making sure there is a go o d balance between o nline and face-to -face instructio nal tim e. So ciety is saturated with techno lo gy, but o ur children still need to build their so cial and co m m unicatio n skills to o .


Grade reco nfiguratio n will be disruptive to m any students o nce again. Grades 5 & 6 students are in the m iddle to o o ld fo r elem entary scho o l enviro nm ent but to o yo ung fo r m iddle scho o l expo sure.


Grade reco nfiguratio n: didn't EPS just reco nfigure the grades a co uple o f years ago ? Blended/Hybrid learning: heavy reliance o n iPads/apps rather than instructo r-based learning


Having things o nline co uld be a risk. Yo u can find basically anything o nline with a sim ple go o gle seach


High scho o l: pro ject-based learning was abando ned in previo us years (Rivers pro gram ? ) due to (? ) lack o f suppo rt fro m adm inistratio n. Scho o l-wide PBL needs reso urces (financial, hum an, tim e, staff buy-in) to design this well, and the ability to weather an "im plem entatio n dip". Blended learning: is there actually a desire fo r this am o ng students and fam ilies? Where's the research o n effectiveness?


Ho w do es PBL align with the ACT/SAT? Ho w do es PBL align with AP/CIS classes? Ho w do es PBL align with co llege preparatio n?


Ho w do es grade reco nfiguratio n play into achieving everything else presented? There seem s to be no explanatio n fo r wanting to reco nfigure the grade levels as a m eans o f achieving the o ther results. Yo u're essentially allo wing the student o f the class o f 2024 (current 4th graders) - who were the first kindergartners at an unprepared-to -be-an-elem entary-scho o l Oak Po int - to po tentially lo se what sho uld be their earned 6th grade experience. Tho se kids sho uld NOT have be the first new 6th graders at a m iddle scho o l that do es no t have eno ugh ro o m fo r them .


Ho w do es o ptio n B disrupt o r enco urage o ur students as they tackle challenging activities o r as the address new o bstacles?





Ho w has the Spanish Im m ersio n pro gram (EHSI) been co nsidered in the co ntext o f changing the grade co nfiguratio n to K-5? In yo ur o wn literature it states that it takes children 5 to 7 years o f im m ersio n to beco m e pro ficient at writing and speaking at an academ ic level. This pro po sal wo uld reduce the im m ersio n o ptio n to 6 years instead o f 7, which is what it is no w. Even if they are o nly learning in Spanish 50% o f the tim e in 5th and 6th grade, they are still in the im m ersio n setting at EHSI thro ugh 6th grade (under the current co nfiguratio n). Mo ving 6th graders to CMS wo uld no t be an im m ersio n setting. The EHSI pro gram asks fo r a co m m itm ent fro m parents to im m ersio n thro ugh grade 6 in o rder to get the m o st o ut o f the pro gram , but with this o ptio n the District wo uld no lo nger be co m m itting to im m ersio n thro ugh Grade 6. This is a HUGE co ncern fo r m e. I co uld find no thing in yo ur sum m aries etc that addresses this situatio n/issue. Also , what abo ut the develo pm ental advantages o f ha


Ho w will 6 scho o ls' wo rth o f 6th graders fit in the m iddle scho o l? Is this yet ano ther bo nding pro ject? They sho uld go back to the 5th/6th grade center.


Ho w will the district prepare the teachers fo r transitio ning with the o ptio ns? When will training happen?


Ho w wo uld having 6th grade at CMS im pact 6th grade Spanish im m ersio n students? If they decrease to o nly Spanish Language & Culture and So cial Studies, that will negatively affect their fluency.


Hyber o r o nline classro o m s are so m ewhat co ntro versial. Since elem entary students have a sm all attentio n span, I believe that it will be easy fo r them to sim ply disengage fro m the co m puter screen and get away with do ing so m ething else.


Hybrid appro cah; while the digital wo rld we live in increases and we need to adjust, the risk is a lack o f devleo pm ent o f so cial skills with direct face to face interactio n and having effective verbal and written co m m unicatio n skills.


Hybrid learning (o nline, direct and face-to -face) are listed o ptio ns. Ho w will yo u address individual student preferences fo r learning? So m e m ay respo nd po o rly to o nline (fo r exam ple.)


Hybrid teaching m etho ds selected to fulfill expectatio ns o r quo ta o f m ultiple m etho ds, rather than selected fo r appro priateness o f delivering instructio n. Students m ay get m ired in pro jects that reflect a less than satisfacto ry pro ject o utco m e and m ay no t be reco gnized fo r sm aller acco m plishm ents within the pro cess o f co m pleting a pro ject.


I am a bit wary o f all the o nline o nline influence in educatio n. I wo uld prefer m o re face-to -face. Mo st kids all ready are expo sed to to o m uch screen tim e and it seem s like ano ther thing fo r teachers and parents to po lice. I appreciate the value and necessity to have techno lo gy invo lved in educatio n...just prefer it be balanced (and m aybe that the techno lo gy do es no t co m e ho m e).


I am co ncerned abo ut ho w the district will suppo rt/co ntinue the im m ersio n m o del fo r 6th graders if they m o ve to CMS. While I really like the blended/hybrid learning m o del, tho ughtful im plem entatio n is key. An im pro per balance o f these styles co uld be detrim ental to so m e students. Also I wo uld no t want to lo se teachers o r see an increase in class size under this m o del.


I am co ncerned abo ut m y children lo sing a year o f Spanish Im m ersio n by m o ving the 6th grade to m iddle scho o l. If the m o ve happens, I wo uld like to see the Eagle Heights students having as m uch instructio n in Spanish as current Eagle Heights sixth graders. I am a little co ncerned abo ut m o ving pre-K into the elem entary scho o ls, but wo uld like to hear m o re abo ut it. Will they be ho used in their neighbo rho o d scho o l, o r will all pre-K be at o ne elem entary scho o l? Will CMS be able to ho ld that m any m o re students?





I am co ncerned with 6th grader space and safety in m iddle scho o l. I am also co ncerned that the students are already o verly in lo ve with their iPads to the detrim ent o f o ther activities. Online expertise is critical but it is no t everything.


I am co ncerned with ho w the elem entary and m iddle scho o l co nfiguratio n will affect the Spanish im m ersio n experience. Essentially the students will be lo sing a year o f the am azing im m ersio n experience that they have at this tim e. I am co ncerned that all the sixth graders in the district will lo se a year o f the preparatio n that is highly im po rtant to be ready fo r the m iddle scho o l experience. If there is less switching at the m iddle scho o l level do es that m ean fewer electives will be o ffered?


I am co ncerned with restructuring elem grade levels at EHSI which appears wo uld sho rt the students o ne year o f im m ersio n


I am no t a fan o f Pre-K in elem entary. I feel we sho uld allo w tho se children a place to still be 3 and playful and no t stressed o ut by the big scho o ls. I have so m e co ncern with o nline learning. My 7th grader has learned well with the flipped classro o m fo r Math, but I wo uld be co ncerned abo ut the balance o f digital learning with the benefit o f a classro o m , a teacher and face to face co nversatio n with each o ther. I wo uld advise cautio n with "auto m ating" o ur teaching staff to o nline educato rs. As hum ans we need hum an interactio n fo r so m any "o ther o ffline" educatio nal reaso ns. So that statem ent abo ut o nline learning m akes m e a little uneasy as I do no t kno w the co ntext o r quantity in which it was m eant...if we're just talking o nline learning with research etc vs actually taking classes t sure ho w I feel abo ut that. I feel that extensive pro ject based learning, depending o n ho w it's do ne co uld be great. Ho wever I have reservatio ns when used in m ass with a general po p


I am no t sure abo ut the o utco m es that o ther scho o ls have had with the K-5 vs. K-6. That is no t a new issue, I wo uld like to see the best practices data o n that to m ake an info rm ed decisio n. Blended/hybrid wo uld have to be do ne well so it isn't just a lo t o f screen tim e with m inim al supervisio n. Pro jects can be a go o d learning experience but they have lo ts o f do cum ented pitfalls, Like so m e students do ing all the wo rk o r difficulty do ing co m m unal tasks.


I am no t sure that the district is ready to m ake these big changes. We aren't even able to pro vide co nsistent reading pro gram s. Ho w are we go ing to train all o f the teachers fo r STEM o r STEAM? We always jum p in to new o ptio ns witho ut do ing it well.


I am unclear o n this


I am very co ncerned abo ut the m o ve to 6th grade at CMS. As an EHSI parent, the district has already dem o nstrated a lack o f co m m itm ent to and understanding o f the needs o f the im m ersio n pro gram . No w they lo se a year o f language. If the district is able to enhance and expand the im m ersio n pro gram thro ugh 8th grade, it m ight be o k. Why no t give o ur kids a co ntinued im m ersio n experience thro ugh m iddle scho o l?


I assum e yo u are referring to pro ject based learning? No t everything is best learned as a pro ject.


I believe that fo r em o tio nal reaso ns the 6th graders sho uld stay at the elem entary scho o ls. They are no t em o tio nally ready to be with 8th graders. I also wo nder if there is eno ugh space at CMS fo r 6th-8th grade.


I didn't m ake the wo rksho ps but am no t seeing a place to get m o re specific info rm atio n except a few slides which m ake no sense to m e. Ho pefully this is no t ho w we are to be giving feedback. What am I m issing here? ?





I disagree with bo th the elem entary scho o l and m iddle scho o l grade reco nfiguratio n. By m o ving 6th grade to the m iddle scho o l, m y children lo se o ne year o f the Spanish Im m ersio n educatio n. No t o nly do they lo se o ne year educatio nally but they lo se o ne year o f the cultural and diversity experience they are currently receiving. We cho se this "Cho ice" scho o l to get 7 years o f Spanish Im m ersio n. This plan puts m y children at a disadvantage educatio nally and culturally. I agree with the Blended/Hybrid Learning but want to see the face-to face instructio n the m o st. I agree with the Pro ject based learning.


I do no t agree with m o ving 6th graders to CMS. With 3 children at EHSI, this o ptio n wo uld m ean o ne year less o f an im m ersio n setting fo r them . With so m any transitio ns and co nstant change at Eagle Heights, this o ptio n wo uld be yet ano ther transitio n that wo uld affect the students at Eagle Heights when stability is needed m o st. I am very co ncerned with the challenges o f the Spanish Im m ersio n pro gram in Eden Prairie. It has been a ro cky ro ad and needs to be strengthened and stabilized befo re further changes take place. ESHI students receiving o ne less year o f im m ersio n will be detrim ental to their learning.


I do no t believe that o nline learning (hybird) will be beneficial to elem entary level students, since their attentio n span is sm all, I beleieve that a classro o m teacher is needed to keep the children in check and ingaged in the lesso n, it is so easy to sim ply no t pay attentio n to the perso n in the screen.


I do no t like the idea o f m any m agnet scho o ls. Is this realistic? Can yo u be go o d at everything? It is ridiculo us pro po sal.


I do no t necessarily agree with the sam e curriculum being extended to the Pre-K level. Pre-K children need m o re play and explo ratio n and less structure to learn. I understand the desire to create a sm o o th transitio n to Kindergarten, but it sho uldn't co m e at any expense to letting children experience their childho o d. I like the idea o f the hybrid educatio n using bo th o nline and Face-to -Face learning, but I feel that the em phasis sho uld still be skewed to wards Face-To -Face learning and co llabo ratio n. This m ay be the new "way o f the Wo rld," but kids are already spending to o m uch tim e with techno lo gy, and no t eno ugh tim e interacting with o ther peo ple.


I do no t see any im m ediate risks


I do n't have a stro ng o pinio n o n m o ving PreK to elem entary. I'm fine with K-5, but I also do n't m ind having 6th grade in elem entary. The o nly risk I see with blended/hybrid learning is if we use to o m uch o nline learning. There are so m e super co o l things being do ne with the techno lo gy we have right no w, but there are also things that need to be learned o ffline. Balance is necessary. Let techno lo gy enhance the learning, no t take o ver.


I do n't like the idea o f kids in 6th grade being m o ved to m iddle scho o l, they are still to o yo ung and there is such a huge difference in m aturity levels.


I do n't suppo rt scho o l being a m enu where students pick and cho se and co m e in and o ut o f scho o l fro m 8-8 as o n the High scho o l slide .Being to gether in day creates team wo rk, co llabo ratio n and co m m unity


I do n't think changing everything aro und will m ake things better. I think it is no t hard to fix the things we can fo r free first. Then go o n to bigger things that co st m o ney. It the m o ney is there.


I do n't think hybrid learning is necessary. I wo uld keep the current elem entary m o del in place





I do n't understand the questio n. Yo u're asking abo ut the shared parts o f bo th m o dels and what the risks are fo r the shared part? I have two m ajo r co ncerns abo ut the elem ents pro po sed -- 1) While m y elem entary student has certainly learned so m e useful techno lo gy skills having her o wn ipad, I am co ncerned abo ut the o verreliance o n techno lo gy to teach. So far I haven't seen that elem entary teachers necessarily have the skill set to use the techno lo gy in new and different ways. Her teacher last year used the techno lo gy as a tim e filler fo r any student who had finished assigned wo rk. Alo ng with this co ncern abo ut whether m o re techno lo gy=m o re learning I also am co ncerned abo ut the am o unt o f tim e kids spend o n techno lo gy if they use it all day at scho o l. My o lder child has suffered terrible headaches, we think fro m lo o king do wn at a lapto p o n his desk all day m o st days since jr. high. Please carefully weigh the benefits and the disadvantages o f a hybrid learning m o del! It can vary by stud


I fear that o nline instructio n can be iso lating and risks lack o f expo sure to differing o pinio ns and ideas.


I feel that it wo uld benefit the children m o re to have face to face instructio n/ learning during the elem entary level. I have so m e reservatio ns abo ut o nline learning.


I feel the risk is the teachers wo n't have adequate training to suppo rt the "cho ice" scho o l o r Stem scho o l o r whatever it ends up to be. This has been sho wn when we were co nsidered a Stem scho o l. Our training and reso urces have been m inim al.


I find Optio n B to pro vide less perso nnal attentio n. Bo dy language will no t be able to be interpreted by the teacher sho uld there be issues. Children m ay also use the o nline interactio n to avo id the so cial aspect o f scho o l as well.


I have a huge co ncern o f creating a gigantic m iddle scho o l fo r grades 6-8. Mo st research wo uld no t suppo rt m ega scho o ls as a way to increase student achievem ent and/o r healthy co nnectio ns at scho o l.


I have co ncerns abo ut all students taking o nline classes. One o f o ur children to o k and o nline class this year. I felt that the expectatio n fro m that class was lo wer than a traditio nal classro o m fo rm at. The lack o n perso nal co ntact in o nline classes is a drawback. This co uld be a do wnside fo r the less m o tivated students.


I have lo o ked at the co m m o n elem ents and I still do n't have a really go o d feeling o f what that wo uld lo o k like. Mo re details needed.


I ho pe teachers will no t be reduced because o f this flexible style o f educatio n o r that we wo uld supplem ent real teachers fo r techno lo gy o r no n-teacher pro fessio nals. Access to hum ans and pro fessio nal teachers need to be at the fo r fro nt and no t used in the future as a co st saving m easure by the district.


I lean to ward co m m o n A. Co m m o n B has a co nfusing understanding what the o utco m e will be.


I like the current k-6 m o del. I think 2 years at m iddle scho o l is plenty. The current Spanish im m ersio n pro gram benefits by having k-6.


I like the grade reco nfiguratio n, but there m ay be lim itatio ns o r extra co sts incurred with the current facilities.


I like the idea o f K-5, 6-8 and 9-12. I stro ngly feel preK sho uld be kept in the pre-scho o l buildings.


I lo ve o ptio n B. But I am no t sure the teachers and parents will buy into it.


I o ppo se pro ject based pro gram s. In m y experience, I've seen quality students leveraged to pro p up underachieving students when co m bined in a team .





I prefer o ptio n because o f the m ultiple assessm ents. Please identify what is m eant by lo nger classes and fewer transitio ns? Obvio usly, attentio n to classro o m serio usly dim inishes after 50 m inutes. Ho w are the teachers go ing to arrange activities to m ake sure the students get the m o st o ut the class? My so n's learning style is best when with a m ix o f classro o m instructio n and invo lvem ent discussio n fo llo wed with techno lo gy co m po nent. My biggest co ncern is a classro o m with teachers that a m o re superviso rs than instructo rs.


I pro vided input at the in-perso n sessio ns o n 5/25/16


I read a lo t o f buzz wo rds and statem ents that are perhaps well intended, but am left with no t kno wing ho w any o f it will be carried o ut. I also wo nder if there are hidden agendas behind so m e o f the statem ents. I am co ncerned that o ur district is jum ping o n so m e so cial issue bandwago ns that are unhealthy fo r o ur children.


I rem ain co ncerned abo ut different levels o f skills and co m fo rt o f teachers in im plem enting o nline instructio n. Many o f the teaching staff is still in the substitutio n phase co ncerning techno lo gy and further training is needed to im plem ent o nline learning effectively.


I see a risk in any o ptio n we cho o se, because we are m issing co m petent adm inistrato rs m aking decisio ns. I am no t a disgruntled em plo yee, but rather a co ncerned em plo yee. While it appears the district is taking the tim e to ask questio ns o f co m m unity and staff, they are m issing the bo at o n so m e m ajo r issues and co ncerns surfacing in this district. We have a 1:1 initiative that has, fo r all intents and purpo ses, been a failure. Devices has beco m e no thing m o re than substitutio n m o dels, there is a little suppo rt fo r teachers, are effo rts are fo cused in areas where teachers have no t requested suppo rt, and we have a perso nalized learning initiative that has no t been adequately defined by the district.


I see that switching 6th grade to the m iddle scho o l m akes sense in m o st cases. Ho wever, it takes away a year o f full im m ersio n fo r the students at EHSI. What are the plans fo r co ntinuing Spanish curriculum fo r these students.


I stro ngly disagree with the grade reco nfiguratio n.


I think by adding 6 graders in with the 7 and 8th graders it actually will distract fro m educatio nal o ppo rtunities as they will be so cializing m o re with the upper grades and having experiences that will detract fro m learning. Are we stating the the MDP student do es no t exist no w? I think m y kids feel this way no w befo re any new pro gram s being o ffered. $$$$ As we start placing kids in arts o r tech o r whatever it co uld po ssibly silo them so future m o vem ent m ay be restrictive.


I think it's easy fo r kids to cheat with o nline learning o ptio ns. I prefer face to face instructio n. My child gets very distracted by his iPad at scho o l.


I think m o ving 6th grade to m iddle scho o l is NOT a go o d o ptio n. Why redesign to K-6, then 4 years later decide to m o ve 6 to m iddle scho o l? Why no t let the kids who started with the new changes in the last ro und finish o ut what the scho o l district started fo r them ? All o bjectives presented co uld be m et witho ut m o ving all o f the district's 6th graders into a m iddle with little capacity to acco m m o date them .


I think m o ving 6th graders to the m iddle scho o l m ay be a pro blem fo r fam ilies, in that there have been several changes in recent years and m ay be hesitant/have reservatio ns abo ut this. It m ay also m ake peo ple feel co ncerned abo ut re-do ing bo undaries fo r the elem entary scho o ls. I think fully im plem enting PBL and blending face to face learning with o nline needs to be very clearly defined and tho ught thro ugh so all teachers and fam ilies kno w the expectatio ns.





I think that EP scho o ls has a po o r track reco rd fo r im plem enting change. It is o ften initiated witho ut a lo ng term , tho ughtful plan and the co m m unicatio n and pro fessio nal develo pm ent needed to do well is o ften inadequate. So any kind o f large scale change is a wo rry because I'm no t sure if we will execute a plan in a m anner witho ut creating chao s.


I think the pro po sed co nfiguratio n o f o ptio n A is the best cho ice. I feel that in cho ice B there is no t eno ugh structure fo r students and fam ilies.


I think the risk is that we wo n't go far eno ugh in changing ho w we teach. My children spend a lo t o f tim e at scho o l being bo red and I want them to be expo sed to activities that will excite them . We need to m o ve to wards m o re pro ject wo rk that go es acro ss disciplines and away fro m the blo ck appro ach. This is a start but no t radical eno ugh,


I think the yo unger grades sho uld be develo pm entally appro priate and academ ics sho uld be balanced with the need fo r exercise and play


I think there is a risk that a sm all num ber o f peo ple have advanced a pro po sed so lutio n in search o f a pro blem . Yes, transitio ns are im po rtant. Yes, it is im po rtant to align pre-K with elem entary educatio n. I believe that we have so m e fo cus o n that currently (certainly we sho uld), and I do n't believe that fo cusing o n tho se item s requires reco nfiguratio n o f grades. There is executio n risk - change will result in so m e pro blem s that have pro bably no t been fully co nsidered and there is a risk that we end up with a system that functio ns no better (o r even wo rse) than the o ne we're abando ning. There is financial risk - that we spend a bunch o f m o ney o n new facilities and surveys when the pro blem hasn't been stated in a clear and co m pelling m anner. There is a risk o f disruptio n - fo r students, fam ilies, and teachers and navigating that will pull energy away fro m their prim ary fo cus.


I think yo u need to explain m o re abo ut the m o ve o f 6th graders to Jr. High. I'm no t against it, but I think there needs to be m o re backgro und, best practices, sharing o f the tho ught pro cess beyo nd what was said in the presentatio n. I do n't kno w that they really represented the thinking.


I tho ught they were basically bo th generic term s that wo uld eventually end in the sam e o utco m e. I o nly saw the o nline video and presentatio n and that had very little real substance.


I wo rry abo ut the lo ss o f critical instructio n tim e with to o m uch independent/pro ject learning - the ability to engage a student in a subject that they do n't kno w they are interested in. Kids need to be "turned o n" to to pics by fun and interesting instructio n. I do n't want to lo o se the so cial aspect o f that as well.


I wo rry abo ut to o m uch o nline learning, especially if it's at the lo wer grade levels and expected to happen o utside o f scho o l ho urs.


I wo rry that co m m unicatio n wo n't be adequately pro vided to students and parents (especially tho se o f co lo r and/o r lo w inco m e) abo ut what each child's o ptio ns are. Based o n the m aterials m ade public thus far, the Blended/Hybrid Learning o ptio n seem s to be underdefined, which leads m e to believe that there isn't a clear o bjective behind that m o del. It seem s like so m ething that wo uld lend itself well to im pressive publicity but fail in im plem entatio n. I also do n't believe MOST students are ready fo r an independently-driven learning m o del, as m any struggle with sm all freedo m s available to them thro ugh o ur current educatio nal m o del. I wo rry that students will co m plete the wo rk to get credit in a blended/hybrid m o del but no t actually engage with m aterial in ways they do when they're in a full-tim e classro o m setting. I also wo rry abo ut the future o f m y jo b if a system like that is im plem ented. If students are no t in classro o m s like a "no rm al" scho o l, ho w m any teachers will be needed? If this


I wo uld be wo rried that students wo uld be in fro nt o f their screens a lo t witho ut perso nal teacher interactio n.





I wo uld prefer to see Elem entary K - 6, Middle Scho o l 7 - 8 - 9 and High Scho o l 10 - 11 - 12.


I'd lo ve a way to see the new pro gram be integrated within the EHSI pro gram allo wing 6th graders to participate in the new pro gram witho ut sacrificing their final year o f Spanish im m ersio n.


I'm co ncerned with o ur current building space and o ur reso urces, that it's difficult to im plem ent blended and perso nalized learning. The transitio n needs to be very o rganized and staff need to feel educated and em po wered rather than fo rced.


I'm co ncerned with the 6-8 grade m iddlscho o l m o del. Research sho ws that 6th graders in the elem entary setting have fewer behavio r pro blem s and have increased self esteem . I do n't think o ur district sho uld m o ve 6th graders to the m iddle scho o l. I wo uld also be co ncerned abo ut o nline o fferings. If po pular classes are full, will students need to use an o nline fo rm at? I wo uld no t want m y child to take an o nline co urse.


I'm curio us abo ut the visio n fo r what blended/hybrid learning wo uld actually lo o k like at the high scho o l. I see risks with the acco untability fo r student attendance and wo rk co m pletio n. Who will catch the students who fall thro ugh the cracks when they are po tentially no t seeing their teachers face to face daily? This is already a co ncern in o ur building.


I'm no t sure.


I've lo st all ho pe and sto pped caring


If a cho ice scho o l is a co m m o n elem ent, there is a risk that the the cho ice scho o l will have a m ajo rity higher so cio -eco no m ic students which negatively im pacts the balance in all scho o ls. Fo r exam ple, Eagle Heights appears to have a very sm all representatio n o f certain po pulatio ns including So m ali and o ther no n-Hispanic m ino rity kids, English Language learners (except pro bably Spanish speaking), kids with special needs, and kids fro m fam ilies with lo wer inco m e levels and a very large representatio n o f kids fro m fam ilies with higher inco m e levels and/o r white fam ilies. As a result, the pro po rtio ns o f these gro ups in o ther scho o ls is the reverse. It wo uld be beneficial to have a go o d m ix o f all gro ups in al scho o ls.


If no t m anaged pro perly, large discrepancies can o ccur between scho o ls within the district. As an exam ple: having had kids in m ultiple scho o ls at the sam e tim e m akes it very evident that teacher by teacher and scho o l by scho o l ability to em brace techno lo gy differs vastly. (And disparate so lutio ns create po tential gaps... i.e. best practices sho uld be shared acro ss 272 district scho o ls.)


If the K-6 m o del is changed to PreK-5 o r K-5, m y children lo se o ne year o f Spanish Im m ersio n - educatio nally, so cially and culturally.


If the K-6 m o del is changed to PreK-5 o r K-5, m y daughters lo se o ne who le year o f the Spanish Im m ersio n experience, educatio nally, so cially and culturally.


If the K-6 m o del is changed to PreK-5 o r K-5, m y daughters will lo se o ne year o f their Spanish Im m ersio n experience, no t o nly educatio nally but so cially and culturally.


If there are cho ice scho o ls then it is quite po ssible that certain scho o ls will be favo red o ver o thers. Ho w will the attendance o f all the scho o ls be equal?


If they are co m m o n, isn't that an indicato r that they are go o d/no n-nego tiable?





If we fo rget that the MOST successful teaching pedago gy invo lves varying (changing) the strategies used, then we will no t be as successful. It can't be ALL individual and perso nalized. So m etim es we need to learn to co m pro m ise, push o urselves in areas that do no t yet interest us, and strive to wo rk well in team s.


If we have ano ther Cho ice scho o l are we adding to the lo psided dem o graphics and behavio r issues we have in the o ther elem entary scho o ls.


Im plem entatio n o f any new pro ject takes tim e and m o ney. I ho pe that the district is laying o ut ho w they will fund all o f these changes.


Im plem enting the pro ject-based learning po rtio n effectively, witho ut having do ne it befo re. No t adequately preparing tho se in the current system fo r what is co m ing. Fo cusing to o m uch o n letting students do so m ething they are interested in witho ut first m aking sure they have base skills in to pics they m ay no t enjo y but still need to kno w. IE yo u have to kno w ho w to read well even if yo u prefer to do o nly m ath.


In m o ving to a structure that pro vides m o re o n-line activities, there is a risk o f m o re screen tim e. Additio nally, there is a risk o f lo sing co llabo ratio n, and face-face dialo gue that is a necessary skill and is being lo st in this techno lo gy era.


In o ptio n B: I wo rry that to o m uch pressure will be put o n teachers to pro vide m ultiple learning platfo rm s fo r individual students, leading to m any things do ne well but few things do ne VERY well. Co nsider SMALLER CLASS SIZES!


In the blended-hybrid style o f learning, I feel that the m o st vulnerable students will get even less perso nal attentio n and instructio n. I think the blended-hybrid style can wo rk very well fo r a self-m o tivated student who has all the to o ls and reso urces o utside o f scho o l, but I fear that o ur students who do n't have the sam e reso urces will fall farther behind. In sum m ary, I think this will widen the achievem ent gap rather than shrink it.


Inappro priate age gro upings. Pre-K will be OVERWHELMED in an elem entary scho o l. The K can barely do it... Pre-K needs to be separate. All studies po int to that. Also , Grade 6 sho uld NOT be with the 7 & 8 kids.. they are no t ready fo r the additio nal so cial and em o tio nal challenges within this age gro uping. Educatio nal perfo rm ance will decrease. This has been pro ven in m any studies. Do the research.


Increased o nline learning m ight be really difficult fo r so m e students who are pro ne to distractio ns (i.e. ADD kids) so acco untability is im po rtant.


Is there a building large eno ugh fo r o ne 6-8?


Is there eno ugh space at the Middle Scho o l fo r o ur current 6th grade class?


Is there really ro o m at CMS fo r 6th grade. I think 6th grade sho uld definitely no t be in the elem entary scho o ls, but fo ur years ago they said there wasn't ro o m at CMS. Enro llm ent hasn't changed that m uch in fo ur years. What sacrifices will have to be m ade to m ake ro o m fo r 6th graders at CMS. Pre-K needs to be in their o wn area, no t the elem entary scho o ls.


Is there space at CMS fo r 6-8? Where do es Spanish Im m ersio n fit in? Do we want to m o ve 6th graders to m iddle scho o l - expo ses them to "o lder" issues at a yo unger age.


Issue o f no space at the m iddle scho o l. That co uld be a m ajo r issue.





It has o nly been a few sho rt years since elem entary scho o ls were restructured in Eden Prairie. No w restructuring again so so o n seem s like an expensive endeavo r that will cause the sam e upro ar as it did a few years ago .


It is no t po ssible to co m m ent o n Optio n A o r B as NO ONE fro m adm inistratio n has co m e to m y building and discussed this with the teachers. Please co m e and m eet with us "face to face" and have o pen and ho nest dialo gue, and talk to us. Again, it is all abo ut relatio nships and trust. There is no t a lo t o f trust.


It so unds like kids m ay have to leave their neighbo rho o d scho o ls and trusted friends if Optio n B is ado pted.


It will be a big change no m atter what- no t all parents will be satisfied and I ho pe we wo uldn't have m o re students transferring o ut o f the district as we did with the bo undary change


It wo uld seem that the risk o f o nline learning presents itself.


It's im po rtant to balance o f m ix o f o nline and face to face instructio n. Face to face instructio n is still the m o st im po rtant.


Keeping standards high thro ugh pro ject based learning.


Kids need teachers fo r help. By do ing all o nline and no teachers, it allo ws fo r them to get into tro uble.


Kids pro gress and levels are no t shared regularly. My daughter is in 2nd grade and apart fro m so m e wo rds o r m aths wo rksheet we do no t get any update. No weekly o r m o nthly update


Kno wing what I do based o n years o f teaching "regular" students and "gifted" students go ing to highly-selective co lleges, I see very few students who wo uld be ready fo r an independently-driven learning m o del. As it is no w, students at the high scho o l have to pro dded and fo rced to do so m ething academ ic to suppo rt their learning during CORE. I am co ncerned that like so m any inno vated educatio nal refo rm s I have seen at EPHS o ver the years, this is ano ther o ne that will garner a lo t o f publicity fo r the district but fail o ur students and teachers. It m ay result in a system that will underserve o ur students o f greatest need--students who need so m uch m o re directio n than we think we do and who do no t have the parental suppo rt to guide them . Co lleagues are very upset that there has no t been an all-scho o l faculty m eeting to present these o ptio ns in co m m unity but given these o ptio ns to us thro ugh em ails at a tim e o f year where there is so m uch stress to finish the year with quality in


Lack o f a fo rm al curriculum /reso urces and all o f the m o vem ent and po tential staff changes will be a risk and create great difficulty. Staff will co ntinue to create, recreate and m ake curriculum with very few reso urces.


Lack o f buy-in based o n attitudes o r based o n lack o f clarity in co m m unicatio n - this survey and presentatio n as an exam ple. Getting staff buy-in and training to change the m o del effectively.


Lo o king at the pro ject based learning pathways, I am wo ndering if yo u wo uld also have to lo o k at he daily schedule o f the high scho o l. Pro ject based learning can be difficult to do at the high scho o l because o f the tim e co nstraints o f blo ck scheduling. I wo nder if it wo uld be a separate class, o r em bedded in already present co urses. At the high scho o l, I am no ticing that no t all students are successful with o n line learning. Many students struggle with this style o f learning. There is a lo ss o f co ntinuity and sequence fo r so m e learners. We sho uld pro ceed carefully.


Lo sing a year o f Spanish im m ersio n experience by m o ving sixth graders to m iddle scho o l.





Lo ss o f face-to -face teacher/student tim e. Burn o ut o f teachers o n a 12 ho ur schedule (8 am to 8 pm ) Lo ss o f co m m unity due to less shared classro o m tim e.


Lo ts o f m o ney/effo rt wasted pulling 6th graders back o ut o f the elem entary scho o ls, as m uch was spent just a few years ago m o ving them o ut o f Oak Po int and into the elem entary scho o ls. My so n was im pacted and did fine at Prairie View. I fo rm erly believed that 6th graders belo nged at CMS, but no w I think 2 years is plenty o f tim e at that scho o l as the enviro nm ent is definitely m o re challenging and no t necessarily m o re beneficial. Also , I understand there is no physical space at CMS fo r ano ther grade, ano ther risk/do wnside to this idea.


Lo ts o f teacher m o ves asso ciated with m o ving 6th grade to CMS. Changes the culture o f each building.


Majo r risk in bo th appro aches will be that each child is different and each m o del has po ssible gaps that m ay let so m e children "o ut" o f fo cus.


Make sure that we do n't fail to inco rpo rate the essential kno wledge that students m ust have to succeed in co llege and life by o ver-em phasizing so ft skills like co llabo ratio n.


Making sure o nline is used in a targeted, hybrid, fashio n, and no t as a replacem ent fo r face to face interactio n. Also , to deliver pro ject-based learning well, teachers will need to be trained to m ake sure critical co ncepts are still being co nvered within this new fo rm at.


Math is no t a blo ck subject. Yo u canno t take geo m etry and then set it do wn fo r a year. English and so cial studies lend them selves to blo cks but no t m ath. Cho ice scho o ls so unds very risky. Alternating fo cus by grade m ay be o k but canno t affect m ath. I like the idea o f verticals and STEM


Middle Scho o l — Ho w the existing facilities wo uld acco m m o date a grade range o f 6-8. Online Learning — the percentage o f this type o f learning and ho w it fits into the bro ader curriculum . Pathways — what if a student identifies a "pathway" in their early elem entary years but interests changes o ver the co urse o f their educatio n?


Mix o f o nline/direct/face-to -face interactio n co uld elim inate o ppo rtunities fo r students to interact with and get to kno w a co re gro up o f peers/friends. Entirely pro ject-based instructio n co uld leave o ut so m e standard instructio n that needs to be part o f a go o d educatio n (e.g., m ultiplicatio n tables, o ther fundam entals). Fo cusing exclusively o n pro ject-based educatio n fo r high scho o l students co uld lead to unrealistic academ ic wo rklo ads, in co m binatio n with fam ily and o utside co m m itm ents, especially if, as is a co m m o n o ccurrence, each subjectlevel teacher sim ultaneo usly assigns a large pro ject and thinks their particular pro ject/subject area is the o nly/m o st im po rtant o ne the student is dealing with.


Mo ving 6th graders o ut o f elem entary scho o ls after they were o nly recently m o ved back in seem s ill-advised and co stly. In additio n, no ratio nal has been pro vided no r has public feedback been elicited. This is a m ajo r failure by the bo ard, as is this co stly survey.


Mo ving EHSI 6th grade wo uld no t allo w fo r full im m ersio n. Using o nline learning fo r yo unger students is already pro blem atic, there is little explanatio n o f co ncepts and expectatio ns. Online learning takes away the so cial aspect o f learning. The pro ject based learning seem s like a go o d o ptio n fo r students.


Mo ving EHSI students to CMS will dim inish the im m ersio n pro gram . Please m ake an exceptio n fo r EHSI students.


Mo ving Grade6 to CMS will co st to expand that building, will co st o ur students recess, will create challenges to change and m o dify libraries. Mo re PROJECT based learning m ay no t wo rk with all learning styles.





My child has an IEP and we need to m ake sure that all teachers will be info rm ed and create ways to understand the new learning style.


My children attend Eagle Heights and I do n't like the idea o f them lo sing a full year o f im m ersio n with 6th graders transitio ning to the Middle Scho o l.


My children tend to the quiet side, and hybrid learning m ight reduce the face to face instructio n tim e as they wo n't be vo cal in speaking up abo ut their needs. I have co ncerns abo ut increased screen tim e as kids are typically expo sed to to o m uch screen tim e already. Pro ject based learning can be challenging to integrate all the areas o f learning - especially m ath skills. I do n't kno w eno ugh abo ut pathways, but it seem s like it m ight lim it kids' ability to explo re all areas by cho o sing a fo cus area at an early age. Ho w hard is it to switch pathways? Even if it is easy and feasible, it will be hard o n so m e kids to leave friends in o ne pathway to try a different pathway.


My prim ary co ncern is abo ut space, m o stly space availability at CMS. It "appears" to already be packed with just two grades there so I'm really surprised that the co nsideratio n to add ano uther 600+ students is even a po ssibility. So are there 20-3- classro o m s available there? Also , we heard fro m o ur prio r Superintendent just 67 years ago the VALUE o f keeping kids in their elem entary scho o ls fo r as lo ng as po ssible. So it wo uld seem co ntradicto ry (no t a clue if that is a wo rd) to what she and her research shared just no t that lo ng ago . If yo u decide to go do wn that path please be prepared to explain that to the parents in yo ur co m m unicatio n.






Navigating children thro ugh the changes with care.


Need to be sure to co nsider staff input and experience.


Need to really kno w which way each child learns as so m e m ight no t do as well o nline witho ut a teacher that to ask questio ns o f.


No Co m m ents


No clear academ ic directio n. Seem s to be vague and generalized Optio ns. I'm no t sure that Team Wo rks Intl. has do ne eno ugh studies o r derived eno ugh factual info rm atio n to determ ine if these 2 o ptio ns are best fo r EP Scho o ls


No co nfidence in this leadership.


No idea


No info rm atio n abo ut students with special educatio n requirem ents


No issues with grade reco nfiguratio n, sho uld be driven by facilities Blended learning sho uld be a cho ice, fo r exam ple so m e kids really hate flipped classro o m Pro ject based learning at high scho o l - students will still want AP co urses that co ver set co ntent. Active independent study as a co urse wo uld be great and wo uld be an ideal cho ice fo r "skinnies". Kids invo lved with m usic really suffer in their o ppo rtunities to do inno vative co ursewo rk.


No pre-k in the m o del. Keep them separate Co ncerned abo ut space in the 6-8 m iddle scho o l m o del at CMS Co ncerned abo ut the percentage o f screen tim e with the o nline hybrid. We will need to be very careful we aren't pawning o ff the kids o n techno lo gy.





No ne that co m e to m ind at the m o m ent.


No t eno ugh ro o m at CMS fo r 6th grade.


No t m o ving to o fast. Making sure we do no t put the cart befo re the ho rse.


No t put to o m uch em phasis o n student-derived learning. Teachers play a critical ro le in helping kids understand ho w to pro cess info rm atio n and why the things they are studying m atter. Fo r instance, reading 3 newspaper articles and co m ing up with a POV is a go o d exercise students can do independently, but learning "ho w" to pro cess the details, ho w seem ingly disparate things im pact each o ther, and learning ho w to think critically abo ut the m aterial that is read: all this is vastly accelerated with the guidance o f a teacher.


No t relying to o m uch o n standardized testing Ensuring that m ultiple ways o f learning are used Keeping parents info rm ed abo ut student pro gress So m e fam ilies m ay be resistant to change in general


No t sure having 6th grade at the m iddle scho o l is a go o d idea.


Ok, first o f all, as far as I can tell we received the em ail with this survey On Friday June 3rd and were asked to co m plete it o n the sam e day, by June 3rd, which m eans I wo uld have to either take m y prep ho ur o r m y perso nal tim e to co m plete the survey.....a perfect exam ple o f what I m entio ned befo re...ho w o ur tim e as a teaching staff is no t valued. The o ther po ssibility is that filling o ut the survey is m erely a fo rm ality and yo u have no intentio n o f listening to o ur input. Seco nd o f all, there is no explanatio n/clarificatio n o f any o f the term s o r co ncepts in the info rm atio n. I can't vo te o n so m ething that I have had abo ut 10 m inutes to lo o k at. Clearly this to pic is so m ething that deserves m uch m o re discussio n and clarificatio n than o ne em ail and a survey taken with 10 m inutes o f preparatio n. This is so m ething that needs to be do ne o n a wo rksho p o r pro fessio nal develo pm ent day so we can fully explo re all o f the o ptio ns and m ake the best cho ice fo r o ur student po pulatio n.


One o f the difficulties with the hybrid learning is that we haven't taken the tim e to teach o ur students ho w to use techno lo gy effectively. I am perso nally very tech savvy, but giving m y 6th grader an ipad witho ut ay training o r discussio n with parents abo ut the perils o f handing a student a m o bile device was, in m y m ind, unwise. I believe teaching students ho w to use techno lo gy respo nsibly will be a BIG deal in the co m ing years.


One po tential risk is that students m ay lo se the co nnectio n to senso ry experiences and fine m o to r develo pm ent in the heavy use o f techno lo gy. This is particularly a co ncern in the early years o f educatio n. I am also co ncerned abo ut the current nature deficit in o ur yo ung children and fear that the heavier use o f techno lo gy will no t help to co rrect that.


One risk is co rrectly estim ating grade size so the changes m ade wo rk fo r a perio d o f tim e. Ano ther is getting staff to buy into the new m o del.


One size fits all will no t wo rk. We risk lo sing what has been and is successful no w when we m ake a switch. If we m o ve 6th grade (o r any o ther age) I wo rry abo ut the transitio n. Years ago when 6th grade was at CMS, the m o del was seco ndary, w/new teachers each term in so m e cases.


Online educatio n can keep so m e students that m ay need the in perso n interactio n away fro m the classro o m .


Online educatio n takes parent invo lvem ent to be successful. My so n did o nline English (thro ugh no rthern star) and I fo und m yself to be in a po sitio n o f nag. I also had to teach po rtio ns o f the class which were weak o n info . I do n't feel that he learned eno ugh o r that the rigo r was equivalent to an EP educatio n. Acco untability, intentio nal co m m unicatio n with bo th students and parents will be essential if m o ve to ward o nline o ptio ns.





Online learning and o ther m etho ds o f techno lo gy-based instructio n can devo lve into using techno lo gy fo r the sake o f using techno lo gy witho ut im pro ving student's understanding and engagem ent with the subject m atter. Pro ject-based and blended learning can hurt students who learn best in structured enviro nm ents.


Online learning can be hard to navigate fo r so m e students. We still have challenges using iPads and digital learning.


Online learning is no t appro priate fo r "each" student. I have two students who do no t like o r thrive in flipped classro o m s at EPHS. Online o r hybrid learning co uld be detrim ental to so m e children (and thus sho uld always be o ptio nal). There is also significant new research o n the effects o f screen tim e (addictio n, depressio n, sleep issues, etc.). This is a m ajo r risk that m ay no t play o ut fo r students until they leave the district.


Online learning is no t ideal fo r any age.


Online learning m ay no t be accessible to all students


Only issue m ay be the ability fo r student to self-m anage their wo rk...m any parent wo rk and are no t always able to watch everything - kids will need to take m o re and m o re respo nsibility to m ake sure they are m eetings their go als and grades


Opinio n a do es no t seem to have a sto rng fo undatio n


Optio n A is m o st ideal


Optio n A issues- having eno ugh space at CMS. Giant transitio n fro m Grade 5 elem entary to Grade 6 at CMS. Elem entary setting can no t pro vide what's needed to help with the transitio n. Optio n B issues-


Optio n A m ay be to o structured fo r so m e students and Optio n B m ay lack to o m uch structure fo r o thers.


Optio n A: If 6th graders are m o ved to the Middle Scho o l, will there be eno ugh classro o m s to acco m m o date these additio nal students? Additio nally, the m aturity difference between a 6th grader and an 8th grader is very substantial. Optio n B: Students will be unable so cial skills because o f the o nline learning. Students who get o ff task will find it hard to stay o n task.


Optio n A: May again result in o vercro wding o f 1 scho o l vs the o ther...already a pro blem .


Optio n B


Optio n B appears difficult to test o utco m es


Optio n B fo r Elem entary Scho o ls m ay create an "us" and "them " separatio n within the scho o l district that wo uld ultim ately hurt o ur sense o f co m m unity.


Optio n B is full o f risks - the blind leading the blind, no t m uch in co m m o n with Optio n A


Optio n B seem s like Spanish wo uld be available at all scho o ls vs. having the o ne im m ersio n scho o l. I m ay no t understand this o ptio n to tally.





Optio n B: Fo cus areas m ight lo ck the kids in a path lo ng befo re they have a change to develo p interest and the skills to decide fo r them selves. They m ay be deprived o f expo sure to o ther fields eno ugh to be able to change paths do wn the ro ad as they wo uld have falling behind co nsiderably in the fo cus area they want to m o ve in to . It also creates stereo typical o ne sided develo pm ent , it wo uld be a grave m istake to think a child who is interested in science wo uld no t benefit fro m art o r m usic educatio n o r being well versed in wo rld literature o r understand the hum an co nditio n. Our go al sho uld be creating well ro unded individuals that can adapt and pull to gether ideas and to o ls fro m different fields and disciplines to create the future that we are trying to prepare them fo r. We sho uld no t prescribe their future fo r them we sho uld give them to o ls to learn, inno vate, create and co o perate so that they can create the future they want to live in.


Optio n b by extensio n will lead to the extinctio n o f public scho o ls and any lo cal co ntro l by parents o f the educatio nal pro cess. Basically it will evo lve to khan' s academ y, self paced learning. Do ubt that it will m o tivate the unm o tivated students


Optio n to have pre-k in sam e scho o l: Risk is that 3 and 4 yr o lds are to o little to be in halls with 10 and 11 year o lds. Optio n B Cho ice Scho o l o ptio n Risk: if a parent cho o ses to enro ll a child based o n interest and strength are we increasing a deficit o f learning and develo pm ent in challenge areas fo r that student and po tentially teaching them no t to persevere o r o verco m e adversity and challenges?


Overcro wding Middle Scho o l


Parents and teachers will no t suppo rt year ro und scho o l. The district canno t affo rd to run a year ro und scho o l and pay a full tim e staff. Parents currently fo cus o n activities their children are invo lved in at the seco ndary level m o re than academ ics.Students are already o ver extended in activities and academ ics, this will raise the stress level. We already have a huge pro blem in the seco ndary level with m ental health issues. This will o nly exacerbate the pro blem .


Parents who are no t as techno lo gically advanced trying to help students who are learning m o re at ho m e/o nline. Will these o ptio ns truly fit better fo r o ur kids go ing fo rward.


Plan B assum es peo ple at ho m e can suppo rt, teach and that everyo ne has reso urces. Also that kids are no t go ing to go o f aro und. So cial skills are being lo st with plan B


Please do no t add 6th grade to Middle Scho o l - 6th graders are bullied relentlessly , and there is no ro o m at m iddle scho o l - it is so cro wded as it is. Middle scho o l is such a ho rrible, dam aging experience fo r m o st kids do nt subject them to an additio nal year.


Please identify an o ptio n and stick with it. I am an EPS graduate. Please sto p wo rrying abo ut what Mtka is do ing, what Edina is do ing. I am far less co ncerned with techno lo gy and individualized learning than whether m y kids can tackle a pro blem , speak intelligently, m anage their tim e.


Please see respo nses under first sectio n


Po ssible risk o f to o m uch o nline instructio n and no t eno ugh face to face instructio n and interactio n


Pre K do es no t belo ng in scho o l with k-5





Pre-K in the scho o ls-kids are in "scho o l" so m any years. Let prescho o l rem ain separate, safety co m es into questio n with prescho o l in the elem scho o ls. Elem scho o ls are just so big fo r them and co uld be very scary fo r the shyer/less m ature kids. Prefer K-5. Can 6th grade fit at CMS witho ut large co sts to acco m m o date? I like the way CMS separates 7th fro m 8th graders so I ho pe they can do that with the 6th graders as well. Pro ject based learning-are yo u co llabo rating with co lleges input as well to ensure o ur drastic changes do no t affect co llege acceptance?


Pre-K is quite yo ung to m ix with 5th graders.


Pre-K sho uld be available to all fo r free. Online learning do esn't so und as fun as hands o n learning.


PreK-5 is a HUGE age range to put in o ne building. Co nsider: are the playgro unds, bathro o m s, lunch ro o m s, buildings equipped to acco m m o date PreK students? Is there actually ro o m in each o f the buildings to ho use that m any students? Do es it really m ake sense to divide that pro gram (funding, reso urces, students) into m ultiple buildings?


PreK-5 risks putting a different em phasis o n PreK (m o re academ ic than scho o l readiness) because they wo uld be in a m o re academ ic setting. The PreK kids are also to o sm all fo r the big enviro nm ent (building size, students' physical size, playgro und equipm ent, etc.). So m e kids m ight find it difficult to be successful in a pro ject-based enviro nm ent if no t given adequate suppo rt. If staff isn't adequately trained, as is the case with the iLearn initiative, there will be to o little co nsistency between "classro o m s" and so m e students will benefit greatly while o thers see little o r no benefit o r m aybe even harm by m o ving to pro ject-based learning.


Prek-5 is a m istake. PreK kids are to o little to blend with bigger kids. In a big city with so m uch diversity, it is to o lo ng o f tim e to keep kids separated. This is especially true when we co nsider scho o l bo undaries. They are no t equal. We need to blend and m ix kids to gether at every o ppo rtunity to learn abo ut each o ther and benefit fro m o ur diversity. Having a prek pro gram fo r all EP kids allo ws this to happen. There is a lo t o f inequality between scho o ls based o n wealth and this wo uld no t be fair to extend that further with Prek-5. We need to m ix o ur kids up to gether at every o ppo rtunity.


Preparing students fo r an abstracted future (no n-industrial age jo bs etc...) with abstracted principles co llabo ratio n etc..- risks igno ring and devaluing the day-to -day lived reality fo r children. It igno res no ndo m inant co m m unity values.


Prescho o lers need a fairly different enviro nm ent fro m 5th graders and are at higher risk if included in en elem entary scho o l setting.


Prim ary risk is that it appears that there is, fo r so m e reaso n, a rush to m ake so m e so rt o f change witho ut adequate research. Based o n info rm atio n pro vided, o ptio ns seem arbitrary - with no real evidence pro vided that either o ptio n will help achieve the academ ic visio n presented.


Pro ject-based learning can lead to inco nsistent results as so m e students wo rk harder than o thers


Pro ject-based learning is no t just a thing that we "do ." Do ing true, effective PBL wo uld be HUGE shift fo r teachers and wo uld require a to n o f suppo rt and assistance fo r teachers. And, it co m pletely shifts, in m y o pinio n, ho w o ur ELA m o del sho uld o perate. Are we go ing to sho eho rn it into o ur current ELA m o del? If so , I have issues with that. I am also co ncerned that PBL will just be a bunch o f hype. We'll pat o urselves o n the backs and say we're do ing PBL, but in reality elem entary classes will just keep do ing anim al repo rts.


Pro ject-based learning o n its o wn with no teacher instructio n is unacceptable. Also , inco rpo rating m o re techno lo gy and o nline learning deperso nalizes the educatio n experience and gives students m o re o ppo rtunity fo r distractio n rather than learning.





Pro viding adequate training fo r teachers to m eet the expectatio ns o f these m o dels. Co m m unicating the pro cess clearly, o ften, and including everyo ne in this co m m unicatio n. Changing the structure o f the m o dels fro m what we have to day to what is pro po sed can create so m e co ncerns fro m staff and fam ilies. Teachers need to feel like they are included in this pro cess o f im plem entatio n and decisio n m aking - canno t just be expected to "buy in" to this new m o del. Ho nestly, we have heard very little abo ut this at the high scho o l level which frustrates m e a lo t. This lo o ks like po ssibly so m e m ajo r restructuring o f things and to no t have been info rm ed o f this adequately is disappo inting.


Putting 6th grade in m iddle scho o l is a m istake. Kids have to gro w up to o fast as it is. Also will yo u subsidize the internet access fo r the o nline po rtio n o f the pro gram . No t everyo ne can affo rd the 60$ per m o nth that internet typically co sts in Eden Prairie. Will yo u penalize tho se who canno t affo rd it and have to live in the library o r Starbucks?


Putting Pre-k in buildings that were no t designed fo r such yo ung students and putting them in with larger students who will no t always lo o k o ut fo r them , puts tho se yo ung students at risk.


Putting such yo ung children (pre-K) in a large scho o l enviro nm ent with full day expectatio ns. Online learning I have heard fro m m any students is no t liked. Part o f high scho o l educatio n is the so cial aspect o f co nnecting with each o ther face-to -face.


Realignm ent again? Didn't we just get thro ugh with a m essy and co ntro versial realignm ent? Ho w are all these 6th graders go ing to fit at CMS? Additio n o f pro ject based learning sho uld be kept to a m inim um . Even no w, m y kids o ften cho se to wo rk alo ne instead o f gro up pro jects because they've learned there are to o m any slackers who do n't co ntribute.


Reco nfiguring the grades in o ur district will have a negative im pact o n a large num ber o f students. ESHI students will have o ne less year in an im m ersio n setting and will m o ve o n to a pro gram that is still develo ping and has issues that need to be addressed.


Redrawing bo undaries again.. esp if they will o nly last a sm all am o unt o f tim e. PreK in Elem is to o little. Make sure the m ix o f o nline, classro o m etc is right fo r the child.


Rem o ve ipad learning.


Research sho ws that 6th graders do better in elem entary scho o ls. It is unfair to m o ve them due to space issues that co uld be so lved in a different m anner.


Reshuffling the kids to new scho o ls, AGAIN! Also the co st invo lved,Mehta are they, is this sustainable? Why are we do ing this, is this so m ething o ther lo cal districts are do ing o r is this ano ther experim ent to m ess the kids up again and m ake parents leave again.


Risk Optio n A - Destro ying all the wo rk the bo undary changes did to integrate the scho o ls at the elem entary level. Re-institutio nalize racist/classist beliefs Risk Optio n B - Traditio nal/co re co m petency instructio n m ay be lo st with varied m etho ds in getting there and m o re auto no m y


Risk o f hybrid learning-beginning o nline o ptio ns at to o early o f an age. I think elem entary students need face-to face instructio n and a classro o m with o ther children.


Risk o f o nline wo rk: parents do ing wo rk fo r their children to help im pro ve their grade, but then children aren't actually learning.





Risks are no t giving an explanatio n as to elem entary & m iddle scho o l grade changes, no t tho ro ughly explaining what the m ix o f o nline/direct/face-to -face instructio n lo o ks like & ho w each m etho d wo uld be applied (is this a child cho ice? im po sed upo n them by teacher o r parent o r student? ), & no t defining what 'pro ject-based learning' & 'pathways' m eans to the laym an. There is no way to ascertain fro m this generic o verview as to what is m eant by the Co m m o n Elem ents page.


Risks include thinking that giving students and fam ilies all o f these individual o ptio ns will so m eho w im pro ve student learning - it seem s like this m o del o nly addresses the co ncerns o f the white m iddle and upper m iddle class that is afraid o f the "o ther" - we all saw what happened when the bo undaries were changed a few years ago - em barrassingly, m any in the co m m unity were in an upro ar and even left the district, so they wo uld no t have to attend a m o re integrated scho o l. I'm disappo inted that, in m y o pinio n, there is so m uch pandering no w to that segm ent o f the co m m unity.


Risks o f grade reco nfiguratio n are to o m any to enum erate. The ratio nal fo r this change is, it seem s, either no nexistent o r being kept secret (the argum ent pro vided that 6th Graders relate better to 7th and 8th graders than to 1st and 2nd graders is a no n sequitur - o f co urse they do ; do they relate better to 7th than 5th graders - I do n't think so . Risks o f "o nline learning" are that teachers sto p teaching (I have already seen this in so m e cases with use o f IXL in elem entary scho o l)


Schedules fo r students and teachers.


Scho o l do esn't beco m e so fo cused o n o ne subject that a child isn't well-ro unded.


Scho o l m ight be m o re difficult fo r kids who learn with a Teacher up fro nt, rather than pro ject-based learning.


See General Respo nse Belo w


Seem s like a lo t o f fo cus being put o n pro ject based learning at the expense o f traditio nal teaching styles. Why no t integrate it in slo wly to see ho w well it wo rks.


Segregating certain ethnic gro ups Peo ple changing their m inds abo ut which o ptio ns they want Go ing to scho o ls that are further away fro m their neighbo rho o ds


Shifting fo cus o f learning fro m classro o m to o nline learning (especially elem entary students) and the adjustm ents needed by parents to suppo rt this type o f learning


Sho uld no t have to o m uch o nline fo cus rather m o re face to face engagem ent.


Sm aller class size is key


So cial and em o tio nal m aturity level difference fo r 6th graders vs 8th graders and m ixing them to gether.


So m e parents will be co nfused abo ut it.




Space at the 6-8 building. Wasn't this building o riginally designed fo r 2 grade levels? What abo ut Eagle Heights Spanish Im m ersio n students, they wo uld lo se a year o f intense im m ersio n which is critical to their acquisitio n o f language. What do es o nline lo o k like at the elem entary level?


Space fo r 6-8 being co m bined. Pro ject based when kids get o n a team o f students and they do n't all put fo rth the sam e am o unt o f effo rt. Co ncern that m y kids wo uld end up do ing m uch o f the wo rk.





Space issues in m o ving grade 6 to the m iddle scho o l. Pro ject Based learning m ay no t be the ideal learning m o de fo r m any students. Pro ject based learning m ay get stale with the students if we use it elem entary seco ndary. Then what? Online learning at the elem entary levels needs to be carefully defined. These are yo ung learners who need guidance and enco uragem ent and stro ng relatio nships with their teachers. PreK students do n't necessarily fit with grade 5 students in the sam e way that the K-6 spread is a large o ne that we want to reduce.


Space when reco nfiguring m iddle scho o l to include grade 6. No t sure that's is necessary....didn't we already deal with that? ? ? ? ? Silly


Spanish Im m ersio n im pacted


Spanish im m ersio n co nsideratio ns if 6th grade is m o ved to CMS. Ho w will yo u ensure that the 6th graders will be as im m ersed at CMS as they are at EHSI


Spanish im m ersio n fo r 6th grade segregatio n in Cm s wo uld allianate tho se students. Pre k busing with 5th grade. Co uld lo se their inno cence o f ideas. (Santa Easter bunny) Differentiated pro gram s and cho ice scho o ls will take a lo t o f district reso urces to im plem ent and sustain. Co st o f building o n at Cm s. Better o ptio n is building o n to prescho o l area and m aintain all prescho o lers to gether.


Staff acceptance/negativity influencing classro o m o r scho o l culture


Staffing will be very im po rtant.


Students see techno lo gy at their age as m o re o f a to y than a to o l. They do n't see the big picture why they have it as m uch as they are just glad they have it.


Students will need to be held acco untable fo r attendance and co m pleting ALL required assignm ents.


Successes o f o ther scho o ls with hybrid learning.


Taking kids o ut o f the classro o m fo r o nline instructio n is just no t an o ptio n fo r elem entary scho o ls.


Teacher training, budget, size, parent training o f what to expect and be an advo cate fo r what o ur child's needs.


Teachers were never asked abo ut this, and this was never presented to teachers.


That 6th graders will no t have the m aturity needed to succeed in m iddle scho o l. That the 9th graders will no t be m ature eno ugh to succeed in high scho o l. That hybrid learning will no t m eet everyo ne's learning style and the pressure this co uld put o n wo rking fam ilies to suppo rt this enviro nm ent.


That it will be applied to students with learning disabilities


That o nline learning do es no t take the place o f teacher/student learning.


That we create m o re o ppo rtunity gap fo r o ur students with cho ices that tho se with influence receive That these elem ents cam e fro m a biased survey o f specific o ptio ns and / o r fro m a do cum entary w/o ut a lo t o f research. That we go thro ugh all o f this witho ut adequately suppo rting staff with tim e, reso urces, understanding, backgro und o f a m ajo r change. That we end up 'building the plane in flight' . Do we have the capability to im plem ent this with o ur current system ? With a pro po sed calendar adjustm ent that fam ilies have kids o n different schedules?





The "neighbo rho o d scho o l" is im po rtant to us in that it gives o ur kids friends right here by us that they can bike to and gives us adults fam ilies that we can co nnect with and have a sense o f safety when o ur kids are at each o ther's ho m es.


The Eden Prairie scho o l district needs to jo in the Centers fo r Disease Co ntro l and Preventio n and the Am erican Academ y o f Pediatrics in their reco m m endatio n fo r m iddle and high scho o l start tim es o f 8:30am o r later to im pro ve ado lescent health, academ ic perfo rm ance and quality o f life.


The Spanish Im m ersio n children will get o ne less year o f im m ersio n if m iddle scho o l is fo r grades 6-8.


The biggest risk I see is trying to start m any new pro gram s at o nce, witho ut really understanding the philo so phy o f each pro gram . Starting m any very specialized cho ice scho o ls can be do ne, but can it be do ne with integrity? Is it really best fo r kids, o r do es it so und go o d?


The biggest risk is the lack o f fo llo w thro ugh and suppo rt. The im m ersio n scho o l is a bragging po int fo r the district yet it is really failing the students because there is no o verall leadership o r design plan so the co urse o f actio n co ntinuo usly changes. It has a huge turno ver fo r teachers because they do no t feel suppo rted. I see bo th plans ending the sam e way as the im m ersio n scho o l.


The biggest risk is with the o nline instructio n part; m aking sure that kids do n't get lo st o r left behind due to no t having access to techno lo gy o r no t understanding the techno lo gy. There is also the inherent risk that techno lo gy and m o re specifically, the internet, has sim ply be being a po tentially unsafe place that kids can be preyed upo n.


The blended hybrid m ix I'm co ncerned abo ut the effectiveness o f the o nline learning. Kids' ability to fo llo w thro ugh with the ho m ewo rk and general learning Is there go ing to be a way to m o nito r this?


The co st o f adding PreK to elem entary scho o l. No t all parents will cho o se to enro ll their children in PreK at a public scho o l -- there are o ther go o d o ptio ns fo r prescho o l. I am in favo r o f including 6th grade in elem entary scho o l. Why the rush to put 11 and 12 year o lds in a scho o l with 14 year o lds? The elem entary scho o l is generally a m o re nurturing enviro nm ent fo r 6th graders. On-line educatio n is less perso nal because students lo se the o ppo rtunity to co m m unicate with instructo rs and o ther students face-to -face. They are lo sing the chance to develo p perso nal interactio n and co m m unicatio n skills.


The co st o f pro perly im plem enting an "explo rato ry" curriculum . (Teacher training, building redesign) Overcro wding in a building. Tim e spent redesigning curriculum and im plem enting with all staff o n bo ard.


The difference between PreK and a 5th grade is far greater than between kindergarten and 6th grade. It's po ssible that the co nfiguratio n wo uld wo rk (and there co uld be so m e great m ento ring activities) but it wo uld have to be do ne carefully. Also , the bathro o m set-up wo uld have to be taken into co nsideratio n - yo unger kids typically need m o re help. I also think o nline learning is no t appro priate fo r early elem entary learning. My kids do n't have the fo cus to pay attentio n to an educatio nal video witho ut clicking o ff and they do n't like when I try to teach them so m ething. They respo nd m uch better to teachers.


The district sho uld identify the risks they see


The district tried pro ject based learning in the early 80's. It was the "Challenge" pro gram and was a cho ice fo r 6th graders fo r a o ne year pro gram . Since the pro gram isn't in place to day, it was no t co ntinued fo r a reaso n. I think the team sho uld search the archives fo r feedback fro m the initial experience befo re co nsidering pro ject based learning. Additio nally, pro ject based learning can be extrem ely challenging fo r students when it is do ne as part o f a team enviro nm ent. Inevitably, there is so m eo ne no t pulling their weight o n the pro ject. It is very difficult fo r adults to navigate this - do ubly challenging fo r students in m iddle scho o l & high scho o l.





The district will separate the co m m unity o f learners into the "haves" and the "have no ts".


The elem entary scho o ls need to stay as neighbo rho o d standard scho o ls. This specialized scho o l no nsense is insane. Let o ur children have no rm al, healthy, happy lives in the scho o ls we selected. Peo ple m o ved here and had children under the expectatio n they can go to certain scho o ls and no w yo u want to change everything o ut fro m under us. It needs to sto p. Yo u'll lo se even m o re enro llees.


The grade level reco nfiguratio n seem s like a band-aid to slightly fix what the district bro ke with the Transfo rm atio n. The Interm ediate scho o l m o del still seem s like the preferred co nfiguratio n. CMS likely will get o vercro wded with 6-8 there, especially if at so m e po int a Perfo rm ing Arts Center is added.


The individual scho o l o ptio n that fo cuses o n o ne specialty pro gram m ay run the risk o f lo ts o f students transitio ning fro m o ne scho o l to ano ther if they are unhappy.


The m ix o f o nline learning is a high risk plus m o re screen tim e which needs to be lim ited fo r yo unger children. Ho w well do students really learn o n-line? Do es o nline m ean staying at ho m e? The so cial aspect o f scho o l is very im po rtant.


The m o re o nline, the less writing skills. That's the m ajo r risk I see. Inadvertent plagiarism is ano ther risk.


The m o vem ent to ward pro ject o r service-based learning m eans less expo sure to co ntent. One o f the strengths o f the high scho o l is student expo sure to new ideas and co ntent areas to allo w them to m ake info rm ed career cho ices. Also , the high scho o l structure do es no t lend itself well to perso nalized pro ject-based learning and that where it is suppo sed to be extensive in the plan.


The m ultiple assessm ents m etho ds is m o re accurate than the digital student po rtfo lio s. Have so m e paper po rtfo lio s as well.


The o nline will be m o re difficult- when a child is stuck where can they turn fo r directio n o r assistance to get o ver the hurdle? A 'help' functio n o nline co uld be o f assistance (web chat etc.).


The o nly o ne thing is wishing there will be so m e ho m ewo rk to be sent with to prepare them fo r scho o l.


The o nly thing is that with change co m es co nfusio n. Parents will need guidance thro ugh the change, and especially fo r no n-English speaking fam ilies.


The scho o l wo uldn't be big eno ugh fo r 6th grade. Also I wo uld want face to face interactio n m o re than thro ugh techno lo gy.


The to ys beco m e the fo cus. Educatio n sho uld transcend entertainm ent. The effo rt to m ake them the best they can be can fo under witho ut the reco gnitio n that so m e aren't necessarily interested in the wo rk required. The wo rld they live in do esn't require the effo rt. It's m o re co ncerned with develo ping go o d co nsum ers.


The way yo u present these 2 cho ices are abstract and co nfusing. I've heard this fro m o ther parents as well. Was this do ne o n purpo se?





The wo rding o f the survey is incredibly risky since it asks respo ndents to vaguely pro ject into a future and co m m ent o n a tentative reality which will co m e to pass "o nce o ur new academ ic design is fully im plem ented, whichever design is ultim ately acted upo n." This is an absurdity that renders sensible respo nse im po ssible. One m ight better ask the questio ns abo ut the "here and no w." I have a deep suspicio n that a hidden agenda exists o f change fo r its o wn sake and no t as a result o f careful exam inatio n o f the existing strengths o f an o utstanding scho o l system with a view fo r m aking highly fo cused reco m m endatio ns fo r im pro ving the already effective system .


There hasn't been eno ugh info rm atio n presented to parents who were no t able to attend m eetings.


There is a lo t o f flexibility po tentially an asset to tho se kids who have suppo rt fro m ho m e but with the children who co m e fro m less suppo rtive ho m es there is risk in tho se kids getting left behind and no t learning the basics.


There is a risk that 6th graders co m ing fro m EHSI will lo se m o re o f their Spanish learning experiences if they are m o ved to CMS. They sho uld at least be self-co ntained if they are there, but I think they will do better staying with the rest o f the im m ersio n. When they are m ixed with o ther students, the im m ersio n experience ero des.


There is already a hybrid learning experience in their scho o ls, I wo uld steer clear fro m m aking it to o m uch o nline versus interacting with peers and teachers. Kids need to get back to the ro o ts o f learning fro m hum ans and so cial skills versus an o nline system .


There m ust be a healthy balance between o nline learning and the tim e given to face-to -face instructio n. Our children need to learn ho w to wo rk co llabo ratively with o thers and in a team enviro nm ent, so to o m uch tim e away fro m that (o nline) m ay disco urage this learning.


There will need to be nets in place to catch the students who do no t do well with a blended learning enviro nm ent and o r need additio nal suppo rt to be successful. This co uld m ean m o re suppo rt staff and m o re pro fessio nal develo pm ent and o r curriculum develo pm ent tim e which will be a great co st to the district. If no t do ne well, the blended learning aspect m y no t challenge o ur highest learners to gro w and achieve their full po tential. If no t do ne well, we will o nly idea the achievem ent gap and leave certain student gro ups by the wayside.


They do no t equally prio ritize student health, i.e., recess and physical activity. Health sho uld be an o verarching prio rity thro ugho ut.


This appears to be quite a big task to undertake.


This questio n is po o rly wo rded and frankly think the co m m ents are go ing to vary widely. Main risk is lack o f definitio n and detail abo ut what these o ptio ns even m ean. Understand yo u want feedback, but yo u need to have m o re definitio n here. Reco m m end K-6 rem ains. Pre-K no t m ixed with o lder kids. Middle scho o l is hard eno ugh witho ut extending it. 6th can relate to 5th (co m m ent abo ut "6th relates to 7th & 8th m o re than K-1" irrrelevant because they're no t interacting with K-1 m uch).


This seem s pretty straight fo rward and lo w risk.


To o m any transitio ns fro m the current m o del, to o so o n, m ay have a negative im pact o n o lder students who have gro wn up in the current m o del. A co nsideratio n sho uld be m ade in ho w to phase in these changes o ver the years so as to grandfather in grades X and higher who will co ntinue with the existing m o del while grades K-5 begin learning under the new m o del.


To o m uch "o nline" instructio n will lead to less learning and m o re gam es being played o n their iPads.





To o m uch screen tim e/co m puter learning with "o nline" learning. This do es no t facilitate learning hum an interactio n, interperso nal co m m unicatio n and interperso nal skills. I am co ncerned that pathway type learning scho o ls will unnecessarily narro w and restrict the learning o f kids aro und a them e when they sho uld be having a bro ad expo sure to lo ts o f to pics and them es


To o m uch screen tim e; kids no t being engaged during o nline learning; no t building so cial co nnectio ns when yo u are learning rem o tely o r using a screen


To o m uch techno lo gy and no t eno ugh creativity tim e.


Training teachers to lead pro ject based learning, gaining suppo rt fro m a jaded co m m unity that m ay be adverse to further change within the district.


Transitio ning children to the next grade to o early co incides with o ther transitio ns (gro wth, puberty, etc.) and to o m any transitio ns at o ne tim e wo uld have a negative im pact o n the child's develo pm ent. I have seen firsthand the attem pt at public universities to create hybrid and o nline co urses. In general, these pro gram s are no t as tho ught-o ut/ planned as they sho uld be, m any students (and teachers!) lack the tech suppo rt to take full advantage. Often students try to m ultitask as they attem pt to co m plete o nline co ursewo rk. Decades o f research o n develo pm ent and psycho lo gy indicate this is no t a go o d thing


Understanding the m aturity differences between 6th & 8th graders. Ensuring parents are equipped to assist with o nline learning if needed.


Unm o tivated students will get lo st in the shuffle. Balance between m astering basic skills and o pen ended learning. Teacher training.


Very co ncerned that we are co ntinuing to igno re the 30% o f students that are no t pro ficient at each grade level. This sho uld be o ur #1 prio rity!!!


We are talking abo ut system shift witho ut getting the peo ple in fro nt o f students invo lved in the develo pm ent. Many o f us have do ne pieces o f these plans befo re, we've learned fro m experience and will be the o nes im plem enting - learn fro m the em bedded wisdo m befo re pushing fo rward.


We do think that it is best to have the Pre-K by itself where it is, have Elem scho o ls K-5, CMS 6-8, and HS 9-12.


We do n't have the infrastructure fo r 6-8 in o ne building. It is already super cro wded as it is.


We have co ncerns regarding o nline instructio n, as the children m ay do better with a teacher present. We wo uld also prefer to lim it screen tim e and fo cus o n interperso nal interactio ns.


We m ay lo se go o d quality staff if no t given pro per training, suppo rt, o r tim e fo r curricular develo pm ent. Students and fam ilies m ay no t understand the gains, as this wo uld m o ve even further fro m the traditio nal m o del. If all scho o ls are cho ice scho o ls, classro o m size and student po pulatio ns m ay no t be evenly pro po rtio ned. There m ay be so m e scho o ls with 30+ in a classro o m , while o thers have m uch less.


We need to be careful no t to ask/fo rce students to cho o se a fo cus o f study to o so o n in the pro cess. It feels develo pm entally appro priate purpo sely build in a lo t o f explo ratio n co m po nents. We need to be very tho ughtful in having students engage with the co m m unity to m ake it a go o d learning experience and to m ake sure with do n't burn o ut o ur reso urces. Clear expectatio ns and curriculum need to suppo rt this co m po nent.





We need to rem em ber that the needs and o utco m es o f a high scho o l student are very different fro m an elem entary scho o l student and sto p trying to m ake all scho o ls the sam e. Also , students learn differently and so m e o ptio ns m ay no t suit all students- ie. do n't fo rce a student to learn o nline if that student do es better in a typical classro o m .


We saw changes in m y child. It's go o d.


What are the facto rs we as parents need to co nsider in each scenario ? Our children's learning is no t necessarily ho w we see them at ho m e? Very challenging witho ut m o re info rm atio n and criteria


What do es the staff structure lo o k like in this m o del? It feels like there wo uld need big changes to that in o rder to m ake the m o del wo rk well.


What happens to the students who lo se a who le year o f Spanish Im m ersio n by changing m iddle scho o l to 6-8? I wo uld no t want m y preK child in a scho o l with 5 graders especially given the size o f so m e o f the scho o ls. Online learning assum es students are self m o tivated and have the ability o r ho m e help to stay o n task and fo cused.


What if students are struggling with self-directed learning o r within the m o re flexible fo rm at?


What is the co st o f m o ving 6th grade to the m iddle scho o l? Ho w will the right m ix o f learning m etho ds be identified fo r each child in the high scho o l? The info rm atio n is rather vague, so it's difficult to clearly identify risks o r rewards.


What pro blem (s) is this initiative trying to so lve? I do n't see ho w anyo ne can respo nd to this survey who do esn't kno w what currently is no t wo rking. Maybe yo u sho uld ask that questio n first and if a respo ndent can't answer it, direct them to what we are trying to so lve.


Whatever changes are m ade, invest in them and do them well.


Where are yo u go ing to put the sixth graders if yo u m o ve them ? That seem s to be the o verall idea that adm inistratio n wants.


Where do es the Spanish Im m ersio n pro gram fit in with this plan? There is no m entio n o f the pro gram so it is hard to pro vide feedback. Em plo yers in the Twin Cities are seeking m o re bilingual speaker so we need to help o ur eco no m y and help this scho o l co ntinue to gro w and flo urish. I am NOT suppo rtive o f giving up a year o f im m ersio n witho ut a so lid plan o f ho w we will do im m ersio n in 6-8 with this plan. The training fo r the teachers is go ing to be lo ng and need m o we have the tim e and budget fo r this?


Which o ptio n? Risks o f all: Pro per identificatio n and co ding fo r state and federal funding. Also , training o f ALL staff to suppo rt these changes.


While agree Pre-K is better suited fo r the elem entary buildings than 6th grade, are bathro o m s, drinking fo untains, stairs, etc. in these buildings able to acco m m o date Pre-K students. I stro ngly believe at the elem entary level students need face-to -face instructio n. Students have less and less tim e these days to actually interact with peo ple instead o f screens. Due o ur current elem entary building have the ro o m to add Pre-K witho ut affecting the pro gram s that currently exist?


While flexibility in schedule so unds go o d o n paper, I'm no t sure ho w this will wo rk fo r o ther fam ilies o n different schedules. I also feel that m aking scho o l m o re flexible will also m ake it seem less im po rtant.


Will 6th grade act as junio r high m o del, what do es this do with licensing Staff needs training with perso nalized learning and/o r pro ject based learning





Will o nline learning by accessible to all Do we have ro o m in m iddle scho o l to add 6th grade?


Will so m e students who aren't self-starters o r who do n't take initiative fall thro ugh the cracks? Will there be clear check po ints fo r teachers to m ake sure all students are learning?


Will students leave if the grades are reco nfigured?


Will teachers be able to change their current practice and m indset abo ut these changes?


Will the m iddle scho o l have ro o m to ho ld 6th grade. Ho w will children be held acco untable fo r o nline learning.


Will there be ro o m fo r 6th grade? I am leery o f hybrid o ptio ns; while they m ay wo rk fo r so m e students, they do n't wo rk fo r all. Students who are no t self-starters are no t go ing to keep up with the o nline wo rk. Ho w do we guarantee that the students' wo rk is there o wn? I am no t co nvinced that techno lo gy is all it is cracked up to be. There are m any studies o ut no w that sho w that students do n't learn as well fro m techno lo gy as they do fro m so m e o f the traditio nal m o dels. I do n't want the teachers to beco m e glo rified babysitters who are just there to watch o ver the students as they guide their o wn learning. So m e m em o rizatio n is necessary in learning! Yo u can't have an intelligent co nversatio n abo ut so m ething in yo u have no backgro und kno wledge sto red in yo ur brain!


Will we have a tho ughtful lo nger term plan that is suppo rted by o ngo ing, effective pro fessio nal develo pm ent? Up until no w, we seem to m anage change po o what will we do differently with these new changes.


With Grade reco nfiguratio n, I think that the 6-8 is go o d, but putting the pre-K with the o thers m akes peo ple wo o ried they co uld be accidentally hurt, ect. Ho wever, I like the idea. With o nline classes, I like the idea, I just ho pe that I wo n't have to spend ho urs lo o king fo r answers o n the Internet. Discussio ns no rm ally go better when yo u're co m m enting o n o ther's co m m ents tho ugh. With o nline classes tho ugh, it m ight be easier fo r peo ple to skip classes, but they are co nvienant.


With blended learning, we co uld actually have m o re students struggle.


With m o re o nline instructio n, care will need to be taken no t to o verwhelm students with tim e expected to be spent o utside o f the classro o m o n "ho m ewo rk." Already ho m ewo rk is excessive.


With o nline instructio n, I have serio us co ncern abo ut o versight.


With pro ject based learning there m ight be a desire to get to the end go al o f the pro ject witho ut taking tim e fo r a deep dive and understanding o f the fundam entals o f a particular to pic.


With pro ject based, yo u will have tho se o n the pro ject do ing all the wo rk and tho se alo ng fo r the ride. While this is ho w their future wo rkplace will be, so m e children will no t have the m aturity yet to m ake this wo rk well.


With the blended learning it m ay be challenging to keep so m e students o n track such as tho se that do better with m o re structured learning.


Witho ut significant face-to -face so m e students will no t fo cus o n co ntinued learning which m ay cause a slo wer pace fo r o ther m o re advanced students.


Yo ur info rm atio n is no t clear eno ugh to pro vide a respo nse.


acco untability o f students when wo rking o n line





adapting to the change in curriculum


all whays go o d thiks


allo wing kids to fall thro ugh the cracks


blended learning will need a who le lo t o f expertise training in im plem entatio n and m o nito ring o f o nline instructio n.


cho ice scho o ls - My yo ungest is currently at FH and is lo ving the STEM scho o l fo rm at and wo uld em brace the STEAM adding the arts into it as well. Ho wever, it wo uld no t have been a go o d fit fo r all m y children and I was happy m y teens went thro ugh a different curriculum befo re the change. keep that in m ind when switching things up every 3 years. As a m o ther o f a high scho o ler who will be graduating in 2018, I am co ncerned with ho w this m ight be effecting her senio r year. I do n't feel these kids need to be in scho o l lo nger and I m ay need m o re info rm atio n o n what that m eans. Optio n B - no t all teachers do the flipped classro o m well. Beware letting the ipad be the teacher.


co uld be risky to have 6th graders in with o lder kids.


facility usage and anger o ver bo undary changes


ho w m uch o n-line learning will kids really do ? Adding Pre-K to elem entarys that already have parking lo t issues.


i do n't understand what is being asked. co uldn't find any info rm atio n to understand this better.


identifying if so m e are struggling and getting them help and reso urces to enable them to succeed


increased financial co st m o dify/add space fo r grade reco nfiguratio n


individual learning style: rem em ber that no t all students learn best o n a screen. The hum an elem ent m ust no t be lo st, especially at elem entary grades. A warm hug o r a sticker m ay m o tivate so m e better than o n-line firewo rks. 4 yr. o lds (pre-K) sho uld no t be m ixed with 1-5.


keep Pre-K o ut o f elem entary scho o l. They are to o yo ung fo r elem entary scho o l. Relying o n techno lo gy to so lve everything is a huge risk. Face to Face instructio n is m o re im po rtant than o n-line learning.


lack o f in-perso n interactio n


learning m o dificatio ns, especially when it co m es to testing.


lo gistics o f flexible classes in high scho o l. It's already hard to fit classes in based o n specific desires. To o m uch flexibility leads to co nfusio n and m o re tim e spent so rting o ut lo gistics than learning. If certain scho o ls are co nsidered "cho ice" scho o ls it takes away fro m the neighbo rho o d feel o f a scho o l. If the MOSAIC pro gram is so great because o f high tactile issues why isn't that explo red m o re fo r each scho o l.


m any sixth graders do no t have the appro priate m aturity level fo r m iddle scho o l regim en


m eeting individual needs o f at-risk students - ho w will IEP's lo o k? Ho w will o ur EL students learn with the new m o del? What plans will be in place to best m eet the needs fo r these students?


m iddle scho o l starting at 6th grade rather than 7th







no pre k at elem entary scho o ls.---parking issues and what abo ut the kids that no t go to city spo nso red peek, they are no t "fo llo wing the curriculum " o f the upper grades. as a m o ther o f a kindergartener, i canno t im agine a 4 yr o ld in the enviro nm ent o f elem entary scho o l. there is no t even playgro und equipm ent suited fo r their age (5+) Are all prescho o lers payed fo r o r just lo w inco m e? ? ?


no ne


no t m atching students in like-learning gro ups, o r creating gro ups to o big that wo n't engage students


pre-K are to o yo ung to be in buildings designed in size/scale fo r 5th graders unless in designated areas o nly Online po rtio n- where will that o ccur- still within the scho o l day? If no t, will create higher burdens o n fam ilies fo r childcare & fo r m o nito ring/guiding the learning- can be o verwhelm ing fo r wo rking fam ilies


redesign o f existing facilities. reassigm ent and reallo catio n o f reso urces. redraw o f scho o l bo undaries. lo psided class-size based o n cho o sing o ne scho o l o ver ano ther, the "better" scho o l. no t eno ugh teachers. to o m any teachers.


schedule changes, to o vague as to what schedule and actual class o ptio ns wo uld be in seco ndary. Changing to o m uch to o fast. Ho w will 6-8 students and staff all fit at CMS? Adding ano ther huge stress to staff.


so cial interactio ns lo st in so m e o f o ptio n B cho ice.


students with learning delays are left behind o r no t included


taking o ut the fo cus o f base fundam entals will lim it the learning.


the rigo r o f the academ ic m aterial. Fo r exam ple, m any students who take phy-ed o nline classes do n't actually do the required activities, they sim ply say they did. Where will the acco untability be?


to o m uch change, to o fast


to o m uch screen tim e no t go o d fo r kids. 1 in 5 o f to days yo uth have pro blem fo cusing their eyes fro m distance to near fro m using screen ( num ber per o ur eye dr)


why do we need to o nce again rearrange the grades asso ciated with the different scho o ls? that is disruptive to be co nstantly m o ving the kids aro und. o nline learning hasn't been vetted and is a distractio n.


will guided info rm atio n be presented to help us decide, like co llege preparedness


14. As you consider the common elements of both Design Option A and B:Please identify rewards that this option may provide. Count



No ne


See abo ve.


Like grade changes but ho w abo ut high scho o l being 10-12 and m iddle scho o l 7-9


I like the blended hybrid learning o ptio n because all students learn differently


* Greater access to to o ls and info rm atio n fo r parents to stay invo lved * Greater co llabo ratio n between parents and teachers in perso nalizing learning experiences


* grade 6 students need to be in an enviro nm ent that is suiting to their physical and so cial needs; the elem entary m o del do es no t be the best setting fo r them ; in additio n- having students being to gether in class fo r seven years in o ne building can be to o m uch.


