Standardisation - EQTIS

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18–21 September 2013, Split University. Ioannis E. Saridakis. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens ..... Ams
Interference and Standardisation in Trainee Translators' Renditions of Scientific Texts: Applying Toury's Descriptive-Hermeneutic Model of Translation Performance Ioannis E. Saridakis

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

SLE 2013 18–21 September 2013, Split University

Interference as a translational cross-cultural phenomenon (cf. Itamar Even-Zohar 2005)

Major underlying tentative statements, Conceptualisation ●

Principle 1: Interference is not always visible in the recipient (TL) culture Principle 2: Cultural asymmetry of the “systemic contact” → asymmetry in the transfer of linguistic and cultural elements. Keywords: prestige, dominance. A relation that is mostly, but not a priori unilateral Principle 3: Interference does not necessarily occur on all levels of culture and/or language usage contexts; it is a stratified phenomenon Principle 5: Interference appears in systems lacking potential for transforming or generating repertoremes

2 - SLE 2013

Toury, DTS: “Standardisation” Breakage of a text's texture, in favour of a more target-oriented approach to the act of translating (Toury 1995) ●

The “target-orientation” concept is hard to delineate and define. A residue of functionalism? Typical traits: (a) Limitation of a text's “variability” and “diversity”: Stylistic choices in the TL (b) Limitation of the translator's “creativity” (c) Opting for the safety of choices of the TL lexicogrammar

... Obvious overlap with Baker's obsolete (?) “features” of translation (1993 ff) … In other words: Adaptation (standardisation) vs. transfer (interference) (Vinay & Darbelnet 1958[1977])

3 - SLE 2013

Toury's Laws – probabilistic explanations “Far from being laws that have to be obeyed in order to escape punishment, these are ideas to be pursued, played with, experimented upon, and thereby extended into an open-ended beyond” (Pym 2008: 315, my emphasis). “A hermeneutic understanding may also allow probabilistic anticipation (if not precise prediction), and hence reduce surprise. Formulating a generalization, then, is one way of at least beginning to explain” (Chesterman 2008: 370). Far from being experimentally testable theories in their full potential, researching these “laws” can still provide some clues towards establishing an explanatory theory proper, in Popper's paradigm of scientific knowledge constituting an approximation of a truth on some aspect of the world surrounding us), seeking generalisation and causality (Saridakis 2010: 215; cf. Chesterman 2008).

4 - SLE 2013

Risk Aversion Risk Aversion: One overarching tendency? Do translators, when exposed to uncertainty, attempt to reduce such uncertainty? “What do we really know about the agency of translators, or the way they think when they work? Very little: for the 333,000 or so “professional translators and interpreters in the world,” we can find empirical process studies on fewer than 400 subjects. Beyond that, we have a few “tendencies” abstracted from various corpora of translations, sometimes dressed up as proposed “universals of translation” or precariously synthesized into “laws of translational behavior” (Toury 1995). Without going into those studies […] all of the observed tendencies indicate that experienced translators tend to be risk-averse. Confronted by a juicy translation problem, translators tend to play it safe: they omit, generalize, explicitate, simplify, normalize, and rationalize. When they verbalize their translation processes, only very rarely do they speak with imagined people rather than with things” (Pym 2012: 107-108, my emphasis).

“Things”: Registerial norms, semantico-syntactic prevalences and habits: A critical social and cognitive sub-process of translating. 5 - SLE 2013

Risk Aversion & the Interference vs. Standardisation “Dilemma” “[Toury's] laws are far more engaging when they relate linguistic to extra-linguistic variables in a probabilistic manner” (Pym 2008: 320). “[…] we propose that the tendency to standardize and the tendency to channel interference are both risk-averse strategies, and that their status as possible laws thus depends on the relative absence of rewards for translators who take risks” (Pym 2008: 311). “And to tone down the fanfares: we will also claim that this underlying cause is properly neither a law nor a universal, although it might still be of considerable intellectual interest” (Pym 2008: 313). “We thus have two general ways of dealing with doubt: either say what seems normal or safe (standardization), or say what someone else can be responsible for (interference). Both sets of strategies are ways translators reduce their personal risk burden. In accordance with both laws, at the same time, many translators do not tend to take on communicative risk in their own name” (Pym 2008: 324). How do these tendencies relate to each other and to the allegory of the “product-process” stratification? Can they be appropriately and objectively observed? 6 - SLE 2013

Experimenting with trainee translators Aim/Model ●

Analyse the interface between product (text) and process (through introspection) of translations produced by translation students (Learner) corpus: 2 STs (scientific/technical, 1800 w), 80 TTs (ca. 137,600 w), linked to open-ended introspective process analysis information Text chunks: classifying actual translation strategy data into (a) lexical/semantic; and (b) stylistic choices in the TT (Batsalia & Sella 2010)

(ex post facto codification and explanation of choices in the TTs: exploring the translators' assumed TL function and their process of translating) (Halliday 1978, Hatim 1997). ●

Registerial metafunctions of the texts examined –

ideational (field);

interpersonal (tenor) and textual (mode).

