sample ballot -

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STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF BROOME. Ballot ID: 1000. BROOME COUNTY. Democratic Presidential Primary. April 19th, 2016.


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(1) Mark only with a writing 9RWHIRU21( instrument provided by the Board of Elections. (2) To vote for a candidate '(02&5$7,& whose name is printed on this %HUQLH .HLWK -HQQLIHU0 :DOWHU' 0LFKHOOH 6HDQ* ballot, fill in the oval m above 6DQGHUV 5XELQR 0 &DPSROL ) 7UDYHU 0 0DUN ) 0DVVH\ 0 $ or next to the name of the candidate. '(02&5$7,& (3) Any other mark or writing, or +LOODU\ $QWKRQ\ 'RQQD %LOO 1LFROHQD -DPHV any erasure made on this ballot &OLQWRQ %ULQGLVL 0 /XSDUGR ) 3KLOOLSV 0 %LVKRS ) 7HVWDQL 0 % outside the voting ovals will void this entire ballot. (4) Do not overvote. If you select a greater number of candidates than there are vacancies to be filled, your ballot will be void for that public office or party position. (5) If you tear, or deface, or wrongly mark this ballot, return it and obtain another. Do not attempt to correct mistakes on the ballot by making erasures or cross outs. Erasures or cross outs may invalidate all or part of your ballot. Prior to submitting your ballot, if you make a mistake in completing the ballot or wish to change your ballot choices, you may obtain and complete a new ballot. You have a right to a replacement ballot upon return of 2)),&,$/%$//27)257+(35(6,'(17,$/35,0$5