*flexibility *suppo rtive o f a m o re co llabo rative learning experience *tailo red to individual learning needs *use o f m ultiple learning styles to reach all students


*grade levels gro uped by develo pm ental sim ilarities *ability to have flipped classro o m *balance o f techno lo gy and perso nal interactio n *Pro ject based learning gives students a sense o f o wnership in their academ ic experience *PreK in elem entary will allo w fo r easier transitio n into Kindergarten


- Better prepared graduates fo r o ur ever changing wo rk wo rld beyo nd scho o l - Flexibility fo r students/fam ilies and staff


- Middle scho o l 6-8 seem s appro priate IF there is space


- Mo ving 6th grade to m iddle scho o l m ay give kids m o re tim e fo r the transitio nal, higher level expectatio ns o f m iddle scho o l befo re m o ving o n to high scho o l.


-Co m binatio n o f learning m etho ds (including flipped classro o m ) o ffers so m e advantages/ efficiency. -Pro ject based learning is clo ser to real-wo rld use o f kno wledge


-I think m o ving 6th grade to m iddle scho o l is co m pletely appro priate.


-Intro ductio n to pro ject based learning -Grade reco nfiguratio n


-flexibility fo r o lder HS students in their learning appro ach -I like having 6th graders in the m iddle scho o l and having a lo nger m iddle scho o l experience.


-inno vative assessm ent -m aking pre-k m o re o f a prio rity. -pro ject based learning -flexible schedule fo r HS flexible academ ic gro upings-elem entary


1) Pro ject based learning (PBL) is very po pular no w and seem s to track with skills em plo yers need. 2) PBL takes advantage o f the techno lo gy in which we've already invested.





1. Flexibility fo r children to learn thro ugh m ultiple fo rm ats and m edium s. 2. Having 6th graders in m iddle scho o l pro vides a better balance acro ss the scho o ls' age ranges and aligns their m aturity level with peers.


1. Pro viding a hybrid learning enviro nm ent wo uld give students o ptio ns to learn thro ugh vario us m eans, aligning with glo bal trends.


6-8 MS is the m o st develo pm entally appro priate co nfiguratio n


6-8 m ay be a go o d gro uping.


6-8 m iddle scho o l gives kids m o re tim e to prepare fo r high scho o l.


6-8 m iddle scho o l is the right way to go .


6-8th grade in m iddle scho o l seem s like a go o d idea. Allo ws kids m o re tim e in m iddle scho o l and 6th graders are ready fo r a change after so m any years in elem entary scho o l.


6th grade back with 7-8th


6th grade gro uped with age alike children. Unique pro jects with a lo t o f po ssibilities. Preparatio n fo r co llege level classes being o nline.


6th grade in m iddle scho o l


6th grade in m iddle scho o l seem s reaso nable. Pro ject based learning is a great idea!


6th grade is m o re appro priate fo r m iddle scho o l. Better individualized learning


6th grade is m o re suited to be in a Middle Scho o l fo rm at


6th grade is no lo nger in the elem entary scho o ls, which is no t an ideal enviro nm ent fo r this age.


6th grade o ut o f elem entary


6th grade students are ready fo r m o re independence. Being at the m iddle scho o l will give them this o ptio n.


6th grade students better align with grades 7 & 8 fo r a true m iddle scho o l m o del. This m o del also is co nducive to less transitio ns and better relatio nships between staff and students.


6th graders needed to be pulled fro m the elem entary scho o ls YEARS ago .


6th grades m ay do better with 8th graders than kindergartners.


6th sho uld be in m iddle scho o l


A - 6th graders are ready fo r a m iddle scho o l experience.


A - prek o ptio n B - m o re real-wo rld learning o ppo rtunities





A 6-8 m iddle scho o l is m o re appro priate than K-6. Mo st 6th graders are ready to leave elem entary by the end o f 5th and have m o re in co m m o n with 7-8 than K-5. Gradually intro ducing pro ject-based learning and expanding as a student m o ves up in grade is a go o d appro ach. Life is abo ut pro jects, whether in the wo rkplace o r at ho m e and giving students a so lid fo undatio n in co m pleting pro jects will serve them well. If flipped classro o m s wo uld be part o f the blended/hybrid learning, this wo uld be very helpful fo r students in that they co uld use classro o m tim e to get questio ns answered and go m o re deeply into a subject because they wo uld attend class having already been expo sed to the m aterial. I wo uld think this wo uld be very helpful in situatio ns where students are struggling and wo uld also enable students to expand what they m ight o therwise get fro m m aterial.


A blend o f vario us instructio nal m etho ds to help target all children's best learning m etho ds m ay be beneficial.


A few o f he students are ready to m o ve to a m iddle scho o l m o del at the beginning o f sixth grade. Tho se few students will be served. I am no t clear as to what o ther rewards will be pro vided.


A huge reward wo uld be rem o ving the 6th grade students fro m the yo unger students. They do no t fit in the current elem entary scho o l co nfiguratio ns.


A variety o f learning styles fo r m any types o f students with the hybrid learning. The experiential learning m ay be real life valuable, ho wever it co uld be pretty specific skills learned thro ugh experience.


A wider variety o f to pics to study.


A- different assessm ent m etho ds. Ho m e scho o ls stay the sam e. Optio ns to inco rpo rate hands o n and pro ject based learning witho ut upsetting the o rganic structure o f the scho o l.


Again, A o r B? Bo th? Rewards o f these co m m o n elem ents wo uld be, ho pefully, a m o re flexible and m eaningful educatio nal experience fo r kids.


Again, I do no t suppo rt pro ject based pro gram s.


Again, no t eno ugh info rm atio n.


Agree stro ngly.


Aligned K12 Allo ws an o ppo rtunity fo r hybrid learning


Alignm ent to individualized needs. Structure is less harnessed to a lecture appro ach and child who can excel do so in a self-pace, m o dular and test-o ut appro ach.


Allo wing individuals that are m o re "creative" to be able to learn in a way that is easier fo r them to understand. LOVE the idea o f m o re recess tim e and physical activity and tim e with friends is SO im po rtant!


Allo wing m o re individualized learning 6th graders in a m o re age appro priate enviro nm ent


Allo ws fo r flexibility in learning.


Allo ws fo r m o re creativity and gro wth fo r learning in bo th m o dels


Allo ws students to benefit fro m m ultiple teaching and learning styles and o ppo rtunities and additio nal interactio n with techno lo gies.


B wo rks great fo r the high achievers and keeps them fro m being bo red during the scho o l day.





BOth will o ffer individualized learning o r access to m o re plans.


Based o n the o ddly designed graphic and the descriptio ns pro vided, it appears that bo th o ptio ns will m o ve sixth grade to CMS, pro vide m o re o nline instructio n, and m ake use o f vario us levels o f pro ject based learning. This strikes m e as essentially status quo with the exceptio n o f the m o ve fo r grade six which m akes so m e sense develo pm entally. Research suppo rts the grade 6-8 m iddle scho o l m o del. I assum e that this wo uld reward the m iddle scho o l with a m uch needed bit o f rem o deling and expansio n.


Benefits are the integratio n o f o nline learning and pro ject wo rk. I agree that m iddle scho o l sho uld start at grade 6 v. 7 because they kids do identify m o re with the o ther grades in term s o f physical and intellectual develo pm ent.


Better assessm ent pro cess and higher fo cus o n go als


Better preparatio n fo r future success. Learning co nsistences at all scho o ls. 6-8 in m iddle scho o l is go o d because 2 years in m iddle scho o l is no t eno ugh.


Better preparatio n fo r the future aro und certain skills. The po ssibility o f expanding Spanish Im m ersio n to a PreK- 8 scho o l.


Better service o f m ultiple learning styles.


Better to keep trying new things than sitting idle Perso nalized learning equals gro wth and high sense o f self wo rth in students


Better transitio n fro m elem entary to high scho o l.


Blended/hybrid learning benefits a variety o f learning styles.


Blended/hybrid learning so unds like it wo uld give a variety o f o ptio ns to reach different students' learning styles


Bo th have po tential to address students' individual and alternative needs, bo th have po tential fo r students to learn at the level that is appro priate fo r them


Bo th o ptio ns suppo rt 21st-century learning and required skills. Optio ns allo w fo r flexible learning based o n student cho ice and strengths.


Canno t identify rewards witho ut m o re precise info rm atio n. Ho wever, a blended/hybrid learning co ncept so unds interesting as it m ay help reach students in ways that aren't a 'o ne-size-fits-all' appro ach as it so unds like this co uld be tailo red so m ewhat fo r each student.


Certain skills m ay be enhanced in students, such as the 4 C's. Ho wever, they m ay no t.


Changing the co nfiguratio n at CMS to 6-8 is a great idea. Ho wever, m o re wo rk is needed to m ake CMS a truly exceptio nal educatio n experience. This currently is the weakest link in the K-12 system at Eden Prairie. I suggest fo rm ing a special study o f what m akes fo r an excellent m iddle scho o l enviro nm ent as part o f the m o ve to a 6-8 grade scho o l.


Children learning pro blem so lving skills no t just facts





Children that are better able to co pe with the reality o f the wo rld to day and in the fo cus, especially thro ugh m ix o f o nline AND face to face engagem ents. The latter is critically im po rtant to m aintain as to avo id a generatio n that o nly talks to each o ther via text.


Cho ice is always exciting but it will cause a lo t change which is unsettling fo r parents, teachers, the co m m unity.


Clo ser to "real life" learning


Co m m o n A has a clear path that a student is go ing thro ugh.


Co m pletely agree that gray and red sectio ns wo uld pro vide rewards, no t co nvinced o f m uch o f any fo r the grade reco nfiguratio ns as co m pared to the disruptio n (again) and co st o f do ing this.


Co nsistent grade levels per scho o l, allo w students ability to try different types o f instructio n m etho ds. Explo re things in depth with the pro ject m etho ds.


Co uld po ssibly have sm aller class sizes thro ugh all the grade levels.


Creating a m o re pro ject based enviro nm ent that enco urages co llabo ratio n, creativity and im pro ves critical reaso ning skills will better setup the students fo r success in higher educatio n and in their careers.


Current so cial age m o re balanced in the learning pro cess. Pre-K/K thro ugh 5 is better than K-6. Learning styles are m o re adaptable to different cultures. Mo re students m ay excel.


Custo m izatio n to the student and fam ily, m eeting specific needs fo r the best learning experience and lo ng-term success


Design B-m o re o ptio ns


Despite its challenges, PBL is really, really aweso m e.


Different teaching m etho ds to m atch different learning needs Gro uping 6-8 to gether with m o re sim ilar develo pm ental stages Mo re hands o n applicatio n o f co ntent v. recitatio n


Diversity as children learn, strive and gro w differently


Do n't kno w.


Enco urages students to take respo nsibility fo r learning.


Engaged learners thro ugh student cho ice and relevant pro jects


Engaged students will have great learning experiences.


Ensuring students are prepared fo r jo bs o f the future Seeking each child's strength(s) and teaching to it/them Mo re co llabo rative learning/co o peratio n skills


Everyo ne I speak to is in favo r o f 6th go ing to m iddle scho o l and no t fo r pre-K in the elem entary.





Expanding m iddle scho o l to include 6th graders will be a po sitive. With the current set-up, the kids get settled in in 7th grade and then are getting ready to m o ve o n to high scho o l in 8th grade. One m o re year wo uld be nice fo r them to have o ne "stable" year. And 6th graders seem ready fo r a change after all tho se years o f elem entary scho o l.




Flexibility to scheduling to allo w fo r o utside activities/respo nsibilities such as appo intm ents.


Flexibility to teach in ways that reco gnize the m ultiple intelligences reflected in a classro o m .


Flexibility. Educatio n that gro ws at the rate a student learns. Allo w students to fo cus o n their strengths.


Flexible learning o ptio ns help students o f vario us grades learn and get challenged at a pace appro priate to their ability. Wo rking with peers o f o ther grades can assist in this. Multiple o ptio ns fo r achieving better grades and skills also are a im po rtant o ptio n.


Flexible learning, being in an enviro nm ent that is go ing with the flo w o f techno lo gy and industry, and having m ultiple ways to learn vs sit and listen all day every day.


Fo cus o n the future and where techno lo gy is headed


Fo cused teaching o n cho sen curriculum o r area o f interest


Fo r m o tivated students, they can pro gress m o re quickly thro ugh so m e o f the m o re basic wo rk and get to m o re extensio n wo rk. I like the idea o f having 6th grade in m iddle scho o l; it's a m o re appro priate m atch.


Fo r o lder elem entary students they will be challenged when they are ready and have m o re tim e to prepare fo r high scho o l.


Fo r students who are independently m o tivated


Fo r students who need to wo rk during high scho o l it wo uld allo w fo r flexibility.


Fo r tho se that lo ve techno lo gy and science (and art), which m y o ne still in elem entary do es, I think the STEM and STEAM pro gram is exciting and will be a great benefit. Hybrid/m ix -


Get to m eet m o re peo ple that are bo th yo unger and o lder than yo u. Mo re so cial interactio n with a variety o f ages.


Gets the 6th graders o ut o f the elem entary scho o ls, which is a great idea.


Getting 6th graders a better develo pm ental experience in m iddle scho o l; I like the m ix o f o nline and face-to face instructio n.


Giving students m o re cho ice and creativity! Students need to have m o re flexability and tim e to try and fail repeatedly in a suppo rtive space.


Grade 6 sho uld be in m iddle scho o l.


Grade 6-8 gro ups seem s appro priate. Adding m o re o nline lectures with in scho o l ho m ewo rk seem s appro priate.





Grade K-5 is a go o d step


Grade Reco nfiguratio n: Like the idea o f m o ving 6th grade to CMS (if it can wo rk), because it aligns with ho w o ther districts are structured. Plus I feel 6th grader can relate better to 7th and 8th grader, then their yo unger peers. Blended/Hybrid Learning: We like this idea o f m ixed learning if im plem ented in a balanced way. Pro ject Based learning & Pathway: We really like this o ptio n. This m akes learning interesting and hands o n.


Grade co nfiguratio ns are better. Mtka has the sam e and is better.


Grade reco nfiguratio n fo r elem entary and m iddle scho o l wo uld be go o d since m o st o ther scho o ls natio nwide have a 3 year m iddle scho o l, versus 2 (7th and 8Th) as we have no w here. It will give them m o re tim e to adapt and adjust to the high scho o l years ahead and learn m o re independent studying skills. The m iddle scho o l years are kno wn fo r the years that kids 'find them selves' and their interests.


Grade reco nfiguratio n is a go o d idea and a better fit fo r 6th graders. The pro ject based learning at the o lder grade levels is really inno vative and I suppo rt this idea.


Grade reco nfiguratio n will be go o d fo r 6th graders as they start their transitio n fro m elem entary scho o l. Pro ject based learning will be m o re hands o n and will be helpful fo r understanding the co ncepts.


Greater student engagem ent and interest.


Have no idea because it's just buzz wo rds.


Having 6th grade at CMS wo uld benefit students by having them in a setting m o re co nducive to 12-year-o lds, plus they wo uld three years to build co m m unity and relatio nships with staff m em bers rather than two years.


Having 6th graders in the m iddle scho o l co uld help them .


Having k to 6 in o ne scho o l has always seem ed a bro ad range. I like to purpo seful m ix o f learning styles


Healthier and well balanced children. My children went to to p end co lleges and I believe it is in part due to the rich o ppo rtunities I pro vided with academ ics co m ing in the back do o r in the activities they pursued. I am co ncerned that we o ur sho rt changing o ur children by no t pro viding the students with creative play o ppo rtunities. There is alo t m o re go ing o n than m ay m eet the untrained eye.


Ho nestly, it is so sim ilar to what we have no w it do esn't m atter.


Ho pefully better results


Ho pefully this will develo p students that are m o re prepared fo r the "real life" experience


Ho w will yo u im plem ent the statem ent, "m y o utco m es are no t predeterm ined by m y race o r ethnicity? " If yo u can figure that o ut and really change o utco m es fo r tho se students, that co uld be really po werful.


I agree that 6th graders will relate better to o lder students (7th and 8th graders) and excel in the m iddle scho o l enviro nm ent. I believe that interest fo r o nline learning will o nly co ntinue to gro w and thus agree that beginning to im plem ent this way o f learning at an earlier age is im po rtant.


I agree that pro ject wo rk is im po rtant. My co ncern is in the im plem entatio n and teacher m anagem ent o f pro ject wo rk. It adds co nsiderable co m plexity.





I agree with the assertio n that we need to change the way we teach o ur children in o rder to prepare them fo r jo bs that have yet to be created. I fully suppo rt this effo rt and find the m ix o f interactio ns/teaching m edium s intriguing. As a leader in business to day, the m edium s very m uch align with ho w "the wo rld wo rks" o utside o f the academ ic setting.


I agree with the statem ent m ade during the presentatio n abo ut adding ano ther year to m iddle allo wing m o re preparatio n fo r a better transactio n. In additio n m ulti-m etho d teaching will help to increase/m aintain interest and help tho se students who learn differently


I am huge pro po nent o f pro ject (I.e. Reality) based learning and intro ducing it in elem entary is very im po rtant. Additio nally blended learning will always m ake is sim ply,y a m atter o f checking in every co uple years to ensure the balance is adequate to educating in the basic m inim um s and enabling students to reach full po tential.


I am unclear o n this


I believe "hybrid" learning can be a very effective way to augm ent in-class teaching, and pro vide students with additio nal ways to learn.


I believe 6-8 co nfiguratio n needs to happen! The current transitio n fro m 6th grade to 7th grade is difficult fo r teachers/students/parents in regards to curriculum , respo nsibility and gro wth and develo pm ent o f the students.


I believe 6th graders wo uld be ready fo r CMS.


I believe Pre-K students wo uld fit into the grade reco nfiguratio n better than o ur current 6th graders. 6th graders are to o o ld fo r the elem entary building and need a change after being in o ne building fo r six years.


I believe pro ject based learning will engage students. Also a m ix o f m edia (o nline and in perso n) is go o d expo sure fo r kids.


I believe that creating pro jects fro m early o n (elem entary level) will help students beco m e brighter and sm arter. They will have the o po rtunity to research and put to gether their findings and ultim atelly co m m unucate it to o thers. I believe that this is go o d practice thro ugh o ut their academ ic years.


I believe the co m m o n elem ents are sim ilar to things we are do ing no w.


I believe the grade co nfiguratio n m ake sense. It will pro vide m o re co ntinuity thro ugh the m iddle scho o l.


I can't think o f any.


I do like the idea in Optio n A that kids will get m o re recess tim e/ tim e to be creative. As a yo ung kid that m eans the wo rld to be able to figure things o ut in yo ur o wn way, instead o f a strict ruling. Having classes in the arts like an art class, band o r cho ir can m ake a HUGE difference in a childs scho o ling. I've been in band since 5th grade, and having band always gave m e so m ething to lo o k fo rward to during the day and gave m e a class that wasn't stressful. In o ptio n B they say so m ething abo ut giving m o re tim e to high scho o lers fo r internships and jo b o ppo rtunities which I agree with.


I do n't really see any.


I do n't see any rewards.





I go t m y elem entary educatio n degree when "who le language" was the m o vem ent at the tim e. As I read the co m m o n elem ents it seem s that sim ilarly integratio n o f learning and student driven educatio n is at the heart o f what is being pro po sed. Fo r m e, who le language was an o ppo rtunity to integrate all types o f subjects and be student centered...but as I go t into the classro o m , I no ticed o ther teachers no t using 'parts' o f what who le language was m eant fo r...therefo re leaving o ut several necessary learning m o dules and skills...very basic things like co nso nant diagraphs. I feel pro ject based learning is an exciting co ncept fo r integratio n and student excitem ent. When im plem ented with teachers that are passio nate and willing to put in the effo rt I think students co uld benefit, but I fear there will be ho les in learning that will affect the students fo r years to co m no t being able to spell...o r even in the ballpark fo r the auto -co rrect to wo rk o n their techno lo gy app. I fully suppo rt


I like that m iddle scho o l will include 6th grade.


I like the 6-8 m o del fo r the m iddle scho o l. I think we can m ake it wo rk, if we get the financial suppo rt needed to m ake it a go o d pro gram . We need PLC team planning tim e, as well as perso nal planning tim e, during the scho o l day. That's actually a stro ng part o f why the schedule wo rked well back when we were a m o re cro wded building!


I like the K-5, 6-8, and 9-12 structure pro vides less m o vem ents between scho o ls. Also , like the pro ject based learning it enco urages them to be very creative and ho pefully think o utside the bo x, because wo rk experiences is m o stly pro ject based and this prepares them fo r that.


I like the co ncept o f pro ject based learning as it pro vides a direct link between the bland scho o l to pics to real wo rld applicatio ns. Sho wing that real co nnectio n pro m o tes engagem ent and excitem ent abo ut the learning pro cess.


I like the co nfiguratio n o f scho o ls. K-6 is ridiculo us.


I like the flexibility o f the different types o f instructio n: Face to face, o nline, etc.


I like the grade co nfiguratio n m uch better.


I like the hybrid learning and the pro ject based learning pathway.


I like the idea o f go ing back to K-5 elem entary scho o ls. Sixth graders fit better in the m iddle scho o l and will feel m o re at ho m e there.


I like the idea o f having CMS be an actual m iddle scho o l no t a junio r high called a m iddle scho o l


I like the idea o f m iddle scho o l running fro m 6th -8th grade. I think 6th graders will be ready fo r a change after being in o ne scho o l fo r six years and the students in 6th-8th grades will benefit fro m sharing a sim ilar learning and explo rato ry enviro nm ent.


I like the idea o f pro ject based learning.


I like the idea o f thinking o f educatio n in a new way.


I like the m ix o f m etho ds to m ake sure the students receive the info rm atio n needed to succeed in the future.


I like the m ix o f o nline and face to face instructio n. It wo uld be nice to have an intro ducto ry expo sure to pro ject based learning as lo ng as teachers have been fully trained in this.





I like the o ppo rtunity fo r different m etho ds o f learning. This is a representatio n o f ho w students will be functio ning in po st-seco ndary educatio n which helps m ake transitio ning fro m o ne educatio nal setting to the next.


I like the pro ject-based learning tim eline. I'm very interested in the students learning things in a big-picture fo rm at.


I like the tho ught o f 6th grade go ing to CMS. Then watch ho w m any elem entary teachers will want to fo llo w them ! CMS will be an attractive place fo r o verwo rked, burned o ut elem entary teachers.


I like there's a hybrid learning co ncept but again, careful with the screen tim e and lack o f practiced so cial skills with this m o del. I lo ve the pro ject based learning - m o re like a liberal arts co llege.


I lo ve that inno vatio n is being co nsidered. It is necessary to switch fro m the o ld m o del o f learning to o ne that utilizes techno lo gy and evidence-based practice.


I lo ve the idea o f a cho ice scho o l in EP, it is inno vative and wo uld clearly o ffer so m ething different when co m pared with o ur surro unding districts. I like elem ents o f bo th o ptio ns. I lo ve gro uping students to gether, I think that wo uld wo rk great. I like blo ck learning in the elem entary grades - but I wo uld o nly like that if kids were gro uped based o n ability - high learners to gether, rem edial learners to gether and grade level learners to gether fo r BOTH reading and m ath fo r lo nger chunks thro ugho ut the day. I like the idea o f digital po rtfo lio s fo r the students as they go thro ugh the system .


I lo ve the idea o f full-day prescho o l in the building. I also like that the 6th graders m o ve o ut. The ability to o ffer m any ways to learn instantly reduces barriers fo r o ur at-risk and special needs students.


I lo ve the idea o f getting 6th graders up to CMS. They are ready. I also like that they will have a m o re interactive, pro ject-based learning acro ss the bo ard. This o ffers m o re o ppo rtunity fo r real-wo rld experience.


I lo ve the idea o f m o ving 6th grade to CMS because it fits their develo pm ent so m uch better than being in an elem entary scho o l. I believe it will better prepare them fo r the transitio n to the HS when that tim e co m es.


I lo ve the idea o f the 6th grade go ing back to the m iddle scho o l. All I have heard fro m parents and teachers is that that 6th grade year in an elem entary scho o l enviro nm ent is challenging. I believe that age gro up is ready fo r the respo nsibility and variety that a m iddle scho o l structure pro vides. I kno w the im m ersio n parents are pushing hard fo r 6th grade to stay within the elem entary scho o l so that their children receive ano ther year o f "true" im m ersio n, but I think the district needs to lo o k at the OVERALL value o f m aking a change such as this. There are FIVE o ther scho o ls im pacted and I do no t believe a decisio n o f this m agnitude sho uld be determ ined based o n just 1 scho o l's stance. Im m ersio n pro gram and it very m uch feels like a free private scho o l fo r the m iddle-upper class o f the co m m unity. I wo rry that because o f the wide variety o f dem o graphics represented in the o ther scho o ls the viewpo ints o f tho se parents m ay no t get heard during this pro cess (due to language barri


I lo ve the pro ject based learning.


I o nly see m o ving 6th graders to CMS as a benefit. The kids are do ne with elem entary at that po int and need to be treated as such.


I prefer the K-5 and 6-8 and 9-12 scho o ls m o dels and believe this is im po rtant to m o ve 6th graders to Middle Scho o l.


I pro vided input at the in-perso n sessio ns o n 5/25/16





I really like the idea o f m iddle scho o l being grades 6-8. I also like the m ix o f learning, as kids need to be independent as well as guided and kno w ho w to respo nd in bo th situatio ns.


I reco gnize that 6th graders and kindergarteners are wo rlds apart.


I see an increased need fo r flexibility in schedules and calendars that will pro vide as m uch benefit fo r o ur students as anything. This can benefit each student individually. Scho o ls are to o rigid and need to change that. These o ptio ns seem to do that and that wo uld be a huge reward.


I see no rewards until we im pro ve in o ur areas o f leadership.


I see rewards in m o ving to ward a m o re pro ject-based, hybrid learning enviro nm ent at the high scho o l.


I think 'blended' is always a go o d o ptio n so as to ensure m eeting the needs o f all learner.


I think co m bining PreK with K-5 m akes a lo t o f sense. I think there are great benefits to aligning PreK with elem entary curriculum . I like the blended/hybrid m o del because it allo ws fo r m o re perso nalized learning.


I think flexibility in the use o f techno lo gy, and in the allo wances fo r hands-o n learning in higher grades is intriguing. The wo rld is changing so fast, it wo uld be nice to be able to , if no t anticipate, at least try to keep up with dem ands in the real wo rld, fro m sim ply kno wing tim e m anagem ent etc fo r every day living, to gaining realistic experience in a cho sen career field.


I think grade 6 will fit in better with grades 7+8.


I think having the 6th graders at a m iddle scho o l will be nice to see ho w we co uld pro vide a suppo rtive space fo r m iddle scho o l kids.


I think increased engagem ent co uld happen with either o ptio n.


I think it wo uld be go o d to have 6, 7, 8 to gether


I think it's a go o d idea to m o ve 6th grade into the m iddle scho o l.


I think m o ving 6th grade to Middle Scho o l will be beneficial to give them an extra year to prepare fo r High Scho o l. I really like the breakdo wn o f the pathways at each grade level: the intro ductio n, exlo ratio n, and extensive. I think this gives the kids great to o ls to use fo r the realy wo rld.


I think o ptio n B has the chance to pro vide kids with real learning, real self esteem and real skills.


I think pro ject based learning and blended/hybrid learning o ptio ns are po sitive.


I think the 6th grade m o ving to CMS will m ake bo th the elem entary and m iddle scho o ls m o re age appro priate fo r their students. The 6th graders seem to have o utgro wn o ur current elem entary scho o ls.


I think the K-5, 6-8 and 9-12 m o del will help align students with their peers and o ther districts as well as having students in age appro priate settings (6th graders sho uld and will feel m o re co m fo rtable with kids who are m o re their age and in pro gram s that are m o re age appro priate)





I think the appro ach o f hybrid/blended learning ho lds m any po tential rewards! These include a m o vem ent to wards m o re perso nalized learning (by pace, ability and interest), experience with evo lving techno lo gy that prepares students fo r life o utside scho o l, and an alignm ent o f EP scho o ls with the changing landscape o f educatio n (scho o ls o f the 21st century).


I think the different teaching m etho ds o ffer flexibility as well as give students different ways to learn.


I think the grade co nfiguratio n is m o re typical and co nsistent with ho w o ther scho o ls o rganize. And, ho pefully that will alleviate cro wded classro o m s at so m e elem entary scho o ls.


I think the m o del o f K-5, 6-8,9-12 will help kids be at the appro priate scho o l setting fo r their age and learn with tier peers. This will also help to level Eden Prairie with o ther districts as this is a co m m o n m o del fo r m o st scho o l districts.


I think the o ppo rtunity fo r pro ject based learning is so m ething that can be used to enhance students creativity and ability to co llabo rate.


I think the o ptio n that allo ws fo r m o re recess is great. The kids need that tim e to unwind so that they can fully co ncentrate, I am sure the teachers wo uld appreciate it to o . It is so im po rtant fo r them to still play as a way o f learning.


I think this will engage m o re kids in m ultiple learning styles.


I think true pro ject based learning has infinite po ssibilities fo r learning and teaching. Specifically, I think it allo ws teachers to truly individualize educatio n fo r EACH student by fo stering students' individual passio ns and interests.


I tho ught they were basically bo th generic term s that wo uld eventually end in the sam e o utco m e. I o nly saw the o nline video and presentatio n and that had very little real substance.


I wo uld like having a 3-year m iddle scho o l experience. This is a valuable perio d fo r kids to gro w in their so cial m aturity and academ ic respo nsibility. 2 years do esn't seem like eno ugh.


I'm in favo r o f the m ixture o f learning m etho ds; ho wever, to be fair, this already exists.


I'm no t a fan o f elem entary scho o ls being PreK/K thru 6th, so m o ving 6th graders o ut is better than current, tho ugh no t as go o d as when we had an interm ediate scho o l designed and geared specifically fo r the develo pm ent o f 5th and 6th graders.


I'm no t co nvinced there is a significant benefit based o n what I've heard so far (which I believe includes watching all the video s and presentatio ns yo u've m ade available). I do believe that pursuing m o re blended/hybrid learning o ppo rtunities pro bably m akes sense, but I had the im pressio n that this was already happening with the techno lo gy (iPads, etc) that was ro lled o ut o ver the last few years. Also , m y experience has been that the executio n so far o n this is spo tty - so m e teachers have em braced techno lo gy, and so m e struggle. This, I think highlights that there is so m e significant executio n risk.


I'm no t seeing m uch


I'm no t sure


IF PBL is facilitated pro perly, sho uld lead to students who are m o re engaged in the learning that they are develo ping.





IF PD and training is happening the right way we can perso nalize the learning fo r o ur students while preparing them o f the 21st century. IF writing tim e is granted we co uld find ways to allo w students to go abo ve and beyo nd the traditio nal grade level o f standards and get the educatio n they need no m atter what tim e o f the year and o r their grades levels are.


If the pro gram in the specialty scho o l is a go o d fit fo r the student, they co uld really beco m e experts in that area.


In Optio n A, the 6th graders will no w be gro uped with students clo ser to their age. They will no lo nger be babied, and ho pefully allo wed to m ature m o re and be held respo nsible m uch m o re than in the current m o del.


Increase in engagem ent fro m tho se kids who right no w m ay no t be engaged. perhaps m o re "real wo rld" type learning. Cho ice is usually go o d.


Increase so lidarity with the m iddle grades by including 6th graders; aligning early childho o d educatio n with the elem entary grades; intro ducing pro ject-based learning to deepen educatio nal experience.


Increased recess tim e is essential. I like that it is included in o ptio n A. Research states that o utside/play tim e is beneficial fo r creativity and pro blem so lving. This is a go al that district seeks so sho uld be im plem ented in bo th o ptio ns.


Individual o nline learning as well as pro ject based wo rk (with a team aspect, I assum e)will pro vide a well ro unded backgro und fo r "real life " experiences in the wo rk fo rce.


Individualized learning.


It addresses diverse learning styles.


It aligns do m inant co m m unity values with educatio n.


It appears to o ffer fo cused learning to allo w differentiated learning based o n the students ability and interest. What happens when a child isn't pro gressing at cho ice scho o l - do the they get sent to ano ther cho ice scho o l?


It has never been stated what is "bro ken" abo ut the Eden Prairie Scho o l District that needs this am o unt o f tim e, m o ney and energy to "fix" the unkno wn pro blem . What specifically is bro ken and why are we do ing this pro cess?


It helps the space issue at the Elem entary scho o ls. The blended/hybrid type learning keeps o ur kids educatio n up to m bines o ld and new.


It is a go o d idea to put the 6th graders in the m iddle scho o l.


It is difficult to understand what these co m m o n elem ents include, specifically. It is very vague and extrem em ly diffifult to leave feedback. I attended the May 25 Co m m m unity Input Sessio n and I am still very co nfused.


It lo o ks go o d in a po wer po int? Beyo nd that I'm stum ped.


It m ay be cheaper (it definitely is at the universities)


It places the learning needs o f kids at the very to p o f co nsideratio ns o f change.


It will be nice to have 6th grade o ut o f the elem entary.





K-5 building--YES!! 6th graders need to be in ano ther building--they are to o m ature to be in an elem entary setting


K-5, 6-8 is better structured.


Kids can be gro uped with sim ilar kids who are their academ ic peers.


Learners feeling em po wered,


Learning in new ways. Ability to hear fro m experts all o ver the wo rld. On dem and learning.


Learning m o re exciting and applicable. Use o f techno lo gy. Mo re so cial interactio n.


Learning specific to what wo rks fo r m y kids. Flexibility fo r m eeting ho m ewo rk and class go als Better grade gro uping - like m inded students


Learning will be m o re fo cused aro und students' interests. Mo re instructio nal reso urces are available to students and teachers.


Less transitio n po ints fo r students.


Less truancy, academ ic discipline integratio n in pro ject based learning


Like m o ving 6th grade into CMS -- m akes sense as these kids are ready to be do ne with elem entary and it wo uld be go o d to give them three years at m iddle scho o l befo re m aking the next m o ve


Like that 6th grade will m o ve to m iddle scho o l. Think it's appro priate fo r students and will help us bring o ur curriculum to gether and share go als.


Like the flexibility fo r students to learn the way that is best fo r them . Children will feel that their learning is m o re applicable to life rather than just so m ething they have to get do ne.


Like these o ptio ns very m uch. Wish I had these i m y scho o ls !


Lo nger class tim e fo r Middle scho o l


Lo ve the idea o f getting learning tailo red to the children's needs and wo uld lo ve to see 6th grade o ut o f the elem entary scho o ls.


Making sure kids understand the m aterial


Making the elem entary scho o ls m o re co hesive and fo cused. The sixth grade has a fo o t in bo th the elem entary wo rld and the m iddle scho o l wo rld. It can m ake fo r difficult co nversatio ns abo ut scho o l clim ate.


Middle scho o l fro m 6-8 grade wo uld be a go o d idea.


Mixing different types o f instructio n sho uld help reach different learning styles. If o nline instructio n is do ne as ho m ewo rk and then class tim e is used as discussio n, that helps kids hear the m aterial at different speeds.


Mo re acco m m o dating fo r different learning styles


Mo re creative and pro ject based learning, m o re flexibility to m eet the needs o f students





Mo re fam ilies see EP as the place fo r their kids


Mo re flexibility allo wing creativity.


Mo re flexibility in teaching styles and m o re o ptio ns fo r learning seem s like a big reward.


Mo re flexible and perso nalized learning.


Mo re independent thinking and pro blem so lving skills co uld be o btained fro m either o ptio n


Mo re individualized educatio n fo r individual students and their learning styles. Ho pefully this wo uld replace a One-Size-Fits-All m o del o f educating.


Mo re perso nalizatio n with o ptio n B


Mo re prepared fo r high scho o l. Po ssible lo wer chance o f students getting bo red in scho o l


Mo re pro ject based learning, especially in the later grades seem s appro priate


Mo re recess is go o d fo r everyo ne. Fam ilies m ay appreciate cho ice.


Mo re ways to access co ntent and fo ster learning


Mo ving 6th grade o ut o f the elem entary m o del. It will allo w m o re tim e at the m iddle scho o l to wo rk o n the things they need to wo rk o n.


Mo ving 6th grade to CMS. These kids are ready to m o ve fo rward and beyo nd elem entary.


Mo ving 6th grade to Middle Scho o l. I teach 6th grade in m iddle scho o l and they are certainly ready fo r the challenge. Plus, it pro vides m o re co ntinuity thro ugho ut the 3 years o f m iddle scho o l.


Mo ving 6th grade to the m iddle scho o l


Mo ving 6th graders to CMS is a great idea. I never felt they sho uld be at the elem entary level.


Multple ways o f instructio n & learning will ensure that students at so m e po int are taught in there preferred learning m etho d but will still learn to learn fro m o ther m etho ds


My daughter is currently a 6th grader at Cedar Ridge........she wo uld have lo ved to have been at CMS this year. Mo ve the 6th graders to CMS.


My so n really likes do ing Math XL wo rk at ho m e. He thinks it's a treat to do m ath wo rk o n the co m puter at ho m e.


My student will be expo sed to a new way o f strengths based learning






No Co m m ents


No co nfidence in this leadership.





No need to pay fo r prescho o l. Maybe have the ability to learn while sick.


No t m o ving to o fast. Making sure we do no t put the cart befo re the ho rse.


No t sure


OR ... pre-k in scho o l with 5th graders m ay create a culture change and create a m o re helpful and peaceful co m m unity o f students giving awareness o f the need fo r walking no t running and quiet vo ices. as well as the po tential that Optio n B cho ice scho o ls m ay give the students the ability to really excel in their talent and go o n to be extrem ely successful in their careers later due to nurturing and fo stering the strength at an early age.


Offering a m ix o f learning o ppo rtunities m ight be beneficial to tho se who have tro uble learning in traditio nal ways. Pro jects are useful fo r children in learning team wo rk and real life skills.


Ok, first o f all, as far as I can tell we received the em ail with this survey On Friday June 3rd and were asked to co m plete it o n the sam e day, by June 3rd, which m eans I wo uld have to either take m y prep ho ur o r m y perso nal tim e to co m plete the survey.....a perfect exam ple o f what I m entio ned befo re...ho w o ur tim e as a teaching staff is no t valued. The o ther po ssibility is that filling o ut the survey is m erely a fo rm ality and yo u have no intentio n o f listening to o ur input. Seco nd o f all, there is no explanatio n/clarificatio n o f any o f the term s o r co ncepts in the info rm atio n. I can't vo te o n so m ething that I have had abo ut 10 m inutes to lo o k at. Clearly this to pic is so m ething that deserves m uch m o re discussio n and clarificatio n than o ne em ail and a survey taken with 10 m inutes o f preparatio n. This is so m ething that needs to be do ne o n a wo rksho p o r pro fessio nal develo pm ent day so we can fully explo re all o f the o ptio ns and m ake the best cho ice fo r o ur student po pulatio n.


Once teachers have im pro ved their ability to m anage students wo rking o n m ultiple different instructio nal activities at the sam e tim e, student engagem ent and learning will greatly increase.


Online co ntent sho uld no t replace face-to -face instructio ns. It sho uld be co m plim entary in term s o f m o re reading o r practice related to the face to face instructio ns to strengthen learning.


Online instructio n m ay m ake it easier fo r parents to participate m o re directly with their students o n what they are learning.


Online o ptio ns that co uld allo w students (m o st likely high scho o l) to take their class at ho m e o r in a m o re co m fo rtable enviro nm ent.


Online wo rk reward: so cially anxio us children can create a co m fo rtable zo ne at ho m e to do learning.


Opinio n a co uld help fit m o re o f the ways peo ple learn


Optio n A creates a 6-8 m iddle scho o l. So unds like a so lid idea.


Optio n A has rewards fo r everyo ne, alo ng with go ing o utside the bo x but no t to the po int o f failure.


Optio n A is m o re like o ur current system . Fo r a student who is highly m o tivated, there wo uld be m o re flexibility.


Optio n A: Mo ving 6th graders to CMS will allo w the students to have an easier transitio n to high scho o l as they will feel co m fo rtable with passing tim e and schedules. Optio n B: Online learning allo ws students to review info rm atio n m ultiple tim es if they do no t catch the info rm atio n the first tim e.





Optio n A: I'm a stro ng pro po nent o f rem o ving 6th grade fro m elem entary scho o ls.


Optio n A: balanced elem entary scho o l & 6th graders sho uld definitely be in a m iddle scho o l setting. Optio n B: Just no t eno ugh structure fo r students and fam ilies. Having students at ho m e do ing o nline learning and go ing to scho o l just takes away the so cial co m po nent and teachers just wo n't get to kno w m y child.


Optio n B allo ws fo r internship tim e at the high scho o l, if we co uld align it to have internships and AP exam s at sim ilar tim es, it wo uld reduce the num ber o f absences fo r high scho o l upperclassm an.


Optio n B pro vides better learning ( interrctive) appro ach to students. Optio n A enhnaces creativity and that m ay be tricky ( even tho ugh fo r so m e kids it o pens wo rld o f o ppo rtunity)


Optio n B so unds exciting and inno vative. Assum ing it wo rks, students wo uld be very prepared fo r future jo bs and o ppo rtunities.


Optio n B, especially fo r the High Scho o l wo uld ensure everyo ne, including tho se who are no t as academ ically stro ng, is prepared to take the next steps into their future with co nfidence and skill.


Our children sho uld be able to receive an educatio n that will allo w them to transitio n into adultho o d with necessary skills to advance into co llege, and eventually beco m e a valuable co ntributo r to so ciety. I believe bo th o f these o ptio ns pro vide tho se rewards.


Our students will be m o re engaged, instructio n will be m o re individualized, teachers will also be m o re engaged and lo o king to co ntinue their o wn educatio n


Our to p students are likely to thrive even m o re than they do to day.


Parent selectio n o f pro gram s.


Placing 6th grade in m iddle scho o l is a big win.


Po ssible flex tim e in schedule, but still to o vague to see what it wo uld lo o k like.


Po ssibly m axim izes space and im pro ves use o f staff reso urces.


Po tential to m inim ize sum m er slide Much o f the real wo rld wo rk is pro ject o riented and this will teach a m o re go al o riented team appro ach


Pro ject Based learning is authentic learning allo wing students to sho w their pro ficiency in a variety o f ways.


Pro ject based elem ents prepare students with real-wo rld skills.


Pro ject based learning & different m etho ds o f learning so und like a great way to keep kids engaged, gain expo sure to different subjects and think critically.


Pro ject based learning and increased educatio nal delivery o ptio ns o nline and in perso n.


Pro ject based learning and pathways so und like great learning o ppo rtunities.


Pro ject based learning can be engaging and perso nalized. 6th grade m ay be a better fit at the m iddle scho o l.


Pro ject based learning can increase student engagem ent and subject m atter understanding.





Pro ject based learning helps student gro w.


Pro ject based learning in Mo saic elem entary was very rewarding fo r m y kids. A risk no t m entio ned is parents do ing the pro ject wo rk o r pro jects no t being m eaningful fo r kids. They need a high degree o f cho ice such as Genius Ho ur in Mo saic. Pro ject based learning m ay no t be as efficient fo r state and graduatio n standards. The advantage is develo ping "ho w to learn" skills and student enthusiasm .


Pro ject based learning is a great way to apply kno wledge. If the skills necessary to co m plete pro jects (individually and in gro ups) are taught and suppo rted by staff this is a great way to m ake learning "real" fo r students and give them the skills they need beyo nd scho o l.


Pro ject based learning m ay engage m o re students. Grade 6 students a better so cial/em o tio nal fit with grades 7 & 8 students.


Pro ject based learning seem s m o re applicable to bring ready fo r the "real wo rld" after high scho o l.


Pro ject based learning so unds go o d.


Pro ject based learning will better prepare students fo r the future.


Pro ject based learning will give children o ppo rtunity to practice initiative, team wo rk and pro blem so lving.


Pro ject based learning will prepare and assist in the current white co llar wo rkplace.


Pro ject-Based Learning is an an exciting way to individualize instructio n, engage students and develo p realwo rld thinking and pro blem so lving skills.


Pro ject-Based Learning – yes


Pro ject-based learning can be very m eaningful and m o tivating. Blended learning can extend the learning past the scho o l day.


Pro ject-based learning has a lo t o f po tential. I think it's critical to vo catio nal success.


Pro ject-based learning m ay pro vide additio nal interest/engagem ent fo r students. Mixture o f face-to face/o nline/direct interactio n co uld pro vide additio nal flexibility to fam ilies/students fo r a variety o f reaso ns.


Pro ject-based learning so unds like a better way to prepare students fo r a future career. Hybrid learning pro vides a little m o re flexibility fo r students' learning styles and schedules.


Pro ject-based learning: hands o n/real wo rld experience


Pro jects and hybrid leaning will prepare student fo r future jo bs.


Pro jects can be go o d, if suppo rted and facilitated in an age-appro priate m anner.


Pro vides structure as they gro w, but no t the rigidity that current schedules co nfine them to .


Pro viding fresh/new enviro nm ent fo r 6th graders at MIDDLE SCHOOL is great. So happy to hear 6th graders are m o ving o ut o f elem entary. Pro ject based learning, especially fo r high scho o lers will really help them develo p co llabo ratio n/tim e m anagem ent and critical thinking skills which are necessity in jo bs to day and future





REALLY like the idea o f m o re recess. 15 m inutes per day plus gym o nce every 4 days is no t eno ugh activity.


Realigning the grades (witho ut pre-k in the elem entary scho o l) wo uld better align with o ther scho o ls and help develo pm entally with the transitio n between types o f scho o ls


Rem o ve screens fro m the classro o m .


Rewards Optio n B - Meet individual learning styles at a class/subject level. Pro vides m o re real -wo rld assim ilatio n Reward Optio n A - No t m uch.


STEM scho o l: I like the idea o f having o ne district wide o ptio n beyo nd Spanish Im m ersio n but keeping the bo undary scho o ls in tact.


See General Respo nse Belo w


Self em po werm ent


Self sufficiency, independence and co nfidence that develo ped reaso ning and lo gic skills pro vide.


Shifting 6th grade to CMS is a go o d idea.


Sixth grade is o ften a m o re appro priate fit fo r a m iddle scho o l m o del (vs. elem entary scho o l). Pro viding a m ix o f o nline and direct instructio n will help suppo rt o ur effo rts in pro viding perso nalized learning. Including PreK in the elem entary scho o ls helps prep students fo r kindergarten, helps prep fam ilies fo r understanding scho o l pro cesses, and undersco res the im po rtance o f attending prescho o l


Stream lining age appro priate educatio n. Pro viding o ppo rtunities fo r students to learn in different enviro nm ents.


Stro ngly reco m m end


Student cho ice is always a po sitive Allo ws students to use their perso nal strengths and design an educatio nal experience that is individualized. Flexibility in ho w we teach co uld be very po sitive and allo w us to reach so m e o f o ur lo w perfo rm ing students.


Student/fam ily flexibility in the pro gram m ing. Having a 6-8 building has po sitive im plicatio ns.


Students are able to cho o se a path that suppo rts their interests


Students are expo sed to vario us instructio n m etho ds and can (I think) be better prepared to learn by finding their o wn answers and deep diving into subjects o f interest o n their o wn.


Students beco m e m o re pro ficient in the m o st im po rtant skills needed fo r future success.


Students can get m o re individualized o ptio ns and wo rk o n a m o re flexible schedule.


Students co m ing to gether in m iddle scho o l and high scho o l.....


Students gro uped based o n ability wo uld allo w teachers to fo cus better o n the needs o f the students in a particular ability gro up and no t try to acco m m o date all students at the sam e tim e. Students that are perfo rm ing abo ve grade level wo uld be challenged instead o f being held back by the co ntent presented at the grade level, which they m ight have already m astered.





Students in the grades are m o re co nnected based o n age, and less o n their grade, bringing a better sense o f co m m unity. Yo ung kids can learn fro m the o lder o nes. With o nline co urses, the discussio ns go better, and it's m o re co nvienant fo r peo ple to "go to scho o l."


Students learn better when they are m o re engaged. Pro ject-o riented learning can tap into m o re creativity.


Students m ight feel a sense o f flexibility m o re.


Students m o ving at a pace m o re suited to their strengths and ability. Use o f creativity and co llabo ratio n Break o ut o f traditio n teaching m o dels co uld be exciting fo r students and teachers.


Students will be able to co ver m o re m aterial if they have blended learning. They can drive so m e o f the learning and the teacher do es no t have to kno w everything.


Students will be able to live up to their o wn po tential and skillset, po tentially exceeding the o ptio ns currently available in their scho o ling.


Students with parents who are able to navigate all o f these cho ices will be very successful (to ngue-in-cheek) Of co urse that leaves o thers to assim ilate and pull them selves up by their bo o tstraps


Students wo n't all be lifeless zo m bies that resent the scho o l system


Suppo rtive o f 6th grade m o ving to CMS. Suppo rtive o f PreK being in elem entary scho o ls.


Taking risks leads m any tim es to unexpected rewards


Teachers and fam ilies can align with their philo so phies fo r learning.


The MDP Experience so unds great fo r all invo lved. Are tho se experiences really reflected in plan? It's all in the ho w and the success in im plem entatio n and suppo rt o f staff no t just the draft ideas.


The ability o f each child to have real o wnership o f their educatio nal pro cess and a clear visio n o f their path to success. Co nfidence in their abilities and assurance o f the value o f their input in the scho o l enviro nm ent and as citizens o f o ur co m m unity.


The academ y m o del o f "B" lo o ks interesting but the "3 Optio ns" o f "B" lo o k like a bad idea.


The blended/hybrid learning m ay allo w fo r additio nal flexibility fo r students to learn in a m anner best suited fo r them .


The blended/hybrid m o del m ay o ffer m o re and varied learning o ppo rtunities and ho pefully m o re o ppo rtunity fo r o ne o n o ne o r sm all gro up tim e with a teacher. Pro ject based learning can suppo rt pro blem so lving and critical thinking, bo th skills that are in high dem and.


The blended/hybrid use o f techno lo gy will wo rk well, we do so m e with "FLIPPED" classes, and allo w fo r m o re discussio n in classes.


The district sho uld identify the rewards they see with bo th o ptio ns


The district will align m o re clo sely with neighbo ring suburbs by go ing to the Middle Scho o l o ptio n o f 6-8. 6th grades are (in m o st cases) m o re than ready to be o ut o f the elem entary scho o l setting.





The flexible gro ups and pro ject based learning is great so students can be challenged and no t held back because "it's no t fair to students to send ho m e pro jects because so m e do n't have the reso urces to co m plete at ho m e"


The fo cus o n pro ject based learning is a huge plus.


The fo cus o n student vo ice and cho ice during the scho o l day will o ffer o ppo rtunities fo r learners to be m o re m o tivated and engaged. I also think pro ject-based learning increases retentio n o f what has been learned because students see the co nnectio ns fro m o ne subject area to ano ther aro und their pro ject.


The grade co nfiguratio n m akes sense when yo u co nsider ho w children m ature and the pro gressio n o f learning.


The info rm atio n is rather vague, so it's hard to identify rewards. Having 6th graders in the m iddle scho o l enviro nm ent will give them o ne additio nal year to prepare fo r high scho o l.


The m ix o f o n-line and face to face instructio n. I wo rry with the 8-8 m o del ho w students wo uld engage in extra curricular and co ntinue to engage in so cial/em o tio nal activities.


The o nly part I agree with is m o ving 6th grade to m iddle scho o l.


The o nly reward I see is the pro ject based learning.


The pre-k po ssibility wo uld be a great benefit in preparing o ur children. Online learning m ay help engage students who haven't do ne as well in large class settings. Utilizatio n o f o nline learning can help establish habits o f pro ductivity fro m techno lo gy, no t just gam es.


The pro ject based learning seem s like a go o d o ptio n fo r students. I understand that 6th graders m ay have m o re in co m m o n with 7th and 8th graders.


The reco gnitio n everyo ne learns differently and there are different appro aches to learning at the elem entary, m iddle scho o l and high scho o l level.


The reco gnitio n that it needs to be a blended learning enviro nm ent.


The rewards o f o ptio n A-Current Mo del + flexible gro upings within grade levels are great. Kids need exercise and to run aro und to rejuvenate their m inds and bo dies so that they can learn better. They also need unsupervised play tim e where they can use their creativity and less screen tim e.


The student is able to reach his/her po tential at full.


The tho ughts aro und co llabo ratio n are so im po rtant fo r the wo rk fo rce. We need o ur kids to be techno lo gy savvy so these plans start to address that.


The variety o f learning o ptio ns


The visibility children will have to the pro ject based wo rld that we all live in.


The way yo u present these 2 cho ices are abstract and co nfusing. I've heard this fro m o ther parents as well. Was this do ne o n purpo se?


This questio n is po o rly wo rded and frankly think the co m m ents are go ing to vary widely.


Tuto ring and help to students.





Unclear what the benefit o f changing 6th grade.


Unidentified gifted students m ight have m o re o ppo rtunities to succeed.




Unsure-no t eno ugh info ....


Utilizing vario us m etho ds fo r teaching will pcature m o re students and address the o ne size do es no t fit all issue. Flexible gro upings wo uld allo w m o re students to delve deep and no t get lo st when they are bo red. It sho uld also allo w tho se who need m o re assistance to do so witho ut being singled o ut. Student po rtfo lio s allo w fo r m easurem ents o f no n 'teach to the test' info rm atio n. Adjusting tim es will help kids be m o re successful by allo wing fo r their scientifically pro ven different sleep/wake rhythm s.


Varied and pro gressive learning to benefit different types o f learners. Mo re interactive learning to teach co llabo ratio n and sharing o f ideas.


We are go ing to be teaching to the future, no t the past.


We do n't see a m arked benefit asso ciated with the co m m o n elem ents o f the two m o dels.


We like the grade reco nfig: Mo ving 6th grade to Middle scho o l seem s like a great idea. Pro ject-base learning is the right directio n.


What? Again, the way this is wo rded m akes no sense.


Where are the references fo r these appro aches? I wo uld ho pe that bo th appro aches are based o n so lid research. It is im po ssible to say anything abo ut these pro po sals with the insufficient data pro vided.


With cho ice fo r fam ilies, we m ay be able to m aintain o ur enro llm ent. It seem s like the changes are predicated o n 'jo bs in the future.' It seem s that scho o ls are m eant to be m o re than preparing students fo r jo bs. So I think if we can go back and think abo ut the 'why' we are do ing this beyo nd getting jo b - we m ight have m o re rewards because we'll ho pefully cho o se an o ptio n that has a m eaningful purpo se.


Yo ur info rm atio n is no t clear eno ugh to pro vide a respo nse.


all go o d are kids


bring in 6th grade to m iddle scho o l seem s to be go o d thing


can find what wo rks best fo r child's individual learning pro cess


cutting edge educatio n


everything o ther than grade reco nfiguratio n.


grade level structure change will benefit the 6th graders m o ving them into the m iddle scho o l where they belo ng.


greater invo lvem ent o f the students who 'll ho pefully feel m o re engaged and learning with students who have sim ilar intellect and pace





i do n't understand what is being asked. co uldn't find any info rm atio n to understand this better.


individualized learning, hands o n pro ject based learning to apply co ncept.


integrating pro ject based teaching wo uld be helpful, teaching research techniques, wo rking as a gro up and as an individual to acco m plish a given task o r a go al is a valuable skill to have. In elem entary scho o l they definitely need m o re reassess and tim e to so cialize with each o ther. Currently they have a very sho rt lunch that they need to cho se between talking o r eating as they can no t do bo th and a very sho rt reses tim e that they spend m o st o f it in lines getting fro m class to the recess gro unds and getting in to co ats and bo o ts during the winter. They co uld benefit fro m two 10-15 m inute so cial tim e in class each m o rning and each afterno o n where they are free to talk to each o ther o r just do what ever they want o n their o wn. To relax and to m o ve their bo dies aro und and to catch up with each o ther so cially to build stro nger bo nds.


k-5 is better than k-6. 6th graders are ready to go and m o ve up. They are just to o big, go ing thro ugh perso nal transitio ns and need a different enviro nm ent than the elem entary level o ffers. Lo ve blended-hybrid learningevery o ne gets a chance to succeed. Pro ject based learning is incredible. I have seen it in actio n and it engages all kids when it is do ne co rrectly.


kids learn at their o wn pace


learn co llabo ratio ns and "so ft" skills.


like learning gro ups can be leveraged to keep all children engaged and learning to their full po tential


m ixed m edia, if o rganized in a co ncise and easy to understand way, m ay pro vide m o re learning o ppo rtunities fo r students


m o re individual o ppo rtunity. clo ser co m m unity feel fo r students


m o re individual-paced learning


m o re stability having 3 years o f m iddle scho o l




no t sure just yet


o nly co m m o n thing I see are wanting students to suceed.


o ptio ns fo r students


pro ject based: relevant to to day's wo rld, hands-o n that so m uch academ ics currently lacks, likely will interest the child thro ugh develo ping existing interests/m ultisenso ry. Allo ws fo r po tential greater ties with the larger co m m unity


pro ject-based learning - engaging to students who m ay benefit fro m m ultisenso ry learning build creativity and team wo rk


pro ject-based learning o ffers integratio n o f m ultiple disciplines


taking educatio n o ne step beyo nd learing





the current rewarding system is well acceptable.


the flexibility in learning part o ffers o ptio ns. parental no tificatio ns and access to teachers is great


the grade blo cks will allo w students to be with o thers that are m o re at their m aturity level The m ix o f learning will allo w m o re students to find so m ething exciting abo ut scho o l and even when studying to pics o f less interest. The pro ject-based learning will put students ahead o f o ther districts who are no t do ing it.


varying instructio n to m eet different learner types


​Children learning the steps o f finding info rm atio n and using it to develo p and acco m plish a go al.


15. As you consider the common elements of both Design Option A and B:What might you add or change to improve upon this draft option? Count



No thing


no thing




No thing.




no ne


It is difficult to add o r change elem ents o f such a general and bro ad bullet po int PDF. There is no t eno ugh detail in the draft as o f yet.


* Add definitio ns. Even if they change, yo u need to have m o re than what is available. And no t in bullet po ints in a PPT. * ARE all 6 elem entary scho o ls THAT different? The co m m ent was they are fo r Academ ic (didn't think so , at least fo r higher grades fo r ho m ero o m teacher, etc.). * Do es CMS really have the capacity fo r ano ther grade level? Reco m m end K-6 rem ains. Pre-K sho uld no t be m ixed with o lder children and do n't belo ng in an elem entary scho o l.


**Grade Reco nfiguratio n--yes!


- If pro jects are to beco m e a bigger part o f learning (especially lo nger term pro jects), m ake sure kids have guidance, m ilesto nes evaluated alo ng the way, and as m uch structure as a m o re o pen ended pro ject can allo w fo r. Plan fo r the kids who struggle in scho o l, are no t highly m o tivated, and do n't enjo y learning so they can be successful in the changing scho o l enviro nm ent to o .


- it needs to be a system based pro gram - what they do in elem entary has to flo w into m iddle scho o l and then into high scho o l and then into po st-seco ndary - there needs to be m uch m o re detail befo re a decisio n is m ade there needs to be BALANCE in ho w we teach/deliver co ntent. No t all kids have the sam e needs so to do ALL pro ject based learning o r ALL Blended o r ALL whatever is no t the answer to m eet all kids' needs


--Add flipped classro o m learning (listen to lectures at ho m e and do ho m ewo rk in class) --Keep what wo rks well with classro o m s no w (the variety o f experiences and o ppo rtunities) and expand upo n that


-reducing class sizes to create a better learning enviro nm ent, particularly at the elem entary scho o l level. -Do no t have pre-K in the elem entary scho o l co nfiguratio n


6th grade im m ersio n students at CMS sho uld co ntinue to have all co re co ntent (m ath, science, language arts and so cial studies) in Spanish, rather than decreasing to two subjects in Spanish like in 7th and 8th grade. Pro ject-based learning is an excellent way to engage students, but it can also be a frustrating experience fo r students in the gro up do their part. Teachers will need pro fessio nal develo pm ent, training and m ento rship o n ho w to effectively m anage gro up dynam ics and assess wo rk to pro m o te individual acco untability.


6th grade stays in the elem entary pro gram to keep CMS less cro wded.





9th graders m ay be better placed in m iddle scho o l than in high scho o l


A fo rm al spiral curriculum that aligns with the standards.


Add a m o re academ ic path that fo sters individual gro wth rather than an o verem phasis o n hands-o n, gro up learning.


Add a pro cess fo r a co nstant unco vering o f co m m unity values - bo th do m inant and no n-do m inant - to ensure vibrant engagem ent with the co m m unity.


Add m o re creative tim e and recess tim e to each day fo r all students (especially elem entary)


Add m o re recess to o ptio n B


Add: where's the research o n student achievem ent to suppo rt these changes?


Again, in o rder fo r techno lo gy to benefit it m ust be m o re standardized and o rganized o n student devices


Again, references and relevant data sho wing strengths and weaknesses o f bo th appro aches sho uld be pro vided.


Agree to all


Allo w m o re input fro m Co m m unity, parents and allo w m o re o f a dem o cratic vo te invo lving o ther po tential o ptio ns, and/o r am endm ents to the current (2) o ptio ns.


Are we trying to m icro analyze the elem entary educatio n to o m uch? Elem entary scho o l sho uld build the fo undatio n that allo ws kids to go in m any directio ns. Fo cus o n the basics, the three R's be it in english, spanish, chinese etc. Also , try to keep neighbo rho o d scho o ls so kids can kno w and have playm ates in their o wn geo graphic neighbo rho o ds. So cial skills are lo st when kids aren't co nnected thro ugh scho o ls in their neighbo rho o ds fo r their playtim e. Interactio n is greatly reduced when kids in the sam e neighbo rho o d go to different scho o ls, ride different buses and have different schedules.


As yo u can see abo ve, I do have so m e o pinio ns abo ut the im m ersio n pro gram within o ur district. I can co m pletely see the value o f o ffering such a pro gram , but it can create a divide. Wo uld there be any tho ught given to the co nsideratio n o f a m o del such as the Minneto nka district...where im m ersio n is built in and lo cated within the m ainstream public scho o l setting? I had a Im m ersio n m o m friend tell m e that she was sho cked at the am o unt o f diversity she witnessed at the Spring Fling event last weekend. This struck m e as terribly sad. I grewup in EP and there was very little diversity. I abso lutely lo ve that m y children get to be expo sed to a different (and better) scho o l experience because they have classm ates fro m a wide variety o f backgro unds.


At least in the presentatio n, the co m po nents are pretty vague and bro ad. It's hard to co m m ent.


At this tim e the draft seem s o kay fo r high level review. So m e o f the details sho uld be develo ped with previo us co m m ents in m ind.


Back up reco m m endatio ns with factual research.


Better infrastructure and buildings in o rder to suppo rt the influx o f new students.


Better visibility o f kids pro gress. Regular PTM





Bo th o ptio ns seem fairly lim ited in purpo se. It seem s like the 'why' is to create graduates who can get jo bs in the future and that seem s like a lim ited visio n and purpo se fo r public educatio n. It seem s like public educatio n sho uld serve the greater needs o f o ur co m m unity. We have so m any big issues that are o ften perpetuated by o ur eco no m ic cho ices - bo th lo cal and glo bal - so it seem s like we want to prepare kids to understand tho se issues and ho w their daily cho ices and their jo bs co ntribute to tho se issues....and then, ho w to be pro blem so lvers and creative so lutio naries - in o rder to take actio n o n behalf o f safe and healthy co m m unities fo r everyo ne.


Can learners/staff m em bers cho o se which m o del o f instructio n they prefer to be apart o f (o nline, blended o r face to face)


Can we really acco m plish this?


Change elem entary to K-5


Change fo r change sake do es no t m ean kids will learn better.


Change the divisio n o f grades with 5th & 6th graders to gether to allo w fo r a gradual transitio n fro m elem entary to m iddle scho o l enviro nm ents.


Change the start tim e fo r Elem entary scho o l to be earlier. Yo ung children are usually up pretty early in the day. With that, m o ve the m iddle and high scho o l start tim es to be later.


Clarificatio n o f expectatio ns o n blended learning, pro ject based learning, and perso nalized learning.


Clarificatio n o f ho w techno lo gy will fit into these o ptio ns.


Class sizes


Class sizes need to stay at a go o d ratio (m aybe 1 teacher: 20 students o r less) I believe that a teacher can do so m uch to keep their students engaged in leaso ns. Overwhelm ing teachers greatly affects the quality o f the academ ic experiance the students recieve. I feel very stro nglynglt abo ut this.


Clearer understanding o f benefits o f having 6-8 m iddle scho o l


Co m m ent: The grade level breako uts are no t as im po rtant as m aking a fundam ental change to the instructio n and learning m o dels at CMS to sustain elem entary kno wledge and decrease lo se o f kno wledge/ability to succeed with the high scho o l transitio n.


Co ncerned that the pro jects o r interns m ay be to o lo w-level. What to be sure this do esn't develo p into DECA, where its a jo b fo r $ vs. learning


Co nsider m o ving back to a 5th - 6th grade scho o l (like Oak Po int). That was an am azing atm o sphere fo r that aged student and it was a big m istake to take it away!


Decide o n a percentage m ax fo r o nline learning. We're all already stuck to o ur pho nes and no t practicing so cial skills. This needs to be co nsidered .


Define breakdo wn o f Learning m etho d.





Did the peo ple who m ade the suggestio ns base this o n rando m ideas o r actual studies and research o n pro cesses already in place in existing scho o ls? ? ? To im pro ve, yo u need to fo cus o n what EP scho o ls do es well NOW and to m ake changes sm all changes. There is no need to 'hurry up' and try to ado pt every new trend and seek o ut to o m any things and then end up no t being able to execute any o f them with any am o unt o f quality. PROVEN: later start tim es fo r o lder students; m o re free/recess tim e; lo nger lunches; flexible cho ices in to pics; lo ng term pro jects; internships at HS. All these are great. Please ADD that there needs to be a fo cus fro m the District, Super, Principals, Co uncilo rs etc that enco urages a future fo r ALL kids - no t just tho se wanting to go to a co llege and get 100k in debt fo r a jo b that m ay no t exist. We NEED skilled labo r jo bs filled. We NEED to bring back technical skills in the HS. We NEED to sto p pushing 4 yr Co llege as the o nly defiinitio n o f success. A


Discussio n o f what teacher pro fessio nal develo pm ent is needed


Do no t disco unt/disco urage career o ptio n pathways that do n't require a 4 year co llege degree. Many students are go ing to co llege because they think it is the o nly path to success. Witho ut a plan to gain in-dem and skills in co llege m any students get into a lo t o f debt and wo rk in a jo b that do esn't require a degree (retail, etc). That student m ight have been m o re fulfilled and better paid beco m ing an electrician instead o f believing the o nly o ptio n was to go to co llege.


Do no t m ake children m o ve scho o ls fo r k-5


Do no t m o ve to o m uch away fro m face to face co ntact, especially with yo unger kids. Techno lo gy is great but do n't o verdo it.


Do no t reshuffle the kids and then again in 5 years do so m ething new again.


Do n't create ano ther separate scho o l that peo ple can o pt into . Again this do es no t help ALL o f EP students and creates ano ther way to further segregate o ur scho o ls.


Dro p the pre-k in elem entary scho o ls o ptio n. No t necessary and tho se kids are to o little to be in the scho o ls! Let them be little and be in prescho o l, no t tiny kindergartners.


Educatio n/feedback to parents o f the go als fo r this change in learning styles. We tend to disco unt things that we do n't understand o r are different fro m what we did as kids. Make an effo rt to get parents o n bo ard as advo cates.


Elem entary reco nfiguratio n co uld be apply o pen enro llm ent to o ther elem entary scho o ls where there is space.


Elem entary scho o ls sho uld start earlier. Then m iddle scho o l. Then HS. There is a to n o f research aro und setting scho o l tim es that better synch with natural sleep patterns.


Elem entary: intro ductio n Middle: Explo rato ry High: expand o n explo rato ry (take the ball and run with it)


Elim inate Pre-K fro m elem entary scho o ls; keep 6th grade in elem entary scho o ls


Elim inate the grade reco nfiguratio n facto r


Elim inating cho ice scho o ls.


Elim inating the idea that there will be so m e so rt o f "cho ice" scho o l o ptio n.


Em phasis the o ppo rtunities fo r creative play and exersise in the early years.


Ensure that bo th fo cus o n teaching critical thinking, creativity, and the ability to wo rk as a team .





Expectatio ns fro m Teachers, and the district o n what specifically the go al that they are trying to acco m plish -better graduatio n rates, better litteracy, better test sco res, etc


Explain what "direct" instructio n is. Online and face to face instructio n is self-explanato ry.


Failure in elem entary grades to grasp basics. It is difficult to analyze if yo u do nt' co m prehend. There is a place fo r m em o rizatio n. (plays, num ber facts, etc)


Fear that if yo u go to o nline that o ne o f the m o st im po rtant aspects o f scho o ls will be m issed as being face to face and the so cial aspect o f scho o l.


Find a way fo r the Spanish im m ersio n students to participate in the new pro gram while still engaged in the Spanish pro gram . We sho uld lo o k fo r a way to integrate tho se experiences, no t rip o ut and replace o ne fo r the o ther.


Find a way to m ake better co m m unities and m o re perso nalized learning especially at the m iddle and high scho o l levels, e.g scho o ls within the scho o l fo cused o n interest areas o r skills


Fo cus o n reading and m ath co m petency and high achievem ent


Fo r the o nline classes, they sho uld still have a teacher that they need to check in with in perso n


Go back to the drawing bo ard, back to square 1


Have days where no techno lo gy is invo lved


Have no idea because have had no insight into the discussio ns and ho w there o ptio ns cam e to be.


Have prescho o l be in a separate building, then K thro ugh 5 to gether. My so n is in Eagle Heights and I'm no t sure ho w that grade gro uping wo uld be structured; wo uld 6th grade stay in the Spanish im m ersio n?


Ho w will yo u suppo rt students thro ugh self-guided learning who are no t self-starters?


I actually lo ve this o ptio n!


I am co ncerned that there isn't an o ptio n that includes K-6. As a parent o f children in the Spanish Im m ersio n pro gram , I am co ncerned abo ut the dro p in im m ersio n tim e at CMS and its m edio cre academ ic pro gram m ing fo r the im m ersio n students. The 6th graders benefit greatly by the 70/30 m o del o f learning inside the K-6 m o del and have access to greater language "pro ducing" classes. Currently, the CMS class structure is a lo t o f "pushing' language at students verses students creating the language. I feel the academ y m o del m ay be co nfusing fo r parents to understand and suppo rt witho ut a video /visual o n ho w this wo uld wo rk and lo o k like. I wo uld ho pe additio nal recess tim e will be included in the academ y m o del as well.


I am no t sure the difference between "direct" and "face to face" instructio n.


I am no t sure why a capsto ne co urse wo uld need to be o ffered if kids are heading to co llege, MBA advanced co urse wo rk...


I am unclear o n this





I believe that the yo unger grades need m o re active tim e. If the little kids have lo nger recess, o r m o re o f them , and a lo nger lunch perio d to actually eat their fo o d co m pletely, I can o nly im agine it wo uld do wo nders fo r their attentio n spans!


I believe that this has NOT been presented to staff o ther than em ails. This needs to be presented in m andato ry staff m eetings with o pen fo rum fo r questio ns.


I do no t like the idea o f all the elem entary scho o ls having different specializatio ns. It's no t necessary and will co st a lo t o f m o ney. I'm co ncerned abo ut the changes with a high scho o l flexible schedule. To o m any o pen ended and unanswered questio ns as to ho w that will all play o ut.


I do no t understand what is included in "pathways" The term "pathways" was no t well-defined. I wo uld like a m o re in-depth explanatio n o f pro ject based learning.


I do n't have any suggestio ns fo r the co m m o n elem ents.


I do n't kno w


I do n't kno w the difference between "direct" and "face-to -face" instructio n.


I do n't suppo rt m o re cho ice scho o ls. Cho ice scho o ls like Spanish Im m ersio n have to rn the co m m unity apart and created elem entary scho o ls that are 95% white - Eagle Heights and heavily English language learners - all o ther elem entary scho o ls. I suspect the sam e pattern will em erge with o ther cho ice scho o ls .


I do n't understand the diagram . The to p two bo xes are A and B. What is the bo tto m o ne? Grade re-co nfiguratio n is a co m m o n elem ent. The o ther two seem to be instructio nal delivery.... so what exactly is o ptio n A and o ptio n B?


I do n't understand what "Academ y" m o del m eans. It is no t even rem o tely defined with the info rm atio n pro vided o nline (and yes, I watched the presentatio n, to o ). That needs to be defined befo re peo ple can realistically pro vide input abo ut it. I also think the "pro ject-based learning"needs to be better defined. I kno w what I m ean by that term , but I do n't kno w what the design team m eans by that term . Finally, what wo uld be the co st o f m o ving 6th grade to CMS? It is irrespo nsible to co nsider such an o ptio n witho ut realistically addressing po tential co sts o f co nstructio n.


I feel 6th graders sho uld rem ain with the elem entary scho o l. I also feel the lo o ping wo rks really well.


I feel fro m what was shared o nline, that I do n't have eno ugh info rm atio n. These are two very different designs and this district changes things so o ften but I have never seen a change this drastic. Because m y kids are o lder, I am trying to picture ho w these changes translate when they transitio n fro m elem entary to Middle to EPHS. In 2018, I will have a senio r and a 7th grader. I am viewing this specifically fo r m y yo ungest.


I feel it truly needs to reach all fam ilies and no t just act like it do es. I havent attended sessio ns, but wo uld ho pe there are peo ple o f all cultures, race, eco no m ic, etc there.


I heard that the teachers that were "invited" to participate were a select gro up and that wide spread co m m unicatio n and input was no t so licited. These leaves im po rtant vo ices o ut o f the input.


I kno w the prescho o l pro gram is a m ess (after spending 5+ years there with m y three children we have o pted to put m y prescho o ler so m ewhere else this year) and it needs to be fixed, but I'm no t sure m o ving them to the elem entary scho o ls is the best o ptio n.





I like the co m m o n elem ents the way they are o utlined.


I like thinking o utsiDE the bo x and challenging kids and helping them kno w when to say when especially with screen tim e


I lo ve this o ptio n


I m ight change the o nline based instructio n and use that fo r o ther activities no t as a replacem ent fo r classro o m based instructio ns because I believe they are no t m entally disciplined to take it serio usly.


I m issed the co m m unity m eeting where the m o dels were explained so it's hard to answer this o ne.


I need to see ho w o ur under perfo rm ing students (abo ut 30% fo r each grade) will thrive under bo th o ptio ns.


I pro vided input at the in-perso n sessio ns o n 5/25/16


I really do n't fully understand what I'm lo o king at.


I really do n't understand what o ptio n A and B are? Yo ur presentatio n is very vague and I really do n't kno w what this really is


I see the need to flex the building spaces to o - m aybe that can be included in the academ ic design. It is an integral part o f learning enviro nm ent.


I stro ngly feel that o nline learning and techno lo gy need to have explicit guidelines and bo undaries. Many students can use these to o ls appro priately, but they also pro vide a tem ptatio n to a m ultitude o f inappro priate apps/sites/activities.


I think 2 m iddle scho o ls wo uld be a better o ptio n than o ne large o ne. If there is go ing to m o ney spent o n facilities (expanding the building at CMS), why no t spend the m o ney (revam p Oak po int) and have 2 scho o ls that m ight have better o utco m es fo r students?


I think I need m o re info rm atio n in o rder to co m m ent o n po ssible im pro vem ents o r changes.


I think at the HS level when there is extensive pro ject based learning the pro jects and team s need to be varied / changed up in so m e way fo r interest, engagem ent, co llabo ratio n skills. No t sure ho w lo ng a pro ject lasts o r what that really lo o ks like.


I think m uch tho ught needs to go into the blended/hybrid learning. It needs to be clearly defined what is o nline learning vs. enhanced educatio n thro ugh o nline. This is an area where elem entary students in particular need a lo t o f guidance and directio n. To m e it is lazy teaching to just send a student o ff to the Internet witho ut defined instructio n. The Internet is a po werful to o l that we never had befo re and students need to be taught when, ho w and why to the use it, no t just that they can use it.


I think pro ject learning needs to be balanced with traditio nal educatio n m etho ds.


I think the o ptio ns are a cho ice fo r students no t o ne o r the o ther. Yo u are still m issing the way students learn is no t a o ne size fits fo r all appro ach. Mo re flexible appro ach in the design layo ut. I didn't see that in the presentatio ns.





I think there is so m ething to be said abo ut a set schedule and ho lding fam ilies acco untable to these schedules. Allo wing kids to do scho o l wo rk o nline allo ws them to do wo rk in a co m fo rtable enviro nm ent but isn't preparing them fo r real life.


I think there sho uld be m o re gym . It is m o re structured, but ano ther o utlet fo r the kids to unwind so that they can co ncentrate when they need to . It relieves stress to m o ve yo ur bo dy and exercise!


I think we need to go back to the beginning and think abo ut the 'Why' we are m aking changes. I think the initial survey is fo cused o n the changes that identified fo r jo bs and the eco no m y. Scho o ls sho uld be m o re than that so if yo u have a bigger visio n fo r educatio n and scho o ls - that has no t be represented in the co nversatio n.


I think yo u've co vered the m o st viable o ptio ns


I want to m ake sure the kids are no t o nly learning o n screens, but have teacher interactio n frequently.


I will give a trial perio d with each o f the different scho o ls if individualized. Maybe a week at each o ne to determ ine where they wo uld like to be go ing fo rward.


I wo uld actually do the m o st extensive pro ject wo rk in upper elem entary and m iddle scho o l as students have fewer o utside academ ic dem ands. The o ppo rtunity to share pro ject wo rk with o thers is im po rtant via bo th in class and bigger assem blies.


I wo uld add an o ptio nal sixth grade experience at the Spanish im m ersio n Scho o l, o r even a K-8 o ptio n. Co uld a Spanish im m ersio n area be co nfigured within the m iddle scho o l m o del?


I wo uld add m o re unstructured tim e fo r yo unger children (specifically m o re recess) so that they are able to wo rk o ptim ally and fo cus during instructio nal tim e. I wo uld advo cate fo r age-appro priate start tim es fo r o lder students so that they can functio n and be alert and ready fo r learning.


I wo uld add tim e to research this and ho ld o ff vo ting prem aturely. Tim e and careful planning is a gift we give to kids.


I wo uld change it to clarify the fact that m uch o f what is listed there is already happening in o ur classro o m s. I wo uld m ake it clear that we are no t interested in go ing do wn the ro ad o f Pho enix o r o ther heavily o n-line system s. Our strength lies in face-to -face wo rk and relatio nships. We need to beware o f the belief that o nline classes are the answer in o ur situatio n. We need to co m pete with neighbo ring districts in the area o f o ur strengths. We have better o utco m es than m o st surro unding districts and sho uld actively celebrate that fact rather than m iss o ut o n it by chasing so m e ill-defined idea.


I wo uld change the grade co nfiguratio n and leave it as it is currently.


I wo uld change the structure to develo p the 4 C's in students in m iddle scho o l because the structure is m o re am enable to this kind o f change. I wo uld preserve deeper co ntent learning in the high scho o l to expo se students to as m uch as po ssible befo re they need to decide their futures.





I wo uld co ntinue o ur current m o del o f learning and add back in the suppo rt system s we used to have to help each student. At EPHS, we do no t have the incredible suppo rt fo r students we have had in the past. One 45m inute CORE perio d per week is no substitute fo r the am azing o ppo rtunities we used to have fo r o ne-o n-o ne help o utside the classro o m . We used to have the fo llo wing in place to help reach each student: staffed reso urce centers fo r each departm ent o pen 7-3:30 each day, ACE--the Academ ic Center fo r Excellence staffed with at least two full-tim e teachers kno wledge in at least each co re subject who co uld during the entire scho o l day assist students with study skills, review m aterial, edit papers, etc. Currently we have no ability to m eet with students and clubs during zero ho ur because no w we are required to be in PLC m eetings every Tuesday. Mo re has been placed o n teachers witho ut additio nal suppo rt, tim e, o r reso urces to help struggling students and to stretch gifted studen


I wo uld increase the art classes to at least two tim es a day, give equal o ppo rtunity to each student to learn m o re in their areas o f interest. Gro up kids based o n academ ic success so that the kids who are slo wer learner have en enviro nm ent where they do n't feel bad abo ut their o wn pace but the fast learners are no t left to be bo ard and start lo sing interest. Pro vide m o re challenging learning experiences fo r the kids that crave it. Make sure that learning is fun and engaging, give a lo t o f hands o n learning experiences, that allo w them to think, create, use their im aginatio n. Give chances to debate, discuss ideas, tho ughts. Do no t lim it htier im aginatio n o r m ake them feel like they need to co m m it to o ne field, o ne career and enco urage them to be all hat they want to be, achieve all that they want to achieve and no t lim it them selves to any o ne prescribed ro le in life.


I wo uld just want to m ake sure that we aren't depending to o m uch o n the techno lo gy at the risk o f elim inating hum an interactio ns.


I wo uld keep elem entary as K-6. I wo uld begin inco rpo rating changes into junio r high since that is already a tim e fo r transitio n fo r kids anyway.


I wo uld like to add m o re tech classes at CMS, get rid o f IMPACT and put a sewing and co o king class back in. What happened? ?


I wo uld like to see a K-12 o ptio n fo r language as a part o f this plan. This wo uld no t need to be full im m ersio n, but at least a dual language o ptio n. It's frustrating that the im m ersio n pro gram sto ps after 6th grade.


I wo uld like to see k-6 as an o ptio n


I wo uld like to see the spanish special elim inated in the elem entary scho o l (the fo ur day ro tatio n o f spanish) - the kids are no t learning the language and I believe it is a huge waste o f academ ic tim e. We co uld use that instructio nal tim e fo r so m e o f these new ideas. The spanish special fo cuses so m uch o n the culture and quite frankly, I do n't really think elem entary students need to learn that - they need to learn m o re relative subjects that align better with o ur district m issio n statem ent. I am thrilled with the idea o f changing the instructio nal m etho do lo gy to better align with o ur wo rld to day. The o ld way was go o d back then, but educatio n needs to adapt to what is go ing o n in to days wo rld.


I wo uld like yo u to state m uch m o re clearly why yo u believe a change is necessary - what is the pro blem that needs to be so lved and why is the current state o f things ineffective. I also think that when yo u present o ptio ns that yo u believe m ay have benefit yo u sho uld also indicate whether there is likely to be an asso ciated co st so that peo ple can better weigh the value. I believe the surveys that have been sent o ut have been needlessly am biguo us and "squishy" and have lacked the pro per co ntext fo r peo ple to give an info rm ed o pinio n. I'd prefer to see a survey (and I'm no t asking fo r ano ther o ne - m ajo r survey fatigue here), but less fo cus o n ranking general feelings abo ut item s like "safety" and m o re direct, specific, and o pen-ended inquiries o n "what is no t wo rking/ what do we need to change and why". Then yo u co uld m o re clearly co m m unicate to stakeho lders what the to p co m plaints are and starting with a co ncrete set o f pro blem s to so lve.





I wo uld lo o k at o ur current staff. Ho w m uch training and tim e is the district willing/able to o ffer within co ntract days to ensure a successful transitio n? No t all staff is able to leave fam ily and additio nal o bligatio ns during the sum m er. Do es o ur current staff licensure m eet the needs fo r m ultiple cho ice scho o ls? If no t, what will be do ne to suppo rt tho se who need to seek additio nal licensure?


I wo uld m ake sure that staff is aware o f what will be co m m o n fo r them in each o ptio n.


I wo uld no t include preK. I wo uld m ake sure the Spanish Im m ersio n students have at least half o f their classes in Spanish at the Middle Scho o l level. I wo uld m ake sure students who are expected to participate in o nline learning have the reso urces and suppo rt at ho m e to achieve this befo re im plem enting.


I wo uld no t m o ve 6th to m iddle scho o l. In additio n I think m o re specifics are needed aro und learning delivery item s - these sho uld be o ptio ns no t m andates o r who lesale shifts. Kids do ing well with in perso n m ay slip when pushed into ano ther style.


I wo uld pro bably keep prescho o l in a separate building.


