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Jul 30, 2017 - 30 July 2017 | Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time ... BRIAN DOYLE, R.I.P.. In an earlier ... for offende
Saint Anne

30 July 2017 | Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time


MASSES: SAT: 5:00 PM; SUN: 8:00, 10:00 AM, 12:00, 4:00 PM; DAILY: 9:00 AM CONFESSIONS: Mon-Sat: 8:30 AM; Sat: 4:00-4:45 PM Jesus with Woman at the Well

M s g r . M i k e H e h e r , P a s t o r , [email protected], 562 -431-0721 Ext. 14 F r . B e n T r a n , P a r o c h i a l V i c a r , [email protected], 562 -431-0721 Ext. 11 F r . R o b e r t V i d a l , P a s t o r E m e r i t u s , [email protected] D e a c o n P e t e r N g u y e n , [email protected] A m y P a p a g e o r g e s , D i r e c t o r o f F a i t h F o r m a t i o n , [email protected], 562 -431-0721 Ext. 16 J y l l i a n R h o d e s , Y o u t h M i n i s t r y / C o n f i r m a t i o n , ym@stannesealbeac, 562 -431-0721 Ext. 15 J a n C o o p e r , F r o n t O f f i c e , [email protected]

340 10TH ST. | SEAL BEACH CA 90740 | 562-431-0721 | WWW.STANNESEALBEACH.ORG | MON.—FRI. 8:45—4:00


St. Anne

30 July 2017

BRIAN DOYLE, R.I.P. In an earlier generation American writers who were also Catholic believed their faith an essential ingredient in their art. I grew up reading Thomas Merton, Flannery O'Connor and Walker Percy. Nowadays there are Annie Dillard and Tobias Wolfe. In May we lost my favorite, Brian Doyle, to brain cancer at age 60. In a prescient essay, "On 'Not' Beating Cancer," he wrote, "Cancer is to be endured, that's all." He urges his readers to "Use real words. Real words matter. False words are lies...I know men, women and children who have cancer, had cancer, died of cancer, lived after their cancer retreated, and not one of them ever used military or sporting metaphors that I remember." "To grow up Catholic is to be especially lucky as an artist," Brian once explained in an interview, "because you are soaked in miracle and mystery and symbol and smoke and the confident assertion that every moment is pregnant with miracle and possibility and stuffed with holiness like a turducken." One of his books has nothing but prayers, "A Book of Uncommon Prayer." Here's one that we can identify with: PRAYER FOR GOOD SURFING CONDITIONS THIS WEEKEND I know You have many much more pressing things to attend to, but if You have a moment to grant miniscule favors, some decent surf for a change would be a

real pleasure, as the waves have not been above two feet for two weeks, and my brother and I finally have the hang of the thing after working at it almost every day this Summer, and I love hanging around the beach with my brother, for that's when we actually talk about stuff that matters rather than fight and bicker about stuff that doesn't, and it's a clean healthy pursuit to, in which no mindaddling substances are allowed because then you would muddled and not surf well and end up with your face in the shells at the bottom of the sea, which would be painful not to mention Mom would be mad at the cost of getting your face stitched up right. So, if at all possible, if You can take a second to whip up a small storm fifty miles out, without endangering fishermen, and then send the surf this way on Saturday, we would really appreciate it, and we promise to be there early and surf responsibly and also catch the first Mass on Sunday rather than the Laggard's Mass at noon, like usual. This we pray in the name of Your Son who also, You will remember, walked on water, and so invented surfing, long before Duke Kahanamoku, blessed be his name. And so on: amen. Msgr. Mike

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Around our Parish KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS MONTHLY MEETING/MEMBERSHIP All interested Catholic men are invited to attend our Council meetings. We typically meet the 1st Monday of each month at 7:00 PM in the Parish Hall. The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, August 7, 2017. For additional information, please contact J. Jones at 562.936.0164. AL HENTGES MEMORIAL ALASKAN FISH DINNER The 14th Annual Alaskan Fish Dinner will be held on Sunday, August 6th. There will be a 5:00 PM and 7:00 PM seating. There is a suggested donation of $20.00 per person. Tickets will be available after all masses this weekend. All proceeds go towards supporting local seminarians. Come join us for great fellowship at one of our parish's most popular events – tickets sell out almost every year. For more information, contact Ed Harkins at 562.505.4535.

“Help Us Help Those In Need”

WOMEN’S GUILD MONTHLY MEETING/MEMBERSHIP General meetings are usually the 4th Monday of each month in the parish hall. There are no meetings in July and August. Our next meeting will be the salad supper in September! To support our ministries and speakers as a member, please contact Joanne Groustra at 562-296-8705.