Two-level textual annotation –

Level 1: Translation “errors” (non-binary, Institute of Linguists 1996);

(Assumed) syntactic and lexical interference;

(Assumed) standardisation: still (and perhaps always) inconsistent annotation model, lacking extended diachronic comparative data on actual language use and research resources

7 - SLE 2013

Translation “Error” Definition Category



Serious deficit in decoding the sentential or textual meaning of the ST. It is often educed that the deficit is due to erroneous decoding of the morphosyntactic structure of the ST in the discourse segment (chunk) examined. When this applies, the chunk is annotated as GR+DEC. Correspondingly, when the deficit is considered or educed to be due to erroneous decoding of the signified of a ST lexeme, it is annotated as TERM+DEC. In the latter case, there is a borderline and often difficult distinction from instances marked as TERM+ENC. However, the didactic, and hence formative approach is quite different, given that the deficit arises at a different stage of the translation process, and requires clarification.


Serious deficit in the utterance of the sentential or textual meaning in the chunk examined, pinpointed on the level of reformulation in the TL. The shift is often revealed on the semantic and morphosyntactic levels, and cannot be attributed to deficient decoding of the text segment in the ST (DEC). Essentially, this category is a superset of the category, including also the metafunction of field, i.e. the ideational level of the texteme, in Hallidayan terms of discourse semantics. This category can be combined causally or cumulatively with the and/or categories.


Syntactic structures of the ST or TT, having a minor impact on the translator's performance.







8 - SLE 2013

Translation “Error” Definition REG

Incompatibility of discourse register between ST and TT, particularly in terms of tenor (Halliday 1978: 62), i.e. on the level of the interpersonal and textual functions. In short, this category corresponds to an utterance of translation discourse equalling the expectancy of the assumed primary readership (cf. Pym 1992). Depending on the assumed cause (or the significance) of the incompatibility, this category can be combined with and categories. It is further combined with category , to denote the unsuccessful balance, on the level of the TL utterance, between field, tenor and mode (Hatim & Mason 1990: 64−65; cf. Saridakis 2010: 72−74).


Inadequate or erroneous use of a lexeme, with reference to the textual meaning of either the ST or the TT and in relation to either the signified or the signifier. This category covers mainly issues of terminology and terminological/lexical equivalence and can be related causally to (i.e. denoting semantico-syntactic shift); (i.e. when lexical choice impacts discourse register); (i.e. when the deficient decoding of the lexeme examined in the SL influences the decoding of the extended unit of meaning (s. Sinclair 1996; cf. Zethsen 2009); (i.e. when the deficient codification of the lexeme alters the sentential or textual meaning in the TT).





9 - SLE 2013

Annotation in GATE

10 - SLE 2013

Findings, examples: “standardising” as perceived function (1) [CΒ5] [ο μεταφραστής] οφείλ[ει], μεταξύ άλλων, να υποτάξ[ει] [το κείμενο] στις ιδέες και τις αξίες της γλώσσαςστόχου και κατ’ επέκταση του πολιτισμού υποδοχής, θέτοντας ως πρώτιστο μέλημα το μετάφρασμα να μη μυρίζει 'μετάφραση' [the translator is obliged, inter alia, to subject his/her text to the values of the target language and by extension of the recipient culture]. [...] παρά τη στενότητα επιλογών που επιβάλλει η τεχνική γλώσσα, ο συντάκτης επιδιώκει να προσδώσει αμεσότητα στο κείμενο με τη χρήση ανεπίσημου λόγου (informal expressions) και αυτό διατηρήθηκε στο μέγιστο δυνατό βαθμό στο μετάφρασμα [despite the scarcity of options permitted by technical language, it is the author's aim to attribute directness to the text using informal discourse (informal expressions and this was maintained in the target text as well to the maximum possible extent] (2) [Β5] For instance, this chapter introduces you to a number of utilities—some of them created by one of the authors, Jan —that let you test and debug a regular expression before you bury it in code where errors are harder to find. Για παράδειγμα, το κεφάλαιο αυτό σας παρουσιάζει μια σειρά από βοηθητικά προγράμματα –κάποια από τα οποία δημιούργησε ένας από τους συγγραφείς, ο Jan Goyvartes- τα οποία σας επιτρέπουν να ελέγξετε και να αποσφαλματώσετε μια κανονική έκφραση πριν την εισάγετε στον κώδικά σας, όπου τα σφάλματα εντοπίζονται δυσκολότερα [For instance, this chapter presents a series of utility programmes – some of them created by one of the authors, Jan Goyvartes – that let you control and debug a regular expression before you introduce it into your code, where errors are harder to find]