I wo uld pro bably keep the 6-8 grade o ptio n, seeing ho w also m any after-scho o l activities and clubs are 6-8 grade, it pro bably wo rks. Ho wever, in the prescho o ler's case, I think it wo uld be go o d fo r the prescho o lers, but I have a feeling that they wo uld pro bably beco m e iso lated fro m the o ther kids... But SOMEBODY'S go t to use the slides o n the playgro und. :)


I wo uld rely less o n techno lo gy to teach, and fo cus m o re o n sharpening teacher and student kno wledge o n ho w techno lo gy can be a useful to o l as a supplem ent to face-to -face instructio n.


I wo uld sto p paying o utside gro ups to take taxpayer m o ney and m ake so lid decisio ns that do n't change every 2 years.


I wo uld suggest to change the co m m o n elem ents to keep the current elem entary co nfiguratio n at K-6, and m iddle scho o l at 7-8. Beyo nd the issues specific to Spanish im m ersio n m entio ned abo ve, I have been unable to find any study o r research that suggests m o ving 6th graders to m iddle scho o l results in po sitive o utco m es, rather the data seem to sho w that their perfo rm ance, behavio r and self-esteem instead m ay suffer. I didn't hear anything in the presentatio n to refute this, in fact the reaso ns given to switch were pretty vague, such as 6th graders relate better to 7th and 8th graders than 1st graders. Maybe this is the case using 1st graders as a co m pariso n, but 6th graders m ight relate better to 5th graders than to 8th graders. I do n't think this is a very so lid argum ent fo r m aking such a fundam ental shift. I have co ncerns abo ut the self-esteem and em o tio nal needs o f yo unger children o f 11 o r 12 being placed with the 13 and 14 year o lds, particularly in such a large district and larg


I wo uld want to ensure there is a co nsistent and efficient m eans o f parent co m m unicatio n. It's been increasingly inco nsistent and difficult to keep up with bo th co m m unicatio ns o ver the past co uple o f years. So m e use Scho o lo gy, so m e do no t, so m e use the planner, o thers do no t... I've been feeling to o disco nnected, and unsure o f pro gress, successes, o r where I can help.


I wo uldn't im plem ent either


I wo uldn't want preK to be in the elem entary scho o ls. I think 4 is to o yo ung to m ix with kids who are 10+.


I'd just be tho ughtful abo ut the o nline piece and pro vide o ptio ns to parents.


I'd like m y child to have ano ther year o f Spanish im m ersio n in 6th grade.





I'd like to see peer reviewed research sho wing these m o dels wo rk. I'd like to see definitio ns o f these term s.


I'm no t sure abo ut flexible scheduling at the high scho o l level as I wo rry it co uld detract fro m a sense o f 'co m m unity' and to getherness within each grade


I'm unclear why it needs to be an either/o r scenario rather than including the best ideas in whatever plan is cho sen. I'm no t a fan o f including pre-k in the elem entary as I feel the prescho o l years are specialized and require different facilities.


If Eden Prairie truly wants to m eet the needs o f students who are in the bo tto m 15% , there needs to be a scho o l within a scho o l m o del. These students need to have sho rter class perio ds o ver an extended perio d o f tim e. Flexibility fo r these students and having sm aller class sizes will sho w greater success fo r these students.


If pre-K educatio n is go ing to be paid fo r, it sho uld be in it's o wn lo catio n/ space that is go o d fo r such yo ung children.


If there is any idea surro unding the flexibility o f enro lling students to the "cho ice" scho o l o ptio ns thro ugho ut all grade levels, o r if they m ust cho o se o ne fro m the beginning. I feel stro ngly that until junio r high/m iddle scho o l each student sho uld have expo sure to everything so we are m aking the decisio n fo r cho ice scho o l based o n student po tential and interest instead o f parent preference which co uld set a child up fo r failure. If we had the STEM, IB, o r Arts Scho o l o ptio ns starting in 6th grade it wo uld be m uch m o re likely that the students wo uld enter with a well ro unded base o f kno wledge in all areas and co uld at that po int start to fo ster their strengths.


If there isn't ro o m at CMS fo r 6th grade, co uld they be acco m m o dated in an interm ediate scho o l - either just 6th o r 5th and 6th like we did have (and was a huge success).


In HS, we have quite a few internatio nal students. Ho w is scho o l district helping EPHS students to get the sam e o ppo rtunity to study abro ad. Are there any guide lines, suggestio ns fo r o ther scho o ls in different co untries, pro m o tio ns... If o ur students wo uld have that o ppo rtunity, they wo uld be definitely better prepared fo r co llege selectio n and life.... If internatio nal students have the o ptio n, why no t o ur children?


Include m o re physical activitiey/recess tim e as co m m o n: 30 m inutes per day.


Inco rpo rate m o re active learning. Mo vem ent in the classro o m and m o re recess fo r little o nes and m o re so cial / m o vem ent fo r o lder o nes.


Inco rpo rating m ultiple student cho ices in learning styles within PBL co ursewo rk - o nline, direct o r face-to -face fo r all subject m atter; no t just an o nline class fo r the sem ester.


Instead o f having cho ice scho o ls as part o f o ptio n A &B that really creates to o m any cho ices, i wo uld inco rpo rate STEM(o r whatever them e co m m unity values) as co m m o n elem ent o f bo th cho ices. And m ake it part o f every day learning fo r all students, no t o ne scho o l o r o ne pro gram


Invo lve the parents in the scho o l day m o re. Hard to do , but get them into o ur buildings m o re.


It is co m pletely to o bro ad . . . this needs m any m o re details/exam ples/o ther scho o ls cited to pro ve po ssible efficacy.


It is critical fo r elem entary kids to feel like "baby birds with a m o ther bird" leading the nest. Keeping a clo se relatio nship with a co re teacher who keeps kids under their wing with co m passio n. these yo ungsters are with an individual replacing their parents and the co ncept o f nurturing still needs to be prim ary.





It it hard to kno w ho w to respo nd witho ut so m e o f the im plem entatio n plans and co st facto rs. What is the difference between "direct & face-to -face instructio n" this no t the sam e? Lo ts o f educatio nal jargo n fo r parents to understand what all is in these o ptio ns.


K-4 in all elem entary scho o ls, with each scho o l having a "Cho ice - scho o l within a scho o l" o ptio n. OP returned to Interm ediate fo r 5-6 grades. Underused part o f scho o l can be a "Cho ice" o ptio n. CMS kept at 7-8 grades, with underused part o f scho o l be a co ntinuatio n o f the OP "Cho ice".


Keep 6th grade in Elem entary Scho o l Lim it o nline learning to o lder grades and use it wisely.


Keep 6th grade in elem entary scho o l. Allo w fo r explo rato ry to be a bigger part o f elem entary in the o lder grades


Keep EHSI students in the im m ersio n setting fo r K-6 m inim um . These students have experienced to o m uch change and uncertainty o ver the past several years. Plus, the bo undary changes and K-6 reco nfiguratio n happened o nly a few years ago . It puts to o m uch stress o n students and fam ilies to have this co nstant change.


Keep Pre-K o ut o f the elem entary scho o ls.


Keep elem entary and m iddle scho o l as it is currently: K-6 fo r elem entary scho o l and 7-8 fo r m iddle scho o l.


Keep elem entary scho o l K-6. Offer m uch needed stability, co nsistency and co ntinuity fo r the students o f EP scho o ls.


Keep grades as is


Keep im m ersio n experience go ing.


Keep it the way it is.


Keep scho o l start tim es co nsistent district wide if po ssible. 9:20 is a hard start tim e fo r elem entary age students who tend to wake up earlier and half their day is o ver by the tim e they get to scho o l.


Keep teachers teaching, no t relying so lely o n techno lo gy to do their jo b.


Keep the K-6 m o del so that children do n't lo se o ne who le year o f the Spanish Im m ersio n experience, educatio nally, so cially and culturally.


Keep the K-6 m o del so that children do n't lo se o ne year o f Spanish Im m ersio n - educatio nally, so cially and culturally.


Keep the elem entary scho o ls at K-6


Keep the grade co nfiguratio n as it is.


Keep the m o dels K-6, 7-8 and 9-12 as is OR Keep the K-6 m o del as is, change m iddle scho o l to 7-9 and high scho o l to 10-12.


Later start tim es fo r m iddle and high scho o l. Mo ntesso ri learning in that all things are im po rtant and peo ple need to be respected.





Leave 6th grade at elem entary scho o ls as currently is; leave PreK separate fro m elem entary setting. Include param eters/expectatio ns as far as ho w m uch each gro up (elem entary/m iddle/high scho o l) expected to learn by face-to -face vs. o nline, etc.


Leave the 6th graders in the elem entary scho o ls to give them a year m ature & learn ho w to be leaders befo re expo sing them to bigger kid issues that co m e with teenagers.


Leave the scho o ls as they are PreK in o ne building, K-6 fo r the rest, and CMS as 7 and 8. Intro duce the blended m o dality starting at 4th o r 5th grade, m o ving up. Mo re info rm atio n is needed to understand ho w this will lo o k like. Pro ject based learning as it is. Ho wever, m o re info rm atio n is needed to understand ho w this lo o ks like and what the suppo rt will be available fo r teachers fro m curriculum to im plem entatio n, assessm ents included.


Less o nline instructio n and m o re direct o r face-to -face instructio n. Do n't dum b do wn the curriculum fo r everyo ne just because o f a few stragglers.


Let the teachers decide what is best fo r students. No o ne listens to us, values us, o r respects us anym o re. The district keeps taking m o ney and reso urces fro m us, and we are having to do o ur jo bs with o ur hands tied behind o ur backs.


Licensure wo uld be an issue fo r teachers. Space will be an issue in the future as well.


Lo o k at start tim es fo r scho o ls being careful o f starting to o early


Lo ts o f changes.. He have m o re friends and he im pro ved in educatio nal also


Maintain k-6. Add o nto west side o f adm in building to capture all pre K.


Make blended/hybrid learning o ptio nal.


Make it m o re clear what the plan is, as presented it is very co nfusing. My husband and I are bo th pro fessio nals with advanced degrees and we have o n e child o ut o f district in a charter scho o l. Neither o ne o f us feel co nfident that we understand what yo u are pro po sing. Ho nestly, the presentatio n seem s like so m ething that wo uld be created fro m a co nsulting gro up lo o king to o vercharge o ur district. Lo ts o f catch phrases and term s that feel like they have been "fo cused gro uped" as so m ething suburban parents want to hear. It pro bably m akes sense to the bo ard and tho se clo sely watching but the rest o f us aren't fo llo wing yo u and will no t be likely to participate in further surveys o r input sessio ns.


Make sure every student succeeds.


Make sure there is an in-perso n chance fo r children to sho w what they have learned, to ensure they are the o ne actually do ing the o nline wo rk.


Make them different and use co m m o n descriptio ns.


Making sure all class sizes are sm all to effect the best learning po ssible.


Maybe a reward system fo r m eeting deadlines, go o d grades, scho o l participatio n and go ing abo ve and beyo nd. Take spo rts o ut o f scho o l - separate into the co m m unity m ake up - so budgets can really go to academ ics and no t new sco rebo ards...





Mental health is no t addressed m uch in o ur district and as a high scho o l teacher I have seen an increase in anxiety, clinical depressio n, students ho spitalized fo r suicide attem pts, eating diso rders, and drug use. I wo uld like to have skills related to stress and anxiety m anagem ent, co ping skills, interperso nal co m m unicatio n skills, advo cating skills included. Go beyo nd the academ ic fo cus - but fo cus o n the who le child.


Middle and high scho o ls need to start scho o l later in o rder to ensure adequate sleep and less stress/anxiety/depressio n/drug abuse/car accidents/risk taking behavio rs.


Middle scho o l sho uld be 7-8th grade.


Mo re details and info rm atio n o n what a flexible schedule m ight lo o k like as a student, as a fam ily, and as a staff m em ber. Exam ples and sto ries fro m o ther districts who m ay be do ing so m ething sim ilar. Where the m o ney will co m e fro m to fund this change.


Mo re details befo re m aking a decisio n. No t sure o f changes, but while I'm fo r flexibility and at least so m e PBL o r explo ring m o re, do n't thro w the baby o ut with the bath water fo r what do es wo rk fo r kids that is go ing o n. Whatever the decisio n, m aybe a pro batio n year o r test gro up fo r a year wo uld be go o d befo re m aking what seem like co uld be drastic changes (tho ugh m aybe I'm reading to o m uch into it).


Mo re details! What are yo u really pro po sing to change (o ther than 6-8 at the m iddle scho o l). What's the difference between direct and face to face instructio n? What do es Intro ductio n, explo rato ry, and extensive m ean?


Mo re em phasis o n individuals and less em phasis o n grade levels.


Mo re exam ples o r types o f learning types.


Mo re explanatio n o f the ro le o f the instructo rs.


Mo re recess. Keep 9th grade in Middle Scho o l o r a Junio r High Scho o l. Reinfo rce structure, students (and parents fo r that m atter) fo r the m o st part thrive in enviro nm ents o f strucutre; especially pre-k 5th/6th.


Mo re specific param eters aro und what % o f learning will be o nline vs. face-to -face. I think the teachers sho uld be held to standards fo r ho w m uch instructio n they sho uld be pro viding. They can't just rely o n apps and "cho ice" learning tim e fo r students to learn.


Mo re specifics.


Mo re tim e to decide and im plem ent, want to see m o re details, no t jum p to so m ething to o so o n.


Mo ve 6th grade back to elem entary scho o l.


My last child o nly has 2 years left, ho pefully beyo nd these changes. I perso nally dislike watching video s as a learning experience, yo u get m uch richer detail and nuances in a bo o k


Need m o re definitio ns aro und what each co ncept m eans




No Co m m ents


No Pre-K at the elem entary scho o ls. They sho uld be in their o wn enviro nm ent.





No blo cks fo r m ath.


No co nfidence in this leadership.


No prek-5 Pre K kids are to o little to blend with bigger kids. Designate a pre K scho o l instead


No reco m m endatio ns


No ne


No t enco uraging fo cused "pathways" until students are in high scho o l.


No t eno ugh info rm atio n to answer this questio n yet


No t required


No t sure


No t sure i like the 6/7/8 graders all being to gether fo r m iddle scho o l.


No t sure. It m ight be helpful if co urses, class days, & class tim es (including night classes & weekend classes) are o ffered in a way that's sim ilar to a co llege. Students participating in a particular activity i.e. m arching band, wo uld need to avo id registering fo r classes o ffered during m arching band practices & perfo rm ances.


No t sure. Wo uld need lo ts o f suppo rt staff to im plem ent changes and answer questio ns and calm anxieties that co m e with change.


No t vo te o n it because the Adm in. wants it and no o ne o utside o f them want it.


No te m o re specifically where the Spanish Im m ersio n o ptio n is. I see the Spanish im m ersio n scho o l as just ano ther EP scho o l, using the sam e curriculum as all the o thers, but just is in Spanish. I do no t want it taken away fro m any o ptio n as it has m any benefits besides just kno wing ano ther language. The diagram im plies that the Spanish Im m ersio n scho o l is o nly available fo r o ne o f the o ptio ns.


No thing co m es to m ind


No thing that co m es to m ind


No thing.


Nurture m y child's im aginatio n. NO ipad please.


Oh, ho w abo ut this? If yo u want to do PBL, yo u m ight want to think abo ut having so m e librarians aro und to help m ake this a success.





Ok, first o f all, as far as I can tell we received the em ail with this survey On Friday June 3rd and were asked to co m plete it o n the sam e day, by June 3rd, which m eans I wo uld have to either take m y prep ho ur o r m y perso nal tim e to co m plete the survey.....a perfect exam ple o f what I m entio ned befo re...ho w o ur tim e as a teaching staff is no t valued. The o ther po ssibility is that filling o ut the survey is m erely a fo rm ality and yo u have no intentio n o f listening to o ur input. Seco nd o f all, there is no explanatio n/clarificatio n o f any o f the term s o r co ncepts in the info rm atio n. I can't vo te o n so m ething that I have had abo ut 10 m inutes to lo o k at. Clearly this to pic is so m ething that deserves m uch m o re discussio n and clarificatio n than o ne em ail and a survey taken with 10 m inutes o f preparatio n. This is so m ething that needs to be do ne o n a wo rksho p o r pro fessio nal develo pm ent day so we can fully explo re all o f the o ptio ns and m ake the best cho ice fo r o ur student po pulatio n.


Optio n A do esn't wo rk effectively.


Optio n A: Educatio n based o n student interest is the way o f the future. I agree with the statem ents in this plan. Optio n B: In grade scho o l I was a very slo w learner and was in the lo west classes. No w in high scho o l, I am taking all ho no rs o r AP classes. In this plan, I feel that students will be unable to m o ve up and pro gress thro ugh the educatio n system . Additio nally, o nly having English and Math as defined blo cks m ay fo rce students cho o se between So cial Studies and Science.


Perhaps go ing back to the interm ediate scho o l idea we have had in the past. A place fo r 5-6th graders.


Perso nality/ learning style invento ry to m atch teachers and students.


Please do no t m o ve EHSI students to CMS!


Please see respo nses abo ve.


Please take prescho o l/pre-k o ut o f the equatio n. The co m m unity do es no t suppo rt this!


Pre-K sho uld rem ain o n it's o wn.


PreK wo uld need to be highly co nsidered in the elem entary scho o ls and an o ptio n to m o ve them to ano ther building (Ed Ctr fo r instance) since we rent the Ed Ctr fo r big do llars. It's better to start PreK o ut at ano ther building and leave them there fo r 10 years than m o ve them in and o ut o f existing elem entary buildings because o f spacing issues in 4-6 years. I wo uld o pt fo r K-5 elem entary scho o ls if 6th grade needs to m o ve to m iddle scho o l.


Pro ject based learning is a buzz wo rd in educatio n that m eans m any things. This needs to be clarified and the the bo dy o f research surro unding this o ptio n, needs to be explo red m o re in depth. Overall, this who le pro cess is to o vague, no t well researched and o n a tim eline that is unreaso nable.


Pro vide actual data to suppo rt ho w and why this o ptio n will help achieve the academ ic visio n. Surely there are exam ples o f ho w well such changes have wo rked in o ther districts. If no t, then why are they being co nsidered?


Pro vide m o re o f an em phasis o n the direct and face-to -face co m m unicatio n. Online instructio n is no t appealing to m e perso nally. My experience with o nline instructio n thro ugh co llege and m y career has no t been po sitive.


Pro vide so m e actual data to suppo rt ho w and why either o f these co m m o n elem ents will actually help achieve the academ ic visio n. Surely there are exam ples o f ho w well such changes have wo rked in o ther districts. If no t, then why are these being co nsidered.





Put hard lim its o n am o unt o f screen tim e learning is available, and do the best to increase face to face instructio n. Maybe add so m e o ptio ns fo r part-tim e pathways fo r lim ited tim es, o r to add pro ject based learning to augm ent the traditio nal appro ach rather than do a co m plete o verhaul o f the current system .


Recess, physical educatio n, wo rld language


Reco nsider Optio n B fo r Cho ice o f Elem entary Scho o l -- m ake it less o f a filtering o f o ur co m m unity, o r sim ply adapt Optio n A fo r this Unique Elem ent. Optio n A fo r Cho ice o f Elem tary Scho o l pro m o tes cho ice witho ut separating o ur diverse co m m unity into distinctive po ds that m ay negatively im pact o ur differences.


Reco nsider if it's a cho ice scho o l EP needs. Give m o re tho ught to high scho o l. I'd like to see "co llege in the scho o ls", no t IB. I feel m y kids will be wasting their senio r year waiting to get the classes they want and have to pay fo r them at university.


Reduce fo cus o n techno lo gy as techno lo gy is a way o f life no w and kids will learn it anyways. They still sho uld be do ing their ho m ewo rk o n paper rather than iPad in m y o pinio I believe physical act o f writing stim ulates brain in a way techno lo gy can never.


Reduce the em phasis o n pro ject-based learning and o nline learning. Maintain m o re face-to -face learning.


Reducing class sizes will be needed to im plem ent this m o re specialized learning plan. 30+ 5th and 6th graders are to o m any fo r 1 teacher to juggle m ultiple learning plans fo r.


Rem o ve the 'gro uping' elem ents...and allo w that to em erge based o n the needs /strengths o f students


Rem o ve the PreK-5 o ptio n and just have K-5. I do n't kno w what "Pathways" really m eans fo r sure but if it's cho ice scho o ls, rem o ve that fro m the picture.


Rem o ve the blended/hybrid o ptio ns and take a clo ser lo o k at o ptio n A and im plicatio ns this co uld have o n the children who are no t m ature eno ugh fo r this type o f m o del.


Rem o ve the grade reco nfiguratio ns, keep Pre-K in its current "ho m e." Co nsider re-visiting as enro llm ent declines to m ake space fo r Pre-K in elem entary scho o ls.


Replacing Unio n teachers with real life pro fessio nals as teachers, particularly o n advanced pro ject based learning.


Research and backgro und o n why these o ptio ns m akes sense? A biblio graphy o f so rts to suppo rt the change so that it's no t just a trend.


Schedule flexibility m ust ackno wledge that students in different buildings have very different needs as far as scho o l calendars go . The last several years o f EVERY building o n the SAME schedule has been a disservice to kids. Ado lescents have very different sleep schedules and activity schedules than m iddle o r lo wer grades. This needs to be ackno wledged by m aking the adjustm ent. Pay attentio n to the m yriad o f studies that sho w that HS students perfo rm better with an 8:30 start tim e!!


See abo ve.


See previo us respo nses.


See previo us sectio ns.





See prio r co m m ent o n no t go ing far eno ugh to ward pro ject wo rk. If we want to prepare children fo r the wo rk wo rld we need them to be skilled in applying m ultiple disciplines in a pro ject and the so cial em o tio nal aspects that go with do ing wo rk with o thers.


Separate instructo rs fo r different subjects starting at earlier grades. Say starting 4th grade and abo ve, Math, English and Science are taught by different specialty teachers.


Sm aller class sizes, less techno lo gy.


So m e o f the extrem e o ptio ns, that is the o utliers o n the change co ntinuum , m ay need to be shelved as future co nsideratio ns at this tim e verses fo rcing to o m any unique changes into an im m ediate tim e fram e. Also , co nsideratio n and weight need to be ackno wledged in that tho ugh all students can succeed regardless o f race, so cio eco no m ic backgro und, and fam ily o f o rigin, these co nditio ns DO have an extrem ely po wer influence o n the child's ability to learn and develo p their successful learning style, and these changes need to m aintain space fo r any student who need perso nal o versight o r "o utside the m o del" directio n.


Specifics o n tim ing o f im plem entatio n, info rm atio n o n ho w fam ilies will be info rm ed abo ut changes, research to sho w that the changes pro po sed will be beneficial to the students.


Staff educatio n and training o utlines so that we kno w we will be fully suppo rted thro ugho ut the pro cess.


Structured learning curriculum ...that m ust be a base fo r scho o l success. My o lder child is Mo zaic pro gram and their Math curriculum is am azing. We all hate am o unt o f ho m ewo rk,..but the pro gress that m y child m ade in o ne year is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. Enhanced learning is based o n hard wo rk ..creativity and play co m e in as a reward/so m thing to lo o k fo rward.


Teacher training is essential. Even years after intro ducing the iPads into the m iddle scho o l, there are teachers who o nly use it to have students fill in wo rksheets electro nically and o thers who are still using a lo t o f paper.


That if a student struggles with o ne m etho d (o nline fo r exam ple- they can't stay fo cused) they have an o ptio n to get the m aterial in a m etho d m o re suited fo r their style (face-to -face o r direct).


The "Co m m o n Elem ents" slide o f the m aterials m ake little to no sense to m e. As such, I am no t in a po sitio n to pro vide m eaningful input o n this slide. What is "Pro ject-Based Learning & Pathways"? What do the "Intro ductio n," "Explo rato ry" and "Extensive" catego ries m ean? Based o n m y reading o f the "Co m m o n Elem ents" slide, I can o nly gather that the pro po sal is to (i) begin pro viding o nline classes and (ii) reco nfigure the grades. With respect to o nline learning, what is being pro po sed? Which co urses will be o nline? What grades will utilize the o nline appro ach? Ho w m uch will it co st? Will o nline supplem ent (e.g., taped co urses so parents can view with children in the evening to ensure children understand daily lesso ns) o r replace traditio nal instructio n? With respect to the grade reco nfiguratio n, weren't the grades just reco nfigured in the last 5 years? Why the change? Is there em pirical data that suppo rts this reco nfiguratio n as the best way to instruct students. I am no t a


The district's past co nfiguratio n m istakes wo n't be so lved by either o ptio n. The o ptio ns do n't adequately so lve capacity issues (e.g. CMS will be o verly cro wded, especially if EPSD ever regains it's elite status, so m e elem entary scho o ls will be o ver and so m e under capacity, etc.). Them ed scho o ls is a who le can o f wo rm s that will do m o re harm than go o d. These o ptio ns seem like the district isn't willing to go back to what was ideal. It appears the district feels that m aking a change fo r the sake o f change will fo o l peo ple into thinking the changes are im pro vem ents, when they're no t.


The input video was fairly no n descript. It wo uld have been nice to have m o re details that wo uld explain exactly ho w that is changing what is currently do ne.





The new divisio ns o f scho o ls that have been pro po sed are a return to what Eden Prairie did in the 80s -- K thro ugh 5, 6-8, and 9-12. It is a go o d m o del. Cho o se a m o del and stick with it. The current m o del was cho sen to m inim ize transitio ns. Every year, I see changes to the Mo saic pro gram . I also kno w seventh graders who have go ne to alm o st every single o ne o f the elem entary scho o ls based o n bo undary changes and entering the Mo saic pro gram in 2014. It is frustrating to watch the evo lutio n o f that pro gram , specifically. When it began, adm inistrato rs said that the pro gram sites were cho sen because they were underutilized. Three years later students are being m o ved because these sites are to o full. This change in dem o graphics did no t require so phisticated m o deling.


The o ptio ns sho uld fo cus m o re o n bro adening educatio nal o ppo rtunities and diversifying available instructio n and learning m etho ds. "Blended learning" and "pro ject-based learning" are trendy buzzwo rds that can have a place in achieving these go als but sho uld no t beco m e the co re elem ents o r desired end results.


The way yo u present these 2 cho ices are abstract and co nfusing. I've heard this fro m o ther parents as well. Was this do ne o n purpo se?


The wo rd intro ducto ry fo r all elem entary. As adults, I think we fo rget ho w m uch kids are already expo sed to o utside o f o ur walls. 5th graders need m o re than intro ducto ry ro bo tics o r pro gram m ing, they were do ing tho se things in 2nd grade o r earlier.


There is brief reference m ade to Creativity in the elem entary scho o ls which is great. What abo ut the o ther o f the 4 C's? Talk abo ut all fo ur o r no ne.


There is m o re to think abo ut than what was presented, seem s like pick A o r B, what abo ut o ther o ptio ns?


There will be a great deal o f student co llabo rative wo rk o r pair wo rk, the teachers still need to plan and m o nito r the ro les each student will play, the go als they need to acco m plish, and the standards they need to m eet.


These questio ns are unclear because yo ur po wer po int m entio ns m ultiple kinds o f design o ptio ns under different headings--schedule and calendar, evidence o f learning, etc. Do yo u m ean that all the A's o n the different headings are lum ped to gether as o ne o ptio n? I do n't see any o verriding ratio nal fo r defining all o f tho se cho ices to gether in A o r B.


Think befo re im plem enting anything


This do esn't seem to be a clear cut o ptio n, there are m any ideas here and no t clear the definitio ns o r im plem entatio n plans.


Thro w it in the trash.


To im pro ve Optio n A, I wo uldn't m ake such drastic changes in ho w the scho o l runs, I wo uld suggest no t m aking each scho o l a different fo cus because that wo uldn't let the student get a ro unded kno wledge o f everything. Fo r Optio n B I do n't believe we sho uld add the am o unt o f fo rm ative and sum m ative assessm ents, students o f all ages have plenty to wo rry abo ut please do n't give us MORE tests


To m ake it applicable to all student needs


To o vague at this tim e to really see the final o utco m e


Try putting the educatio nal enhancem ents yo u plan to pro vide in the STEM scho o l to wo rk in EVERY elem entary scho o l, so that ALL o f the students can benefit EQUALLY, and no t just tho se students who se parents have decided that they want their kids in the STEM scho o l.





Try to help teachers understand culture o f the students and to try and end the im po sitio n o f the euro pean am erican culture upo n all o thers, because if teachers do n't receive training, they will unintentio nally o r intentio nally fo rce their culture upo n their students


Want to m ake sure it is applied with an underpinning o f STEAM and no t sim ply a STEM perspective.


We need m o re definitio n o f what 'intro ductio n," "explo rato ry," and "extensive" will lo o k like.


What is the difference between direct and face to face instructio n? (Blended/Hybrid Learning)


What ro le do parents play in bo th o ptio ns? What ro le co uld they play to be a team m em ber with scho o ls and teachers? As a parent educato r in district this is im po rtant to discuss with co m m unity and be pro active...


Which o ptio n? Grade reco nfiguratio n...depends o n ho w its do ne. If we co ntinue to have bo undaries, we need all elem entary scho o ls to have the sam e o ptio ns. Hybrid Learning can be co nfusing fo r m any parents. Clear expectatio ns are key. This also causes questio ns o f student data repo rting when EPS is currently repo rting seatbased instructio n o nly. MARSS, MCCC, PSEO, OLL, and Carl Perkins repo rting will be affected and m ust have pro per training and research tim e.


While likely already co nsidered I think it m ight be wo rth calling o ut experiential learning. Get the kids o ut o f the class-ro o m and visit nature, peo ple, histo ry, facto ries, farm s etc. etc.


Who is writing these questio ns? ?


Why do es it need to be a 10-year plan? If we get a new superintendent with new ideas, we are stuck with what they m ay no t believe in. If we get new scho o l bo ard m em bers, they m ay no t agree with these o ptio ns. Are we changing just fo r the idea o f changing?


Wo rry abo ut spreading the pre-k pro gram acro ss scho o ls - kids are so little and will get o verwhelm ed in an elem entary setting. Prescho o l pro gram is gro wing and needs so m e stability.


Yo u need to give m o re info rm atio n o n the nuts and bo lts o f ho w this is go ing to affect each student. The info rm atio n given do es no t describe ho w things will actually wo rk


Yo u're asking parents to give feedback o n co ncepts and term ino lo gy m o st pro bably do n't understand. Be careful o f gearing K-12 educatio n to ward getting a jo b - it's m uch bigger than that.


Yo ur info rm atio n is no t clear eno ugh to pro vide a respo nse.


a m inim um o f 30 m inute recesses fo r elem entary aged kids and later start tim es fo r the m iddle and high scho o l students


acco untability


all go o d are kids


elim inate the grade reco nfiguratio n


get rid o f the elem entary schedule o f m ultiple transitio n within o ne day.


i do n't understand what is being asked. co uldn't find any info rm atio n to understand this better.





m o re discussio n o f physical activity tim e in elem entary and m iddle scho o l.




no o nline instructio n unless we have a sno w day...what are we paying the teachers fo r? ? ? ? this next generatio n has eno ugh tro uble interacting with hum an beings


no t m uch in co m m o n.


no t sure abo ut the o n-line o ptio n, just do n't think kids will do it.


scho o l start tim es. m iddle scho o l kids need to start later to ensure they are getting eno ugh sleepNo r their age. They are at the bus sto p befo re 7 am .


see answer to see #6.


sm aller class sizes


sm aller gro ups in each building- why do es Eden Prairie o nly have o ne m iddle scho o l and o ne high scho o l when surro unding districts o f sam e o r larger size have m ultiple cam puses?


specific details with ro ll o ut and training


16. As you consider unique elements of Design Option A:Please identify risks that will need to be considered with this option. Count



No ne




no ne

1 1

Cho ice Scho o ls co uld lead to less diverse scho o ls as has happened with Spanish Im m ersio n. There co uld be an "elite scho o l". Fam ilies m ight cho o se based o n friends o r neighbo rho o ds rather than academ ic strengths o r needs.


I am repeating what I said fo r bo th Design Optio ns A and B because m y answer still applies. Kno wing what I do based o n years o f teaching "regular" students and "gifted" students go ing to highly-selective co lleges, I see very few students who wo uld be ready fo r an independently-driven learning m o del. As it is no w, students at the high scho o l have to pro dded and fo rced to do so m ething academ ic to suppo rt their learning during CORE. I am co ncerned that like so m any inno vated educatio nal refo rm s I have seen at EPHS o ver the years, this is ano ther o ne that will garner a lo t o f publicity fo r the district but fail o ur students and teachers. It m ay result in a system that will underserve o ur students o f greatest need--students who need so m uch m o re directio n than we think we do and who do no t have the parental suppo rt to guide them . Co lleagues are very upset that there has no t been an all-scho o l faculty m eeting to present these o ptio ns in co m m unity but given these o ptio ns to us thr


It is difficult to add o r change elem ents o f such a general and bro ad bullet po int PDF. There is no t eno ugh detail in the draft as o f yet.


"cho ice scho o ls" - I think we need to get away fro m the separate "cho ice scho o ls" and o ffer the sam e pro gram s at all scho o ls fo r all students to participate in if they wo uld like to o r a scho o l within a scho o l. I believe the "cho ice scho o l" m o del has sho wn that this creates a rift within the district between o ther students and parents, especially at the elem entary age gro up and with EHSI. We need to suppo rt o ur neighbo rho o d scho o ls within the district. All o ur students end up at the sam e m iddle scho o l/high scho o l and therefo re sho uld all have sim ilar backgro und in their educatio n and cho ice o fferings. I believe this "cho ice scho o l" m o del is part o f the reaso n why we have these issues to begin with.


"year ro und" fo r the high scho o l. Ho w wo uld that lo o k. If a separate scho o l fo r "Stem o r Steam " - ho w wo uld transpo rtatio n wo rk fo r that. Fo r instance IB is a high scho o l pro gram - hard to separate to a different lo catio n. What if kids wanted to o nly participate in 1 o r 2 classes o f it.


* Cho ice scho o l m ight cause greater segregatio n to o early in the scho o l cycle * Standardized assessm ent in "current m o del" do esn't acco unt fo r uniqueness o f students * Sho uldn't use current "grading" and assessm ent system s to m easure learning (yo u'll end up m easuring the wro ng things)


*So m e kids do need structure and get o verwhelm ed by to o m uch creativity tim e. This needs to be balanced. *Multiple m etho ds o f assessm ent co uld cause co nfusio n if kids do no t kno w what to expect.





*we co ntinue to add m o re o ptio n scho o ls fo r fam ilies, m ainly fo r the o nes that qualify fo r it, leaving "the rest" to be divided up (based o n a bo undary that do esn't m ake sense fo r fam ilies that live clo ser to o ne neighbo rho o d scho o l but get assigned to ano ther); adding a third cho ice aside fro m Spanish Im m ersio n and Mo saic takes away fro m the general ed that benefits all students when they see/hear/learn fro m o ther high-level students' thinking and wo rk.


- Fo r A & B: Cho ice scho o ls run the risk that so m e peo ple m ay self-select partly to avo id significant am o unts o f diversity within their scho o l (fro m what I've heard this has happened with Spanish im m ersio n, etc.)


- Ho w will this affect co m m unity/relatio nships/ ho w scho o ls are perceived - need to have balance between scho o l and ho m e and Balance between co re classes and electives


- po ssibly "pigeo n-ho ling" kids prem aturely into co m petency gro ups, to the detrim ent o f o ther skills that co uld be nurtured. - expanded tim ing o f high scho o l class day m ight co nflict with standard after-scho o l activities?


-I do no t like the scho o l within a scho o l idea and I do n't like the idea o f intro ducing ano ther cho ice scho o l because I do n't think we have do ne well with o ur current Eagle Heights cho ice scho o l. We do n't have an integratio n pro cess at that scho o l despite that it has been 11 years o f figuring this o ut. We need to fo cus o n what we have and do ing that well instead o f bro adening o ur sco pe beyo nd what we are capable o f m anaging. -I do n't like the idea o f lo nger instructio nal tim e within classes. Middle scho o lers do n't have the attentio n span to fo cus fo r pro lo nged perio ds o f tim e and I questio n the advantages o f lo nger blo cks o f instructio n. -if they are do ing a flexible schedule fo r students, it wo uld have to be o ptio nal and no t m andated classes. A lo t o f kids have jo bs o r extracurricular activities where a 6-8pm class wo uld no t wo rk.


-Need to take into co nsideratio n wo rking parents as the vast m ajo rity o f ho m es are no w dual-inco m e




1) I do no t like the idea o f there being o ne STEM cho ice scho o l. I think STEM sho uld be a co re part o f the curriculum in all elem entary scho o ls.


1) Structure: student interest is wo nderful, but witho ut intro ductio n to new things, kids wo n't have the o ppo rtunity to learn things that m ay, in fact, beco m e a "passio n". 2a) Having a "cho ice" scho o l m ay im ply that the o ther scho o ls are "less adequate" in whatever area is em phasized in the Cho ice (e.g., STEM). I want to m ake sure EVERY child in EVERY EP scho o l has the o ppo rtunity fo r the highest quality educatio n. 2b) Further, I wo rry that "specializing" early o n in educatio n reduces expo sure to a bro ad curriculum .


1. A single cho ice scho o l m ay m inim ize availability o f that o ptio n fo r students no t accepted into the scho o l.


1. The inability o f teachers and adm inistrato rs to successfully transitio n to the new appro ach. 2. Lim ited availability by having a single cho ice scho o l and m ay im pact o thers no t 'accepted' to the cho ice scho o l.


6th graders in m iddle scho o l Who is getting the STEM scho o l, and ho w will that affect kids living aro und that scho o l. Do Elem entary kids need a stem ? Maybe 5-6th grade level, but no t in 1st grade+ Classes 3-8pm , and year ro und


8 am - 8 pm assistance co uld be go o d, but the risk is that it fo sters the expectatio n that kids (and teachers) m ust be "o n" fo r this who le perio d. When do es fam ily tim e happen? Middle scho o l - do es fewer transitio ns within the day m ean fewer subjects? Do no t even think abo ut dum ping m usic. (Altho ugh IMPACT can definitely go .)


8 to 8 scheduling in the H.S. so unds go o d in principle, but what abo ut teachers' availability and wo rklo ad?





8am -8pm will co st a lo t o f $$$ fo r teachers. Explain EXTREMELY tho ro ughly what STEM, STEAM, and IB classes are


8am -8pm ? ! Will teacher salary reflect the extra ho urs?




A cho ice scho o l leads to unequal educatio n and a pletho ra o f o ther undesired o utco m es. Things like capacity issues, us-vs-them , favo ritism , etc. ALL students deserve the best educatio n po ssible and adding m o re elem entary scho o l differentiatio ns no t o nly m akes educatio ns at different sites unequal, but leads to issues when students co m e to gether (at CMS) because so m e students received a significantly different educatio n than the child sitting next to them .


A lo nger scho o l day fo r high scho o l with kids co m ing and go ing at different tim es wo uld m ake it harder fo r students to co nnect with o ne ano ther. The high scho o l is so large but do es a go o d jo b o f creating o ppo rtunities fo r kids to get to kno w o ne ano ther and get to gether. A lo nger day wo uld m ake this harder to do and wo uld deterio rate the sense o f co m m unity. This so unds like m o re o f a university style which they will have a chance to experience after high scho o l. No need to rush this at the expense o f a stro ng sense o f co m m unity. Also it appears that o nly the high scho o l wo uld m o ve to year ro und schedule. This wo uld be difficult fo r fam ilies with kids o f different ages. Sum m er is a tim e fo r fam ilies to spend tim e to gether and if so m e kids are o n break while o thers have scho o l, it will be hard to plan vacatio ns and fo r o lder kids to help with care o f yo unger kids.


A lo t o f this has already been do ne thro ugh the years at the high scho o l and was taken away fo r a variety o f reaso ns. Do we kno w ho w m any students wants a flexible tim e schedule? Do we want huge age gaps between students because o f subject m atter co m petency? Ho w m ight this 8-8 schedule at the high scho o l affect teacher co ntracts? Will the district calendars still be aligned?


Abso lutely NO Cho ice scho o l. We are no t private educatio n Segregating kids fro m each o ther is no t right and it build anim o sity in the district-we do n't needs this If it is im po rtant-all kids than all kids sho uld have access to it. Build yo ur co re-m ake it stro ng Parents, even with go o d intentio n are no t educato rs and sho uld no t cho o se a pathway based o n what they ho pe-want.


Adding a cho ice scho o l m ay lead to m o re issues o f clustering o r iso lating certain racial o r so cial eco no m ic gro ups.


Adding ano ther Cho ice scho o l fo r EP.


Adding ano ther cho ice scho o l wo uld be risky. The co m m unity do esn't appear to have m ass interest in that. It wo uld lead to m assive bo undary changes. It wo uld also run the risk o f increasing ethnic/cultural iso latio n at certain scho o ls.


Ado pting pro gram s to m eet the current trends rather than the needs o f students. Lo ss o f co m m unity.


Afraid that m o re "creative tim e" will lead to wasted instructio n tim e o r m o re playtim e o n their iPads.





Again, adding 1 m o re cho ice scho o l will m arginalize further o ur po pulatio ns that are already m arginalized (m eaning, increase white flight). If cho ice scho o ls are m eant to increase, so m e way m ust be built into the system o f assigning students to scho o l that wo rks equally well fo r lo wer inco m e fam ilies and fam ilies o f co lo r, o r who do n't speak English at ho m e. I am co ncerned abo ut m iddle scho o l students who need m o vem ent being stuck in classes fo r lo nger blo cks o f tim e, unless they are go ing to be guaranteed to include m o vem ent. Their attentio n spans need m o vem ent, develo pm entally. I am also co ncerned abo ut the 8 am - 8 pm idea fo r high scho o l. I can't see the lo gistics o f ho w that wo uld wo rk fo r transpo rtatio n, teachers, and students invo lved in activities. Our K-6 facilities are no t built fo r the sm aller bo dies and the develo pm ental needs o f o ur Pre-K students. I believe they are best served in their o wn space, develo ped fo r their needs.


Already answered this?


Always with gro uping it seem s we run the risk o f peo ple being upset with being labeled. And that inadvertently happens whether teachers say so o r no t. We can pro m o te all kids learning at their o wn pace and individualized learning, but in reality kids will no tice who is in which gro up and will assign their o wn so cial perspectives. I am co ncerned that o ur students are still m easured by standardized with m o re pro ject based learning, ho w will they fare...UNTIL higher educatio n lo o ks at m o re than an SAT/ACT sco re, I'm no t sure ho w we can get away fro m m aking sure students are academ ically prepared fo r such tests. I do n't believe the district sho uld add ano ther cho ice scho o l until the two cho ice o ptio ns they have are running sm o o thly and fully suppo rted with academ ic rigo r. The Im m ersio n pro gram has taken 11 years to develo p and still is no t where it sho uld be especially at CMS. To add ano ther cho ice scho o l seem s to be o verextending the reso urces we sho uld be using to build


Ano ther cho ice scho o l will just pull o ut m o re o f o ur rich, white students fro m the o ther elem entary scho o ls. Ho w are students no t achieving at grade level go ing to achieve in this m o del?


As a parent o f a struggling learner who wo rks really, really hard, I can say that it has been go o d fo r her this year to be expo sed to students who are struggling m o re than she is and to students at the upper end o f the achievem ent spectrum . Her writing and her interest in writing has gro wn expo nentially because her best friend is a KEY student with a talent fo r writing, and they are to gether in the classro o m fo r at least part o f the day. Her friend's interest and enthusiasm has infected her! If "flexible gro upings" beco m es lo w achievers always being with lo w achievers, and high achievers always being with high achievers, this is no t an o ptio n I wo uld suppo rt. I just saw the slide saying Optio n A wo uld add a cho ice scho o l -- great fo r the kids who like so m ething like a STEM scho o l. My daughter wo uld no t, and I really want her to be expo sed to the ideas and curriculum o ffered in a STEM scho o l. So I think having just o ne dedicated scho o l do ing this is less effective than having ST


As each elem entary scho o l has the flexibility to create their o wn gro upings, will they be able to pro vide equally go o d educatio n o ppo rtunities. Will we have go o d scho o ls and no t as go o d scho o ls in o ur district?


Blending kids so lely based o n academ ic level is no t necessary fo r success. This is a fact. Kids can learn fro m each o ther, teach each o ther, share a co m m o n experience and gro w when there is interest, suppo rt and the o ppo rtunity to interact and share with each o ther. Kids do no t have to be with "like" kids at "like" levels. Let's no t pigeo n ho le kids based o n academ ic level. The wo rld do esn't wo rk that way, so why sho uld scho o ls.


By having just o ne cho ice scho o l, yo u sypho n o ff all o f the highly m o tivated kids (o r o nes with highly m o tivated parents) and the rem aining kids do n't benefit fro m their creativity o r talent. I hate the idea that all kids wo uldn't have access to STEAM.


Calendar co nflicts with o utside activities that o ur students lo ve Develo pm entally appro priate scho o l clim ate fo r all ages





Can this m o del wo rk within the current adm inistrative structure? No m entio n o f this is included with either plan. The adm inistrative buracrecy, with it's go o d and bad habits, will need to be addressed and changes also im plem ented in o rder to suppo rt either new m o del.


Capacity issues at scho o l fo r 6-8. My kids already sit three to a seat o n their bus. WITH their band instrum ents. They are tired o f feeling like sardines jam m ed into a can. The hallways at CMS are already to ugh at passing tim e.


Cho ice scho o l appro ach is unclear.


Cho ice scho o l o ptio n: fam ily who have m eans will cho o se the cho ice scho o ls and widen achievem ent gap. Why no t STEM o r STEAM up current curriculum since there is/sho uld be a fo cus currently? The High Scho o l 8a-8p lim its students' ability to wo rk, o r participate in after scho o l arts o r spo rts.


Cho ice scho o l wo uld pro vide go o d learning experince fo r kids that have interests in these particular areas.


Cho ice scho o ls can widen the gap between traditio nally privileged gro ups and o ther students. Students in "cho ice" pro gram s m ay be treated as m o re valuable and deserving o f district reso urces. Middle scho o l students do no t necessarily have the m aturity o r attentio n-span fo r lo nger blo cks o f instructio nal tim e.


Cho ice scho o ls co uld result in unbalanced num bers am o ng the elem entary buildings again.


Cho ice scho o ls m ay m ess up with scho o l bo undary and transpo rtatio n.


Cho ice scho o ls sho uld no t even be co nsidered until im m ersio n cho ice scho o l is fully figured o ut and suppo rted thro ugh 12th grade.


Co ncern abo ut m o ving 6th grade and co ntinuing im m ersio n pro gram .


Co ncerned abo ut flex learning until 8pm and year ro und wo uld lo o k like.


Co ncerns that scho o ls wo uld beco m e the sm art / m o re desirable scho o ls. This co uld reduce sense o f co m m unity and neighbo rho o d feel to o ur scho o ls and co m m unity. (My siblings in Minneto nka have co m m ented they feel that change in their scho o ls.) This o ptio n co uld unintentio nally segregate o ur co m m unity and reduce o verall engagem ent and vo lunteerism . So m etim e pro gram s like this unfairly benefit the early blo o m ers and lim it expo sure to the late blo o m ers o f the intellectual diversity o f the student po pulatio n. There co uld be transpo rtatio n issues with the o ptio n to o .


Co nfused what the "current m o del" m eans. My experience is that the Academ y m o del is already happening at EHSI.


Co nsideratio n o f m easuring co ntinuo us learning at different rates; that all students are evaluated o n a co ntinuum o ver tim e and no t just a single sum m ative assessm ent o n a particular day. In particular, allo wing the academ ic m iddle to retake a test o r im pro ve their wo rk o n a rubric, no t just the academ ic lo ws (all students).


Co st. And I tho ught we had a STEM pro gram , what happened to that? ? ? ?


Co uld be co nfusing fo r students and gro ups.


Creating a "Cho ice" scho o l pulls reso urces and funding away fro m the traditio nal pro gram s and further segregates o ur scho o ls.





Current m o del w/flexible gro upings is unclear...m ulti-grade classro o m s? Co ncise expectatio ns and clear co m m unicatio n (w parents and staff) o f grade pro gressio n is key. Current m o del + a cho ice scho o l is tricky. Wait-lists and lo tteries are task-heavy o n staff, lo ts o f co m m unicatio n with parents is needed. Clear bo undaries fo r bus fee areas. "Student Po rtfo lio s" is unclear. Need m o re info . Middle scho o l fewer transitio ns m eans less expo sure to m any different subjects. Kids this age need explo ratio n/disco very. High Scho o l assistance, classes, o r tuto ring available 8AM to 8PM... again, student ADM repo rting will need to change fro m seat-based to independent study-based. Clear expectatio ns o f student expectatio ns are key. Staff-heavy. What if a so cial wo rker is needed at 730pm and I'm a Geo graphy teacher? What abo ut o ver-tim e fo r paras? Year-ro und scho o ling is never po pular with parents. They like vacatio ns.


Do blo cks at CMS m ake it less perso nal and im pact o ur student relatio nships? What suppo rts fo r teachers will be needed in adjusting to a new schedule?


Do elem entary kids need m o re recess tim e? Will that help test sco res? Do no t add ano ther cho ice scho o l, keep neighbo rho o d kids in neighbo rho o d scho o ls, it takes away fro m o ur co m m unity, which has already happened with Spanish Im m ersio n kids. Ho w do we pay fo r HS kids getting 8-8 assistance and/o r year ro und? Why do they need that? Kids need a break


Do no t change m y elem etary scho o l


Do n't allo w cho ice fo r students to pick a fo cus. If certain students do n't feel em po wered they wo n't cho o se things like STEM and will m iss o ut.


Do n't fully the two o ptio ns as laid o ut in the presentatio n to o pine o n the risk o r rewards.


Elem entary Cho ice: *Po tential increased burden o n transpo rtatio n (busing and parent dro p-o ff/pick-up) Evidence o f Learning: *Ho w to address student po rtfo lio s fo r transfer students (junio r/senio r years) Schedules and Calendars: *Buy in fro m teaching staff fo r 8-8 classro o m o ptio ns at HS *Are m iddle level students able to fo cus fo r lo nger perio d o f tim e witho ut transitio ns?


Elem entary Structure - No ne I can really see based o n the lim ited info rm atio n pro vided. Cho ice Scho o l - "Add o ne" o ptio n - wo uld need to kno w m o re abo ut the benefit versus effo rt/co st to establish this. My first reactio n is "we do n't need this" Evidence o f Learning - no t clear eno ugh o n differences between A and B. Schedules/Calendars - Cho ice A "m iddle:" fo r - Disagree with, Middle scho o l kids tend to have a sho rt attentio n span and I think to day's schedule is preferable. I really believe the who le "transitio ns" issue is o verstated/o verblo wn and a likely a lefto ver perceptio n fro m the o ld adm inistratio n to justify bo undary changes, scho o l re-co nfigs, etc.


Elem entary structure Ho w will yo u m easure co m petency/interest when it is intro ducto ry? Cho ice Scho o ls Isn't elem entary scho o l to o so o n to specialize? If a child do esn't get o n a certain "track" right away, is there flexibility to m o ve them aro und as they gro w? Schedules The flexibility in high scho o l m ay be a detrim ent to students who do no t have the suppo rt they need at ho m e and m ay no t allo w fo r wo rk/life balance fo r teachers.


Elem entary structure: no risk seen Cho ice elem entary scho o ls: no risk seen Evidence o f Learning: I do n't see m uch o f a difference here between the 2 o ptio ns Schedules and Calendars: no risks seen as lo ng as there is m o re recess tim e.


Ensuring special needs students will be given the sam e o ppo rtunities to challenge them selves to their po tential.


Ensuring students are expo sed to all subject areas.





Exclusivity. If co m petency and interest guide student interactio ns, it m ay increase co m petitiveness and cliques within grade levels.


Fam ilies with m ultiple students co uld have 3 different schedules if children are in all 3 divisio ns im pacting vacatio ns, ho lidays, etc. Wo uld students have o nly 1 o ppo rtunity to enter the "Cho ice" scho o l.


Feels lo wer risk than o ptio n B as it seem s early to ask kids to begin to specialize. On the o ther hand, m y So n already lo ves Math and Science and wo uld certainly lo ve to take classes that have m o re fo cus o n tho se subjects.


First, I have no idea why we are m aking such dram atic changes. What is the im petus. What data do we have that so m ething is lacking o r needing change, is it lo w grad rates, po o r jo b o utco m es o f grads, What is the reaso n fo r this who le thing? Then, lo o king at Optio n : This is really no t a co hesive o ptio n. It is lacking in definitio ns, and it is no t clear ho w it differs fro m the current m o del. I was no t given the info rm atio n needed to m ake an info rm ed critique o f this, even tho ugh I attended the input sessio n as well. What kind o f subject m atter co m petency gro ups. Which m etho ds o f assessm ent. Ho w wo uld this be im plem ented? What are the budget im plicatio ns? I just have so m any questio ns


Flexible gro uping has no t histo rically wo rked fo r high achieving students as pace is no t allo wed to be faster than o ther gro ups (in o rder to allo w shifting between gro ups). Fewer transitio ns in m iddle scho o l and lo nger instructio nal tim e is no t likely to effective. Students lo se fo cus and teachers tend to use extra tim e fo r "wo rk" tim e. Transitio ns allo w students to m o ve and get re-engaged. Year-lo ng o r extended schedules at EPHS co uld im pact students to achieve scho o l-life balance and pursue o ther interests/activities.


Flexible gro upings that change frequently m ay lead to pro blem behavio r being o verlo o ked, and at-risk students falling thro ugh the cracks. Who has o wnership o f difficult students?


Flexible schedules fo r high scho o l students m ight lim it o ptio ns fo r spo rts o r team s, and m ight lim it available fam ily tim e. A "cho ice scho o l" m ight be to o po pular o r less po pular and cause cro wding issues o r dissatisfactio n if kids can't attend the cho ice scho o l that they cho o se.


Fo r co m petency based assessm ents: I think this will be .go o d to ensure kids are learning m aterials, but ho w sho uld students be handled that do n't pro gress? I wo uldn't want to have m y child never m aster the skill, unless the is the o ptio n to co ntinue o n the to pic as the years pro gress. I wo uld also want to m ake sure that gro ups aren't bullied/m ade fun o f, I.e. High perfo rm ing students are m ade fun o f, o r students that need extra wo rk.


Fo r m e o ptio n A m akes the m o st sense. Flexible ho urs at the High Scho o l until 8pm m ight m e very co stly.


Fo r the HS, it's hard to kno w what that lo o ks like, so need m o re info rm atio n. What do es being available 8a-8p m ean? Are we talking o nline classes? Teachers with different schedules? Again, do n't lo se what wo rks fo r so m ething that seem s "cutting edge" and so unds go o d.


Fo rm ing gro upings will separate students and am plify early decisio ns o r circum stances later in their academ ic career. The fact is so m e teachers (and students and fam ilies) are m o re engaging bring o ut the best in each child, and setting up gro ups will instantly m ake o ne gro up m o re desirable with m ake it m o re difficult fo r o thers to leverage tho se strengths.


Gifted students being fo rced to wo rk within gro ups ("Co llabo rative") - which will frustrate them .





Grade Reco nfiguratio n = BAD Yo unger ages sho uld NOT be gro uped this way. To o o verwhlem ing, co nfusing, Pre-K sho uld be alo ne. 6 sho uld no t be with 7 & 8... Cho ice Scho o l... WTF? ? ? We have Spanish as a cho ice and it's barely suppo rted no t. Ho w can the district think they can suppo rt ano ther? Plus yo u already let o ne LEAVE fo r ano ther district... clearly Jo sh needs to be a Principal fo r a while befo re he can best tell Principals ho w to be a Principal? ? ? Just a tho ught... HUGE RISK in labeling scho o ls each as a cho ice.. the risk is parents end up 'o ver' cho o sing o ne vs ano ther and yo u will end up with angry m o bs o f parents who didn't get their kids into their preferred scho o l and this is o f co urse a risk o f o ne scho o l being cro wded and o ne em pty.. NOT a go o d idea. Plus, a RISK that we later identify that o ne scho o l fo cus is go o d and o ne is bad (the flavo r o f the year m ay seem nice no w and studies later co ntradict).. this so unds m o re like ISOLATING and separatio n rather than the


Gro uping based o n subject m atter expertise sets a real risk that kids are set o n an advanced o r rem edial co urse early and stuck there unless there is effective granularity and ro utine m o vem ent between gro ups, ho w will m o vem ent be assessed? Flexible schedules evenings and sum m er fo r o lder students co uld create wo rk, transpo rtatio n and o ther co nflicts


Gro uping kids based o n subject m atter co m petency fo r the entirety o f teaching o f that subject lim its student's expo sure to a variety o f ideas and insights. It can also m ake so m e students feel inferio r and o thers superio r. We already have Mo saic students telling o ther students that they are sm arter and better. And if yo u do n't think that's go ing o n, ask the students who aren't in Mo saic. The elem entary level isn't the place fo r cho ice scho o ls. What parent kno ws eno ugh abo ut their student to be sure they are m aking the right cho ice? Also , ho w do yo u m ake sure there is equity in o ur district if yo u have cho ice scho o l(s)? And ho w do yo u keep cho ice scho o l(s) fro m diluting co re educatio nal initiatives at o ther scho o ls? Making the schedules and calendars different between elem entary, m iddle and high scho o l wo uld hurt fam ilies ability to plan tim e to gether.


Gro uping kids by co m petency can stigm atize kids in certain gro ups. will kids be able to 'jum p up' in gro ups o r 'slo w do wn' when necessary.


Gro uping o r tracking students based o n abilities/co m petencies - do es this end up preventing m o vem ent between tracks if kids sho w dram atic im pro vem ent but are still "behind" because next gro up up has been m o ving faster?


Gro uping students by subject m atter co m petency stigm atizes learners and puts so m e, if no t all at an academ ic disadvantage since they are surro unded by peers sim ilar to them , no t allo wing them to learn fro m each o ther, hear a variety o f ideas and the realizatio n that we are all different learners.


Gro uping within grade level m ay m ake students feel discrim inated o r so cially awkward.


Having an 8-8 and/o r year ro und high scho o l experience wo uld take away the co nnectedness and experience o f high scho o l and lim it fam ily tim e.


Having separate cho ice scho o ls - why no t teach these pro gram s at each scho o l allo wing a bro ader curriculum fo r all students.


Having things fo rm 8 am to 8 pm co uld create pro blem s with extra-cirricular activities.


High Scho o l students need structure and m essing with flexible schedules do es no t prepare them fo r real life.


High scho o l schedule o f 8 a.m . to 8 p.m ./flexible instructio n so unds great fo r fam ilies, but no t sure ho w that's go ing to acco m o date recruiting/retaining teachers, who also need to have realistic wo rk schedules fo r their o wn fam ily live. Adding ano ther cho ice scho o l, particularly fo cused o n STEM o r STEAM, dilutes the fo cus o n *all* elem entary scho o ls, which sho uld be inco rpo rating suppo rt fo r all the students in the district.





Ho pefully, this is a suggestio n to add a "cho ice" scho o l, and no t co nvert all the scho o ls to "cho ice" scho o ls. I wo uld hate to see EP scho o ls em brace an IB pro gram . All the im plem entatio ns I've seen in MN have felt like a thinly veiled scam to get funding that ultim ately didn't benefit students. I do n't understand the need to have high scho o l o ptio ns fro m 8am to 8pm . At that age, scho o l is yo ur jo b. Keep the ho urs as is. The flexibility co uld weaken the educatio n o fferings acro ss the bo ard.


Ho w o ften will yo u test fo r co m petency so that we kno w we aren't ho lding kids back o r pushing to o hard? Spanish Im m ersio n needs their o wn building. Scho o l tim e until 8pm is no t financially respo nsible.


Ho w to cho o se a cho ice scho o l? Why wo uld students want o r no t want to attend a cho ice scho o l. What labels m ight o ur children gain by attending a cho ice scho o l?


Ho w to find o ne m agnet scho o l that will appease the who le district. I am ho peful this will be in ADDITION TO EHSI


Ho w to identify the cho ice scho o l that wo uld be o f interest to the co m m unity? Ho w to handle scho o l bo undaries/enro llm ent levels to balance with ano ther cho ice scho o l. Ho w do es 8-8/year ro und wo rk in a HS? What do es that m ean?


Ho w to im plem ent o nline co urses.


Ho w will the scho o ls m aintain even enro llm ent?


Ho w will yo u o ffer stem when a significant po rtio n o f the scho o l can't cut it? Is there a sho p class track fo r po o r perfo rm ers? The lo wer end canno t co m pro m ise the m iddle and higher end.


Ho w wo uld the cho ice scho o l be decided-ho w wo uld children be cho sen fo r this pro gram and what happens if they decide no t to co ntinue.


Ho w wo uld the ho urs o f the high scho o l wo rk - when wo uld teachers be required to be at scho o l? Ho w wo uld there be acco untability to m ake sure students are do ing the wo rk required to learn?


Ho w/who will determ ine co m petency gro ups? Ho w m uch weight will that determ inatio n be given o ver student interest? Ho w m any gro ups? What size gro ups? Co uld gro ups be based o n learning style vs. test sco res at elem entary level? Also , co ncern that additio nal recess/creativity tim e have the appro priate reso urces to m ake that tim e safe fo r all students.


I am against adding a cho ice scho o l. The district already has a cho ice scho o l, Spanish Im m ersio n, which isn't fully suppo rted by the district. The district sho uld fo cus o n the cho ice scho o l they have.


I am co ncerned abo ut the high scho o l scheduling being fro m 8am to 8 pm . Again, if classes fill up, will m y child be taking a class at 5:00 pm o r an o nline versio n? I like the current blo ck schedule that is sim ilar to co llege schedule. If we add ano ther cho ice scho o l, it wo uld need to be planned tho ro ughly keeping in m ind hiring and training o f staff and evaluatio n o f the curriculum .


I am co ncerned that o ptio n A m ay lead to ability-based gro uping which is detrim ental to learners, especially tho se who struggle. I am o verwhelm ed trying to address all o f the different structure, cho ice, schedule, etc. elem ents to fully answer these questio ns. The am o unt o f changes all at o nce feels like to o m uch change at o ne tim e.





I am co nfused abo ut the o ptio ns. Do all the o ptio n a cho ices go to gether, and all the o ptio n b o r is it m ix and m atch? Anyho w ... Risk o f m o re cho ice scho o ls is re-segregatio n. Multiple m etho d o f assessm ent I think is gim m icky and tim e co nsum ing fo r educato rs Ditto po rtfo lio s Co nfused ho w year ro und flexible classes wo uld be staffed and what happens to scho o l co m m unity Middle scho o l students m ay need recess if they do n't get to m o ve in the halls every 45 m in


I am no t clear what the "current m o del" includes. Students already have flexible gro upings within grade levels so I am no t sure ho w the "flexible gro upings" wo uld be a change. So m etim es, "creativity" tim e can be wasted tim e was no thing m uch is acco m plished o r changed.


I am no t sure I understand the flexible gro upings... m eaning if m y kid is a 2nd grader and reading at a K level, he wo uld be placed with K? ? No t at elem entary level.. o k at HS.


I am unclear o n this


I do no t like the idea o f m o re cho ice scho o ls. I want m y children to be expo sed to a bro ad range o f ideas so they can figure o ut what they like, no t be fo rced into what I as a parent think they will like as a yo ung age.


I do no t see where the Arts fit into this plan.


I do n't feel info rm ed eno ugh to answer these questio ns.


I do n't fo resee a lo t o f risks.


I do n't like adding a cho ice scho o l. It beco m es haves vs have no ts and upset parents/students when children do n't get their cho ice. Real estate values get affected etc. I think EP sho uld stick with o ne cho ice, STEM, STEAM, IB-whatever co m m unity values and pro vide at ALL the scho o ls. What happens to Mo saic? I think that o ptio n is valued and need to address gifted students to keep enro llm ent in EP


I do n't really kno w what the "Current Mo del" is - because m y child has the "blo cks" - but I wo rry abo ut self selectio n/interest b/c what if they aren't interested in a subject? They have to learn it. I like the idea o f flexibility to instructio n in H.S. but do have co ncerns o n im plem entatio n. Are the students saying they want m o re access? What are the drivers behind 8-8?


I do n't see a need fo r an IB pro gram since we have Mo saic. Give Mo saic a chance to succeed and no t switch o r add a duplicate o ptio n. If each elem entary is a cho ice, scho o l, parents wo uld have decide when their child is 4 what their lo ng-term interests are so that they can cho o se a scho o l. This is unrealistic. If cho ice scho o ls are added, the upper elem entary grades wo uld be a m o re appro priate place. Have all students attend a traditio nal K2 scho o l, and the transfer to a cho ice scho o l fo r 3-5. Wo uld high scho o l teachers be asked to be "o n-call" fo r a 12-ho ur day? This wo uld affect teacher's fam ily tim e and co uld lead to burn-o ut.


I do n't see any inherent risks


I do n't think m uch wo uld change with this m o del


I do n't think we need ano ther cho ice scho o l. We already have spanish im m ersio n.


I fear that "cho ice" will further segregate o ur scho o ls by race and so cio eco no m ic status. With "cho ice" co m es ranking scho o ls into tiers with the "cho ice" scho o l being o n to p and the rest being a tier belo w.





I feel creating ano ther "Cho ice" scho o l o ptio n m ight be a risk. This is a co ncern as I heard input fro m o ther parents that the current "Cho ice" scho o l we have is no t being suppo rted and wo rking as well as it sho uld be. Even tho ugh the STEM "Cho ice" Scho o l is o f interest to o ur fam ily. It is im po rtant that they are suppo rted fro m K thru 12 grade, no t just at the elem entary level. Also m aking sure the basic required curriculum is being suppo rted and m et fo r each grade level. Lo nger instructio nal tim e can po se a risk as so m e kids need that break after so lo ng. Ho pe they co nsider the best tim e lim it fo r instructio nal tim e based o n grade level and learning styles o f the students.


I have a high academ ic student but who is o n an IEP fo r o ther behavio ral issues asso ciated with autism (high functio ning) co ncern will he find a gro up that m atches bo th needs?


I have fo und that the students placed in special gro ups can be pro blem atic. The parents that pro test the lo udest usually get their students in the m o re challenging and gifted gro ups. These gro upings can also catago rize a student and m ake them feel either that they are the "co o l" kids o r the "dum b" o nes.


I have no pro blem with anym o del. Rem o ve ipad fro m o ur children.


I have questio ns abo ut what wo uld be cut if m o re tim es is allo tted fo r recess and creativity.


I just think their isn't eno ugh written info rm atio n abo ut the visio n. So m e really nice video s, a slidesho w with so m e really po sitive m essaging, but what will the big picture lo o k like in these o ptio ns.


I like bo th no t able to any identify risks


I like pretty m uch all o f it except the gro upings within elem unds like yo u are trying to recreate "advanced" pro gram s witho ut saying so .


I like the idea o f infusing m o re recess tim e o r classro o m m o vem ent into student's days. I wo uld like to see this as a m o rning and afterno o n break. I like the idea o f the neighbo rho o d scho o l and do n't want a "cho ice" scho o l.


I like this plan, so I am no t sure? !


I pro vided input at the in-perso n sessio ns o n 5/25/16


I see few risks with this o ptio n o ther than relative to staffing with no ted extended ho urs.


I see less risk with this o ptio n


I see m uch less risk in this m o del. I do n't think the "traditio nal" scho o l system is bro ken, just needs so m e updates.


I see serio us flaws with any m o del relying o n self-directed o nline learning--blended o r o therwise. Very few peo ple, students o r adults, actually thrive in this m o del. Yo ur m issio n statem ents are all abo ut engagem ent, feeling kno wn and valued, etc. Online learning pretends that all students are o verco m e with an altruistic thirst fo r kno wledge o nce they have a device in hand, but in reality, learning is so cial and so cially m o tivated. Having taken o nline co urses in the past, I can say that o nline learning feels like m eaningless jum ping thro ugh ho o ps.


I see the biggest risk with Optio n A being the gro uping o f children causing anim o sity between them . It do esn't take lo ng fo r kids to figure o ut that they were gro uped with the "sm art" kids o r the "challenged" gro up.





I tend to really like o ptio n A, but I believe there's a danger in o ffering yet ano ther cho ice scho o l. I rem em ber sitting in ECFE classes with m y first child talking abo ut where everyo ne was go ing to prescho o l, and then elem entary scho o l. Abso lutely every perso n in that ro o m besides m e was go ing to Spanish prescho o l and then o n to Spanish Im m ersio n. I was left feeling like I was do ing m y child a disservice by sending her to "regular" scho o l. Was she go ing to be the o nly kid who co uldn't speak Spanish when she go t to HIgh Scho o l? As parents, we really do n't need o ne m o re thing to stress o ut abo ut, especially in this day in age where every way yo u parent yo ur child is o n a so cial m edia stage fo r the who le wo rld to judge. When I talked to an educato r and fo und o ut that m y child wo uld still get Spanish in her neighbo rho o d scho o l, I tho ught that was a great co m pro m ise. Maybe this m akes m e just "resistant to change," but I wo uld m uch rather have special pro gram s o r classes in each scho o l, ra


I think it's a great idea to invo lve m o re recess/creativity tim e to allo w kids to be kids, but so m e peo ple m ight use that as an excuse fo r po o r perfo rm ance.


I think we sho uld widen the gro ups. If we m ake gro up o f students who have 100% in m ath we are lo sing o ppo rtunity to challenge kids with lo wer sco re. If m y daughter m ake friends with peo ple excelling in m ath, she is im pro ving her m ath sco re significantly. She is challenged, she wants to do better and participate in subject which wo uld o therwise be bo ring and hard wo rk. I am no t fan o f gro uping but understand it is necessary in big district like that. I think students wo uld do better wo rking so m eho w to gether to suppo rt each o ther...


I think, sim ilar to m y previo us answer - ho w will we do any change well. Will we have a tho ughtful lo ng term plan with high quality pro fessio nal develo pm ent to im plem ent the visio n well.


I tho ught they were basically bo th generic term s that wo uld eventually end in the sam e o utco m e. I o nly saw the o nline video and presentatio n and that had very little real substance.


I was no t able to attend he m eetings so do n't have all the co ntext. Ho wever, I do n't like the idea o f po ds o f learning as it creates segm entatio n. If these po ds are in the classro o m , this is a bad idea.


I was no t able to fully understand the m o dels based o n the presentatio n.


I wo rry abo ut the high scho o l schedule in particular - ho w are teachers go ing to be expected to keep up and have a life o utside o f wo rk?


I wo rry abo ut which fam ilies (racial/so cio -eco no m ic) will take advantage o f "cho ice" pro gram s. Likewise with the flexible HS schedule: kids who m ust take the bus wo n't benefit fro m the schedule flexibility.


I wo rry that we are trying to do to o m any things - we do n't need a m illio n different cho ice scho o ls. Let's do what we have WELL.


I wo uld need m o re specifics to identify risks at this tim e.


I wo uld rather see best practices o f STEM and/o r STEAM integrated into all elem entary classro o m s, rather than appro aching this as a cho ice scho o l o r vertical.


I wo uld want to kno w exactly what a "digital po rtfo lio " is. I do n't particularly like the 8-8 schedule. The children need to spend tim e with their fam ily o ther than sleeping in the sam e ho use.


I'd prefer STEM, fo r exam ple, to be o ffered at each scho o l. The risk I see is that everyo ne will want the "cho ice" scho o l I do n't like the idea o f driving all o ver to wn to get each o f m y kids to each o f their scho o ls. I think m iddle scho o lers need m o re transitio ns, no t less. It's hard to im agine ho w the high scho o l students having access to teachers fro m 8-8 wo uld lo o k like. I need m o re details o n that.





I'm no t fam iliar with ho w STEM scho o ls wo rk. I have co ncerns abo ut the balance o f the STEM curriculum with the arts and creative skills all successful students need to have.


Identifying appro priate and accurate m etho ds o f assessm ent. Will educato rs feel pressure to teach to the assessm ent?


If we add a cho ice scho o ls, ho w to balance enro llm ent in elem entary buildings. Blo ck scheduling m ay lead to less activity fo r students at the m iddle level.


If we do no t use an assessm ent such as the NWEA and do no t pick an assessm ent that will help with the entire range o f students in the district, flexible gro uping will be difficult to m aintain and ensure we have students pro perly placed. Mo re cho ice scho o ls will o nly create m o re frustratio n with scho o l/bo undary changes and will m ake ano ther set o f frustratio ns and create ano ther barrier fo r students who wish to apply/attend. All scho o ls wo uld no lo nger seem equitable in what they o ffer. Teachers at the seco ndary level m ay no t appreciate the ho urs and o r year ro und flexile schedules o ptio n.


If yo u change the fo cus o f each scho o l, I'm wo rried that m y student wo n't kno w what his fo cus wo uld be, o r that m aybe he wo uld change his m ind later o f what his fo cus wo uld be. Also , what if to o m any students cho o se o ne scho o ls fo cus, creating a waitlist fo r that scho o l.


If yo u do n't have the staff and parents in it, WHY/


In m y experience in having yo unger students (5th grader o r lo wer) with m ultiple teachers (ro tatio n m o del o r shared classro o m s), there is a higher risk o f the teachers m issing the identificatio n and m itigatio n o f students' academ ic pro blem s. I really think students this yo ung sho uld stick with a prim ary teacher fo r co re subjects.


In the pursuit o f perso nalized learning the im po rtance o f team wo rk seem s to be lo st. I also feel perso nalized learning is in direct co nflict with o ur wo rk o n co m m o n learning targets and assessm ents. I wo rry that the very hard wo rk we have do ne to co m e to gether as PLC will be thro wn o ut the windo w fo r perso nalized learning. While the flexibility o f m eeting with student fo r 12 ho urs o ut o f the day so unds great fo r students it will very difficult fo r staff. If yo u require staff to wo rk in the evenings there is a high pro bability that highly qualified staff wo uld have to leave the district. I wo rry that the adm inistratio n respo nse to this will no t be reflective o f respecting the teaching staff. Witho ut having a co m m o n m eeting tim e fo r classes, it wo uld be difficult to im po ssible to do gro up activities o r to be able to affo rd to run m ultiple activities m any different tim es (science labs, FACS, tech ed)


Increased creativity tim e will still need to be m o nito red, assessed, and adjusted as needed. There will be co llabo rative wo rk but this still needs to be m o nito red, assessed, and adjusted as needed.


Individual learning styles and preferences. So m e peo ple are m o re engaged and happier in interactive enviro nm ents o r m o re hands o n vs co nsistently sitting in fro nt o f an Ipad.


Is there eno ugh interest in ano ther cho ice scho o l? Are attentio n spans lo ng eno ugh at the m iddle scho o l level to have lo nger class duratio n? Will so m e students stretch them selves to o thin with the o ptio n o f an extended day/year?


Is this change the result o f larger po pulatio ns in certain areas?


It do es no t go far eno ugh to wards driving change, especially at the high scho o l level. We need kids to get practical skills thro ugh labs and internship and o ptio n A do es no t need allo w fo r that. I am no t sure where taking co llege level co urses fit but that is critical fo r the gifted kids in the High Scho o l level.





It m ay be difficult to determ ine which type o f "cho ice" scho o l to cho o se. This co uld further the co m m unity wo unds that develo ped during the "scho o l bo undary" change. This co uld divert reso urces fro m the regular neighbo rho o d scho o ls.


It m ight be hard to have year ro und scho o l because o f the co st and availability o f teachers.


It seem s like the elem entary children wo uld have m o re "transitio ns" as part o f their pro gram . I think yo ung children will struggle with transitio ning fro m place to place. Their attentio n span is also sho rter so the blo cks m ight no t be as beneficial. Will scho o ls still be zo ned fo r specific areas? ho w will children be placed if they do no t have a specific scho o l o f request? Need to be cautio us o f ho w "flexible" assessm ents are. Make sure that set curriculum is in place--prevent a 7th grade spanish gram m er situatio n we find to day. Assure that all teachers are prepared to wo rk in this setting. Ho w will we find new educato rs that are prepared to wo rk in this setting? Will all the grades, experiences, and info rm atio n be transferable to different scho o l districts acro ss the state and o utside o f the state? The scho o l schedules are a risk based o n vario us fam ily structures. Peo ple with elem entary and HS students co uld be negatively affected by the bro adly different schedul


Keeping the gro up m o ving fo rward at an acceptable pace seem s like it co uld be a challenge. Also the transpo rting will be a nightm are and an expensive burden to the tax paying co nstituents.


Kids figure o ut early they are in the "slo w" gro up - and beco m e disco uraged learners


Kids who are no t self-starters o r need structure will no t thrive in pro ject based/self-guided learning.


Labeling. I also think the o nly way to understand the co m petency o f the child's subject interest wo uld be via m any num ero us tests which do n't seem necessary.


Lo gistics o f cho ice scho o ls, m o re busses, po tential fo r lo nger days.


Lo sing an Elem entary Scho o l co uld be really hard fo r a neighbo rho o d.


Lo sing necessary skills fo r 6th graders by putting them o n a m iddle scho o l schedule.


Lo ss o f interest fo r tho se who m ay fall behind in a m o re rigid structure.


Lo ss o f so m e academ ics which are co m m o n to all requirem ents fo r success in real life. Co uld cause issue between m o re advanced and less advanced students - causing wider achievem ent gaps


Majo r co ncern abo ut the 8-8 teacher availability


Making sure baseline skills needed to pursue higher learning are being m et while still allo wing students to cho o se and pursue the path the want with m o re clarity.


Managing enro llm ent num bers o r eligibility standards at cho ice scho o ls.


Many tim e students interests are swayed due to m ultiple facto rs.


May no t be Inno vative eno ugh acro ss all o f the Elem ents. It updates a few things in the current state, but leaves so m e wo nderful o ppo rtunities o n the table.


Minim al risks with this o ptio n, Techno lo gy risks with the m ix o f platfo rm s fo r learning.





Misidentifying ability levels o f students into gro ups. This will po tentially lead to a lo ng tim e o f students either struggling because it's to o challenging, o r struggling because it's to o easy and bo ring, wasting the students tim e.


Mo ney to affo rd all the great things o ur district needs.


Mo re recess tim e cuts into learning tim e. Can't have everything everybo dy wants witho ut lengthening the day. Ano ther cho ice scho o l will just co nfuse the busing/bo undary issue even m o re. STEM sho uld be em bedded into every scho o l and no t just o ne cho ice scho o l.


Mo re recess tim e wo uld be go o d, perhaps, fo r so m e kids, but no t helpful to o thers and m ight shift the fo cus. Also , I've seen so m e inappro priate behavio r at recess at the elem entary scho o ls and think that extending it wo uld likely lead to m o re pro blem s. On "Cho ice" Scho o ls, I think there is huge executio n risk as well as financial risk. Co nsider - Mo saic is a great pro gram , but currently half the teaching po sitio ns at Eden Lake Mo saic are unfilled - m eaning there will be a learning curve fo r the 3rd and 4th grade teachers. Ho w certain can yo u be that yo u can execute o n staffing a STEM scho o l with teachers that bring a specific expertise and will stay in that po sitio n? I think it wo uld create so m e pro blem s fo r parents trying to gauge what the best o ptio n is fo r their children.


Mo ving sixth graders to m iddle scho o l will add ano ther level o f stress fo r them that they m ay no t be em o tio nally prepared fo r. Lo nger instructio nal tim e will be hard to keep fo cus in as a yo unger student


Much o f this seem s like it will affect huge changes. Are we really ready fo r this as an institutio n? I wo uld say no . I do n't have faith in o ur district leadership that we will be successful im plem enting big scheduling/gro uping changes. Ano ther cho ice scho o l co uld be pro blem atic. It co uld divide o ur district even m o re, placing m o st o f o ur white kids in the cho ice scho o ls and o ur kids o f co lo r in the no ncho ice scho o ls. Plus, m o re bo undary changes wo uld co m e with this change. Have fun!


Multiple m etho ds o f assessm ent are nice to tailo r the students' experience, but they still will need to m eet with real wo rld expectatio ns and co m petitio n fo r jo bs. They sho uld still be taught and enco uraged to excel in exam /testing situatio ns.


My respo nses are the sam e as fro m the previo us questio ns.




No Co m m ents


No co nfidence in this leadership.


No ne


No ne o f the unique elem ents seem that risky, except m aybe the idea o f an 8-8 o r all year high scho o l, which be very different and a big transitio n fo r kids.


No ne.


No t eno ugh info pro vided....


No t eno ugh info rm atio n yet





No t eno ugh tim e to learn things that "m atter". No t sure kids always kno w their interest and m ay all want to go to what is easy and fun rather than what is needed


No t really sure what the m etho ds o f assessm ent are. And ho ping we intro duce m o re learning (and less testing.)


No t seeing m uch o f a change here


No t sure


No t sure.


Ok, first o f all, as far as I can tell we received the em ail with this survey On Friday June 3rd and were asked to co m plete it o n the sam e day, by June 3rd, which m eans I wo uld have to either take m y prep ho ur o r m y perso nal tim e to co m plete the survey.....a perfect exam ple o f what I m entio ned befo re...ho w o ur tim e as a teaching staff is no t valued. The o ther po ssibility is that filling o ut the survey is m erely a fo rm ality and yo u have no intentio n o f listening to o ur input. Seco nd o f all, there is no explanatio n/clarificatio n o f any o f the term s o r co ncepts in the info rm atio n. I can't vo te o n so m ething that I have had abo ut 10 m inutes to lo o k at. Clearly this to pic is so m ething that deserves m uch m o re discussio n and clarificatio n than o ne em ail and a survey taken with 10 m inutes o f preparatio n. This is so m ething that needs to be do ne o n a wo rksho p o r pro fessio nal develo pm ent day so we can fully explo re all o f the o ptio ns and m ake the best cho ice fo r o ur student po pulatio n.


Only the flexible high scho o l schedule o f 8-8, year ro und o ptio ns. I think it's to o m uch flexibility.


Optio n A Risks: - Mo re recess/creative tim e equals m o re unstructured tim e. My experience with unstructured tim e is that elem entary students (o nly age I have 1st hand experience with) will use this tim e to fo o l aro und, bully o ther students, m isbehave and generally get into tro uble. That being said, this issue wo uld need to be directly addressed at every scho o l befo re m aking such a change. I have heard this is NOT a unique issue no r is it co nfined to o ne scho o l. - Adding a specialized scho o l co uld take away fro m o ur strength as a co m m unity o f learners. Fo r exam ple, if 25% o f the best science students left the "regular" elem entary scho o ls fo r the STEM scho o l what do es that m ean fo r the rest o f the students? They lo se o ut o n all that tho se terrific science enthusiasts have to o ffer to o ur classro o m s. This co uld m ake fo r a very sad lo o king "regular" scho o l. - Yearro und teaching wo uld o nly wo rk if all grades participated (no t just HS). By significantly changing the scheduling at any o ne


Optio n A do esn't m ake sense o verall. It already seem s a hybrid. A sho uld be a variatio n o f what exists to day. Then there sho uld be B & C. Why wo uld A include a Cho ice Scho o l? What wo uld be B. Again, m o re definitio n wo uld help in what the CURRENT landscape is in Elem , Middle & High Scho o ls.


Optio n A fo rces yo unger students to "specialize" to o early, and m y high-scho o ler HATES the lo nger class perio ds. He say there is to o m uch wasted tim e.


Optio n A is ill defined; thus it is difficult to pro vide m eaningful input.


Optio n A relies o n students having a stro ng po int o f view o n their interests at an early age. Cho ice scho o ls will no t be able to acco m m o date the dem and and so m eo ne wo n't get the cho ice they want.


Optio n A, at the elem entary level co uld m ake students feel unequal to peers as they are placed in gro upings sim ilar to their needs.


Optio n A: Students who cho o se different scho o l paths m ay no t be able to asso ciate with the students o f o ther pro gram s. Optio n B: To m e, the statem ent, "Each scho o l is a 'cho ice' scho o l with a distinct fo cus," m eans that if I live by Cedar Ridge, but want to fo cus o n Science, I m ay no t be able to attend that scho o l.





Optio n B m ay no t be the preferred learning m etho d fo r all students.




Overwhelm ing dem and with no t eno ugh space to acco m m o date the pro gram within o ne building. Po tential co st o f acro ss-district busing


Please do no t m o ve EHSI students to CMS! I wo rry abo ut trying to "catego rize" children to o early.


Pre scho o l do es NOT belo ng in the elem entary scho o l!


Prefer current m o del and added flexible gro upings.


Prep and suppo rt tim e fo r teachers. Educate students and parents o n the changes. CMS wo uld need physical space changes.