ALTAR CARE VOLUNTEERS NEEDED St. Anne is looking volunteers to help with our Altar Care ministry. Altar Care ministry members prepare our linens for the celebration of the Mass by laundering and ironing them at home. The day of the week is flexible! If we get more than one volunteer, a schedule can be made to alternate weeks. To volunteer, please contact the parish office.

YOUTH MINISTRY OUTDOOR MOVIE NIGHT All teens are invited to watch a movie under the stars at our outdoor movie night on Aug. 2nd from 7:00—9:00 p.m. Please email [email protected] for more details.

LIFE, JUSTICE AND PEACE Thank you for your generous donations of socks—one of the most needed and less donated items to outreach centers. We have donated 466 pairs of socks that have been given to Blessed Sacrament Parish Outreach (in Westminster--they are across the street from a park that has many homeless living there) and Helping House on the Christ Cathedral Campus. Your kindness is appreciated!

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HUMAN TRAFFICKING MINISTRY A Human Trafficking ministry was established at St. Anne in October of 2016. Our Ministry offers opportunities to provide awareness and education to our Parish and the community about this crime against our enslaved brothers and sisters. Since our inception, we have sponsored a Parish-wide program on Human Trafficking, had a booth at the 10th Annual Seal Beach Health Expo, secured a bulletin board across from the hall for educational messages, have a dedicated volunteer who works every Friday in collaboration with St. Vincent de Paul at their Human Trafficking awareness booth at the Huntington Beach Pier, have two members who attend sentence hearings for offenders, so at voting time we will be aware of which judges give "soft" sentences to extreme offenders. We plan to participate at the National Night Out Program sponsored in our area by the Seal Beach, Los Alamitos and Cypress Police Departments on August 1st, and will be working with the Orange County Human Trafficking Task Force at their booth at the OC Fair on August 9th. We hold meetings on the third Tuesday night of every month in the hall at 6:30 p.m. The Department of Homeland Security has asked faith based groups to provide education and awareness in their communities. We have worked to answer this call, and also the requests of Pope Francis, to help our brothers and sisters who are being victimized. Our Ministry is current and relevant to our world today. There is a role for everyone from educating and talking to people face to face, to preparing bulletin board educational messages, to attending local meetings and reporting back to our Ministry members what you learned, to buying more Fair Trade / Ethically Sourced items for your own home, and informing others on how to do this, writing letters to members of the government about upcoming Human Trafficking bills, to praying for the victims of this crime. “I have learned so much about the many aspects of Human Trafficking.” “It is heartwarming to hear what people have to say and to answer their many questions.” "The service we give is varied and rewarding as we provide Human Trafficking awareness and education to our Parish and community.” “While the subject is a difficult one, we have witnessed that people are open and very willing to learn about the many facets of this crime and then to teach their families and friends what they can do to help prevent it.”

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

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OUR MISSION: Saint Anne Church exists to help us become disciples of Jesus Christ who connect with God, grow in faith, and serve in love.

9:00 AM MASS INTENTIONS 7/31 8/1 8/2 8/3 8/4 8/5

Robert Masonek Mae McGlynn Mary Nickel Irene Strobel Seminarians Eileen Nelson ( Rest in God’s love and peace)

PLEASE PRAY FOR Fr. Bob Vidal, Katia Bergstrom, Juanita Kho, Brenda Malloy, Ed Palacol, Kathleen Kastner, Kathy Purcell, Aurora Lavadia, Mike Pendleton, Jerome Gendron, Jean Ramirez, Julia Poirier, Jim Ferguson, Mary Maskell ESTHER DELGADILLO It is with sorrow that we announce the death of Esther Delgadillo who was the cook and housekeeper at St. Anne for 40 years. Tony, her son, worked here as a janitor for many years. Esther died Sunday, July 23rd. Please keep Esther and her family in your prayers. Funeral arrangements are pending.

AROUND OUR DIOCESE FREE DAY RETREAT AT ST. MARY'S The Orange County chapter of the Dominican Laity, the lay branch of the Order of Preachers of St. Dominic, invites everyone to their annual retreat day on Saturday, August 19, in one of the parish classrooms at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Fullerton. Fr. Augustine Hilander, O.P., from the priory in San Francisco will lead the retreat on practical lay spirituality in the Dominican tradition. The retreat will begin at 12 noon with lunch and close with Holy Mass at 5:30 p.m. in the parish church. All are welcome; the retreat is free and requires no registration, but they would appreciate a head count: please call and/or leave a message for Michael at 714-892-4948.

DIOCESAN MINISTRIES CELEBRATION All St. Anne ministry members are invited to attend the annual Diocesan Ministries Celebration—Encounter, Connect, Evangelize. The event will be held on Saturday, October 14. Watch our bulletin for more information!