Skye Bank - 4 Traders

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... btsAinetbqlr0l,ME Mr l no6r Ded4! Aimba 1cMo/c€ol 41ED),Mtr.M're M. An* oflwsi3 /o{!1tD),Mr u LDMDI. drihtubultDl,

SkyeBank CHAIIGESON 'HE BOARDOFSKYEBANK Wewlsh to informour stakeholde6ofrecedtchanceson the Boardofthe Bank. Earlier todayi the Non-ExecuuveDirectoreand the two Ind€pendentNon-Ex€cutive D rectoreresiqnedtheir appointmeiton the Boardas follows;

2 3 Non-Er€cutive Dre.lor Indeoend€nt


lndeoendent Non Executve Dtrector

The tollowinqEr€cutveDirectorsaso resiqnedthek appontments on the Boad with

GrouoManaaina Diredor/cEo DeDUwManaono Director

The cBx has approved the appoidtm€nt ofalhaji M.K Ahm.d 6s th€ new chairnan of th. Boardr while Mr. lokunbo abiru has been appointed as the new Group Manati.g Dir.ctor .nd cEo. Me$rs. B.yo sannl, tdrls Yakobur Markie rdowu :nd Abimbola Izu will co.tirue in offi.e 6s ExecutiveDirectoF ofthe B.nk. 'h. fo'ne- leadetuhip of rhe Bcn! vol.-Lcrilyresgneat-en positonsin o'oe' to pdve t_e way for a new tean to fufther the new strat€qc dtect on of the Baik in the €ta I and commerclalbusinessspace,havinqlaid the roundatiofsann set the n€cessarypfocesses and structures,In this wise, the challengeof acceleratinggrcwth in the new strategic directon becomesmore urgent and.omp€lllng, glven the poor performancethat we recordedin the 20!5 fiaica yearen!, andthe attendantchalenges. lhe ExecutiveManasehentof the Bankalso take the opportunityto most srnc€r€lyth:nk team led by l{r. the former Boardl€! by Dr. olatundeAyen, and the former Management for sacriflce t Imorhy oquntayo then seNice, ana dedrcadon As thev take their eave,we wishthem allthe bestin theirfutureendeavouB.

r o,un& aFir rcoNc Dinr, Mr l no6r Ded4! 1cMo/c€olM. An* oflwsi3 u LDMDI MioddAdeiy lED),MEbtsAinetbqlr0l,ME Aimba 41ED),Mtr.M're/o{!1tD),MrdrihtubultDl,MreF$tr Mrudqd@ 0i44&d

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Peasefind beow the profileofthe n€wchairmanand lhe n€wCEOofthe B€fk. Alhaji Muh:mmad k. ahmad, OON:The new Chairmanofthe Aotrd experence l e a d i n qa n d M u h a n m a dK . A h m a d ,o o N , h a s a b o u t3 s y e a r sd s t n q u i s h e d insttutionsin N qeria, work nq i variouspublc sectororganzationsand financialseRices He was th€ ooneer Dir€ctorGeneraland chi.f Executveofficer of the Natonal P€nsion commissionand oversawthe estab shmentafd growthof the Pensioiindlstry in Niqeria with over R5 tril on n ass€tsto b€comea najor contributorto Ncerias GDP.He ls cutrentlythe Chairmanof the lnterim l,lanaqement Aoard,lnternallonalEnerqyAssurance and is the founderof JewelDeveopmentFoundation, a qraduateassstant platrorm;and c€ruum consultinqi a strat€qy advsory and buslness applicatons conpaiy. A pioneerstaff of the Nisera Depost Iisuraice corporation(NDIC),he rose to become Board.I'lr. Afrmad o rectoy'Head of Departmeitand a memberofthe InterimManao€m€nt not-forprofit organisations as we as has seruedon the boardsof variouscorporateand Pr€sidentalcommttees.Ahmadchairethe T€chnicalcommitteethat oroducedth€ North EastrransformatonStrateqy(NESTS),a medlumt€rm Reqioia Deveopmentsftateoy,for the sustanable

Ahaj ahmad is also a member of the Pr€srdenta committee for th€ Noi.h East Interuention(PCNI).Prior to hrs appontment,he was a Drector on the Aoard of FBN industryto bear Hod igs PLc/wherehe brcughthis rich experience in the financialseryices on th€ nstituuon,He stronqlypromotesbuildnq institutionsbasedon the high€st.oForate governanceand ethicalstandardsand wourdb'inq hs ext€nsive€xp€rienceto bear on his rcle on the boardof Sky€ Baik PLCas Chairman.Ne ha5a MastersDipoma in lnnovation and strateqy from univ€rsityof oxford and has alsoatteided colrsesand pmgramm€sn variousfrst rate businessand manaqem€ntschoos, includinqHaruard Extent and Effectiveness of Bank rr.4Dand INSEAD.A co-author dr supervisionin Nigefa",Ahmad s mafied with childfen. Adetokunbo Mukhail AAIRU, FCA:the new Group Man.ging Dlrector/cEo I.4r AdetokunboMukhalAbnu fiokunbo), 15 an alumnus of Hafrard Busi.ess Schoo (AdvancedManagementProgram) and Lagos Ausness Schoo (seni6r Management progran). He hods 6 (EconomG) from LaqosStateuniversryand is a Fellowor The of NigeraocAN) and an Honoraryseniorl{emberof The rnstituteof chaderedAccountants Instituteof Bankercof Niqeria(CIBN). Criartered

A Tokunbohas had a dist iqulshed@reerin bankin! spann.q about 26 veare,of whichhs edrly ten {10) yea6 w€re spent In the formatve veaB of GuarantvTrust Bank P. Thereafter,he spentaboutFolrt€en(14) yea.swith the premierand mostvauablebanking brandin Ngena, Fl6t Bankof Nioe a Limited,wherehe functionedas ExecutiveD rector, Coroo.aleBanklnqbetw€€n2013and 2016 Equallydlring his bankng creer, h€ was at verioustmes between2013_16a Non A rtel Mobie NetworksLimitediFBNcapital Ex€.uUveOirectorin the followig companiesr Lmited (now FBNMerchantBankLinited); and FaNBaik sle Tokunbowas the Nonorabecommisson€rof F nancefor LagosState Government(2011 2013),the economic.ap tal of Nlgera,durin9the dynaml.and transformationaleadership of GovernorBabatundeR. Fashole(saN). He rs happ y nared to t4reFeysolaAbiru,the ManaqinsDirectorof Home & You Limited,a truy indiqenousturniture manuracturng company,aid they are blessedwith ch ldren.

Exe.ltlve Manag.mert