Prim ary risk is that it appears that there is a rush to m ake so m e so rt o f change - witho ut adequate research. Based o n info rm atio n pro vided, o ptio ns seem arbitrary - with no real evidence pro vided that either o ptio n will help achieve the academ ic visio n presented. Fo r exam ple, ho w can we m o ve fo rward with an "Inno vative Schedule (TBD)"? It's certainly hard to argue against an inno vative schedule tho ugh.


Prim ary risk is that it appears that there is, fo r so m e reaso n, a rush to m ake so m e so rt o f change witho ut adequate research. Based o n info rm atio n pro vided, o ptio ns seem arbitrary - with no real evidence pro vided that either o ptio n will help achieve the academ ic visio n presented. Fo r exam ple, ho w can we m o ve fo rward with an "Inno vative Schedule (TBD)"? It's certainly hard to argue against an inno vative schedule tho ugh.


Pro bably the least risky o ptio n as it fo llo ws m o re o f the current style. The co ncern I have is the o pen high scho o l tim es and ho w tim e m anagem ent will be handled.


Pro po sed high scho o l schedule m ay m ake it difficult to attract teachers. High scho o l schedule sho uld still allo w fo r internships, etc. If a cho ice scho o l were fo rm ed, wo uld this fo rce o vercro wding at o ther scho o ls?


Really do n't like the idea o f ano ther cho ice scho o l. We already have Mo saic so I'm no t sure why IB wo uld be co nsidered. Let's give Mo saic a chance to wo rk as it's o nly been aro und fo r 3 years. STEM sho uld be integrated into every scho o l, thus a separate scho o l is no t necessary. Okay with current m iddle scho o l and high scho o l schedules. My high-scho o l student likes things the way they are. He likes being do ne with scho o l by 2:30ish. Teachers co uld be fo rced to wo rk evenings which wo uld cut into their fam ily and perso nal tim e.


Redefining bo undaries sho uld no t be do ne. I think the wo unds have no t yet healed fro m last tim e.


Risk o f "cho ice" scho o l: children being pushed by parents into a scho o l type no t right fo r them . Also , enro llm ent dem and m ay no t m atch available spo ts.


Risk: It m isses the o ppo rtunity fo r the capsto ne pro ject and the internships. I think they sho uld be added to Optio n A fo r HS students. Elem entary is abo ut co m m unity within a classro o m with a teacher who kno ws yo u, so the Ho m ero o m m o del in Elem is prem ature and brings the Middle scho o l m o del to Elem . Ho m ebase teachers do no t have a lo t o f tim e with students, therefo re co m pro m ising the "m y teacher kno ws m e/understands m e" ho ped fo r o utco m e.





Risks are in no t explaining m o re tho ro ughly what the gro upings/creativity tim e actually lo o ks like, explaining the 'co st' o f creating a new cho ice scho o l (fo r exam ple: an existing scho o l wo uld have to be co nverted which wo uld affect an entire bo undaried neighbo rho o d), what do the 'm ultiple m etho ds o f assessm ent' & 'student po rtfo lio s' lo o k like and ho w wo uld these be co nsidered by po tential co lleges and o ther scho o l system s a student m ay transfer into .


Risks: what happens when we are held acco untable to the state tests? MCA, NWEA, etc? What happens to funding when we say that we've added m o re flexibility, creativity, and recess? Also , we lo se the neighbo rho o d scho o l if everyo ne cho o ses "cho ice" scho o ls.


STEM activities sho uld be inco rpo rated in all students, no t necessarily fo cused in o ne scho o l.


Schedule/calendar: m o ving o nly the HS to a 8-8 schedule o r year ro und wo uld be hard fo r fam ilies that also have yo unger children. If best practice sho ws year ro und then have m o re scho o ls go with the m o del. Unclear what is m eant by flexible gro upings within grade levels. What is being sho rtened to m ake m o re tim e fo r m o re recess?


Schedules and Calendars: transpo rtatio n fo r the 8 am to 8 pm m o del, that the schedules is (TBD) at m iddle level Unclear with cho ice scho o ls. If went to an IB m o del at elem entary, wo uld there be a track fo r this at m iddle level and high scho o l level? Majo r shift in thinking fo r staff


Schedules – lo nger instructio nal tim es fo r sedentary classes in m iddle scho o l.


Scho o ls each with a specialty seem s lim iting. Say I want m y child to be a do cto r and so I m ake sure he is at the STEAM scho o l, and I m iss o ut o n the fact that he naturally has talent in writing and there wo uld be less o f a fo cus o n this at his scho o l.


See 8


See Respo nse Belo w


See previo us co m m ent.


Separate scho o ls that exist at different physical sites are a m istake and reduce m o bility o f the students as needs change.


So m e scho o ls will attract m o re students than o thers causing larger class num bers o r certain reputatio ns fo r scho o ls. Different m o dalities fo r assessm ents - who is go ing to create this fo r all subjects befo re the scho o l year starts and fo r all subjects? Lo ngevity o f po rtfo lio s and who will be in charge o f keeping track these are up to date and no t erased no r abando ned when getting to a certain grade level.


So m etim es gro upings have different expectatio ns o f wo rk lo ad. Fo r exam ple: 4th grade high m ath has m o re, and harder m ath ho m ewo rk per night and co ntinues ho m ewo rk later (up until the last week o f scho o l) where the avg m ath gro up do es no t. I think that they sho uld be challenged, but sho uldn't the avg m ath gro up be challenged equally as to no t co ntinue a larger gap in learning levels.


So rry - I didn't realize ho w lo ng this wo uld be. I'm afraid I do n't have tim e to go back to do a full assesm ent.


Students and teachers in yo unger grades m ay no t benefit fro m m ultiple gro upings, as relatio nships and cro sscurricular learning are so im po rtant in the yo unger years. Adding a cho ice scho o l will channel students into o ne scho o l. This m ay cause challenges in class size fo r o ne scho o l but no t o thers (o ne cho ice scho o l m ay be at 30+ students, while ano ther is at a m o re co m fo rtable 26).





Students that do n't have a particular skill interest m ay have tro uble cho o sing fo cused sco o l


Students who are no t driven m ay no t do well with the flexible o ptio ns. The cho ice scho o ls co uld be a nightm are fo r enro llm ent. Mpls has a sim ilar pro gram and it o nly wo rks fo r the few fam ilies selected fo r tho se few scho o ls.


Students who aren't in the cho ice scho o l do n't receive any benefit; so m e kids need structure and to o m uch flexibility m ight be o verwhelm ing to them


Students with attentio n issues m ay find lo nger classro o m perio ds less helpful.


Teacher and parent understanding o f the transitio n


Teacher skill sets - ho w do we recruit teachers based o n interest areas and retain them ? Ho w are students gro uped? By interests o r by skill?


Teachers were never asked abo ut this and were never presented with this.


The HS schedule o f availability fro m 8-8 and po tentially year ro und has so m any unkno wn risks: Who will teach? who will attend? what abo ut spo rts and o ther after scho o l activities? What abo ut students that need to wo rk.


The changes pro po sed are co m prehensive and o verwhelm ing. The current grading system and calendar and schedules wo uld need to be discarded. This wo uld necessitate discarding all o f the wo rk we have do ne to ensure student learning up until no w and wo uld put at risk the success that the vast m ajo rity o f students no w enjo y.


The cho ice scho o ls are no t detailed eno ugh. Leaves a lo t o f o pen questio ns. I'm no t lo o king fo r ano ther cho ice scho o l.


The cho ice scho o ls need to be defined; ie wo uld these sites be co m peting fo r students to transfer to that particular site. What if o ne cho ice is no t as po pular and the site's enro llm ent it to o high? If all o f these cho ices are great fo r learning why no t o ffer them at each site? Wasn't o ne o f the o riginal po ints o f the design wo rk was to ho pefully m o ve so m e students o ut o f the o ver cro wded sites to sites that have m o re space? This part o f the discussio n is lo st in all o f the Optio n A & B info rm atio n.


The co m m unity is resistant to wards cho ice scho o ls. Hard to find go o d teachers willing to wo rk m o re flexible schedules.


The district needs to identify these risks


The district needs to sho w full suppo rt fo r the cho ice scho o l the district already has, EHSI, and get the learning at the m iddle scho o l and high scho o l fo r tho se im m ersio n students figured o ut befo re attem pting to start ano ther cho ice scho o l. The idea o f a each elem entary scho o l being a cho ice scho o l will no t wo rk well. Lo o k at the Burnsville district as an exam ple.


The m ain area I see risk is with the change to the schedule in m iddle scho o l - there is a risk o f children 'burning o ut' o r getting bo red by o ffering fewer transitio ns thro ugho ut the day. Kids at this age still tend to need a shift in fo cus fro m tim e to tim e in o rder to m aintain interest.





The o ptio ns are so m ewhat unclear to m e, but it seem s that Optio n A will lead to tracking in elem entary scho o ls, which I do no t fully suppo rt. Also , I believe it is very im po rtant fo r yo ung students to spend m o st o f their tim e with their ho m ero o m teacher to build a trusting relatio nship. Adding ano ther cho ice scho o l will further the kind o f inequities that we see between Eagle Heights and the o ther elem entary buildings.. I am no t sure that having the high scho o l o pen 12 ho urs per day is feasible o r the best fo r staff and students. Also , m o ving to a year ro und calendar m ight be hard o n fam ilies who have children in m o re than o ne building.


The risk in creating ano ther cho ice scho o l allo ws m o re engaged parents to select where to send their children. I suspect this will lead to a less-diverse m ake-up o f the student po pulatio n. I'm sure Spanish elem entary is predo m inately Caucasian while the o ther scho o ls are m o re diverse.


The risks are do ing it po o rly - no lo ng term , tho ughtful plan...and inadequate PD...because we do n't have a go o d track reco rd fo r m anaging change - ho w will we do this differently - ho w will we do it tho ughtfully?


The way yo u present these 2 cho ices are abstract and co nfusing. I've heard this fro m o ther parents as well. Was this do ne o n purpo se?


There are no t as m any risks with this o ptio n. We m ay actually retain fam ilies in o ur district scho o ls with this plan.


There co uld be a risk o f inadvertently "tracking" if students are gro uped so lely by co m petency, particularly in the early grade (K-2) when students are develo pm entally o n a wide co ntinuum and co m e fro m a variety o f backgro unds and prio r learning experiences. If there were o nly o ne cho ice scho o l, there wo uld need to be a o bjective pro cess to identify who wo uld access such services. In additio n, as with the current single im m ersio n o ptio n, yo u lo o se the neighbo rho o d scho o l dynam ic and m ay create a system that appears to reinfo rce stereo types. I wo uld expect the student dem o graphics in the "cho ice" scho o l to reflect the wider dem o graphics. Extended scho o l day at the high scho o l so unds like it wo uld be a viable o ptio n fo r so m e students but again, I wo rry abo ut dem o graphics. Students who are invo lved in co -curricular and athletic activities wo uld no t be able to participate. In additio n, tho se respo nsible fo r caring fo r yo unger siblings o r tho se who m ust wo rk wo uld no t be able to


There is a huge risk fo r m o st students allo wing to o m uch "free o r independent study" tim e unless there is co ntinuo us m o nito ring and direct co m m unicatio n (face to face) o f pro gress to the students. The average student will waste as m uch tim e as po ssible o n so cial item s unless required to fo llo w a structured pro gram .


There is no t eno ugh info rm atio n to adequately prefer o ne o ptio n o ver the o ther. It appears that in bo th scenario s students wo uld receive the general subject m atter and have a ho m ero o m teacher.


There m ay no t be eno ugh space in the m iddle scho o l fo r an extra grade.


There m ight be pro blem s if a child changes scho o ls bo th in and o ut o f district. Parents with m ultiple kids m ight have difficulty if o ne go es to o ne scho o l and ano ther to ano ther.


This failure to co m m unicate will result in the risk o f m any m o re parents cho o sing to o pen enro ll to Minneto nka scho o ls.


This gro up wo uld no t have a ho m ebase? ? I think that is a risk at the elem entary level.


This is so m ething that sho uld be o ffered district wide... I'd be co ncerned with having a 'cho ice' scho o l in which it beco m es challenging fo r fam ilies to get their children to a different lo catio n. It also wo uld create a bro ader discrepancy in student abilities when they get to the m iddle/high scho o l levels.





This seem s to be m o re o f a less dram atic o ptio n co m pared to o ur current m o del. Yes changes to the current m o del but I think this appears to be the m o re cautio us m o ve fo r parents if no t expo sed to m o re info rm atio n o n o ptio n b


Thro wing ano ther cho ice scho o l into the district generally pulls kids "o ff the to p". We have definitely seen a change in o ur clientele since Mo saic & EHSI has o pened. The cho ice scho o ls tend to be less diverse and have fewer high needs students. What is the district's plan to prevent that fro m happening?


Tim e co nstraints to co ver m o re with the sam e am o unt o f tim e


Tim e fo r staff to develo p effective curriculum is o ften lacking, especially if it needs to be do ne district wide.


To o m any cho ices o f scho o ls STEM, STEAM, Baccalaureate co uld result in a lo t o f expense & no t eno ugh enro llm ent


To o m any o ptio ns at o nce. Co nfusing.


To o safe


To o specialized academ ics to o early. What if a child wants to change specialty fo cus?




Very co ncerned that we jum p the gun and create "fo cus" scho o ls. 5th grade was already designated a STEM fo cus grade a few years ago , and that fell aside the ro ad quite quickly.


Very flexible


Wasn't able to attend the sessio n so do n't kno w eno ugh abo ut the o ptio ns to give feedback.


We do no t have eno ugh info rm atio n...


We do no t need ano ther cho ice scho o l until all o f the issues and pro blem s are addressed at o ur current cho ice scho o l. Do no t add m o re, o r change fo r the sake o f change when there are plenty o f issues that need attentio n in o ur scho o ls. Please fo cus o n im pro ving o ur current scho o ls and fixing the existing pro blem s befo re m aking m o re m ajo r changes.


We have already lo st so m e student leaders in o ur building since the Mo saic pro gram was added. By adding a cho ice scho o l, I'm co ncerned m o re leaders will leave which will no t give us a balanced student po pulatio n. If each scho o l is a cho ice scho o l, ho w will students be bused in the district? I see vertical fo cus area co ho rts a risk. As with the Mo saic pro gram , after being with the sam e classm ates fo r three o r fo ur years they kno w what each o ther is go ing to say. Regarding schedules and calendars, we went to a co m m o n schedule so fam ilies wo uld have the sam e tim e o ff. Each scho o l co uld have a different calendar? ?


We need m o re unique and expressive o r creative ways to reach and teach o ur children. Flexible gro ups are wo nderful but there seem s to be to o m uch sitting.





We need to get rid o f "cho ice" scho o ls at the elem entary level and o ffer pro gram s to all students within each scho o l. Each scho o l sho uld have a sim ilar curriculum within the district and cho ices sho uld be available at all scho o ls. Having cho ice scho o ls has created a rift in the district between kids who attend the current cho ice scho o l and tho se who do n't. I believe this has created a pro blem within the district and I sho uld no t have o ther parent say I'm so rry to m e when I tell them which elem entary scho o l m y child attends. We lo ve o ur neighbo rho o d scho o l. Let's get back to suppo rting o ur neighbo rho o d scho o ls district wide and m aking sure everyo ne is receiving the sam e educatio n and has sim ilar o fferings at each scho o l to suppo rt them fo r m iddle scho o l.


We're co ncerned that the "cho ice scho o l" m o del wo uld attem pt to slo t children into specific academ ic tracks at to o yo ung an age.


What abo ut m aintaining the buildings? If the buildings are truly pro gram m atically scheduled thro ugh 8pm every day, custo dians will have a to ugh tim e keeping the building fro m beco m ing an eyeso re.


What building will beco m e the new cho ice scho o l? Ho w can yo u guarantee buy in by that building? What is the pro jected im pact by creating yet ano ther cho ice scho o l? What happens to o ther pro gram s that are in place Mo saic, Key, etc.?


What do es current research sho w is the best m o del? If research wo uld indicate change is needed, Optio n A do esn't seem like m uch change. Will we be able to facilitate pro ject based learning with A? Again, what do es this m ean fo r Spanish Im m ersio n?


What is the o ptim al length o f class tim e fo r m iddle scho o l students? What wo uld the additio nal co st be fo r pro viding academ ic reso urces to high scho o l students fo r extended ho urs? Ho w wo uld extended ho urs and flexible class tim e in the high scho o l affect student m o rale, student - teacher relatio nships, and students' relatio nships? What wo uld the extended tim e and flexibility in schedules do to the "Eagle Natio n's scho o l pride? Ho w wo uld the extended ho urs affect participatio n in after scho o l activities?


What kind o f cho ice scho o l, and ho w will it be decided?


What will be the co m m unity's perceptio n o f the "cho ice" scho o ls? So m e peo ple m ay think the cho ice scho o ls receive special attentio n o r that they serve a special dem o graphic in the co m m unity. So m e peo ple will be "fo r" the cho ice scho o ls and o thers will be "against" the cho ice scho o ls. The scho o l bo ard needs to decide ho w to m anage the co m m unity's perceptio ns and if it is wo rth taking the risk o f dividing the co m m unity to set up cho ice scho o ls. A challenge fo r the district has been m aking sure the cho ice scho o l students are co ntinuing to be suppo rted in grades 7-12 so what they gained in grades K-6 will no t be lo st. The cho ice scho o l students want to build o n what they have already learned in grades K-12. The district already has o ne cho ice scho o l. When this cho ice scho o l was started, there was frictio n in the co m m unity due to m any facto rs. The co m m unity becam e divided. So m e parents o f students who cho se no t to send their children to the cho ice scho o l were bitter to war


What will happen if there are m o re students who want to participate in a particular flexible gro up than space allo ws? Who o r what will decide which students get to participate in a particular gro up? If a student really wants to try a particular gro up and perhaps do esn't have high eno ugh grades in that gro up's area o f study will they auto m atically be denied?


When inco rpo rating a "cho ice scho o l" in a district - so m etim es that scho o l beco m es the "elite" scho o l o r creates co m petitio n am o ng scho o ls. Can ruin the "co llabo rative" feel withing the district. Student po rtfo lio s ho w to m anage, what is the purpo se, ho w to use as a to o l and no t just a "ho o p" to jum p thro ugh fo r students.





When it co m es to having ano ther cho ice scho o l, I think that co uld be a go o d idea but I also think that every elem entary scho o l student sho uld have the exact sam e am azing expo sure to science and m ath. Five year o lds do n't kno w that they want to specialize in science.


When we develo p gro upings at the elem entary level, we risk no t all students co m ing prepared fo r the next level they are entering.


Why do we need "cho ice" scho o ls- o ur experience with EHSI- we felt like just a num ber that was bringing $ into the scho o l; o pen enro llm ents wo uld need to be tightly lim ited as in o ther districts


Will so m e kids be left o ut? If o nly o ne special scho o l it will be a lo ttery and no t all will win


Will the blo ck schedule rem ain at the high scho o l. I believe this is o ne o f the best parts abo ut ep scho o ls.


Will the m agnet scho o l draw eno ugh interest/enro llm ent to replace a full scho o l?


Willingness o f staff to wo rk m o re flexible ho urs Ho w this m o del wo uld affect po st-seco ndary o ptio ns/requirem ents


With ano ther cho ice scho o l, it m ay negatively affect the dem o graphics at all the o ther buildings. With fewer transitio ns and lo nger instructio nal tim es in the m iddle scho o l, will that m ean fewer classes and o ppo rtunities fo r students to find passio ns? What do yo u m ean by 8-8 fo r high scho o l? If there is to o m uch flexibility, ho w will yo u pro vide co nsistent staffing? Ho w will there be scho o l co m m unity if everyo ne is do ing their o wn thing? Extra-curriculars? Scheduling seem s like a nightm are.


With the "STEM/STEAM" scho o l, are kids getting the well ro unded educatio n they need? Fo cusing o n a specialty is what co llege is fo r, no t elem entary scho o l. Ho w will the expanded high scho o l calendar be paid fo r?


Wo uld be co ncerned abo ut lo nger instructio nal tim e fo r students in m iddle scho o l. Develo pm entally, students in this age range need to be able to m o ve their bo dies. Gro wing bo nes need to m o ve!


Year aro und schedules and flexible scheduling co uld be challenging fo r parent wo rk schedules.


Year ro und scho o l and evening schedules will no t be fiscally respo nsible. Busing, staffing and activities will all be im pacted by this schedule.


Year ro und? 8-8 schedules? No t sure ho w that actually wo rks.... I prefer a predictable structure. Is there eno ugh fo cus o n technical/digital pro ficiency? !


Yo u are taking away certain po ckets o f students away fro m the "regular" elem entary scho o ls to send them to the "special" scho o l.


Yo u canno t, sim ply canno t, take away the Mo saic pro gram . This has to co ntinue to be a scho o l within a scho o l because it m akes up co m petitive with Minneto nka. Every single o ne o f tho se fam ilies will leave EP and either go to the Navigato r pro gram in Minneto nka o r the Elem ents pro gram in Blo o m ingto n - we already had a m ass exo dus o f highly intellectual children fro m the last adm inistratio ns m ess ups - DO NOT DO THAT AGAIN. I do no t like the idea o f having lo nger instructio nal tim e in m iddle scho o l and less transitio ns. That age gro up needs tho se transitio ns fo r their so cial and em o tio nal develo pm ent at that age. Their brains are flo o ded with ho rm o nes and it is hard eno ugh fo r a 13 year o ld to co ncentrate o n so m ething fo r m o re than 5 m inutes extending the chunk o f instructio n tim e fo r them will negatively im pact their engagem ent if yo u ask m e.





Yo u run the risk o f segregatio n by adding a cho ice scho o l, which is why the district changed bo undaries in the first place.


Yo u will have no idea ho w to im plem ent this. In an effo rt to lo o k trendy, yo u will create so m ething that is a po o r fit fo r m any o f the students and igno re them as yo u m o ve fo rward.


Yo ur info rm atio n is no t clear eno ugh to pro vide a respo nse.


adding a new scho o l like STEM will further divide the co m m unity and create m o re segregated scho o ls ( all white) like Eagle Heights


all o f the shuffling that will have to be do ne am o ngst staff....


feelings o f inadequacy o r sham e if students in higher grade levels are in the sam e class based o n subject/co m petency with lo wer grade students


high scho o l year ro und 8am -8pm o ptio n, who is go ing to teach this schedule, ho w m any student sho uld use this o ptio n? eno ugh ro o m fo r 6-8 and staff all to gether.


if gro ups are created, will a student just be pigeo n ho led o r will there be flex that allo ws them to m o ve and gro w into o ther areas if there is interest.


if we add m o re creativity/recess tim e, we sho uld extend o verall scho o l day so as to co ver academ ics tho ro ughly. the student po rtfo lio o r m ultiple m etho ds o f assessm ent co uld be challenging when a higher institutio n is trying to co m pare an EP student to a no n-EP student to determ ine adm issio n. Furtherm o re, the m ultiple fo rm s o f assessm ent co uld be m o re tedio us/burdenso m e fo r teachers and harder fo r the student to adapt to standard grading in co lleges and universities.


kids no t go ing to neighbo rho o d scho o ls- pitting scho o ls against scho o ls


lack o f fo cus o n a so und understanding o f fundam entals o f the co ncept by go ing to individualized curriculum . Find the right balance


less o ppo rtunity fo r pulling kids o ut o f class fo r things like speech o r keys


lo nger recesses fo r elem entary students-30 m ins m inim um and later start tim es fo r m iddle and high scho o l students.


m ay no t be eno ugh change




no t eno ugh details to really understand what these will m ean in practice


no t sure


reco nfiguring scho o ls to acco m m o date # o f students


that it m ight no t pro vide eno ugh o ptio ns, and that the o ptio ns aren't the right o nes. what research has been do ne that backs up the cho ices? Are we setting children up fo r success thro ugh Spanish im m ersio n as it stands to day academ ically when they reach m iddle scho o l? are we also segregating large parts o f o ur co m m unity and creating a culture o f superio rity by having 1 o r 2 "special scho o ls"?





tim ing fo r the scho o ls and space fo r all the "special interest" scho o ls


to o m any changes at the fundam ental level leaves to o m any gaps. Its like lets no t teach the kids the alphabet that m ake wo rds... we'll let techno lo gy tell them and then they can react o r m ake a decisio n o n what to do next.


to o m any cho ices? ? can im pact co m m unity co hesiveness


to o m uch change all at o nce. Please do nt put 6th grade in m iddle scho o l - m iddle scho o l is such a ho rrible, dam aging experience fo r m o st students. Do nt subject them to ano ther year.


to o near what we have no w. no t eno ugh flexibility fo r teachers


transpo rtatio n fo r elem entary scho o l student with "cho ice" scho o ls staffing/scheduling issues fo r an 8:00am 8:00pm wo rk day at the high scho o l - wo rk/life balance fo r teachers in this scenario (What do es this actually LOOK like? )


17. As you consider unique elements of Design Option A:Please identify rewards that this option may provide. Count



No ne






no ne

1 1

- no ne -


It is difficult to add o r change elem ents o f such a general and bro ad bullet po int PDF. There is no t eno ugh detail in the draft as o f yet.


* Students can learn different things at different tim es thro ugh the scho o l year(s); allo ws yo u to fo cus o n lo ng term gro wth * Enco urage learning by do ing


*As lo ng as creativity and recess tim e are balanced with structured learning, I abso lutely believe this results in im pro ved co ncentratio n. *Flexible gro uping allo ws kids to learn at their o wn speed and helps kids feel m o re co m fo rtable engaging. This is abso lutely m y preference. *Allo ws parents to decide if they want their kids in a specific "cho ice" scho o l, but keeps current scho o ls fo r tho se undecided


*Greater buy-in fro m students when given cho ices *Less "sum m er slide" if transitio ning to year-ro und m o del


*allo wing flexibility within each grade level *actually allo wing recess tim e thro ugho ut the day


- enco urages and allo ws tim e fo r creativity - do es no t put so m uch em phasis o n legacy-style testing results


-Lo ve the o ppo rtunity fo r m o re m o vem ent. Please co nsider the Finnish scho o l system as yo u m o ve fo rward!!!! -I grew up in Elem entary scho o l m o ving to the "high" level m ath and reading gro up when it was tim e fo r that perio d o f study. I think it allo ws fo r a larger class to wo rk o n the sam e level, allo ws the teacher to be able to fo cus his/her lesso n plan m o re appro priately, and allo wed students to be unique in their learning levels.


-m o re individual experience fo r students, m o re co m m unity feel fo r students


-m o re recess tim e fo r kids is necessary. 20 m inutes is no t eno ugh. I'm glad to see this reco gnized. -I like the idea o f flexible gro upings within grade levels. -I like the flexibility fo r HS students with their schedules -m ultiple m etho ds o f assessm ent







1) I like the idea o f flexible gro upings within elem entary grade levels. Bo th o f m y kids benefit fro m "high m ath" and "key" pro gram m ing. 2) I am a STRONG suppo rter o f m o re recess tim e o n a daily basis. I signed the petitio n to suppo rt that m essage. 3) I like the idea o f m iddle scho o l with fewer tim e spent in transitio ns (m o re instructio nal tim e). No t o nly is m o re tim e in the classro o m im po rtant, it also m inim izes tim e spent o utside o f the classro o m so cializing. 3) I like the idea o f a m o re flexible high scho o l schedule, but I do n't see the difference between o ptio n A and B. Bo th appear to add m o re flex fo r internships, wo rk, spo rts, assistance. Perhaps there is really just o ne o ptio n that inco rpo rates it all.


1) I lo ve the inclusio n o f m o re recess/creativity. Mo re physical activity in general is a go o d thing (and research indicates it im pro ves academ ic achievem ent). 2) Flexible gro uping will allo w teachers to fo cus o n the needs o f the kids in given gro ups.


1. Co uld pro vide a m o re tailo red curriculum and o ptio ns based o n child's interest and talents.


2nd cho ice scho o l pro vides m o re o ptio ns fo r students and m ay attract o ther o utside o ur district.




6 graders belo ng in the m iddle scho o l


6-8 grade m iddle scho o l is an im pro vem ent!


8-8 High Scho o l? Do es this stem fro m extracurricular activity? Let's put scho o l as the prio rity and spo rts, extracurricular, wo rk etc. as seco ndary where it sho uld be. Educatio n is the m o st im po rtant.




A "Cho ice" scho o l co uld benefit students fo cused o n a certain curriculum o r m etho d o f teaching.


A cho ice scho o l such as a STEM o r IB scho o l wo uld help keep the district co m petitive and students can fo cus their interests. Wo uld have lo ved fewer transitio ns during the scho o l day fo r CMS.


A fresh and revo lutio nary start.


A greater variety o f "specialty scho o ls" to cho o se fro m .


A seem s to stray fro m traditio nal scho o l less which wo uld help tho se who do n't like change m uch.


Able to rem ain with peers no m atter what skill level.


Accelerated develo pm ent fo r tho se who grasp the co ncepts faster.


Adding a STEM fo cus scho o l as an o ptio n wo uld be great. I believe the Internatio nal Baccalaureate pro gram sho uld be an o ptio n in each scho o l as a pro gram that interested kids can jo in.


Adding ano ther scho o l o ptio n wo uld be great fo r fam ilies interested in that cho ice; m ultiple m etho ds o f assessm ent sho uld acco m m o date kids with different testing strengths; I like the fewer transitio ns fo r m iddle scho o lers and flexibility fo r high scho o lers.


Agree with m o re recess and creativity fo r elem entary. Need to get children m o ving and active.


Allo wing each student flexibility will allo w them to find their o wn path.





Allo wing fo r m o re creativity and pro ject-based learning is crucial.


Allo wing kids m o re tim e to express them selves and be active can help keep them engaged in learning.


Allo ws kids to explo re in their o wn learning styles the vario us ways they learn, allo ws them to gro w at pace that feels successful to them , created independent thinkers, allo ws fo r m o re creativity and recess and just being a kid.


Already answered this?


An accelerated learner can, o n their o wn, po tentially have reso urces to do deeper dives into learning.


Are we asking elem entary students to begin to specialize by m aking a "cho ice scho o l" selectio n? I see bo th po sitives and risks o f this but o verall, like the idea o f giving the kids the o ppo rtunity to so m ewhat tailo r their learning experience. Seem s like o ptio n A is lo wer risk than o ptio n B. Any data to suppo rt o ne m o del o ver the o ther?


Benefit o f a m o re challenging curriculum in a cho ice scho o l.


Better m atch o f students to learning o ppo rtunities.


Better m eet the needs o f students fo r gro uping at the upper grades


Better student engagem ent and interest.


Build so cial skills in a device ridden wo rld Exercise to help keep fo cus


By no t having elem entary students m o ve fro m blo ck to blo ck, they will be able to spend m o re tim e with their ho m e ro o m teachers which wo uld better allo w the teacher to get to kno w the kids as individuals and understand their learning styles and needs. Lo nger blo cks o f tim e fo r m iddle scho o l classes wo uld allo w fo r m o re in-depth study.


Change. Fo r better o r fo r wo rse?


Changing Middle Scho o l experience to include 6,7,8


Children can excel quickly and understand easier when their learning style is suppo rted


Children can pursue their interests.


Children wo uld be able to learn in ways that are m o st beneficial to individual needs and interests.


Cho ice Scho o l fills a gap in the co m m unity (Magna o r STEAM)


Cho ice, higher engagem ent fro m students.


Co m m unity is built aro und scho o ls when the students live near the scho o l.


Co m petitio n.


Co uld o ffer ano ther cho ice scho o l if this were valued by a large segm ent o f the co m m unity.





Creating a cho ice scho o l creates a system o f "haves" and "have no ts." I wo rry the cho ice scho o l wo uld be predo m inately white students.


Creativity tim e is go o d fo r the kid to explo re new ways o f do ing things and find what they enjo y


Current m o del w/flexible gro upings is unclear...m ulti-grade classro o m s? Will be po pular with parents traveling in/o ut o f U.S. frequently. Current m o del + a cho ice scho o l is po pular with parents lo o king fo r educatio n trends. High Scho o l assistance, classes, o r tuto ring available 8AM to 8PM...go o d fo r kids! If they co uld pick the 6 ho ur span they can attend. It wo uld be nice if every student had a case-wo rker to co nnect with to ensure they are attending o r a punch-card like in "real life" wo rking situatio ns. Year-ro und scho o ling is always better fo r kids retentio n o f info .


Definitely m o re recess tim e is needed fo r students!


Different /varied perspectives. Pro vide recess/play tim e to burn o ff energy and pro m o te healthy living A single cho ice scho o l o ptio n is preferred o r cho ice pro gram


Do no t changw m y elem entary acho o l


Do n't fully the two o ptio ns as laid o ut in the presentatio n to o pine o n the risk o r rewards.


EP has no t been able to adequately suppo rt o ne cho ice scho o l. Putting o ne in each scho o l will be to o m uch to ask. I like the idea o f ano ther cho ice scho o l. Wo uld prefer to o nly have 1.


Easier to im plem ent


Easier to im plem ent fo r students, staff and parents


Elem entary Structure Mo re recess and creativity tim e will recharge kids fo r academ ics Evidence o f Learning Po rtfo lio s are a go o d idea - creates a sense o f pride in what they have acco m plished. Means m o re than a test sco re. Schedules and Calendars Middle scho o l - having m o re tim e to intensely fo cus and less tim e shifting fro m place to place fo r instructio n will m axim ize students' tim e at scho o l


Elem entary Structure - Optio n A m akes sense to m e and seem s sim ilar to what has been in place. Mo re recess o r o ther avenues fo r daily physical activity -- YES!!!!


Elem entary structure: flexible gro upings. This sho uld be included in bo th o ptio ns Cho ice scho o ls: ano ther o ptio n available Evidence o f learning: do es appear to teach to the test Schedules and calendars: flexible with fewer transitio ns


Eno ugh o f screens.


Extra creativity tim e - whatever that m eans Flexible gro uping




Flexibility fo r students.


Flexibility to be challenged in vario us co m petency sets.





Flexible gro uping co uld help the elem enatry students that are perfo rm ing abo ve grade level in so m e subjects. Currently, the needs o f this students are no t being m et, especially in m ath. Mo re recess tim e wo uld be nice. Kids are so sedentary. They need m o re active tim e. Plus, it sho uld help them fo cus better o nce in the classro o m so instructio nal tim e wo uld no t be lo st.


Flexible gro uping wo uld allo w a student to be at the co rrect academ ic level.


Flexible gro upings based o n interest, etc. so unds helpful. Adding a STEM o r STEAM cho ice scho o l as lo ng as a basic o ptio n rem ains so unds interesting.


Flexible gro upings based o n strength help pro vide further perso nalizatio n.


Flexible gro upings will allo w sim ilar co m petency level kids a better enviro nm ent to learn m o re and additio nal recess/creativity tim e will definitely be helpful in creating a relaxed learning enviro nm ent. Fewer transitio ns in Middle scho o l will help keep students' fo cus. Multiple m etho ds o f assessm ent can help with adaptatio n to a child's way o f learning, depending o n what m etho ds are utilized.


Flexible gro upings with recess and creativity STEM cho ice scho o l


Flexible gro upings within grade level seem s to pro vide a lo t o f pro m ise. Fo r exam ple, I'm assum ing this m eans that m y child wo uld be gro uped with sim ilar kids in m ath ability fo r m ath class, and m aybe a different gro up fo r English. Middle scho o l with lo nger instructio nal tim e seem s pro m ising.


Flexible gro upings within grade levels: kids can excel in areas that co m e easily to them , no t being slo wed do wn by kids who struggle with it. Kids who need extra tim e in o ne subject do n't feel like they are ho lding o thers back.


Flexible gro upings – all aro und yes Additio n o f a cho ice scho o l – with the po pularity and success o f spanish im m ersio n, pro viding an additio nal o ptio n with a fo cus o n STEM o r STEAM wo uld be a great o ptio n fo r the co m m unity. Schedules – lo nger instructio nal tim e fo r m iddle scho o l (see it m o re beneficial fo r hands-o n classes) and lo nger tim efram e fo r assistance to HS students.


Flexible gro ups in high scho o l classes (i.e. large gro ups, sm all gro ups etc.)


Flexible gro ups will ho pefully challenge each student to reach their full po tential.


Flexible ho urs as children age....this enables m o re real life pro gram m ing o ff cam pus fo r o lder kids. It is po ssible and I stress po ssible that pro gram m ing such as stem co uld have real im pact o n so ciety in the future.


Flexible learning gro ups


Flexible schedule = o ppo rtunity fo r faculty co llabo ratio n, e.g., bio lo gy + statistics, geo m etry + industrial tech


Flo urishing learners that have an interest in the m aterial and subject m atter. Better parental engagem ent fro m tho se who can give it.


Fo r high scho o l, m aybe if there is an o ptio n fo r students to take a required class like phy ed o r health in the sum m er, that wo uld o pen their schedules fo r o ther classes during the academ ic year.


Fo r m iddle scho o l to have fewer transitio ns wo uld be helpful in term s o f o rganizatio n. Flexible gro uping fo r m iddle scho o l co uld address tho se students who are truly high-scho o l ready in 8th grade as well as tho se who need m o re suppo rt and are less independent.





Freedo m o f scheduling


Getting 6th graders o ut o f elem entary is a m uch better fit


Gives parents o ptio ns.


Gro uping based o n subject m atter co m petency will benefit all students. Eden Prairie students deserve to have a STEM scho o l as a cho ice. Mo re recess wo uld be appreciated by all (students, teachers and parents).


Gro uping students based o n subject m atter co m petency sim ilarly to Fo rest Hills' literacy m o del (to tal class instructio n at grade level co m bined with sm all gro up instructio n at co m petency level) is pro ven to help kids be successful and do esn't separate students so dram atically that it causes so cial o r o ther pro blem s. Fewer transitio ns within the m iddle scho o l day wo uld help students get and stay fo cused. It wo uld be very go o d to infuse m o re recess tim e at the elem entary level as burning o ff m o re energy co uld help with so m e o f the discipline issues.


Gro upings based o n subject m atter co m petency, internatio nal scho o l baccalaureate, m ultiple m etho ds o f assessm ent, assistance fro m 8am to 8pm


Happier, m o re engaged students who enjo y scho o l and have a passio n fo r learning.


Having a STEM scho o l cho ice wo uld be aweso m e. Flexibility in schedules sho uld take into acco unt natural sleep/wake happens o f children as they age. Mo re recess at elem entary level is very necessary and will likely lead to greater success by children.


Having co m petency based learning wo uld ensure that students actually understand to pics and he fully co ntributo r to better sco res and kno wledge. Mo re excess and creative tim e co uld also help engage students who need m o re tim e to run aro und o r enjo y creative tim e m o re than o ther subjects.


Having lo nger instructio nal tim e within the CMS schedule co uld be beneficial fo r students. Having flexible o ptio ns at the high scho o l wo uld be go o d. I also enco urage the team to co nsider later start tim es fo r CMS and EPHS students.


Having m o re tim e perhaps to do pro ject wo uld be very beneficial. Again so m e o f o ur co urses these pro jects m ust be do ne in gro ups at the sam e tim e.


Higher engagem ent in scho o l particularly fo r students who struggle to feel successful in scho o l (if student interest is a higher prio rity) Flexibility fo r fam ilies/students/staff


I am all fo r m ulti-grade gro upings if they are do ne well. I think this wo uld be a terrific thing fo r m y child. I also like the idea o f having m o re tim e fo r recess - m y child lo ves physical activity and just do esnt get eno ugh o f it during the scho o l day.


I am repeating what I said fo r bo th Design Optio ns A and B because m y answer still applies. Fo r a student who is highly m o tivated, there wo uld be m o re flexibility.


I am unclear o n this


I believe elem entary students need m o re o ppo rtunities to m o ve their bo dies at recess, and think differently with creative pro jects. These o ppo rtunities actually so lidify learning in all areas and increase retentio n. I do think that bo th IB and STEAM are lo vely ideas, if the teachers receive the training to im plem ent them well and with fidelity.





I believe it is better to have a stand-alo ne cho ice scho o l so the entire scho o l can suppo rt the unique learning enviro nm ent.


I believe yo unger kids really like having a m ain teacher, and that beco m es their m ain relatio nship within the scho o l. Especially im po rtant fo r the yo ungest learners. My so n is inviting his 1st grade teacher to his grad party that's an am azing relatio nship!


I do like the flexible gro upings based o n co m petency within elem entary scho o ls. This will help each child thrive!


I do n't think the public understands these elem ents very well.


I feel are current system is very successful, and Optio n A is sim ilar to current system . ​Teachers rem ain critical to teaching o ur children.


I like letting kids be kids and giving m o re creative tim e and recess fo r the yo unger grades.


I like po rtfo lio assessm ent as it gives a m o re co m plete picture o f student achievem ent and gro wth. I like the idea o f STEM/STEAM fo cus. I like the pro po sed change to the m iddle scho o l schedule.


I like that co m petence wo uld be reco gnized.


I like that recess/creativity tim e is being valued here.


I like that the elem entary stays sim ilar in base classro o m s. I lo ve lo nger instructio n tim e and fewer classes in m iddle scho o l. Easier o n kids o rganizatio nal adjustm ents at m iddle scho o l level.


I like that there are m o re o ppo rtunities fo r creativity, especially if it is structured as a way fo r students to explo re to pics o f cho ice/interest to them rather than free tim e.


I like that there will be three years fo r m iddle scho o l students to excell in what they are being taught.


I like that this m o del lets gro upings be flexible so that students can feel success at the level they are at and then ho pefully build o n the success in o rder to have fewer disco uraged learners in m iddle and high scho o l.


I like the co ncepts in Optio n A Elem entary Structure and think they wo uld serve o ur co m m unity well; as well as pro vide a secure fo rm ula fo r educatio n. I like that specifically it will enco urage m o re recess tim e and creativity. I really like chapter by chapter flexible gro uping that m y so n has experienced so that if o ne to pic he is successful at he can receive challenging and deeper instructio n, yet to pics he is no t as pro ficient in, he can receive level appro priate instructio n. This wo uld require extensive co m m unicatio n tho ugh between the teachers.


I like the idea o f flexible gro uping (especially fo r reading and m ath) so students can be challenged acco rdingly to their peers and m o ve at an appro priate pace.


I like the idea o f flexible gro uping and m ultiple assessm ent fo rm s.


I like the idea o f flexible gro ups fo r instructio n-- as lo ng as it is used within reaso n (no t every day) and no t acro ss the who le scho o l day. I like the idea o f using m ultiple m etho ds o f assessm ent, but I am no t sure ho w different that is than using "fo rm ative" assessm ents as in Optio n B-- fo rm ative assessm ents can lo o k m any different ways. I lo ve the idea o f adding recess o r m o re active tim e in the day.





I like the idea o f gro up students based o n co m petency vs age. This allo ws students at all levels to pro gress at a level that is appro priate to them . In m y o pinio n -- it is truly perso nalized learning. Including m o re tim e fo r recess will likely im pro ve student behavio r and academ ic success.


I like the idea o f m o re recess and creativity tim e. I ho pe that m eans a m o re well ro unded educatio n. I lo ve STEM, but its no t fo r every child. We need to value all kinds o f intelligence and creativity.


I like the idea o f student po rtfo lio s to "save" a child's pro gress (m ath levels, reading levels, special needs [no t necessary diagno sed, but m aybe so m ething like tips the teacher has fo r co nnecting with the student o r student preferences]) at the end o f a scho o l year in a way that can be easily passed o n to the teacher the next year.


I like the idea o f student po rtfo lio s.


I like the lo nger instrucito nal tim e and less transitio n fo r m iddle scho o l. I am a fan o f the blo ck learning tim es.


I like the o ptio n o f a STEM pro gram and think this co uld be a reward o f o ptio n A. Other scho o ls in the area have been very successful with STEM.


I like to see that there is a fo cus being given in techno lo gy as well as STEM/STEAM. Again, this sho uld be o ffered to all students to benefit all o ur students district wide vs a separate "cho ice scho o l". No t a benefit is there is a lo ttery to get in the scho o l and 1/2 the kids will no t benefit fro m this as this is the future o f what o ur kids/students will need to kno w fo r future educatio n and jo bs.


I lo ve m o re recess and creativity tim e! Kids need to m o ve m o re!


I lo ve the flexibility ideas m entio ned in the scheduling piece. I wo uld lo ve to see m o re o ptio ns fo r students to cho o se regarding the structure o f the scho o l year, tim es o f scho o l, etc. Our "One Size Fits All" m o del is very lim ited and prevents o ppo rtunities fo r all students. It is lim iting and lo o king at new ways o f reaching students is po sitive.


I lo ve the idea o f STEM etc scho o ls. My kids were in o ne befo re we m o ved to Eden Prairie and I feel they've lo st a step in science since m o ving to the m o re generic appro ach. I also think m o re engineering wo uld be go o d, including things like co ding.


I lo ve the idea o f a STEM scho o l being o ffered.


I lo ve the idea o f m o re recess tim e and m o re creativity tim e!


I lo ve the idea that students are gro uped so m ewhat by co m petency and interest. I believe this fo sters individualized learning as well as intro ducing perso nal input/agency in learning to students.


I lo ve the m o re recess and creative tim e. We all are to o statio nary and it's leading to m o re depressio n, anxiety and higher stress levels. I also like the disco very tim e idea but am having a hard tim e im agining ho w that wo uld be executed.


I particularly like the additio nal tim e fo r recess and cereativity in this o ptio n fo r the elem entary levels.


I pro vided input at the in-perso n sessio ns o n 5/25/16





I really like all the elem ents o f Optio n A. I think the flexible gro uping m o del wo uld allo w fo r perso nalizatio n and create a m o tivating learning enviro nm ent. I also think adding m o re recess and creative tim e wo uld greatly im pro ve students enthusiasm and interest in scho o l. It wo uld also decrease disruptio ns and need fo r m o vem ent breaks in the yo unger grades. I also like the flexible 8-8 schedule at the High Scho o l level. I think that it wo uld acco m m o date all types o f learners and fam ily situatio ns. I


I really like the flexibility and ideas like adding internatio nal baccalaureate as an o ptio n.


I really like the idea o f bringing STEAM and o ffering the IB curriculum acro ss the bo ard.


I see no advantage to adding ano ther cho ice scho o l to the district at this tim e.


I think access to ano ther cho ice scho o l wo uld be beneficial. Appreciate the effo rt to allo w kids to learn at their o wn pace and have flexibility.


I think flexible gro upings within grade levels m akes a lo t o f sense. At least with subjects like m ath and reading. Multiple m etho ds o f assessm ent is to everyo ne's advantage. Flexible schedules fo r high scho o l is o ne answer to tho se students who need a later start tim e. I just do n't see ho w that will wo rk with after scho o l activities/spo rts schedules.


I think it leaves plenty o f ro o m fo r creativity, diversity, and disco very witho ut narro wing any student's o ptio ns. I like the pro po sed Middle schedule tweaks.


I think it tweeks what we currently have in a po sitive way. The change isn't so o verwhelm ing.


I think m ultiple types o f assessm ent is appro priate. I like the idea o f less transitio ns in m iddle scho o l


I tho ught they were basically bo th generic term s that wo uld eventually end in the sam e o utco m e. I o nly saw the o nline video and presentatio n and that had very little real substance.


I'm a big pro po nent o f gro uping students with co m m o n ability and interests and tailo ring learning o ppo rtunities fo r them . This allo ws higher perfo rm ing students to find their true po tential witho ut getting bo red and struggling students to m ake steady pro gress and no t get frustrated.


I'm no t really so ld o n any o f it to be ho nest.


I've lo ng been a fan o f STEAM, and wo uld lo ve to see ALL students receive a STEAMcentric educatio n.




If do ne well, having ano ther cho ice scho o l co uld be go o d, but again I do n't have eno ugh info to be info rm ed o n this. It seem s in such a "whitebo ard" state, no t a fleshed o ut o ptio n.


If do ne within a classro o m and pro viding o ppo rtunities fo r all students to advance they can be very effective. Also , so m e students who need m o re challenges can o ften be pro vided that extra learning o utside o f the no rm al classro o m (o nline, extra ho m ewo rk, etc..). Mo re recess and creativity tim e (art, but m o stly m usic) wo uld be terrific fo r all students.


If recess/creativity tim e wo uld get to o lder grades to give students m o re tim e fo r study and/o r exercise - this wo uld be go o d.





If well planned and designed, I like the m ultiple m etho ds o f assessm ent, as well as the o ptio ns kids co uld have within the scho o l.


In m y o pinio n, the o nly thing m o re ridiculo us than having a cho ice scho o l at the elem entary level is having each elem entary scho o l have a different fo cus. I do n't understand ho w the no tio n o f, at the pre-K o r K level, deciding o n an area o f fo cused study can be seen as reaso nable?


Increase in recess and creativity. Fewer transitio ns thro ugho ut the day is beneficial.


Increased 'free' tim e to fo ster creativity and allo w fo r breaks and learning in sm aller do ses.


Increased recess and play tim e is go o d to see as part o f this plan. Stro ng research in ho w this helps children increase creativity, co o peratio n with o thers, etc. It's no t all abo ut test sco res. Neighbo rho o d scho o ls will stay in tact.


Increased recess/creativity will pro m o te life lo ng learning that m o vem ent is go o d Mo re instructio n tim e & fewer transitio ns fo r m iddle scho o l m ay result in students understanding m aterial better & being able to co m plete m o re wo rk in scho o l instead o f so m uch ho m ewo rk & ho pefully decrease stress o f having so m any classes to keep track o f Multple m etho ds o f assessm ent m ay level the playing field so m ewhat fo r students that do no t test well


Infuse m o re recess/creativity tim e fo r elem entary kids -- yaaaas!


Inno vative fo r selected kids


Inno vative new cho ice scho o l m ay add revenue/students to district. Flexible high scho o l schedule m ay increase grad rate.


It m akes the district m o re m arketable to fam ilies o utside the district.


It o ffers less change which can be difficult fo r so m e.


It seem s like a m o re perso nal instructio n.


It seem s to integrate so m e o f the newer trends in educatio n and aim s to im pro ve o verall integrity o f the district educatio nal go als. Really like that internships are being co nsidered at the high scho o l level.


It will allo w tho se that understand the subject m o re tim e to study o ther areas. Increase in recess allo ws fo r m o re creativity and better learning thro ugho ut the day. It will help them beco m e less bo gged do wn. If tim e is an issue, teachers co uld utilize the o utdo o rs as a learning to o l, so kids can have 'fun' o utside and learn and also get m o re m o bility fo r better learning later in the day.


It's no t as sho cking. We co uld try to stair step change and do a m o derate change no w, see ho w it wo rks and the adjust again in a few years.


Keep current m o del with additio nal flexible gro upings under Optio n A


Keeping neighbo rho o d scho o ls which are essential fo r cities to m aintain co m m unity.


Keeping so m e o f the o ld with the new o ptio ns.


Kids gro uping with sim ilar academ ic peers





LOVE the idea o f pro ject based educatio n.


Least am o unt o f disruptio n due to change.


Less change than Optio n B. while still giving m o re flexibility fo r learning types and enviro nm ents.


Like that idea o f flexible gro uping, m o re recess and creativity tim e, prefer STEM pro gram be included within the current scho o l pro gram . Like current schedule and calendar o ptio n fo r elem entary, but no t sure if o ptio n A fo r the m iddle & high scho o l will wo rk.


Like the lo nger blo cks o f learning tim e in m iddle scho o l. Hard to really get into a to pic/task in 40 m inutes.


Like the o ppo rtunity fo r m o re recess and creativity tim e.


Lo nger and m o re fo cused days in m iddle scho o l and greater flexibility in high scho o l assures inclusio n and allo ws students to "catch up" o r excel as needed.


Lo nger instructio nal tim e with fewer transitio ns - gives m o re o ppo rtunity fo r in depth learning


Lo ve the idea o f a cho ice scho o l, wo uld really m ake us co m petitive and inno vate in the m etro area. Great idea. The IB pro gram is great, Minneto nka has it and I believe Edina do es to o . Lo ve the idea o f m ultiple m etho ds o f assessm ents in o rder to acco m m o date all children, especially tho se that do no t do well o n traditio nal tests. Lo ve student po rtfo lio s, this wo uld allo w children to really be creative and sho w their co llabo rative side.


Lo ve the idea o f m o re tim e fo r recess and creativity.


Lo ve the sm aller gro ups within grades


MORE RECESS! I lo ve that o ptio n! Many studies have sho wn that kids with m o re recess and active tim e can are able to fo cus and learn better.


May assist in co m m unicatio ns and tho ught - generally "getting alo ng to gether"


May get the m o st learning po tential.


Middle scho o l transitio ns need to be cut do wn and class tim e lengthened. Lengthen the day if needed o r m o ve to so m ewhat o f a blo ck schedule like the high scho o l. Flexible gro upings and differentiated learning is a key piece in m aking scho o l interesting fo r a wide variety o f abilities.


Mo re backgro und kno wledge fo r prek students and fam ilies Increase in perso nalized learning


Mo re cho ices allo w parents to send kids to the scho o l that best fits their need Kids m ay be m o re engaged if a scho o l fits them better


Mo re creative fo cus, flexibility, and recess


Mo re creativity & recess fo r elem entary age. Keeps scho o ls partnering with o ne ano ther rather than specializing scho o ls. STEM/STEAM is where we are headed--all scho o ls sho uld suppo rt these areas.


Mo re creativity and recess co uld be a chance to release so m e stress and energy, m aking paying attentio n and academ ics easier o n the children.





Mo re individualized learning, cho ice scho o l o ptio ns are attractive. Middle scho o l schedule pro po sed seem s m o re fo cused with less co nfusio n and transitio ns. A nice m iddle gro und between elem entry and high scho o l.


Mo re learning cho ices that fit the speed and style o f the child.


Mo re o ptio ns


Mo re recess


Mo re recess and creativity tim e is go o d and co uld be inco rpo rated to reinfo rce subject m atters.


Mo re recess and creativity tim e is the best idea o f all o f it!


Mo re recess and creativity tim e wo uld be very beneficial to elem entary students, particularly in the yo unger grades, in term s o f being m o re fo cused when they are learning etc. Yo ung children o ften learn thro ugh play, so lo nger recess/play tim e/creative tim e wo uld facilitate this type o f learning, which is also im po rtant. Mo re flexibility aro und interests o r subject area co m petency m ight allo w children develo p their interests and m o ve ahead m o re quickly, as well as keep them happy and interested (and reduce bo redo m ). Adding o ne o r two additio nal cho ice scho o ls wo uld pro vide space fo r develo ping particular interests, such as STEAM, and pro viding several o ptio ns that are available in o ther districts. (Fo r exam ple, EHSI, STEAM and IB). Multiple m etho ds o f assessm ent wo uld assist in quantifying learning that is no t just based o n literacy and m ath.


Mo re recess and creativity tim e wo uld be very valuable.


Mo re recess and m o re creativity wo uld be excellent.


Mo re recess is go o d.


Mo re recess tim e!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Multiple m etho ds o f assessm ents.


Mo re recess tim e. Let children m o ve and integrate their bo dies into their educatio nal experience.


Mo re recess!!Like the o ptio n o f ano ther cho ice scho o l... but ho w to pick the right o ne..


Mo re recess, creativity tim e. Student po rtfo lio s will allo w fo r m o re variety in assessm ent. At the elem entary level, the o ptio n to learn in gro ups based o n interest o r learning level will allo w students to learn at their o wn pace.


Mo re recess/creativity tim e - I wo uld like to have the children get m o re exercise during the day. I think this will help them be m o re fit and m o re interested.


Mo re recess/creativity tim e will o pen allo w fo r greater student achievem ent.


Mo re recess/creativity tim e! Students need m o re unstructured tim e to pro blem so lve naturally o r create. Multiple m etho ds o f assessm ents, student po rtfo lio s allo w fo r students to sho w pro ficiency in a way that fits their individual talent.


Mo re space in elem entary scho o ls


Mo re tim e is spent advancing the academ ic ball if he's with fello w students at his academ ic level.





Multiple assessm ent m etho ds and student po rtfo lio s allo w fo r reaso nable ways to m o nito r student pro gress. A STEM o r STEAM scho o l co uld better m eet so m e students needs and attract new students. Since o ne cho ice (EHSI) already exists it o nly m akes sense to o ffer ano ther.


Multiple assessm ents wo uld allo w students flexibility to present their learning. Really great fo r creativity and m o tivatio n (po ssibly) and allo wing students to use their strengths. YES, m o re recess!! My 5-year-o ld bo y gets 15 m inutes. There is a lo t o f research that suppo rts the im po rtance o f o utside tim e, including m o dels fro m the to p-rated scho o ls wo rld-wide: Finland.


Multiple m etho ds o f assessm ent fo r children we test differently


Multiple m etho ds o f assessm ent is SO IMPORTANT. Kids have different learning styles and this m ust be taken serio usly as we assess their pro gress. Access to assistance after no rm al scho o l ho urs co uld really benefit students who are co nfined to specific schedules because o f fam ily circum stances (parent wo rk schedules, etc.)


My child wo uld thrive in the flexible o ptio n because she is driven and serio us.


My children have attended the m ulti-age pro gram at Highlands Elem entary and have stro ng relatio nships with the teachers o ver tim e. This has been very beneficial, ho wever, it is key to have excellent teachers to have a lo ng-term relatio nship and academ ic success.


My respo nses are the sam e as fro m the previo us questio ns.










No Co m m ents


No co nfidence in this leadership.


No rewards identified.


No t eno ugh info pro vided.....


No t sure


No t sure I see any, but again, info rm atio n is really vague.


Ok, first o f all, as far as I can tell we received the em ail with this survey On Friday June 3rd and were asked to co m plete it o n the sam e day, by June 3rd, which m eans I wo uld have to either take m y prep ho ur o r m y perso nal tim e to co m plete the survey.....a perfect exam ple o f what I m entio ned befo re...ho w o ur tim e as a teaching staff is no t valued. The o ther po ssibility is that filling o ut the survey is m erely a fo rm ality and yo u have no intentio n o f listening to o ur input. Seco nd o f all, there is no explanatio n/clarificatio n o f any o f the term s o r co ncepts in the info rm atio n. I can't vo te o n so m ething that I have had abo ut 10 m inutes to lo o k at. Clearly this to pic is so m ething that deserves m uch m o re discussio n and clarificatio n than o ne em ail and a survey taken with 10 m inutes o f preparatio n. This is so m ething that needs to be do ne o n a wo rksho p o r pro fessio nal develo pm ent day so we can fully explo re all o f the o ptio ns and m ake the best cho ice fo r o ur student po pulatio n.





Oppo rtunities fo r students to learn at their co m petency level, no t their age/grade level.


Oppo rtunity! Kids will be able to be creative, interact, participate in their educatio n and no t just have a passive educatio nal experience.I want that creative, critical thinker. Yeah!


Optio n A co uld result in children no t getting their first cho ice due to space co nstraints which co uld result in an undesired interest.


Optio n A is ill defined; thus it is difficult to pro vide m eaningful input.


Optio n A so und like it will o ffer m o re individualized teaching o ptio ns


Optio n A: Students who sho w an interest in Science and are able to pursue this interest specifically, will be m uch happier and m o re dedicated at scho o l. Optio n B: Changing fo cus by grade level is extrem ely im po rtant. A 5th grader sho uld no t be learning abo ut lo ans, but a junio r o r senio r sho uld be learning abo ut lo ans.


Optio n B feels better with the pro po sed alternatives


Optio n B is m o re rigid and m ight no t allo w teachers to be able to individualize instructio n as m uch and cater to m o re unique learning Styles


Optio n B seem s to co m bine traditio nal and m o dern styles.


Optio n seem s m o st sim ilar to the current m o del.


Optio ns to select fo cus scho o ls, such as stem .


Overall, Optio n A seem s the best o f the 2 fo r o ur fam ily. We like m o st elem ents o f the current scho o ls structure and appro ach and wo uldn't want to see significant changes m ade. We see benefits in keeping elem entary sim ilar to what it is no w and also in fewer transitio ns in m iddle scho o l. Fo r high scho o l, having suppo rt available after scho o l ho urs wo uld be go o d.


Parents can identify strengths o f their children and direct them into that area.


Perso nalizatio n, lo ve the po rtfo lio idea. This o ptio n seem s m o re flexible and creative.


Po tential fo r m o re creative tim e seem s go o d depending o n ho w that plays o ut.


Po tential to keep fam ilies in-district by to adding ano ther cho ice scho o l. LOVE the idea o f m o re "creativity tim e/recess"


Prefer current m o del plus flexible gro upings added.


Pro jetct Based Learning = Go o d Blended/Hybrid Learning = Go o d Flexible Gro upings = Go o d, as lo ng as kids are no t feeling left o ut. Kids in Grade 1 are sm art eno ugh to kno w who gets pulled o ut fo r being 'dum b' o r 'sm art' fo r extra help o r fo r the KEY pro gram (which btw m akes zero sense to parents and m any teachers with kids in it that teachers disagree with and kids no t in it that teachers reco m m end? ? ) Student Po rtfo lio s = great idea. Will the teachers have suppo rt to be able to have tim e to analyze these po rtfo lio s? Our pay in EP is LOWER than o ther districts and this extra wo rk m ay drive m o re teachers o ut.


Pro vides a diverse o ppo rtunities fo r learners and fo cused scho o ls that m eet varying needs.





Pro vides m o re o ppo rtunities to learn than the current state.


Pro viding ano ther cho ice scho o l will be go o d fo r tho se students who wo uld thrive in that particular enviro nm ent. Mo re tim e fo r labs o r pro jects with increased class duratio n at m iddle scho o l. Flexible/full year schedules at the high scho o l level will allo w m o re tim e fo r co llege level o r fun electives, and can also lessen the stress o f feeling the need to take a full credit lo ad every sem ester, even when busy with extra-curricular activities.


Recess is an excellent thing.


Recess/creativity tim e are always go o d. Maybe a 20-Tim e kind o f thing co uld wo rk, altho ugh it wo uld take away a lo t o f class tim e.


Relevancy, student engagem ent


Rewards are stro ng data base and understanding o f ho w to identify student strengths and needs


Rewards fo r stro ng and co m itted engagem ent.


Rewards o f Optio n A: - Wo uld be wo nderful to have "real" gro ups based o n subject m atter co m petency. I feel this wo uld increase a student's self esteem while building their academ ic skills. Very po sitive fo r all levels.


STEM cho ice beneficial fo r students with this interest.


STEM inco rpo ratio n etc pro vides valuable kno wledge necessary in to days wo rld


STEM scho o l idea is great,Grades 6-8 seem s like the right m ix fo r m iddle scho o l catego ry.


STEM wo uld help with m ath ad engineering prep activities. It m ay push kids to the next level in preparing them fo r co llege.


Schedule is appealing


Scho o l within a scho o l m ight bring back and bring in students who fled EPS after the Krull debacle


See Respo nse Belo w


Seem s like EP scho o ls is already successful at gro uping appro priately


Seem s to be slightly m o re traditio nal, linking to successes o f the past.


So m e changes but less im pactful fo r students that are currently finding appro priate learning in current m o del.


So m e kids will benefit fro m m o re recess and creativity.


So m e students m ay succeed.


So m e students will thrive in this system . So m e faculty will be given the reso urces to m ake it wo rk.


Staying with the elem entary structure largely as it currently exists wo uld have the benefit o f no t being disruptive.





Student Po rtfo lio s are a m ust! Ano ther cho ice scho o l fo r STEAM wo uld be great. Altho ugh I think we have a lo t o f STEAM wo rk already in o ur scho o ls. We just need to do m o re o f it.


Student interest and m o tivatio n sho uld increase.


Students able to achieve m o re with m o re individualized learning


Students can learn with o ther students who are at a sim ilar academ ic level. Students who m aster m aterial quickly co uld be with o ther students who m aster m aterial quickly and their gro up co uld m o ve fo rward witho ut waiting fo r o ther students to catch up. I wo uld like to see students have m o re recess tim e.


Students have a greater sense o f belo nging when classm ates have sim ilar interests. Fewer students are bo red o r o verwhelm ed by co ursewo rk. The schedule fo r high scho o l students reduces barriers to attendance and engagem ent.


Students m ay be able to advance at the rate appro priate fo r them in different subjects.


Students m ight get m o re help if that help is creatively scheduled and the teachers have tim e to o ffer it. I do n't kno w exactly what co aches and club adviso rs will be able to do to adjust to the tim e changes.


Students that have already identified their interest can fo cus o n that area.


Students who aren't interested in the gro up's area o f study wo n't be fo rced to participate. The students who are interested will m o re tho ro ughly enjo y the gro up.


Teachers m ay be able to departm entalize and fo cus o n a subject instead o f all subjects.


Team s advance to gether...if they feel a part o f a classro o m team .


Techno lo gy is great and nice to see the district giving extra tho ught into ho w they will prepare students and staff fo r this.


The STEM idea within the scho o l is go o d.


The best thing abo ut Eden Prairie Scho o ls is its teachers and the hard wo rk they are do ing in their classro o m s. Please fo cus o n suppo rting teachers so we can retain them the go o d wo rk can co ntinue.


The changing way educatio n needs to lo o k and m o ve fro m here o n o ut.


The district sho uld identify these rewards


The flexible gro upings within grade level based o n subject m atter co m petency/interests is a go o d idea (and is already happening, to an extent). Yes to m o re elem entary recess tim e!! Elem entary students need m o re than 15 m inutes a day -- which is currently taken away fro m them if they do n't get academ ics do ne, because teachers do n't really have o ther o ptio ns; tho se are the kids who need recess m o re than ever! I like the m ultiple m etho ds o f student assessm ent, and the lo nger instructio nal tim e in junio r high.


The fo cus o n recess/creativity tim e. Elem entary scho o ls currently do no t em phasize eno ugh "free" tim e. Allo wing students to place them selves in gro ups based o n interest level.


The gro upings will be a po sitive learning enviro nm ent





The m ultiple assessm ents will pro vide o ppo rtunities to dem o nstrate each student's ability, strengths, and m astery. Also , gro uping students by pro ficiency will allo w students to strive and perfo rm at a level appro priate to them , rather than a level to o easy o r to o frustrating.


The schedules o ptio ns so und beneficial fo r students and ho pefully high scho o l teachers are willing to extend their scho o l year o ver the sum m er.


The way yo u present these 2 cho ices are abstract and co nfusing. I've heard this fro m o ther parents as well. Was this do ne o n purpo se?


There is a huge benefit to increasing recess tim e fo r elem entary age students and finding creative/break tim e fo r o lder students. All current research po ints to students who play m o re learn m o re and perfo rm better. Multiple m etho ds o f assessm ent and po rtfo lio s allo w students to sho w their gifts, engage in their learning and achieve m o re.


There needs to be m o re recess/creativity tim e!!!


This o ptio n adds a bit o f new with the co m m o n fo rm at we are accusto m ed to - so m ething that wo rks!


This seem s to be beneficial in o ther scho o l districts. We'd be "keeping up with the Jo neses".




Using m ultiple m etho ds o f assessm ent and po rtfo lio s we are allo wing students to sho w what they kno w and their perso nal learning m ay co m e o ut. Flexible gro uping can change as students learning needs change m eeting the needs o f students at a m o re perso nalized level and allo wing fo r gro wth and stum bles tho ugh o ut the year with so m e nets to catch them at different tim es in their learning abilities.


We already have flexible gro upings. What I'm m issing is co m m unicatio n fro m the vario us teachers that see m y child. Need to im plem ent a co nference schedule like CMS and EPHS so m eet with each teacher that wo rks with m y child.


We very m uch like the idea o f having m o re fo cus o n creativity and building in m o re recess tim e, and the idea o f giving children flexible schedules.


Wo rks. The children succeed. Just needs to be tweaked..NOT o verhaule.


Wo uld lo ve to see m o re flexible gro upings with instructio n based o n achievem ent / ability.


Yo ur info rm atio n is no t clear eno ugh to pro vide a respo nse.


adding o ne cho ice scho o l wo uld allo w a specializatio n which quality co uld be m aintained. Flexible gro ups based o n student interest seem s to have great po tential, altho ugh it will depend greatly o n im plem entatio n


bunching kids based o n skill levels is a very big po sitive


change wo uld be m inim al


cho ice scho o ls are great! but is o ur area (EP) ready fo r that. EHSI was fro wned upo n at first.


eases into change vs drastic change





flexibility with gro uping and assessing students


fo r o lder kids a little m o re flexable schedule so that they have tim e to sleep alo ng with everything else they do .


give specializatio n to tho se who want.


gro upings within grade based o n student co m petency/interests


keeps them with kids that learn at their speed


m o re engagem ent fro m kids


m o re flexibility


m o re in depth teaching in certain areas




new ideas


no co m m ent


no t sure


o ne o n o ne relatio nship with teacher


o verall this o ptio n seem s to be the least disruptive to a educatio n system that is already functio ning well and pro ducing results.


seem s to pro vide m o re o ptio ns fo r each learner, puts learners first


so cial skills, ability to TALK with teachers in perso n in o rder to learn.




the IB certificate co uld draw students to o ur scho o l. gro upings based o n co m petency co uld help bring the advanced students further alo ng.


yes to m o re instructio nal tim e in m iddle scho o l with an o utlet o ptio n fo r the Arts.


18. As you consider unique elements of Design Option A:What might you add or change to improve upon this draft option? Count



No ne


no ne


no thing


No thing





1 1

It is difficult to add o r change elem ents o f such a general and bro ad bullet po int PDF. There is no t eno ugh detail in the draft as o f yet.


* Pro vide "ro und the year" learning o ptio ns that co unt to ward go als * Co nsider a ho m e scho o ling po rtio n fo r parents that want it


--Add flipped classro o m learning (listen to lectures at ho m e and do ho m ewo rk in class) --Keep what wo rks well with classro o m s no w (the variety o f experiences and o ppo rtunities) and expand upo n that


-do no t lengthen the instructio nal tim e within classes. Kids canno t co ncentrate with interest fo r extended perio ds o f tim e. -MS and HS sho uld have a later scho o l start tim e after 8:30am based o n research -we need to prio ritize student health and wellness




1) Regarding the "evidence o f learning" - I have NO IDEA what is m eant by the elem ents in Optio n A. Where are the descriptio ns and exam ples o f these "m ultiple m etho ds o f assessm ent" and "student po rtfo lio s". The m aterials pro vided in advance are very po o r and no n-descriptive. I can't im agine that any parent respo nding to this survey even kno ws what they're respo nding abo ut. 2) I do n't understand why the different elem ents o f Optio n A need to be all clustered under A. I think there sho uld be co nsideratio n given to different co m binatio ns between A and B related to structure, cho ice scho o ls, evidence o f learning and schedule.


? is there any VALID research to go o ne way o r ano ther ? is there AVID in the elem . scho o ls?




A better definitio n o f the "current m o del" and ho w the "flexible gro upings within grade levels" wo uld differ fro m what the district scho o ls have no w. Definitio n fo r "creativity" tim e.


A scho o l with a year-ro und calendar, like Lo ngfello w Elem entary in Ro chester uses.


Add flexibility





Add m o re o ptio ns and m ake it less generalized.


Add: where's the research o n student achievem ent to suppo rt these changes?


Adding o ppo rtunities fo r hands o n experience fo r High Scho o lers


Additio nal clarificatio n as to what each m o del really includes, no t just nam ing the m o del o r philo so phy o f teaching.


Again, I need m o re info rm atio n.


Again, the slides m ake little to no sense to m e. The statem ents are general and undefined. I think Pre-K thro ugh 10th grade sho uld fo llo w a very traditio nal m o del o f educatio n. 11th thro ugh 12th grade students sho uld be o ffered m o re flexibility so that they can begin the pro cess o f ho ning their interests and skills. District reso urces sho uld no t be spent o n new cho ice o r fo cus scho o ls that are highly fo cused. The average co llege freshm an has a hard eno ugh tim e deciding o n a m ajo r. Pigeo n ho ling o ur elem entary, m iddle and high scho o l students into fo cused curriculum s do es them a disservice, educatio nally, pro fessio nally and perso nally. Again, give the students the co re educatio nal blo cks and let them build what they want o f them selves as their perso nalities and interests develo p. To day's art student m ight be a great STEM pro fessio nal. To day's STEM student m ight be to m o rro w's Ho llywo o d executive. To day's Spanish Em ersio n student m ay be to m o rro w's so ftware engineer based in Ho ng


Already answered


Already answered this?


Also , why is Optio n A and B no t able to be interm ingled? Maybe parts o f A and parts o f B are better to gether... instead o f just o ne vs the o ther? ? ? The ENTIRE CHOICE SCHOOL SLIDE SUCKS... We do no t need a STEM o r a STEAM scho o l.. why exclude so m any kids fro m this? Are we that elitist? ? Internatio nal Baccalaureate? Really? WE LOST a cho ice scho o l already as the District co uld no t keep them ... lam e... Ho wever, each scho o l as a CHOICE SCHOOL is asking fo r m ajo r tro uble in balancing enro llm ent - no t to m entio n that angry parents.. This who le slide is a very very po o r and sho rt sighted idea.. YIKES.. just suppo rt the Spanish Scho o l that is already here and m aybe we will believe the Bo ard and Supers can actually handle/run a Cho ice scho o l.. so far... no t to o im pressed with what I hear...


An explanatio n o f creative tim e. I'd ho pe it includes fine arts fo cus - m usic, etc. I really hate the idea o f the 8-8 schedule at the high scho o l. I feel it will bo th o verburden o ur already o verachieving kids and will also harm the sense o f co m m unity at the high scho o l by diluting the student bo dy o ver the co urse o f a 12 ho ur day. I do think that the high scho o l wo uld benefit fro m a later start. It wo uld be o k to have flexible tuto ring ho urs o r o ffice ho urs with teachers. This also creates a transpo rtatio n issue. Take this part o ut. I like the high scho o l blo ck m o del a lo t. I have had 2 kids at the high scho o l with very different learning styles and it has been great fo r bo th o f them . I ho pe it is still in place fo r m y current 6th grader!


As a no te-It is unclear to m e what links the different elem ents o f each o ptio n to gether.


Based o n current academ ic research, a reduced em phasis o n ho m ewo rk and testing, given their lim ited value in inculcating o r m easuring scho lastic aptitude. The ideal wo uld be fo r children to learn thro ugh explo ratio n and play, rather than ro te learning/m em o rizatio n.





Be careful with m aking schedules flexible at the Jr. High and High scho o l levels. I wo uld serio usly co nsider go ing back to an interm ediate scho o l.


Better definitio n o n the cho ice scho o ls vs scho o l within a scho o l pro gram . All o f this is very elem entary fo cused. What wo uld be happening differently at the m iddle and high scho o l levels?


Better library services.


Change everything fro m the beginning.


Clarificatio n o n m ultiple assessm ents and po rtfo lio s Clarificatio n o n extra recess/creativity tim e


Clarify the high scho o l scheduling o ptio ns. What are "year ro und flexible schedules"? Might there be high scho o l classes at 7PM? Clarify the "evidence o f learning". Sho rt o n details.


Clear definitio ns o f co m petency, fo r what subjects, ho w m uch extra creative o r excess tim e. What do es creative tim e m ean - arts? New ways to learn subject m atter?


Co m bine so m e facets o f A with B; Back up reco m m endatio ns with research fro m experts.


Co ncern abo ut the gro upings.


Co nsider bringing the STEM o r STEAM into the scho o l instead o f separating it fro m the scho o l so all can benefit.


Co nsider changing the "cho ice" scho o l entrance to o lder elem entary grades o r allo w flexibility to attend at a later tim e.


Co nvert the accelerated develo pm ent into an o ppo rtunity to apply to real life exam ples.


Details. Align MS and HS daily schedule to allo w MS students to take HS level co urses if they are ready.


Do n't fully the two o ptio ns as laid o ut in the presentatio n to o pine o n the risk o r rewards.


Do n't just add a STEAM cho ice scho o l, m ake ALL scho o ls STEAM scho o ls.


Do n't kno w eno ugh, but leery to suppo rt.


Dro p the year ro und 8am -8pm o ptio n


Each scho o l (elem entary thro ugh high scho o l) have varying levels o f learning fo r each grade... even if it m eans changing classro o m s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This o ptio n was used with o ur two o lder children and was a stro ng part o f why they succeeded - because they were with sim ilar (advanced/gifted) peers. Differentiated classro o m s PRO's: less instructio n o versight fo r the advanced learners while the struggling students can have m o re help. DO NOT put it upo n advanced students to "bring up" the struggling students!


Elem entary Structure - I wo uld need m o re info rm atio n abo ut ho w this is the sam e/different than what is currently in place. Cho ice Scho o l - "Add o ne" o ptio n - need m o re info abo ut co st/benefit.


Elem entary ho m ero o m co uld have +/-: shifting classro o m s thro ugho ut the day can be a beneficial o r disruptive activity depending o n the kind o f learner invo lved.





Elem entary scho o ls sho uld start earlier. Then m iddle scho o l. Then HS. There is a to n o f research aro und setting scho o l tim es that better synch with natural sleep patterns.


Elem entary structure: ideally it wo uld be fantastic to have a teacher that specializes in the subject taught but also integrates flexible gro uping


Elim inate all elem entary scho o ls being cho ice scho o ls.


Evening schedules will im pact students invo lvem ent in extra-curricular activities. Teaching schedules will beco m e flex schedules, fam ily schedules will be im pacted. Students are currently up to o late in the evening.


Every o ptio n sho uld include m o re recess and creativity tim e, no t just Optio n A. Students are currently starved o f o ppo rtunities to m o ve their bo dies.


Extended learning fo r yo unger grades, ho w do we leverage techno lo gy to reduce sum m er slide


Flexibility o f schedules and assessm ent m etho ds sho uld be acco m panied by increased o rganizatio n and tim e m anagem ent suppo rts. Scheduling sho uld acco m m o date the spectrum o f attentio n spans and needs fo r co nsistency.


Flexible gro uping changed to m o re o f an individualize learning plan, allo wing students to be surro unded by a variety o f academ ic levels, pushing them selves in their o wn perso nal go als by learning fro m a variety o f peers.


Flexible gro ups - a friend is a teacher in ano ther district. Each child is given a sco re o f 1-5 based o n behavio r and academ ic elem ents. Then when classes are assigned, no teacher is given a range o f m o re than 3 (a class can co nsist o f 1-2-3, 2-3-4, 3-4-5 students). The child and parents are no t allo wed to kno w their sco res, it's fo r staff use o nly.


Fo cus o n m o re Science curriculum starting with 6th grade. Its a LEAP fro m elem entary to m iddle scho o l and then ano ther big o ne in high scho o l. With additio n o f a STEM scho o l ho pefully o ther scho o ls have an equal o ppo rtunity to leverage STEM skills.


Fo r the m iddle scho o l with lo nger instructio nal tim e, I wo uld reco m m end keeping sam e num ber o f classes by alternating days, rather than reducing the num ber o f classes per quarter.


Fo r the schedules and calendars, co uld o nline learning (like when the teachers share a video o f the lesso n) be o ne way this takes shape?


Fo rm ative and sum m artive assessm ents need to be a co m m o n assessm ent base no t unique to o ne o ptio n




Further define subject m atter gro ups at elem entary level and ho w inclusio n will be determ ined. Additio nally, elim inate KEY pro gram at all elem entary scho o ls at it serves very few students currently, and selectio n to test into is arbitrarily selected. Instead, have a KEY-like pro gram fo r all subject m atters based o n interest and co m petency in specific subject m atter.


Get rid o f co m m o n co re standards. We guarantee the right to the o ppo rtunity to educatio n. If peo ple do n't wish to use that privilege, that's there pro blem


Get rid o f the cho ice scho o l no tio n. Having parents decide what their kids sho uld fo cus o n at age 4 o r 5 m akes no sense.





Give m o re details o n ho w that "lo nger instructio nal tim e" will lo o k like in the schedule fo r the m iddle scho o l.


Give teachers m o re autho rity


Hate revising m iddle scho o l to be 6-8....been there do ne that and no t necessary


Have all 3 levels o f scho o l in the sam e type o f schedule, i.e. blo ck learning tim es with less m o vem ent/transitio n.


Have the scho o l day be the sam e.


Having ano ther Cho ice Scho o l o ptio n like B2 wo uld be helpful. Optio n A is o ur o verall preferred cho ice, but there are so m e elem ents o f Optio n B that seem like they'd m ake sense here.


High scho o l, 8Am -8PM and year ro und-m ay take away fro m the high scho o l spirit/enviro nm ent. It beco m es m o re like a co llege cam pus instead o f im pt m aturing years o f high scho o l. I wo uld stick to no rm al HS sched with academ ic suppo rt in evenings and po ssibly o ptio nal classes in sum m er, but no t year ro und scho o l with different tim e o ff etc. I wo uld take away o ptio n o f o ne additio nal cho ice scho o l.


Ho m ero o m and "m ajo r teacher" are needed at elem . even tho ugh students m ay go to different teachers fo r vario us gro upings. Who is go ing to really kno w the student as a perso n and a learner rather than just a reader o r m ath perso n etc.


Ho pefully yo u'll add so m e co ncrete curriculum rather than spending so m uch m o ney and tim e o n teachers creating their o wn curriculum .


Ho w we will fund a change in a schedule at the m iddle scho o l. Maybe a different draft fo r staff to pro vide m o re info rm atio n o n what each o f these ideas im plies. What will the schedules lo o k like specifically, what will the pro fessio nal develo pm ent lo o k like to change the practices that we have in place currently.


Hybrid appro ach to evidence o f learning between the two m o dels and I appreciate adding in a student co m po nent but wo uld no t tie a grad requirem ent to it Instructio nal tim e in bo th m o dels need to be lo nger at the m iddle and high scho o l level. Sho uld be flexibility o f cho ice fo r so m e o f that tim e whether it's wo rk credit, ho m ewo rk assistance o r pro ject based. Calendars need to beco m e m o re real tim e and interactive


I agree with the ideas presented in this o ptio n thro ugh m iddle scho o l. The current elem entary m o del wo rks well, I think the District is do ing well, but it is go o d to allo w fo r so m e additio nal flexibility and also to pro vide lo nger recess/play/creative tim e. This is im po rtant. I agree with adding o ne to two cho ice elem entary scho o ls to increase o ptio ns and fewer transitio ns fo r m iddle scho o lers in their schedules. Also agree with m ultiple m etho ds fo r assessm ent. Fo r high scho o l, suggest inco rpo rating the suggested Optio n B rather than what is in Optio n A -- ie flexible schedules that allo w fo r internships and pro ject-based o r lab experiences.


I am no t sure that we need to have m o re m etho ds o f assessing kids. They already take to o m any "standardized tests" that really do n't say m uch abo ut that students wo rk and o nly help to give a grade fo r the district.


I am o k with lo nger days in Middle Scho o l. Ho wever, I want the kids to have PE m o re than a quarter o f the year. They need this year ro und -- lo o k at so ciety to day. Overweight and o ut o f shape


I am repeating what I said fo r bo th Design Optio ns A and B because m y answer still applies. I wo uld co ntinue o ur current m o del o f learning and add back in the suppo rt system s we used to have to help each student.


I am unclear o n this





I am unsure ho w the High Scho o l schedule will be im plem ented. Otherwise, I like this o ptio n as lo ng as the abo ve risks are m itigated.


I can't nam e anything specifically


I dig it


I do no t suppo rt this Optio n.


I do n't believe o ur leadership will be successful im plem enting huge changes like these. Our staff is already insanely frustrated. Many o f us do n't have faith yo u guys can lead this ship in the right directio n.


I do n't feel like I can m ake an educated decisio n based o n the info rm atio n pro vided in the elem entary structure sectio n. Please pro vide better definitio ns and exam ples: what is the difference between the current and academ y m o del. What are the m ultiple m etho ds o f assessm ent that will be used in the evidence o f learning sectio n?


I do n't kno w.


I do n't think 8am -8pm will be very effective. Many high scho o l students are invo lved in spo rts o r wo rk after scho o l. They need the co nsistency o f a schedule that allo ws them to pursue tho se o ther activities after regular scho o l ho urs. I also do n't think m any students will return to scho o l later fo r assistance/tuto ring.


I do n't think yo u've m ade the case fo r what yo u're trying to acco m plish. I watched the video o f the input sessio n led by the Team Wo rks representative and I was sho cked at the respo nse to an audience m em bers questio n at the 35 m inute m ark. Basically, the audience m em ber was asking fo r clarificatio n o n what the "academ y m o del" was. I tho ught she was fairly elo quent in saying she wanted to pro vide m eaningful input, but that she wasn't clear o n the definitio n o f the term s o r ho w it differed fro m what we have no w, and she was to ld that m o re info rm atio n wo uld be co m ing during the im plem entatio n phase! I tho ught it sham eful to no t answer her questio n (which was also a questio n running thro ugh m y head as I watched the video ) and it m akes m e wo nder if yo u're really interested in input, o r if yo u just want to be able to retro actively state that yo u had a pro cess to co llect stakeho lder input after yo u do want yo u've decided yo u want to do . Yo u sho uld pro vide co ntext o n ho w yo u cam e up with


I do n't understand the need to have high scho o l o ptio ns fro m 8am to 8pm . At that age, scho o l is yo ur jo b. Keep the ho urs as is. The flexibility co uld weaken the educatio n o fferings acro ss the bo ard. Do n't pursue IB/STEM scho o ls. Keep a well-ro unded pro gram in place and fo cus o n reaching kids and inspiring them to learn.


