Ride The Roller Coasters

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1 You made it through your first coaster—move ahead one space. 2 Looks like you got to the park too late—move back o
Ride The Roller Coasters What you need: game board, two markers, and a six-sided die How to play: Roller coasters can be fun, scary, exciting, and unbelievable all at the same time! Set out on an adventure through the park, roll the dice, and see what happens. The first player to reach the end wins! 1 2 3 4 5 6

You made it through your first coaster—move ahead one space. Looks like you got to the park too late—move back one space and try again tomorrow! Two upside down loops—no problem! Move ahead two spaces. Uh-oh. A thunderstorm is coming. You’d better go inside the food court and wait for the rain to end. You rode in the front car and kept your eyes open! Great job! Move ahead three spaces. Looks like we’re going to be in this line for a looooong time! Move back three spaces while you wait.





©Bonnie Rose Hudson www.writebonnierose.com