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should be addressed to the following email: [email protected]. Limitation of ... When I was creating this tool kit,
© 2016-2017 JESSICA DIMAS

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Copyright © 2016-2017 by Jessica Dimas. All rights reserved. You are welcome to print copies of this document for your personal use. Other than that, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, except as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without the prior written permission of the author. Requests to the author and publisher for permission should be addressed to the following email: [email protected] Limitation of liability/disclaimer of warranty: While the publisher and author have used their best efforts in preparing this guide, they make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this document and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for particular purpose. No warranty may be created or extended by sales representatives, promoters, or written sales materials. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your situation. You should consult with a professional where appropriate. Neither the publisher nor author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages. Due to the dynamic nature of the Internet, certain links and website information contained in this publication may have changed. The author and publisher make no representations to the current accuracy of the web information shared. Background Cover Graphic: creativequbedesign Other books by Jessica Dimas Anything Can Be: A Reference Guide for Applying the Law of Attraction The 7 Day Mini Manifesting Boot Camp Sacred Self-Care for Highly Sensitive Moms

© 2016-2017 JESSICA DIMAS

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 Congratulations on your purchase of The Successful Blogger’s Ultimate Tool Kit! When I was creating this tool kit, I took my love for blogging and entrepreneurism and combined it with my passion for self-care and the law of attraction. There is the technical side of running a website and putting together content, but there is another side to it (a side that I consider to be the most important one) and that’s your mindset! Why do some blogging businesses do so well and others not so much? I don’t believe it has anything to do with luck. On the surface, we could attribute unsuccessful blogs to things like bad design, or bad writing, or bad marketing. And most times the blog is perfect in every way and should be succeeding, but something is holding it’s owner back. I think that if we could peek into the minds of those people who are successful, we’d see they hold a different set of beliefs about what is possible compared to people who can’t seem to catch a break. I feel like I know this firsthand because success for me (my own definition) was slow coming for a few years. I had a blog with really good content and places like Huffington and Redbook were picking it up, but I wasn’t making ANY money. Maybe a few dollars from Adsense a month, but that I was it. I then created a new blog less than a year ago and that blog began making good money six months later. Why? What was I doing differently? My mindset. I started believing it was possible for me, really believing it. I started feeling like I deserved it just as much as anyone else. I started visualizing in my mind how my days would play out and they started playing out that way. I started imagining how awesome it would be to make up my own rules, like pinning my content once a day and then getting a glass of wine and watching Netflix, with sales coming in while I slept…and it started happening! I started letting go of what felt like drudgery (“you must post at least 3 times a week or else you won’t be successful”). I started spending more time doing self-care activities. I got better at staying in connection with myself. I found that what goes on in my my mind has more of an affect on my blog than the physical actions I take.

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And of course, I had 5 years of blogging under my belt, so I knew all the in’s and out’s of putting together a blog, running it, creating content,and promoting it. I debated writing a book all about blogging and the mindset to go with it, but I knew a tool kit full of guides and worksheets would be of more immediate assistance to both myself and other blogging entrepreneurs. Something to help you keep track of the technical side of things for running your business online, and the other half to help keep you centered and inspired. Because we all know that’s where the true magic lies! So this ultimate planner was born, and boy is it ULTIMATE. I will say right off the bat, it is not intended to be printed out in it’s entirety unless you want and need all of the pages. I see it more as a resource bank, with everything you need there for when you need it. So go check out the Tool Kit Key, print out what you need, and start making some magic with your blog and business! Lots of love and success, Jessica

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tool kit key 

Accomplishments + Improvements: record what’s going well with your business as well as jot down things you would like to improve. Affiliate Programs: keep track of all the programs/products you’re an affiliate for. Blog Maintenance: a helpful list of ideas for things to do daily, weekly, monthly, mid-year, and yearly to keep your blog running smoothly and successfully. Blog Post Checklist: this sheet will help you define your focus for a blog post, as well as checklists for ideas and making sure all systems are go before you hit publish. Blog Post Ideas: use this sheet to keep a running list of ideas for blog posts. Blogging Contacts: keep track of blogging colleagues, people you’ve networked or collaborated with, PR and business reps you’ve worked with, etc. Calendar One: this is a 2-page spread calendar if you’d like bigger boxes to write your schedule in. Calendar Two: this 2-page calendar has a full calendar on the left side and a place to jot down blog post, tasks, and product ideas on the second page. Calendar Three: this is a 1-page calendar with space to jot down blog post/product ideas and tasks to complete. Daily Business Visualization: define the dream you have for your business and use this sheet to guide you through a daily visualization of feeling your dream into existence. Daily Task Sheet: take time every morning with this powerful planning sheet! Set your intentions for the day, focus on what you’re grateful for, jot down anything you don’t want to forget on your to-do list, check-in that you’re taking care of yourself, and do a quick 2-minute visualization with some deep breathing before starting your day.