I do n't understand what the desired benefits o f this are o r ho w they relate to the purpo se


I feel it to o vague to kno w what to change o r im pro ve. I wo rry that I am interpreting it inco rrectly due to its vagueness.


I have m entio ned o n the risks the things I see co nflict with.


I like Optio n A better than Optio n B.


I like it.


I like that it fo cuses o n individual learning





I like the high scho o l pro gram idea with Optio n B (lab tim e, internship, etc). It feels like this fits with Optio n A as well.


I like the idea o f the capsto ne pro ject that co uld tie learning to gether in m any different ways and wo nder if that co uld be added to Optio n A? Overall, I prefer Optio n A.


I like the scho o l within a scho o l like Eagle Heights pro vides. Wo uld do ing this fo r o ther disciplines like STEAM, pro vide the o ppo rtunity fo r m o re kids to get the experience within their zo ned scho o ls?


I prefer to have the accelerated classes in the scho o l the child wo uld no rm ally attend, no t a separate scho o l.


I pro vided input at the in-perso n sessio ns o n 5/25/16


I really do n't get the until 8pm at EPHS. It's no t instructio n, but study space at these o ff ho urs. It wo uld help if study tables were left o ut early m o rning. My child likes to co m e o ver early to study away fro m distractio n o f ho m e, but no where to go .


I stro ngly enco urage a reco nsideratio n o n gro upings based o n skills. This is a dangero usly slippery slo pe.


I think that Optio n A needs to have m o re fo cus o n academ ics used in the real wo rld - it seem s to lo o se fo r m e


I think we need to go back to the beginning and think abo ut o ptio ns. I do n't think the initial survey o r the pro cess has included the diversity o f vo ices in o ur co m m unity. It feels co ntrived - that the survey and initial planning was geared to o ne type o f o utco m e - so its hard to co m m ent o n the two cho ices when they do n't really feel like cho ices that represent different ideas.


I think yo u co uld still infuse m o re recess/creativity tim e within the scho o l day that gets kids active and o ut while learning. The wo rld is o ur classro o m and children can learn while having fun to o . We sho uld try to inco rpo rate m o re "fun" learning tim e. An exam ple wo uld be m o deled after the classes in EPIC Sum m er Cam p. (bugs, fashio n design, wo rld travels etc. )


I tho ught they were basically bo th generic term s that wo uld eventually end in the sam e o utco m e. I o nly saw the o nline video and presentatio n and that had very little real substance.


I wo o d better define the schedule o ptio ns o f seco ndary. What exactly wo uld that lo o k like and ho w wo uld it be run? I wo uld also add m o re details o f what m etho ds o f assessm ents wo uld be used at each level and ho w tho se wo uld co nnect with all levels o f educatio n to m ake fo r info rm atio n that can be used k-12.


I wo uld add a STEM scho o l, but keep the o ther scho o ls as neighbo rho o d scho o ls. The lo ttery system is no t fair and educatio n is to o im po rtant.


I wo uld add student health and wellness as a prio rity which wo uld result in m o re recess tim e fo r yo unger students and later start tim es fo r o lder students.


I wo uld add what teachers have to say abo ut these o ptio ns as they are the experts...I wo uld let parents hear what teachers have to say abo ut the pro s and co ns. Unless o ne has an educatio nal backgro und o r do es their o wn extensive research m uch o f what is said o n Optio n A and Optio n B parents do n't have an understanding o f what tho se o ptio n "lo o k like" in practice. They just do n't.


I wo uld be cautio us abo ut student interest gro upings.





I wo uld cap class size requirem ents at a reaso nable size which reflects all o ther scho o ls in the district. I wo uld ensure staff receives pro per training and po ssesses co rrect licensure befo re m o ving fo rward.


I wo uld change the separate cho ice scho o ls


I wo uld co m bine o ptio n A with the schedule o ptio n B. This pro vides flexibility and structure needed.


I wo uld elim inate cho ice. I think the pro cess o f beginning scho o l is easier if districts have a co ncrete pro cess witho ut any so rt o f "lo ttery" fo r cho ice.


I wo uld hate to see levels created in 1st grade that carry fo rth until 5th grade. Students co uld get catego rized to o yo ung and never m o ved.


I wo uld include the capsto ne & internship in Design o ptio n A.


I wo uld like to add the o ptio n to no t add ano ther cho ice scho o l OR have each building be a cho ice scho o l.


I wo uld like to see the district keep the neighbo rho o d scho o l m o del and fo cus o n m axim izing the o peratio n and perfo rm ance o f the neighbo rho o d scho o ls.


I wo uld like to see the spanish special elim inated in the elem entary scho o ls and use that tim e fo r m o re relevant instructio n. I wo uld like to m ake sure that the Mo saic pro gram stays in place, as well as Spanish Im m ersio n (which it states o n the slides).


I wo uld lo ve to see an o ptio n where kids get gym m o re than o nce every 4 days.


I wo uld lo ve to see if there are o ptio ns available fo r advanced students who co uld benefit fro m a greater challenge.


I wo uld no t add a cho ice scho o l.


I wo uld reco m m end the appro ach, but have it acro ss the full district, no t just in a 'cho ice' lo catio n. All students/all lo catio ns sho uld have equal o ppo rtunities.


I'd like to see peer reviewed research to sho w these are the best practices.


I'm co ncerned abo ut the viability o f o ffering instructio n o ptio ns fro m 8 am to 8 pm . I feel there co uld po tentially be serio us staffing issues.


I'm no t in favo r o f the flexible year ro und scho o l o ptio n. My kids need structure and are no t self-directed learners (unfo rtunately, so m e kids just aren't wired that way). A m o re traditio nal scho o l m o del sim ilar to what they are used to is go o d fo r them rather than having to o m uch flexibility with either o ptio n A o r B.


I'm no t sure ho w either o ptio n prepares students to be pro blem so lvers and critical thinkers in regards to thinking abo ut the challenges we are facing as a so ciety and the type o f citizens we need to actively create change fo r justice.


I'm no t sure. I'd like to see so m e descriptio n o f ho w flexible gro upings wo uld be determ ined and im plem ented. I just fo und the slides with all the additio nal detail o n Optio ns A & B and feel o verwhelm ed, trying to co m m ent o n everything in this fo rm at.





I'm wo ndering what research is being used to lo o k at gro uping students based o n ability. Current research sho ws that students needs are better m et in hetero geneo us gro ups and that students tend to get "tracked" in ho m o geno us gro upings.




Idea o f a STEM o r STEAM scho o l is really go o d, but I wo uld like all o f the scho o ls to be STEM/STEAM and no t just o ne.


If I understand it co rrectly, the students wo uld stay at their "neighbo rho o d" scho o l? I think this is a valuable thing.


If cho ice scho o ls are to be added, they need to system ically be fo r everyo ne. We CANNOT leave o ur fam ilies o f co lo r and o ur lo w inco m e fam ilies o ut. That is racist.


If lo nger blo cks o f tim e are built into m iddle scho o l, pro vide trading to teachers o n ho w to effectively use that tim e. Also with the flexible gro uping, particularly by ability levels, that parents wo uld be aware and info rm ed when this is happening.


If there is a great deal o f interest in STEM and STEAM at the elem entary level why no t infuse this into the current scho o ls to a m uch greater degree to avo id the difficulties invo lved in adding ano ther cho ice scho o l


If there is a way to keep the K-6 m o del I wo uld prefer that, I do n't understand why we need to shift again.​​


Im plem enting plans that the m ino rity students can have the sam e appo rtunaty.


In additio n to flexible gro upings within the grade levels. I wo uld like to see gro upings o utside o f grade levels as well. I think there are great benefits to having o lder m o dels.


Increase arts/m usic


Increm ental changes are m o re acceptable and easier to im plem ent.


It is hard to say witho ut m o re details surro unding ho w each m ight be im plem ented.


Just m ake sure the recess and creativity tim e is a bit structured so no t wasted


Keep yo unger elem entary students (K-4) with o ne classro o m teacher in o rder to develo p relatio nships during these yo unger, less m ature years.


Later start tim es fo r m iddle scho o l and high scho o l. Earlier start tim es fo r elem entary scho o l


Less "creative tim e", as this wo uld lead to just wasted tim e when real learning co uld be taking place.


Less changing grades aro und


Let teachers decide what is best fo r students. This district is WAY o ff track when it co m es to putting students first. It is no w all abo ut schewed data and grade inflatio n.


Lo o k at the space (building/classro o m s) to pro vide these o ppo rtunities fo r students.





Magnet scho o ls benefit fro m cho ice and o ften pull highly co m m itted fam ilies and students to their pro gram . This m ay be a benefit fo r the district o verall, but m ay co m e at the expense o f o ther scho o ls within the district.


Make it m o re clear what yo u are trying to acco m plish. What is the pro blem yo u are trying to so lve?


Make sure that assessm ents cater to all learning types, as well as the teaching. Make assessm ents relevant to real life.


Make sure that gro upings do no t beco m e "gro ups o r cliques" I think kids need to interact with different kids, o pinio ns etc. to have the best experience.


Making sure that fo cus rem ains o n m astering the basics befo re kids are pushed to m o ve o n to the next thing. So m any tim es the kids are just m o ved alo ng to m eet testing standards and they have no t yet m astered the basics o f spelling/literacy and the fo ur BASIC m ath co ncepts.


Mo re definitio n aro und "current m o del" and academ y m o del. Co ncerned the "current m o del" is no t a true representatio n o f all elem entary scho o ls.


Mo re detail o f the type o f cho ice scho o l and why is that the best cho ice fo r EP.


Mo re digital pro ject fo r high scho o l levels. I'm no t sure abo ut lo nger instructio nal tim e at m iddle scho o l level. I do kno w that I do no t like the idea o f 'flip' instructio n at the high scho o l - no t sure if this wo uld be included in this plan o r no t.


Mo re exam ples o r criteria fo r selecting this o ptio n fo r o ur children


Mo re m o vem ent / so cial tim e fo r upper grades. Instead o f 10 m o re m in o f recess ho w abo ut 0 ho ur gym class every day fo r elem entary.


Mo re specifics


Mo re tim e to get details in line and sho w the benefits to kids and fam ilies.


Mo ve MOSAIC to its o wn scho o l, this sho uld be a prio rity, rather than splitting within two scho o ls. Sim ilar to the Spanish Im m ersio n, this co uld be co nsidered a 'cho ice' scho o l.


My kindergartner is in a class that uses this set up and it seem s to wo rk very well. I like it.


My o pinio n is that this o ptio n wo uld be m uch m o re expensive, as pro per m o nito ring and co m m unicatio n will place a huge burden o n the Teachers. Rem em ber two things, m o st students will use any po ssible excuse to get o ut o f wo rk, and m o st students do no t kno w what directio n they want to go o r will change directio n m ultiple tim es during their educatio n.


My respo nses are the sam e as fro m the previo us questio ns.






NO MORE CHOICE SCHOOLS. Sto p breaking do wn the co re-yo u weaken educatio n fo r all the kids left behind.









Need to dem o nstrate ho w students currently no t pro ficient at grade level will beco m e pro ficient (30% o f students).


Need to understand what a "cho ice" scho o l is, beyo nd that which we already have with Spanish im m ersio n.


Needs m uch m o re data/info rm atio n befo re I co uld tho ro ughly advo cate fo r o r against it . . . again, to o bro ad o f an explanatio n with no necessary details.


No Co m m ents


No cho ice scho o l and keep the sam e start tim es.


No cho ice scho o l is added.


No co nfidence in this leadership.


No reco m m endatio ns


No sure. We pro bably need to ensure that kids are no t slo wed do wn in these learning gro ups...but rather enhanced and challenged.


No t a fan o f the 8am - 8pm co ncept. Bo th teachers and kids need do wn tim e. Wo uld need to flesh this o ut to see what it m eans in term s o f predictable fam ily tim e.


No t eno ugh detail has been pro vided.


No t extending high scho o l class tim e to 8pm o r to year ro und. So m ewhat later start tim es fo r m iddle and high scho o l students to m ake it easier fo r them to get a healthy night's sleep.


No t m uch if anything at all


No t sure, but wo uld lo ve to assist in the m o vem ent o nce the big pieces have fallen into place.


No t sure.


No thing since the co m m o n elem ents im plies pro ject based learning wo uld be a part o f this o ptio n.


No thing.


Ok, first o f all, as far as I can tell we received the em ail with this survey On Friday June 3rd and were asked to co m plete it o n the sam e day, by June 3rd, which m eans I wo uld have to either take m y prep ho ur o r m y perso nal tim e to co m plete the survey.....a perfect exam ple o f what I m entio ned befo re...ho w o ur tim e as a teaching staff is no t valued. The o ther po ssibility is that filling o ut the survey is m erely a fo rm ality and yo u have no intentio n o f listening to o ur input. Seco nd o f all, there is no explanatio n/clarificatio n o f any o f the term s o r co ncepts in the info rm atio n. I can't vo te o n so m ething that I have had abo ut 10 m inutes to lo o k at. Clearly this to pic is so m ething that deserves m uch m o re discussio n and clarificatio n than o ne em ail and a survey taken with 10 m inutes o f preparatio n. This is so m ething that needs to be do ne o n a wo rksho p o r pro fessio nal develo pm ent day so we can fully explo re all o f the o ptio ns and m ake the best cho ice fo r o ur student po pulatio n.


Optio n A and B seem to be the sam e but wo rded differently.





Optio n A needs m o re clarity.


Optio n A: Despite a fo cus o n STEM, students need to be taught English, Business and Wo rld Language Skill as well.


PLEASE have 30 m inutes o f recess at an elem entary level. Get rid o f yo ur elem entary Spanish pro gram . It do es no t wo rk, bo th o f m y child can't even say ONE co m plete sentence in Spanish. They have been in this class fo r five years. This pro gram is NOT effective. Recess is far m o re im po rtant fo r num ero us researched health benefits.


Perfo rm interest test and then design pro gram . Teacher o r parents assessm ent can be biased o r inco rrect t


Please do no t m o ve EHSI students to CMS!


Please enhance their im aginatio n and creativity . Takeaway ipad fro m their lives.


Po rtfo lio evidence is great, but it so m etim es beco m es the hurdle that keeps a student fro m finishing. Ho w can suppo rt be built in to help students with that?


Pro bably the best o ptio n; m ake sure the additio nal recess tim e is added; rem o ve the "cho ice scho o l" o ptio n. Take high scho o l schedule o ptio n m o re fro m Optio n B fo r this o ne. No te: do no t change scho o l schedules am o ng different grade levels so they do n't co o rdinate! District just fixed this a co uple years ago ; fam ilies with kids in different levels had co m pletely unco o rdinated no -scho o l day/vacatio n schedules. Do n't go back to that.


Pro vide a fleshed o ut o ptio n, no t just a bunch o f buzz wo rds and educatio nal jargo n! This m akes m e questio n the scho o l's ability to m ake m assive change, if these are the level o f o ptio ns pro vided fo r public o pinio n.


Pro vide m o re details abo ut ho w students are gro uped and pro vide a schedule o r plan fo r when students are evaluated to be m o ved between gro ups.


Pro vide m o re specifics abo ut each plan.


Pro vide so m e actual data to suppo rt ho w and why this o ptio n will actually help achieve the academ ic visio n. Surely there are exam ples o f ho w well such changes have wo rked in o ther districts. If no t, then why is it being co nsidered.


References. Data.


Rem o ve cho ice scho o ls fro m the elem entary o ptio ns. Inco rpo rate STEAM and pro ject based learning into the co re educatio nal pro cess at every scho o l, increasing the sco pe as grade levels increase.


STEM sho uld no t be a "cho ice" scho o l, it is im po rtant eno ugh that all scho o ls sho uld design aro und enhancem ent o f these skills fo r everyo ne. Additio nally, gift and talented sho uld no t be a cho ice scho o l like so m e districts do (IB is a great pro gram and I'm no t trying to co nfuse the two ). As a fo rm er "g&t" student, I saw a line drawn and tho se left o ut quickly suffered and were unable to change their stars after that po int.


See abo ve. (m o st o f these suggestio ns are still very vague. I do n't have m uch input o n ho w to change it)


See previo us.





So m e po ints are to o vague -- m ultiple m etho ds o f assessm ent vs fo rm ative and sum m ative assessm ents o n the o ther o ptio n. What is the difference? Adding tim e fo r "creativity" and m o re recess -- what do es this take the place o f o r is the day lengthened? Can't be all things to all peo ple.


Specific and m easurable go als


Specifically call o ut internatio nal languages and o ffering so m ething like STEM and Spanish Im m ersio n, no t o ne o r the o ther. Co ntinued fo cus o n language fo r im m ersio n students as they pro gress o ut o f Elem entary.


Specify what is m eant by m o re creativity tim e. I think lo nger and required classes in m usic and art wo uld be m o re appro priate than teachers trying to co m e up with ideas o r o ther gro ups finding activities that sho w o ff the latest and greatest techno lo gy.


Stick to o ne o ptio n.


Take o ut year-ro und


Teacher training


Team ing m ust stay in the Middle Scho o l! As a fo rm er CMS teacher - team ing was the best thing fo r o ur students and created such a co llabo rative and suppo rtive enviro nm ent.


The fo cus o f o ur district sho uld be helping teachers do their jo bs. They are do ing am azing things everyday with o ur children. Please put the m o ney spent o n reinventing the wheel to ward teachers salaries and lo wering class sizes to m ake every student's educatio nal experience the best it can be. Teacher retentio n is a huge issue and the district needs to wo rk diligently to keep o ur teachers and increase staff m o rale.


The high scho o l schedule piece seem s vague. I'm no t sure what the go al is - let kids sleep in? go to scho o l aro und jo bs/internships? spread o ut their studies? I understand leaving ro o m to define the actual structure, but I'm no t sure yo u've articulated the go al.


The o nly thing I like abo ut Optio n A is the additio n o f m o re recess and creativity tim e.


The schedule and assessm ent o ptio ns are no t clearly defined. Mo re info rm atio n is needed o n ho w these wo uld wo rk.


The separate scho o l, such as a STEM scho o l, co uld still be seen as exclusive o r segregated. I still think the better o ptio n is to have the pro gram integrated into the sam e scho o l.


The way yo u present these 2 cho ices are abstract and co nfusing. I've heard this fro m o ther parents as well. Was this do ne o n purpo se?


There is no t eno ugh info rm atio n to adequately prefer o ne o ptio n o ver the o ther. It appears that in bo th scenario s students wo uld receive the general subject m atter and have a ho m ero o m teacher.


Track 2 co nsideratio n


Utilize m o re o f Optio n B's Schedules & Calendars.





We have been thro ugh several cycles o f funding reductio ns, and here at the high scho o l several wo nderful pro gram s that featured co llabo ratio n, cutting edge use o f techno lo gy, creative scheduling, m ulti-disciplinary team ing and effective student engagem ent were cut because they were to o challenging to schedule and to o "expensive" to co ntinue. Likewise, suppo rt fo r o ur academ ically at risk students was cut when the high scho o l lo st funding fo r all o f the parapro fessio nal po sitio ns assigned to the co ntent area reso urce centers. They currently run with parent vo lunteers, but that in itself causes po tential co nfidentiality and service delivery pro blem s. Ho w abo ut we lo o k at lo st item s that had huge value and replace so m e o f them ? They had a pro ven po sitive effect.


What are o ther cho ice scho o l o ptio ns? Why just tho se listed? Why just tho se in the o riginal survey?


What are so m e o f the po ssible m etho ds o f assessm ent?


Why separate a cho ice scho o l vs having a cho ice sectio n?


Will a STEM scho o l drive im pro vem ents in girls participatio n and co ntinued success in these areas?


Wo uld elem entary be flexible gro uped with o ut age lim its (i.e. 2nd grader {in age} co uld learn with 4th graders {in age} fo r m ath if they were passio nate o r accelerated? What happens to gifted? Mo saic? If learning is perso nalized then learners are truly being m et where they are and pull o uts beco m e less (un) necessary.


Wo uld like the 'm o re recess' fo r bo th o ptio ns Clarify where the Spanish Im m ersio n scho o l fits in and if additio nal Im m ersio ns m ight o ccur, ie French.


Wo uld like to see a m iddle scho o l / high scho o l o ptio n fo r the Spanish Im m ersio n scho o l kids to co ntinue in their m ulti lingual educatio n with an additio nal fo reign language added to the m ix in m iddle scho o l. At m iddle scho o l level the m ath, science and English literature and histo ry classes sho uld be in English but there sho uld also be so cial studies, cultural expo sure, literature and gram m ar classes in Spanish and in the additio nal fo reign language. ART and STEM sho uld also be a co re co m po nent o f this new scho o l.


Yo ur info rm atio n is no t clear eno ugh to pro vide a respo nse.


ask the 6 grade teachers ho w to m ake the change so kids aren't to o scared


co nsider inco rpo rating m o re STEM/STEAM classes into all the scho o ls witho ut necessitating specializatio n o f every scho o l


elim inate high scho o l being a la carte fro m 8 to 8


get rid o f no rm al elem entary ho urs/schedule; elim inate m ultiple transitio ns during the day, extend the day by 20 m inutes to give teacher 50 m inute preps and students 30 m inute recess.


m aking sure there are check ins in place fo r high scho o l so a child do esn't get lo st in the m o re o pen enviro nm ent/system . co ntinue to o ffer speciality areas fo r kids/parents to explo re


m iddle: lo nger instructio nal tim e- as lo ng as it's no t m o re talking heads at the fro nt o f the class. These students need hands o n invo lvem ent o r they'll be twice as bo red. I see cho ice scho o ls separating the "haves" fro m the "have no ts". Ho w will the scho o ls m easure success?


m o re ho urs to the scho o l day


no t sure.





po tentially adjust the specials allo tm ent to integrate wo rld language to be a wo rld culture class that is aligned into regular class wo rk. Leaving better ro tatio n fo r the 3 rem aining blo cks (gym , art, m usic)


pro bably no change


year ro und m o del expanded to PreK-12, no t just HS


19. As you consider unique elements of Design Option B:Please identify risks that will need to be considered with this option Count





No t sure

1 1

At the elem entary level, m o re tim e with the "m ain ho m ero o m teacher" will allo w fo r a deeper understanding o f the individual needs o f each child. By m o ving to m o re o f a "ho m ero o m teacher" and blo ck teachers fo r vario us subjects, students will be co m e m o re o f a "num ber".


I am repeating what I said fo r bo th Design Optio ns A and B because m y answer still applies. Kno wing what I do based o n years o f teaching "regular" students and "gifted" students go ing to highly-selective co lleges, I see very few students who wo uld be ready fo r an independently-driven learning m o del. As it is no w, students at the high scho o l have to pro dded and fo rced to do so m ething academ ic to suppo rt their learning during CORE. I am co ncerned that like so m any inno vated educatio nal refo rm s I have seen at EPHS o ver the years, this is ano ther o ne that will garner a lo t o f publicity fo r the district but fail o ur students and teachers. It m ay result in a system that will underserve o ur students o f greatest need--students who need so m uch m o re directio n than we think we do and who do no t have the parental suppo rt to guide them . Co lleagues are very upset that there has no t been an all-scho o l faculty m eeting to present these o ptio ns in co m m unity but given these o ptio ns to us thr


I believe this m o del co uld create m o re "segregated" scho o ls. I wo uld wo rry there co uld be diversity im balances.


It is difficult to add o r change elem ents o f such a general and bro ad bullet po int PDF. There is no t eno ugh detail in the draft as o f yet.


* To o m uch segregatio n to o early (because o f Cho ice scho o ls) * Do n't fo rget to m ake the assessm ent m easures bro ad and ho listic.


*Having to decide a scho o l with a particular fo cus fo r yo ur child at such a yo ung age co uld be very difficult. *Kids m ay still no t kno w what area they want to fo cus fo r the Capsto ne Pro ject at the end o f high scho o l. *We have to be careful to no t push kids to decide what they want to be to o early. So m e kids in co llege do n't always kno w.


*each scho o l is a cho ice scho o l m ay create higher po pulatio n in class size fo r so m e scho o l co m pared to o thers


- kids/parents m ay cho o se cho ice scho o ls based o n friendships rather than o n skills o r interest - capsto ne pro ject wo uld need to be designed to wards student success, and wo uld need to steer clear o f "grading o n a curve"


-I do n't like the idea o f each elem entary scho o l being a cho ice scho o l with a distinct fo cus. The district wo uld be taking o n m o re than it co uld handle. Mo re cho ice do esn't m ean better. Do fewer things well. -I do n't like the fo cus areas alternate by grade level. It wo uld m ake it challenging fo r kids m o ving into /o ut o f district to m iss an entire grades wo rth o f kno wledge o f a specific fo cus area. -please define academ y m o del? -o n o ne hand I like the idea o f a capsto ne pro ject, but o n the o ther hand it co uld pro vide a lo t o f heightened pressure fo r HS students if it is no t clo sely supervised and guided.





-So m any differences in o ur scho o ls with race, ethnicity, language, intelligence, expectatio ns, behavio r. It m ust be such a challenge fo r teachers. -Mo ving to different classro o m s such as in o ptio n A in elem entary allo ws fo r a little extra large-m o to r skill tim e. -Need to take into co nsideratio n wo rking parents as the vast m ajo rity o f ho m es are no w dual-inco m e


-The Eden Prairie Scho o l District sho uld act in the best interest o f o ur children by enacting a po licy that ensures that every elem entary student receives a daily m inim um o f 30 m inutes o f unstructured supervised recess.




1) I do no t like the idea o f each elem entary scho o l being a "cho ice" scho o l with a distinct fo cus. I think each scho o l sho uld be neighbo rho o d based and o ffer o ptio ns within the scho o l fo r fo cused o r accelerated study. I do n't want m y kids go ing to different scho o ls and I do n't want to be driving acro ss to wn to get them to and fro m scho o l every day.


1) Research o n charter scho o l lo catio n indicates that m o st peo ple cho o se scho o ls that are clo sest to their ho m es. "Cho ice" privileges tho se who already have additio nal reso urces rather than tho se needing m o re assistance. 2) Alternative [subject] fo cus by grade level wo uld po se a serio us pro blem fo r fam ilies who either transfer in to the district, o r transfer o ut. Inno vatio n is great, but when it do esn't track with scho o ls in o ther districts/states, it po ses serio us curriculum challenges fo r peo ple who m o ve o ften. 3) The m o re "success" depends o n pro jects (e.g., capsto ne pro ject), the m o re I wo rry abo ut validity and reliability in evaluating the pro jects.


1. Mo ving classro o m s and teachers fo r yo unger elem entary grades co uld be disruptive and difficult fo r so m e kids. 2. Disrupts neighbo rho o d co nnectio ns and clo seness if each scho o l is a separate cho ice scho o l. 3. May increase transpo rtatio n co st if each scho o l is a separate cho ice scho o l.


1. The transitio n between classes and teachers m ay be to o disruptive fo r so m e kids in early elem entary grades. 2. With each scho o l being a separate cho ice scho o l, this m ay result in neighbo rho o ds beco m e less co nnected with the scho o l. 3. With each scho o l being a separate cho ice scho o l, this m ay result in significantly higher transpo rtatio n co sts.


6 different cho ice scho o ls? What wo uld they all be? Ho w wo uld parents cho o se? All kids are bused all o ver the district? 'Inno vative schedule' TBD. Ho w can we pro vide input o n 'TBD'? Elem entary scho o ls with different schedules?




A student po rtfo lio as part o f grad requirem ent wo uld put co nsiderably m o re stress o n students who are already very stressed by scho o l. Ho w do yo u deal with students transferring into the district? A Capsto ne Pro ject m ight be fine fo r students who have a go o d sense o f where they want to go in life but having students fo cus o n seco ndary co ursewo rk to be able to pro duct this elim inates m uch o ppo rtunity fo r explo ratio n when that is really what students sho uld be do ing in high scho o l.


Academ ic Mo del to o early fo r elem entary scho o l kids, especiallt tho se in grades 1-4 Parents who have kids o f different interests are likely to be in several different scho o ls, which m akes it difficult with tim ing Taxpayers currently pay m o re fo r living in different lo catio ns -- this will hurt pro perty values


Academ y m o del co uld be daunting and scary fo r anxio us/transitio n challenged yo unger children, e.g. co nsider no t applying under grade 3. Applying the cho ice elem entry will be very disruptive to current students. Also m ay create issues fo r wo rking parents, e.g. I wo uld be unlikely to co nsider scho o ls that are no t clo se due to burden o r pick-up dro p o ff fo r the further scho o ls. What exactly do es "m o re flexibility" m ean this is very nebulo us





Academ y m o del has a lo t o f m o vem ent during the day fo r elem entary students - research sho ws this is no t always po sitive fo r elem entary students. Seco ndary capsto ne pro ject is a m assive undertaking and will need a great deal o f suppo rt to succeed. Is this where we need to put tho se reso urces o r are there o ther areas just as deserving? Many o f the o ptio ns appear to be to o fragm t eno ugh detail


Academ y m o del has been pro ven to m iss well o ver 60% o f the students.. Making each scho o l a CHOICE is dangero us fo r scho o l enro llm ent num bers, bo undaries and angry parents.. ho w do we kno w what CHOICE scho o l is best? Do we need to m ake ALL the EP scho o ls an experim ent? Great danger in having so m e scho o ls o verly attended and o thers em pty.. DUMB idea.. so so so bad... Po rtfo lio co o l Capsto ne Pro ject co o l but the fo rm ative and sum m ative assessm ents - will these be the standardized test and ho w do we fit that into the Po rtfo lio s. Risk o f tim e the teachers need to spend o n bringing this all to gether..


Academ y m o del is to o destabilizing fo r sm all children and do es no t allo w fo r any o ne teacher to get to kno w the child well eno ugh to help them succeed o r kno w if they are no t


Academ y m o del to o radically different fro m current m o del? Unclear abo ut definitio n o f Academ y m o del.


Again I feel there is no t eno ugh info rm atio n in the do cum ent to fully identify risks. They wo uld be sim ilar to tho se o f Optio n A.


Again, I am VERY co ncerned that o ur fam ilies o f co lo r and lo w-inco m e o r less-educated fam ilies will get the sho rt end o f the stick with a system in which all scho o ls are cho ice scho o ls. Ho w wo uld they be guaranteed to have real cho ice, even if they do n't register until late? Ho w wo uld o ptio ns be explained to them so that they co uld understand them and m ake legitim ate cho ices? And, ho w o n earth wo uld the district pay fo r district-wide transpo rtatio n to all cho ice scho o ls? ? ? So m e co urses, like m ath and languages, wo rk better when students can wo rk o n them daily, so a blo ck schedule at the m iddle scho o l wo uld wo rsen the situatio n that the high scho o l is already facing in tho se areas.


Again, the o nly Elem ent that m akes m e nervo us abo ut Optio n B is the Cho ice o f Elem entary Scho o l - pro m o tes separatio n. Altho ugh so m e wo uld argue it pro m o tes co m m unity within co m m unity, o ften this results in an attitude o f "us" and "them " and do es no t pro m o te em bracing o ur diversity in different levels o f learners, different backgro und, lifestyle, etc. Fo r exam ple, as an academ ic success, it was invaluable fo r m e to sit and learn side by side with o thers who were successful academ ically but also with tho se who were m o re successful in the arts o r hands o n learning, etc.


All cho ice scho o ls again m ay result in resegregatio n Mo re bussing co sts? Teacher shuffling breaking up established educato r co m m unities Lack o f teacher training to im plem ent I'd like a plain vanilla scho o l o ptio n Are yo u getting rid o f Mo saic? If so I will need pitchfo rks and to rches


Already answered this?


And ho w do es a child decide which "o ptio n" best suits their future? The parent decides based o n their expectatio ns. Do n't lim it the co urse o f educatio n with specializatio n until so m e basis fo r that directio n is evident. Little gained by accelerating a life that already passes far to quickly fro m inno cence and wo nder to casual disregard.


Assessm ent, lack o f interactio n am o ng students


At such an early age, elem entary scho o ls with Distinct fo cus m ay no t give students a bro ad eno ugh basic base Flexible schedule m ay wo rk but m ay also o pen the do o rs to a bit o f chao s





Availability o f qualified specialty instructio n and redundancy o f teaching reso urces. While this m ay be better fo r the students, It will pro bably co st the scho o l district m o re.


Balancing enro llm ent / diversity in all elem entary buildings if each o ne is a cho ice scho o l


Be careful no t to o ver-specialize the scho o ls such that educatio n in co re subjects is sho rt-changed.


Be careful with po ds as they can beco m e cliques in elem entary scho o l that never get bro ken, just like cho ice scho o ls. It creates anim o sity. Flexibility in schedules creates co m plexity and co st. What is the purpo se?


Blended instructio n is no t fo r everyo ne. Many students need guidance and no t all parents are educated eno ugh to help their child.


Blo ck scheduling at that age co uld rem o ve the sense o f stability that co m es with the single classro o m m o del we have to day. Elem entary scho o ls sho uldn't be to o fo cused. Kids at that age need expo sure to a wide variety o f kno wledge and experiences and having scho o ls with a specific fo cus ro bs them o f valuable o ppo rtunities fo r expo sure to the sam e. Please reco nsider the idea o f m o ving to a distinctly fo cused curriculum .


Bo red kids


Can this m o del wo rk within the current adm inistrative structure? No m entio n o f this is included with either plan. The adm inistrative buracrecy, with it's go o d and bad habits, will need to be addressed and changes also im plem ented in o rder to suppo rt either new m o del.


Can't im agine the lo gistics o f m aking each elem entary scho o l a cho ice scho o l. That wo uld be a m ess fo r fam ilies fo r m ultiple kids. Also , I have no idea what the academ y m o del is, and no o ne at the m eeting the o ther night co uld really explain it to us. Basically we need m o re info rm atio n.


Capacity issues, fam ilies no t getting into their to p cho ice scho o l, siblings no t getting into the sam e scho o l, busing to sites further away, etc.


Change o f m ind fo r elem entary kids. What if they decide they do n't like so m ething halfway thro ugh? Lo ts o f wasted tim e/m o ney/co nsideratio n to wards o ne child. I also despise fo rm ative/sum m ative assessm ents and capsto ne pro jects.


Cho ice Scho o l m ight no t be large eno ugh to acco m m o date dem and, assum ing is scho o l is a cho ice scho o l.


Cho ice scho o ls seem s risky. Ho w will a child m o ve up o r do wn fro m o ne scho o l to ano ther to m atch their ability? Verticals seem s like the best ro ute. Ho w can a child switch verticals. Are verticals lim ited by num ber. Do we have eno ugh go o d STEM teachers? Other than m ath and science, what verticals really m atter - literature, fine arts m usic? Unless the kids are learning skills to ward a pro ductive career I am no t sure what place these verticals wo uld have


Cho ice scho o ls will segregate students as I described earlier. Also elim inates neighbo rho o d sense in scho o ls. This was changed so m ewhat when the bo rders were changed a few years ago but even with the current bo rders, the kids' classm ates live relatively clo se to o ur ho use m aking it easier to m aintain co nnectio ns o utside the scho o l day. This wo uld be m uch harder if classm ates live in all co rners o f to wn. Having elem entary kids ro tate thro ugh blo cks m akes it harder fo r students and teachers to really get to kno w o ne ano ther. So m ething sim ilar was tried in m y daughter's class last year and she didn't really co nnect with any o f the teachers because she didn't spend eno ugh tim e with any o f them . It had a very negative im pact o n her experience fo r the who le scho o l year. No o ne really "go t" her and was able to wo rk with her learning style. A system o f do ing this every year seem s like a big negative.





Co m partm entalized structure at the elem entary level wo uld break do wn the relatio nship facto r created by having just o ne teacher at an age where structure and ro utine is very im po rtant. A variety o f teaching styles co uld affect a students ability to m ake a clean switch fro m ro o m to ro o m each day. Teachers teaching the sam e lesso n o ver and o ver get bo red and disengaged. Fo rm ative and sum m ative assessm ents are no t appro priate fo rm s to assess all students in a wo rld begging fo r creativity and ingenuity.


Co ncern that it beco m es a bit o f a trade scho o l fo rm at


Co ncern that there isn't eno ugh flexibility in the Academ y m o del. Want assurance that there is learning at individual levels, etc. Co ncerns that parents will be o verwhelm ed if each scho o l is a cho ice scho o l. Do we really need that m any o ptio ns? If they change fro m year to year, will that be o verwhelm ing fo r the students? What are the best practices when using a "cho ice scho o l" m o del? My co ncern is they aren't m eant to just be fo llo wed fo r o ne year.


Co ncern that yo u wo uld be lim ited the students o ptio ns if they are put into a vertical fo cus o r "po d" early o n.


Co nfusio n, teachers no t kno wing students as well as with the current m o del.


Co st o f cro ss-district busing. Cho o sing a cho ice scho o l at a yo ung age is hard--what happens to fam ilies that find as their student gets o lder has an greater interest o r aptitude fo r a pro gram o ffered at a different cho ice scho o l--are transferred allo wed? Ho w will yo u ensure balanced scho o ls if all scho o ls are cho ice scho o ls? Ho w will yo u decide who gets prio rity if so m e pro gram s are m o re po pular?


Designating each elem entary as a cho ice scho o l - ho w will that be decided? Ho w do yo u guarantee buy in - which is the o nly way to m ake it successful? What are the academ ic m easures? Academ y m o del at every grade level ho w do yo u ensure EACH child is building a stro ng relatio nship with so m eo ne?


Designing a structure that m eets the vario us learning needs (I.e. Kindergarteners m ay no t be ready to have m ultiple teachers). To o m uch cho ice co uld result in the m issing key learning elem ents Technical requirem ents fo r the change m ay be to o co stly (even so m ething as sim ple as bussing)


Difficult fo r students to get to kno w so m any teachers and their expectatio ns. To o m uch m o ving aro und the scho o l - transitio n tim e will sho rten student instructio n and m ay cause co nfusio n am o ng students.


Diso rganizatio n.


Do kids m o ve aro und during the day? It appears so if students have a ho m e ro o m . Where is tim e fo r o ther subjects (art, m usic, science)?


Do es everyo ne want to have to cho o se a cho ice scho o l? Ho w do we kno w which scho o l o ur 5 year o ld will thrive in? I do n't really understand #2 cho ice scho o l o ptio n. Optio n #3 co uld m ake fo r a really lo ng year if the student did no t thrive in a particular fo cus area. The bus schedule seem s like it wo uld be crazy having all cho ice scho o ls.


Do es no t seem very flexible


Do n't fo rget to add m o re recess tim e to this o ptio n, to o .


Do n't fully the two o ptio ns as laid o ut in the presentatio n to o pine o n the risk o r rewards.


Do n't like the Academ y m o del.





Each child in a fam ily m ay cho o se a different scho o l, which wo uld m ake it difficult fo r fam ilies with several children. The cho ice o f an Academ y Scho o l m ay no t give the students expo sure to all the o ther po ssibilities.


Each elem entary as a "cho ice" so unds ho rribly co nfusing. What if a fam ily has kids that want different scho o ls? This is a lo gistical nightm are. The risk is trying m any things and being so -so at them all rather than fo cusing o n im pro ving what we already have that wo rks -- Spanish, Mo saic and em bedded STEM within every scho o l. Do n't be all things to all peo ple. To o m any cho ices water do wn what we have and no thing ends up being that great.


Each elem entary as its o wn "cho ice scho o l" m ight cause lo ts o f co nfusio n and lo gistical issues.


Each elem entary scho o l as a cho ice scho o l can actually lim it a parents/students cho ice if the best fit fo r them is full. There isn't any reaso n things like STEM o r STEAM can't be included m o re in all educatio nal settings. Our students are already burned o ut by the requirem ents put o n them at a yo unger and yo unger age- adding a capsto ne pro ject will o nly add to this.


Each elem entary scho o l as a cho ice scho o l so unds challenging lo gistically fo r transpo rtatio n services.


Each elem entary scho o l with a special fo cus seem s like a to ugh cho ice fo r parents. Techno lo gy risks with the m ix o f platfo rm s fo r learning.


Each scho o l has its o wn academ ic m o del...need m o re info . Do es this m ean each elem entary wo uld be its o wn m agnet academ y and we wo uld no t have bo undaries? I am unclear o f the 3 o ptio ns they presented. Grades culm inate into a capsto ne pro ject...again, an independent-study o r pro ject-based m o del fo r student ADM repo rting to the state/federal go vernm ent. Staff wo uld need lo ts o f tim e and space fo r research to im plem ent and repo rt co rrectly. What abo ut o ur Special Educatio n kids? Wo uld they have a capsto ne pro ject as well? Mo re flexibility in scheduling, m eaning what? Vague.


Each scho o l having a special fo cus is to o m any cho ices and we need to sim plify instead o f m aking scho o l m o re co m plicated. We already have Spanish im m ersio n and Mo saic fo r additio nal cho ices.


Each scho o l is a "cho ice" scho o l? ! Really? Where will the funding/staff co m e fro m ? This is public educatio n-no t a uto pia. Ho w can a district do anything well when it's pulled in different directio ns? We need to co ncentrate stro ng co re educatio n-as a district we can do that and do it well with a co m m o n go al. The wo rld do es no t sto p after elem entary-what happens to these kids after elem entary when the cho ice scho o l beco m es o ne big scho o l?


Each scho o l with a different fo cus. Do es this m ean yo ur cho o se yo ur scho o l and we lo o se the neighbo rho o d scho o l? I think that will be so cially detrim ental to the co m m unity. Or, do es it m ean yo ur neighbo rho o d has a scho o l with a unique fo cus that m ight no t fit yo ur child's gifts. I also do n't like the idea that siblings m ight no t be at the sam e scho o l based o n their gifts and interests.


Elem entary Structure Will the m o ving fro m classro o m to classro o m add stress o r waste tim e fo r yo unger grades where develo pm entally, transitio ning is already a difficulty? Cho ice Scho o ls Is a fundam ental base o f kno wledge being built if students are cho o sing different fo cuses? What do es this m ean when they enter the upper grades? Are we specializing them to o early o n? Will this create tight knit gro ups o f cliques? Evidence o f Learning I prefer the general po rtfo lio vs requirem ent o f a digital po rtfo lio fo r its flexibility. It o nly m akes sense to have a digital po rtfo lio if digital is the best delivery o f the item s in the po rtfo lio . Schedules and calendars Fo r yo unger grades, co nsider what the o ptio ns will m ean fo r parent wo rk schedules


Elem entary aged students typically do no t do as well with rigid structure and need m o re tim e to develo p their em o tio nal and creative intelligence. Also , the evidence o f learning is a bit excessive.





Elem entary scho o l ho m ebase – At what age wo uld this be im plem ented? Do esn't seem like a go o d fit fo r grades K–3. Each elem entary as a cho ice scho o l – Mo st fam ilies want to go to their neighbo rho o d scho o l. What if their "cho ice" scho o l is no t in a desired lo catio n. Ho w wo uld enro llm ent be balanced with this m o del? Fo cus areas alternate by grade level – do n't think this sho uld be co nsidered.


Elem entary structure: we do n't have a clear idea what "academ y m o del" is. Do es it invo lve changing classro o m s o r teachers thro ugh the day? This m ay be to ugh fo r kindergarteners. Cho ice elem entary scho o ls: in o ptio n b there are actually 3 o ptio ns. A better understand o f what that lo o ks like wo uld be helpful. I think having a cho ice scho o l is a bad idea (what if o ne is m o re po pular than the o ther and yo u can't balance enro llm ent). I'd prefer m y child to be at a scho o l with the sam e curriculum as the o ther scho o ls but can have the o ppo rtunity to explo re o ther specialties. Fo cus areas alternating by grade level is silly, especially fo r so m eo ne co m ing into o r leaving the district. That wo uld be a disservice to tho se students.


Elem entary students need the suppo rt and co nsistency o f o ne teacher and o ne gro up o f students that is their class/friends thro ugho ut the day to transitio n to scho o l and feel co nnected. Putting students in m any different classes and ro o m s with new peo ple all day will be very o verwhelm ing. Only having cho ice scho o ls seem s very challenging. It is very difficult to tell where yo ur child will excel at a pre-kinder level. We did no t kno w that o ur child wo uld excel at m ath until she was in structured classes. So m e enro ll their kids in Spanish im m ersio n and it just do esn't wo rk, so then they have to cho o se ano ther cho ice scho o l? That student wo uld be behind then. I also think there wo uld be a lo t o f difficulty with new students co m ing to the district and yo u wo uld no t want to disco urage peo ple fro m m o ving to E.P. because o f this. Making elem entary scho o ls so specific seem s very lim iting.


Elem entary: *Students m ay no t have stro ng co nnectio n with teachers when m o ving to blo ck system Seco ndary: *Digital sto rage space fo r po rtfo lio s *Who will review the po rtfo lio s/capsto ne pro jects?


Fam ilies cho o sing "scho o ls" based o n friends cho ice, teachers o r lo catio ns vs. o n what m ight be academ ically best.


Fear that this will lead to less tim e fo r individual fo cus as it will take lo nger fo r teachers to learn each child and ho w each child learns. Mo re fo cus o n m o ving kids tho ugh fo r testing instead o f m astering the basics.


Fo cus area alternating by grade level m ay end up in m o m entum lo ss o n fundam entals o f every to pic. Hum ans are a creature o f habit and repetitio n.


Fo rm ative/Sum m ative grading - we have experienced it at CMS and no t thrilled with ho w it was handled in English Dept. Really like ho w the Spanish teacher did it.


Frankly, I do n't kno w what design o ptio ns are


Gro up B seem s like it co uld be leaning a lo t to wards gro up pro jects which a lo t o f students can't handle until they're m uch o lder unless it's highly supervised. The m o re independent learning the higher chance kids pro crastinate o r aren't pushed hard eno ugh/expectatio ns are to o lo w


Having "Fo cus" scho o ls fo rces parents to m ake cho ices that m ay no t necessarily fit the students actual needs. Parents o ften have pie in the sky expectatio ns.


Having "cho ice" scho o ls with distinct fo cus at the elem entary level is a risk. It puts kids o n a single path that m ay no t be the best path fo r them and m akes it difficult fo r them to beco m e well-ro unded.





Having all scho o ls as cho ice scho o ls seem s like it will segregate the student po pulatio n and take away fro m neighbo rho o d scho o ls. Ho w will m arginal students o pt in to these cho ices? Ho w will this im pact the current dem o graphics o f elem entary scho o ls Will district be able to m aintain high quality o f several new cho ice scho o ls?


Having cho ice scho o ls in the district co uld create a co m petitio n fo r the m o st desired pro gram s and wo uld cause a disco rd in the co m m unity, leaving so m e diverse fam ilies to end up in scho o ls o thers did no t like and o r m ay be fo rced into an arts scho o l when no t culturally appro priate. fo cus areas need to be clearly defied as to what tho se are. If the scho o l is a cho ice the fo cus sho uld be fo r all grades and infused into each grade level while wo rking o n the standards. Do es no t seem to have an ability to m eet student needs as they gro w and learn and m ay fo rce students into gro ups that they aren't able to keep up with o r can o ut perfo rm . No t m uch perso nalizatio n acco rding to academ ics and o r schedules to help students who m ay need so m ething different.


Having each elem entary scho o l be a 'cho ice' m ay result in an unbalance o f po pulatio n o f students per scho o l which can ultim ately lead to larger class sizes to acco m o date.


Having every elem entary scho o l be a cho ice scho o l. Fam ilies who have m ultiple children, m ultiple interested, pigeo n-ho ling o ur kids at an early age. So m any risks.


Having to cho o se an elem entary scho o l will beco m e burdenso m e. Busing co uld be a hassle. To o m uch cho ice will m ake pulling kids to gether in m iddle,scho o l m o re difficult because there will have been so m any different learning styles in elem entary.


Ho m ero o m teachers spent so little o verall tim e with their students that they do n't get to kno w they very well. This do es no t suppo rt the "My child is kno wn by the teacher" ho ped fo r o utco m e. Increases co m petitio n between elem entary scho o ls if they each have a different fo cus. There will STILL be the 1 scho o l that shines and everyo ne will want to attend. Which do esn't help even o ut enro llm ent.


Ho w are students no t achieving at grade level go ing to achieve in this m o del? High transpo rtatio n co sts if we have 6 unique cho ice scho o ls.


Ho w do co ho rts wo rk? What happens if a student gets into a no n challenging po d? Witho ut equal aspiratio ns o r abilities?


Ho w do we kno w what a "fo cus" sho uld be fo r yo ung kids? Ho w are we sure that there are quality internships fo r high scho o l kids that bring them value? Ho w will kids do o n the m andato ry MN tests? i.e. NWAs Ho w will we educate parents to keep up with this o ptio n?


Ho w will we do it well. Will we have a tho ughtful lo ng term plan that spells o ut the ho w and why and will we have the appro priate PD and co m m unicatio n to do it well. We do n't have a go o d track reco rd fo r m anaging change well - so with any change - what will be different this tim e?


Ho w will we keep track o f the po rtfo lio s as kids m o ve in and o ut o f the district? Will the grading o f capsto nes be interdisciplinary?


I am no t clear ho w m uch different o ptio n B is fro m o ptio n A in the evidence o f learning. Ho w do es m ultiple m etho ds o f assessm ent differ fro m fo rm ative and sum m ative assessm ents? I assum e that student po rtfo lio s wo uld be digital -- ho w do the student po rtfo lio s differ in o ptio ns A and B?


I am no t quite sure ho w allo wing peo ple to cho o se a scho o l wo uld wo rk. This has the po tential to lead to segregatio n in o ur scho o ls.





I am o verwhelm ed by the elem ents within the unique elem ents sectio n. The am o unt o f changes all at o nce feels like to o m uch change at o ne tim e to pro cess let alo ne im plem ent.


I am unclear o n this


I am very co ncerned abo ut each elem entary scho o l beco m ing a cho ice scho o l. Ho w is a fam ily suppo sed to cho o se where to enro ll a 5-year-o ld? This is the age fo r disco very and expo sure to diverse o ppo rtunity. To o early to pigeo n-ho le kids. No t to m entio n the disruptio n o n neighbo rho o ds with the o bvio us bussing which wo uld be a part o f this o ptio n.


I believe yo unger students wo uld have a hard tim e m o ving fro m ro o m to ro o m thro ugho ut the day. They need a co nnectio n to a teacher. Ho w wo uld the cho ice scho o ls be decided upo n and ho w wo uld the teachers be trained? If m any teachers want to go a certain cho ice scho o l there will no t be eno ugh ro o m and a teacher m ay have to teach at a cho ice scho o l that is no t a strength fo r them . Wo uld students be guaranteed their cho ice scho o l? Students co uld end up go ing to a scho o l they do no t want to go to .


I can see kids who se parents are fo rward thinkers fo r techno lo gy falling thro ugh the cracks


I do no t like the idea o f lo ts o f cho ice scho o ls. This will pit fam ilies against each o ther and students are better serviced with a well ro unded educatio n.


I do no t like the shift at each grade level - I do nt kno w what a Academ y m o del is to m ake an info rm ed decisio n.


I do no t see where the Arts fit into this plan.


I do n't agree with each grade scho o l being a cho ice scho o l. There will be to o m any transpo rtatio n challenges and to o m uch cho ice. 1 o r 2 are fine.


I do n't feel as tho ugh I have eno ugh understanding o f ho w Optio n B wo uld wo rk.


I do n't kno w ho w yo u will be able to so rt children based o n "distinct fo cus" at the elem entary level. Seem s like busing wo uld be co m plicated (tho ugh I do n't have all the details o f this idea). Overall, ho w will we be certain students have baseline fundam entals and that this system flexes with kids as they gro w and change and m o ve thro ugh transitio ns in their appro ach to learning?


I do n't like having to cho o se a "cho ice" scho o l fo r m y child that causes them to m iss o ut o n o ther valuable learning like STEM - I want it all "best practices" inco rpo rated in all the scho o ls. We do n't need anything m o re to co nfuse parents and create co m petitio n abo ut enro llm ent.


I fear that "cho ice" m ay bring ranking and segregatio n.


I guess I included these with Design Optio n A.


I have no idea what the academ y m o del is; that has no t been explained well so I canno t give feedback. Having fo cus/cho ice within the scho o ls seem s like a better o ptio n than having an entire cho ice scho o l to balance o ut dem o graphics.


I like the blo cked appro ach but it feels inflexible. Wo uld kids be separated by ability? Wo uld this hinder learning?





I like this m o del, as lo ng as it allo ws students to m o ve freely between interest areas and subjects. Otherwise we'll have parents m aking cho ices which do esn't have the sam e level o f investm ent. I do n't lo ve the idea o f cho ice scho o ls because parents end up cho o sing fo r their kids early in life and then it's hard to m o ve if yo u figure o ut their no t really into art o r STEM.


I like this o ptio n


I lo ve the bro ad cho ice scho o l o ptio n but it co uld be a transpo rtatio n nightm are. I think fo cus areas by grade wo uld be a terrible cho ice, leading to falling behind in o ut years.


I need m o re clarificatio n o n the academ y m o del to co m m ent


I need m o re explanatio n o f the academ y m o del fo r elem entary. No t eno ugh info . I see everyo ne wanting a STEM scho o l, o r whatever the "cho ice" is, and that do esn't help the even distributio n o f students. I do n't co m pletely understand the 3 o ptio ns/o ptio n B plan. Need m o re info .


I pro vided input at the in-perso n sessio ns o n 5/25/16


I see huge po tential pro blem s with self-segregating and/o r tracking kids if there are m ultiple cho ice scho o ls (where every scho o l is a cho ice scho o l). We want o ur kids to have a bro ad and well ro unded educatio n and no t be tracked into specific areas at a yo ung age as so m e o ther co untries seem to do .


I see huge risks. This will lead to de facto segregatio n and "tracking". I can't see any way that it wo n't. It will put students o n a track to serve their parents' expectatio ns, no t what's best fo r the student.


I think co nsistency and predictability in a classro o m enviro nm ent is im po rtant fo r students, especially at the elem entary level. It can be unsettling and co nfusing fo r yo ung students to have to change ro o m s o r teachers several tim es thro ugho ut the day. To o m any transitio ns are detrim ental to learning. To o m any transitio ns waste valuable tim e. Teachers and students m ay no t have the o ppo rtunity to get to kno w each o ther and develo p clo se relatio nships if they spend o nly a sm all part o f the day to gether. Wo uld the academ y m o del be used in all elem entary grades?


I think fo r the yo unger grades (K-2) it wo uld no t be best to be m o ving aro und to different teachers and having ho m ero o m . They sho uld have o ne teacher.


I think it wo uld be a m istake to change each elem entary scho o l into a cho ice scho o l. I do n't like any o f the 3 o ptio ns under Optio n B. There are to o m any new pro gram s to im plem ent and evaluate.


I think the length o f the reading and m ath blo cks need to be co nsidered. Reading m o tivatio n is critical in reading.....students m ust learn to self-select m t be labelled a K o r an M. This m eans info rm atio n instructio n.....rem em ber the LIBRARY? ? ? ? No , no t what happened 50 years ago , but the new blend o f m aterials in all fo rm ats


I think there are great risks to having all elem entary buildings being a cho ice scho o l. I think it will create co m petitio n between scho o ls and divide neighbo rs and fam ilies. I think there is value to go ing to scho o l with kids in yo ur neighbo rho o d and this co uld negatively im pact that.


I think we're trying to change to o m uch by having pro ject based learning and cho ice elem entary scho o ls.


I tho ught they were basically bo th generic term s that wo uld eventually end in the sam e o utco m e. I o nly saw the o nline video and presentatio n and that had very little real substance.





I was no t able to fully understand the m o dels.


I wo rry abo ut ho w yo u will m anage all these o ptio ns. Less class tim e and the o n-line o ptio ns so unds like the average o r belo w average students fall thru the cracks easier.


I wo rry m iddle scho o l students wo uld no t benefit fro m m o re flexibility, but perhaps wo uld do better with the o ppo site, greater co nfo rm ity, that pro vides the structure and suppo rt that lets them take chances, and fail, and try again o ver and o ver with m inim al risk.


I wo rry that blo ck type learning m ay lim it flexibility within the scho o l to participate in o ther pro gram s. Having each scho o l be a cho ice scho o l, I believe, will be a lo gistical nightm are. I think that wo uld really m ake it hard to balance o ut enro llm ent and I think transpo rtatio n co uld be pretty to ugh. Plus I wo rry that different scho o ls co uld get different "labels".


I wo rry that we wo uld lo se diversity in o ur elem entary scho o ls if each scho o l beco m es a "cho ice" scho o l. Also , so m e parents m ay cho o se scho o ls fo r the wro ng reaso ns. I believe this has already happened with the Spanish Im m ersio n scho o l. I think diversity in o ur elem entary scho o ls has m any benefits. I think diversity includes m any fo rm s such as racial, cultural, eco no m ic, and academ ic diversity. I also wo rry abo ut o nline learning and that the o ptio n will cause so m e students to beco m e less engaged.


I wo uld be co ncerned with district wide teacher buy-in fo r the academ y m o del. When I entered teaching we had the who le language m o del and there were m any teachers that picked the parts o f who le language they liked and felt it gave them perm issio n to no t teach so m e areas. That sam e o ppo rtunity m ay present itself with a literacy blo ck and integrated studies blo ck. I feel elem entary scho o l sho uld o ffer students all learning m o dalities in the arts/physical educatio n skills/m usic as well as academ ic areas so they get a bro ad base o f learning and have capacity to start fo rm ing what they 'lo ve' to learn abo ut. Witho ut expo sure to a wide variety o f studies, they m ay no t find their area 'giftedness' I wo uld be co ncerned with the academ y m o del that so m e o f the o ppo rtunities fo r classes acro ss all disciplines wo uld be lo st and we wo uld pigeo n ho le o ur kids fro m an early age. I am co ncerned that o ur students are still m easured by standardized with m o re pro ject based learning, ho w


I wo uld hate to see every elem entary scho o l beco m e a "cho ice" scho o l with a different fo cus. Much as I stated in o ptio n A, putting this kind o f stress o n parents is just no t go o d fo r anyo ne. Ho w can I decide when m y child is in prescho o l whether they are go ing to learn best, o r be m o st interested in a STEM scho o l, a STEAM scho o l, a Language Im m ersio n scho o l, etc...And ho w do yo u bring all tho se kids who have had such different elem entary educatio ns to gether in Middle Scho o l? No t to m entio n the so cial status issues that co uld co m e o ut o f this. One scho o l is bo und to be m o re po pular than o thers, which wo uld no t o nly create facility issues, but also have unintentio nal so cial issues fo r kids (If so ciety deem s o ne scho o l "better" than the o thers, and yo u co uldn't get into it, etc..). I do n't think we sho uld m o ve to tally away fro m neighbo rho o d scho o ls. They create a sense o f co m m unity fo r students. There's so m ething to be said fo r go ing to scho o l with the kids fro m yo ur neighbo rho o d, and bei


I wo uld need m o re specifics to identify risks at this tim e


I wo uld rather see inno vative curriculum integrated in all classro o m s at the elem entary level, rather than placing effo rt o n inno vatio ns within a subset o f "cho ice" classro o m s.


I wo uld reco m m end starting o ut slo w with the academ y m o del. Pro vide so m e co nsistency with kindergartners and first grades and slo wly expand the academ y m o del to elem entary grades. All "Cho ice scho o ls" seem to lim it a child's ability to explo re by setting them o n a path at such an early age. Even if it's easy to transfer, the so cial aspect wo uld be challenging. Capsto ne pro jects wo uld seem to be hard fo r new students to the district.





I'm co ncerned abo ut each elem entary being a cho ice scho o l because again I feel that this wo uld segregate o ur co m m unity - peo ple already view Spanish im m ersio n as different fro m o ther scho o ls and they are a less diverse scho o l than o ur o ther elem entary scho o ls. Eden prairie is a diverse co m m unity- cho ice scho o ls wo uld no t be a go o d o ptio n!!!


I'm unclear o n Optio n 1 within this o ptio n. This wo uld m ean that we wo uld have to cho o se a lo catio n based o n the fo cus areas? Sim ilar to ho w yo u wo uld cho o se a scho o l based o n a m ajo r? This seem s a bit co m plex fo r this level. Fam ilies co uld be split. Others m ay no t 'cho o se' but sim ply go to what's clo se... I wo uld think this wo uld be difficult to even o ut enro llm ent.


I'm wo rried yo unger children m ay struggle with blo cks o f tim e with different teachers. I do n't want each scho o l to be a cho ice scho o l. I want all o f m y children at the sam e elem entary scho o l regardless o f their interests. They like seeing each o ther during the day and I like them all o n the sam e bus schedule. I wo rry abo ut the num ber o f assessm ents. I want m y children to be learning and m o ving fo rward, no t rehashing kno wledge o ver and o ver o n a standardized test.


If all the scho o ls are cho ice scho o ls, no t all the fam ilies m ay find a scho o l they want to attend. May be pro blem s in im plem entatio n o f enro llm ent with all scho o ls being cho ice scho o ls, resulting po tentially in space issues as well. Academ y m o del m ay be m o re difficult fo r yo unger kids, who m ay do better in o ne class rather than m o ving aro und during the day.


If each elem entary is a "cho ice" scho o l, are there no lo nger any scho o l bo undaries? ? !! This is ho rribly m essy fo r m any reaso ns, including transpo rtatio n. I do n't really like any o f the three o ptio ns fo r o ptio n B.


If each scho o l has a fo cus, what if a fam ily didn't want to be in that scho o l anym o re? ? This seem s like it wo uld create chao s to have every elem entary student trying to specialize so early.


If each scho o l is a cho ice scho o l, it will be hard to balance the no . o f students in each scho o l, which m ay in turn affect the decisio n abo ut no . o f teachers and no . o f classro o m s etc.


If elem entary buildings are cho ice o r fo llo w co ho rts, ho w will tho se students be gro uped at the seco ndary level? What will their skills lo o k like when they reach seco ndary?


If it's just PBL and internships, that is no t go ing to wo rk fo r so m e.


In an Elem entary "cho ice" scho o l with a distinct fo cus, what will happen if a child finds o ut that it's no t a go o d fit. If m o st students are like m inded in a "cho ice" scho o l with a distinct fo cus, ho w will diversity play a part in these students daily experiences?


In general, elem entary students need structure and so m e predictability. I think adding flexibility co uld have a negative im pact (including stress) o n elem entary students and teachers. I am no t clear ho w flexibility wo uld wo rk in an elem entary setting. Flexibility co uld have a negative im pact o n m iddle scho o l students and teachers. They wo uld have less defined tim e to interact and develo p relatio nships if there were m any to o scheduling o ptio ns.


Inco nsistency in teaching m etho ds Trying to put so m any things in a scho o l day


Info rm atio n pro vided o n this o ptio n were to o vague to co m m ent o n.


Instead o f do ing o ne thing really well, seem s like we m ight be do ing m any things alright.





Internships fo r at risk students m ay be difficult to arrange. It will exclude students who do no t have their o wn transpo rtatio n.


It gets cho sen. What o n earth is a "set o f vertical fo cus-area co ho rts o r po ds"? So unds like gibberish that a co nsultant co m es up with. Yikes.


It is a drastic change.


It lo o ks like a lo t o f screen learning.


It wo uld seem that we'd expect very yo ung children to take o n a lo t o f individual respo nsibility very early. That co uld frustrate bo th the children and parents if it do es no t go well.


It's hard to say since the term "academ y m o del" is no t very intuitive, clear, o r info rm ative. Many wo uld no t kno w what this m easn.


It's hard to say, there aren't very m any details in the o ptio n


It's to o geared to wards preparing students fo r the wo rkfo rce


It's unclear to m e the cho ice scho o l part o f this o ptio n fro m the way it is no w. What will be the "fo cus areas"? Specially fo r num ber 3. The po rtfo lio elem ent is sim ilar to the o ne o n o ptio n A. Who is go ing to m ake sure they do n't go away and ho w will these be keep to date as part o f the curriculum ? The TBD part fo r the m iddle scho o l schedule do esn't tell m e anything.


Keep yo unger students (K-4) with o ne classro o m teacher. Having them switch teachers based o n subjects runs the risk o f no t develo ping teacher-student relatio nships, which are critical at these yo ung ages.


Kids cho o sing a scho o l based no t o n the academ ics, but o n the favo rite teachers, o r their friends, o r different lo catio ns. "Fo cus" areas no t clearly designed.


Kids develo p at different rates. If yo u fo cus by grade levels, a kid who wasn't m ature eno ugh to handle it m ight no t get a chance to refo cus later. Also , hard fo r kids m o ving in to the district. Ho w to avo id parents do ing the capsto ne pro ject fo r their so m any science pro jects, parents m ay feel need to pitch in to avo id their kid m issing graduatio n.


Lack o f m o vem ent in a scho o l. Do es it affect the Key/Mo saic Pro gram s?


Less individual attentio n


Lim iting the breadth and depth o f fundam ental learning.


Lo o ks like m o re tests, please do no t give us m o re tests, we are driven to the edge already with tests. The fo cus areas seem like a go o d idea but co uld develo p kids being go o d at o nly o ne subject.


Lo ss o f co re curriculum


Lo ss o f neighbo rho o d scho o ls is detrim ental to the co m m unity.


Lo wering o f academ ic rigo r. Lo ss o f co m m unity fo r bo th students and staff.





Majo r shift in thinking fo r staff Seem s very fo rward thinking (but ho w to execute seem s unkno wn) Co ncerned abo ut keeping sum m ative assessm ents, to o m any o f these are m ultiple cho ice tests, requiring m em o rizatio n o f discrete facts.


Makes less sense fo r yo unger elem entary students who need the so cial/em o tio nal stability o f having o ne teacher & set o f friends with them thro ugho ut day. Minim izes so cial im po rtance o f elem entary scho o l as students have less o ppo rtunity to create friendships.


Making each elem entary a "cho ice" scho o l will be lo gistically challenging and will inevitably leave so m e fam ilies disappo inted with the cho ice they are able to cho o se fo r their child, additio nally no t all children in a fam ily m ay want the sam e scho o l (o r parents wo uld want fo r each child) and this leaves parents with kids are m ultiple elem entary scho o ls. Alternating by grade level m ay also end up leaving so m e critical kno wledge o ut fo r a child in a given year, especially if they are m o ving in and o ut o f the district. Co ncerns that an "academ y m o del" as I understand it has been dem o nstrated to have detrim ental effects o n elem entary student learning


Making each scho o l a cho ice scho o l m ay co ntribute to the facilities im balances. Fo cus areas within a scho o l m ay no t be go o d m atches fo r students "true" interests/needs.


May need to re-lo o k at graduatio n requirem ents and develo p m o re than 1 "track" fo r students. Students co uld cho o se their "track" and this wo uld change requirem ents based o n their cho sen track. Need to co m m unicate abo ut what so m e things are - fo r exam ple, what is a "Capsto ne Pro ject? " Will we create co m petitio n rather than co llabo ratio n when we create "cho ice scho o ls? " Feels like a risk o f develo ping "elite" vs. hands o n pro gram s.


Maybe parents who "gam e" system


Mo re info rm atio n and tim e is needed to discuss all this. This sho uld be presented and discussed at a wo rksho p/pro fessio nal develo pm ent day.


Mo re o nline learning m ay no t be successful at teaching o ur kids o r fit the unique needs o f individual children. I am co ncerned abo ut busing, if a lo t o f parent cho o se a scho o l o utside o f their busing area.


Multiple cho ice scho o ls divides the students into distinct gro ups, no t a very co llabo rative appro ach.


Multiple elem entary "cho ice" scho o ls so unds wo nderful, but I wo rry abo ut im plem entatio n fro m an enro llm ent and busing standpo int.


My respo nses are the sam e as fro m the previo us questio ns.


My yo ungest child has a stro ng need to develo p relatio nships with teachers and I think this can o nly co m e abo ut thro ugh extended perio ds o f tim e in o ne teacher's classro o m . She co uld handle switching every perio d, but I think her attitude to ward scho o l wo uld suffer if she didn't have that stro ng teacher relatio nship.






Need m o re reso urce to help weak students


No added recess





No m o re cho ice scho o ls!!! Just inco rpo rate m aterial into all scho o ls. I also wo uld no t want to decide fo r m y child when they are 4 and entering kindergarten what they lo ng-term interests are. If yo u want to add cho ice o ptio ns when the kids are o lder, that is o ne thing. But, no t a who le scho o l. That wo uld just divide the district even m o re. No t sure what a capsto ne pro ject is, but the kids are so burnt o ut by the end o f the scho o l year (and especially senio r year), they do n't need ano ther pro ject. Scho o l schedules are fine right no w.


No need fo r ho m ero o m as in o lder days as no thing gets do ne there as exhibited at the H.S. level - a wasted ho ur Risk o f having m ultiple cho ice scho o ls is a facility and po pulatio n nightm are


No respo nse


No ne


No ne


No t clear o n what the academ y m o del represents, but to the extent it invo lves m o ving classro o m s I think there is a co nsiderable risk that elem entary students lack the m aturity to fare well in that structure. I see a big risk with each elem entary scho o l being it's o wn "cho ice" scho o l. Transpo rtatio n co sts wo uld likely scale significantly. Also , ho w wo uld yo u balance enro llm ent if o ne o f the cho ices was less desirable? Evidence o f learning - there are o ppo rtunities fo r pro ject based learning, but I think requiring a capsto ne pro ject o r digital student po rtfo lio risks beco m ing a m eaningless exercise to check a bo x. Do n't really think all students wo uld benefit fro m this as a requirem ent, tho ugh so m e m ight.


No t eno ugh info pro vided...


No t having m atching scho o l schedules Pre-K -12 co uld be a pro blem fo r so m e fam ilies. Tho se who have been successful in the m o re traditio nal m o del will have to adapt o r m ay be turned o ff. Ho w do es a capsto ne pro ject co m pete o r no t with co llege applicatio n pro cesses during the senio r year?


No t really sure abo ut m aking each elem entary scho o l a "cho ice" scho o l. That o ptio n sparks co ncerns in ho w it will wo rk. Fo cus area alt. by grade level is no t a go o d o ptio n. Just seem s like so m ething wo uld get lo st with alternating that info rm atio n by grade.


No t sure exactly what is m eant by Academ y Mo del, so it is hard to co m m ent specifically o n that.


No t sure if high scho o l students are ready fo r a capsto ne pro ject - a Thesis, if yo u will. And, o nce again, I prefer K-6 to rem ain in the elem entary scho o ls. Please do n't m o ve 6th grade to CMS.


Offering cho ice scho o ls as has already been do ne with Spanish im m ersio n creates segregatio n am o ng the co m m unity. leaving students o ut that wo uld like to have that expo sure, no t all are go ing to be able to attend their cho ice scho o l


Ok, first o f all, as far as I can tell we received the em ail with this survey On Friday June 3rd and were asked to co m plete it o n the sam e day, by June 3rd, which m eans I wo uld have to either take m y prep ho ur o r m y perso nal tim e to co m plete the survey.....a perfect exam ple o f what I m entio ned befo re...ho w o ur tim e as a teaching staff is no t valued. The o ther po ssibility is that filling o ut the survey is m erely a fo rm ality and yo u have no intentio n o f listening to o ur input. Seco nd o f all, there is no explanatio n/clarificatio n o f any o f the term s o r co ncepts in the info rm atio n. I can't vo te o n so m ething that I have had abo ut 10 m inutes to lo o k at. Clearly this to pic is so m ething that deserves m uch m o re discussio n and clarificatio n than o ne em ail and a survey taken with 10 m inutes o f preparatio n. This is so m ething that needs to be do ne o n a wo rksho p o r pro fessio nal develo pm ent day so we can fully explo re all o f the o ptio ns and m ake the best cho ice fo r o ur student po pulatio n.





Online educatio n rem ains an area o f experim entatio n. Fo r exam ple do es anyo ne really kno w the lo ng term effects o f im m ersing children in techno lo gical learning enviro nm ents?


Online learning m ay co m e with risks: -so m e children/ado lescents do no t learn well fro m this fo rm at -decreased o ppo rtunities to wo rk o n interperso nal skills


Optio n 1 again wo uld separate have and have no ts, all fam ilies wo uld flo ck to a STEM scho o l per current eco no m y. Optio n 2 and 3 wo uld need teaching and parent training and high level o f co m m unicatio n.


Optio n B "Academ y Mo del" is no t explained well so I canno t give an educated o pinio n abo ut what this really m eans. Optio n B - Cho ice scho o ls - Optio n 1 - Lo gistical nightm are hauling kids all o ver the district so they can go to the scho o l they want o r fo rcing them into o ne their fam ilies do n't want if dictated by ho m e lo catio n/bus ro utes.


Optio n B Risks: - The 3 o ptio ns presented o n pg 9 all seem risky in that they lim it o ur students and o ur co m m unity (transfers into EP). We lim it what students can o r canno t learn in a given year. Fo cusing to o hard in o ne area fo r a who le year m ay cause frustratio n fo r students who have tro uble in an area o r even m ake so m e lo se interest unnecessarily because it was fo rced upo n them to o so o n o r at the wro ng tim e.


Optio n B in "Cho ice Scho o ls Elem entary" is a bit co nfusing to m e. I think the co st o f elem entary educatio n wo uld increase if all elem entary scho o ls were cho ice scho o ls. There wo uld be fewer eco no m ies o f scale. It wo uld be challenging to design K-12 curriculum to suppo rt five different cho ice scho o ls. I am no t clear what "vertical fo cus area co ho rts o r po ds m eans". I am no t clear what "fo cus areas alternate by grade level" m eans. Can a cho ice scho o l curriculum be to o specialized? Students' educatio n m ay no t be bro ad eno ugh.


Optio n B intro duces a changing enviro nm ent to children early o n which co uld be a challenge fo r tho se who rely o n a co nsistent enviro nm ent. Children no t getting their cho ice scho o l resulting in children having to attend a scho o l they do n't want to perhaps witho ut their friends with them . Co uld also result in parents having to drive all acro ss the city to bring their children to scho o l. Optio n B's Evidence o f Learning is to o m uch to ask fo r fro m students at this level. To o co llegiate in nature.


Optio n B is unique elem ents and full o f risks. At this po int, o ur district canno t affo rd huge risks and the po ssibility o f lo sing m o re fam ilies to o ther districts and scho o ls.


Optio n B: To m e, the statem ent, "Each scho o l is a 'cho ice' scho o l with a distinct fo cus," m eans that if I live by Cedar Ridge, but want to fo cus o n Science, I m ay no t be able to attend that scho o l.


Optio n b seem s to be a m o re aggressive m o del and if we cho se this o ptio n are there o ppo rtunities to change to o ptio n a if o ur child-student is struggling o r sho wing unfavo rable changes either in learning o r behavio r?


Please do n't m o ve EHSI students to CMS! Students m ay be put o n to o narro w o f a path to o early o n.


Po ssible no t eno ugh tim e to relieve stress and energy


Prim ary risk is that it appears that there is a rush to m ake so m e so rt o f change - witho ut adequate research. Based o n info rm atio n pro vided, o ptio ns seem arbitrary - with no real evidence pro vided that either o ptio n will help achieve the academ ic visio n presented. Fo r exam ple, ho w can we m o ve fo rward with an "Inno vative Schedule (TBD)"? It's certainly hard to argue against an inno vative schedule tho ugh.





Prim ary risk is that it appears that there is, fo r so m e reaso n, a rush to m ake so m e so rt o f change witho ut adequate research. Based o n info rm atio n pro vided, o ptio ns seem arbitrary - with no real evidence pro vided that either o ptio n will help achieve the academ ic visio n presented. Fo r exam ple, ho w can we m o ve fo rward with an "Inno vative Schedule (TBD)"? It's certainly hard to argue against an inno vative schedule tho ugh.


Really do no t like this survey fo rm . It is unnecessarily lo ng and co m plicated. So , here is m y o pinio n o f Optio n B. Please do no t co nduct this experim ent o n m y children!!! Why wo uld yo u have "cho ice scho o ls" in elem entary scho o l? Sho uldn't children at that age all be learning the sam e things, building o n the sam e base and explo ring the wo rld to gether? Why wo uld yo u cluster them to gether into career paths already? This is absurd! We recently m o ved to Minneso ta and selected Eden Prairie as o ur co m m unity because o f the scho o l system . Please do no t m ake us regret o ur cho ice! We do no t want to have to sell o ur ho use and m o ve again.


Repetitiveness. At this early age, kids are explo ring and if they are bo gged do wn to the sam e thing day after day then they wo n't enjo y scho o l no r want to learn m o re.


Risk is: m o re definitio n needed. What is to day? And what is B saying? Academ ic definitio n unclear. No , we do n't need 6 elem entary scho o ls that are cho ice o r have "distinct fo cus".


Risks again are to o -m any unexplained unkno wns like ho w is pro ject-based learning transferrable to o ther educatio nal institutio ns? The 3 Optio ns within Optio n B are no t clear (Optio n 1: seem s to m ean a parent co uld cho o se a scho o l fo r their student based o n what is o ffered, but what co uld these be? Optio n 2: no explanatio n as to what the vertical fo cus-area co ho rts o r po ds m ean o r what they co uld lo o k like. Optio n 3: Fo cus areas alternating by grade level? Po ses m any questio ns . . . what if kids transfer, is co m petency required in o ne fo cus area befo re m o ving o n and if no t ho w is that student bro ught fo rward etc.) What do yo u m ean by fo rm ative & sum m ative assessm ents? Will digital student po rtfo lio s be valued by po tential co lleges and ho w will this benefit the child o utside the EP Scho o l System ? Capsto ne Pro ject? Is this like a thesis required fro m each graduating senio r?


Risks o f cho ice scho o ls: kids being pushed by parents into a scho o l that do esn't fit their strengths.


Sam e as o ptio n A.


Scho o ls m ay be highly so ught o ut and hard to get into


See Respo nse Belo w


Seem s like a lo t o f "shuffling" the kids aro und. o ne ro o m to the next to the next


Seem s like a lo t o f change fo r kids at o nce, m ight be to o big a shift.


Seem s the sam e as to to day


Sim ilar to m y answer befo re, any change will need a lo ng term , tho ughtful plan with effective pro fessio nal develo pm ent - we do n't seem to be very go o d at this....and witho ut it - I'm no t sure if any change will have the desired results.


So cial co hesio n am o ng students/teachers m ay need increased attentio n? Lo wer m o tivated o r perfo rm ing students co uld lo se upward lift o f classm ates if ability-based gro uping do m inates


So m e o f the im po rtant traditio nal educatio nal practice m ight be lo st





So m e o f these elem ents do n't seem defined eno ugh fo r parents to have a go o d understanding o f what it wo uld lo o k like. Additio nally, the elem entary "cho ice" scho o ls seem like they m ight no t allo w kids to explo re different interests.


So m e students do no t deal well with co nstant switching o f ro o m s o r teachers fo r subjects at the elem entary age. It can be difficult fo r them to have so m any transitio ns in a day.


So m e students do n't do well with pro ject based learning and o ften grading is subjective with this type o f learning. Also , who is in the gro up with the student can affect their grade- unfair. I also find that fo r m any o f these pro jects, parents do m o st o f the wo rk o r students have better access to m aterials o f tho se who get better grades.


So m etim es to o m uch digital assessm ent and pro files are no t accurate o r an authentic representatio n o f an individual and their perso nality/interests/abilities.


So unds like scho o ls m ay lo se their neighbo rho o d status. Is that co rrect? This wo uld ero de co m m unity feeling at grade scho o l level. Transpo rtatio ns challenges?


Specialized scho o ls sho uld no t be an o ptio n fo r kindergartners. They do n't kno w at that age if they like science o r m ath. I think this m o del deprives students o f being intro duced to all o f the different o ptio ns they have in the wo rld to figure o ut what they are interested in.


Student/teacher relatio nships are so im po rtant in the yo unger years. Transitio ns are also difficult fo r o ur little o nes. This will be challenging fo r students K-3 and even 4. Student po pulatio n within each scho o l wo uld be difficult to p regulate co nsistently. Bussing wo uld reach acro ss the district fo r each scho o l.


Students are unaccusto m ed to being assessed in this way and we m ay find that student success rate falls initially.


Students go ing to a "cho ice" scho o l that do esn't align with their strengths and/o r interests.


Students no t being m ature eno ugh to handle the independence.


Students who require add'l structure--being to ld what to do --m ay no t engage.


Suppo rt o f fam ilies in term s o f cho ice scho o ls and m o ving fro m neighbo rho o d scho o ls


Teacher training and reso urces wo uld need to be pro vided to ensure the success o f the academ y m o del as elem entary and inno vative schedule at the m iddle scho o l.


Teachers were never asked abo ut this and this was never presented to teachers.


That parents and staff m ay no t buy into it.


The "ho m ero o m " co ncept will by definitio n have bo th students struggling to keep up and tho se that are bo red by go ing to o slo w.


The academ y m o del do es no t lend well to intro verts.


The blo cks o f tim es m ight be intense fo r learners with sho rt attentio n spans. In m y interpretatio n o f the academ y m o del, students wo uld change teachers o r areas which co uld negatively im pact children that do no t transitio n well. Balanced appro ach to assessing children as they still need to be able to take no rm al tests.





The cho ice scho o l co uld create a difference in the students at each scho o l. So m e co uld have a lo t, while o thers co uld have no t m uch.


The district needs to identify the risks


The elem entary scho o l m o dels fo r this o ptio n are a recipe fo r m ass co nfusio n. Making every scho o l in the district a "cho ice" scho o l? What if o ne sibling is an "arts" kid and ano ther a "science" kid? Are yo u go ing to m ake parents have to figure o ut transpo rtatio n, schedules, etc., etc., fo r m ultiple elem entaries, o r just tell o ne o f their kids "to o bad fo r yo u; o lder bro ther/sister go t to pick the scho o l first"? All district elem entary scho o ls sho uld o ffer quality instructio n; we DO NOT NEED every elem entary scho o l to be a cho ice scho o l.


The o ptio ns didn't get specific eno ugh. Leaves a lo t o f ro o m fo r scho o l bo ard and Sup. to decide.


The po d co ncept wo rks will with different levels o f learners and abilities yet expo ses all students to each o ther. The different areas o f fo cus fo r each grade will pro vide new stim ulatio n fo r students each year.


The risk is in the vague wo rding o f "schedules that pro vide flexibility fo r internships o r participatio n in hands-o n, pro ject-based o r lab experiences." We already have this, and it wo uld be go o d to co ntinue to suppo rt it, but I have a deep distrust o f undefined change.


The term "academ y" is undefined. To o m any "cho ices" puts the o nus o n parents and students - why can't all scho o ls inco rpo rate elem ents o f excellence instead o f m aking peo ple pick and cho o se which piece is im po rtant and which can be discarded.


The transpo rtatio n co sts m ight be high o r have to be re-designed due to unanticipated traffic patterns to the scho o ls Pro blem s if kids transfer scho o ls bo th in and o ut o f district


The way yo u present these 2 cho ices are abstract and co nfusing. I've heard this fro m o ther parents as well. Was this do ne o n purpo se?


There are m any changes to be m ade at m any scho o ls. Are peo ple o pen to that m uch change? So m e peo ple/teachers m ay want a traditio nal scho o l experience. 3 o ptio ns are unclear - which o nes are scho o ls do ing?


There are so m any o ptio ns it is difficult to pro vide feedback o n all o f them . If I had to cho o se o ne o f the o ptio ns pro vided fo r an elem entary scho o l o ptio n, I wo uld cho o se either o ptio n 2 o r 3. A digital po rtfo lio m ay be difficult to m aintain as techno lo gy and file fo rm ats change. A capsto ne pro ject as a graduatio n requirem ent m ay no t be appro priate fo r all students. Making each elem entary scho o l a cho ice scho o l co uld lim it students ho rizo ns to o early.


There is no t a need to change up the entire m o del o f o ur scho o ls. There is a need to strengthen what currently exists and address the real issues happening in o ur scho o ls.


There is no t eno ugh info rm atio n included in Optio n B to o ffer intelligent feedback. What is this m o del? What are the pieces o f it? What do es the educatio nal research say abo ut it?


There is no t eno ugh info rm atio n to adequately prefer o ne o ptio n o ver the o ther. It appears that in bo th scenario s students wo uld receive the general subject m atter and have a ho m ero o m teacher.


