Snowflake Lantern - Brother USA

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Cut out the pieces for the underlying star lantern. ... cut eight (8) pieces out of card stock (one each per sheet ... i

Snowflake Lantern Materials • • • • • • • •

24 sheets of 8.5”x11” or A4 card stock Glue (for paper) Small brush to apply glue Durable tape Small hole punch 2 feet of ribbon or cord 2 toothpicks LED light for paper lantern

Assembly Instructions 1. Cut out the pieces for the underlying star

lantern. Load the cut file

Snow lakeLantern-Star (download here) and cut eight (8) pieces out of card stock (one each per sheet of card stock).

2. Fold each piece into a star point. Working

one at a time, place a piece on your work surface. Fold the two short flaps towards you along the score line. Then turn the piece over and fold along every other score line towards the back. Repeat for each piece. You should now have eight pieces that look like Figure 1.

3. Assemble the eight points of the star

Figure 1.

lantern. Working one at a time, place a

folded star point on your work surface as shown in Figure 2. Apply a thin layer of glue to the long tab (1) and fold section (2) over top to secure. Repeat for each star point. 4. For one piece only, fold the short flaps

inside the star point and secure. Apply

glue to the inside of each flap and secure inside the star point. (Figure 3) This piece becomes your starting point to put the star together.

Figure 2.

Snowflake Lantern Assembly Instructions. ©2017 Jeanie Sumrall-Ajero. Used with permission.

2 5. Adhere the star points to one another. Referring to Figure 4, hold the piece from

Step 4 in your left hand with the side with the flaps on the left. Pick up another piece with your right hand, again with the flaps on the left. Nest the flaps from the piece on the right inside the piece on the left. This gives you an idea of how the pieces fit together. Now secure the pieces together. Apply glue to the underside of the short tabs, then position the pieces as above and secure the tabs inside the piece on the left. (It may help to tack the tabs in place, then fold down the points to flatten them and firmly press the tabs in place.) Once secured, the two points should look like Figure 5.

Figure 3.

6. Repeat Step 5 for the remaining star

points. Always hold the piece to be added

in your right hand with flaps to the left to keep everything in the correct order. When you are done, you should have a star that looks similar to Figure 6 when opened up.

Figure 4.

Figure 5.

Figure 6.

Snowflake Lantern Assembly Instructions. ©2017 Jeanie Sumrall-Ajero. Used with permission.

3 7. Add ties to keep the star open. First

reinforce the areas where you will add the ties by placing a piece of durable tape just inside each end of the first and last star point, i.e. the sides that aren’t connected to any other points. (Figure 7) Then punch a small hole about ¾” from the edge right on the fold line on each side. Cut two 12” lengths of ribbon or cord and cut two toothpicks to about 3/4” in length. For each piece, tie one end around a toothpick. Then poke the other end of the cord through the holes from the inside so that the toothpick acts as a stopper.

Figure 7.

Figure 8 shows how the lantern will

look when it’s opened and tied together. However, you need to add the decorative overlays before tying the lantern open. 8. Cut out the pieces for the decorative

overlays. Load the cut file

SnowflakeLantern-Overlay and cut sixteen (16) pieces out of card stock (one each per sheet of card stock).

Figure 8.

9. Fold along the scored lines. Working one

at a time, place an overlay piece face down on your work surface. Fold the two flaps towards you along the scored lines. Then fold along the center line (bringing the tabs together). Repeat for each piece. You should now have 16 pieces that look like Figure 9.

10. Attach the overlay pieces to the star. To

get a feel for how everything goes together, fold the star flat and place it on your work surface with the points at the top. Then unfold the tabs of an overlay piece and place it to the side of the star as shown in Figure 10. You will find that you can fit the tabs of the overlay piece perfectly between two star points. (Figure 11) Note: The star points will extend about 1 inch further than the edge of the overlay.

Figure 9.

Snowflake Lantern Assembly Instructions. ©2017 Jeanie Sumrall-Ajero. Used with permission.


Figure 10.

Apply glue to the outside of the tabs, position the overlay piece in place and press down to secure. When you open the star, it should look like Figure 12.

Figure 11.

11. Repeat Step 10 to adhere an

overlay to the other side of the star. (Figures 13 & 14)

Figure 12.

Figure 13.

Figure 14.

Snowflake Lantern Assembly Instructions. ©2017 Jeanie Sumrall-Ajero. Used with permission.

5 12. Repeat Steps 10 and 11 until there are

just two overlay pieces left. These pieces

will only be attached with just one tab each. (Figure 15) This allows the lantern to be stored flat. 13. When you hang the lantern to display

it (with or without a light inside), the final flap can be secured with a piece of removable tape. If it feels like you can’t

stretch the last flap far enough, you may need to tie the star tighter (and possibly cut a small indent for the light cord to fit through).

Figure 15.

Snowflake Lantern Assembly Instructions. ©2017 Jeanie Sumrall-Ajero. Used with permission.