11 - SLE 2013

Findings, examples: convergence towards “socially pertinent” norms (3) [CΒ4] επειδή ακριβώς ο στόχος του [κειμένου] είναι να εξηγήσει λεπτομερώς και με όσο πιο απλά βήματα και λόγια την κάθε έννοια ή ενέργεια που αναλύει, αυτό επηρεάζει και την λιτότητα στην έκφραση όπως επίσης και την χρήση απλού λεξιλογίου, πράγμα που πρέπει να διατηρηθεί και στο μετάφρασμα του κειμένου [exactly because the aim of the text is to explain in detail and in the simplest possible steps every concept or action that it analyses, this influences also the frugality in the expression of the text, as well as the use of simple vocabulary, something that has to be maintained also in the TT ]. (4) [CB3] η απόδοση του [κειμένου] θα πρέπει να εξυπηρετεί την λειτουργία που έχει επιλέξει για το κείμενο ο συγγραφέας. Έτσι, έχει διατηρηθεί το β’ πληθυντικό πρόσωπο, καθώς είναι σημαντικό για να επιτευχθεί αμεσότητα και να γίνεται εύκολα αντιληπτό από τον αναγνώστη. Επίσης, το ύφος του κειμένου παρέμεινε λιτό και έχοντας απλή σύνταξη, ώστε να εξυπηρετεί την πληροφοριακή λειτουργία του κειμένου και να συντελεί στην σταδιακή εξοικείωση του αναγνώστη με το αντικείμενο ανάλυσης [the rendition of the text must serve the aim selected for it by the author. Thus, second-person plural has been retained, as this is important in order to achieve directness and comprehensibility by the text's recipient. Moreover, the style of the text has been frugal and with a simple syntax, so as to best serve the text's informative function of of the text and contribute to the gradual familiarisation of the reader with the text analysed] 12 - SLE 2013

Findings, examples: Literal translations, expressive and structural calcquing (Vinay & Darbelnet) (5) [SA05] The research has been demonstrated as a method [...] [A1] Η έρευνα παρουσιάζεται ως μια μέθοδος [the research is presented as a method] [A2] Η έρευνα έχει αποδειχθεί μια μέθοδος [the research has been proven to be a method] [A3] Η έρευνα αποδείχτηκε ως μια μέθοδος [the research was proven to be a method] (6) [SB21], [LB17] You can use them to verify whether input fits into the text pattern, to find text that matches the pattern within a larger body of text [...] and to shoot yourself in the foot. [B1] Μπορείς να το χρησιμοποιήσεις για να επαληθεύσεις το κατά πόσον η εισαγωγή δεδομένων ταιριάζει στο κείμενο-υπόδειγμα, για να βρεις κείμενα που να ταιριάζουν στο κείμενο-υπόδειγμα σε ένα μεγαλύτερο σώμα κειμένου [...] ή ακόμη και για να πυροβολήσεις το πόδι σου! [to shoot your foot] [B5] Μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε τις κανονικές εκφράσεις για να επαληθεύσετε αν μια εισαγωγή ταιριάζει στο πρότυπο κειμένου, να βρείτε κείμενο που να ταιριάζει στο πρότυπο εντός ενός μεγαλύτερου σώματος κειμένου [...] αλλά και να κάνετε πειραματισμούς με ακολουθίες κειμένου όπως της «shoot yourself in the foot» [experiment using text strings such as the string “shoot yourself in the foot”].

13 - SLE 2013

Findings, examples ST








































(10) [SB17] before you start or when you get frustrated by your use of regular expressions and want to bolster your understanding [B2] πριν αρχίσετε ή όταν θα έχετε μπερδευτεί με τον τρόπο που χρησιμοποιείτε τις κανονικές εκφράσεις και θα θέλετε να τις διασαφηνίσετε [before you begin or when you are confused with the way you use regular expressions and you want to explicate them] (11) [SB23] If your job involves manipulating or extracting text on a computer, a firm grasp of regular expressions will save you plenty of overtime. [B3] Εάν η εργασία σας συμπεριλαμβάνει επεξεργασία ή εξαγωγή κειμένου σε υπολογιστή, μια βαθιά κατανόηση των κανονικών εκφράσεων θα σας γλιτώσει από πολλές υπερωρίες [If your work involves processing or extracting text on a computer, a thorough understanding of regular expressions will save you plenty of overtime] [B4] Εάν η εργασία σας συμπεριλαμβάνει την επεξεργασία ή εξαγωγή κειμένων σε έναν υπολογιστή, μια βαθιά κατανόηση και αφομοίωση των κανονικών εκφράσεων θα σας γλιτώσει από πολλές υπερωρίες [If your work involves processing or extracting text on a computer, a thorough understanding and assimilation of regular expressions will save you plenty of overtime] 14 - SLE 2013

Functional interaction of language systems Standardisation & interference cross- and intra-lnguistically

15 - SLE 2013

Probabilistic translation laws: A tentative overview Language contact in general The “social” aspect

Translation activity proper The “cognitive” aspect 16 - SLE 2013

Conclusions & Practical aims (a) Translation options: a level of analysis of the probabilistic laws (b) Probabilistic laws: An additional non-exclusive level of explanation of translation performance involving the dynamic synchrony and discoursal sociology (c) Analysis of “general” categories (d) Causes, correlation with “natural”, not translationally biased, discourse (e) Probabilistic “behavioural” laws vs. translation “universals” …. (f) expanding the research corpus and its genres (g) integrating data with an online corpus query tool

THANK YOU! Ioannis E. Saridakis School of Economics and Political Sciences, University of Athens [email protected], [email protected] 17 - SLE 2013

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