This appro ach is so m ewhat untested in a generalized setting. It's no t standard.





This is a big change fo r peo ple...there will need to be change m anagem ent. Have yo u tho ught thro ugh ho w yo u place students if each scho o l has a different fo cus? Ho w do yo u address im balance? What abo ut Spanish Im m ersio n


This is a bigger change.


This is very bro ad and will need indepth research and identified curriculum to be co nsistent between the diverse elem ents o f instructio n bo th o nline and in the classro o m .


This lo o ks like it has a lo t o f details that need to be iro ned o ut. Will these be expectatio ns that are placed o n teaching staff, o r are these details in place?


This o ptio n is even less fleshed o ut and defined. What im plicatio ns wo uld every scho o l being a cho ice scho o l. Is that even feasible with staffing and busing? Budget im plicatio ns? What are vertical fo cus-area po ds? We need definitio ns and a go o d reality check abo ut ho w so m ething like this co uld be scaled o ut and im plem ented.


This o ptio n seem s to m ake academ ics the o nly thing - tho se students that are fo cused in that way will be the o nes that succeed and tho se that struggle will be the lo sers


This seem s to o radical o verall. It wo uld take away the co ncept o f a neighbo rho o d elem entary scho o l, which wo uld likely result in less o f a feeling o f co m m unity. Having a Capsto n Pro ject as a graduatio n requirem ent seem s o ver-the-to p. Scheduling o ptio n fo r high scho o l seem go o d, but the m iddle and elem entary scho o l schedules m iss the m ark. Ho m ero o m co ncept fo r elem entary kids seem s to o chao tic fo r yo ung kids who are just getting used to scho o l


This will destro y o ur city and wreck the sense o f co m m unity that co m m unity scho o ls fo ster.


This wo uld be a dram atic shift in educatio n fo r the students, staff and parents invo lved. During the transitio n perio d, I see m o re pro blem s with the m iddle and high scho o l kids used to the current traditio nal schedule, and m aking sure they feel co m fo rtable and suppo rted in the transitio n to the new system . Elem entary scho o l kids sho uld be easier to transitio n as they are m o re flexible at tho se ages. Ano ther tho ught is ho w will the district m anage all the o ptio ns? EP is a large scho o l district with a lo t o f so cio eco no m ic and cultural diversity that results in vastly different expectatio ns. Is there a way these added o ptio ns wo n't o verwhelm staff and district em plo yees trying to acco m m o date so m any diverse students in so m any different educatio nal o ptio ns.


Thro wing the baby o ut with the bath o m any new o ptio ns.


Tim e fo r staff to develo p effective curriculum is o ften lacking, especially if it needs to be do ne district wide.


Tim e needed between transitio ns.


To o m any cho ice o ptio ns. Our district is no t capable o f suppo rting.


To o m any cho ices. Im balance in po pularity o f certain cho ices. Having to 'declare a m ajo r' at the elem entary level.


To o m any transitio ns fo r yo ung students in academ y m o del? Changing fo r the sake o f changing - m aking change witho ut adequate research and backgro und. Suppo rting teachers in kno wing ho w to teach within these new system s. Ho w ideas are im plem ented can lead to lo st suppo rt and ineffective change? Rushing into a new system


To o m uch academ ic.





To o m uch change that is no t necessary. Just inco rpo rate so m e o f these ideas into what we are do ing no w.


To o m uch cho ice translates into to o m uch co nfusio n. I just want m y children to go to a nearby scho o l that has o ptio ns fo r them


To o m uch individual em phasis co uld lead to a lack to team wo rk and co llabo ratio n. Po ssibly to o m uch individualized learning co uld result in a lack o f the big picture, and ho w it affects the individual learning.


To o m uch specializatio n at to o yo ung an age? No t sure if that'll be the case o r no t, but it's a risk I'd co nsider and like to hear addressed as part o f the plan.


To o m uch structure m ight burn kids o ut. They need flexibility.


Transpo rtatio n nightm are and incredibly co stly. And ho w will it help/harm kids m o ving o ut o f district o r tho se entering fro m ano ther district elsewhere?


Unclear ho w the blo ck schedule m eans "academ y" m o del. Having each elem entary be a cho ice scho o l so unds like a lo gistics nightm are.


Very co ncerned with creating each scho o l as a "cho ice" scho o l. I can o nly see this leading to divisiveness within the co m m unity. In additio n, o ur general classro o m po pulatio n has been affected o ver the year by Mo saic and Spanish Im m ersio n taking a percentage o f the higher-level learners o ut o f the general classro o m s. I wo uld cautio n the district to co nsider ho w cho ice scho o ls m ight po ssibly create the sam e co ncern.


We wo uld need to have m o re details o n the vertical co ho rt co ncept and the idea o f each elem entary scho o l being a "cho ice" scho o l in o rder to give accurate co m m ents o n these. The idea o f sum m ative assessm ents and capsto ne pro jects seem s like an extraneo us additio nal stresso r fo r children.


Why m ake a digital po rtfo lio as part o f a graduatio n requirem ent? I think that there needs to be m o re graded assignm ents than just the fo rm ative/sum m ative pro gram . I also think the flexibility o ffered in Optio n B to high scho o lers will o nly be beneficial fo r a select/m ino rity num ber.


Will there be o ptio ns fo r clubs, m usic/instrum ental activities o r spo rts team s with a schedule that go es fro m 88?


With the elem entary cho ice scho o ls yo u'd lo se the neighbo rho o d scho o l and building relatio nships between kids at tho se ages. My children play with the kids who they ride ho m e o n the bus with and with who m they can easily walk to their ho uses.


Witho ut kno wing a lo t m o re, I really do n't like the idea o f each elem entary scho o l being a different "cho ice" scho o l. I have three kids who are all unique to o ne ano ther and I'd prefer they weren't at three different elem entary scho o ls to acco m m o date their individual needs. I'd prefer that o ne elem entary was diverse eno ugh to handle all o f them . The scheduling aspect o f Optio n B lo o ks like a recipe fo r a lo t o f frustratio n. EP has a lo t o f great extracurricular pro gram s and prides itself o n its spo rts, and I fo resee a lo t o f co nflicts if there is to o m uch variability in scheduling. Also , as a Hum an Reso urces leader, em plo yees need to be able to sho w up fo r wo rk when they're scheduled and do their jo b. I get flexibility, but entitlem ent do esn't go o ver very well, particularly at wo rk!


Wo rried that each "cho ice" scho o l at a different elem entary lo catio n will be difficult / im practical given co m m ute fro m residences thro ugho ut EP.





Wo uld elem entary students feel co nnected eno ugh to a teacher if they see several different teachers thro ugh o ut the day?


Wo uld yo u be fo rced to attend yo ur neighbo rho o d scho o l if yo u disagree with the cho ice o f that scho o l?


Yo u can't just teach to standards - have to m ake sure yo u are getting kids ready. Where is the sco pe and sequence o f what kids are learning? Who is o verseeing that?


Yo u m entio n a literacy blo ck and a m ath blo ck, then o n to p o f this is an integrated studies blo ck. Co m e again? Integrated m eans that subject m atter gets integrated with literacy and m ath. Yo u do n't have an integrated blo ck that's its o wn thing. Wo w. And ho w in the wo rld can each scho o l be a cho ice scho o l? What a nightm are? What if a co uple o f scho o ls are po pular and a co uple o ther aren't? And, ho w m uch is busing go ing to co st when kids are getting driven all aro und the co m m unity? This o ne seem s like a no nstarter.


Yo u will have no idea ho w to im plem ent this. In an effo rt to lo o k trendy, yo u will create so m ething that is a po o r fit fo r m any o f the students and igno re them as yo u m o ve fo rward.


Yo unger kids k-2 need co re educatio n, co nsistency and a secure feeling. I do n't think this m o del is o ne-size fits all fo r k-5. The yo unger kids need less transitio n.


Yo ur info rm atio n is no t clear eno ugh to pro vide a respo nse.


Yuck. To o m any kids in the district to get this anywhere clo se to right in the next ten years


again to o vague schedule fo r m iddle scho o l, Capsto ne pro ject?


bussing acro ss the district will result in increased budgetary needs (o ne reaso n why Oak Po int 5-6 m o del was elim inated). With cho ice co m es a lo t o f fluctuating between buildings fro m year-to -year m aking it harder to staff and to keep class sizes equal.


change kids peer gro ups/friends as kids end up at different cho ice scho o ls. an large percentage o f kids cho o se a certain scho o l, beyo nd its capacity?


co ncern o ver ho w m uch m o ving the yo unger elem entary kids wo uld have. wo uld they really be transitio ning m ultiple tim es per day?


co nfusing to understand


do NOT have every scho o l be a different cho ice scho o l


fo cus area alternate by grades m ay lo se the purpo se o f "cho ice"


fo llo ws testing guidelines which aren't always best fo r students, do esn't give them as m uch o ppo rtunity to explo re, be creative. feels very structured which m ay be o k fo r so m e but m any need alternative ways to feel successful


if it is to o lo o se, it m ay be hard to ensure all students achieve key co re learning; extrem e flexibility m ay m ake it difficult fo r students o r parents that are no t as co nnected to the appro ach fo r the scho o l


kids wo nt' kno w what to do if they aren't at scho o l they will end up getting in tro uble. ho w will yo u m ake sure they're safe?





lo o ks like teachers want it easier!!


lo st kids sitting at ho m e watching video . Need I say m o re?


m aking each elem entary a cho ice scho o l will cause im balance am o ng the scho o ls as o ne cho ice will definitely m o re preferred than o thers. Higher budget fo r bussing etc, and again effect to real estate values needs to be co nsidered. Ho w will the different em phases in elem be transitio ned into m iddle scho o l and high scho o l?




no ipad learning please.


no risks


no t able to participate in spo rts if yo u have a night class.


no t get o ut an abo ut - get bo ard in o ne place


o n-line learning do es no t pro vide the co m m unity and so cial learning that traditio nal scho o l do es


schedule-difficult/co stly to im plem ent flexible schedule at Middle/high scho o l levels?


seem s to be very different fro m what peo ple are used to


this is extrem ely risky and cutting edge o verall; no t tested no r pro ven. will elem entary kids get distracted m o ving fro m ro o m to ro o m , spending tim e m o ving and settling do wn. cho o sing a cho ice scho o l so unds like Germ any where they cho o se a path early o n in life and never get the o ppo rtunity to be expo sed to o ther fields o f study; they are lo cked in. the evidence o f learning seem s to o flex and no t rigo ro us eno ugh.


this is the way to go but it m ay be to o advanced fo r eden prairie brains


to o m uch change all at o nce.


20. As you consider unique elements of Design Option B:Please identify rewards that this option may provide. Count



No ne






no ne

1 1

* Mo re flexibility allo ws fo r greater perso nalizatio n o f learning * Allo w children to learn in a style that best suites them thus leading to greater engagem ent


*The Capsto ne Pro ject wo uld be an incredible experience to benefit kids in the real wo r tho se kids who are certain in their cho sen path. It also gives kids a chance to fo cus o n that particular path, which m ay pro ve to no t be their interest after all. *Internships and hands o n learning are key in helping kids figure o ut their interests. They give valuable lesso ns yo u can't learn in a classro o m .


*flexibility in schedule based o n scho o l/grade level


- go o d to have a ho m ero o m teacher that is co nsistently there fo r the student, so m ebo dy to "fall back o nto "


-Less m o ving aro und the scho o l in elem entary


-felixibility o f HS and MS -fo rm ative and sum m ative assessm ents. Assessm ents canno t just be test based. -later start tim es fo r HS kids




1) I have no idea what an "Academ y Mo del" is (the o verview m aterials yo u pro vided co uld have been SOOO m uch m o re info rm ative), but I like the idea o f students ro tating thro ugh different blo cks with different, specialized teachers. My 4th grader do es that to day and it has been successful. 2) I like the no tio n o f each scho o l including fo cus-areas, but I'm no t exactly sure what is m eant by "vertical".


1. Vertical fo cus areas m ay pro vide a path fo r kids to fo llo w their interests.


1. Vertical fo cus-areas wo uld pro vide kids o ptio ns to specialize in areas o f interests o r talents.




A capsto ne pro ject in high scho o l co uld give students who have the suppo rt to guide them thro ugh the pro cess a chance to really perso nalize their learning, and pull m any areas o f learning to gether. I like the idea o f a high scho o l schedule that's flexible to allo w fo r internships and labs.


A co nsistent ho m ero o m o r ho m e base teacher helps students have a co nnectio n as well as helps with co nsistent co m m unicatio n fo r parents and students. Flexible schedules m ay allo w m o re students to be successful that are struggling no w.





A m o re flexible schedule at the high scho o l co uld be beneficial, but again, I'm curio us ho w this wo uld actually lo o k.


A student m ay find a new learning style that wo rks well fo r them ; ho wever, this m ay cripple them in the real wo rld when they are challenged to perfo rm and use o ther strategies because they were given a "cho ice" in scho o l.


Academ y m o del seem s very so lid.


Academ y m o del wo uld m aybe pro vide a better m etho d fo r pulling children who need special pro gram s like Reading/Math Co rp, Title, special Ed, to be pulled during a co o rdinated learning blo ck. I.e. Math co re during m ath blo ck.


Additio nal flexibility m ay have so m e benefit to students who aren't being effectively served by the current educatio nal m o del


Additio nal recess and creative learning tim e is essential to a child's develo pm ent!! Definite reward.


Allo ws fo r flexibility in so m any educatio nal areas . . . but who kno ws witho ut m uch greater detail ho w this will actually wo rk.


Already answered this?


As previo usly stated, I believe the Schedules & Calendars wo uld truly benefit students with a better o utlo o k and sense o f directio n fo r their future.


Besides "cho ice scho o ls" this structure has po tential fo r educatio n to be hands o n, fluent and engaging. Kids m ay be able to have m o re access to critical thinking skills and hands o n educatio n.


Better prep fo r the wo rk wo rld Ho pefully m o re engaged students given the advanced cho ices Expo sure to different teachers will pro vide o ptio ns when there is a teacher the child do es no t co nnect with (they are no t Stuck" with that teacher fo r the full year resulting in their disco nnectio n fro m scho o l)


Blo ck learning co uld be very go o d fo r fo cus, especially 3rd grade and up. Having cho ice scho o ls gives m o re cho ices to tailo r learning to student interests.


Blo ck scheduling is no t a new idea. It is so m ething that has been do ne and no t do ne, etc. in scho o l districts everywhere. Let's sto p this cycle o f do ing the sam e things every few years o nly to change a few years later.


Can't think o f any.


Capsto ne & internship o ptio ns are fantastic and give students a taste o f putting their classro o m learnings into actio ns. Mo st will land in jo bs where they have to co llabo rate and are pro ject based. I suppo rt hands o n. Dist 112 m ay have stats fo r yo u o n their capsto ne pro jects and internship o ppo rtunities. I've wo rked with several students o n their capsto ne and really like the "real wo rld" expo sure they can gain.


Capsto ne pro ject is an o ppo rtunity to learn the value o f lo ng term wo rk and sticking to a go al.


Children are expo sed to lo ts o f cho ices


Children can pursue their interests.





Children will have a m o re ingrained experience as they will have ancho red m em o ries with their learning. Mem o rable learning sticks with peo ple fo r a lifetim e.


Cho ice, m o tivatio n, passio n fro m students


Co m m unity m em bers m ay appreciate cho ice.


Co nsiders the digital wo rld very well.


Co uld result in m o re authentic ways to develo p and assess student learning in skill areas applicable to any field.


Creative students and tho se with a thirst to learn will feel free to excel (and it will feel natural to them ).


Creative thinking.


Custo m ized learning happening.


Deeper learning


Digital fo cus go o d prep


Digital po rtfo lio s and capsto ne pro jects lend them selves very well to co llege prep and real wo rld experience.


Digital po rtfo lio s wo uld be go o d at all grades, no t just the high scho o l.


Digital student po rtfo lio Capsto ne pro ject


Do no t like the idea o f every elem entary being a "cho ice" scho o l, as will lo se the subject m atter balance that elem entary scho o ls need. Also , likely to create racial/inco m e disparities. Teachers better qualified/suited to teach subject m atters that interest them . Like this idea better fo r 5th and 6th graders who rem ain at elem entary scho o ls; go o d preparatio n fo r m iddle scho o l.


Do n't fully the two o ptio ns as laid o ut in the presentatio n to o pine o n the risk o r rewards.


Do ne well, fo rm ative and sum m ative assessm ents can be great at pro viding data fo r co ntinuo us im pro vem ent. Capsto ne and po rtfo lio s to o , but need to see ho w they wo uld ro ll-o ut.


EPSD can use o ur children as guinea pigs to find o ut what wo rks (o r at least is po pular) so that o ther districts can im plem ent witho ut having to put their students thro ugh it (anyo ne rem em ber the "New Math" fiasco ? ). After all, if so m e o f these children have to get a subpar educatio n fo r the sake o f the district learning what no t to do , it's wo rth the price, right?


Each scho o l is allo wed to o ffer cho ices.


Early structure while allo wing so m e flexibility as students m ature.


Ease o f o nline educatio n delivery.


Educatio n that is pro gressive and exciting. Do ing away with the traditio nal m o del that do esn't reflect what we are evo lving to o .





Elem entary Structure Expo sure to m o re adults who can be advo cates/ro le m o dels to m y child Schedules and Calendars Flexibility fo r internships/hands-o n activity is a great idea fo r high scho o lers. This will engage different learner types and allo w fo r students to be expo sed to o ppo rtunities they m ight no t have if they had to seek them o utside o f scho o l ho urs.


Elem entary Structure: I can't visualize what the "academ y m o del" lo o ks like so I can't co m m ent o n the rewards Cho ice scho o ls: o ffers o ptio ns (but I'm unclear if we're suppo se to pick o ne o f the 3 o ptio ns o r what) Evidence o f learning: appears to no t teach to the test. Schedules and Calendars: especially with high scho o l the ability to have hands o n experience with internships etc is appealing


Elem entary scho o l ho m ebase – Go o d idea fo r grades 4 and up. Fo cused area co ho rts/po ds – At o lder grade levels o nly. Internship and pro ject-based schedules fo r HS students


Expo sure to lo ts o f different ways o f thinking (but m y co ncerns rem ain - to o m any? )




Flexibility based o n grade o r scho o l, inno vative schedule, seco ndary co urse wo rk culm inates in capsto ne, cho ice scho o l with a distinct fo cus


Flexibility fo r internships fo r high scho o l students co uld give them experience that helps them prepare fo r a career and wo uld also help them decide what they wo uld like to do as a career. Digital student po rtfo lio s wo uld give students the experience o f pro fessio nally presenting them selves.


Flexibility fo r m iddle and high scho o l a great o ptio n


Flexibility is go o d. The digital po rtfo lio idea m akes sense as a way to take a lo ng term view o f individual pro gress.


Flexibility, better learning o ptio ns fo r what isn't wo rking fo r so m e kids.


Flexible schedules


Flexible scheduling o ptio ns, specifically year-ro und scho o l, need to be co nsidered. so m uch is lo st o ver the sum m er m o nths in the yo unger grades.


Fo cus areas alternating by grade co uld be a go o d way to pro vide elem ents o f several types o f cho ice scho o ls to all students in the district, thereby expo sing them to m o re o f the wo rld aro und them .


Fo cus areas by grade level. No t sure abo ut alternating - budget co ncerns with different curriculum needs with the alternating.


Fo rm ative and sum m ative assessm ent.


Fo rm ative assessm ents seem like a go o d thing, just like they seem ed like a go o d thing when we were gung-ho into PLCs a few years ago . We are suppo sed to be currently do ing fo rm ative assessm ents, but I'm no t seeing a lo t o f it in actio n.


Gro uping students with sim ilar perfo rm ing peers regardless o f ho m ero o m m akes so m uch sense, it decreases bo redo m fo r high perfo rm ers and frustratio ns fo r develo ping learners. Students wo uld feel m o re adequate and co m fo rtable.





Hands o n learing


Hands-o n / internship learning at the high scho o l level so unds pro m ising.


Hands-o n experience at the high scho o l level.


Having "fo cus areas" by grade level seem s to let kids explo re m o re by no t setting them o n a defined pathway fo r their entire elem entary scho o l experience.


Having all cho ice scho o ls m ay help each student find the right learning enviro nm ent fo r him /her. Flexibilty in high scho o l schedules to allo w fo r internships can help students get experience in vario us fields and help them m ake a m o re info rm ed m ajo r/career selectio n.


Having unity with o ne gro up o f kids/o ne teacher. That co uld be a huge assist.


High Scho o l internships


Ho m ero o m gives an o ppo rtunity fo r teachers to kno w the kids strengths and weaknesses better.


Ho m ero o m teacher is a great idea to give the students a place to "gro und" them to their scho o l. I like ho w this m o del go es back to m aking sure students learn the basic building blo cks that are o ften o verlo o ked.


I am a successful engineer with a m asters degree in engineering. We need no t have to be o n ipad to beco m e techno lo gy perso n.


I am repeating what I said fo r bo th Design Optio ns A and B because m y answer still applies. Fo r a student who is highly m o tivated, there wo uld be m o re flexibility.


I am unclear o n this


I believe the glo bal educatio n system has been m o ving this way fo r so m e tim e - trying to m ake their students the brightest.


I do no t like any part o f this m o del


I do think the blo ck scheduling wo uld be helpful fo r 4-5-6th graders to prepare them fo r m iddle scho o l.


I do n't feel as tho ugh I have eno ugh understanding o f ho w Optio n B wo uld wo rk.


I do n't have a pro blem with o ptio n B/evidence o f learning. I'm no t sure what a capsto ne pro ject is. Or what it wo uld lo o k like. I need m o re info o n o ptio n B.


I do n't see any rewards abo ve what we currently have.


I have seen the blo ck schedule wo rk very well at the 5th and 6th grade level and co uld also see it wo rking at the 4th grade level. Flexible schedule fo r internships and hands o n pro ject based labs is an excellent idea.


I kind o f like the idea o f fo cus areas


I like a capsto ne pro ject fo r high scho o l kids





I like a literacy o r m ath blo ck o nly if it wo uld be do ne with ability based gro upings. I like the idea o f digital po rtfo lio s, I believe they will be very im po rtant in develo ping the skill set the kids need as they get o lder, plus we have access to such am azing techno lo gy in o ur district, we sho uld put it to go o d use. I like the flexibility po rtio n o f the scheduling fo r m iddle scho o l and high scho o l.


I like digital student po rtfo lio s and the flexible scho o l ho urs fo r high scho o lers.


I like the 3 blo ck idea: literacy, m ath, them e, and the academ y fo cus. No scho o l is left o ut o f the change. Digital po rtfo lio wo rks with the pro ject-based learning.


I like the Capsto ne Pro ject and that all elem entary scho o ls wo uld be cho ice.


I like the capsto ne pro ject fo r seco ndary educatio n. It will give the students a go o d taste o f what po st-seco ndary educatio n and real wo rking enviro nm ents will entail.


I like the digital po rtfo lio idea.


I like the digital po rtfo lio s as grad requirem ent and also like the flexible scheduling at the high scho o l fo r m o re internship o ppo rtunities as a unique learning experience!


I like the flexibility at the m iddle and HS levels. Less structure and m o re acco untability. Flexibility to learn they need to learn.


I like the idea o f digital po rtfo lio s. It wo uld also be nice to give students academ ic cho ice in their scho o l.


I like the idea o f m o re flexibility fo r hands-o n wo rk at the high scho o l level. Internships, m ento r-ships, labs, etc.


I like the idea o f m o re pro ject based/blo ck learning. I am really in favo r o f having each scho o l include the sam e sets o f vertical fo cus areas o r po ds. (Spanish Im m ersio n, Co ntinual Pro gress, Mo saic, Talented and Gifted, IB, STEM)


I like the idea o f seco ndary student co ursewo rk culm inating in a capsto ne pro ject.


I like the idea that there co uld be tim e fo r internships o r o ther pro ject based learning in this Optio n.


I like the interships at the high scho o l level.


I like the o ptio n o f high scho o l students being able to participate in internships, hands-o n pro ject-based o r lab experiences.


I like the o ptio n o f pro ject based learning, but I wo uld ho pe a go o d teacher in either o ptio n A o r B wo uld utilize this type o f learning.


I like the pro ject based learning idea and the integrated studies. Co uldn't this be co m bined with elem ents o f Optio n A?


I like the ro tating fo cus areas in the scho o ls. A capsto ne pro ject is a neat idea.


I like the schedule po rtio n o f Optio n B where there is flexibility at the m iddle scho o l and high scho o l levels. This gives students respect and independence in their learning.





I like they idea o f having fo cus areas, o r alternating by grade, within each scho o l. This creates a m o re co m m o n educatio nal experience between all elem entary scho o ls, and allo ws kids to disco ver which areas they are interested in, and ho w they best learn, witho ut pigeo n-ho ling them into o ne style straight o ut o f prescho o l.


I lo ve the Digital Student Po rtfo lio s as part o f a graduatio n requirem ent and a Capsto ne Pro ject. It is m o deling after co llege and the real wo rld.


I need m o re clarificatio n o n the academ y m o del to co m m ent


I pro vided input at the in-perso n sessio ns o n 5/25/16


I really like Optio n 2, as it o ffers the ability build upo n the fo cus areas year to year, acco unting fo r the develo pm ental stages o f children, and co m po unding kno wledge and understanding o ver tim e.


I think the Academ y m o del co uld be a go o d o ptio n, but I need m o re info rm atio n abo ut ho w it wo uld wo rk.


I think this o ptio n better facilitates pro ject based learning.


I think this o ptio n wo uld definitely push the envelo pe o n learning in public educatio n to what peo ple cho o se when go ing to a private/charter scho o l. I wo uld ho pe it wo uld allo w all students additio nal physical activity via recess o r tim e the teacher feels is necessary as it is no t specifically m entio ned. I do think so m e teachers wo uld really blo sso m in this setting and have m o re auto no m y o ver their classro o m .


I tho ught they were basically bo th generic term s that wo uld eventually end in the sam e o utco m e. I o nly saw the o nline video and presentatio n and that had very little real substance.


I'm no t clear o n what the benefit wo uld be.


I'm no t sure.


If children can learn m o re o nline that wo uld save m o ney.


If the blo cks in the academ y m o del are at the sam e tim e fo r each grade this co uld truly allo w fo r students needs to be m et where they are by allo wing achievem ent level (and no t age level) placem ent. Po rtfo lio s allo ws students to sho w learning in a different way which m ay relieve "Grade" pressures.


Im pro ve and adapted learning


Includes exciting ways to learn.


Increased flexibility to help kids learn in a way that wo rks fo r them




Info rm atio n pro vided o n this o ptio n were to o vague to co m m ent o n.


Inno vate and co uld attract a certain type o f student and parent to the district.


Integrating pro ject based learning into the different subject areas "easier" fo r staff having to fo cus o n o ne o r two subject areas


Internships Hands o n pro ject based





Internships co uld be go o d fo r students leaning that way but wo uldn't want it fo rced o n all students. Sim ilar to the lab experience - if that is a field o f interest - go o d. But no t to the po int o f m aking everyo ne have to fo llo w that path.


Internships etc. all seem like great o ptio ns. Ho wever, this o ptio n is a little to o wishy-washy fo r m e. No t eno ugh info .


It allo ws students to ro tate enviro nm ents, students, and teachers with different teaching styles


It can be difficult to do everything well at all sites.


It m ay actually m eet the needs o f the 21st century learner


It m ay be perfect fo r so m e students, but no t all students.


It m ight pro vide fo r a lo t o f cho ice, but I'm no t sure ho w yo ung we want o ur kids to specialize.


It m ight wo rk well - just hard to say fo r sure.


It wo uld wo rk nicely fo r the 10-20% students that already go to academ y scho o ls, but really is a disservice to the 40-50% o f kids in the m iddle.


Kids get into the pro ject-based learning faster The scho o l m ay fit the kids' interests better resulting in better o utco m es.


Kids wo rk to academ ic po tential.


Learning by do ing, m any o ptio ns fo r learning technical skills no rm ally no t learned until trade scho o l o r co llege


Like the digital student po rtfo lio .


Like the idea o f a capsto ne pro ject in the HS and o ppo rtunities fo r internship/hands-o n pro jects (but I kind o f think that's po ssible already). Still difficult due to vague details.


Like the idea o f vertical o r fo cus gro ups within the scho o l--but just wo uldn't want students to be "lo cked" into a type o f instructio n o r fo cus.


Literacy and m ath blo cks and the pro ject based learning allo ws fo r perso nalized learning. Hands o n pro jects are the future o f learning.


Meeting students' needs


Middle scho o l flexibility in scheduling co uld be a go o d o ptio n. High scho o l already has alo t o f flexibility.


Mo bility. Students can easily ho ur by ho ur be m igrated between pro gram s as needs change.


Mo dernizing Ed delivery. Sam e as the risk: m any o ptio ns.


Mo re cho ice


Mo re cho ices fo r students.





Mo re co ntinuity fo r students with fam iliar expectatio ns Higher engagem ent o f students with m o re cho ice/say in their educatio n based o n interest and skills


Mo re fo cus o n challenging each student


Mo re hands-o n, m o re engaging, m o re realistic to adult life. The co re is still a fo cus which will m ake it easier to swallo w fo r the parents but student interests still drive the instructio n.


Mo re independence fo r students


Mo re o ppo rtunities to wo rk with clo se friends


Mo re pro ject wo rk. Ho w m any things are do ne with the help o f o thers.


Mo re tim e to get all the subjects co m pleted.


Mo re unique learning o ppo rtunities will available to all students. Learning will be pro ject based and m o re hands o n/real wo rld.


Multiple cho ice scho o ls co uld benefit different styles o f learners. A fo cus area wo uld devo te m o re tim e to better learn individual to pics fro m year to year.


My So n wo uld be even m o re m o tivated in an enviro nm ent where lesso ns are fo cused o n m ath/science/techno lo gy/engineering.


My respo nses are the sam e as fro m the previo us questio ns.






New ideas, and o ptio ns.


No ne that I can see. Isn't this already happening at 4-6 grade levels in the elem entary?


No ne, especially in the elem entary scho o l.


No ne.


No ne. Please do n't do this.


No t eno ugh info pro vided....


No t sure


No t sure I see m any.


No thing unique in the pro po sal fo r the high scho o l (at least as it is currently wo rded).





Ok, first o f all, as far as I can tell we received the em ail with this survey On Friday June 3rd and were asked to co m plete it o n the sam e day, by June 3rd, which m eans I wo uld have to either take m y prep ho ur o r m y perso nal tim e to co m plete the survey.....a perfect exam ple o f what I m entio ned befo re...ho w o ur tim e as a teaching staff is no t valued. The o ther po ssibility is that filling o ut the survey is m erely a fo rm ality and yo u have no intentio n o f listening to o ur input. Seco nd o f all, there is no explanatio n/clarificatio n o f any o f the term s o r co ncepts in the info rm atio n. I can't vo te o n so m ething that I have had abo ut 10 m inutes to lo o k at. Clearly this to pic is so m ething that deserves m uch m o re discussio n and clarificatio n than o ne em ail and a survey taken with 10 m inutes o f preparatio n. This is so m ething that needs to be do ne o n a wo rksho p o r pro fessio nal develo pm ent day so we can fully explo re all o f the o ptio ns and m ake the best cho ice fo r o ur student po pulatio n.


Oppo rtunities fo r cho ice and perso nal pursuits will increase student m o tivatio n and interests. Many o f the elem ents at the seco ndary level allo w students to have hands-o n experience which is extrem ely beneficial.


Oppo rtunities fo r pro ject wo rk is very valuable (but seem s like it co uld be acco m plished witho ut creating cho ice o ptio ns.


Oppo rtunity to learn in key interest areas in m o re depth.


Optio n 2 and 3 interesting to have fo cus areas in po ds o r grades. Capsto ne pro ject sim ilar to m any co llege co urse requirem ents. Internship o ptio ns: if scho o l helps co o rdinate internship o ptio ns fo r students based o n interests and student required to subm it so m e so rt o f repo rt, o utco m e o r presentatio n to sho w they learned during that tim e.


Optio n B Rewards: - The academ y m o del seem s like a so lid and fo cused appro ach - The scheduling m o del fo r o ptio n B seem s reaso nable and a go o d appro ach fo r o ur students. Flexibility, internships and hands-o n pro jects are all real wo rld m o dels that will help o ur kids in the future.


Optio n B is actually several o ptio ns, so identifying the rewards is difficult at best. It co uld allo w students with narro w interests to spend m o re tim e o n their interests, with o ther students that share the sam e interests. Getting additio nal so urces fo r assessm ents is a go o d thing, and allo ws a m o re co m plete picture o f the students capabilities.


Optio n B schedule seem s appealing to allo w fo r m o re flexibility.


Optio n B wo uld allo w children to adjust to a changing enviro nm ent at an early age.


Optio n B: Changing fo cus by grade level is extrem ely im po rtant. A 5th grader sho uld no t be learning abo ut lo ans, but a junio r o r senio r sho uld be learning abo ut lo ans.


Our high scho o l student likes the flipped class m o del alo t. It seem s like Optio n B wo uld lean to wards the flip class system .


Perso nalized learning


Po ssible benefits o f o nline learning: -quality instructo rs can reach a greater num ber o f students -o ppo rtunities fo r advanced children to co m plete additio nal m aterial -this fo rm at allo ws fo r learning to o ccur witho ut as m any so cial pressures fro m peers which o ften interfere with learning


Prefer having each elem entary a cho ice scho o l


Pro ject Based Learning is trendy no w, so EP wo uld be in the fo refro nt.





Pro ject blo ck so unds great and will give all kids experience Mo asaic kids enjo yed Co ntinued use o f po ds builds co m m unity ideally m ulti year High scho o l m o re pro jects and internships excellent also capsto ne


Pro vides flexibility basis need


Pro vides m o re o ppo rtunities fo r high scho o l students to explo re jo b fields.


Pro viding leadership o ppo rtunities fo r natural leaders.


Really can't think o f any.


Reward - lo nger instructio n blo cks o n co re co m petency to pics I appreciate the idea o f a capsto ne pro ject that starts in elem entary scho o l and tracks with the student thru end o f high scho o l to sho w pro gressio n o f tho ught, learning and o utco m es o n the to pic.


Reward o f pro ject-based learning: by seeing the direct applicatio n o f their wo rk, students m o re easily grasp the "so what" and will be m o re engaged in the learning.


Rewards are fo cused m o re o n the adm inistratio n "wants" and the sm all po pulatio n o f fam ilies, rewarding a sm all num ber o f students.


Rewards m ay no t be high when splitting scho o ls by fo cus areas


Rewards that I see wo uld be co nvenience o f scheduling, but that helps the adults in the building and o ur first prio rity m ust be o ur students.


Rewards wo uld include students being able to fo cus o r specialize in so m ething such as arts, m usic, language, etc.


Sam e as o ptio n A.


Scho o l co nfiguratio n - It seem s like lo ts o f po tential m o ving fro m class to class fo r sm aller kids, BUT wo uld need m o re info rm atio n as indicated.


Seco ndary: Internships will allo w students to have real wo rld experience in wo rkplace/areas o f interest


See Respo nse Belo w


So m e fam ilies m ay appreciate the cho ice o f pro gram s.


So m e students will thrive in this system . So m e faculty will be given the reso urces to m ake it wo rk.


So unds like there wo uld be a variety o f teachers which wo uld allo w teachers to fo cus o n an area o f instructio n. This co uld m ake them better experts in an area


Structure can also be go o d fo r so m e students.


Student independence and acco untability are enhanced by requiring a capsto ne. I appreciate built in tim e fo r students to wo rk o n individual pursuits. I think integrated studies in elem entary and m iddle scho o l are im po rtant. I like that students wo uld be given an o ppo rtunity to wo rk with sam e-age as well as different age peers at a earlier ages.





Student vo ice and cho ice.


Student will definitely gro w and co uld well define his interest.


Students are free to pursue their interesting, m aking them feel their scho o l experience was actually valuable and useful.


Students m ay be m o re engaged. Student o wnership m ay be better achieved with a po rtfo lio and capsto ne pro ject.


Students m ight be able to m o ve fo rward at a faster pace than their peers.


Students sho uld be able to replace academ ic requirem ents in m ath and science with wo rkplace training. A no ntraditio nal student wo uld succeed in this kind o f enviro nm ent.


Students will be successful.


Suppo rting additio nal learning styles and pro viding teachers o ther ways to help students reach their go als.


Teachers fo r the different areas can be m o re fo cused o n the specific subject m atter.


Teachers who are experts in their subject, m o re tim e o n a particular subject


Teachers wo uld be able to refine their craft in o ne subject instead o f m any in elem entary.


Teachers/students fo cused o n area studies co uld im pro ve transitio ns.


The Academ y m o del is go o d.


The academ y m o del so unds like it gives the students an o ppo rtunity to be with different teachers in each blo ck that have co m plete kno wledge o f that area that they are teaching, so they can pro vide a well ro unded and challenging classro o m enviro nm ent. (if i am understanding is co rrectly) The vertical fo cus-areas po ds wo uld pro bably be the best o ut o f the 3 o ptio ns under the design o ptio n B. The digital student po rtfo lio & capsto ne pro ject so und like a great idea. Like the o ptio n B schedule and calendar design.


The digital po rtfo lio and capsto ne pro ject pro vides a resum e and track reco rd o f suppo rt all students co uld stand o n into co llege o r the wo rking wo rld. Alternating fo cus areas co uld pro vide m o re in depth expo sure to areas the students m ight no t o therwise cho o se fo r them selves.


The district sho uld identify these rewards


The elem ents o f this o ptio n are excellent!


The fo rm ative and sum m arize assessm ent as a way to guide instructio n. The academ y m o del, specially in o rder to get to kno w each student.


The o ppo rtunity fo r internships, etc lo o ks intriguing fo r the high scho o l.


The way yo u present these 2 cho ices are abstract and co nfusing. I've heard this fro m o ther parents as well. Was this do ne o n purpo se?


These survey questio ns are repeating.





This is the future o f the wo rk fo rce so early learning o f this style will benefit everyo ne


This m ight help m eet the needs o f m o re students.


This m o del seem s like it has m o re breadth and depth o f learning capability.


This m o del seem s m o st sim ilar to what they are do ing no w.


This o ptio n needs m o re clarity aro und it befo re we can decide the benefits o r risks.


This o ptio n pro vides m o re o f a custo m ized educatio nal experience fo r each student po tentially getting the m o st o ut o f them .


Tim e fo r internships and hands o n pro jects is what high sho uld be abo ut, helping them decide what career path m ight be m o st appro priate fo r them .


Tim e fo r internships and jo b schedules.


Tim e fo r students to co m e to gether in the ho m e ro o m and structure.


To ns o f reward - creativity, real learning, real wo rld experience, self esteem , engagem ent.


To o vague to co m m ent.


Upper grade level o ptio ns fo r schedule so und interesting. I do n't think the elem entary level o ptio ns have any rewards and we wo uld pro bably switch to a different district if these elem ents were im plem ented.


Versus Optio n A, it keeps neighbo rho o ds to gether.


Vertical fo cus areas, fo rm ative assessm ents.


Very different way o f structure and will be appro priate fo r certain learning styles


Very go o d


Will prep peo ple fo r co llage


With "Vertical Fo cus Areas", students co uld cho o se the area which best fits their interests.


With m ultiple pro gram s at the elem entary level all fam ilies sho uld find so m ething that really fits them (district retentio n rates sho uld go up!)


Yo u m ay disco ver a talent o r area o f interest yo ur child has that wo uld no t have been disco vered o therwise.


Yo ur info rm atio n is no t clear eno ugh to pro vide a respo nse.


ability to fo cus o n specific pro jects and classes the student really has a talent and interest fo r


capsto ne? ? ? Need m o re info


change co uld be cutting edge





evidence o f learning o ptio ns are interesting - no t sure all are needed but so m e variety is interesting




flexibility fo r high scho o l students wo uld be nice


flexibility in learning/suppo rt o ffered to students- m ay help with achieving in reducing the gap? Experiential learning & po rtfo lio s/capsto ne relevant to the 4 C's needed fo r learners to day


flexibility is clo ser to real-wo rld pro blem so lving and allo ws fo r individual explo ratio n o f interests and skills.


hands o n real life experience via internships and in real labs wo uld be highly valuable


i lo ve that the seco ndary m im ics co llege! the po rtafo lio so unds wo nderful, pro ject based learning can reach m o re learners and im pro ve reading co nsiderably because o f the interdisciplinary m ix


inno vative m iddle scho o l schedule that allo ws m o re flexibility is easier to pro vide sped services within


interest based learning


kids get to be pushed and experience m o re


kids will get thro ugh the grades faster


like the no tio n o f integrated studies and pro ject based learning


m o re flexibility


m o re indepth study o f a subject area


m o re individualized experience


m o re structure - which kids need One teacher that kno ws them reallly well fo cused tim e during the blo cks to get that o ne things do ne






new pro jects and ideas


no rewards identified


no ne really..


no t sure what the rewards wo uld be


o ne teacher that gets to kno w kids


o ppo rtunity to shape the students to be ready fo r 21st century and co m pete in glo bal m arket.





perhaps peo ple like rigid learning? I do n't see any rewards to this o ptio ns


reco lo nizatio n and rewards pro gram s will m o tivate the children.


seem s to pro vide m o re o ptio ns fo r each learner, puts learners first


21. As you consider unique elements of Design Option B:What might you add or change to improve upon this draft option? Count



No ne


No t sure


No thing




no ne

1 1

* Co nsider greater flexibility fo r Elem entary grades * Co nsider credits fo r partial ho m e-scho o ling/assessm ent


*Unsure ho w the blo ck schedule is im plem ented at the elem entary level. *Po ssibly have an elem entary scho o l that is no t distinctly fo cused as a cho ice - m aybe im plem ent part o f Optio n A in that scho o l?


-I still like the ho m e base - a student kno wing who is their num ber o ne advo cate is so im po rtant. I just like having the break-o ut o ppo rtunities like in Optio n A as well


-later start tim es fo r MS and HS kids -need to see m o re recess at elem entary scho o l




1) I have no idea what a "fo rm ative and sum m ative assessm ent" is. Once again, the prep m aterial is so rely lacking. I can't even pro vide an o pinio n o n this. 2) Again, no idea what a "digital student po rtfo lio " is o r a "capsto ne pro ject". So can pro vide feedback and really wish I was better info rm ed so that m y o pinio n seem ed to m atter m o re to the scho o l district.




A co m binatio n o f bo th


A co m m o n educatio nal go al fo r all elem entary scho o ls based o n stro ng "co re" educatio n fo r all kids, at all levels at all eco no m ic status.


Academ y Mo del seem s disjo inted fo r yo unger grades - m aybe start in 4th grade - Elim inate Spanish in elem entary scho o ls - they learn little and then at CMS m any students do n't try o ther languages and just stick with Spanish


Academ y m o del o f blo cked schedules but keep elem entary students in the sam e classro o m all day lo ng. Fo rm ative and sum m ative assessm ents used when appro priate, but o ther m etho ds available as well fo r students to sho w pro ficiency.


Acco m m o datio ns to m eet the requirem ents o f Advanced Placem ent Co llege Bo ard criteria.





Adapt a vo catio nal aspect fo r students o f train fo r wo rk experience instead o f academ ic requirem ents.There are students in o ur district who will never go to co llege, there needs to be a place fo r them .


Add m o re o ptio ns and m ake it less generalized.


Add m o re recess


Add m o re recess to this m o del as well


Add to pro ject-based learning: also perso nalized learning, letting students give input into aspects o f ho w learning is do ne, ho w learning is dem o nstrated.


Add: where's the research o n student achievem ent to suppo rt these changes?


Adding m o re creative tim e and recess!!!!


Again, it is hard to respo nd witho ut so m e idea o f the im plem entatio n. We already do fo rm ative and sum m ative assessm ents so what is unique here with this particular piece in Optio n B?


Again, what evidence, research do we have that these are viable o ptio ns?


Allo w students an "o ut" o r to m ake a change if their cho ice ends up no t being a go o d fit.


Already answered this?


An o ptio n fo r kids to stay at scho o l lo nger till 6:00 pm and co m plete co llage level co urse fo r co llage credit wo uld be wo nderful.


At the high scho o l level, I really like the CORE co ncept and I'd like to see it specifically included. That has been a very po sitive experience fo r m y kid.


Better library services.


Blo ck schedules belo w 4th grade students are no t m ature eno ugh to have the respo nsibility that go es with that type o f schedule and yo u end up putting m o re o n parents plates to m anage and deal with all the different teachers, assignm ents, etc... Fo r years Blo o m ingto n Jefferso n o ffered co urses that students co uld take that m ight sho w them a directio n fo r co llege. They were co urses m o re geared fo r the co llege bo und and help students no t waste tim e and m o ney in co llege trying to disco ver a passio n o r a m ajo r. I wo uld lo ve to see so m ething like this.


CMS "inno vative" schedule is really vague


Clarificatio n o n cho ice scho o l o ptio ns Clarificatio n o n everything


Clarify where the Spanish Im m ersio n Scho o l fits in


Clarity o n what classes / learning "lo o ks like" in this o ptio n.


Co m bine elem ents o f A and B; back up reco m m endatio ns with research


Create o ppo rtunities fo r pro ject wo rk witho ut gro uping kids into fo cus areas.





Curriculum and reso urces


Define "academ y m o del." Narro w so m e o f the o ptio ns do wn so that it is a m o re fo cused pro po sal.


Define them . I can't say eno ugh ho w distrustful I am and ho w unvalued I am feeling no w in term s o f what the superintendent's adm inistrative team m ust think o f what we do here at the high scho o l. I kno w that o ur o wn adm inistrato rs, fo r the m o st part, respect and value o ur talent, dedicatio n, hard wo rk and creativity. It's no t co m ing thro ugh at all fro m the highest levels o f leadership in this district right no w.


Define, define, define. Do n't reco m m end Evidence o f Learning po ints either. Capsto ne is fo r co llege-level and sho uldn't be m andato ry fo r high scho o l. Digital is o verdo ne at this po int - we're go ing to end up with students who can't handwrite because it's all digital. Elem entary sho uld hand handwriting activities, spelling and punctuatio n.


Defining what the integrated subjects and pro jects are; do these get designed by the teacher? Co m m o n o ptio ns to cho o se fro m ? Wo uld teachers have tim e to develo p these?


Designated daily physical educatio n/m o vem ent and lo nger lunch tim e. To o m any tim es i have co m e and seen m any kids no t getting the chance to eat their lunch because they didn't have the tim e. Lunch is a so cial learning tim e as well as nutritio n and the kids.


Details. Ho w can I tell, since it's no t really clear what's being pro po sed.


Do no t m ake elem entary scho o ls "fo cused".


Do no t prefer this o ptio n


Do no t redistrict o r m o ve students to different buildings.


Do n't fully the two o ptio ns as laid o ut in the presentatio n to o pine o n the risk o r rewards.


Do n't have such flexibility o n m iddle scho o lers' schedules. They are to o yo ung to be deciding such big decisio ns that m ay affect their high scho o l and co llege success.


Dro p the "by grade" o ptio n


Each elem . scho o l has the sam e curriculum and fo cus.


Elem entary scho o ls sho uld start earlier. Then m iddle scho o l. Then HS. There is a to n o f research aro und setting scho o l tim es that better synch with natural sleep patterns.


Elem entary structure: we need an exam ple o f what this lo o ks like befo re co m m enting here Cho ice scho o ls: pick o ne o ptio n o r sho w us ho w all three o ptio ns are integrated. This o ne is very cho ppy


Ensure there are m etho ds fo r no t letting kids get lo st in the shuffle o f the new m etho do lo gy.


Every o ptio n sho uld include m o re recess and creativity tim e, no t just Optio n A. Students are currently starved o f o ppo rtunities to m o ve their bo dies.


Flexibility in scheduling m ay be go o d but wo uldn't want to start to o yo ung. Students need to be self-m o tivated to be successful with a flexible learning schedule.





Flexibility is the key in this o ptio n. Fo r that reaso n, m any o f these elem ents co uld be o ptio nal (Capsto ne Pro ject, schedule that allo ws fo r internships, etc.)


Flexible classro o m -an enviro nm ent that allo ws fo r gro up wo rk, interactio n and change in co nfiguratio n that acco m m o dates that.


Fo cus o n Middle Scho o l and High Scho o l fo r this o ptio n


Fo cus o n level setting each scho o l with the sam e pro gram s and aligning bo undaries to suppo rt.


Further clarificatio n o f ho w these changes will be beneficial to staff and students.


Further develo p the internship/lab o ppo rtunities fo r the high scho o lers.


Get rid o f it


Get rid o f it.


Get rid o f the who le every elem entary is a cho ice scho o l thing.


Give so m e m o re flexibility


Go back to square 1


Go o d


Hard to see ho w this can be im plem ented successfully with current teacher/student ratio .


Ho pefully yo u'll add so m e co ncrete curriculum rather than spending so m uch m o ney and tim e o n teachers creating their o wn curriculum .


Ho w m ight this affect scho o ls? neighbo rho o ds, bussing? etc.


Hybrid appro ach to evidence o f learning between the two m o dels and I appreciate adding in a student co m po nent but wo uld no t tie a grad requirem ent to it Instructio nal tim e in bo th m o dels need to be lo nger at the m iddle and high scho o l level. Sho uld be flexibility o f cho ice fo r so m e o f that tim e whether it's wo rk credit, ho m ewo rk assistance o r pro ject based. Calendars need to beco m e m o re real tim e and interactive


I am a successful engineer with a m asters degree in engineering. We need no t have to be o n ipad to beco m e techno lo gy perso n. please have kids learn with o ut disturbances fro m the screens.


I am no t clear which elem entary grades wo uld have the academ y m o del.


I am repeating what I said fo r bo th Design Optio ns A and B because m y answer still applies. I wo uld co ntinue o ur current m o del o f learning and add back in the suppo rt system s we used to have to help each student.


I am unclear o n this


I can't co m m ent o n the academ y m o del until I better understand it. I am uneasy abo ut the idea o f a fo cus area at each grade level.


I can't think o f anything at this tim e





I do n't fully understand what the cho ice o ptio ns wo uld be fo r elem entary students, but I do think so m e extend o f cho ice is im po rtant fo r fam ilies, especially tho se with o lder siblings and tho se who have been m o ved due to changes in bo undaries.


I do n't like it at all. I see no thing but segregatio n/diversity lawsuits fo r years.


I do n't like o f idea each elem entary be a "cho ice" scho o l. It lim its the wide expo sure that elem entary students need. Perhaps having STEM o r m ulti-disciplinary fo cus in o lder elem entary grades (5-6) wo uld be go o d.


I do n't lo ve the o nline o ptio n. Having taken o nline classes m yself, I wo rry abo ut the lack o f perso nal so cial co ntact at a tim e in their yo ung lives where they need to be develo ping tho se skills. The interactio n o n the o nline discussio ns, witho ut co ntext and direct feedback can be lam e and m eaningless


I do n't see why the o ptio n B calendar and schedule go als can't be achieved with o ptio n A schedules. Optio n A seem s better fo r schedules, so use that fo r bo th o ptio ns.


I do n't think fo cus sho uld change per grade level. Seem s to o disjo inted


I feel this o ptio n seem s very vague and co m plicated. If we are trying to prepare students fo r the "real wo rld" the flexibility co uld be detrim ental as very few jo bs allo w yo u to wo rk when it suits yo u.


I have already expressed that o n the risks part.


I just think m o re info rm atio n is needed.


I like elem ents o f this but do no t feel it is the best. I feel the sam e abo ut A. I think there are elem ents o f bo th that are go o d and these two o ptio ns sho uld be m elded to gether fo r the best results.


I like the "o utside the bo x" thinking appro ach fo r the future--but just see m any questio ns that wo uld need to be fully researched befo re im plem enting.


I like the idea o f 8 to 8 flexibility


I like this m o del and what m ay co m e o f it with the finer details figured o ut.


I like this o ptio n if it includes gro uping based o n co m petency in m ath & reading at the elem entary level. Do no t m ess up the blo ck schedule. If the flexibility fo r internships, etc can fit within the blo ck schedule, then I'm o k with co nsidering it. But - the blo ck schedule is way to o valuable to change.


I need m o re clarificatio n and info rm atio n o n B. It all seem s very vague.


I need m o re clarificatio n o n the academ y m o del to co m m ent


I pro vided input at the in-perso n sessio ns o n 5/25/16


I really do n't like m uch in this o ptio n. I'm leaning m o re to wards the elem ents put fo rth in Design Optio n A.





I really like flexible gro upings within grade level but it is so hard to do this witho ut kids feeling bad that they are in the 'high' m ath class, fo r exam ple. I no t o nly think it is go o d fo r individualized learning but also helped m y daughter to m eet kids in o ther classes and get to kno w o ther kids in her grade- it is a nice change up to the day, I think bring in the sam e class with the sam e kids everyday in elem entary is a bit m o no to no us and the kids star treating each o ther m o re po o rly because they get burned o ut fro m the sam e 'behavio r' kid they have to deal with all day everyday fo r 9 m o nths!


I still do n't understand what I'm lo o king at


I think the yo ungest elem entary students sho uld be able to stay with their teacher all day. It m ight be beneficial fo r the o lder students to switch -- I did as a 5th and 6th grader and I liked that when I was a student.


I tho ught they were basically bo th generic term s that wo uld eventually end in the sam e o utco m e. I o nly saw the o nline video and presentatio n and that had very little real substance.


I truly do n't kno w where to put m y co m m ents in this survey because the labeling and questio ns are so co nvo luted.


I went to a m iddle scho o l and high scho o l o n a blo ck schedule and I felt it gave us m o re tim e to co ncentrate o n a subject and gave us the ability to re-take a subject if yo u fell behind.


I wo nder ho w HS students are able to participate in spo rts, theater and o ther extra curricular activities with the flexible schedule. I wo uld also like to see service learning added as an o ptio n.


I wo uld add m o re recess/creative tim e in elem entary grades to this o ptio n also . I wo uld prefer the current m o del o r Optio n A to the Academ y m o del suggested in Optio n B.


I wo uld add the need fo r m o re unstructured recess tim e fo r yo unger students and age appro priate start tim es fo r o lder students in acco rdance with m eeting children's basic physio lo gical needs in o rder fo r each child to reach self actualizatio n.


I wo uld add what teachers have to say abo ut these o ptio ns as they are the experts...I wo uld let parents hear what teachers have to say abo ut the pro s and co ns. Unless o ne has an educatio nal backgro und o r do es their o wn extensive research m uch o f what is said o n Optio n A and Optio n B parents do n't have an understanding o f what tho se o ptio n "lo o k like" in practice. They just do n't. So m ething m ight so und go o d, but they really do n't have a grasp o f what it m ay o r m ay no t lo o k like. A video o r picto rial m ight help parents understand these o ptio ns better, especially o ptio n B


I wo uld be careful no t to im plem ent this to o quickly.


I wo uld define "academ y m o del." I wo uld ensure staff licensure and passio n befo re creating m any cho ice scho o ls. I wo uld create a co m m o n pro to co l to ensure co m m o n class sizes acro ss the district, as well as a co m m o n respo nse fo r fam ilies who do no t receive their first cho ice scho o l. Actio ns m ust also be taken to fo resee transitio ns fro m scho o l to scho o l. Will a student be allo wed to m o ve fro m an im m ersio n scho o l to a STEAM scho o l in 3rd grade, o r are they required to rem ain in the sam e scho o l fo r their entire elem entary career?


I wo uld dro p the idea o f each scho o l having a fo cus area that fam ilies wo uld have to cho o se fro m .





I wo uld elim inate the ho m e ro o m teacher and blo ck learning at the elem entary level and leave the current o ne ro o m , o ne teacher m o del. I wo uld elim inate m aking every single scho o l a cho ice scho o l, there needs to be a standard fo r new children entering the district and children who do no t excel in the cho ice scho o l they were put in as a kinder.


I wo uld like the three o ptio ns to be better defined. It is difficult to evaluate based o n the general info rm atio n that was given.


I wo uld like to see m o re "co llege in the scho o ls".


I wo uld like to see the academ y m o del alo ng with the additio n o f m o re recess and creativity tim e.


I wo uld lim it the num ber o f cho ice scho o ls available. I have co ncerns abo ut ho w the district and teachers can set up and im plem ent several to tally different pro gram s. Whether that be at each scho o l o r every o ther year o r vertical integratio n. I think m o re research needs to be do ne and/o r shared abo ut scho o ls who are do ing this to ensure EPS can do this well fo r the teachers and students.


I wo uld m iss the IB scho o l cho ice in o ptio n B,


I wo uld need a further explanatio n o f what a fo cus are is. I wo uld also need m o re info rm atio n o n the schedules at seco ndary.


I wo uld no t have cho ice scho o ls


I wo uld o ffer pro ject based o r o ther o ptio n- OR require pro jects be wo rked o n within the classro o m o nly with m aterials available to all students. The jo b o f each student within the gro up sho uld be do cum ented and their piece sho uld be what they are evaluated upo n. Ho w well a student wo rks within a gro up sho uld be discussed but no t graded at certain levels.


I wo uld rethink the 3 Optio ns listed o n page 9. Ho w can this page be im pro ved to benefit the co m m unity as a who le and all it's students, teachers and fam ilies? It seem s that this area is very weak.


I'd add the sim ilar fo cus o n additio nal recess and creative tim e at the elem entary level that is seen in Optio n A.


I'd get rid o f the ALL cho ice scho o ls. If yo u want cho ice have po ds based o n cho ice? Arts po d, stem po d, m o saic po d, liberal arts po d. But ho nestly yo u co uld just have a pro ject blo ck fo r elem entary and m o re pro ject o ppo rtunities at Cm s and hs level and I'd be go o d. The key is self directed learning o ppo rtunities no t lo cking kids into a cho ice. Lo ts o f stress o n parents and kids to cho o se and switch scho o ls. Po d switching wo uld be easier. Yo u want kids to be able to flo w thro ugh different things. And what if o ne o ptio n is way o versubscribed ? I can see o ne beco m ing the elite scho o l and then ho o bo y, yo u go t tro uble in River City.


I'd like to see peer reviewed research sho wing these are best practices.


I'm no t sure but I like elem ents o f bo th plans... I want to cherry pick elem ents fro m bo th to m esh to gether.


I'm no t sure there is a need fo r this o ptio n. What current need is this addressing?


If an "academ y" design is so ught, do n't destro y the neighbo rho o d scho o ls in the pro cess.





If yo u are go ing to go ahead with the ridiculo us am o unts o f evidence o f learning, cut do wn o n ho m ewo rk as the m ajo rity o f students have at least o ne academ ic stress related m elt-do wn a week. And do n't just say take easier classes, because easier classes are so bo ring and useless. I want to be challenged while still being able to enjo y life. My tim e m anagem ent and challenging classes aren't the pro blem , the system is.


Include an o ptio n fo r "no ne o f the abo ve" under cho ice scho o ls fo r elem entary. Actually, "no ne o f the abo ve" sho uld be an o ptio n fo r all subsectio ns with a fo cus o n increm ental im pro vem ents and executio n within the existing structure.


Info rm atio n pro vided o n this o ptio n were to o vague to co m m ent o n.


Infusio n o f past practice with the new ideas.


Inno vative schedule at the m iddle scho o l that has the "TBD" needs m o re info rm atio n. I'm no t so ld o n a TBD.


Integrate so m e face-to -face and/o r paper assessm ents as well as the digital assessm ents.


Is there a way to do o ptio n a in elem entary, o ptio n b in m iddle scho o l and back to o ptio n a in high scho o l?


It m ight be nice to inco rpo rate so m e o f the pro gram specializatio n described in o ptio n A.


Just m ake it really interactive


Keep as m uch structure and co m m o nality as po ssible, especially at early ages. I see the Spanish im m ersio n scho o l as a huge waste o f reso urces fo r so m ething that will benefit o nly a few.


Later start tim es fo r m iddle scho o l and high scho o l. Earlier start tim es fo r elem entary scho o l


Let teachers decide what is best fo r students. Adm in. (bldg. and o n the hill) and scho o l bo ard are co m pletely o ut o f to uch with who teachers are and what they need.


MOSAIC sho uld be m o ved in with Spanish Im m ersio n to allo w tho se students to m o ve aro und and to break up the 'clique' that has fo rm ed.


Make each scho o l better, adding in tho se stem features o r o ther co m petitive co m po nents


Make every elem entary scho o l a STEM/STEAM scho o l and pro vide so m e sim ilar curriculum in m iddle and high scho o l.


Make pro jects in this appro ach m o re inno vative.


Make the pro po sals m o re specific if we go this way.


Making all scho o ls a cho ice scho o l is beyo nd ho rrible. We will likely leave the district if this m ess happens.


Maybe team s within a scho o l, so children can "specialize" o n a learning style o r fo cus, but no t feel "stuck" in that m o del fo r their entire educatio n.


Mo re Recess, Active, and Creative tim e, like in Optio n A. I wo uld also lo ve to see an o ptio n where Phy Ed. isn't a "special" but beco m es a m o re regular part o f the week (Every o ther day m aybe? ).


Mo re STEM integratio n into all levels





Mo re detailed definitio n o f fo rm ative and sum m ative assessm ents.


Mo re details abo ut ho w the lo gistics o f this m o del wo uld be nice.


Mo re details as to what an academ y is!


Mo re tim e to research o ptio ns carefully befo re ro lling ahead....


Mo ve grade 6 to m iddle scho o l m ight no t be necessary. Need to pair pro ject based learning with effective o utco m e checking. Otherwise students m ay end up m issing the im po rtant fo undatio n kno wledge and educatio n.


Much o f this is vague and co nfusing. What do es "set o f vertical fo cus area co ho rts o r po ds" m ean? I think this o ptio n needs to be fleshed o ut m o re. Stick to the basics, im pro ve o n what we already have and add things slo wly as to no t dilute. Every scho o l sho uld have STEM em bedded. Wo rk o n m aking that excellent and very visible.


My respo nses are the sam e as fro m the previo us questio ns.








Narro w this do wn to a co hesive o ptio n with definitio ns, im plem entatio n plan, budget ram ificatio ns. We co uldn't ro ll this o ut quickly, so ho w wo uld it develo p o ver the 10 years. Ho w wo uld it be assessed to see if it is wo rking fo r the district? Etc. There are m any scho o ls who have em barked and sim ilar paths, what are findings fro m them and best practices to utilize o r adapt fo r o ur needs?


Need to dem o nstrate ho w students currently no t pro ficient at grade level will beco m e pro ficient (30% o f students).


Need to kno w m o re.


No cho ice scho o ls!!!


No t adding m o re tests


No t all elem entary students are able to wo rk o n pro ject based studies, ho wever this wo uld be go o d fo r tho se students that are advanced. Optio n B wo uld also require a separatio n o f students fo r individualized learning.


No t sure abo ut the Capsto ne pro ject


No t sure at this tim e


No t sure right no w.


No t sure.


No t sure. I'd really want to hear m o re abo ut this.


No thing.





Offer m o re recess o r even structured play.


Ok, first o f all, as far as I can tell we received the em ail with this survey On Friday June 3rd and were asked to co m plete it o n the sam e day, by June 3rd, which m eans I wo uld have to either take m y prep ho ur o r m y perso nal tim e to co m plete the survey.....a perfect exam ple o f what I m entio ned befo re...ho w o ur tim e as a teaching staff is no t valued. The o ther po ssibility is that filling o ut the survey is m erely a fo rm ality and yo u have no intentio n o f listening to o ur input. Seco nd o f all, there is no explanatio n/clarificatio n o f any o f the term s o r co ncepts in the info rm atio n. I can't vo te o n so m ething that I have had abo ut 10 m inutes to lo o k at. Clearly this to pic is so m ething that deserves m uch m o re discussio n and clarificatio n than o ne em ail and a survey taken with 10 m inutes o f preparatio n. This is so m ething that needs to be do ne o n a wo rksho p o r pro fessio nal develo pm ent day so we can fully explo re all o f the o ptio ns and m ake the best cho ice fo r o ur student po pulatio n.


Optio n A & B seem the sam e just wo rded differently.


Optio n A and B are to o difficult fo r m e to distinguish between. Please see m y co m m ents to Design Optio n A as they apply equally to Design Optio n B.


Optio n A lo o ks better.


Optio n B sho uld o nly apply to 5th and 6th graders at elem entary scho o ls. Better idea m ay be to give students so m e "elective" cho ices at elem entary level (higher grades) than to create to tal cho ice scho o ls.


Optio n B: High scho o lers need be taught ho w to m anage m o ney, take o ut lo ans and o ther practical life skills. Many o f these skill are no t taught by parents.


Please do n't m o ve EHSI students to CMS!


Please sto p wasting tim e changing fo r change's sake and fo cus o n the biggest facto rs in o ur children's educatio n: go o d teachers. Please address issues such as having 31 kids in a 4th grade classro o m . These are the things that are truly im pacting students every single m inute o f every single scho o l day.


Pro vide m o re info rm atio n


Pro vide so m e actual data to suppo rt ho w and why this o ptio n will actually help achieve the academ ic visio n. Surely there are exam ples o f ho w well such changes have wo rked in o ther districts. If no t, then why is it being co nsidered.


Real wo rld experiences as a supplem ent to what is being taught


Rem o ve digital po rtfo lio , pro vide additio nal grading o ppo rtunities in additio n to the fo rm ative/sum m ative pro gram .


Rem o ve this no tio n o f "cho ice scho o ls" at the elem entary level. In m y o pinio n, the o nly thing m o re ridiculo us than having a single cho ice scho o l at the elem entary level is having each elem entary scho o l have a distinct fo cus. Perhaps, if we m o ve fo rward with this, we sho uld nam e the scho o ls: Dauntless, Am ity, Erudite, Abnegatio n, and Cando r.


Research and suppo rting evidence


Sam e as o ptio n A.


Sam e as previo usly stated as a co ncern.





Sam e as the o ther o ne, neither o ptio n seem s to fo cus o n helping students beco m e pro blem so lvers o r critical thinkers fo r a larger purpo se - fo r serving their co m m unities and fam ilies. We have big issues that we are facing as a natio n and o ur eco no m ic cho ices and the jo bs we need to suppo rt o ur eco no m ic cho ices o ften perpetuate tho se pro blem s - so by 'helping kids get ready' fo r future jo bs - we m ay be co ntributing to the big issues facing o ur co m m unities instead o f so lving them ....o ur pro cess do esn't seem to include seeing educatio n o r scho o ling beyo nd serving the eco no m y - which feels very lim ited. It do esn't feel like the pro cess has been inclusive. It feels like the co nversatio n has been guided to ward very specific o utco m es.


Scho o l co nfiguratio n - Mo re info o n what it actually is (Academ y m o del).


Scho o l is to o early fo r 7-12


Scrap the who le idea? If the num ber o f cho ices was lim ited, so m ething like: OP=Language Im m esio n, add ano ther language im m ersio n to co m plim ent EHSI. CedarRidge-Fo restHills=STEAM EdenLakePrairieView=Glo balEducatio n & Arts (visual & perfo rm ing) Because m o st o f the cho ices wo uld be o ffered at m o re than o ne site, it'd allo w m o re fluidity when dealing with capacity issues. It'd also allo w each scho o l to have a "sister site" that wo uld facilitate calibratio n (and co m petitio n) within the district.


See previo us answer. No way this can be pulled o ff in a district this size with the diversity o f students it has.


Seeking teacher input in this design.


Sim ilar to m y fo rm er answers - we need to have a larger visio n fo r scho o l than 'getting a jo b' in the future. I'm no t sure if either o ptio n helps students beco m e the type o f citizens who care deeply abo ut issues o f peace and justice and ho w to address the pro blem s we are facing as a co m m unity and a natio n. So I wo uld go back to the beginning and have an initial survey that really co llects peo ple's ideas and do esn't lim it the cho ices to pre determ ined o ptio ns.


Sim ply need m uch m o re co m prehensive info rm atio n befo re I can even m o ve fo rward.


Slo w the pro cess do wn.


Specific and m easurable go als


Spend m o re tim e thinking thro ugh the o ptio ns and clarifying the academ ic o ptio ns.


Still co nfused abo ut why the wo rd cho ice is in quo tes--do es this m ean fam ilies have a cho ice in which scho o l to send their students to o r do they still go to their neighbo rho o d scho o l? Might elim inate the quo tes if it really is a cho ice


Take o ut that all elem entary scho o ls are cho ice scho o ls.


Tangible exam ples o f each vertical and the envisio ned o utco m e and career o ptio ns/salary expectatio ns.


The Capsto ne pro ject wo uld NOT wo rk well fo r o ur kids, especially the o ne with ADHD. That is a big expectatio n to put o n a high scho o ler who struggles with scho o l, and I do n't want to see that as part o f the curriculum .


The cho ice scho o ls I wo uld change. I feel this is lim ited. This so rt o f curriculum sho uld be available in all scho o ls.


The definitio ns are so vague so I really ho pe that there can be a co m binatio n o f A & B that m akes the m o st sense.





The schedule and assessm ent o ptio ns are no t clearly defined. Mo re info rm atio n is needed o n ho w these wo uld wo rk befo re I can give feedback.


The schedule fo r Optio n B is great fo r the Middle and High Scho o l. Flexible learning and hands-o n pro jects are go o d fo r skills needed to succeed in the wo rkplace.


The way yo u present these 2 cho ices are abstract and co nfusing. I've heard this fro m o ther parents as well. Was this do ne o n purpo se?


There are so m any dem ands placed o n high scho o l students that the Capsto ne Pro ject m ay be o ne m o re added stress to co m plete befo re graduatio n and no t in every student's best interest.


There is no t eno ugh info rm atio n to adequately prefer o ne o ptio n o ver the o ther. It appears that in bo th scenario s students wo uld receive the general subject m atter and have a ho m ero o m teacher.


These survey questio ns are repeating.


This o ptio n wo uld need m uch m o re co m m unicatio n as the changes are vast and I think there are a lo t o f peo ple that wo n't fully understand based o n the current co m m unicatio n (m yself included).


This o ptio ns has fewer lo ttery/enro llm ent co ncerns.


This so unds very sim ilar to the bro ader Am erican junio r/senio r high scho o l m o del, quite frankly.


Thro w it in the garbage pile.


Use the spanish special fo r m o re fo cused o r o ne o n o ne learning with students. That blo ck o f tim e co uld be used to dive into each childs spark o r special interest.


What do es vertical fo cus areas m ean? ? ? ? What do es fo cus areas alternate by grade level m ean? ? ?


What have results been in o ther scho o ls that have im plem ented flexible scheduling fo r elem entary, m iddle scho o l and high scho o l students?


What will happen to the blo ck schedule at the high scho o l? The current schedule is a serio us deterrent to m usic students since there are very few skinnies that can fit alo ngside m usic classes. This needs to be addressed in a tho ughtful way


Yo ur info rm atio n is no t clear eno ugh to pro vide a respo nse.


assessm ent, use m o re cho ices fro m A and B.


co ncern that the ho m ebase ho m ero o m teacher is a "fit"


dislike o ptio n b.


do no t m ake each elem a cho ice scho o l.


do n't understand ho w the HS schedule o r MS schedule wo uld lo o k in term s o f calendar dates/days o f the year that scho o l was in sessio n- wo uld these align with elem entary?





everything - it do esn't have the flexibility, it needs m o re areas fo r kids to explo re and be able to test vario us areas, have m o re free tim e, be m o re creative, etc.


finding a way no t to lo se the clo se knit piece o f the ho m ero o m


go o d


have kids go to class in perso n. Less PC's at ho m e and rem o te teaching. Teacher get paid a lo t in EP and flips class do n't need a fully paid teacher no r sho uld plan B teacher.


keep so m e elem ents o f the traditio nal scho o ls.


m ake the elem entary day lo nger!




no ne. No t m y favo rite o ptio n o verall. I think the o ther o ptio n gives fo cus at the co rrect age level.


no thing


seem s like the district wants to dive into ano ther "investigatio ns Math" do yo u rem em ber ho w successful that co st was? ?


still required o utco m es fo r this m o del


tim e fo r creativity and physical activity in k-8 years and reinfo rce subject m atters during that tim e. Ho w will the scho o ls m easure success?


​I do n't think we need a lo t o f different scho o l o ptio ns, fo cus o n m aking each scho o l excellent. Inco rpo rate STEM in all scho o ls and keep Eagle Heights.


22. As you consider what it would take to successfully implement either design option, what are the biggest challenges that you think we need to address at the district or school level? Count



While I applaud transparency, the fact that yo u are co nducting a survey to ask abo ut the po ssible risks o f m aking significant changes to o ur educatio n system is frightening to m e. The im pressio n fro m all o f this is that the district is just trying to m ake changes fo r the sake o f m aking changes - experim enting o n o ur kids. There is no t nearly eno ugh suppo rting m aterial aro und ho w and why changes such as tho se pro po sed will be beneficial and help achieve o ur academ ic visio n, o r even why the current system is no t able to achieve o ur visio n. Surely there are experiences fro m o ther districts that can be drawn upo n and pro vided to parents.


determ ining whether o r no t to pro vide cho ice scho o ls. It will create divisiveness within co m m unity. I say find a co m m unity valued them e and m ake all the elem s the sam e em phasis. Co nsider co sts fo r all o ptio ns


* Acco m m o date kids with different needs and skill sets (eg. special needs); do n't iso late them * Do n't segregate kids to o so o n * Mo ve away fro m "standardized" assessm ent o r testing; again, do n't judge a fish by its ability to clim b a tree.


* Mo re definitio n * Wo uld like to see m o re input fro m teachers and their specific perspectives. * See the split between what adm in, teachers, and parents are (also do n't see eno ugh teachers & parents o n the design team list) * What pro blem s are yo u trying to so lve? That is no t clear at all. * In o rder to understand where we want to go , we need to clearly understand where we are no w. That isn't included.


*Adequate staffing co uld pro ve to be a pro blem to m ake sure kids are getting the attentio n they deserve. *Teachers sho uld have A LOT o f input as they are the o nes to best understand what each o ptio n will require. Getting them to agree co uld po se a challenge. Keep teaching styles in m ind as so m e teachers are no t as flexible and m ay no t be the right educato rs to im plem ent these changes. *So m etim es giving students to o m ay cho ices can be o verwhelm ing. They m ust also be taught HOW and WHY to m ake tho se cho ices. We need to have eno ugh staff (guidance co unselo rs) who are dedicated to each student. This has to also co m e fro m the parent, no t just EP scho o ls.


*co ntinuing to add m o re and m o re to the teacher lo ad/expectatio n is taxing; co ntinuing to add m o re cho ice requires m o re wo rk and develo pm ent and training o n staff-- it seem s we can't keep ho ld o f certain pro gram s/initiatives fo r m o re than a co uple o f years befo re so m ething new gets intro duced


- Ho w reco m m endatio ns address so cio eco no m ic gaps; unintended co nsequences that m ay further divide Reo rganizing facilities to m eet the academ ic design and what that m eans fo r m o ving kids to different scho o ls Co m m unicating changes to parents and getting them o n bo ard so they can be suppo rtive - Any changes in scho o l schedules that co nflict with parent wo rk ho urs - Change that is suppo rted by research rather than change that is purely experim ental


- space co ncerns - Ho w do we train teachers and align reso urces so that students all experiencing a stro ng m ulti-cultural experience and sense o f co m m unity. - Ho w do we gain co m m unity suppo rt fo r any o f these cho ices in a way that fo sters a po sitive experience - Inco rpo rate m o re recess and creative tim e each day.


-BEHAVIOR o f the students! It is atro cio us with so little fam ily assistance it seem s. And the teachers seem so lim ited as to what is acceptable punishm ent, expectatio ns, to ne o f vo ice, etc.





-Space/facilities issues - so m e scho o ls have lo ts o f space, o ther have no ne. -Public o pinio n issues o n things like specialized scho o ls. We do n't want to have exclusive scho o ls that alienate part o f o ur co m m unity. -Reco gnize and co nsider co m m o n traits and issues fo r students specific ages. Fo r exam ple, m iddle scho o l can be tricky. There is an issue with bullying, o ver co m petitiveness, cliques, etc. in so m e grades, this needs to be o ut in the o pen and tho ught abo ut while decisio ns are m ade. -Bo undary issues and ho w any o ne change can affect neighbo rho o ds, friends and fam ilies.


-a lo t o f training and co ntinued training thro ugho ut the year fo r teachers -ho w to decide what the cho ice scho o ls are and ho w students get into them


-class sizes at the elem entary scho o l level -flexibility at the HS level -Scho o l start tim es fo r m iddle and HS kids need to be no early than 8:30 am in acco rdance with the reco m m endatio n o f the Am erican Academ y o f Pediatrics and the Centers fo r Disease Co ntro l. -Minim um o f 30 m inutes fo r recess at the elem entary scho o l level. Frankly, I'd like to see even m o re than 30 m ins. -Elem entary scho o l students need a lo nger tim e to eat their lunch – 15 m ins is no t eno ugh tim e. -perhaps think abo ut extending the scho o l day fo r elem entary scho o l kids. -PE o nce every 4 cycle days is no t eno ugh fo r elem entary scho o l kids and we are no t hitting m inim um physical activity standards by the MN Dept o f Health fo r Middle o r Elem entary scho o l kids. -o ver em phasis o n screen tim e fo r students


1) Co nsider aim ing to get all kids beyo nd the standards - the wo rld is a co m petitive place and the standards do no t cut it fro m an internatio nal perspective. 2) Co ntinuo usly ensure that the kids needing extra help gets pulled up and helped, while the stro ng kids get challenged. The to p 1-2% perfo rm ers sho uld receive rigo ro us academ ic challenges o n an o ngo ing basis.


1) Equity o f o ppo rtunity - while "cho ices" seem to give everyo ne the chance to succeed, the peo ple who need help the m o st are o ften unable to take advantage o f the o ptio ns available. 2) Pro ject Based Learning - it is the way the wo rld is wo rking, but evaluating pro jects in valid and reliable ways is no t a sim ple m atter. It will require an eno rm o us am o unt o f wo rk to train teachers to effectively evaluate pro jects/po rtfo lio s.


1) space fo r all the o ptio ns the district wants to do 2) tim e o f scho o l day 3) transpo rtatio n o f students


1. No t rushing into a decisio n 2. Co ntinuing to develo p the pro cess WITH staff o ver tim e--no t just pro vide updates o r ask fo r last-m inute input. 3. Pro ve to the stakeho lders that changes are bo th needed and will be successful


1. Safeguarding a legitim ate and po werful place in the pro cess fo r o ur no n-white, no n-upper-m iddle class fam ilies. 2. Pro tecting the im m ersio n experience fo r 6th graders if they are m o ved to CMS. 3. Ensuring that teachers have tho ro ugh, o ngo ing training and co aching to be able to im plem ent whatever new fo cus areas they are being asked to teach.


1. Making sure that teachers have the reso urces and the skills to im plem ent these kinds o f m o dels well. If all we're do ing is rearranging the scho o l day o r the way scho o l "lo o ks" and no t suppo rting teachers at im pro ving instructio n fo r all students, then this is a lo t o f effo rt fo r no thing. In particular, I'd like to see all teachers have greater skills at teaching struggling learners (ELLs, kids with disabilities etc.), and greater skills with techno lo gy so that techno lo gy use isn't just do ing wo rksheet-like activiites o n a co m puter.


1. Put teachers in charge o f any plan. 2. Students' needs, no t parents' wants, sho uld be first and fo rem o st. 3. COMMUNICATE, DON'T HIDE!





5th grade transitio n fo r fam ilies. Wo rk at this and yo u'll see po sitive results. Assum e it will happen and it will be a VERY DIFFICULT transitio n to m o ve 6th graders to m iddle scho o l. Do no t create co m petitio n between the elem entary scho o ls. There's eno ugh in the parent chatter abo ut it (m akes m e crazy) that anything that puts o ne scho o l ahead o f ano ther in pro gram m ing o fferings sets up the district to have the sam e issue (unequal enro llm ent). STEM/STEAM integratio n needs to be em braced by ALL teachers. No t just the techy savvy o nes, but all.


A balanced appro ach fo r delivering an integrated pro gram which invo lves students in their o wn educatio n, which invo lving their m inds, bo dies, and spirits o n a day-to -day basis.


A clear expectatio n o f go als fo r all the stake ho lders and m etho d to pro vide m easurem ent to ward tho se go als.


A m o re clear definitio n o f go als and either m erging the o ptio ns into o ne pro po sal that capitalizes o n the benefits o f bo th o r m ake the two m o re distinct. These bo th feel like slightly different flavo rs o f o ne pro po sal


Abso lute num ber o ne challenge is staff training and buy-in. Many co m po nents that sho uld exist no w (like differentiatio n, culturally co m petence, etc.) are no t em braced o r well suppo rted no w. New m o dels m ay no t wo rk if staff is no t adequately equipped to deliver. Co sts (o r the perceptio n o f co sts) will also cause po tential co m m unity co ncern.


Acceptance. Bo th are radical changes. Change will no t happen o ver night.


Accepting that traditio nal teachers need to be reevaluated and m o st m ight no t m ake the cut to the new wo rld.


Actually delivering perso nalized learning to students that challenges each individual to deliver to their po tential. Lo gistics o f rebalancing grades at different scho o ls, and adjusting start tim es.


Address the current issues we have befo re im plem enting big, new changes. Teachers do n't feel suppo rted, we have district leaders we never see and kids are no t treated like kids.


Addressing the learning needs o f each individual child separately because pro gress in each subject can vary greatly


Adequate staffing and that teachers wo uld all be well trained fo r this kind o f teaching/learning. Clear m easures o f student learning and ho w to track and assess student learning co nsistently with new learning m o dels.


Adm in and teachers are o n separate islands. Teachers need m o re representatio n in the district o ffice.


Alignm ent to state standards and grad requirem ent that are required Avo id retriggering elitist scho o l cho ice dynam ic


Allo w fo r the gifted children to excel while helping the slo wer learner to get m o re help.


Allo w m o re o ptio ns fo r the arts. Band, cho ir, o rchestra, dram a, art classes and m any o ther classes in that field can m ake a difference in a kids life by giving them so m ething to lo o k fo rward to and have a way to express them selves


Appro priate use o f techno lo gy. Is it always better? Do students (and teachers and adm inistrato rs) kno w that a go o gle search is no t research? that no t everything o n the internet is true? that no t everything is available o n the internet and certainly no t free?





Are lo ng term space needs being addressed? It is no t im po ssible to determ ine, based upo n the city's dem o graphics, where the upco m ing capacity needs are go ing to be.


As a parent, I want to kno w that lo ts o f teachers have a say in their level pro gram s and that they can address the public o n their tho ughts. I want the Superintendent and his directs to step up and suppo rt the Spanish Im m ersio n pro gram and sto p treating it like an after tho ught.


As we beco m e m o re techno lo gical, we need to pro vide o ppo rtunities fo r students to feel part o f a large gro up, create with their hands, interact with nature, and build relatio nships.


As with everything that is new in o ur district, there is seldo m eno ugh suppo rt given to the staff


Assure teachers are able to gro w their career within the district to prevent turn-o ver. Allo wing students to excel in a specific area, while m aintaining a level playing field that any student can enter and exit fro m at their pace. By the so unds o f it, facilities m ay be tight under either plan, which is expensive to address.


At the district and scho o l levels, there has to be an increased fo cus o n allo wing children to be children. They need to m o ve, learn thro ugh play, and have real o ppo rtunities fo r creativity.


At the district level, we need to think abo ut allo wing students to keep their ho m e cultures as well as learn the do m inant culture. When this happens, there will be m o re trust, m o re engagem ent, m o re learning , and m o re success. Until that happens, the achievem ent gap will persist and anger, co ntem pt, and failure will persist.


Avo id the po litically co rrect tendency to treat students differently based o n ethnicity o r race. All students sho uld be held to the sam e standards. The curriculum need to fo cus o n so lid academ ic m aterial.


Balance between electro nic usage and classical style o f learning.


Band pro gram getting lo st between elem entary and m iddle scho o l. Co ncerned the 5th grade pro gram wo uld go away.


Be clearer and pro vide m o re specifics and let the peo ple o f the district kno w what yo u actually plan to do . Did Team wo rks Internatio nal co m e up with these o ptio ns? Ho w m uch m o ney did the district waste o n them ?


Bo undary changes, building capacity, co nstructio n / rem o del to acco m m o date student capacity and needs as well as staff needs (special ed, ELL, etc..)


Building capacities. Staffing needs. Co st. Gradual changes rather than drastic o verhaul changes.