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Defining a Feel-Good Business Strategy: there are all kinds of tips and advice being given out there, but it won’t be as successful for you unless it feels good to you. Magic happens when we’re flowing with ease and joy. Use this worksheet to pinpoint the advice you dread following and replace them with feel-good business strategies that you love. These don’t have to be logical either; you get to say what your reality is! Write down how it works in your perfect world and then sit back and watch it happen.

Defining Your Audience: use this 6-page questionnaire to help define your audience by thinking about your own preferences and background. Discovering Your Passion: use this 4-page questionnaire to clarify and define what lights you up so that you can share that passion with others through your business. Editorial Calendar: create an posting schedule for your blog with this sheet. Define your main objectives, your topics, and how often you’d like to publish new content. Expenses + Income: use this sheet to keep track of your monthly income and expenses. Focus Wheel: a focus wheel is one of the most powerful tools for shifting your beliefs and getting yourself into a better-feeling place on a certain goal or subject. In the middle you put your dream, or a positive belief/affirmation. You then go around the 12 slots inserting positive beliefs around this subject, or things you love about this subject. For example, in the middle of my focus wheel I put “I have a successful, thriving business”. In the 12 slots I put things like “I love that it’s all about vibration”, “I love that my reality is anything I imagine it to be”, “I love all of the emails and comments I get from readers”, etc. Once a day, I read my focus wheel and as a result, it always excites me and leaves me with deep feelings of gratitude. Giveaway Checklist: use this planning sheet to plan and keep track of a giveaway you’re hosting. Ideas for Making Money: a quick list to help spark ideas for ways to make money from your blog. Important Blog Info: use this sheet to keep track of your blog’s important information, such as web and domain hosting and your blog login information. Inspirational People to Follow: following inspirational people who are doing things similar to what you want to be doing/experiencing can be very motivating because they’re showing you it’s possible! The attractive qualities you notice in them are qualities you align with and therefore hold inside yourself as well. Use this sheet to keep a list of people you admire.

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Inspirational Quotes: print this page out and keep it in your nightstand or somewhere where you’ll be able to look at it often. These powerful quotes will remind you of the power your mind holds and that anything is possible. My Ideal Business: have fun with this 3-page questionnaire and let yourself dream big. Envision what your ideal business looks like and how it positively impacts you, your family, and your readers/customers. Newsletter Checklist: use this 2-page checklist when creating an email to send out to your list. Newsletter Editorial Calendar: this planning sheet will help you define what you want to accomplish with your email list, give you ideas for types of content to send out, and create a monthly schedule for how often and when you want to send your newsletters out. Notes: a simple 2-page sheet for jotting down thoughts, journaling, etc. Press: use this sheet to keep track of all of the sites/podcasts you’ve been featured on or public events you’ve attended. Product Ideas: use this sheet to keep a running list of ideas for products you want to create. Product Planner: use this planning guide to help organize your thoughts and goals when creating a new product. Redirecting Jealousy: sometimes it’s easy to feel envious, defeated or like a failure when someone else around us is succeeding. Use this 2-page worksheet to redirect feelings of comparison into something positive and powerful. Reset Your Mindset: this 2-page worksheet will help you get out of a funk or negative emotional place. We all get in ruts every so often and they are perfect opportunities for a fresh start. Resource List for Bloggers: a list of top sites for stock photos, creating graphics, web hosting, general blogging tools, etc. This list will be updated yearly. Sales Page Cheat Sheet: use this cheat sheet when putting together a sales page. It will help you define your focus and give you a list of ideas that copyright experts recommend including in your sales page.

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Self-Care Fix: self-care is revolutionary, and this worksheet will help you pinpoint what drains you and what re-centers you. A natural result of connecting with and loving yourself on a consistent basis is success that flows to you easily and swiftly. Social Media Editorial Calendar: use this sheet to plan out your social media scheduling and define your main objectives for how you want to utilize this connection with your followers. Sponsored Post Checklist: use this sheet to plan and record important information for a sponsored post campaign. Sponsored Post Track List: keep track of all the sponsored posts you’ve completed. Starting a Self-Hosted WP Blog: quick checklist for beginners for starting a Wordpress blog Tasks to Complete: use this sheet to keep a running list of tasks you want to complete. This Month’s Goals: use one or both pages of this 2-page worksheet to set your intentions and goals for the month. Usernames + Passwords: use this sheet to keep track of all your accounts and their sign in information. Yearly Stats + Analytics: use this sheet to keep track of your site’s growth.

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