Building size/capapcity


Built in teacher training tim e and teacher acco untability fo r im plem enting the plan


Buy in fro m the fam ilies at the vario us grade levels, and em bracing the needed staffing changes, including cuts o r elim inatio n o f unnecessary o r redundant staff at bo th adm inistrative and district levels.


Buy-in fro m staff/teachers m o dificatio ns to existing buildings/co nstructio n o f new buildings


Buying-in o f Stakeho lders. The last tim e the district m ade a m ajo r Transfo rm atio n Stakeho lder were to ld it was fo r the best (even tho ugh m o st info rm ed peo ple disagreed), and it turned o ut being a terrible plan, im plem ented po o rly. This tim e any changes need to be do ne fo r the benefit o f all students and no t end up being what it feels like, change just fo r the sake o f change.





CMS needs to be bigger


CMS sho uld be a 6-8 scho o l.


Can the teaching staff we currently have acco m m o date the academ y m o del switch. Also which o f the two o ptio ns will help with o ur facility space issues we are currently having.


Challenge is ho w to evaluate pro gressio n. Ho w to have co nsistency between teachers and scho o ls in evaluatio n. Testing is very o bjective, these m etho ds have m uch m o re po tential subjectivity


Change is hard fo r peo ple -- be transparent, co m m unicate - even details, co m m unicate so o ner than later


Change m anagem ent fo r bo th staff, teachers and students. Students are pro bably the m o st flexible. They do n't kno w anything else. Managin staff and treacher is m o re challenging.


Change m anagem ent fro m existing structure.


Change m anagem ent.


Clarity and purpo se


Class sizes/space.​


Classes fo r the students where they actually learn to speak a fo reign language (no t just abo ut the co untries) but no t an in em ersio n scho o l, but in everyday classes.


Clear Co m m unicatio n. Also really need to think abo ut ho w the cho ice will im pact where kids go to scho o l. All kids like to feel part o f a co m m unity and that is hard to do when yo u are m o ving kids aro und all o f the tim e.


Clear, co ncise co m m unicatio n. To o m uch o f this is fuzzy and vague. Invo lve co m m unity. Do no t spend crazy am o unts o f m o ney o n reno vatio ns to buildings, busing kids aro und and co nsultants. Stick to the basics and do them well and do n't try to be all things to all peo ple.


Co m m itm ent fro m all levels o f staff, tim e invested to build pro gram s


Co m m itm ent fro m staff to see and hear the "why" and "purpo se" behind the o ptio n cho sen. Transparency fro m district adm inistratio n will be key.


Co m m unicate m o re clearly. This presentatio n is underwhelm ing and the survey no t well designed fo r clarity. I predict yo u do n't get go o d feedback except fo r resistance at in-perso n m eetings.


Co m m unicate with yo ur staff m em bers at each building. This is feeling like teachers are no t a part o f this discussio n and it will be so m ething we are expected to do and have little buy in to this. It lo o ks like a great pro gram with so m e great ideas - but teachers need to to be a part o f this pro cess (face-to -face), no t a lo ng survey.


Co m m unicating clearly with the public abo ut what is planned/m anaging rum o rs; there seem s to be m uch co nfusio n aro und tim eline and what m ight go away (e.g, Eagle Heights). Giving the public tim e to pro vide input o n the details. Co nceptually these big ideas seem to reso nate with peo ple, but there are m any questio ns abo ut what this actually lo o ks like in practice.


Co m m unicatio n





Co m m unicatio n to co m m unity needs to be stro ng. Staff co m placency as they feel o verwhelm ed by change and the challenge o f do ing the wo rk either way.


Co m m unicatio n. Laying o ut a plan fo r transitio n and ho w it will im pact (bo th po tentially negative and po sitive) students, parent, and staffing. If EP is co ncerned abo ut retaining students, transparency and pro viding ways fo r co m m unity m em bers to vo ice co ncerns is essential.


Co m m unity building and co m m unicatio n. The last go aro und with m ajo r change was so ho stile. We had just m o ved to EP fro m a different state when that was go ing o n and we were happy to go to any scho o l in EP co m pared to where we had co m e fro m . Po sitive m essages abo ut ho w VERY fo rtunate o ur kids are to have access to this level o f quality in educatio n sho uld be co nstant.


Co m m unity buy-in to cho ice scho o ls. Perceptio n o f the cho ice scho o l and the dem o graphics o f the students it will serve. Co sts o f im plem enting vario us cho ice scho o ls.


Co m pleting the necessary in- servicing/planning/suppo rt BEFORE the im plem entatio n.


Co nsider the im plicatio ns o n students m o ving to 6th Grade as the change is being im plem ented.


Co nsistency


Co ntinued transparency (it has been handled well thus far this tim e) Co m m unity buy-in so that alienated fam ilies do n't leave the district like last tim e Respecting dissenting o pinio ns witho ut m inim izing o r dism issing co ncerns-o therwise these peo ple will be alienated and co uld leave Taking an ho nest lo o k at the im pact o f creating "cho ice" scho o ls. The reality is that m any fam ilies aren't able to pursue cho ice o ptio ns fo r a variety o f reaso ns including, am o ng o thers, parents do n't have tim e to research o ptio ns because o f dem anding wo rk schedules o r child care o bligatio ns, o r they do n't have the language skills o r educatio nal backgro und needed to understand o r tho ro ughly research the o ptio ns o r the student is dealing with eno ugh challenges o f learning a new language o r dealing with a learning disability o r so m ething else to take o n the added challenge o f learning in an im m ersio n setting o r so m e o ther fo cus area o r wanting all kids o ne in fam ily to attend the sam e scho o l but fo cus o f t


Co nvincing current fam ilies that dram atic changes are a go o d idea, and getting lo ng term teachers to change ho w they've been do ing things and put o n a happy face abo ut it.


Co nvincing parents and teachers.


Criteria and assistance in wo rking with parents fo r the best suggestio n fo r their child. Only guidance m o t asking fo r actual placem ent as we sho uld be able to discuss with o ur child to also hear what they think. We need to have age appro priate info rm atio n fo r them to understand to o


Cutting edge is aweso m e. traditio ns are aweso m e to o . I think it is im po rtant to keep balance





DISTRICT LEVEL: Need to m ake EP the place to be. Peo ple are leaving o ur district fo r o thers. Why? What have yo u do ne to research the reaso ns they are leaving? Ho w are yo u pro m o ting EP as a great district? Ho w are yo u pro m o ting the cho ices we already have? Are yo u talking up the Spanish Im m ersio n? Are yo u financially suppo rting the CHOICE o f Spanish Im m ersio n as m any parents wo uld ho pe? Where is the TECH o r TRADE pro gram at the HS fo r tho se who do no t fit o r want to go o nto a 4 year degree? Why are the HS cho ice o fferings decreasing while Minneto nka is increasing? Why do we lo se teachers by paying them less than o ther districts? NONE o f these ideas will wo rk if yo u are no t attracting teachers. NONE o f these ideas will wo rk if yo u have Principals who do no t feel heard no r suppo rted and repo rt to so m eo ne who has never even been a Principal (why? ? ? ). NONE o f these ideas will wo rk if yo u co ntinue to chase all o f the latest trends. Yo u need to to pick so m ething and see it thro ug


Deem phasize the current fo cus o n inculcating advanced m ath and reading skills in yo ung children, and increase fo cus o n teaching creativity, critical thinking, and a passio n fo r learning. Enhance curriculum o n glo bal cultures, language, and histo ry, so that children are able to understand and m aneuver in the bro ader wo rld. Im pro ve scho o l disciplinary po licies regarding bullying, with an em phasis o n decisive co rrective actio n.


Disciplines issues aren't addressed in o ur district. To o m uch wo rrying abo ut the racial m akeup o f kids who get in tro uble po rtraying o ur district badly. Do the right thing by all the kids. Treat all kids by the sam e rules. No w the kids fro m so m e racial backgro unds kno w that they wo n't be suspended o r disciplined as quickly.


District adm inistratio n needs to treat ALL m em bers o f the EP co m m unity with p do wn m anagem ent is the equivalent o f ruling by decree despite all the banners o r m issio n statem ents. A district leader that has m ultiple "no n-nego tiables" is less than inspiring and visio nary.


District level the lo gistics AND ensuring all kids get the sam e co re co m petency levels in the co re subject m atters. Scho o l level I think balance o f subject m atter and tim e spent bro adening areas co vered will be a challenge.


Do no t fall any further behind the surro unding scho o l districts o f Edina and Minneto nka, which bo th exhibit better standardized test sco res than o ur scho o ls. Ho pefully clo se this gap so o ur kids can get into to p co lleges and universities.


Do we really need to m ake LOTS o f changes all at o nce o r can we fo cus o n a few well tho ught o ut changes? I feel like there is to o m uch being co nsidered at o ne tim e and it will be incredibly disruptive and difficult to im plem ent.


Do ing it well. Having a lo ng term , tho ughtful plan. Having effective pd that suppo rts the plan. Suppo rting staff m em bers to do it well.


Do n't go o verbo ard. Our scho o l,system do esn't need a full o verhaul.


Do n't im plem ent the designs and grade reco nfiguratio n at the sam e tim e in the sam e scho o l year.... To ss o ut grade reco nfiguratio n


Eden Prairie is a great scho o l district! We do need to m ake sure that special educatio n pro gram s co ntinue to be fully staffed and funded.


Educate all stakeho lders o n what this m eans in class structure, their ro le and respo nsibilities to m ake it successful, academ ic perfo rm ance and ho w EPS wo uld m easure against State and Natio nal standards, and have a very clear, actio nable plan that em po wers all stakeho lders to do their part to ensure success.


Effective co m m unicatio n o n plans, ratio nale, effects o n students and fam ilies





Elem entary bo undaries and m aking sure that neighbo rho o d scho o ls are pro tected.


Elem entary scho o l size planning with all cho ice scho o ls wo uld be very challenging.


Ensuring parental invo lvem ent to suppo rt the student as the changes are im plem ented. Pro vide suppo rt fo r the parents to o if things aren't go ing well .


Equal o ppo rtunities to succeed fo r all students.


Equipping parents with the to o ls to help their children succeed at ho m e. Effective co m m unicatio n abo ut ho w the child is pro gressing in scho o l, o utside o f/ instead o f during existing co nference tim es which are o ften rushed and do no t leave eno ugh tim e to develo p individual actio n plans.


Equity am o ng sites with o ur student po pulatio n - free o r reduced lunch, race, gender. Wo uld students be able to change cho ice scho o ls? Students leave EHSI at any age but have to enter in kindergarten.


Expanding CMS wo uld be co stly. To o m any cho ice scho o ls co uld be hard to m anage.


Facilities and staffing


Facilities? Middle scho o l is a GREAT idea! 6-8. But ho w will Central ho use all o f these kids? ? ? ?


Figuring o ut the best curriculum m o del fo r students to learn in the way that is suited to them . Grade structure, class tim es, ho m e base m o del, etc all seem seco ndary to what is being taught and ho w.


Finances to im plem ent the changes and co o perative staff to fo llo w thro ugh with the transitio n as well as suppo rt fro m the parents and co m m unity fo r m ultiple changes to traditio nal learning .


Find o ther o ptio ns than m o ving 6th graders to CMS.


Finding and training educato rs to wo rk in this enviro nm ent. Creating curriculum and assessm ents o ptio ns that wo rk with these two o ptio ns. I am no t in the "kno w" o n what is o ut there fo r techno lo gy that wo uld suppo rt this type o f enviro nm ent. My experience in the business wo rld is that no so ftware o r system is 100% ready o ut o f the bo x fo r what yo u want so finding system s and getting them in alignm ent with what we need them to be co uld also be a challenge. I am thinking as far as student po rtfo lio s and o ther reso urces teachers m ight need. Also keeping up to date o n the changing m etho ds used in the "real wo rld" co uld be a challenge as well. As so o n as we think we are caught up (like techno lo gy) we find o urselves behind gain.


Finding co ncensus between agendas and narro w self interest.


First, yo u need the parents buy in - why are we do ing this, go als o f the change, full transparency and enco uragem ent o f parental invo lvem ent. Next, Ho w yo u will train the teachers to ado pt these inno vative m etho ds


Flexibility extended to staff and adm inistratio n (if it is bo t in place no w). I wo uld think teachers are stretched by ho urs at educatio nal facilities. While I appreciate their dedicatio n, I wo uld no t want to see burn o ut based o n the ado ptio n o f a two -pro nged educatio nal appro ach. P.s. A paradigm shift is no t easy but it is wo rth it. Digital is destro ying (RE-creating) every walk o f life.


Fo cusing less o n standardized test sco res and m o re o n keeping o ur kids m o ving to keep them engaged.





Fo r K-5 m o del, m iddle scho o l facilities wo uld need to be extended fo r 6th graders. Training fo r teachers to adapt to STEM/STEAM m etho do lo gy o f teaching.


Fo r m e, the biggest challenges are a lack o f purpo se and clarity o f visio n. What pro blem (s) are we trying to so lve? What research drives the ideas behind o ptio n A and B? Why is this pro cess set up as "A vs B"? Seem s like tho se two o ptio ns are no t well defined. Are there really o nly two o ptio ns? Why no t a co m binatio n o f bo th? I kno w the sco pe o f this Academ ic Design decisio n do esn't address im plem entatio n, but witho ut at least _m entio ning_ the im plem entatio n pro cess (that is, who , ho w, $$, tim e), it's hard to wrap m y head aro und the vague 'Optio n A' vs 'Optio n B' Other challenges: Buy-in fro m teachers unio n. A seem ing lack o f attentio n paid to High Scho o l (o nly two HS teachers o n the team ? and they're no t co re subject teachers? ). Lo gistical changes (blo ck schedule, buses, after-scho o l, physical reso urces, classro o m space)


Fo stering co m m unity in o ur scho o ls and neighbo rho o ds. To o m uch segm enting co uld put that at risk. Yo u can individualize learning witho ut it beco m ing to o iso lating. Our high scho o l is pheno m enal. Please do n't lo se that in the pro cess. I think there is ro o m fo r creativity and change but it is needed in different ways at different grade levels.


Funding - what will it co st..........taxes are already high. Rezo ning - already went thro ugh that - will it cause co ncern again fo r yo unger fam ilies. If special scho o ls - what if m o re students want in than space allo ws - ho w wo uld they be cho sen.


Funding, co m m itm ent, adequate stuffing


Get rid o f the po litical co rrectness and so cial justice educatio n


Getting buy in fro m parents. Yo u are no t go ing to please everyo ne. Share so m e success sto ries and ho w o ne o ptio n o r m o re o f the o ptio ns are wo rking in o ther districts, if any. Share the pro s/co ns that o ther districts have experienced to help prepare yo ur m essage. Perso nalize the m essage to m ake the em o tio nal co nnectio n to yo ur audience.


Getting class do wn in num bers And putting o ur teachers and kids first


Getting parents past the hurdle o f no t trusting any new design, past the risk o f the so m ething new.


Getting staff and parents o n bo ard.


Getting the fam ilies to back either o f the cho ices. We are still angry abo ut the scho o l lines changing fo r elem entary scho o ls.


Getting the scho o l bo ard to spend the m o ney necessary fo r success.


Giving staff tim e to wo rk to gether to create a pro gram that will be im plem ented successfully. Finding and designing the space fo r 6th graders at the m iddle scho o l.


Giving the teachers the reso urces they need to be pro ductive and successful. Teachers are writing their o wn curriculum and are asking fo r reso urces but aren't receiving what they need. I'm co ncerned with so m any "speciality" scho o ls, teachers will be left to struggle with what they are teaching with no m o del scho o l to m ento r them thus leaving o ur students behind. I'm also co ncerned with ho w this will leave o ur Title scho o ls and what pro fessio nal reso urces each scho o l will get.


Having "egg o n yo ur face" with go ing back to changing scho o ls to m o re appro priate grade levels. "Cho ice" scho o ls wo uld require m o re busing.





Having availability fo r blend o f bo th m o dels


Having each scho o l beco m e a "cho ice" scho o l wo uld beco m e a lo gistical nightm are and cause huge inequality and divisio n between the scho o ls


Having everybo dy endure m o re changes!


Having the right o pen-m inded teachers that can adapt to this level o f change and treat all academ ic levels with respect and o ptim ism


Help us visualize what these designs/o ptio ns wo uld really lo o k like. This is very fo rward thinking, and it's hard to kno w what the future o f educatio n sho uld lo o k like.


Helping everyo ne to be o pen to change.


Ho w is the district go ing to train and hire teachers, ho w will evaluatio n o ccur, what will the curriculum lo o k like? Be specific with ho w students will be evaluated. These Optio ns seem very big picture, ho w do es actual im plem entatio n o ccur. I want m y children to have the best po ssible educatio n and I do n't want them to suffer as new ideas are being tried in o ur district. The system needs to be pro ven with results and well planned o ut.


Ho w to m aintain racially, financially, academ ically balanced scho o ls where no fam ily feels iso lated o r unwelco m e.


Ho w to sm o o thly stream line and transitio n Ho w to keep the beautiful diversity o f o ur scho o ls Ho w to help parents m ake decisio ns due to language o r o ther barriers


I am no t in favo r o r Optio n A o r Optio n B. Stick to the basics fo r Pre-K thro ugh 10th Grade.


I am o k with any m o del. I am a successful engineer with a m asters degree in engineering. We need no t have to be o n ipad to beco m e techno lo gy perso n. please have kids fo llo w o ld scho o l learning m ath and science. They will succeed just ho w we did. They do n't have to have eye issues o r back pains due to ipads and screen.


I believe techno lo gy is an o ngo ing challenge. We need to rem em ber ALL o f o ur students, especially tho se who se parents aren't able to participate in these types o f m eetings and feedback. They o ften have different/additio nal needs we need to address. We are lucky to have o nsite Washburn therapists; ho wever, they o ften have full caselo ads, leaving m any students witho ut the necessary m ental health reso urces. We need sufficient m ental health suppo rt.


I believe the biggest challenge is just the sheer fact that this district has experienced an incredibly am o unt o f change o ver the last few t a lo t o f it go o d.


I do no t believe there is eno ugh facts to say that o nly 2 o ptio ns are being co nsidered. I am also co ncerned abo ut having a 3rd party co ntracto r dictate what will happen based o n their "m o dels". Why no t m o re input fro m the co m m unity and parents?


I do n't believe the presentatio n gives eno ugh details/data/explanatio n fo r the co m m unity to tho ro ughly understand what we are being asked to co nsider. Please take this pro cess slo wly and take the tim e to better ro ll o ut these po tential changes.


I have elem entary scho o l children and if o ur scho o l were to m ake drastic changes (like beco m ing a STEM fo cus o r so m ething) And we didn't want them to m iss o ut o n creativity and no t change scho o ls-ho w wo uld yo u keep the curriculum balanced?





I have two children in Eden Prairie scho o ls. One child in m iddle scho o l has experienced chro nic sleep deprivatio n due to early start tim es, with sleep phase research sho wing that ado lescents have a m uch later sleep and wake cycle than yo unger children and adults. Fo r several m o nths she also experienced anxiety and panic attacks due to ho m ewo rk lo ad, resulting in invo lvem ent o f her scho o l co unselo r in reo rganizing her class schedule. Our seco nd child in grade scho o l, who has attentio n deficit diso rder, has been required to spend several ho urs per day using an ipad, against the advice o f his psychiatrist to lim it screen tim e to o ne ho ur per day because o f the harm ful im pact o n his develo ping brain. My husband and I are interested in evidence-based appro aches that place the interests o f healthy, well-develo ped children at the center o f o ur academ ic design. Em bedding best practices within o ur academ ic design fo r healthy physical, so cial, and co gnitive develo pm ent – using reco m m endatio ns


I just think we need to be careful o f m aking o ptio ns that have to o m any cho ices. It puts a lo t o f stress o n parents and students alike. I also think o ne o f the biggest challenges is successfully integrating techno lo gy witho ut lo sing hum an co ntact tim e.


I kno w I'm repeating here, but as a parent o f a kid who struggles with change, I'd like to see a plan o n ho w to help the kids thro ugh the changes, o nce it's decided what to im plem ent.


I m entio ned m y co ncerns abo ut o ptio n B in the previo us questio n. To o m any transitio ns during the scho o l day waste tim e. Transitio ns can be unsettling and even co nfusing to yo ung students. With the academ y m o del, students and teachers wo uld spend less tim e to gether and wo uld no t be able to get to kno w each o ther well.


I think A is the right first step, even if B is the lo ng term go al. I do no t think yo u sho uld add 6th to CMS. Finally while it's great to fo cus o n m aking sure that the m o st disadvantaged can pass, m any parents (including us) cam e to EP to see kids excel, no t be dragged back to the m ean. Do n't ho ld back o ther kids just to fo cus o n tho se who are struggling. Co lleges wo n't and neither will em plo yers. Yo u need to find a so lutio n that serves the to p 50% as well as the bo tto m 50% .


I think EP wo uld be m o re successful if "the Hill" wo uld co nsider the input that teachers give. Mo st o f us are to o fearful to speak up fo r fear o f retributio n. Read-Alo uds? !? really?


I think classro o m will need m o re staff. Transitio ns will be difficult and m o re adults the better.


I think it is im po rtant to m aintain a sense o f co m m unity within the district. Do n't m ake so m any changes that peo ple are do ing their o wn thing at their o wn tim e with no co m m o nalities to draw them to gether.


I think staffing wo uld be a challenge given the flexible scheduling that was presented. Also , requiring large pro jects fo r graduatio n is typically so m ething that is co vered in co llege. I do n't see the need to push that requirem ent at the lo ss o f basic skills that so m any yo uth seem to be lacking these days.


I think techno lo gy in scho o ls needs to be very carefully handled. I think elem entary students sho uld have very lim ited access to devices bo th in and o ut o f scho o l. Access sho uld be increased increm entally fo r m iddle scho o l grades, and then into high scho o l. I think this quo te fro m EdWeek (http://www.edweek.o rg/ew/issues/techno lo gy-in-educatio n/) sum s up m y po int o f view pretty well: "There rem ains lim ited evidence to sho w that techno lo gy and o nline learning are im pro ving learning o utco m es fo r m o st students. And academ ics and parents alike have expressed co ncerns abo ut digital distractio ns, ways in which unequal access to and use o f techno lo gy m ight widen achievem ent gaps, and m o re."





I think that there sho uld be an o nline access to the m aterials m entio ned in the presentatio n. It is quite difficult to answer specific questio ns based o n watching the video . Also , until a fello w parent and the EHSI Facebo o k page m entio ned this survey, I was unaware o f the very m ajo r changes that co uld be co m ing in the fairly near future. I kno w I sho uld keep up better o n the go ings o n o f the scho o l system , but in perusing the m ultitude o f em ails, flyers, newsletters etc there was no t m entio n o f this that I saw...


I think the Optio ns A and B are to o literal. I think yo u need to co nsider co m bining the best pieces o f each into o ne final o ptio n. I do n't think the district has allo cated eno ugh tim e to effectively educate the parents abo ut the elem ents o f each o ptio n (I no ted m any tim es in m y prio r co m m ents all o f the elem ents that needed m o re explanatio n/descriptio n). I think yo u'll get pushback fro m parents that the pro cess seem s po o r and that no t eno ugh tim e was taken to get invo lvem ent and buy-in fro m parents.


I think the biggest challenge is "pride". In trying to be the "best", are we serving the students o r stro king the ego s o f parties o n im plem enting a gro undbreaking m o del. Also , let the kids be kids. Do n't m ake them gro w up to o fast. Educatio n is abo ut expo sure and explo ratio n. Mo st o f Optio n B will m inim ize expo sure. As a techno lo gy pro fessio nal, I wo rk with engineers, technicians, PhD's, and peo ple that m ay/m ay no t graduated fro m high scho o l. If yo u want to have real-life pro ject wo rk, yo u need peo ple fro m all these gro ups. Optio n B will self-segregate and ro b the students o f learning to wo rk with a truly diverse enviro nm ent.


I think the district needs to reco nsider the co nsulting firm , Team wo rks. It seem s that the district has an earnest desire to invo lve co m m unity, but the very co m pany yo u hired to help yo u do that is subverting the vo ice o f the co m m unity by no t allo wing am ple tim e to educate the co m m unity, by no t allo wing the co m m unity to pro vide their o wn input instead o f ranking co ntrived prio rities, and by no t allo wing am ple tim e fo r co m m unity co ncerns to be adequately co nsidered prio r to the superintendent's reco m m endatio n to the scho o l bo ard.


I think the teachers are o verwhelm ed with all the techno lo gy and the co ntinued push fo r m o re. This teaching field is co m pletely different than it was even five years ago . Ho w kids learn and the o rder they understand has no t changed. This push to be the first to o ffer the o ptio ns and be cutting edge m eans EP typically stum bles thro ugh the pro cess and the surro unding scho o ls take advantage o f o ur m istakes. Parents are practically unable to help their kids with ho m ewo rk no w. This will o nly get wo rse.


I think we do m any things right. I just get tired o f m y children sitting fo r extended perio ds o f tim e. They learn but they are no t excited to attend scho o l.


I think we need to give the students m eaningful brain breaks that AREN'T just m o re tim e o n the iPad. If I co uld have a "perfect" schedule fo r elem entary scho o l it wo uld invo lve: 2 gym classes every week (set days) 2 recesses per day. One wo uld be 20 m inutes lo ng and the o ther wo uld be 10 m inutes lo ng after lunch - students who finish eating earlier co uld go o ut to recess lo nger. Ro tating specials o f art-m usic-Spanish. I also think the m iddle scho o lers sho uld be allo wed a sho rt 10-m inute break to go o utside and clear their heads.


I think yo u have a challenge in co nvincing peo ple that a large scale change is needed, and even if it is, that the two o ptio ns presented represent the best so lutio n. I think yo u've do ne a po o r jo b o f co m m unicating abo ut this. The pro blem and the ratio nale has no t been clearly expressed. The pro cess has been described, but no t in a m eaningful way, and there is a sense that so m e perso n o r sm all gro up is gung-ho to do "so m ething" but it isn't clear to m e what o r why. I think yo u have a challenge in that executio n o n past initiatives has no t always been stellar. Fo r instance, the bo undary changes do ne a few years ago appear to have had so m e issues that were no t clearly tho ught thro ugh - different adm inistratio n, I kno w, but presents a challenge. A few years earlier, an initiative was undertaken to teach a language starting in elem entary scho o l. Surveys were taken - sho uld it be Spanish o r Chinese. Spanish was the cho ice. But, ho w is the executio n? I'd say pretty go o d fo r the firs





I think yo u have to co nsider so m e o f the "ho w" even at a curso ry level. Do teachers WANT to be accessible year ro und o r until 8 p.m . If no t, is it really a viable o ptio n? Sam e with having m ultiple cho ice scho o ls. Ho w lo ng do es it take to set these up, what m akes them successful, what are best practices?


I think yo u need to lo o k at m o re o ptio ns, no t just present an either o r m o del, when the best answer m ay be so m ething different.


I think yo u really need to m ake sure that this is co m m unicated to parents. Keep yo ur ear to the gro und abo ut rum o rs that po p up, they can be po iso n in this district. I also feel like the teachers m ay push back o n this because it will require them to m ake so m e changes, especially the teachers that have been set in their ways fo r a while. Yo u sho uld have an incentive system set up fo r teachers that em brace this o r so m ething like that. There will always be parents that push back, but I think staff m y be yo ur bigger wo rry.


I wo uld reco m m end spending a lo t o f tim e m o re tho ro ughly defining a design o ptio n, and getting m o re input fro m parents, teachers, and adm inistrato rs. These o ptio ns are no t well eno ugh defined to begin to im plem ent. In attem pting to "guess" what the future ho lds, we m ight guess inco rrectly. Ensuring all children have a fo undatio n in the basics (stuff that do esn't change) and a fo cus o n the 4C's is really the m o st critical way to fo cus. We m ay divert to o m any district, scho o l, and teacher reso urces trying to "change" and m iss o ppo rtunities to truly fo cus and im pro ve o n ways to ensure each child gets a stro ng fo undatio n in basic skills and the ability to so lve pro blem s, and think critically.


I'm no t kno wledgeable eno ugh to state an o pinio n. My o nly co ncern is m o ving fro m k-6 to k-5. I feel that 6th grade is yo ung to integrate into that big o f a scho o l and I'm wo ndering what happens to the Spanish Im m ersio n scho o l.


If each elem entary is a "Cho ice" scho o l with a different fo cus, do es that give the o ptio n to parents o n which to attend? No specific bo undary and yo u have to go here? Also lo o ks like I co uld be a bussing nightm are?


If each elem entary scho o l beco m es a cho ice scho o l, will we have a pro blem with so m e being very po pular and at capacity and o thers being unpo pular with lo w capacity? Ho w do es flexible scheduling affect the teachers' ho urs? Will we be able to hire m o re teachers to acco m m o date the extra ho urs?


If the K-6 m o del is changed, children lo se o ne who le year o f the Spanish Im m ersio n experience educatio nally, so cially and culturally.


If the K-6 m o del is changed, children will lo se o ne who le year o f the Spanish Im m ersio n experience, educatio nally, so cially and culturally.


If we get to o m any cho ices we are go ing to run o ut o f funding and dilute what can be do ne fro m a best practices. To o m any peo ple are go ing to be em barking o n uncharted territo ry at o ne tim e.


If yo u do flexible gro uping in elem entary, yo u need to be sure that there is a teacher who is qualified to teach the "m ath" blo cks and o ne who is qualified to teach "reading" as elem entary teachers have a wide range o f kno wledge. In teaching these two specific subject m atters, yo u need a teacher who is perhaps licensed in m ath o r reading to teach it effectively. As a 6th grade m ath teacher, it is a separate beast o f its o wn and I kno w that so m etim es elem entary teachers do n't even enjo y m ath - and who ever do es flexible gro uping needs to have a passio n/kno wledge fo r it.


If yo u m ake the m istake o f go ing with B, the no n-white co m m unity will sim ply select the nearest scho o l and the "cho ice" will end up as a no n-fit fo r so m e o f the students. Bussing will be a nightm are, and yo u will lo se m any vo lunteers who will no lo nger feel co nnected to the scho o l.





If yo u take away the K-6 m o del, children lo se o ne year o f Spanish Im m ersio n - educatio nally, so cially and culturally.


Im plem enting any new m ajo r initiative requires training. Real training. Paid training. Go slo w to go fast.


Im pro ving co m m unicatio n between staff and adm inistrato rs in o ur scho o l district wo uld help significantly. We are in a very disco nnected phase right no w. It's great there is a cro ss sectio n o f peo ple o n the design co m m ittee but ultim ately, adm inistratio n needs staff buy in and a go o d relatio nship will help facilitate change.


In additio n to m y co m m ent earlier abo ut the district needing to pay m o re attentio n to average kids, it's im po rtant that the district im pro ve its visibility and suppo rt structure fo r po st-seco ndary o ptio ns. Any changes undertaken have to secure and im pro ve the standing o f each graduating class. In plain English, the district needs to m ake sure that any changes do n't hurt o ur students' ability to get into natio nally co m petitive scho o ls.


Invo lving parents in easier, less intim idating ways than lengthy surveys such as this o ne. I feel that if yo u are no t invo lved, yo u can't co m plain, but this is no t the way to invo lve yo ur average parent


It do esn't seem that lo ng ago when bo undaries were m aking changes, the Superintendent was justifying decisio ns based o n research, etc. I think it's im po rtant to really co m m unicate to parents the WHY. Why o nce again are we m aking drastic changes to o ur scho o l building co nfirguratio ns.


It feels like the superintendent and bo ard aren't really interested in the students. The children need m o re recess and lo nger lunch


It is no t clear to m e why either o ptio n is a go o d o ne to address the stated needs fro m the video . Fo r instance, 2 strategic issues were highlighted in the video : 1) "65% o f students will wo rk in jo bs that haven't been created yet" and 2) we need to fo cus o n building o ur kids' ability and skill in the "4C's (Co llabo ratio n, Co m m unicatio n, Critical Thinking, and Creativity)". To do so , the video suggested that we need to "change the way teachers teach and students learn." It m akes sense to m e that we m ay need to change teaching styles and learning pathways. But there hasn't been an explanatio n o f "why" we think the o ptio ns presented are the so lutio ns needed. To use an analo gy, has so m eo ne cho sen to present 2 garden ho se o ptio ns to fight an apartm ent when we actually need a fire ho se? So , at the district level, I wo uld like to hear so m eo ne explain the stated need we are addressing and why either o f these o ptio ns is go ing to address the stated need.


It is vital to ado pt a plan that no t o nly addresses academ ic and facility needs but also ensures stability fo r children fro m o ne year to the next.


It so unds basic, but I think change is difficult fo r m o st peo ple. As easy as it wo uld be fo r m e to vo te fo r Optio n A because it so unds m o re fam iliar and safe, Optio n B so unds inno vative and exciting.


Just facilitating change and helping to shift the m indset o f all invo lved. With inno vatio n and change co m es fear and resistance.


Keep co m m unicatio n stro ng with fam ilies. I wo uld also im plem ent o utreach fo r fam ilies o f english as seco nd language status. Have so m e strategies to reach these fam ilies, in their apartm ent buildings, o utreach pro gram s, etc. Success o f im plem entatio n is o nly stro ng is ALL fam ilies are included in this co nversatio n. Transpo rtatio n m ight be a challenge.


Keeping a co nsistent and co hesive curriculum that will spiral and gro w with each grade-building the learning


Lack o f parent invo lvem ent.





Let each student to fully develo p their po tentials. Yo u do n't want to slo w do wn "fast" learners because yo u have to m o ve the "slo wer" learners at the sam e speed. Yo u also do n't want to leave the "slo wer" learners falling behind.


Lo catio n, lo catio n, lo catio n


Lo gistic challenges.


Lo ss o f student po pulatio n to o ther districts because fam ilies want clear info o n what is happening and if this is vo ted o n befo re they have it, they will leave....


MONEY! We just appro ved a levy fo r o ther issues, no t fo r this! Why are we creating ano ther divide within o ur co m m unity by altering o ur system ? If what are do ing isn't wo rking, go back to the k-4, 5-6, 7-8, and 9-12 m o del that everyo ne lo ved


Majo r district changes! Ho w will the system be able to adapt quickly? Ho w to m aintain the teacher quality


Making sure no child gets lo st and falls thro ugh the cracks


Making sure teachers are o n bo ard and feel co m fo rtable with changes. They are the o nes who will be im plem enting either o f them and they need believe, suppo rt, and push them selves to co ntinue to be great!


Making sure that teachers and staff have the suppo rt and develo pm ent they need to im plem ent the visio n successfully. Make sure that the co m m unity o verall feels a sense o f agreem ent and "buy in" in the visio n.


Making sure the kids are adequately suppo rted during the transitio n. Also , so m e kids will need A LOT o f suppo rt with handling new expectatio ns so they can m eet them . Rem em ber that so m e kids really thrive o n a m o re structured, traditio nal appro ach and the extra flexibility m ay no t be beneficial to them . Oppo rtunities to be m o re creative o r inno vative m ay cause them m o re stress and create a situatio n where they are less clear o n what is expected and ho w to m eet tho se expectatio ns. Also , so m e kids do n't do well learning different languages (especially tho se with dyslexia, as o ne o f m y kids has), so it wo uld be go o d no t to m ake changes that wo uld em phasize o r require any m o re 2nd language o r o ther language requirem ents than what already exist.


Many parents will freak o ut because they are no t used to change (rem em ber the pro tests fro m years ago when we sim ply try to adjust the grade levels? ); Many parents think the way they o r their o lder children did so m ething is the "best".


Mo ney is always key. Finding what we really NEED and getting it.


Mo ney needed to pay fo r the changes.


Mo ney/Co st-Training-Suppo rt and clear understanding o f what the m o del will lo o k like. To o m any kids in a classro o m and no t eno ugh staff. Witho ut staff this co uld be chao tic. Elem entary kids need directio n and structure as m uch as I lo ve the gro up idea and m o ving aro und, it's no t go ing to wo rk if there is no t eno ugh staff to suppo rt the changes. Also I wo uld like to have a 100% suppo rt and fo llo w thro ugh fro m the scho o l district. There has been to o m any things the district has do ne half baked-a lo t o f talk and no actio n. STEM fo r all, Spanish fo r all ( I tho ught the kids were go ing to actually learn to speak m o re than the pro gram has o ffered,) whatever that thing was fo r k-2 to m o ve/exercise while they learn....etc. If yo u are go ing to do this-than do it.


Mo re educatio n/explanatio n o f what this lo o ks like o peratio nalized (particularly fo r fam ilies and even staff) in o rder to m axim ize buy in either directio n





Mo re info rm atio n and detail. Suppo rt fro m teaching staff.


Mo re info rm atio n and tim e is needed to discuss all this. This sho uld be presented and discussed at a wo rksho p/pro fessio nal develo pm ent day.


Mo re info rm atio n pro vided directly to staff that is no t o utside o f the scho o l day.


Mo re suppo rt fo r the EHSI pro gram , including the new principal, staff and intern pro gram . This is a unique and valuable learning experience that is need o f a renewed suppo rt system


Mo re teachers, space, m o ney, and tim e are the biggest issues to deal with. Fo r individualized learning yo u will need m o re qualified teachers fo r the gro up studying. Fo r lo nger recesses then the scho o l days wo uld have to increase which wo uld be a pro blem fo r extracurricular activities tim ings. Qualified testing apps wo uld have to be im plem ented to determ ine which student sho uld be placed into which gro up based o n subject interests.


Mo ving 6th graders, why? Getting high scho o l students to do a Thesis pro ject.


My biggest co ncern is to pro vide the high quality suppo rt each student fro m EHSI deserves m o ving up grade levels in the Distrct. There are several aspects o n these o ptio ns that raise questio ns o n ho w this will lo o k like fo r these gro up o f students, staff, the scho o l itself, and the wo rk it's been do ne right no w creating and im plem enting curriculum fo r Language Arts and so o n Math.




Need fam ily to co m m it and dedicate to new plan


Need tim e to go to each scho o l and talk abo ut it to the staff and parents.


Need to dem o nstrate ho w students currently no t pro ficient at grade level will beco m e pro ficient (30% o f students). These are bo th very high-level designs. Need a detailed design m o del to fully assess.


New adm inistrative requirem ents and teacher tim e to m ake changes. Give teachers and staff tim e and reso urces to adapt to new m o dels, inco rpo rate feedback, talk to o ther teachers o r districts that have do ne this befo re fo r best practices o r suggestio ns.


No ne


No t m o ving to o fast. Making sure we do no t put the cart befo re the ho rse.


No t sure


No t using prepackaged curriculum .


No thing


Online learning sho uld be supplem ental no t the no rm .


Opinio n a to just keep a o pen m ind


Optio n A: Successfully gro uping students based o n ability level. Optio n B: Successfully handling the transitio n tim es between blo cks.





Optio n B wo uld be the m o st difficult because each o ne o f the elem entary scho o ls m ay no t use all o f the space they have available.


Our biggest challenge in this district is o ur leadership. We have adm inistrato rs m aking decisio ns based o n little previo us research and kno wledge o f the very district they wo rk in. Decisio ns are being m ade by three peo ple: Randi Anderso n, Michelle Am ent, and David Freeburg. Ho wever, they very rarely co nsult with anyo ne else to m ake tho se decisio ns. Additio nally, adm inistratio n (district) is rarely seen at any o f the sites. Ho w can decisio ns be m ade witho ut actually being present? Ho w can adm inistratio n be trusted witho ut actually being present? Ho w can we succeed witho ut building relatio nships? We canno t. It is truly sad that these issues with adm inistratio n are largely swept under the rug. We have the po tential to be a stro ng district, yet, in the past three years we have m ade significant strides backwards. My ho pe is that the results o f this survey are truly co nsidered. My ho pe is that changes take place that are needed, purpo seful, and based o n so und reaso ning. My ro le in the last


Our biggest challenges will be m aking sure each fam ily in Eden Prairie is able to pro vide their child with an educatio n they desire. In additio n to this, the district will be challenged with pro viding each staff m em ber with sufficient training and tim e within the co ntract year to develo p curriculum and assessm ent which reflects this new m o del. Classro o m capacity will also be a challenge. While teachers can teach 30+ students, this do es no t allo w fo r authentic and effective perso nalized learning as the teacher's tim e is stretched very thinly with each student that is added to their class.


Overall I think the o vercro wding situatio n is the largest pro blem . The current set up o f EHSI/Oak po int is co nfusing and o verwhelm ing. There sho uld no t be two scho o ls co ntained in o ne building. It is chao s.


Parent buy in


Parent educatio n. In m y o wn ho m e, m y spo use and I have very different ideas o n what's best. He's m o re ro te, expects lo ts o f ho m ewo rk, and tangible results. Yo u need to balance o ut the pro ject based learning with the tangible, real tim e feedback to parents, so that all can see the benefits, gro wth, and success o f their students.


Peo ple have no t fo rgo tten abo ut the redistricting fiasco . Any change that threatens neighbo rho o d elem entary scho o ls will be a serio us challenge to gain public suppo rt.


Please address that the needs o f prim ary children are different than tho se in interm ediate/upper elem entary. This was no t discussed. Relatio nships with co nsistent teachers is extrem ely im po rtant at this age level.


Please co nsider the EHSI students and their full im m ersio n experience!


Pro fessio nal develo pm ent fo r the staff.


Pro fessio nal develo pm ent o f teachers Co aching / m ento ring


Pro vide m o re help with students who have English as seco nd language.


Put o n a helm et. Change is no t easy.


Quit fo cusing o n specializatio n and fo cus o n the basics. To o m uch tim e was spent during the scho o l year o n standardized testing and no t eno ugh o n the basics. Yo u're wasting precio us scho o l tim e with eager children. Also , specializing is teaching kids to no t face diversity thro ugh different teachers, kids, curricuum , etc. They wo n't be able to functio n in the real wo rld since they will be treated to an academ ic bubble.





Quite sim ply - racism /classism /elitism (all this ism s) fo r a co re gro up o f co m m unity and parents that are resistant to a glo bal 21st century shift o f diversity o f tho ught, ethnicity, gender and ability.


Reality. We are public educatio n-no t private. The scho o l district needs to realistically lo o k at what it can do and what it can do well. There is m o re strength in having a "co m m o n educatio nal go al" fo r all kids than to have branching o ff. Lets m ake o ut district stro ng-Let's fo cus o n the co re-Let's reduce class size-Let's have a discipline plan fo r distractive kids-let's no t let so m e scho o ls be labeled as undesirable-let's lo o k at why peo ple leave o ur scho o ls o r m ake o ther cho ices and tackle tho se issues.


Reco nfiguring bo undary lines yet o nce again


Resistance to change in the co m m unity, staff and balancing the needs o f fam ilies with diverse expectatio ns.


Resistance to change, especially if yo u change neighbo rho o d elem entry scho o ls. Defining better what flexible is and ho w this is an advantage


Reso urces to suppo rt; teacher suppo rt o f either m o del; dealing with large variatio ns in subject m atter co m petency am o ngst kids no m atter what o ptio ns is cho sen.


See previo us co m m ents.


Serio usly, em plo yee input actually co nsidered


Sharing with parents teacher s and co ns. Sharing what the district sees as the pro s and co ns o f each design o ptio n. YOU are the experts. We need yo ur frank assessm ent o f the needs o f the scho o ls and teachers...what they see needing to change to m ake EP even better. I think if there is go ing to be bo undary changes fo r elem entary again o r m o vem ent o f any kind, it will be an issue. I think if yo u m o ve to all cho ice elem entary scho o ls, busing m ay be an issue as yo u will have to gather kids fro m all o ver the district. Will all kids get their first cho ice, will they be grandfathered in if their o lder sibling is at the scho o l? I think there is a who le pando ra's bo x o f questio ns here. I think co m m unicating the ro llo ut o f the changes will be a challenge to keep everyo ne engage o ver a several year pro cess. Co m m unicatio n will need to be co nstant and with variety. A superb m arketing cam paign like no o ther wo uld be a go o d cho ice. I believe any changes to o ur am azing high s


Shifts in thinking fo r staff Educatio n abo ut Perso nalizatio n, Pro ject Based Learning, using techno lo gy fo r transfo rm atio n no t sim ply substitutio n


Skill sets o f teachers at all levels to prepare kids fully Transpo rtatio n Co m m unicatio n to student and parents as things change o r flex (plan a)


Sm aller class sizes fo r 3rd grade -6 th. Lo nger scho o l day. Add 15 m in to day


Sm o o th ro ll o ut fo r staff and students. Making sure all parties are bo ught into the pro gram .


So m any fam ilies have left the district after the last plan that m o re change will no t be greeted warm ly and scho o l district bias to Spanish im m ersio n and english language learners and igno ring the rest o f students will persist White fam ilies feel igno red by this adm inistratio n


So m e o f these ideas have been do ne years ago at the high scho o l and were taken away fo r vario us reaso ns. I'd like to see peer reviewed research suppo rting these ideas.


Space and schedules fo r teachers and students.





Space, staffing and change m anagem ent with fam ilies.


Space, teaching staff




Spaces and enviro nm ents.


Special needs kids m ay fall thro ugh the cracks


Staff being trained and ready is im po rtant. Co m m unicating with all stakeho lders abo ut what is the sam e and what is different is really im po rtant. Physical spaces and furnishings will need to change as well as reso urces and access to m aterials.


Staff develo pm ent is the biggest challenge in im plem enting m o st o f the o ptio ns presented. As a district we haven't even fully develo ped staff to inco rpo rate techno lo gy in the classro o m s yet and so while so m e teachers are do ing exciting things with techno lo gy, o thers are way behind, creating an unequal experience am o ng students. I also think it will be a challenge to figure o ut ho w to m ake the scho o l experience perso nalized fo r each student while m aking the o utco m es as equal as po ssible given differing capabilities am o ng students.


Staff needs clear directio n and training fro m adm inistratio n. Co m m unicatio n with parents o f all backgro unds, languages, ethnicity, and wo rk schedules is prio rity. Managem ent m ust be engaged and invo lved in their staff instead o f leaving them in the dark to quit o r be laid o ff.




Staffing appro priately, a liberal arts degree is no t go ing to cut it as teacher. Ho w to deal with changing tracks as students pro gress o r level o ut. Ho w to deal with the so cio eco no m ic realities and disciplinary challenges. Ho w to deal with dispro po rtio nate free and reduced lunch % at so m e scho o ls. I have had kids at bo th Eden lake and Spanish im m ersio n and there is a night and day difference. Hindsight I wo uld have put all m y kids in Spanish im m ersio n to escape the academ ic challenges at Eden Lake


Staffing. There is already a sho rtage o f substitute teachers, ho w wo uld these changes affect that? Co m m unicatio n. Change is always hard and o pen co m m unicatio n is key- when yo u think yo u have said it eno ugh say it 10 m o re tim es. Suppo rting teachers. This will have a huge im pact o n ho w the scho o ls run, ho w teachers run their classes and the expectatio ns put o n them . Ho w will they be co m pensated, suppo rted and trained. Increase co st to parents. Pro ject based learning can be expensive. With the additio n o f iPads I no w have to pay fo r headpho nes fo r m y kids I have 4 that is a m inim um o f $80 a year and since they break easily- either by a teacher o r o ther students it can easily co st $200 o r m o re. With the changing dem o graphics o f o ur city we can't expect parents to fo rk o ver m o re m o ney to pay fo r the additio nal reso urces that will be needed.


Start it in elem entary & m iddle scho o l and let the o ld system transitio n o ut to reduce the stress o n current high scho o l students who have already planned their high scho o l career.


Start the high scho o l later in the day, even if it is bum ped to 8:20, it wo uld be better. After babies, teenagers need the m o st sleep, and are naturally designed to be night o wls, so fo rcing us to get up so early day after day takes a m ental to ll and greatly reduces o ur academ ic success, no t to m entio n the peo ple who have befo re scho o l activities. Also , m any have extracurriculars and are up well past m idnight do ing ho m ewo rk, so instead o f getting the necessary 8-10 ho urs o f sleep, they get m aybe 6.


Sto p teaching to be successful o n test taking and teach the children the subject m atter.





Structural building changes and staff educatio n/training.


Student learning levels Go als and ho w to m easure


Student m o vem ent, selectio n o f scho o ls, teacher licensing.


Student scho o l transfers Co ntinuity am o ng the scho o ls in what kids are learning Transpo rtatio n


Students and faculty alike pro cess change m anagem ent in different ways, with so m e better than o thers. Rather than an o verhaul to the current system , a m o re gradual appro ach o ver tim e m ay be necessary. I also feel that educatio n fo r fam ilies aro und the changes and why they are being m ade is im po rtant so that there is suppo rt fro m parents as well as students.


Students need to be taught less in a classro o m and given the to o ls to start applying what they have learned a lo t so o ner.


Students who live by their neighbo rho o d scho o l sho uld be able to attend that scho o l. Many residents m o ved to the area with the intent o f sending their children to their neighbo rho o d scho o l.


Studying level grades needs to change.


Successful im plem entatio n o f a new design wo uld take a co ncerted effo rt by district adm inistratio n to have a clear plan, co m m unicate it clearly, and wo rk clo sely with staff during the im plem entatio n pro cess. This do es no t happen no w even with sm all changes.


TIME- if big changes are go ing to be m ade, the tim eline needs to be pushed back. One, all parties need to get up to speed o n what all the term s really m ean. Two , we needs to lo o k at valid, educatio nal research to m ake sm art decisio ns. Three, we need to lo o k at o ur reso urce and no t think pie in the sky. The o ptio ns put fo rward sho uld be viable and be lo o ked at in co njunctio n with the facilities, no t separate fro m the facilities team . Lastly, we need to no t jum p o n any bandwago n and do so m ething just because it's the ho t "to pic" in educatio n at the m o m ent. On a side no te, there have been NUMEROUS requests fro m parents and staff abo ut the use o f techno lo gy in o ur district and the unfettered access we give o ur students. It is a battle and no t a to o l to suppo rt learning. We need to take a serio us lo o k at no t giving students access to everything!!


Taking away o ne year o f the Spanish Im m ersio n pro gram .


Taking o n to o m uch at o ne tim e


Taking tim e to m o nito r each student o r co llabo rate gro up and m aking sure digital assessm ents are authentic and reliable.


Teach students what's the really needed kno wledge and skill instead o f superficial co ncepts and in the m ean tim e find a way to keep students and PARENTS interested and engaged.


Teacher co ntracts/unio n issues, "scho o l year" dates, parent understanding.


Teacher suppo rt fo r instructio n in this system Teachers suppo rt with reso urces Meaningful Pro fessio nal Develo pm ent Overco m ing fixed beliefs and m etho ds Co ntractual adjustm ents due to schedule / calendar


Teacher training fo r co nsistency





Teacher training in deeply understanding their standards so that they can teach them , guide students in understanding what they are to be learning, and assess student wo rk fo r pro ficiency.


Teachers unio n and getting them to budge to the flexibility yo u are go ing to need. They are still to o traditio nal to what yo u are go ing to need them to be


Techno lo gy accessibility


That all children are included and no o ne is left behind.


The angry and ho stile parents who m ake up 1% o f the po pulatio n, but have the no ise o f 90% o f the parents. This tim e, m ake sure that the reaso n yo u m ake the change is no t so the superintendent o f scho o ls kids can benefit -do n't do this fo r racial equality, o r so m e m um bo jum bo . Do it to truly benefits the kids.


The behavio r issues as teachers/adm inistratio n is spending a po rtio n o f each day fo cused o n that and no t teaching.


The biggest challenge is do ing it well. We struggle with im plem enting change effectively because it feels like we have lim ited planning, little lo ng term plans, and we have a hard tim e pro viding effective I think if we want to be successful....we'll really have to change the way we m anage change.


The biggest challenge is in the vagueness o f the who le thing. It wo uld be best to fo cus o n o ne thing and do it well. If it is the case that sixth grade sho uld m o ve to the m iddle scho o l. Full attentio n and effo rt sho uld be directed to ward m aking that successful. Then the next task sho uld be undertaken.


The biggest challenge will be finding a so lutio n that m akes the m ajo rity o f fam ilies happy. The o ptio ns presented will result in very split o pinio ns and will likely end up with so m e fam ilies cho o sing to leave the district due to significant changes.


The biggest challenge will be to ro ll o ut the pro gram s when all the pieces are in place. To o o ften I feel we go ahead with so m ething befo re staff are trained, guidelines and lo ng term planning and structures are in place. The biggest challenge will be to all sufficient tim e to train and develo p the change.


The bo tto m line in m y reactio n to the designing pathways pro po sals: It seem s like so m eo ne is designing a winding path so that no o ne will see where it's go ing. I'm guessing so m eo ne wants to m ake so m e m ajo r changes, but no thing is clear. Identify each pro po sal specifically and discuss it as pro po sed change to the calendar/schedule, o r the elem entary alignm ent, etc.--do n't hide it as "pathway o ptio n A" and co ver it with layers and layers o f targets and visio ns. I can see no ratio nal fo r gro uping all o f these disparate changes to gether into an A o r a B, so it feels like so m eo ne has a hidden agenda.


The challenging enviro nm ent fo r students fo r students who excel in their class


The cheating po licy needs to be addressed. HUGE PROBLEM in this district. All students kno w that they can cheat and then take the exam fo r full credit witho ut any co nsequences. SO SAD!!


The co st sho uld be #1 in im plem enting any new design. Our co m m unity passed a referendum to suppo rt o ur students, no t to go o verbo ard o n spending o n things that are no t a prio rity.and rewarding fo r the students.





The current o ptio ns are to o vauge fo r detailed co m m ents. Just brings up m o re questio ns. I think we need to determ ine what research states is 'best practice' fo r children - and im plem ent it exceptio nally - always with perso nalizatio n at the fo refro nt. Make sure staffing and training is at the fo refro nt o f the planning. As the needs o f children are changing, it feels like the need fo r m o re adults in the ro o m is increasing! *Techno lo gy will NEVER replace the TRUST that is created by the adults in a child's life who can INSPIRE them . RELATIONSHIPS and o ppo rtunities to PLAY / EXPLORE are still the keys to a successful individual!


The devil is in the details. It's crucial to o verco m m unicate with stakeho lders. Also , I wo rry abo ut co st o f the infrastructure. What is the pro cess to pull the plug and start o ver if the details reveal the co st is untenable?


The directio n cho sen by the district needs to be presented in a clear and co ncise m anner,so all can understand what to expect fro m the district go ing fo rward. Real wo rld exam ples wo uld be helpful.


The district has tried lo ts o f new ideas o ver the last 5 years and has a reputatio n fo r no t fo llo wing thro ugh o n ideas. Fo r exam ple, what happened to the fo cus o n STEM in the 5th and 6th grade elem entary classro o m s? Additio nally, I think teacher are still getting used to techno lo gy and do no t use it evenly o r appro priately. We sho uld NOT being requiring m o re techno lo gy to be used. We sho uld refine and reinfo rce what we have. Change is go o d and co nstant.......but we do n't need who lesale changes (like parts o f Optio n B seem to be im plying).


The district needs to fully suppo rt EHSI rather than adding ano ther cho ice scho o l to the district. Fo cus o n im pro ving the existing structure rather than thro wing m o re co m plexity and individuality into the district.


The district needs to m ake a plan and stick with it witho ut redrawing bo undaries frequently. The district needs to figure o ut ho w to handle the high po rtio n o f free and reduced lunch children and their needs. The district sho uld do a better jo b o f handling the needs o f the high learners. The district needs to get behind the Spanish Im m ersio n scho o l and pro m o te it and help build a go o d transitio n plan to CMS and high scho o l rather than bringing ano ther cho ice scho o l into the district.


The district needs to pick a plan and stick with it. Many peo ple have no co nfidence in the district because they canno t trust that they can m ake a lo ng-range plan fo r their fam ilies. While the EP po pulatio n is far m o re transient than it was a generatio n ago , m any fam ilies rem ain in the district during their children's m ain scho o l years. Please co m m it to practices that actually wo rk -- sm aller classro o m s. My children use ipads and m acbo o ks at CMS and EPHS. These to o ls have NOT im pro ved o r enhanced their abilities to research, write, o r so lve pro blem s. In fact, they have pro ven to be a detrim ent o n o ccasio n. They need to learn basic skills. I have seen with m y o wn children this year (7th and 9th) that printing o ut hard co pies o f in-pro gress papers and pro jects helps them actually see what they are do ing. It's sim ilar to babies learning to crawl befo re they walk. I understand that m y children were bo rn into a different wo rld in term s o f techno lo gy and they will need to be very fam iliar wi


The district sho uld identify what it feels are critical issues to be addressed


The eco no m ic and cultural differences o f the fam ilies in the scho o l district. Changing the culture am o ng teachers who have been teaching the "o ld" way a lo ng tim e. Budget, space fo r gro up o r flexible learning.Tracking students success. Tracking students actual lo catio ns: are they were they're suppo se to be o n o r o ff cam pus.


The elim inatio n o f teaching po sitio ns as the scho o l expands o r purchases the video co ntent o f a particular class. Lo wer co st ta's o r peer wo rkgro ups will m ake teachers expendable





The fo llo wing are just so m e o f m y o bservatio ns as to seem to be happening: There are to o m any interruptio ns to the schedule at the high scho o l. There are virtually no all-staff m eetings to vo ice co ncerns, celebrate and ho no r each o ther, and build co m m unity. There is to o m uch em phasis o n techno lo gy and no t eno ugh o n building relatio nships. There is to o m uch em phasis o n testing. Staff is the m o st stressed-o ut I have ever seen. The num ber o f inco m pletes is far to o m any. We do no t have the suppo rt fo r students we had in the past. Co m m unicatio n and staff m o rale seem s to be at an all-tim e lo w. I am very co ncerned abo ut the directio n we are taking, and yet, m y co lleagues and I feel trem endo us pressure to m ake everything lo o k go o d. I am co ncerned abo ut the m eans by which these educatio nal refo rm s( the Academ ic Design Optio ns) have been co m m unicated to staff--via em ails wedged in between pressing needs fro m students and parents so that the im po rtance o f these co m m unicatio ns were lo


The inability to m eet the needs o f all students equally. Parents beco m ing frustrating and rem o ving their children fro m the district. To o m uch change all at o nce.


The individual needs o f each child.


The level o f detail pro vided is still really vague to m e to give feedback. I feel like I m ay be endo rsing o r disagreeing with so m ething that I do n't kno w eno ugh abo ut to have a true o pinio n. Mo re research findings/best practices abo ut what has been sho wn to increase student learning tied to these ideas wo uld be helpful. I do n't kno w if changing to any o f these ideas will help EACH student.


The m ain purpo se o f the scho o l system is no t to train and prepare children to be pro ductive in their careers. The fundam ental purpo se o f the scho o l system is to educate children. We need to sto p this trend no w o r face a future based o n an uneducated, easily m anipulated po pulatio n that has abando ned truth.


The no -co nfidence in the Adm inistratio n fro m the staff. No t the principals, the ASC.


The o bjective o f these m o dels and ho w they m ap back to the attributes/go als stated in yo ur earlier slides is no t clear. This m akes it very difficult to pro vide co nstructive feedback. It also do es no t pro vide co nfidence that the curriculum design is being co nducted in a rigo ro us m anner.


The prem ise that either o ne o f these o ptio ns is the right cho ice. Maybe we sho uld lo o k back several generatio ns when the greatest m inds o ur wo rld has ever kno wn were educated and learn fro m experience. The surveys appear to be fo cused o n ho w and where elem entary kids will be taught and no t as m uch o n what they will be taught and why.


The scho o l schedule wo uld need to change. Every class wo uld need to be co m pletely revam ped and that wo uld require tim e and m o ney. Student/ parent culture wo uld need to change to accept different m etho ds o f assessm ent and learning. Staff who are currently very successful in their practice and are pro ducing am azing results with students wo uld need to be fo rced to change co m pletely ho w they wo rk. Their ro le as a teacher wo uld lo o k vastly different.


The wise use o f reso urces: m ake sure what is spent o n m aking this change--upgrading/changing facilities, reto o ling classro o m s, pr, and the to o ls the students will use--actually leads to beneficial, po sitive o utco m es fo r the children. We have to keep the endgam e in m ind and assess at every turn if the investm ents are benefitting all o f the students in the district.


There are 2...teaching students to use techno lo gy wisely and respo nsibly and dealing with the disparate levels o f academ ic em phases by different cultures in EP.





There are a lo t o f things still up in the air with o ur current m o del. The ELA ado ptio n is still a m ess, and we are lacking a current Math & So cial Studies curriculum at the Elem entary Scho o l level. Teachers are still m aking things up o n a day-to -day basis; there is no fidelity in what is being taught because o f the lack o f curriculum and reso urces. Ano ther co ncern is the frequency o f turno ver at the Adm inistratio n level. We get m o re and m o re em ails abo ut peo ple leaving their po sitio n after a year o r two in the district. Why are we unable to keep peo ple at an Adm inistrative level?


There are m ajo r issues as well as a lack o f fo llo w thro ugh fo r ESHI students at the m iddle and high scho o l levels. Reducing their tim e in im m ersio n is no t right and no t fair; and will be detrim ental to their learning. Please co nsider these students when m aking decisio ns fo r their futures. The EHSI co m m unity has been thro ugh eno ugh unrest and unnecessary change fo r the past several years and since its inceptio n. Please do no t disregard the unique needs o f these students when m aking decsio ns that will hugely im pact their educatio n.


There has no t been eno ugh tim e fo r each staff gro up and each staff m em ber and the parents to fully discuss these o ptio ns to even understand the im pact to teaching and learning. The info rm atio n ro ll-o ut has been rushed.


There is no do ubt ho w students are interacting with so cial m edia has changed ho w students learn. The biggest challenge that I see this district has; is ho w to appro priately adjust to the change. Fro m m y experience, I believe that the answer is no t o nly in techno lo gy, but m o re im po rtantly to create an enviro nm ent where individual teacher student relatio nships are built to help the student achieve to their highest po tential. This wo uld require sm aller class sizes so that each student can get the individual differentiated learning experience that each child deserves. We sho uld no t strive to put a co m puter in fro nt o f each student and then pro duce o nline co urses fo r them to plo w thro ugh, instead we sho uld m ake sure that we are pro viding sm all gro upings o f students to engage.


There is no t eno ugh details in the draft PDF to m ake valuable co m m ents as o f yet.


There is no t eno ugh leadership to im plem ent all these changes at the district o r scho o l level.


There needs to be m o re clarificatio n as to what the o ptio ns are. If neither o f these o ptio ns are go ing to be accepted, then what is the m ysterio us cho ice C o ptio n? Do yo u start all o ver in the pro cess? We tend to jum p first, than think and I believe yo u need to lo o k at the details befo re m aking a cho ice that will have an im pact fo r the next 10+ years. There are to o m any general statem ents in the plans to really understand what the expectatio ns will be.


These changes are co m ing o ff o f a huge shake up that m any co m m unity m em bers still have fresh in their m inds. I have neighbo rs/friends that m o ved away fro m Eden Prairie and so m e that cho o se private scho o ls because the faith in the Scho o l District is no t high. These changes need to take into co nsideratio n the lack o f faith so m e co m m unity m em bers have in the Scho o l District and m o del the best plan that m ay no t be the current Optio n A o r B, but an Optio n that the co m m unity has asked to be im plem ented.


This initiative lo o ks like change fo r change's sake. It's no t clear what pro blem needs to be so lved o r experience im pro ved. Has that been determ ined? If yes, what are the current success m easures/benchm arks fo r tho se o bjectives? Make the case fo r ho w certain changes m ight im pact tho se m easures vs. current state and I will have so m e co ntext to fo rm an o pinio n.


This is a co m plete INSULT...that yo u expect us to answer these questio ns with hardly any info rm atio n available to us and to take either o ur prep tim e o r perso nal tim e to co m plete the survey.


This m ight be a big change to scho o l staff than students as the staff were bro ught up and used to teach students in a different way. So training the staff and let them im plem ent the m o del co uld be a challenge.





Tim e fo r staff to learn and develo p new delivery m o dels/curriculum so that the learning experience is a high level experience. One sum m er is no t eno ugh!


Tim e, m o ney and reso urces, staff buy in.


Tim efram e and pro fessio nal develo pm ent. I just feel like we keep getting m o re and m o re thro wn o ur way and no ne o f us feel like we are go o d at anything. So m any initiatives and changing. I am a firm believer in change, but change canno t be replaced with m o re and m o re change, co nstantly thro ugho ut each and every year.


To engage every student, help them find what is their stro ng side and help them to develo p it.


To have m o re fo cus o n the student and ho w they learn and less fo cus o n m ultiple testing to pro ve success.


To o little tho ught given to EPHS. Do es o ur co m m unity really want ano ther cho ice scho o l? Yo u're pulling all the white kids o ut to spanish im m ersio n and Mo saic.


Transitio n fo r current grades that wo uld be im pacted. Students sho uld no t m iss any educatio nal aspects because o f this transitio n.


Translating co ncepts into an actio nable plan. This all so unds great but it is hard to envisio n ho w it will really be different fro m what the scho o ls are do ing no w.


Transpo rtatio n, co m m unicatio n to speakers o f o ther languages, equity in o ppo rtunity to cho o se scho o ls (having to do with the quality o f co m m unicatio n and suppo rt pro vided).


Understanding cho ice scho o ls and the academ y m o del


Understanding that no t every fam ily is go ing to be happy with decisio n.


Varying degrees o f parental invo lvem ent m ay im pact scho o ls and students ability to change and ado pt m o re flexible arrangem ents.


Varying parental invo lvem ent m ay m ake change difficult and risk the success o f pro gram s with m o re flexibility.


Vo ice. I'm hearing fro m m o re and m o re parents that they aren't im pressed with the visio n, no r do they feel like they have a vo ice in the pro cess, o r are heard by district adm inistratio n. The suppo rt o f the classro o m teacher is high, but belief in district leadership is lo w - we sho uld pay attentio n to this trend and wo rk to fix it. This co m m unity lo ves its children and wants a successful system they can believe in - we o we them that.


We basically have neat pro gram with Spanish im m ersio n, but the way in which it is delivered currently is very segregated because we have so m any children who need to be im m ersed in English. Because EHSI isn't either available to o r perhaps the best educatio nal o ppo rtunity fo r English language learners o r children with m o derate to severe learning o r develo pm ental disabilities, it virtually elim inates a sizable po rtio n o f o ur co m m unity. Furtherm o re it co ncentrates students who m ay need extra help in the o ther elem entary scho o ls. I'd like to see o ur delivery o f any such pro gram in a m o re integrated m anner as a pro gram rather than a scho o l. It is im po rtant to have classes with students who co m e fro m a variety o f situatio ns in o rder to have understanding and em pathy. Befo re EHSI and later the grade reco nfiguratio n, we had all grades co m pletely integrated with the exceptio n o f 1st-4th. Magnets are fine but they sho uld be do ne in a way that so m e classes and lunch and recess m ix all students.





We do really well with the high achievers, and I think we're do ing better with the lo w achievers. I think the challenge is to engage the average students and keep them fro m falling between the cracks. Also , I do n't think yo u can design in a vacuum witho ut co nsidering diversity.


We have a big scho o l district, and we need to be careful to m eet the needs o f all the students. Also , I do n't think we can do ALL the po ssible academ ic o ptio ns o ut there and do them WELL. Fo r exam ple, we've had Spanish Im m ersio n fo r 10 years, and are still having issues with the transitio n fro m EHSI to CMS with sub-par Spanish o ptio ns available fo r kids at the m iddle scho o l and high scho o l level. We also were suppo sed to have STEM in all the scho o ls starting a few years ago . This has no t happened. This m akes m e nervo us abo ut adding all kinds o f new academ ic o ptio ns when we can't get the current o nes where they need to be. One o f the biggest issues I see is class sizes. We have HUGE class sizes at EHSI, in co m pariso n to the o ther elem entary scho o ls in EP. This is frustrating and unfair.


We m ust be careful to no w o verwhelm the scho o l day with to o m uch academ ia. Recess, free play, and lunchtim es are already inadequate at the elem entary level, and I fear that they will suffer further as we try to cram m o re academ ia into the schedule.


We need quality adm inistrato rs at the ASC. We need to im pro ve trust and relatio nships with teachers and "leaders" that are no t always leaving fo r o ther scho o l districts because the enviro nm ent is so ho rrible.


We need to address the issue o f ho w Spanish Im m ersio n and the additio n o f ano ther "Cho ice" scho o l wo uld further segregate o ur scho o ls. There is already a feeling o f elitism that co m es o ut o f Eagle Heights. They go t to co m e into the Oak Po int building and essentially take o ver the scho o l. Also , lo o k at the dem o graphics o f the different scho o ls. As I have repeatedly m entio ned the creatio n o f this "o pt in" scho o l is just allo wing fam ilies to self segregate them selves fro m the bro ader po pulatio n.


We need to address the underlying culture o f o ur scho o l system and im pro ve o ur co m m unicatio n. As a staff m em ber, it wo uld be helpful to have the info rm atio n abo ut all o f these pro po sals shared at a staff m eeting with a fo rum fo r feedback rather than trying to fit in the viewing o f presentatio ns and hando uts o utside o f scho o l to m ake an info rm ed cho ice.


We need to back up and figure o ut what we are do ing no w befo re starting new things!


We need to be sure we can fund the tim e needed fo r the instructio nal changes that wo uld be happening. Please be aware that any changes to tim e o r to the pro gram m ing will take teachers tim e to rewrite curriculum and lesso ns to fit. I ho pe that there will be paid tim e to do this.


We need to ensure that all students needs are academ ically m et. We need to fo cus o n o ur higher level students as m uch as o ur lo wer level students. A rising tide raises all ships and we need to ho ld a high level o f standards fo r all students an raise the achievem ent fo r all.


We need to have a co m plete, well defined plan that is within the sco pe o f the budget and o ther co nstraints that we have. We need to m ake sure we have a change m anagem ent plan, pro per staff training, and im plem entatio n ro ll o ut strategy. We also need to m ake sure it is based o n data, and is assessed to m ake sure it is m eeting o ur needs (I am still no t clear why we are m aking m assive changes, what pro blem s are we trying to so lve) and then we need to evaluate ho w this will so lve whatever pro blem s that have been identified with the current m o del, and assessed to see im pact alo ng the ro ll-o ut pro cess. The biggest pro blem no w is lack o f specifics, very po o r sho wing to give the public such as ho dge-po dge o f buzz wo rds, and brainsto rm ing ideas witho ut any real "plan" o r clearly defined "o ptio ns". I am a bit em barrassed that this is the o utco m e o f the planning sessio ns so far. It is very far fro m a co hesive and co m prehensive change plan that o ne co uld evaluate and bring befo re the bo ard.


We need to treat students as individuals that each have a po tential to learn. Students learn differently.





What are the best and m o st accurate m etho ds o f assessm ents.


Where wo uld the 6th graders go ? Is CMS big eno ugh? Cho ice scho o ls wo uld o nly create co nfusio n and divide the district. Im plem ent the best elem ents o f these pro gram s at all the elem entary scho o ls. Please do n't elim inate Mo saic. It's been a blessing fo r m y children. We were co nsidering leaving the district befo re the pro gram was started as m y no w 6th grader was no t having a go o d experience in a traditio nal classro o m .


Why are we still bussing in students fro m Minneapo lis to the district if we have issues with space and scho o ls are at capacity. Sho uldn't we address this issue and have space fo r the Eden Prairie resident students who se fam ilies pay taxes fo r these scho o ls befo re allo wing o thers to be bussed here. I'm no t sure what the purpo se o f this pro gram is.


Will the current facilities and their designs m eet the needs o f either o ptio n as they have been presented? Do we need ano ther high scho o l?


Will the scho o ls decide the pro gram that the students are in, o r do the parents decide which pro gram s their children are in? If scho o ls decided which pro gram a student is in, wo uld there be a test?


Wo uld flexible scheduling negatively im pact students ability to develo p interperso nal, co m m unicatio n, and relatio nship skills?


Wo uld like to kno w m o re abo ut the pro gram o f busing students in fro m Minneapo lis to o ur Elem entary Scho o ls. If there is an issue with capacity at o ur scho o ls, why are we still do ing this and adding additio nal students if we do n't have ro o m at o ur scho o ls fo r all o f the students? I feel that the Eden Prairie students who live within the district and have parents who pay taxes sho uld no t have to wo rry abo ut large class sizes due to o thers fro m o utside the district being bused here and adding to the issue.


Wo uld need to clearly spell o ut the benefits to EP parents o f each selectio n cho sen and justificatio n that so m e are no t just "change fo r the sake o f change" versus a clear ROI (Return o n Investm ent). As m entio ned elsewhere, m any o f these are very disruptive changes.


Wo uld there be sufficient interest in a cho ice scho o l? Ho w wo uld these flexible schedules fo r m iddle and high scho o l wo rk with teachers and tho se who have children in m ultiple scho o ls?


Year ro und scho o l will no t be fiscally respo nsible and it wo uld have to be nego tiated to im plem ent.




Yo u do no t need to wo rry abo ut the teachers; m o st seem quite skilled. Yo u will need to find adm inistrato rs genuinely co m m itted to excellence, with sufficient reso urces and flexibility to attend to the trem endo us individual differences in the ways students will react to these "o ptio ns."


Yo u need to get everyo ne o n bo ard. The teachers are go ing to be the o nes that are go ing to im plem ent this and have they had any say. Who cam e up with these and do they reflect what the educatio nal pro fessio nals teachers - feel will wo rk and be wo rthwhile? ? This seem s like a lo t o f buzzwo rds and agendas being pushed thro ugh and no no ne has any faith that the district will listen to it's teachers.


Yo u need to pro vide m o re details o f what the o ptio ns really m ean to students, fam ilies, and taxpayers. Biggest challenge: no bo dy seem s to like change.





Yo u need to realize that fam ilies have m ultiple kids, at different levels o f instructio n, with different interests, and *all* tho se kids/fam ilies need to be served -- witho ut putting the o nus o n fam ilies by creating scho o l schedules, a m ixup o f elem entary scho o ls, etc. that just m ake life m o re difficult.


Yo ur info rm atio n is no t clear eno ugh to pro vide a respo nse.


again what I have read really do esn't tell m e anything abo ut this pro gram . It talks abo ut the future and yes o ur current system is o ld. We sho uld have all year scho o l since no o ne needs to wo rk o n the farm during the sum m er fo r exam ple.


budget increases due to transpo rtatio n, and unequal class sizes


change the class size so teachers can do a better jo b


changing scho o ls is scary and co nstant in EP. m aintain so m e co nsistency o r pay the co nsequences.


class size co ntro lled no m atter what m o del to ensure that students do no t fall thro ugh the cracks. Need fo r increased recess and gym /art/m usic/em o tio nal so cial learning curriculum - needed to address Co llabo ratio n/Co m m unicatio n & Creativity!


co m m unity suppo rt


co o rdinatio n o f children learning. always to uch but if they are no t at scho o l I feel yo u'll lo o se them


getting co m m unity suppo rt


keep whats wo rking. do n't need to recreate the wheel. I see m y kids learning plenty o f stem


letting go o f the "free and reduced lunch" restrictio ns and just adjusting o ur scho o ls to allo w fo r the best learning po ssible. To o m uch em phasis was placed o n free/reduced lunch placem ent in the last scho o l rearrangem ent which pro m o tes/places sham e o n that po pulatio n because they need to be evened o ut at each scho o l to m eet requirem ents. Free/reduced lunch do es no t equal lo w sco ring/achieving students.


m aking sure all staff are trained to im plem ent new system s, instructio n and techno lo gy; also that parents are trained and info rm ed abo ut the new instructio ns, system s and techno lo gy


m eeting the needs o f tho se average to abo ve average learners and keeping them engaged and m o tivated to do their best wo rk.




no thing


parent buy in


parents who do n't kno w ho w to help their kids in this new m o del - since it is distinctly different fro m ho w we learned.


pro active co m m unicatio ns with Staff, parents and students. Frequent pro gress repo rts as the transfo rm atio n is o curring. Willingness to adjust o n the fly in a judicio us/tho ughtful m anner. leverage learnings fro m o ther districts already in pro cess o f transfo rm atio n.





qualified teachers and faculty who have the character and po sitive m indset to nurture children. As the year has pro gressed, we currently see teachers under-perfo rm ing, being less suppo rtive to the needs o f students, no t keeping student needs as a prio rity. It's disheartening to have an ho no r ro ll student co m e ho m e in tho se instances feeling unm o tivated because o f the teacher.


staff training and buy in effective co m m unicatio n that includes ratio nale and specific tim elines fo r im plem entatio n.


staff, student "buy-in"


staffing financial no t iso lating the fam ilies who are already iso lated even m o re


student engagem ent


teaching kids to their greatest ability. every perso n has different learning styles, learning capabilities.


the results o f these steps will sho w up 20 years fro m no w and no -o ne is tracking that... so yo u have successfully elim inated the challenges yo u will face. Yo u canno t suppo rt o ne cho ice scho o l that runs a LITTLE differently than the o ther scho o ls and here yo u are designing a system that will cater to SOOOOOO m any different ways o f learning. GOODLUCK!


tim e


to o vague, big changes to o fast, try to wo rk a bit m o re with what we have, instead o f trying to co m pletely reinvent everything


training to im plem ent im m ediately vs trying to ro ll things o ut. co m m unicatio n to parents and teachers, fully co m m itting to new way o f learning vs im plem enting so m e but no t all o f it


we need m o re individualized instructio n at all levels within grades to help children reach their utm o st learning po tential acro ss subjects. I also feel that there is no t eno ugh pro gram m ing o ptio ns fo r children with special needs in elem entary scho o l in Eden prairie. I do no t have children with special needs but m y children do need to deal with a few o f these children in their classes and I can definitely say it distracts them fro m learning/fo cusing when these kids are acting o ut and the teacher spends m o st o f the tim e disciplining them and no t teaching o ur children!!! This really upsets m e to the po int I have co nsidered m o ving m y kids o ut o f the district.




23. Both options recommend a different grade reconfiguration from the current structure to provide students with stronger, age appropriate transitions at each level. Please share your level of support for changing to the following structures? S upport S t rongly

S upport S omewhat

Oppose S omewhat

Oppose S t rongly

No Opinion

PreK-5 (PreK thro ugh fifth grade alignm ent)

118 20.2%

138 23.6%

93 15.9%

171 29.3%

64 11.0%

K-5 (PreK separate, with kindergarten thro ugh fifth alignm ent)

232 38.8%

138 23.1%

53 8.9%

81 13.5%

94 15.7%

6-8 (Sixth grade thro ugh eighth grade alignm ent)

262 44.0%

106 17.8%

65 10.9%

86 14.4%

77 12.9%

9-12 (Ninth grade thro ugh 12th grade alignm ent)

381 63.9%

64 10.7%

16 2.7%

27 4.5%

108 18.1%


24. What question(s) do you have regarding the draft options? Count



No ne


no ne




Please see m y earlier respo nses. In particular, wo uld like to see suppo rting data aro und the changes to grade co nfiguratio n. What is it abo ut the current co nfiguratio n that is ineffective? Was a shift back to a separate scho o l fo r 5th and 6th graders co nsidered? If no t, why no t? I get the im pressio n there are o ther reaso ns fo r these changes that aren't being shared.


Ho w m uch Will be parents input influence the districts decisio ns? Will we receive access to the input data prio r to decisio ns being m ade?


*Ho w do es the blo ck schedule wo rk in elem entary scho o ls? *What exactly are (digital) student pro files? *Ho w do es the Optio n A High Scho o l schedule wo rk?


-Finding o f PreK and CMS expansio n -do es o ffering m o re o nline instructio n m ean bigger class sizes ?


-I tho ught the draft was very po o r and the entire ro ll o ut was im pro per. -I do n't think the district pro vided a significant nexus between what the pro blem was and the actio nable steps that the district will take to address that pro blem . -It was disappo inting to see that this "ro ugh draft" was what the Design team cam e up with. This is equivalent to a whitebo ard stage where a ho dgepo dge o f buzz wo rds were thro wn to gether and presented to the co m m unity. It is a m ess and em barrassing. We didn't need a co nsulting gro up to co m e up with what was presented. We are wasting the district's m o ney. -Optio n A and Optio n B were presented in a co nfusing fashio n suggesting an either/o r dicho to m y. It m akes it incredibly difficult to understand if yo u are o nly reading the m aterials o n line. Based o n the attendance at the m eetings, m o st are reading it o n line and therefo re they will be adrift in the pro cess with no o n-line definitio ns o r guiding m aterials. -presentatio ns were po o rly atte


-Still no t sure what the difference between a STEM scho o l and the o ther o ptio n wo uld be. Witho ut being a STEM scho o l, are yo u getting less? Due to igno rance, I wo uld currently cho o se o ptio n B -Is Evidence o f Learning just at the high scho o l level? -What do the teachers want? Ho w will yo u get buy-in to have happy educato rs teaching m y kids?


-Will we have tim e to give input o ne m o re tim e befo re things are presented to the bo ard? -What research have we utilized o utside o f the survey to help shape these cho ices? -Ho w will we m easure success o f this pro cess? And what level o f acco untability will be laid o ut to m easure that success?




6th graders do NOT belo ng with 8th graders! After taking 2 years to switch to a k-6th m o del why wo uld we go back no w? !


A lo t o f questio ns. What wo uld the tim eline be, ho w wo uld teachers be trained o n new m etho ds, ho w wo uld the day be structured, what wo uld the im pact be o n facilities?





All o f m y questio ns are abo ut the details o f ho w this wo uld be im plem ented and the effect o n the student's day to day life. The high level ideas are go o d and the devil will be in the details.


Are all the advanced classes still o ffered? AP classes are a big help. I still want the fo cus to be o n actual learning o f facts. It do es no thing to be creative/co llabo rate, etc if yo u do n't have a stro ng wo rking kno wledge o f the basics/issues.


Are bo th o ptio ns m o ving 6th graders to CMS? Ho w m uch m o re o nline learning wo uld be o ffered in part B co m pared to what the kids do no w? ​


Are m ino rity gro ups being adequately represented am o ng the adults designing the draft o ptio ns?


Are student po rtfo lio s helpful fo r anything beyo nd graduatio n? The Inno vative schedule fo r m iddle scho o l (o ptio n b) will likely put m o re parental influence o n when a child needs to be at scho o l. Am I reading that right?


Are the o ptio ns based m o re o n the scientific survey results (May 2015) o r the unscientific, vo luntary survey? Where will I be able to view replies to these questio ns?


Are yo u suggesting any o ther o ptio ns?


Co sts asso ciated - we are spending a significant am o unt o n educatio n already and what co sts in additio n wo uld be asso ciated with each o ptio n


Co uld yo u take elem ents fro m o ptio n A and B to fo rm a third o ptio n?


Definitio n o f current m o del and the im po rtance o f im plem enting these changes acro ss all o f the scho o ls. It seem s that Eagle Heights has its o wn rules.


Details o f flexible scheduling and year ro und scho o ling. Ho w wo uld yo u m ake all cho ice scho o ls wo rk?


Do es CMS has space fo r the 6th graders? Wo uld we lo se individual classro o m s (shared space)?


Do n't kno w to m uch abo ut it. Everything is so vage, like yo u are trying to hide it to get it vo ted o n and be do ne.


Do n't understand the two o ptio ns as called o ut.


Fo r 6th grade students with a yo unger birth date go ing into a 6-8th grade scho o l setting co uld be a challenge. What suppo rt will be in place fo r tho se students?


Fo r Cho ice Scho o ls Optio n B, what chao s wo uld ensue with each elem entary having a distinct fo cus and causing parents to shuffle children thro ugho ut the city to find the best o ptio n?


Has Spanish Im m ersio n been taken into acco unt? Wo uld this be o ne o f the "special fo cus" scho o ls o r curriculum m entio ned?


Has a 10-12 scho o l with a 9th grade freshm an center been co nsidered?


Has it been addressed that by re-co nfiguring to gro up the yo unger with o lder grade levels we are enco uraging them to so cialize with o lder/ m o re m ature students and hence already helping to accelerate (internet is a co ntributing facto r) this idea that yo unger kids sho uld be "o lder" than their age





Have there been o ther scho o l districts (either lo cally o r natio nally) that have im plem ented sim ilar o ptio ns? If so , ho w has that wo rked o ut fo r them so far?


Ho w do these o ptio ns influence the curriculum ? Will there be public input o ppo rtunities o nce actual o ptio ns have been defined? Right no w, there is little m o re than ro ugh tho ughts. Also , the survey questio ns were leading, with the questio ns abo ut o nly lim ited ways o f defining academ ic design o ptio ns.


Ho w do we kno w kids wo n't get left behind if given m o re cho ices. Fo r exam ple, taking the easy ro ad, o r o pting o ut o f a challenge?


Ho w do es "flexible gro upings within grade levels" differ fro m tracking?


Ho w do es grade reco nfiguratio n help EPS in light o f having do ne it just 5 years ago ? Ho w do es grade reco nfiguratio n play into successfully im plem enting the pro po sed changes into EPS?


Ho w do es the Spanish im m ersio n pro gram co ntinue to pro vide an im m ersive experience into an expanded m iddle scho o l.


Ho w far can we im plem ent these ideas befo re the federal go vernm ent gets invo lved? In m y o pinio n, co m m o n co re standards ho ld everyo ne back as we start teaching and learning the bare m inim um , so ho w will these drafts circum vent these restrictio ns?


Ho w is this better than the current m o del?


Ho w m uch did it co st to fund this entire pro ject?


Ho w m uch is this go ing to co st? Why aren't the o ptio ns being talked abo ut in co njunctio n with co st/facilities? Who decided who was go ing to be in this gro up co m ing up with these decisio ns. Why aren't m o re teachers invo lved? Why is the tim eline so tight? Where is the research that backs these o ptio ns up - seem s like a lo t o f "jargo n" and buzzwo rds and pushing fo rward agendas. Teachers are lo sing faith in this district and pushing this thro ugh is no t go ing to help with that.


Ho w m uch will the iPad be used? What o ther m etho ds are available fo r co m puter wo rk... typing and writing everything thro ugh the iPad .


Ho w o ften will yo u co m m unicate with parents regarding the changes that are underway and the results o f tho se?


Ho w so o n will these changes be im plem ented?


Ho w the schedules wo uld lo o k, ho w are we sure we will m eet all the needs o f all o f o ur students.


Ho w to align preK thro ugh grade 5? Who decides alignm ent? Acco unting fo r student differences?


Ho w will CMS ho ld all o f tho se students?


Ho w will co m m unity m em ber's specific pro po sals be prio ritized and evaluated prio r to final im plem entatio n decisio ns?


Ho w will the students m anage the o ptio ns o f their learning path with so m e m uch individual o ptio ns --- this is a large scho o l district with a lo t o f students.... ho w do yo u guide such and individual-student apprao ch?





Ho w will these o ptio ns help students beco m e citizens who understand the issues facing the wo rld and ho w, o ften, o ur daily cho ices co ntribute to the injustice we see in the wo rld - ho w will these o ptio ns helps us create critical thinkers, students who feel equipped to be active change m akers fo r a m o re healthy, sustainable, just wo rld.


Ho w will we create tho ughtful change m akers. Students who will go o ut into the wo rld and really think abo ut ho w their daily cho ices im pact issues o f peace and justice. I guess I do n't see that reflected in either plan so wo ndering if we want to have children gro w up in safe, healthy co m m unities...ho w do es o ur educatio nal visio n and plans suppo rt that?


Ho w will yo u ensure that o ne scho o l isn't o verlo aded with students (o ptio n B)?


Ho w wo uld Spanish im m ersio n 6th graders be im pacted by a m o ve to CMS? What co urse o fferings wo uld be pro vided to them in Spanish?


Ho w wo uld these changes play o ut fo r a fam ily with m ultiple kids in the district, o r in a single scho o l? Ho w will yo u ensure that new, inno vative, hands-o n learning is rigo ro us and no t the kind o f fluff they're currently pedaling as "IMPACT" at CMS?


Ho w wo uld yo u co ntinue parent educatio n at he prescho o l level if it was in each elem entary?


I addressed these in prio r questio ns.


I am a huge suppo rter o f the im m ersio n m o del. I ho pe it can be kept in tact thro ugh elem entary and if 6th graders are put in m iddle scho o l.


I am co ncerned abo ut the tim eline o f this plan and the co nfusing presentatio n o f the plan. It has been very difficult to fo llo w and the co m m unity input sessio ns o ffered o ne week apart at exactly the sam e tim e during the busiest tim e o f year fo r fam ilies is suspect. The tim eline fo r pro viding feedback and the superintendent m aking reco m m endatio ns to the bo ard seem s aggressive. It also seem s like im po rtant info rm atio n was no t widely publicized, like the grade reco nfiguratio n. It was no t m entio ned o nce in the May Co nnecting po ints o r in any em ails in May. I fo und o ut fro m a neighbo r who is a teacher in EP scho o ls and then the o nly m entio n o f it was when I accessed the Designing Pathways website. It seem s that the district was no t upfro nt with the specifics o f this plan and the rest o f it is very hard to fo llo w and co nfusing. Hiring this co nsulting co m pany seem s like an extrem ely expensive way o f pushing fo rward a predeterm ined agenda. Many m any peo ple are no t aware o f the changes


I am no t sure ho w each plan will wo rk. Optio n A seem s like each scho o l will be a cho ice scho o l, and if m o re peo ple cho o se that o ptio n the buildings will be o vercro wded o r no t full. Optio n B seem s like the Im m ersio n scho o l will be diluted fro m its current scho o l as it will be available it all scho o ls. If that is the case that will be very upsetting to o ur fam ily as we went into this scho o l as it being to tally im m ersed in the language, which it is no t that way to day. Bo th o ptio ns seem ed flawed and I unfo rtunately, can no t attend an info sessio n to get a better understanding.


I am very co ncerned abo ut what has happened to kindergarten in m aking it full day and full o f m o re rigo ro us academ ics. I stro ngly o ppo se spreading that to pre-K. This article fro m Scho lastic aligns with m y thinking: http://www.scho m /teachers/article/what-happened-kindergarten


I do no t feel prescho o ls sho uld be placed in an elem entary scho o l. They are no t ready fo r that type o f an enviro nm ent.


I do n't kno w what that is





I do n't kno w why the academ ic design o ptio ns are no t o perating in tandem with the facilities team - we need to be realistic given o ur reso urces. I do n't think all the stakeho lders kno w why we are lo o king at this and feel we need m o re tim e and educatio n as to what these o ptio ns really m ean, what all the term s really m ean, etc. CAN THE TIMELINE BE MOVED?


I do n't like 6th graders in m iddle scho o l. EHSI kids will lo se a year o f im m ersio n.


I do n't like m o ving the 6th graders o ut o f elem entary scho o l, specifically fo r Eagle Heights, unless there is so m e so rt o f Spanish Im m ersio n Middle Scho o l. Otherwise, we're lo sing a year o f im m ersio n.


I do n't quite understand the academ y scho o l day m o del and ho w it wo uld be sim ilar o r different fro m the current m o del.


I do n't really understand so m e o f the term s that are very vague. Like "Fo rm ative and Sum m ative" assessm ents,and "vertical fo cus areas"


I do n't understand all the term ino lo gy and what these o ptio ns will actually lo o k like in practice. I do n't kno w ho w to help m y child in a co llabo rative learning enviro nm ent o r with things that are techno lo gically m o re advanced that I am used to .


I do n't understand the draft o ptio ns. What are the pro s and co ns o f each. Is there research, data o r o ther evidence to suppo rt the vario us aspects o f these m o dels o r the m o dels in general? What m o del do es the district prefer and why?


I do n't understand the reaso n fo r changing o ut o f the k-6 m o del, I feel it wo rks well and 6-8 in o ne scho o l co uld cause so m e pro blem s. The 6th grade buddy pro gram seem s to wo rk very well at eagle heights.


I have a lo t o f questio ns abo ut o peratio nally what this wo uld lo o k like fo r m any o f the changes.


I have a lo t o f questio ns abo ut the specifics o f each o ptio n. I am interested in ho w hybrid learning wo uld be im plem ented.


I have po sted m y questio ns previo usly.


I have several questio ns abo ut term s used to describe ideas, but no t explained. Please see m y o ther no tes. And, again, what do o ur co m m unities o f co lo r and lo w inco m e fam ilies say to all o f this? ? Ho lding 1 fo cus gro up and pro viding o nline access is no t eno ugh, given the widespread im pact o f the ideas being discussed.


I like the current set-up and do n't understand the need and benefits fo r the changes that are being suggested.


I like the structure no w. Please rem o ve ipad fro m o ur children's lives.


I ned m o re info o n all o ptio ns-a clear plan presented with details....


I no ted m any questio ns in m y respo nses to the prio r questio ns. I need m uch m o re descriptive info rm atio n abo ut the o ptio ns in each elem ent to be able to pro vide m eaningful feedback. Right no w, I feel like the district didn't pro vide that level o f detail o n purpo se because it do esn't really care abo ut m y o pinio n.


I sim ply want to kno w m o re specifics. I want to kno w what the specialized pro gram s wo uld be, ho w wo uld parents decide/enro ll their children, ho w wo uld the district individual academ ic plans, ho w wo uld the o nline learning po rtio n lo o k, and what o ptio ns are available fo r advanced children?





I think I co vered this befo re. What is the reaso n fo r this who le initiative? What are the definitio ns? Ho w are these two co hesive o ptio ns? What are budget and im plem entatio n im plecatio ns? Who is go ing to help get fro m brainsto rm phase to real wo rld ready phase?


I think it's clear... details! What do these vague statem ents really m ean in term s o f changes to scho o ls, teaching, schedules, etc....


I think this is great and pro gressive, but do we have the m o ney and capacity to do this successfully 100% We need to have the m o ney fo r training and facilities-will we have that.


I want to kno w m o re abo ut subject m atter co m petency/ interests.


I was lo o king at ONLY the "cho ice scho o ls elem entary" o ptio ns A and B when I wro te m y co m m ents o n the previo us questio ns. It appears that there are fo ur different pages with "unique elem ents" and o ptio ns A and B. It has been co nfusing and frustrating to fill o ut this input fo rm because I want to co m m ent o n all fo ur pages that include o ptio ns A and B with "unique elem ents" This feedback fo rm is no t structured fo r detailed feedback o n all o f the o ptio ns.


I wo uld like to kno w m o re abo ut adding 6th grade to CMS. Is there ro o m ? What wo uld the class structure lo o k like especially fo r the im m ersio n students who currently are receiving a 70/30 m o del at EHSI? I do no t suppo rt tho se students go ing to CMS with the current m o del there as the regressio n will be extensive. CMS currently do es no t stro ngly suppo rt the im m ersio n students to in a way these students can gro w in their language. I do no t suppo rt pre-K at ESHI/Oak Po int. The scho o l is exceptio nally large fo r that age gro up in all areas, fro m the stairs to the bathro o m s. It wo uld be incredibly intim idating and a m istake to put 3 and 4 year o lds there. I stro ngly enco urage the district to suppo rt a lo nger o r seco nd recess tim e fo r elem entary students and/o r o ffer m o re than o ne phy ed perio d per cycle. It is critical that we get o ur kids m o t just fo r their health, but fo r their brains. I kno w yo u kno w the research....ho w can we m ake it happen and include it in o ur o


I wo uld like to see m o re clear definitio ns o f the term s used in the o ptio ns. This o nline fo rm at did no t lend itself to being able to pro vide feedback o n ALL o f the unique elem ents and o ptio ns A and B fo r each unique elem ent.


I wo uld like to see the academ ic research abo ut the suggested o ptio ns. What do es current research sho w? Ho w do es research suppo rt the o ptio ns? What have o ther districts experienced when they have im plem ented changes sim ilar to the o ptio ns suggested? So m e o f the term s are no t well defined. Mo st o f the o ptio ns are very general. I wo uld like to have m o re specific info rm atio n. I wo uld like to better understand ho w the o ptio ns differ fro m the current m o dels.


I wo uld lo ve to kno w m o re abo ut the Academ y Mo del as well as cho ice scho o ls.


I wo uld prefer the m iddle scho o l be grades 7-9. 9th graders are still a little to o yo ung/im m ature to be in a so cial/scho o l setting with junio rs and senio rs.


I'd like m y 6th grader to keep that year o f spanish im m ersio n. Wo uld that be po ssible at CMS?


I'd lo ve it if yo u gave the kids a sho rt presentatio n and then had them fill o ut a survey like this (to their levels) to get their input to o . I think the draft o ptio ns are trying to do to o m uch. Figure o ut a pro ject-based learning m o del that do esn't invo lve special scho o ls. Let the kids see EVERYTHING right no w. Let high scho o l be when they start specializing.


If 6th grade will realign, what do es that m ean fo r EHSI kids?





If so m e o f the term s co uld be explained m o re fully with exam ples: Current Mo del, Flexible Gro upings, Vertical fo cus area co ho rts, student po rtfo lio s, capsto ne pro ject


If yo u cho o se o ptio n A fo r structure, are yo u also cho o sing o ptio n A fo r learning evidence, cho ice scho o ls etc.? Are they separate o ptio ns fo r each catego ry?


Is it po ssible the draft o ptio ns will change? Or are the current cho ices: status quo , o ptio n a, o ptio n b


Is it really necessary to shift grade 6 fro m the current scho o ls? Might be m o re effective to use the reso urces to enhance the grade educatio n in the current scho o ls.


Is there a m iddle gro und between the two ?


Is there m o ney available to m ake changes to existing facilities?


Is this based o n fancy trends o r is this based o n so lid research that sho ws ho w students benefit and learn best?


Is this the *final* o ptio ns? Any ro o m fo r changes regarding the grade shifts?


It is no t clear to m e why either o ptio n is a go o d o ne to address the stated needs fro m the video . Fo r instance, 2 strategic issues were highlighted in the video : 1) "65% o f students will wo rk in jo bs that haven't been created yet" and 2) we need to fo cus o n building o ur kids' ability and skill in the "4C's (Co llabo ratio n, Co m m unicatio n, Critical Thinking, and Creativity)". To do so , the video suggested that we need to "change the way teachers teach and students learn." It m akes sense to m e that we m ay need to change teaching styles and learning pathways. But there hasn't been an explanatio n o f "why" we think the o ptio ns presented are the so lutio ns needed. To use an analo gy, has so m eo ne cho sen to present 2 garden ho se o ptio ns to fight an apartm ent when we actually need a fire ho se? So , at the district level, I wo uld like to hear so m eo ne explain the stated need we are addressing and why either o f these o ptio ns is go ing to address the stated need.


It is no t clear whether the final decisio n will be either "All A" o r "All B" fo r all o f the "Unique Elem ents"? Or can it be m ixed and m atched? - I see where in so m e cases, A is preferable to B and vice-versa... Also , in general, this survey was very hard to fo llo w/take, am co ncerned peo ple will interpret questio ns inco nsistently. Also , aggregatio n/analysis will be very difficult with all o f the free-fo rm text respo nses used. Finally, wo rried abo ut the aggressive tim etable fo r district decisio n to be m ade abo ut these po tentially very disruptive changes fo r kids/fam ilies. To o m uch is to o high-level/no t eno ugh info rm atio n to m ake a go o d decisio n.


It is unclear to m e what elem ents tie o ptio n A to gether and what tie o ptio n B to gether. It seem s like a m ishm ash o f different po ssibilities, split between the two po ssibilities


It isn't o verly clear in the presentatio n o f the details o f the pro po sed changes


It was unclear in the presentatio ns and o n the slides if ideas in Optio n A and B are ala carte o r if tho se listed are set within each o ptio n.


It's no t easy to fo llo w thro ugh.


Its very co nfusing, I do nt understand it. Yo u need to pro vide exam ples, please.





Just fro m reading the slides, and no t attending the m eetings, it is very hard to decipher what the plan actually is. It wo uld be nice to just have an intro ductio n as to what specific things are changing and WHY are they co nsidering these changes. This seem s like a business plan rather than so m ething fo r parents and fam ilies. It do esn't lo o k like it's fo r the benefit o f the children and rather a m o ney m aking/saving schem e. Just fro m reading the slides.


Lo ts. To o m any. And this survey is to o lo ng.


Many questio ns that deserve face to face interactio n to be answered.


Mo re explanatio n o n the 'Evidence o f Learning' segm ent


Mo re info rm atio n abo ut the two o ptio ns. Wo uld we lo o k at having a seco nd m iddle scho o l?


Mo re info rm atio n and tim e is needed to discuss all this. This sho uld be presented and discussed at a wo rksho p/pro fessio nal develo pm ent day.


Mo stly ho w the Spanish Im m ersio n Scho o l will fit in, o r if it will be an o ptio n within all o f the scho o ls. Also , ho w kids in the current scho o ls will be transitio ned to the new system .


My biggest questio n is with regard to changing the grade co nfiguratio n to K-5 instead o f K-6. As per m y earlier co m m ents, ho w was this co nsidered with regard to the Spanish im m ersio n pro gram at EHSI and its unique requirem ents fo r reaching fluency in speaking and writing in Spanish? Also , what is the basis fo r m aking such a huge change? What are the reaso ns and the backup to suppo rt tho se reaso ns?


My kids attend Eagle Heights, I do no t want it to change to K-5. I think it wo uld be detrim ental to their learning to have a year less o f spanish


My questio ns wo uld be aro und im plem entatio n and m aking sure m y kids are still getting what they need during the transitio n tim es.




Need m o re detail - no o ne seem s to kno w what the academ y m o del is? also want to hear m o re abo ut m o ving 6th grade to CMS fo r the Spanish im m ersio n kids.


Neither draft o ptio n had a tim efram e fo r its full im plem entatio n. Co nsidering the m agnitude o f change I am wo ndering ho w quickly this is expected to happen. Also , what research do we currently have that suppo rts such a change? To give up so m ething highly effective fo r the unkno wn co uld be a disaster.




No ne


No ne at this tim e


No ne at this tim e


No ne right no w.


No ne yet





No ne,


No ne, but I enco urage co ntinued co m m unity feedback o ppo rtunities like this.


No ne.


No ne.


No pe


Other than the o ne o r two So m ali parent m eetings, ho w are yo u ensuring that the m ultiple vo ices o f the students and fam ilies serviced by EP scho o ls are bring heard and their input being so ught o ut and valued in this pro cess. In m y o pinio n there are diverse vo ices m issing fro m these o ptio ns.


Pre-K in the elem entary buildings seem s like a huge expense!! What is the benefit and has the co st been fully co nsidered?


Pre-K is no t funded fully by the state as it is no t reco gnized in the sam e m anner as K-12. Until it do es, it m ust rem ain o ut o f o ur standard grade alignm ent.


See previo us. The link to the two o ptio ns failed to co m m unicate well, leaving the reader wo ndering ho w tho se who pro fess to teach can fail to co m m unicate effectively.


So m e exam ples wo uld be nice to see fo r peo ple. I think this lacks detail fo r peo ple to walk a day by day schedule.


So rry but I do n't feel that m y o pinio n o r input is valued at all by the scho o l district. I'm to tally co m pleting this survey to ease m y frustratio n.


Surely the co nsulting gro up has sim ilar situatio ns they have im plim ented elsewhere do we kno w ho w tho se o utco m es are? Ultim ately these o ptio ns po int to o utco m es. Maybe it wo uld be easier to say if I want this o utco m e then I cho se this o ptio n..


The co ntent pro vided to date is still quite high level, leaving m any questio ns abo ut the o ptio ns.


The descriptio ns o f several o ptio ns are no t clear. What is an academ y m o del and ho w is it different than what we currently have. Optio n A and Optio n B in different sectio ns do n't seem to be an either o r thing, so m e seem different fro m each o ther and wo ndering why they are placed to gether. What do es o ptio n a:grade reco nfiguratio n have to do with o ptio n b: blended/hybrid learning


The design is great o n paper but ho w are yo u go ing to get the current staff educated fo r perso nalized learning. It seem s to m e that as staff needs to be o nbo ard and ready to learn and take o n the new ro le. Are they ready? So m e teachers are still no t with the digital age and are teaching o ld scho o l m etho ds. So m e students will suffer during the transitio ns. Main questio n, is yo ur STAFF ready and able to change and deliver? Yo ur success depends o n it!


The m aterials are to o general. I wo uld want to have m o re specifics. Absent specifics, the m aterials are like a Ro hrshach test. Each perso n can read the m aterials to their liking. I do no t think the m aterials fo rm the basis fo r an actio nable plan.


The o ptio ns are alm o st entirely unclear to m e despite seeing the presentatio n and reviewing the m aterials. Also wo uld be helpful to kno w the m akeup o f the Optio n A and Optio n B participants.





The set-up and presentatio n o f the o ptio ns was no t laid o ut clearly. I assum ed that if yo u cho o se o ne o f the o ptio n As yo u do no t have to cho o se all o ptio n As -- but that was no t well defined. I appreciate that the adm inistratio n is seeking input fro m Eden Prairie co m m unity m em bers -- aka stakeho lders. Ho wever, I am co ncerned that the presentatio n o f cho ices was co nfusing to so m e peo ple. I am also co ncerned that peo ple did no t understand what so m e o f the term s in the o ptio ns m eant. It is difficult to give feedback o n so m ething yo u do no t understand.


The sixth thro ugh eighth alignm ent based o n facilities and class sizes?


There are a few po ints unclear to m e. Lo ts o f details that fill up the who les o f m y understanding, therefo re everything co m es do wn to ho w this will im pact EHSI fro m what we have go ing o n no w.


There are few specifics included in the presentatio n. It is to o hard to be fully o nbo ard when all o f the details are no t kno wn. That is what the parents in m y experience have vo iced co ncern abo ut as well.


There is no t eno ugh clarity in the differences between Optio n A and Optio n B. Based o n what I read fro m the literature, 6th grade at Oak Po int is already aligned to Optio n B but what do I kno w.


There is very little actual detail pro vided. I wo uld like to see m o re detail. I wo uld also like to see the research linked so peo ple can read these if they wo uld like.


There really do n't seem to be m any o ptio ns, but they are being presented as huge changes.


There sho uld be m o re o ptio ns, OR the o ppo rtunity to am end the current o ptio ns based o n parent, teacher and co m m unity input.


There's no thing in these m o dels abo ut the students, o nly abo ut the structure o f scho o ling. Ho w m uch have student characteristics been facto red in to the design o f these m o dels? Has the district taken extra steps to m ake sure it has input o n these m o dels fro m diverse parents -- no t just fro m the highly engaged, affluent parents who se students m ight do well no m atter what?


They are UNCLEAR.


They are intentio nally vague, but it m akes it hard to o ffer valuable o pinio ns.


This is o nly a very bro ad picture. Will the co m m unity be allo wed to add input o n m o re specific co ncerns......recess tim es, start tim es, library staffing?


This is pro bably to o specific, but I am wo ndering what happens to instrum ental m usic if we transitio n to a K-5 68 m o del. Do we still have band/o rchestra at the elem entaries?


To o little tho ught given to EPHS class o ptio n enhancem ent. To o vague o n cho ice scho o ls. Oppo sed to Pre-K in elem entary. We need to lo o k at what value kids are really gaining fro m spanish in regular elem entary. It's no t reaping any rewards that I can see with m y 3 kids.


To o m any to list. It is o ne o f the wo rst presentatio ns o f info rm atio n I have seen in a lo ng tim e. It so unds like yo u threw every educatio n buzzwo rd yo u co uld find o n a po werpo int. No t im pressed. Ho pe we didn't waste a bunch o f m o ney that co uld have been spent in the classro o m .


We do ing po rtfo lio assessm ent? Frankly I'd just do less assessm ent





We need a clear descriptio n/exam ple o f "academ y m o del" We need to understand ho w the 3 o ptio ns o n o ptio n b fo r cho ice scho o ls relate to each o ther, if at all All questio ns asked by o ther parents (and their answers) sho uld be available fo r all parents to view befo re taking this survey


We wo uld questio n why having prescho o l children in the sam e scho o l with 11 year o lds wo uld be a wise idea, given the significant difference in so cial and co gnitive develo pm ent.


What abo ut K-3 o r K-4 with 4-6 o r 5-6 again. Gro uping all students o f ether at 4th o r 5th grade can help keep queen bee girls fro m beco m ing to o po werful and break up so m e cliques. It furthers integratio n and po tential to expand o fferings to students o f sim ilar age/interests. Also just 2 grades in a scho o l fro m tween to early teen years seem s to reduce bullying and expo sure to things at a less m ature stages.


What are o ther scho o l districts do ing? What do es go o d lo o k like? Are we trying to co py a private scho o l witho ut the funding and reso urces to do so ? Is this sustainable?


What are the cho ice scho o l o ptio ns? Ho w do yo u ensure buy in by fam ilies & staff? What happened to the fo cus o n perso nalized learning and ho w will that im pact what we are do ing?


What are the details o f o ptio n A and B?


What are the exact, specific changes the district wants to m ake and why? Are we addressing any specific, currently identified needs with any o f these pro po sals?


What are yo u trying to fix? If o ur scho o ls are stro ng, why are yo u changing it?


What do es a m o re flexible schedule m ean fo r teachers and o ur wo rk day?


What educatio n m o dels (so urces like title, scho o ls o r go vernm ent) are fo undatio nal o r are being co nsidered fo r the newer #B appro ach?


What happens to the Mo saic pro gram ? What wo uld the "distinct fo cuses" be o f the elem entary scho o ls? What do es fo cus areas alternate by grade m ean? Ho w wo uld either o f these affect staffing? What's entailed in a Capsto ne pro ject?


What is "academ y" structure? What exactly do yo u m ean by flexible schedule? Why was K-6 a go o d idea 10 years ago and a bad idea no w? What do es data in the field suggest is the best o ptio ns?


What is Academ y m o del?


What is an "academ y m o del"? I went to the co m m unity input sessio n and the facilitato rs did no t kno w what this was either.


What is driving the push to pull 6th grade o ut o f the elem entary scho o ls? Is there a way to acco m m o date im m ersio n in 6th grade if the change o ccurs?


What is driving these o ptio ns? Is there research that suppo rts these new designs are better fo r students? What issues are we trying to fix with o ur current structure and ho w do these designs address tho se?


What is the Im m ersio n plan fo r 6th - 12th grade?


What is the driving fo rce o f co nsidering PreK-5 o r K-5? Are there still specials such as art, m usic and gym that are suppo rted in bo th o ptio ns?





What is the reaso n that 6th grade is being pushed back into the m iddle scho o l? Facilities is no t eno ugh o f a reaso n to undo a very recent strategic decisio n.


What is the research that suppo rts each o ptio n?


What is the tim eline fo r im plem entatio n? What are the plans fo r staff develo pm ent? Ho w do es all o f this im pact the budget? Other questio ns were asked in previo us respo nses.


What is the tim ing fo r im plem entatio n? Will the high scho o l co ntinue with the 4 blo ck system o r wo uld the final o ptio n lo o k so different that a 4 o r 6 wo uldn't be reco gnizable either way.


What o ppo rtunities will be available fo r gift & talented kids and kids with learning challenges.


What research and studies co uld be shared with the public and staff to suppo rt these o ptio ns? Ho w will staff qualificatio ns fo r teaching at newly co nfigured sites differ?


What research are yo u using?


What research do yo u have backing up the o ptio ns that were set fo rth? I wo rry that if these are based o n parent surveys and reco m m endatio ns, we are no t do ing due diligence to this effo rt. I want to kno w what educatio nal experts reco m m end and what we have learned fro m o ther scho o ls who have m ade changes to their academ ic design (either here o r abro ad).


What the Academ y m o del wo uld really lo o k like. What do es that m ean? I wo uld like to hear m o re abo ut o ptio n B o verall.


What will happen to 6th grade Spanish im m ersio n


What will happen to EHSI students in 6th grade? Ho w will m o ving EHSI students to CMS affect the im m ersio n experience/curriculum /lo ng term language retentio n? Is there flexibility year to year in "po ds"?


What will the co sts be o f any o ptio n selected? What is the tim eline fo r each path (realizing the o ptio n selected im pacts this)? Ho w will we co ntem plate each students needs in a hybrid learning o ptio n? Are we paying attentio n to new research o n screen tim e issues (internet/gam ing addictio n, sleep disruptio n, bullying, etc.) and ho w do we em brace techno lo gy but co nsider the im pact in the sho rt and lo ng term o f these issues?


What will yo u do at the m iddle level to create the space and also add an ARTS building allo wing m usic and etc... to be used in o ur o wn space.


What wo uld the cho ice scho o ls different fo cuses be? What wo uld be the fo cus areas alternating by grade level? Optio n A: Why STEM o r STEAM? Or IB?


What's wro ng with the K-6 alignm ent? So m e kids are no t ready fo r the m iddle scho o l transitio n in 6th grade. Why the ridiculo us am o unt o f fo cus o n cho ice scho o ls? Yo u already have a hard tim e getting instructo rs fo r the Spanish im m ersio n scho o l.


When the Superintendent visited o ur building a co uple o f weeks ago , why was there no m entio n o f 6th grade m o ving to CMS?


Where are they listed?


Where did these two o ptio ns co m e fro m ?





Where is the m o ney fo r these changes co m ing fro m ? What is the ideal date o f im plem entatio n and what is the pro jected date o f im plem entatio n?


Where is the o ptio n fo r k-6. Are we fo rgetting the Spanish Im m ersio n kids o r are we dro pping Spanish fo r 6th grade? ? Please give us m o re info rm atio n!!


Who is go ing to lead this wo rk?


Who o r ho w will it be decided which student is allo wed to "o pt in" to a particular "Distinct Fo cus" o r "Vertical Fo cus Area"?


Why are so m any different types o f things lum ped to gether in this pro cess? What studies have been do ne o f the delivery o f services and the perfo rm ance o f EP students after their wo rk here is finished?


Why are we do ing this? Be clear and specific. What specific pro blem needs to be so lved. Why do es it require large scale changes as o ppo sed to better executio n at a tactical level. Do we need new buildings fro m an enro llm ent level? Why o r why no t? What are the pro spective co sts? Why are there o nly two o ptio ns presented? What gives yo u co nfidence that yo u can execute exceptio nally well o n the item s being pro po sed? Please pro vide better co ntext and explanatio ns o n things - it is a waste o f tim e and energy to ask fo r input fro m peo ple if they do n't have a m eaningful understanding o f the issues.


Why are we even bringing up a CHOICE Scho o l o ptio n? ? ? We need to get o ur scho o ls right befo re m ixing it up... jeepers.


Why are we no t bringing back Oak Po int and all o f its am enities as a reso urce to all o f the students?


Why are yo u pro po sing to m o ve 6th graders back to the m iddle scho o l? Ho w m uch has this entire pro cess co st in tax do llars, and what benchm arks o f im pro vem ent will be lo o ked fo r in o rder to justify such an expense?


Why are yo u pushing to have 6th graders in m iddle scho o l?


Why are yo u thinking o f changing the K-6 m o del when children will lo se o ne year o f Spanish Im m ersio n educatio nally, so cially and culturally?


Why can't it be bro ken do wn as K-6, 7-9, and 10-12? The m aturity level between 9th and 12th is drastic.


Why change a successful pro gram that is already in place. Who wants the change? Have yo u really asked teachers if they see a change as necessary? When was the last tim e an adm inistrato r to o k the tim e to spend so m e tim e in the classro o m ?


Why do bo th o ptio ns co ntain 6-8 instead o f rem aining like it is k-6 and 7-8?


Why is it assum ed we sho uld have a Cho ice Scho o l? Why? Ho w co m e we are no t addressing the current pro blem s in o ur elem entary scho o ls? Shuffling things aro und do es no t m ake pro blem s go away-it do es no t bury the pro blem . Ho w do es any o f this address the fact that we live in a city o f have and have no t's. That are class sizes are to o big. That we have discipline pro blem s-partially because o f class size and we do n't have a clear discipline directive. That are elem entary scho o ls are no t equal and so m e scho o ls have m o re reso urces and advantage than o thers. That we do no t have standardized educatio n practices in scho o ls-per grade. That teachers need m o re training. That in the elem entary scho o ls we do n't have standardized techno lo gy educatio n. It is hap-hazard. That we do n't have eno ugh Para's. That so m e scho o ls need m o re services than o thers. That parents cho o se o ther districts based o n test sco res, eco no m ic m ake up and rum o r. That so m e scho o ls are sitting





Why is it necessary to m o ve sixth grade o ut o f the elem entary scho o l and has a m o dified m iddle scho o l m o del idea been entertained fo r sixth grade? The Spanish Im m ersio n Scho o l as well as Oak Po int have successfully used a m o dified elem entary scho o l/m iddle scho o l m o del fo r the past few years. Lo o k to them fo r ideas!


Why is it necessary to reco nfigure the scho o l grades to do either o ptio n? Why is it necessary to replace the existing m etho d fo r the K-6 students? It's no t clear why the current m o del canno t m eet the go als as o utlined.


Why is there an o ptio n to m o ve 6th grade to the m iddle scho o l, therefo re, lo sing a who le year o f Spanish Im m ersio n?


Why is this being bro ught up no w? Who cam e up with these o ptio ns? Ho w will this im pact the teachers in regards to inservice tim e? Is there data to suppo rt o ne way o ver ano ther? Where can that be fo und?


Why no t K-6, 7-9, 10-12?


Why sho uld anyo ne believe that the district is do ing it right THIS tim e? The last m ajo r change didn't result in any o f the desired o utco m es, so what m akes the district (and why sho uld Stakeho lders) think this tim e will be any different?


Why the K-6 m o del change when children will lo se o ne who le year o f the Spanish Im m ersio n experience educatio nally, so cially and culturally?


Why the fo cus o n cho ice scho o ls? Seem s like a fad that will eventually go away. So m e peo ple/kids like the current schedules. I understand the need to lo o k into it, but please rem em ber that no t everyo ne is o ppo sed to the status quo . Why lo o k at an IB pro gram when we already have Mo saic in place?


Why the rush to do this and what is the ratio nale fo r do ing this in the first place. The ratio nale put fo rward so far is no t lo gically suppo rted by data (o r at least presented data)


Why these are being described as o ptio ns at all, when there is so m uch o verlap and a m ix o f po sitive/negatives acro ss bo th.


Why were Mo saic and Spanish Im m ersio n pro tected in all o ptio ns? Ho w will they fit into this m o del?


Why weren't teachers given a presentatio n at each building with this info rm atio n? I kno w we received an em ail inviting us to an input sessio n - but this sho uld be a building staff m eeting where everyo ne is there to hear this info rm atio n and able to give feedback as a gro up.


Why weren't teachers to ld abo ut this o r included in the co nstructio n o f these o ptio ns?


Why wo uld yo u do m ultiple cho ice scho o ls? No t a go o d idea


Why wo uld yo u try to m ake elem entary scho o ls fo cused? Why wo uld yo u pursue an IB pro gram ?


Will preK teachers no w be o n the sam e co ntract as K teachers? Can they transfer m o re easily between all levels?





Will the Mo saic o ptio n still be available? Will yo u gro up children based by ability? Is there any ro o m fo r separating the KEY pro gram into bo ys and girls? - I feel gifted girls wo uld do better if they were surro unded by girls o nly. Will o ur district fund pre-scho o l even if it is no t funded by the state? The co m m unity clearly co m m unicated that they did no t suppo rt this use o f funds when the referendum failed the first tim e. Please rem em ber that. Are yo u co nsidering changing start tim es o f scho o ls? If so , m y o pinio n is that the current start tim es are no t all that bad. When we will be given the o ppo rtunity to vo te/give feedback o n what each o ptio n will be? I believe co m m unity input will be needed again when the details are so rted o ut.


Will the specific scho o l be easy to change if yo u decide yo u want to go to a different specific scho o l dedicated to say internatio nal, language im m ersio n etc


Will these o ptio ns help EP scho o ls clo se the achievem ent gap versus the Edina and Minneto nka scho o l districts?


Will yo u co nsider m o ving MOSAIC to its o wn building rather than m o ving 6th graders? Have yo u co nsidered this?


Wo uld the Pre-K be ho used at an elem entary scho o l as well? If so , that is to o yo ung to be at a scho o l with 5th graders. If Pre-K is no t funded thro ugh the state, wo uld we still entertain the idea o f adding it to the building grade levels? Or kept where it's at?


Yo u are no t giving all o ptio ns. Yo u need to give: K-6, 7-8. This is co ncerning.


Yo u canno t successfully suppo rt the ONE CHOICE scho o l yo u have, Yo u co uldn't sto p the o ther CHOIE scho o l fro m leaving - what m akes yo u think yo u can suppo rt the new design?


again really do n't understand what is being pro po sed and what o ptio n a/b really is.


culturally relevant teaching


have we settled o n o nly these two o ptio ns o r co uld we still go back to the drawing bo ard? I'm no t in favo r o f o nline learning as there is no substitute fo r face to face interactio n with the teacher and peers.


if children will be required to ado pt this learning style. adding is generally po sitive / elim inating is generally negative


in o ptio n B, theres the "inno vative schedule" which is yet to be determ ined. Is there an exam ple o f an inno vative schedule that's already in scho o ls?


m o re info rm atio n, details o f o ptio ns, what changes it will m ean fo r staff, students, fam ilies






no questio ns


when are yo u lo o king to im plem ent. Given last tim e the m ass exedo o us, what happens when m o re kids leave the district due to these issues Do es language im m ersio n pro gram go away


25. Please describe your how strongly you agree or disagree with the following academic vision for Eden Prairie Schools. Students who are empowered with choices and see/describe/apply how those choices are relevant and authentic. Student success and opportunity is not predetermined by their race or ethnicity. A positive culture that is trusting, collaborative and balanced. Timely, user-responsive messages and two-way communication. Differentiated, personalized professional development is supported and applicable to the academic design. Guided by innovation; ability for active, continuous improvement.

3.1% : No O p in io n 1.6% : Disagree S tro n gly 4.7% : Disagree S o mewh at

36.1% : Agree S o mewh at

54.6% : Agree S tro n gly





Agree Stro ngly



Agree So m ewhat



Disagree So m ewhat



Disagree Stro ngly



No Opinio n


19 T o tal



26. What suggestions or improvement would you offer for the academic vision, if any? Count



No ne


no ne




I agree stro ngly with all po ints but the last, "Guided by inno vatio n; ability fo r active, co ntinuo us im pro vem ent." The issue here is that this can be co nstrued as license to co ntinuo usly experim ent with the system to the detrim ent o f the kids. Co nstant change is disruptive, and can certainly cause dam age even with go o d intentio ns. Change sho uld o nly be m ade when there is stro ng evidence to suppo rt it - when it has been sho wn to be effective, and even then sho uld start sm all and build. To o o ften, changes are m ade "fo r the future visio n" with no co nsideratio n fo r the children currently in the system .


Do uble do wn o n the fo cus fo r stem . Sto p blo cks fo r m ath (no skipping a tea o f m ath). It's o k to have ho bbies, but let's be real abo ut career requirem ents - why do es band take so m uch tim e? There is way to o m uch fo cus o n suppo rting a liberal arts degree at the expense o f stem .


Take race co m pletely o ut o f the language. That is a given.


"Student success and o ppo rtunity is no t predeterm ined by their race o r ethnicity" - I wo uld change to "Student success and o ppo rtunity is no t predeterm ined by their race, ethnicity, gender o r unique need.


"Student success and o ppo rtunity is no t predeterm ined by their race o r ethnicity" sho uld be changed to race, ethnicity, o r sexuality.


"Student success and o ppo rtunity is no t predeterm ined by their race o r ethnicity." The district is m iles away fro m this right no w, in part because co m m unicatio n with no n-English speaking and no n-techno lo gy using parents are no t getting any co m m unicatio n fro m the scho o ls unless so m eo ne rem em bers to ask the Spanish o r So m ali interpreters to call them . So the district wo uld have to truly co m m it to pro viding all co m m unicatio ns in paper and in native languages witho ut requiring co m puter access!


"Students who are em po wered with cho ices ..." I disagree that the wo rd "cho ices" needs to be included. "Guided by inno vatio n..." Inno vatio n just fo r the sake o f being able to say 'lo o k ho w inno vative we are' is a terrible po licy. If inno vatio n leads to better o utco m es then great, but just to be inno vative fo r the sake o f being different is a po o r academ ic visio n.


"Students who are em po wered with cho ices and see/describe/apply ho w tho se cho ices are relevant and authentic" awkward, it so unds like an attem pt was m ade to stuff several key ideas into o ne o ddsentence...and what do es it m ean? Needs a re-write to get at the key m essage, like: Students are em po wered with cho ices they can apply to their lives in a relevant and authentic way.


"User-respo nsive m essages" do es no t reso nate with m e.


- Everything can't be cho ice and authentic- that is no t the way the real wo rld wo rks - Inno vatio n can be go o d but no t always applicable o r best fo r scho o ls. Having IPADS o pen and no t prelo aded has been a disaster, IMO, fo r kids learning!!





A visio n and system to keep bo th students and parents enthused and engaged abo ut learning. The educatio n is all abo ut the future o f the kids, no t m uch abo ut the current o f the adults.


Active and hands-o n learning o ppo rtunities. I have seen kindergarten and all elem entary grades beco m e very academ ic, which is great, as lo ng as there is the o ppo rtunity fo r m o vem ent that children that age develo pm entally need fo r brain develo pm ent.


Adaptio n by teachers varies greatly and by departm ent and grade. Po ssible paring o f student learning styles with teachers/co urses o ffered.


Add a statem ent abo ut fam ily suppo rt and participatio n is key to the success o f the educatio n pro cess


Adding a cho ice scho o l wo uld be fantastic.


Adding so m ething abo ut age-appro priateness. To o m any cho ices fo r a 1st grader can be o verwhelm ing, no t inspiring. And as the parent o f a high scho o ler, I do n't need to hear fro m m y student's teacher except when there is an issue, but I sure did when m y child was a grade scho o ler..


Additio nal explanatio ns o r backgro und info rm atio n wo uld be helpful fo r each elem ent o f the visio n.


Again, a clear understanding abo ut what sho rtco m ings this initiative intends to address, o bjective m easures fo r assessing current state and ho w tho se m etrics can be im pro ved thro ugh a different appro ach.


All kids sho uld be challenged at the level they are at. To o m uch cho ice in educatio n is co unterpro ductive and allo ws students to avo id im po rtant but challenging to pics/subjects


Already m entio ned m y feelings previo usly. We can no t wish o ur current pro blem s away-we need to address them . Stro ng co re educatio n NOT Cho ice scho o ls that beak do wn the co re. We are public educatio n-no t private. Let's m ake o ur Co re educatio n pro gram stro ng: Sm aller class size Trained teachers Clear directives Techno lo gy as a to o l Co nsistency in learning fo r all kids Discipline plan to sto p disruptio n in the classro o m Scho o ls get the reso urces they need to educate their po pulatio n o n kids Classro o m s o f to m o rro w-no t yester years With in these param eters I think we can intro duce better ways o f educating o ur kids-thro ugh co llabo ratio n, individualized learning, techno lo gy, pro ject based educatio n etc. all o f this is super and all o f this we can be successful at as a district if we stick with a unified co re and blo sso m o ut to gether.


Always think things thro ugh. We always tell o ur children to think befo re they act. We need to be ro le m o dels o f this....


An enviro nm ent that wo rks with a students individual needs.


And so m ething abo ut healthy bo dies and m o vem ent. Also do n't lo se fo cus o n ho w im po rtant art and m usic is!


As a parent, I do no t have eno ugh training in curriculum develo pm ent o r academ ic design to co m m ent o n the vario us design o ptio ns. I entrust these decisio ns to o ur teachers and principals because they do . What I care abo ut is that whatever design o ptio n is selected, o r even if no new o ptio ns are im plem ented, that o ur district begin to prio ritize student health thro ugho ut the design and im plem entatio n pro cess, as a no n-nego tiable. This sho uld no t be a m issing ingredient. Our children sho uld be able to have sufficient sleep and sufficient unstructured recess tim e fo r their healthy physical, em o tio nal, and so cial develo pm ent – no m atter what the academ ic o ptio ns are.


As i have stated, I need a clearer picture o f the visio n.





Ask so m eo ne to write it who kno ws ho w to write. Use less jargo n. No , wait—use no jargo n. State the go als o r values o r principles—whatever they are—clearly, co ncisely, intelligently. Try no t to ask peo ple to rate a series o f six statem ents with a single, fo ur-part Likert scale.


At the elem entary level, lo nger lunch and recess tim es, m o re free play with STEM tie-ins. At the high scho o l level, plenty o f AP co urses and PSEOP o ptio ns and suppo rt. Intro ducing a scho o l with a year-ro und schedule, such as six weeks o n, two weeks o ff, repeating.


Base it o n why the scho o l exists in the first place, no t o n a list o f "feel-go o d" go als. These are no t bad go als to strive fo r, but the ACADEMIC visio n needs to be abo ut the educatio n o f the children.


Be careful abo ut changing the future visio n to o m uch fro m the current visio n. These are o ur kids and their future yo u're m essing with, no t test subjects to evaluate the latest trendy educatio n idea. The current m o del has been aro und a lo ng tim e because it wo rks. I do n't think the Ho rizo n Repo rt has m uch em pirical evidence to back it up.


Be straightfo rward. Say what yo u m ean and skip all the fancy trigger wo rds that yo u think peo ple want to hear.


Be sure to fo llo w thro ugh o n statem ents m ade to give clear exam ples and pro vide m o re details in o rder to have all stakeho lders 'in the kno w.' Often when input is received o n vague presentatio ns, it gives the illusio n o f co nsensus when in fact there is no ne.


Big changes need to happen. Our district leaders need to rem em ber that the teacher/student relatio nship is at the center o f everything and that teachers need suppo rt, kindness, trust and leadership. Get to kno w teachers, be nice, listen, find o ut abo ut o ur fam ilies, find o ut abo ut o ur passio ns, shake o ur hands and say hello . It wo uld also be nice to return to a tim e when teachers go t to see scho o l bo ard m em bers o nce in awhile. I rem em ber a day when bo ard m em bers wo uld co m e to site m eetings and we'd build relatio nships with them . This do esn't seem like such a no vel co ncept.




Challenge students but no t to the po int they are dro pping o utside activities.


Challenge students o n an individual level allo wing them the fully thrive in the wo rkplace upo n graduatio ns


Children need expo sure and balance to all subject m atter areas early in their academ ic careers. If they do no t have that expo sure, they will never kno w what interests they m ay have.


Cho ices are great if they are info rm ed cho ices.


Cho o se o ne thing to be really go o d at rather than cho o sing several things to try to keep up with o ther districts.


Co ntinue with go o d o pen co m m unicatio n between the teachers, adm inistrato rs, kids and parents


Culture and traditio ns do play a big ro le o n students develo pm ent.


Delete this line: Student success and o ppo rtunity is no t predeterm ined by their race o r ethnicity. Replace it with: We will celebrate diversity and understand ho w im po rtant it is to o ur educatio n and wo rld. Write so m ething abo ut ho w im po rtant the teachers are and parent invo lvem ent.


Details! Print the presentatio n o n cheaper paper, m aybe even black & white. I kno w it lo o ks nice, but do n't we have better uses o f district m o ney?





Differentiated, individualized educatio n. No t a One-Size-Fits-All m o del.


Do NOT add ano ther cho ice scho o l to the district.


Do n't change to o m uch to o fast. That being said, I think it is im po rtant fo r students to kno w ho w to critically think in a kno wledge based eco no m y. Kno wing facts and figures isn't eno ugh anym o re, yo u have to understand the why behind tho se facts and figures, and ho w to use them to create and co llaberate.


Em phasis o n em bracing and teaching to the significant ethnic and natio nal diversity in the scho o l system .


Em plo yee valued input


Enco urage m o re o f the critical and creative thinking because that's what m o st jo bs require in this age


Equal o ppo rtunity fo r all kids which is no t based o n race, ethnicity, gender, status, so cio -eco no m ic level, scho o l lo catio n o r bo undary. *We do n't live in a Uto pia in Eden Praire-the playing fields are no t equal. The scho o l district needs to reco gnize this and be aware o f it. We sho uld try to equalize educatio n o ppo rtunity fo r all kids starting with facilities, access to learning to o ls, suppo rt system s, o ppo rtunity etc. If so m e scho o ls have special needs, this sho uld be reco gnized and suppo rted. Each scho o l is different and has different sets o f pro blem s and they sho uld be reco gnized individually and suppo rted individually. One o ther thing....please, please DO NOT intro duce ano ther "special" scho o l like STEM o r STEAM. We need to co ncentrate o n all o ur kids and no t segm ent kids o ut, We need a stro ng co re educatio nal base. We are no t private educatio n-we are public. Please sto p pulling kids apart. I feel these tactic are so lely to appease parents and that is no t rig


First statem ent applies to parents co nceptio ns and gives since o f dram a as the enlightened push back the darkness o f past experience. Isn't the essence o f educatio n to pro vide a platfo rm by which students are expo sed to the idea that there are m any paths available in their future. And to Reco gnize that the lim its are a pro duct o f parents and so cietal structure. Pro vide an equal o ppo rtunity to all co m ers. They will so rt them selves o ut o ver tim e as interests and ability and m o tivatio n fuel their pro gress.


Fo r kindergarten and first graders scho o l sho uld take them to field trip m o re o ften. I believe, field trips are easy way to co nnect children to the real wo rld and educate o ur yo uth in m o re particle way.


Get rid o f the race and ethnicity aspect.


Get student input- lo o k at students who were in this scho o l system fo r a lo ng tim e and have no w graduated (a few years after graduatio n). What did they think helped o r didn't help them .


Go back to the basics, teach children ho w to actually read, do basic age appro priate m ath, give them tim e to beco m e happy well adjusted children witho ut the huge am o unt o f curriculum that is pushed o n them o n a daily basis.


High STEM fo cus is needed co m pared to m any natio nal scho o ls.


Ho no r what has been wo rking and co ntinues to wo rk so that we do n't lo se what we have.


Ho w do yo u define student success and student o ppo rtunity?


Ho w will the district m easure success (o r ho w well it is do ing) when attem pting to carry o ut the academ ic visio n?





I agree scho o l needs to be safe and suppo rtive, but kids also need to be challenged and pushed o ut side their co m fo rt zo ne to really be ready fo r the real wo rld. I agree with m o st o f the academ ic visio n, but it feels to o fluffy and so ft to m e. Allo wing kids to m ake m istakes in a safe enviro nm ent and understand no t everyo ne will get alo ng all the tim e, and kno wing ho w to wo rk successfully with peo ple they do n't get alo ng with, is essential fo r the develo pm ent o f successful em plo yees in the future.


I believe Eden Prairie Scho o ls is do ing a great jo b in preparing o ur kids fo r the future!


I believe that giving to o m any cho ices is no t always a go o d thing.


I do believe in student cho ice, but the first bullet po int co ncerns m e. CHOICE is a great buzz wo rd that m eans m any different things to m any peo ple. But, I believe that 'cho ice' is no t always a co ncept capable o f being understo o d o r respected by all, especially in the stages o f childho o d. Fo r exam ple, I am no t gifted in Math. It was always a struggle. While in elem entary and junio r high I had to take particular m ath classes, in high scho o l I was able to cho o se m y level o f m ath class. So a fo rm er educato r and no w as a parents, I wo uld need m o re clarificatio n o n what "cho ices" we're pro po sing. Fro m the so unds o f it, currently, the high scho o l has a significant am o unt o f cho ice. Ho w will these new cho ices still allo w fo r o ur students to leave o ur EPS with o ne o f the best and rigo ro us public educatio ns in the co untry? I am wo ndering where develo ping go o d citizens is in the visio n...while no t entirely based o n academ ics...go o d citizens accept respo nsibility fo r them selves


I do no t have any suggestio ns.


I do n't 100% agree with #1. I'd like to kno w m o re abo ut what having cho ices m eans. I wo uld have reco m m ended yo u had peo ple evaluate ho w they agreed with each bullet and no t as an entire statem ent.


I fail to see ho w this appro ach has anything to do with clo sing the achievem ent gap between kids fro m academ ically m o tivated fam ilies and tho se kids fro m fam ilies that are no t m o tivated.


I have already co m m ented o n this.


I ho pe the visio n is realistic. So m e o f the term s are o pen to interpretatio n such as student success, po sitive culture (balanced), and user-respo nsive m essages.


I like it


I like the idea o f alternate grade fo cus so students m ay have an o ppo rtunity to be m o re well ro unded! Additio nally, it do esn't lo ck the fam ilies into o nly ONE specific co ncentratio n unlike do ing a who le scho o l. If yo u do a cho ice scho o l with a distinct fo cus it actually gives parents really "no cho ice". Designating each elem entary scho o ls to be a specific fo cus really lo cks fam ilies in stating this is what fo cus their child will be learning whether yo u want to o r no t. No t all fam ilies wo uld have the capabilities o f o pen-enro lling to the scho o l that has the fo cus they want.


I like the m iddle scho o l lo nger teaching tim e o ptio n (blo ck scheduling? ). Keep in m ind additio nal tim e fo r teachers and adm inistrative staff to adjust and adapt to new m o dels. Offer training and suppo rt, tim e fo r teachers to talk to each o ther and adjust teaching m etho ds.


I like the visio n and Missio n Delivery Po int statem ents very m uch.





I like the visio n. It is drastically different than Melissa Krulls, so by definitio n it is go o d! ;) Kind o f kidding. I like it's fo cus o n individualized and perso nal learning m o st. I stro ngly believe that gro uping students by ability at the yo ungest grade level o f educatio n will benefit each and every learner - as lo ng as there is flexibility to m o ve children aro und if their level sho uld change. Also , to im pro ve the achievem ent gap - I believe that screening fo r dyslexia at kindergarten entrance/readiness wo uld greatly elim inate the literacy challenge faced by m o st students. Data sho ws with very early interventio n, dyslexic students can achieve incredible gains academ ically. These services sho uld be pro vided to any and all students that m ay suffer fro m any level o f dyslexia, regardless o f their academ ic perfo rm ance. If we identify these students befo re they co m e into kindergarten, they can be gro uped to gether and rem ediated fro m day o ne - it wo uld allo w us to teach them the way T


I o nly fo und o ut abo ut this by go ing o n the website because I was lo o king fo r info rm atio n fo r the fall back to scho o l dates. I have received no m ailings. I have a child who will be entering kindergarten next fall. Have yo u really been lo o king to all stakeho lders?


I think o ffering cho ice o n EVERYTHING, such as every scho o l being a cho ice scho o l, can be inequitable. Also , kids who are very yo ung sho uld no t be tracked into a particular area-- they sho uld be expo sed to a wide variety o f activities and interests so that they can disco ver their strengths.


I think the first two item s are po ssibly pro blem atic. the first I do n't understand - needs to be cleaned up. Ho wever, I wo uld add the cho ice can be em po wering, but cho ice can so m etim es be dis-em po wering and o verwhelm ing. Particularly when no t eno ugh info rm atio n is pro vided to m ake an info rm ed cho ice. One the seco nd item , I so rt o f questio n whether this needs to be in there. Student success and o ppo rtunity is no t predeterm ined by race/ethnicity, but I do believe it is hugely influenced by the suppo rt pro vided by the parents.


I think the scho o l's current m issio n statem ent and strategic plan (as po sted o n the website) is m uch m o re well stated than the co llectio n o f statem ents just listed. The statem ents are fine, but they are no t co nnected to each o ther o r written is as pro fessio nal o f a m anner.


I want m children to have cho ices to be able to get the chance to learn in different ways and to co llabo rate. Tho se are all im po rtant and sho uld be inco rpo rated into the day. Learning sho uld be exciting and inno vative, children sho uld be excited abo ut go ing to scho o l to see what they will do next. I believe that can be acco m plished witho ut o verhauling the buildings, staff, and student placem ent.


I wish there was an elem ent o f o verall health fo r the child. Mental/physical/em o tio nal.


I wo rry abo ut the special ed teachers changing in elem entary scho o l that m y child has develo ped a stro ng bo nd with. Fo r so m e students that are ro utine dependent that change m ay be quite difficult.


I wo uld add so m ething abo ut diverse expo sure to subject m atter. I wo rry abo ut to o m any cho ices, to o early being lim iting to students do wn the ro ad. I wo uld hate to have m issed o ut o n the things I didn't kno w I wo uld be interested in o r like when I was to o yo ung o r inexperienced to kno w better.


I wo uld enco urage careful selectio n o f curriculum m aterials and m etho do lo gy, so that the directio n that is cho sen has lo ng-term value and results in academ ic success fo r students.


I wo uld include that student health and wellness sho uld be co nsidered a key co m po nent o f a student's o verall academ ic success; specifically by allo wing m o re recess tim e fo r yo unger students and age appro priate start tim es fo r o lder students.


I wo uld like to see parents changed to fam ilies.


I wo uld lo ve to kno w if there is go ing to be ano ther o ptio n purpo sed o r if this is it?





I wo uld lo ve to see band and o rchestra no t o verlap with o ther teaching tim es.


I wo uld stro ngly reco m m end to pro ceed with cautio n. We have m any successes in o ur district. I wo rry that we m ay do to m uch to quickly witho ut the necessary learning and understanding o f ho w changes will affect o ur district.


I'd add that the students can be expected to be treated with respect by teachers and staff Otherwise, lo o ks great.


I'm in favo r o f tweaking what we have to im pro ve it when it needs im pro ving, but inno vating/changing things that are wo rking well is no t so m ething I wo uld suppo rt (to fo llo w what m ay be trendy o r new in educatio n but m ay no t be helpful to m o st students).


I'm no t qualified to answer.


I'm unclear o n the intended sco pe o f the visio n (especially bullet po ints 3, 4, and 6). Fo r students? Fo r faculty? Adm inistratio n?


If adm inistratio n truly spent tim e in the buildings participating in the academ ic pro cess, they wo uld see so m e o f the greatest teachers and teaching in the state. I have yet to see o ur Superintendent o r Assistant Superintendent o r Directo r o f Learning and Teaching actively participate in o ur classro o m s. Unfo rtunately o ur district has beco m e a "to p do wn", detached and a "fo llo wer" instead o f a leader in educatio n. Eden Prairie used to be the district that o thers wo uld em ulate, that is no lo nger the case. These o ptio ns are no t the answer to bring abo ut academ ic change and success fo r o ur students.


Im part practical as well as academ ic m ix in such acwaynthat it pro m pts inno vative o utputs.


Im plem ent m o re educatio n am o ng teachers o n ho w to im plem ent techno lo gy m o re in the classro o m .


In em bracing techno lo gy, do no t lo se the o ppo rtunity to co nnect with the wo rld relatio nally, senso ry develo pm ent, and in nature. This is particularly im po rtant in the earlier years, but im po rtant to nurture in all grades.


Instead o f two -way co m m unicatio n, I wo uld like to see so m ething abo ut bro ader co m m unicatio n flo w, o r m o re o f a three-way co m m unicatio n m o del: teacher-student-parent, fo r exam ple.


Integrate that what is being do ne here in EP will translate successfully fo r each student m o ving fo rward to seco ndary educatio n.


It is hard fo r a student to feel em po wered, if he/she needs special ed suppo rt that is harder and harder to get.


It is no t clear to m e why either o ptio n is a go o d o ne to address the stated needs fro m the video . Fo r instance, 2 strategic issues were highlighted in the video : 1) "65% o f students will wo rk in jo bs that haven't been created yet" and 2) we need to fo cus o n building o ur kids' ability and skill in the "4C's (Co llabo ratio n, Co m m unicatio n, Critical Thinking, and Creativity)". To do so , the video suggested that we need to "change the way teachers teach and students learn." It m akes sense to m e that we m ay need to change teaching styles and learning pathways. But there hasn't been an explanatio n o f "why" we think the o ptio ns presented are the so lutio ns needed. To use an analo gy, has so m eo ne cho sen to present 2 garden ho se o ptio ns to fight an apartm ent when we actually need a fire ho se? So , at the district level, I wo uld like to hear so m eo ne explain the stated need we are addressing and why either o f these o ptio ns is go ing to address the stated need.


It really so unds like it's full o f m arketing buzz wo rds and no t authentic.





It's a great visio n statem ent. Who co uld argue with it? Ho wever, there's o ften a big gap between visio n statem ents and reality. As a district parent, I'll want to hear the im plem entatio n plan with practical details and phasing.


It's a lo t o f Buzz wo rds, ho w will this be distilled to a strategy and actio n item s, it's hard to disagree but ho w to yo u live this visio n?


It's lo ng and easily fo rgo tten. Sho rten it and m ake it im pactful.


Just do n't change the blo ck schedule at the high scho o l. Yo u co uld lo o k at do ing it at the m iddle scho o l altho ugh attentio n span m ay m ake that to o hard fo r 6th & 7th graders.


Keep 6th grade in the elem entary scho o l so they do n't lo se a year o f Spanish Im m ersio n.


Keep the K-6 m o del as is. Change the m iddle scho o l to 7-9 and high scho o l to 10-12.


Keep the K-6 m o del so that children do n't lo se o ne year o f Spanish Im m ersio n - educatio nally, so cially and culturally.


Keep the visio n realistic.


Keep the year ro und discussio n o ut o f this.


Kids are kids. They are capable o f great things, but we can't push them to o hard.


Lo nger class day. Sm aller class size.


Lo o k at cultural bias. Adm inistratio n that lo o ks at learning styles and adapts to all learning audito ry, visual, kinisthetic o r a co m binatio n o f them .


Lo ts o f it so unds great....but I wo nder...inno vatio n fo r what purpo se? I guess I wo uld like o ur visio n to represent a larger purpo se fo r public educatio n - that we are helping students to no t o nly pursue their o wn dream s but that we are helping students understand that we are all co nnected in the wo rld and o ur cho ices im pacts o ther peo ple, the enviro nm ent and anim we have a respo nsibility to understand these co nnectio ns and ho w o ften, right no w o ur daily cho ices are perpetuating great injustices and ho w are students go ing to be active change m akers fo r peace and justice.


Lum ping all tho se cho ices into o ne Agree o r Disagree o ptio n was a bad way to create this questio n. Fo r instance, if we wanted to disagree with any o f these individually and cho o se the Stro ngly Disagree with part o f this, then we're lum ped in with disagreeing with the "Student success and o ppo rtunity is no t predeterm ined by their race o r ethnicity."


Make it a reality... It isn't right no w.


Make no te o f the educatio nal pro cess, and m aking sure to no t get o verzealo us with dividing and m aking to o m any changes within the student bo dy.


Make sure basic skills aren't lo st in the desire to have students that can do the 4 Cs





Make sure that m usic educatio n and the arts are no t lo st in this transitio n. This is a fo undatio nal aspect o f o ur district that seam lessly blends children fro m all co rners o f o ur city and all backgro unds and abilities. This is an exam ple o f where we are already succeeding in co m bining m ath, science, so cio lo gy, writing and co m m unicatio n, creativity, inno vatio n and pro blem so lving to build stro ng leaders and well-ro unded m em bers o f o ur co m m unity.


Make the statem ents/sentences gram m atically unifo rm , fo r clarity.


Mo re em phasize o n academ ics. Reco gnize the difference o f learning ability and co m petence am o ng students.


Mo re enco uragem ents fo r kids to stay in the arts pro gram . Create m o re o ppo rtunities fo r kids with busy schedules in high scho o l fo r them to be able to co ntinue in tho se classes


Mo re fo cus o n equity. Why did we m o ve away fro m NUA? Making learning real and relevant to all students sho uld be o ur num ber o ne fo cus. Sim ply having each teacher watch a video and answer a co uple questio ns abo ut culture do es NOT m ake us pro ficient in culturally relevant teaching practices. Trust the teachers- we DO kno w what we're do ing. Allo w US to travel the co untry to gro w pro fessio nally. Upper adm in and principals had m any o ppo rtunities fo r gro wth-- in what way did this benefit the students? the teachers? If the intent was that there'd be a trickle do wn effect, there wasn't! We need COF co aches back in o ur scho o ls. Why wo uld we give a device to every student and staff m em ber and then NOT suppo rt the develo pm ent o f lesso ns with m eaningful techno lo gy integratio n. Our tech suppo rt guys are wo nderful, but they do n't help m e develo p learning o ppo rtunities. Michelle has said the tech is em bedded in everything, but it's no t. Fo r m o st o f us it's so m ething we need help with if we want th


Mo re fo cus o n excellence and perfo rm ance. Also while perso nal cho ice is nice and even m o tivating fo r so m e uses, that's no t always what they will get in the real wo rld - it needs to be tem pered with the ability to take directio n as well.


Mo re inclusive- instead o f just race and ethnicity, we sho uld ackno wledge eco no m ic instability as a facto r that lim its o ppo rtunity.


Mo re info rm atio n and tim e is needed to discuss all this. This sho uld be presented and discussed at a wo rksho p/pro fessio nal develo pm ent day.


Mo re m o vem ent! Physical educatio n, recess, creative/so cial learning.


Mo re o n racial equity


Mo re practice ho m ewo rk fo r 2nd grade


Mo re recess


Mo re recess, play-based learning, and a greater fo cus o n language and art in elem entary


Mo re specifics abo ut the research that suppo rts the reco m m endatio ns.


Mo re suppo rt o f the library and m edia centers. Get students back into bo o ks instead o f spending so m uch tim e o n their co m puters.


Mo re tho ught o n EPHS. Really think abo ut if it's ano ther cho ice scho o l that the co m m unity is seeking. No to pre-k in elem entary. Get o n quickly with m o ving 6th to CMS. Create o ppo rtunity to co llect input specific to EPHS.





Mo re tim e is needed to develo p the o ptio ns. Mo re tim e is needed fo r all stakeho lders to co nsider the im pact o f the o ptio ns. Mo re clarity within the o ptio ns - use a glo ssary to help define educatio nal term s


Mo st o f it I'm fine with. Fo r this, "Student success and o ppo rtunity is no t predeterm ined by their race o r ethnicity", I'm fine with it to o as lo ng as effo rts to serve tho se o f o ther races/ethnicity do es no t cause the district to dispro po rtio nately direct less reso urces to tho se who are no t in tho se gro ups.


Mo stly agree but what's ho lding m e back is to what degree there is student cho ice and em po werm ent and perso nalized learning. So m e yes (and m o re than no w), alm o st all, no .






Need to add high pro ficiency and annual gro wth m etrics.


No tracking!!!


No ne


No ne- lo o ks go o d!


No t m o ving to o fast. Making sure we do no t put the cart befo re the ho rse.


No t sure


No te that while cho ice is aweso m e, there is a base set o f skills that is needed to m aster befo re being able to successfully wo rk o n so m ething. Also , kno wing ho w to learn so m ething that o ne do esn't necessarily have interest in is also a life skill. Do ing dishes is no t m y cho ice o f fun, but m y life is better kno w ho w to do it and get it do ne effectively fo r exam ple. Sam e fo r kno wing the basics. It also m akes fo r a better hum an being to be well ro unded to an extent.


Offering m o re cho ices is no t alway necessary o r a go o d thing. The visio n sho uld be to pro vide a stable learning enviro nm ent fo r each student by qualified, highly trained teaching pro fessio nals.


One o f the difficulties in o ur district is the diversity we face. I understand ho w im po rtant it is to em po wer ALL students, but I do n't always agree with HOW we do it. So m etim es I believe we play to the edges, so I guess I'd have to understand ho w the language o utlining what the wo rds "o ppo rtunity" and "trusting" m ean to tho se who wro te the visio n. Wo rds do n't m ean the sam e things to peo ple, and I co uld agree with the wo rds and TOTALLY disagree with ho w it's executed.


Optio n to learn in a variety o f ways. The pro blem with team pro jects is that o ften o ne perso n ends up learning the m o st (o ften the perso n in charge) Individualized testing is im po rtant as well as team co llabo ratio n. Go o d teachers sho uld be rewarded. If a child wants o ut o f a particular teachers class because o f the way they teach, that child sho uld be allo wed to m o ve.


Our go al sho uld be creating well ro unded individuals that can adapt and pull to gether ideas and to o ls fro m different fields and disciplines to create the future that we are trying to prepare them fo r. We sho uld no t prescribe their future fo r them we sho uld give them to o ls to learn, inno vate, create and co o perate so that they can create the future they want to live in.





Overall I believe that o nline learning is no t a go o d o ptio n fo r o ur fam ily. I think that allo wing co nstant 2 way co m m unicatio n and changing ho urs to co nnect (8am -8pm ) do es no t allo w fo r a scheduled "shut o ff tim e". When scho o l is do ne fo r the day in the afterno o n that is when fam ily tim e starts. This is just as im po rtant as scho o l in m y o pinio n. This is tim e to engage with fam ily, enjo y friends. Also , with the extended ho urs it allo ws fo r pro crastinatio n. I believe high scho o l sho uld be m o re strict vs. pro viding so m any m o re cho ices. Structure and clear expectatio ns are what high scho o lers need. Pro viding so m any cho ices creates co nfusio n in an already jum bled scho o l district. Change is go o d but so m any changes so frequently are no t beneficial.


Perhaps dedicating a separate scho o l fo r Spanish Im m ersio n. While m y child is thriving in the im m ersio n enviro nm ent, befo re he started, I was under the im pressio n that it was full im m ersio n. It is, but o nly to a po int. Sharing a scho o l with Oak Po int m eans that gym , m usic, art, and the Key Pro gram are all do ne in English. I wo uld prefer that the who le day be taught in Spanish, to get the full im m ersio n expreience


Please co nsider an alum ni's experience as a student to having their o wn children attend EPS with the different grade levels. I am a highly gifted (realized as a parent o f o ne) perso n that was co m pletely o verlo o ked in the 7080's scho o l system ; the EPS district changes in 2012 were harm ful. (Take a lo o k at the num ber o f ACT scho lars, and Natio nal Merit Finalists o ver the years... they've dro pped co nsiderably fro m 2012 fo rward).


Please co nsider the EHSI students and their unique educatio n path. Please do no t put children in specific paths to o so o n.


Please do n't rush into this. Take yo ur tim e, listen to everyo ne (even tho se that aren't the lo udest), and rem em ber it's the kids (no t the parents) that need to be happy and challenged. Ask the kids what they want.


Please see previo us co m m ents.


Pro vide m o re details


Pro vide o ppo rtunities to children in regards to o ccupatio ns (visiting ho spitals to o bserve do cto rs' wo rk, visiting Law o ffice, co m panies to view engineers, etc.), invite scientists fo r interesting to pics, etc.


Put all the inno vatio n, techno lo gy and perso nalized develo pm ent aside at tim es. These kids need to learn ho w to shake a hand, lo o k so m eo ne in the eye and have an actual co nversatio n. They also need to understand the im po rtance o f respo nsibility and that they have no right to an inflated sense o f entitlem ent. To o m any newbies in the wo rkplace are co m pletely inept at participating in a sim ple m eeting because they have zero co m m unicatio n skills.


Questio n 18 was po o rly written. What was the 3rd wo rd do ing in the first sentence? The rest did no t even include co m plete sentences. This is questio naire is an em barrassm ent to EPHS.


Rather than each scho o l beco m ing a m agnet scho o l, o ffer a po rtio n o f the day fo ra m agnet interest within each scho o l so that fam ilies with children who have different interests and talents can still be in thesaurus scho o l. Fo r instance o ffer a m ath/science pro gram , a language em phasis pro gram , art and m usic etc in all scho o ls so Susie the scientist and yo unger twin siblings Jo hn the m usician and Jack the language learner can all be to gether rather than having parents o r perhaps a single parent trying to juggle m ultiple elem entary scho o ls. Plus Jane can pick any o f her interests and still be with her bro ther who has Do wn's syndro m e and her neighbo rho o d friend who is learning English.


Reco gnize that suppo rting the staff is best acco m plished when the attentio n and interest in their o pinio ns is genuine and enco urages a belief that the decisio n is pending and no t just lo o king fo r so m e kind o f rubber stam p o r acquiescence.





Reinstating m edia specialists that will have direct student co ntact, that will teach info rm atio n literacy skills in a digital wo rld, that will co llabo rate with staff to aid instructio n o f info rm atio n literacy and research specific to curricular subjects, that will select and m anage info rm atio n reso urces fo r the scho o l, that will be leaders o f info rm atio n inno vatio n and info rm atio n co nsum ptio n within the scho o l.


Rem o ve ipad fro m their lives.


Rem o ve the part abo ut race & ethnicity. Having it identified as such indicates no t all students have an equal o ppo rtunity currently which is ho gwash.


Respect fo r perso nal fam ily values, faiths, and o pinio ns.


STaff do es no t kno w what this is, superintendent Trygestad needs to talk with staff perso nally.


Seem s like the visio n we have is wo rking fo r EP scho o ls. Why are we do ing this? What is the pro blem with the current scho o ls and system ?


Slo w do wn. Figure o ut the reading situatio n at the elem entary level. Teachers have been sharing co ncerns fo r years! Do es the scho o l bo ard realize ho w m any pro blem s there are?


So m e o f the o bjectives are no t clear. To who m are they directed? Others do no t represent a co m plete tho ught, which m ake them co nfusing.


So m e students are wo rking o n things like basic needs befo re they can em bark o n an academ ic visio n.


So m ething abo ut fam ily co m m itm ent and acco untability.


So m ething sho uld be in here abo ut guiding o r teaching o ur students. It always seem s like we are afraid to say there is autho rity, kno wledge and experience that co m es fro m o ur teachers/parents/helpers/etc... We sho uld be the guides to help o ur students achieve success. We seem to always state everything as if the student will figure it all o ut and the rest o f us sho uld just stand back and watch in fear that we m ight say o r do so m ething wro ng, o r even wo rse, squelch that creative spark!


Statem ent 1 is o verly o ptim istic. My high scho o l grandchildren tune o ut when perso nalized learning is m entio ned. And the statem ent "inspiring every student every day.... is very unrealistic. That m ay be a go al but sho uld no t be a statem ent o f what is actually happen.


Stro ng leadership reco gnitio n and suppo rt fro m the district fo r all scho o ls.


Student success also is no t determ ined by their physical no r m ental abilities... add that?


Student success and o ppo rtunity is no t predeterm ined by race o r ethnicity - please add: gender o r religio n o r age o r o ther perceived barrier.


Students at this age are no t ready to m ake "real decisio ns" I think by the end o f the senio r year they are getting clo ser but sho uld no t be "em po wered"


Students o ppo rtunities sho uld also no t be lim ited by their so cio -eco no m ic status. We sho uld endeavo r no t to create de-facto segregatio n by pre-judging student skills, aptitudes, and interests to o early. Anything befo re high scho o l is WAY to o early.





Students sho uld be equipped to deal with challenges, have the co nfidence to be flexible in their pro blem so lving and kno w that all learning wo n't directly apply to a future jo b/career.


Students that are co nfident, creative and adaptive to the ever changing pro fessio nal wo rld.




Take o ut the part abo ut race o r ethnicity and put so m ething like "differences" o r "unique qualities" - since kids with special needs can have tro uble to o as o thers I am sure that fall into a catego ry... I wo uld rather we did no t m ake race an issue at all - by calling it o ut - yo u m ake it an issue


Take tim e to m o nito r each student's pro gress, challenges, im pro vem ents, and take tim e fo r authentic assessm ents.


Techno lo gy, inno vatio n (I'm thinking 1-1 devices) are great in m o deratio n, but so m etim es I wo nder if we'll be kicking o urselves in 10 o r 15 years if m o re studies co m e o ut describing the detrim ent o f co nstant screen activity vs. relatio nal learning with real peo ple.


That is upheld by the very peo ple who claim to suppo rt it.


That wo uld be am azing. I have so m any required classes that I hate, which I wo uld rather fill with AP classes I am interested in o r do PSEO. Also , 2 gym requirem ents, but o nly 1 health and 1 techno lo gy? That is absurd, as the latter two have m o re practical and necessary info rm atio n in them , while kno wing ho w to run a pacer will never benefit m e as m o st fitness standards are o utdated and dangero us instead o f helpful.


That's a lo t o f different things hard to agre with all to Sam e degree


The academ ic visio n so unds go o d but the reality behind that statem ent is ho w in the wo rld can we expect teachers to be able to do that? Is Eden Prairie go ing to hire 2-3 tim es m o re teachers? Differentiatio n and individualized instructio n are great, but tim e co nsum ing. Can yo u really ask m o re o f yo ur teachers and expect high quality results?


The language used is a little clunky but the underlying them es and co ntent is go o d.


The less structure yo u have, the m o re individual m o nito ring and co aching will be required. This will be very expensive in term s o f m an ho urs if acco m plished at the level that will actually ensure success.


The m o st im po rtant part o f im plem entatio n o f any new system is buy in fro m all (teachers, adm inistrato rs, parents and students) Kno w that whatever is im plem ented wo n't be perfect and adjustm ents will need to be m ade to the "final" decisio n as what wo rks o n paper m aybe do esn't translate as well in the classro o m . Make whatever decisio n, by do the wo rking and m aking the cho ices but then realize the need to listen to all invo lved as/after it is im plem ented to co ntinue im pro vem ent.


The po ints sho uld written in a way that is understandable. It sho uld have specifics that are related to academ ics, and they sho uld be related to the specific design o ptio ns.


The previo us questio n fo rm at is so co ntrived...each elem ent needed to have the o ptio n fo r feedback!





The visio n statem ent m eans no thing. It is a bunch o f feel go o d statem ents (m o m and apple pie so rt o f stuff) that pro vides no m eaningful guidance to o ur adm inistrato rs. While I do n't disagree with any o f the statem ents (who co uld - who do esn't want a "po sitive culture"), a visio n statem ent sho uld be co ncrete eno ugh to guide the adm inistrato rs as they m ake decisio ns. A go o d exam ple o f so m ething that sho uld be included in a visio n statem ent wo uld be so m ething alo ng the lines o f the fo llo wing: "Co re educatio nal building blo cks will be delivered to students thro ugh pro ven m etho ds o f instructio n. Traditio nal instructio n will be supplem ented (but no t replaced) by inno vative m etho ds o f instructio n that are influenced by techniques utilized by to day's leading and fo rward-thinking o rganizatio ns." "The scho o l day will be structured in a m anner that pro m o tes student health and healthy life habits." "As district reso urces are allo cated, adm inistrato rs will be guided by the co m m unity's


The wo rd "respect" needs to be included. Mutual respect. Kids need to be em po wered but they also need to be respectful and I do n't always see that piece em phasized. The co m m unicatio n piece is im po rtant but do esn't fit under "academ ic visio n". Seem s like it sho uld go so m ewhere else. Sam e with pro fessio nal develo pm ent. Belo ngs in a stakeho lder sectio n to suppo rt academ ic visio n perhaps. Add so cio -eco no m ic status to race/ethnicity bullet.


There are things that need to be settled befo re we start thinking abo ut o ther change and m o re changes when we are still struggling with fixing the pro blem s o f the last changes. There's a need fo r im plem enting, assessing, redesign, assess again and perhaps change so m ething. Rather than try so m ething fo r a co uple o f years and trash it befo re we can analyze what went wro ng and why.


There are to o m any "selectio ns" under o ne heading, and m y beliefs are varied, but I canno t individualize m y o pinio n selectio ns fo r each statem ent.


There are very few electives in m iddle scho o l. When I went to scho o l, I had the ability to have PE every day, take a sem ester o f Art, Wo o d Sho p, and learn different skills. These o ptio ns no lo nger exist. Make the day lo nger, but o ffer m o re electives


They so und like the typical platitudes, but so m eo ne needs to edit them so the phrasing is parallel.


This is a very co nfusing pro cess and am co ncerned that the co m m unity will no t be represented o n this input fo rm .


This is all do uble speak m eant to m ake peo ple feel go o d. In the real wo rld, yo u need to m ake sure that the kids in the classro o m s are safe and that tho se who are no t there to learn are no t there to learn are no t a disruptio n to tho se who are. I understand that yo u feel that suspensio ns are no t the answer, but at so m e po int the few are taking do wn the who le class.


This is currently NEVER go ing to beco m e a reality with the way teachers are disrespected.


Tho se all sho uld be separately rated. Bundling them to gether is slanted.


Three-way co m m unicatio n, no t just Two way Co m m unicatio n. There is no m entio n o f Structure. If there is a structured pro gram , then kids and fam ilies are fam iliar with it and if things are changing all the tim e then so m e do no t catch up to tho se changes, thus lagging behind.


To m ake sure the im po rtance o f recess tim e / physical activity during the day is reco gnized.


To the visio n o n race and ethnicity, add gender


To o m any cho ices creates chao s, segregatio n, and a lack o f educatio nal diversity fo r o ur children.





To o vague, I do n't think yo u have explained things well eno ugh.


True and co nsistent suppo rt fo r tho se im plem enting the instructio n.


Trust the teachers m o re- let them teach.


Unfo rtunately, I canno t see the visio n and have this bo x in which to write o n the sam e page. The first po int o n the visio n is a bit co nfusing to m e. I agree with the seco nd po int o n the visio n. Ho wever, so m e student gro ups have been less likely to succeed due to facto rs that are o ut o f the district's co ntro l. I stro ngly agree that all students sho uld receive equal o ppo rtunities in scho o l -- the key po int being the o ppo rtunities. What the students do with their o ppo rtunities is o ut o f the district's co ntro l. I also believe that students o f all races and ethnicities sho uld receive the sam e am o unt o f reso urces. Students fro m o ne gro up sho uld no t receive m o re than students fro m ano ther gro up. I do no t understand what is m eant by a "balanced" culture in po int three. The fo urth po int is very general. I wo uld like a definitio n o f "user-respo nsive m essages" and "two -way co m m unicatio n". Between and am o ng who ? I wo uld also like m o re detailed info rm atio n o n po ints fo ur


Visio n is go o d, it just do esn't seem to articulate and align with the o ptio ns we were given. Ho w will all the changes suggested im pact the visio n po ints? Where is the articulatio n do cum ents and assessm ents to see if that is happening?


Visio n statem ent fo r special needs children - they will have sam e o ppo rtunities to succeed and suppo rt


We can have all the visio ns and statem ents we want, but if there isn't eno ugh suppo rt in each classro o m , it's im po ssible to carry them o ut.


We have to re-analyze the grading po licy at the high scho o l. Quite absurd that students can't get a great grade because they have wo rked so very hard to earn it. They can receive a great grade because they have taken, retaken, retaken and retaken the exam s fo r that grade. Do esn't sho w true acco m plishm ent.


We need to include and prio ritize student health and wellness in o ur o verall academ ic visio n. The research sho ws that the o utco m e o f prio ritizing student health and wellness is no t o nly stro nger, healthier children, but stro nger academ ic perfo rm ance as well. Student health and wellness sho uld be co nsidered an integral part o f a student's o verall scho o l achievem ent.


We need to pro vide m o re o ppo rtunities fo r face to face co m m unicatio n fo r staff within the wo rk day. E-m ails abo ut big issues such as this are to o im perso nal and leave so m e feeling left o ut o f the pro cess.


What do es tim ely co m m unicatio n m ean? Who is that directed at?


When students and parents are held acco untable, then it m ight wo rk. Otherwise, it will no t.


With childho o d o besity and ADHD o n the rise in o ur co untry, a lo nger recess tim e wo uld be very beneficial to yo unger students in co m bating these challenges o ur children face to day.


Wo uld like aspects o f relatio nships building, like skills develo pm ent and m astery fo r adultho o d, results o rientated.


Year-lo ng them ed tracks Interdisciplinary study So cratic m etho d (m in lecture, m o re co llabo ratio n) In-field and co m plim entary experiences Narrative grading Teacher and sudent evaluatio ns (yes, students supply in a balanced feedback lo o p)





Yo ur academ ic "visio n" is incredibly vague. Wo uld be m o re helpful to give specific exam ples o f what co urses wo uld lo o k like at each level.




add in ho w to suppo rt students and fam ilies with physical o r m ental disabilities, m ental health issues


better co m m unicatio n as to what this is


co ncerned with exactly ho w 1) students enpo wered by cho ices... and 2) po sitive, balanced... culture will be interpreted and executed.


do n't kno w ho w m uch we need to em po wer students with cho ices. they are learning, are kids and are lo o king fo r guidance o n what is best fo r them .


do n't m ake any rash decisio ns and give the teachers alo t o f suppo rt so they can m ake the adjustm ent go o d


go o d wo rk. executio n is always key and I think EP has the co m m unity to do it.


lo o ks fine no w.


m o re creativity o ptio ns, m o re recess, m o re o ptio ns to explo re diff learning paths




no ne


partnership and access to adm inistratio n


teachers are em po wered to rem o ve disruptive students fro m the classro o m in o rder to fo cus o n teaching rather than disciplining.


teachers sho uld be evaluated and given bo nuses based o n academ ic success o f the students and happiness o f the students and parents o f their experience. Teachers who get to stay even tho ugh they do n't teach well do n't help anyo ne.


techno lo gy m o re standardized, o rganized fo r all teachers and grades


the kids need to have a bro ad understanding o f fundam entals...m y physics 101 and chem istry 101 and bio lo gy 101 helps m e thro ugh life - if I did no t have tho se, I wo uld no t be able to m ake decisio ns that wo uld take additio nal research. Researching in detail when yo u kno w the fundam entals is what helps m e in life. Exam ple: vinegar is acidic but we can digest it - no t so if its sulphuric acid!


we canno t cater to each student, there are no sufficient reso urces fo r each student to be o n his/her o wn plan students have to m eet so m e no rm ative expectatio ns


will teachers have cho ice?


yo ur descriptio ns are vague and do n't tell m e what yo u are trying to do .